The Bog

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Bog

By William W. Kelso

I decided to get an early start as possible as it was quite a long drive to my destination from Dublin. The narrow country roads would slow me down considerably as well. At least I had the whole weekend and had arranged for lodging at the nearest towns Pub & Inn called the "Unlucky Leprechaun".

I was looking forward to exploring the ancient stone circle and altar that was supposed to be in the center of a large tract of moor and bog. It was of course dangerous, but I had been told the path to the island with the ancient cairn was well marked and I was fairly familiar with such terrain. It was far off the beaten track (literally) and was just the kind I liked. I hated the tourist traps as so much of the original site was disturbed and lost in the name of tourism. This ring was unusual in that it wasn't in most of the guides at all; I had run across it mentioned in an obscure journal concerning the travels of an English aristocrat and amateur archeologist (grave robber) in the 1700's. A friend of mine had mentioned it to me and I had borrowed a copy from a local archives and it was well worth the trouble. I had discovered mentions of several sites that sounded well worth a visit. I was strictly an amateur myself, but a couple papers I had written had been accepted for publication and the reviews had been very kind. I had hopes of breaking into the "big-time" and being taken seriously. I think it was the mystery surrounding the sites more than anything else that made me so interested in them; they were a part of human history about which very little was known. I planned to take numerous photos and make sketches of the site and publish another paper. If the site was as unknown as I thought it to be my paper might even make a splash in the academic world and get me noticed.

I arrived way too late (of course) to do anything the first day, so checked in at the Pub and Inn for the next two days and nights. It was cheap, but the place was quaint and very old, clean and well maintained, and the food was quite good. It was the kind of place you could feel right at home in the minute you walked through the door. The local stout was to die for and I made a friend of the owner when I expressed my appreciation for his fine brew. When he heard where I was going the next morning he suddenly became dead serious to told me, somewhat ominously,

"Sure and you don't want to be messing about in that unholy place, sir! It's not a fit place for man nor beast, by God." And he crossed himself. A couple locals who had been listening to our conversation (any conversation about booze is worth listening too) nodded in agreement.

"Not to worry, I replied, I know my way around such places. I'm not new to bogs and moors. Besides I plan on hiring a guide if I can find one."

"Oh, you'll na find a man that will go into that place, not for all the gold in Ireland, not that the Sassenach have left us much." the owner replied, and again the others nodded seriously. "That place is haunted by some foul spirit, has been since back before St. Patrick brought Christianity to the heathens."

Frankly I thought it was kind of funny, they were so serious! I'd heard so many ghost and boogie man stories in Ireland; they came with the incredible scenery, so I wrote it off as just another local legend.

"Don't worry, I've got my Shillelagh and I'll give any beastie I run into a drubbing it will never forget!" I said with a laugh.

But the tavern owner just frowned and said, "Don't mock us lad, if you run into this beastie you'll ne'er be seen again. It's said it pulls its victims into the bog and devours their souls. You can hear it wailing on foggy or moonlit nights. I've heard it meself, as have many here." At which a couple of the now creeping me out "others" nodded and made the sign of the cross.

Well, that definitely put a damper on the rest of evening, so after I finished my stout I headed upstairs to get to bed early so I could start equally early. I double checked my copy of Lord Fletcher's journal (the fellow who had visited the site back in the 1700's) as something rang a bell, and I found an entry that sent a chill down my spine regardless of the warm cozy room. He wrote that on the three nights he and his party had camped on the moor they had heard "an eerie wailing cry of horrible despair on more than one occasion" and he also mentioned that he had been unable to convince any locals to assist his party. Well, I thought, at least I'll be there in daylight and any beasties will be sleeping to wait for the next nights haunts. So I turned out the light and went to sleep and slept like a baby even if my snoring probably did sound like a banshee.

In the morning I wasted almost three hours until I finally found someone to take me to the place, and he would only take me as near as the gate to the moor. His mode of transportation was a WWII vintage motorcycle with a sidecar, which turned out to be fortunate as no other vehicle except maybe a tank could have made it up that narrow muddy track. He dumped me there, muddy and mad, and promised to return at sundown, but not a minute later. If I wasn't there I was on my own as he wouldn't wait. "Not in that bloody place". Great, my only contact to the outside world was a paranoid Irishman on a motorbike older than his father. That was certainly comforting. I was pretty sure he'd come back though as he wouldn't get the other half of his rather exorbitant fee unless he did. Greed is usually a pretty good motivation for almost anything, and the promise of a bottle of spirits of his choice as a bonus also helped. I scraped as much of the mud off of my overcoat as I could, finally giving up hoping it would dry in the sun and just flake off eventually. Then I opened the leaning decrepit gate and entered the moor. I had a letter of permission (in case of an irate grounds keeper or local constable) and a map showing the route to the site. So with a "Tally ho!" So I set out on what was to be the start of the biggest adventure of my life.

She sat on a flat boulder and watched the sun rise over the moor as she had so many times before for as long as she could remember. It was one of the few things that gave her any joy, to watch the sun rise and bring warmth back to the land. She was so cold most of the time, despite what she was, as even her thick fur could not keep the chill at bay all of the time. With a soft sigh she nimbly leapt down from the boulder and trotted towards one of the places she preferred to spend the day as daylight was not for one such as her, she was a creature of night and mist when she took on her other form and roamed the bog seeking victims. But she still enjoyed the warmth of the sun; it reminded her that there were other places then this, her home and prison. And in this form she felt more in control, more human. She had chosen the small cave; overhang really, near the old sacred place to spend the day as its aurora of peace soothed her tormented and lonely spirit. Along the way she stopped to eat some berries and leaves that were part of her frugal diet, and was so intent on her meager fare she didn't notice the figure in the distance resolutely slogging up the same trail.

As she climbed the slight rise to the mound she didn't see the figure pause and shade its eyes and look her way. She entered the stunted twisted trees that surrounded the ancient stone circle and altar. It had been her longer then even her, and she paused to enjoy the quite peace of the place. At one time men and women had come here to leave offerings, and on those days she ate well for a change. But none had come to leave offerings for well over a hundred years and longer. Slipping through the dense bushes and bracken that covered the entrance to her den she burrowed down into the pile of dried moss, grass, and gorse that was her bed to get as comfortable as possible. She lay there for awhile and thought about her lot as she often did until she could fall asleep.

She no longer had any memory of how long she had been here, but it had been a very long time. She had been bound to, and changed by this place, as a very young woman and a virgin, sacrificed by the local shaman to gain power from the elemental forces that dwelt in places such as this. She had not been killed, merely bound and made part of the place. She remembered how he had bound her to an altar, nude and helpless, then had called the forces of this place and given her to them, and she had screamed as she felt that power flow into her and had become a bestial thing that could no longer be mistaken for human. She became a part of the bog, and was used to lure innocents into the mire as the bog derived its power from the souls of those it sucked into its depths. She was not evil and hated what she had to do, but she had no choice. Once a poor lost soul was trapped she would run and hide and try not to listen to their pleading and screams of terror as the bog claimed them. She would hold her hands over her ears and scream herself to try to block out the terrible sounds of their horrible deaths. And at night as she roamed the bog in her other form she wailed her anguish and loneliness to the sky hoping someone or something would hear and set her free from her tormented existence, but no one ever answered her pleas and she had long given up hope. The evil shaman was long dead and gone, but she remained as always as this place would never let her go or find peace. But the worst was the horrible loneliness; it had been hundreds of years since she had had the comfort and companionship of someone just to talk to. And as she had on so many other occasions she cried herself to sleep, a poor lonely lost tormented spirit with no hope of ever finding peace.

As I slowly, oh so very carefully, made my way across the Moor I thought I saw movement up ahead in the near distance. I shaded my eyes and could have sworn I saw someone move up the trail to the mound that was my destination, but couldn't be sure. As I got closer I found some fairly large hoof prints, not Moor pony or bovine, but cloven so guessed I must have seen a wild goat, but I could have sworn the figure I'd seen had been a person, at least it had been upright. Oh well, it had been far away and it was hard to tell what you'd seen in places like this sometimes. I used my shillelagh to test the ground in front of me just in case it wasn't ground anymore. I knew the signs to watch for, the ground getting wetter or squelching when you stepped on it, or seeming to quake or roll. And just because the ground might be covered in grass and small bushes didn't mean it wouldn't open up and swallow you. The quicksand around here was different than most, it was a thick black mire, and would suck you down if you struggled or not. If you didn't struggle it only bought you a few more minutes of precious life. The route was fairly well marked on the map, but in a place like this you always double checked as bogs can seem to move around and form at new locations. The trail, a goat path, was pretty clear but I still found, and skirted, some suspicious spots. I knew my way around places like this, but I also knew that overconfidence was deadly.

Finally I reached the mound and the stone circle, breathing somewhat heavily as I was definitely out of shape. It was different from any I'd seen and it was also amazingly well preserved even though it was quite ancient. Its isolation had probably protected it. I couldn't even put a date on it for sure. But before I began my exploration there was one more important thing to do first. I opened my pack and removed my Boise CD player, the best money could buy. Small, compact, and incredible sound plus it had a port for a stick, and my stick had over 500 songs on it. I turned it on, made my selection, and soon the haunting beauty of Mozart filled the air, perfect! Now that the atmosphere was set it was time to explore. There were only five stones, about four to eight feet high (some may have broken off) and I found a carving in one I had never seen before, so old it was almost worn smooth. I took photos and drew sketches of all the standing stones and fallen one, and then turned my attention to the altar. It appeared to be "newer" then the standing stone as it was made from a different kind of stone. It was slightly worn down in the center and had a groove carved into one side. For living sacrifices, I thought? Interesting. The grass and other ground cover had been kept pretty well "mowed" by the goats and other herbivores and I was excited to find an ancient; very worn, bronze ring set into one corner of the altar, and further inspection revealed the points where other bronze rings had been attached at some point, but all gone now. This place was definitely worth a paper, and I had a feeling it was much older than I thought. The altar suggested animal, or even human, sacrifices.

While I had been inspecting the place I had the feeling I was being watched. I'd had the feeling before, but never this intensely. I had called out when I was nearer, but there had been no answer. I stopped a few times and carefully looked around, but couldn't see anything. Must be losing it, I thought. But the place was kind of creepy; even with the music it seemed too quiet. I took a break for lunch; with the company of the Andrews Sisters on my boom box, and afterwards since it was already the middle of the afternoon I decided, reluctantly, that I'd better start to head back. Now that I knew the way I could get an earlier start the next morning. Besides I didn't want to miss my "ride". Before I left I took the remains of my lunch, an apple and banana, and left them on the altar as an offering. It was a habit I'd picked up, it didn't hurt anything, and who knew, maybe it bought you a little good karma if you pleased any spirits that might dwell in a place like this, because if any place had spirits it was a place like this.

She heard the man call out a greeting, and instantly was awake and alert. How had he gotten so close without her noticing? She crept to the screen of brush and gorse that masked her den, and carefully peeked through. She could see a rather large heavyset man moving around the sacred stones. He had strange instruments with him and she thought he might be a mage of some kind. In the past they had come here in their quests for knowledge, and some had never left. Then the man took out a strange box of some kind, and conjured music like nothing she had ever heard! She gave a soft snort of wonder at the wonderful sounds and she could feel that even the spirits of this place were listening. Surely such lovely music came from the Gods. When he started drawing and making measurements she was sure he was some sort of practitioner of the magic arts and was possibly preparing another spell. If he was powerful enough maybe he could help her. She settled down and watched him closely, she had no fear he would see her for she could not be seen unless caught unawares or if she wished to be seen. A breeze brought her his scent, and she was surprised that an older male such as he was pure, and as she caught his male scent she felt another pang of something more than just loneliness. He eventually sat down and ate a bountiful meal that made her drool from the smell and conjured music of a different kind, but still wonderful. But in the end he just packed his belonging away and turned to leave, but to her surprise he left something on the altar. She could smell the sweet scent of whatever it was, and she drooled and her stomach rumbled. As soon as he left she crept out of her hiding place and approached the altar cautiously. Lying on top was an apple and a strange fruit she did not recognize, but both smelled delicious. She hopped up on the altar and sat down cross legged, and picked up the fruit and started to eat with soft bleats of delight, she had not had such fare in many years. She never saw the man returning until it was too late as she was too intent on her feast.

I had gotten a couple of hundred yards down the trail when I noticed I'd forgotten my camera's lens cap. Great, well nothing for it but to go back and get the damn thing. I kept my head down looking for it as I had no idea where or when I'd lost the it, and carefully picked my way back up the trail. I looked up as I entered the stone ring and saw a strange creature sitting on the altar! No way it was human, but it wasn't an animal either, at least not a true animal.

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!" I said in surprised shock.

The thing jumped up and spun around to face me, and at first it seemed to be a slender rather pretty thing, part human and part deer or goat, but then it seemed to blur and I found myself facing a great snarling hideous thing, and it opened its fang filled mouth and roared at me with a guttural hissing snarl. Now I'm no coward, mind you, but I'm not ashamed to say I took to my heels and ran like I've never run before in my life. And that's what doomed me, because I forgot where I was, and a place like this is unforgiving.

I tried to stay on the trail but it weaved and curved and the thing roared again and my only thought was to put as much distance between myself and the source of that horrible roar in as short a time as possible. I pushed through a screen of bushes and ran across what looked like a stretch of open ground, and plunged into the quicksand up to my waist with a horrible wet sucking sound. I looked around in terror; there was no way I could reach the edge as I had run fairly far out into the bog before sinking. At first I struggled desperately and the mire undulated and rolled in slow waves and I sank deeper as it greedily sucked me down, then reason took over and I stopped my struggles and my rate of sinking slowed down considerably. I was up to my chest now and still saw no way out. I had dropped my pack and satchel, including the length of rope I carried just for emergencies like this, and it was now far out of reach. I heard something pushing through the brush and looked up as the monster walked into sight.

Oh sweet Jesus, I thought. It was a huge hulking thing that seemed to be part deer, part wolf, and God knows what else. It gave a deep grunt as it saw me and then to my amazement it seemed to blur and fall inward on itself and the smaller pretty creature I had seen first took its place. They were one in the same! She was about five feet high, slender and lithe and looked part human and part deer or goat. She was covered with white hair or fur on her stomach and chest and the inside of her thighs, she had a deer like head with large mobile ears and a muzzle. Her legs ended in cloven hooves, but she seemed to have human like hands. She looked at me with a sad expression on her face and to my horror turned to leave! As she did I noticed she had a stubby tufted tail just like a deer.

She had just taken the last bite of the strange yellow, but delicious, fruit when she heard the sound of a voice behind her! She jumped up and spun with a squeal of fright, it was the man! He had laid a trap and had sprung it and she was caught. She instinctively took on her other form and reared up and roared at the man, and he turned and ran with a scream of terror. He had made no move to imprison her or cast a spell, so she realized he must have returned for some other reason. Had he not startled her so she might have been able to keep from reacting in such a way, but it was done and too late now. When she heard another terrified scream she instantly knew what had happened and as always felt a pang of self hatred and remorse for she was again responsible for some poor soul's horrible death.

She followed the path he had taken and came out on the edge of one of the numerous patches of quicksand. The man was far out in the middle, there was no way he could get free. Seeing no reason to scare him even more she assumed her "normal" form, and turned to leave so she wouldn't have to watch the bog claim him. She passed back through the bushes and left him to his fate.

I watched in disbelief as she, it was definitely a she, walked away without looking back. I called out to the creature in panic,

"Please! Help me! Please, for the Love of God!" The bog gave a gurgle and a large bubble burst nearby and released a smell of dead rotting things. "Oh God, PLEASE!" I screamed. I was still slowly sinking and looked around at the green land and blue sky and thought, oh God I didn't want to die, not like this! Please, not like this! "PLEASE HELP ME!" I screamed again, how could she just walk away and leave me. "PLEASE, I'LL DO ANYTHING! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE, I DON'T WANT TO DIE LIKE THIS!" With a slurp I slid in up to my armpits. Oh God, oh God, please no!

She tried to close her ears to the pitiful screams, but couldn't. She sat on the altar and held her face in her hands and cried. Then the poor doomed man said something that sent a thrill of hope through her. She hopped down from the altar and quickly trotted back to the edge of the bog.

"PLEASE, OH PLEASE GOD! DON'T LET ME DIE LIKE HIS, PLEASE COME BACK!" I sobbed with tears running down my face. I had finally panicked and tried to push myself free and now my left arm was mired and only my head and right arm were still above the bog. I could feel the eager muck rubbing against the bottom of my chin and knew I only had a minute or two of life remaining, not counting how long it would take me to drown once I was pulled under. "PLEEAAASSSEE!" I screamed, "I'LL DO ANYTHING!" Then I had to spit as some of the filthy muck slopped into my mouth. Oh God. "NOOO! PLEASE GOD, NOOO! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!" Then I heard a soft voice,

She stood at the side of the bog and watched the man slowly sinking, he was smart enough not to struggle but that would not save him. He was too terrified to notice her at first and she felt sorry for him. To know you were going to suffer such a horrible death only made it worse. She called to him,

"Man, did you mean what you said, that you would do anything to escape the bog?" He looked at her and pleaded with his voice and eyes, but didn't answer her question. She knew he only had a few minutes, so she repeated her question in a louder voice.

I looked up and the creature was standing there looking at me! She said something but I paid no attention. "Please, oh thank you! Please help me!" I cried out, I begged. The she repeated what she said, and I understood her this time. Would I do anything to get out of this horrible muck, oh yes! I felt the muck start to close over my mouth, and said,

"YES, OH YES! Please help me; I'll do anything, anything at all! Please help me, please! Oh God, PLEASE hurry!"

I had to tilt my head back now to keep the muck from flowing into my mouth and filling my nostrils, and as I looked the creature turned and disappeared again!

"NOOOOO!" I screamed, "PLEASE!" The muck started to rise over my head and I panicked, flailing wildly, trying desperately to grab anything as the muck started to close over my head and filled my mouth as I tried to give one last scream for help. "NOOUUGGHHHURGLE!"

The bog heaved and sucked eagerly at its most recent victim, it would not be long now.

She listened to the man's reply, and his promise to do anything to get free of the grip of the bog. With that promise, given at a time of imminent death, he bound himself. She turned and ran to where she had seen him drop his belongings and grabbed the good long piece of stout rope he had been carrying with him. When she got back to the bog she saw she was almost too late. She gave a bleat of despair, and threw the rope towards the wildly waving arm that was all that remained above the surface now, and his muffled wet screams were horrible to hear. Somehow, praise the Gods, his grasping hand closed over the rope and she prayed he was strong as the bog would not easily give up its hold over a soul, not even one now bound to it.

I felt the bog close over my head and started strangling on the horrible muck and gave a final wail of terror, then I felt something hit my arm and grabbed what could only be a rope! Oh God, thank you! Now if only I could hold onto it! It is amazing what sheer terror and an adrenalin rush can do, plus the desire to live. I had a firm grip and the strong steady pull on the rope soon had my head back above the bog and I spit out the horrid foul muck that had filled my mouth and took a deep breath of fresh air, oh God it tasted so good. I managed to get my other arm free and was pulled slowly and steadily across the churning surface of the bog as it tried to reclaim its victim. It was almost like it was aware and I could sense its rage at losing a victim, but that had to be my imagination. And finally I was dragged out of the bog and onto dry land and let go of the rope with a deep shuddering sob of relief. "Oh, thank you, thank you I sobbed."

I lay there for the longest time, crying and just glad to be alive. I was shaken to my soul and exhausted from my struggle and near death. I could think of no more horrible way to die. I was also covered in a thick layer of nasty foul stinking mud. When I was finally able to return to a more normal frame of mind my first thought was, what was she? This strange creature; or beast, that had first doomed me and then saved me. I rolled over on my back, but she was gone. Only my neatly coiled rope remained.

She pulled on the rope and watched as the man slowly emerged from the grip of the bog. He was strong, which was good, and was able to free his other arm and get a better grip on the rope. She could feel the anger of the bog at her action, but she kept pulling. Finally she dragged him onto dry ground and watched for awhile as he lay there sobbing and crying. Now that she had saved him she felt a strange sadness even though his promise might mean an end to her loneliness. She coiled the rope, and leaving it she turned and made her way back to the sacred place and sat on top of the altar and waited. She had no doubt he would find her.

"Hello?" I called. I wiped more filthy muck from my face and looked around to find I really was alone. It had grown strangely quiet and I almost had a feeling something was watching me, or knew I was there. I did not know I had been marked by the powers of this place, that I was theirs now. I carefully made my way back to the safe path and followed it back to the stone circle, picking up my stuff on the way. I was pretty sure my strange savior would be waiting for me there. I was right; she was back on top of the altar sitting there waiting for me. She watched me intently as I entered the circle. I stood looking at her, and she looked back.

For the first time I got a really good look at her. She was a strange looking animal or whatever she was, but also lovely in an ethereal way. She looked something like satyr, but looked more deer then goat. That she was a she was obvious as now that I wasn't running screaming I could see that she had a pair of very human looking breasts, but they were covered in a fluffy looking coat of white fur. I tried not to stare and averted my eyes, I hadn't had much experience with women, and her nudity disconcerted me somewhat. What was she? I knew she couldn't be human, and what had that other THING been? It seemed like this lovely creature and the horror were one in the same. What WAS she?

She looked at the man as he looked at her. She had not had "company" in many a long year, and stared in frank interest at the filthy man. He almost looked comical standing there covered in a thick layer of mud and slime. He looked back at her, but kept averting his eyes like he was embarrassed. He's shy, she realized. Her nudity did not bother her in the least; ones such as her wore no clothes as they were a part of the earth, of nature. She had no more concepts of modesty then a doe. She had once been human though, and could sense the man's unease. He tried to wipe more of the bog from his face and all he did was smear it around. He looked so disgusted she couldn't help give a little bleat of amusement.

We stared at each other for awhile longer, then some gunk got in my eye and I did my best to wipe more of the horrible mud off my face and heard what sounded like a laugh. I realized what I must look like and gave a soft chuckle myself. I must look like I just crawled out of a spittoon. I looked at her again, and said,

"Well, um, thank you for saving my life. I'm in your debt." I thought it polite not to add she had caused my predicament in the first place. "I'm afraid I'm at loss, um, who are you? What are you? Can you talk?" She gave an amused little snort.

"Yes man, I can indeed talk. As for thanking me for saving your life, that remains to be seen. You made a vow I must hold you to, I have no choice. Nor do you. As to what I am? I've been called many things over the years, but one of the more recent is Pooka."

Well, that was certainly not exactly what I had expected. Vow? Remains to be seen? Now what did she mean by that? And a Pooka? I knew what they were supposed to be, evil mischievous spirits basically, but they were myths. But of course I was standing here talking to a creature more animal then human, and if it said it was a Pooka then who was I to argue? I'd also seen its other form and that was certainly consistent with the myths. I opened my mouth again to ask something and a big glop of mud slid into it and I gagged, "Ack, phooey, yuck!" The creature gave another amused snort, and said,

"Come with me man, it is time we cleaned you up some. No offense, but you do reek. Now follow me."

She hopped down from the altar and kind of pranced off through the bushes and I was alone. I looked around and still had that feeling some something malevolent watching me, so with a shudder I followed. She led me to a small pond of spring fed clear water surrounded by small stunted tress. It was a strangely beautiful place, quiet and serene. She sat down on a boulder and told me to,

"Clean yourself man, then we will talk about your vow."

Again, what vow? I thought. But I was tired of being filthy, and she was right, I did stink to high heaven. I reeked of ancient mud and dead things, and it almost felt like the muck was crawling all over me and trying to seep into my pores. I shed my overcoat and just let it lie, it was ruined anyway. It was much warmer now too, and I didn't need it anyway. I took off my shirt and undershirt and washed them in the pond, then hung them up to dry on a bush. I was a little embarrassed at being bare chested, but it didn't seem to bother her. I also took off my boots and socks but I'd be damned if I was going to take off my pants. I'd never been nude in front of a woman before, and no matter what she was she was a female. To clean my pants I just waded into the waist deep water and sat down. The water was tepid and was soon cloudy from all the gunk I washed off of me. I stayed until the water started to feel colder and then waded back out and sat down on a large rock some distance away from the strange creature. My other clothes wouldn't be dry for quite some time so I left them alone for now. Then, somewhat to my discomfort, the pooka; or whatever it was, got up and moved and sat down closer to me.

I looked at her and she looked at me. She flared her nostril like she was scenting me. Up close she wasn't so, well, bestial looking even though there was no mistaking her for human. She had brilliant green eyes which I thought were quite lovely, and this close I could clearly see her breasts through their covering of downy fur. I had never seen a woman's breasts in person before, and even though they were covered in fur it was apparent they were very nice breasts. Not large, but not small, and with fairly prominent nipples. I felt a sudden stirring in my crotch despite my damp pants, and shifted a little to hide my growing, um, condition. I think part of it was her scent too, she smelled of earth and natural things, a heady, but not overpowering, musk. She flared her nostrils again, and said,

"It is good you desire me man, it will make it easier for you to fulfill your vow."

How did she know I was, um, interested? I thought. But enough of that kind of thing, I most certainly wasn't into bestiality. "Look, I really do appreciate your saving me, God knows I do, to die like that (I shuddered) would have been horrible. I don't know wha, um, who you are, but you'll always have my gratitude. But for now I'll have to be going if I'm going to catch my ride back to the town. I promise I won't, um, tell anyone about this."

She didn't make any move as I got up and put my now fairly dry socks and still damp boots back on. I pulled on my shirt, but left the damp coat off. I found my way back to the circle, picked up my things, and headed VERY carefully back down the trial.

I got most of the way down the trail and could see the wall and gate, then walked around some large bushes and looking up realized I'd gotten turned around and was going the wrong way. I turned around and started back the right way, looked up again a few steps later and I was heading back up the trail again! What the deuce. For over an hour I tried to walk around that clump of bushes, only to find myself facing the wrong way every time! I dropped my belongings, and panicking tried alternative routes, only to end up heading the wrong way again! I even tried crawling on my hands and knees, but every time I looked up I was heading back up the trail! Finally I gave up.

She watched from concealment as the man tried again and again to leave the confines of the bog. He didn't yet realize he was a part of it now; that he belonged to the spirits of this place, and they would never let him go. Even if others came looking for him they would not be able to see him. He wasn't dead, but was part of the spirit world now, caught between the two because of his vow to her. It was a kind of purgatory with which she was very familiar. She flared her nostrils again at his male scent. He wasn't much to look at really, being somewhat portly and a little on the old side, but he was handsome in an open and frank kind of way, and was evidently strong as he had proved when she had pulled him from the bog. She felt a longing she had never felt before. When he finally gave up his useless struggle and turned to walk back to the circle she headed back so she could be there to greet him. Because of what she was she could walk on the surface of the bog with no fear, and easily arrived back at the circle long before he did.

I finally turned and started back towards the stone circle. I looked one last time at the old stone wall and gate, within easy reach; I just couldn't reach them no matter how hard I tried. As I entered the circle the Pooka was waiting for me sitting on the altar again.

"Am I dead, did I die in the bog after all?" I asked with tears running down my face. "Is that why I can see you, because I'm dead too?" It smiled a sad smile, and replied,

"No man, you are not dead, merely bound to this place by your vow. It never lets a victim go, and I could not have pulled you from its depths without your first making your vow. And you can see me only because I want you too. For what it is worth I am truly sorry I frightened you into the bog, but you frightened me too. Like you I am abound to this place, and have been for a great many years."

I looked at the creature again and tried to understand. Bound here forever because I made a vow? But I didn't remember doing any such thing. And how could a place bind someone to it? If I was a ghost I could understand, but I wasn't dead according to her. "What vow?" I finally asked.

"As the bog was claiming your life you swore you would do anything if I were to pull you from its grip. Had you not made that promise I could not have aided you. You would become part of the bog after it swallowed your body and soul. Once the bog has you it never lets you go, one way or another, either in this life or the next, living or dead. You and I are somewhere between the two."

I mulled that over. If I fulfill this vow, whatever it is I have to do, then maybe that means I would be set free from this horrible place. Hopefully I asked her,

"What do I have to do to keep my vow?"

She suddenly ducked her head and seemed kind of shy and embarrassed. "You must mate with me, like a man with a woman." And ducked her head again and swung her legs back and forth, her hooves tapping against the side of the altar.

If she had told me I must chop down the mightiest tree in the bog with a herring I couldn't have been more surprised, and shocked. She wanted me to WHAT with her! I just stared with my mouth open.

She looked up at the man again, and then ducked her head. "You must take me as your mate, you must lie with me." Then your vow will be fulfilled.

I took a step back and leaned against one of the ancient standing stones. She wanted me to have sex with her! I knew about fertility rites and all that kind of stuff, it was part of my studies of ancient cultures, but to actually be asked to partake in one, if that's what it was, was something I most certainly had never expected. I had always been the pudgy fat shy boy, and while I certainly had been interested in the fairer sex I was never able to pursue that interest. I was too damn shy and frankly scared to death, so I had pursued intellectual studies and given my passion to those. And now I get an offer for sex, and it's with a, well, a monster. I didn't know whether to insulted, or flattered, but I was definitely shocked. I looked at her and said,

"Um, no offense, but you're not exactly my type. And to be truthful I don't have any, um, experience at that kind of thing. I don't even know if I could because of the um, conditions."

She lowered her head again, and said softly, "Am I too hideous, am I ugly and repulsive?"

Oh dear, I thought. I hadn't meant to insult her! I felt like a heel. "No, I said, not at all! You're very pretty, in a kind of, um, natural way. And you smell nice too." Great going Romeo, that must have sounded really lame.

She looked up again and smiled at the man, "Really? You think I'm pretty?" and she felt that longing again. Strangely embarrassed, she changed the subject "Man, she asked, what was that lovely music you conjured?"

"Huh?" I said. Well that was brilliant. "The music? Oh it was just some old Mozart and the Andrews Sisters. Afraid I have rather eccentric musical tastes. Would you like to hear it again?" She nodded her head, so I got out my player and set it to play Mozart's "Piano Concerto No. 21 in C Major". Soon the lovely lilting music was floating across the bog, and it became quieter as everything that could listened raptly. I looked at her and realized she had tears running down her face.

She told the man, "I have never heard anything so beautiful, was this Mozart a God?" and she realized she was crying, but not tears of sadness, rather ones of wonder.

"Mozart? I said. Yes, in a way I guess he was a God, his music made him immortal." We listened quietly until the music ended.

"Man, she asked, what was that other music you conjured as well?"

I replied, "The Andrews Sisters? The song is called "In the Mood", so I put it on next."

She smiled and swung her legs against the altar, "It is a happy music, and it makes me feel lighthearted." And she started bobbing her head from side to side in sync with the music.

"Yes it does, doesn't it?" I said. I watched as she smiled and bobbed her head as she listened to the music, and realized that she really was very pretty. After it was over I played some more assorted tunes, but of them all she seemed to like classical best and more Mozart made her cry again, but not in sadness. She would close her eyes and just listen intently, tears running down her face. Mozart did that to me sometimes too. To see its effects on her made me feel strangely touched.

Suddenly she felt a pull, a stirring inside of her, and startled she raised her head and realized the sun was setting! "Man! She said, Come with me, it is almost sundown and you must be somewhere safe!"

"What?" I said, startled. What do you mean?"

"Come, NOW, hurry!" she said, "You have seen my other form, when night comes I must become the beast, and I may not be able to keep from harming even another bound to the bog! Now, for the sake of the Gods, COME!" She jumped down from the altar and ran to the screen of bushes and gorse screening the overhang and pushed her way inside. She heard the man following her.

With a final "COME!" the Pooka jumped down from the altar and disappeared through a screen of bushes against what I thought was a solid rock outcropping, but pushing my way through I found it was a fairly large shelter. It was barren except for a rather large pile of what I first thought was debris on one corner, but was actually a kind of nest or bed.

She bent over as the first pangs hit her gut, she was so used to it that it no longer hurt, but it was still unwelcome. She could feel the beast awakening in her. "Stay here for the night man; do NOT leave under any circumstances. The beast fears the sacred circle, so you should be safe." She grunted, then gave a deep moaning cry and ran back through the bushes, and threw her head back and roared as the change came. Then the beast, realizing where it was, gave nervous grunts and quickly left the circle of stones to begin its nightly vigil.

I sat and watched as she ran from the shelter, and I could see she was changing and shortly after she left I heard that horrible roar again, and put my hands over my ears. It was a roar of anger, of malevolence, of anger and rage. I heard something snorting and grunting for a while, but the sounds quickly faded into the night. I looked around the shelter and took a closer look at the bed or whatever it was. It was made from soft bracken and gorse and lined with remnants of blankets and quilts and lots of soft fur. It smelled like an animal's nest, but it wasn't a stench. The rest of the shelter was bare rock, so I sat on the nest and it was soft and warm.

Then I jumped up and hit my head on the top of the shelter when I heard a horrible wailing sobbing cry that struck to center of my heart. It was a terrible lonely cry, a sad wail of complete hopelessness and despair, and I felt tears run down my face as it was repeated. Then I did the bravest thing I had ever done in my life. I took the CD player and set it to play Mozart only, and sneaking from the shelter I placed it on the altar and pressed the play button, then dashed back to cover. Soon the music of Mozart was filling the air again.

The wailing became softer, and soon I heard the thing approaching the circle again, grunting and snorting. It gave one final soft wail, and then it made soft moaning sounds and seemed to be trying to talk. Then it became quieter except for soft grunts and snorts of pleasure as it listened to the music. Yes indeed, maybe Mozart was a God, I thought as I listened to a poor tormented soul finding comfort in that heavenly music. I sat down on the nest again as "Piano Sonata C" started and the beast made entranced mewling sounds. I even eventually fell asleep, the warm comfortable nest and my own exhaustion ganging up on me.

The beast listened to the heavenly sounds all night long, and for once the night was not so dark and lonely. It reached out and tried to catch the lovely melodies as they drifted through the air, snorting and crooning in delight. The beast she was had never heard anything like it before and it felt the peace and joy in the music as it lifted up to heaven telling all that heard it that life could be wonderful. When the beast left her with the rising sun she realized she was sitting on the altar holding the music box to her chest, tears running down her muzzle as the music continued. She was still crying when the man came to her.

I woke up with a start, and almost hit my head again. The beams of light leaking through the bushes into the shelter had woken me. The musky odor of the nest was stronger now, and it was nice. I stood up, and bent over pushed my way through the bushes and entered the circle again. The Pooka was sitting on the altar with my CD player clutched to her chest, and her shoulders were shuddering as she cried. Strangely concerned I walked up to her, and not really knowing what to do I patted her on her back, then took her by the shoulders and she turned and hugged me hard, still crying. After a few awkward seconds I hugged her back. She put her head on my shoulder and I could smell her better, a fresh sweet musk like dew on leaves. No, I thought, you're not ugly or hideous at all, not in the least.

She heard the man approach, and he clumsily patted her on the back, and then gave her a hesitant hug, and she grabbed him and held him close. He still smelled of the bog, but his own male musk was nice. Finally he hugged her back and she felt him gently sniff her neck and hoped.

She finally pulled away from the man, and said "Thank you for that act of kindness. When I am the beast I know only rage and anger, hatred for all and everything, but last night for once the beast knew peace and maybe a little joy. I can never repay you for that. You are a kind soul, and I am truly sorry you are trapped in this place with only an animal for company."

I lifted up her head by putting my hand under her muzzle and looked at her, "You're not an animal, I said. Never say that. You're beautiful no matter what you are." And surprising even myself I kissed her gently on the end of her muzzle, captivated by her lovely green eyes. And she hugged me again and I hugged her back. This time our embrace was much more than just the giving of comfort, much more. I ran my hands down the fur on her back marveling at the warmth and softness, and she took one of my hands and placed it on her breasts. They were firm and soft at the same time, and I felt her nipples grow under my caresses. She pulled back from our embrace a little as I kept gently kneading and fondling her. We looked at each other, then I kissed her again for a long time and she closed her eyes and a large tear leaked from each one. She asked in throaty voice,

"Are you sure man? Do you truly want me? Even as the beast I am?" And there was such hope and longing in her voice.

And I knew then that I really did want this beautiful creature more then I had ever wanted anything in my less then notable life. And I also knew that for once someone wanted me as well, for myself, not what they wanted me to be, but just like I was. "Oh yes, I replied, oh yes indeed." And I kissed her again and pulled her close. I continued to gently caress her breasts, running my hand through the soft downy fur covering them. I ran my other hand down her back and felt it brush against her tail, and that was a strange feeling, to know that my lover had a tail. But it didn't bother me, and reaching lower I ran my hand over her rump and it too was covered in fur, then my hand found something warm and wet and as I cupped it she went rigid and gave a guttural grunt of pleasure, and pulled away from me.

He wants me! She thought, at last! He ran his hands over her and it felt so wonderful, it was the first time she had ever been touched this way. Even the wizard who had changed her had left her intact as otherwise the magic would not have worked. The man was somewhat clumsy, but his desire for her made him try his best, and she herself had no experience in this. But when he touched her there (!) she knew what to do, that it was time and she didn't want to wait any longer, and from his scent she knew he was ready too. He stepped back from her and pulled his shirt off, and she crouched down and pulled his pants and undergarments down around his ankles and she found his aroused sex in her face, and with a grunt started to gently fondle and touch him, then took him in her mouth and he gasped and had to steady himself against her shoulders as she explored and tasted him.

As she pulled away from me I stepped back and started to take my shirt off and she slid off the altar and crouched in front of me, and before I realized her intention she had pulled my pants and underwear down and I froze for a second, then with a soft grunt she reached up and started to fondle me, and then took me in her mouth! I had never imaged anything like this, and it felt so incredible my legs went weak for moment, and with a gasp of pleasure I leaned over her and braced myself against her shoulders as she tongued and sucked me. I stayed like that, my whole body shuddering as she pleasured me, giving soft little muffled bleats of her own pleasure. Oh God, I thought, I can't believe this is happening, that something could feel this good!

With a squeal she pulled away from him and stood up and they kissed again, hard and passionately. He held the sides of her head and they ran their tongues into each other mouths, eagerly tasting one another, their eyes locked. Her instinct was to turn away from him and bend over to present herself for him to mount her, but before she could he picked her up by the waist and sat her back on the altar, and she fell back as he leaned over her. Her sex was farther back on her rump more in the location of animals, so he had to roll her back some and lift her hindquarters a little, and she spread her legs wide. It took him a few tries, but finally she felt his penis press against her sex, and then penetrate her. It hurt at first and she hissed between her teeth, then bucked and gave a deep squeal as he slid all the way into her. He pinned her shoulders and started thrusting into her with a strong steady rhythm, giving gasps and grunts of his own. It was glorious, and she felt the power of this place awaken in her and flow through her and into him.

As she pulled away from me and stood up I grabbed her by the waist and lifting her up I set her on the altar. She seemed a little surprised, but when I leaned over her she spread her legs wide, watching me with her mouth open, breathing heavily. At first I was a little put off as her vagina was not where I thought it would be, but lifting her little I realized her pink wet sex was further back between her legs, on her rump like the deer she resembled. I had to lift her a little more but she didn't weigh much at all, and reaching down with one hand I tried a couple of times to seat my penis against her lips, and then THERE! With a deep moan I thrust into her and penetrated her, felt a little resistance and suddenly felt warm liquid. Oh my God, I thought, she's a virgin too, just like me! But it was too late now, and she bucked and arched under me and after a couple more thrusts I slid into her to the hilt and she gave a guttural squeal and locked her legs around my waist. She was tight, slick, wet, and velvety soft and as I thrust into her it was indescribable. I gave deep gasps and moans as for the first time in my life I knew what it was like to truly be a man and my lover gave squeals and soft bleating calls and grasped at my arms as I pinned her shoulders. And we moved together in that most ancient of rhythms two joined as one, and Mozart filled the air.

Suddenly she gave a deep grunt and I felt warmth growing in her already hot loins as I thrust into her. It grew and then I felt it spread in to me and I felt it flow into my body and gasped at the sheer power of it. Was this what it was like to mate? The warmth turned to heat and then to pain and I gave a deep moan even as I kept coupling with my lover. Something was happening and I had no control over it, I was too far gone in my lust and love to fight it. Even as the pain grew my only real concern was my lover and the pleasure that we were giving one another, and as the pain increased so did that primal pleasure.

She moaned as her mate thrust into her, gasping as he gave her the most wonderful pleasure she could imagine, pleasure that kept growing. As the power flowed through her and into him he began to change even as he kept servicing her; and his moans changed to those of pain as well as pleasure, but he did not hesitate and the pain seemed to only increase his efforts. She watched as fur spread from his waist up and across his chest, and then down his arms as his face began to push forward into a muzzle. His eyes were wide with pain and fear as he knew something was happening and gave a guttural sob of pain as antlers began to push out from the sides of his head. But he never stopped making love to her, and she bucked and squealed as the pleasure grew to be almost unbearable.

The heat filled me along with a sensation; a feeling of ancient and long forgotten powers and Gods. They took me and I felt the power in that heat began to change my very body, and as I watched I saw; and felt, fur began to grow on my body, starting in my crotch and rapidly spreading across my body. I moaned and sobbed in pain and pleasure, and felt my face start to push forward as my jaws lengthened and I could feel my bones changing shape and I could see my nose and cheeks now as they became a muzzle. The heat increased even more and I felt a sudden horrible pain in my head and felt something pushing through my skin and growing. Antlers or horns I thought, oh God what's happening to me? But I kept servicing my mate, her cries of pleasure driving me to further efforts as pleasuring her was my greatest concern despite what had happened; what was still happening, to me.

She looked up as he moaned and sobbed as the change progressed, but he kept her pinned and with a squeal of pleasure she suddenly felt the hardness in her began to grow and slide even deeper into her as he thickened and lengthened giving deep grunts of agonized ecstasy. His ears grew and became hairy and longer and thicker, flicking back and forth. He was losing much of his body fat and his chest was more muscular under its coating of white fur, and suddenly he fell across her with a gasp and she held him as he shuddered, and looking over his shoulder she saw a tufted tail sprout from the base of his spine. He lay on top of her for awhile, his grunts and squeals more bestial now, then with a great heave he reared back upright and began to thrust into her even harder and faster and she arched herself and gave a great bawling-squeal. His wet black nose was flared as he scented her heat, and with a great grunting roar he orgasmed and she felt herself explode deep inside and they both squealed and bawled as the massive climaxes went on and on, her hooves drumming against his back. Finally he gave a final deep grunt and collapsed over her, and then before she could catch him he slid from her and fell to the ground with a loud thud, unconscious.

The pain and pleasure grew to the point it was agonizing ecstasy, almost unbearable. I felt the change continue, still not sure if I was delirious from the sexual pleasure and imagining it. The pain in my head faded and suddenly I felt myself getting an erection, but that was impossible! But there was no doubt my penis was growing even harder, lengthening and thickening as she got tighter and I pushed deeper and deeper into her. The heat spread down my legs and with a gasp I lost my balance and fell forward onto to my mate and she held me close as I grunted and moaned at the feeling as my legs spasmed and reformed into new shapes and I felt a pressure at my spine as it lengthened into a tail. The pain faded and with a grunt I pulled free and stood up, and her scent had never smelled sweeter and I increased the speed of my thrusts and then threw my head back and roared as a massive orgasm rocked my body, and my mate drummed her hooves against my back, her eyes tightly shut and her mouth open as she screamed and bawled her own ecstasy. The feeling of pleasure and release was almost agony, and with a final squeal my eyes rolled up in my head and I passed out. I wasn't aware when I slid from my lovers embrace and fell to the ground.

Concerned she slid down from the altar and crouched next to her mate who now looked very much like her. His humanity was mostly gone now, and like her was now more animal. But there were differences; he was larger and more muscular, wider and taller, and also very much male. She found it hard to believe she had had that in her, he was huge, and as she watched his penis shrank and withdrew into his sheath. He gave a soft moan and she realized he was lying awkwardly because of his antlers. She sat down next to him and pulled his head and shoulders into her lap, and lowering her head began to lick and nuzzle his own muzzle. She looked down at his narrow powerful hips and long legs ending in cloven hooves like hers. His fur had more of a reddish tint to it then hers, and his belly was a nice white color. He had a thick ruff or bib of fur around his neck which she thought was quite handsome. His antlers were quite nice too, well formed with five points on each. She buried her nose in his fur and scented his wonderful male musk. She thought he was the most handsome buck she'd ever seen, and he was hers, her mate as he had just proven so well. He gave a sudden snort and a squeal of distress and pulled away from her and staggered to his new hooves, obviously confused and upset.

I woke up with a gasping snort and realized I was lying on the ground with my head in her lap, and her green eyes were looking at me and I looked back at her past my muzzle. With a squeal I pulled away and stood up and almost fell again as my stance felt strange, and I remembered what had happened to me. In disbelief I looked at my arms which were now covered in reddish brown fur and were my hands, my nails large, thick, and shiny black. No, I thought, this is wrong! My chest was covered in white fur down to my loins, and I could see my testicles and balls, but only the tip of my now dark pink and wet looking penis protruded, and I was much larger. I looked down past my waist at the strangely shaped legs ending in black cloven hooves, and lifted a shaking hand to feel the muzzle I could see with my own eyes, and my nose felt wet and rubbery. I felt something brush my arm and felt a large hairy ear, and then about then I found the base of what could only be an antler, and felt my way up it until I came to the first branch. I felt something stir at the base of my back and looking over my shoulder I could see my tail and it flicked up and down, and I also realized my neck was much longer now. I looked at her in horrified confusion, and panicking turned and fled with great bounding leaps and ran as fast as I could. I ran down the path and through the same bushes that had almost led to my death, and out onto and across the bog before I even realized what I'd done. The fact I didn't sink caused me to stop my flight more than anything else. I stopped and looked back over the surface of the bog and could see hoof prints, so I had really crossed the quicksand, but why didn't I sink? I heard the bushes rustle and looked up as the Pooka pushed through them and walked across the bog toward me. I started to yell a warning, but it came out a shrill belling sound. But it wasn't necessary, she just walked across the bog and joined me on the other side, her hoof prints next to my larger ones. I shied away from her, and asked,

"How is that possible? Why didn't we sink? What ARE we?"

"We are a part of this place and as such the bog will not take us. You are a Pooka now, as am I my love. We are spirits of a sort, neither dead nor truly alive anymore. Like this place we are eternal, we will never age. But we cannot leave either; this is our home and prison."

I replied, "But, but we're animals! I don't want to be like this! It's all so damn weird." I turned away from her with tears running down my muzzle. "I don't want to be an animal!" When she put her hands on my shoulders I gave an angry snort and pulled away. Turning on her I said "You said if I mated with you my vow would be fulfilled, and I thought that meant I could leave this horrible place! You lied to me, YOU did this to me! Get away from me!" And with a squeal I turned and ran off again.

She knew he was horribly confused and upset, but when he turned on her with a snarl it was a blow to her soul. To find love, and then lose it so fast, to finally find a mate after all this time, only to have him reject her was more then she could bear. Stunned, she made her way back to the sacred circle and sat on the altar, the site of their memorable mating, and cried and all the loneliness and despair poured out of her.

I ran until I reached the border of the bog, one second I was running down the trail, the next second I was running up it. I stopped and turned around and looked at the wall and gate. So near, yet so far. I really was trapped here. And as an animal, not even a man. I leaned against a boulder and held my muzzle in my hands and cried. After I was cried out I slowly made my way back to the circle as there was nowhere else to go. The bog was very extensive, but the circle was on the biggest "island" and landmark. As I entered the circle I saw she was back on the altar, her back turned to me. I could smell her tears and she was slumped over and didn't even seem to know I was there, but I knew she did. I flicked my ears towards her and flared my nostrils.

She didn't look up as the new Pooka entered the circle. She thought about leaving, but found she just didn't care. Where would she go? She had not felt this depressed or sad in longer then she could remember. Her memories were of nights and days passing into the distant past, and knew her coming days and nights would be no different, alone forever. She started to cry again, but with silent heaving sobs.

I stood uncertainly, my mind full of mixed feelings and still reeling from trying to accept what had happened to me in the last twenty four hours. I smelled fresh tears and looking I saw her shoulders were shaking as she hugged herself. But I did know one thing for sure; regardless of what had happened she was my mate and I loved her. And I had hurt her deeply with my harsh words she had not deserved, words I had spoken while I was upset.

I walked over and gripped her shoulders and she stiffened. I rested my muzzle on her shoulder and said,

"Please don't cry, I'm so sorry, I never should have said those heartless things. I was just upset and confused. Please, will you forgive me my love?" She turned to me and I hugged her, and she wailed,

"But it's true! I did this to you. I had been so lonely for so long I just wanted someone to be with, to love me, to take care of me! I was evil and selfish and now I've condemned another innocent soul to my life of endless torment, to being a monster like me! The shaman said I could I would be alone forever unless I found someone pure like myself to take me as his mate, but that one would join me in my purgatory. I lied to you, I deceived you. I just couldn't stand to be alone anymore, I couldn't stand it. Please don't hate me, I love you so much." And she clutched me and wailed and cried and her grief and anguish was horrible, and she buried her muzzle in my fur to muffle her sobs.

I wasn't sure what to make of that rather rambling confession, but even so I found no hate in my heart for her, how could I? She held me desperately, wailing and crying and it hurt me to see her suffering so. I pulled back and put my hand under her muzzle and lifted her head and looked at her puffy watering eyes, and gently licked her face and muzzle. Then I said "I still don't understand exactly what happened, nor do I care anymore. All I know is that through some miracle I found you, and that's all that matters." I nuzzled and kissed her, gently nibbling her neck and smelled her lovely scent.

She looked up at me, "You, you don't hate me?" She asked in a quiet hopeful voice.

"Hate you? I replied, how could I hate you? How could I hate the only one I've ever loved, my mate?" And I hugged her again, holding her tightly against my chest. "You'll never be alone again, and I'll never be alone so long as you're with me, my love, my life. You are the only thing that matters to me in the whole world." And I meant every word as I felt her heart beating next to my own furry chest.

She felt joy like she'd never experienced before either during her short life as a human, or over the endless centuries as a beast. She felt reborn and felt her love for her wonderful mate grow even greater. For him to still love her after what had happened; after what this place had done to him, was more then she could have hoped for. She held him close and felt her tears soakied into his fur and he gently nuzzled her some more, bleating softly as he comforted her.

I held her and gently nuzzled her enjoyed her warmth and scent, and slowly it became more than just an embrace. I gently ran my hand across her breasts and she stopped crying and gave a soft moan of pleasure. I felt myself becoming aroused and it was different this time, more intense and urgent. Her nipples became hard almost instantly, and lowering my muzzle I lipped and tongued her breasts eagerly while she held my antlers and gave soft bleating like sounds of pleasure. With a deep snort I stood up and she caressed my balls as my penis slid out of its sheath and it felt oh so good. She started to take me in her mouth again, but I didn't want that this time, not now. I gave another snort and she knew what I wanted, and she turned and bent over the altar. I had never felt such a need, and with a deep grunting bellow I mounted her, and she gave a shriller bellow of her own as I slid into her. I lunged several times to achieve full penetration, then giving snorts and squeals of pleasure I serviced her with steady thrusts and she squealed her own pleasure. It didn't take as long as the first coupling, but seemed to last forever anyway. Finally we both bellowed our mutual release and then afterwards we just held each other in contentment.

When his scent changed and she scented his arousal she felt herself responding in kind. She wanted him, needed him, so badly. Their foreplay was not as long or tender this time, and when she tried to take him in her mouth he gave a deep snort of lust and she knew what he wanted, what she wanted. She bent over and lifted her tail for him and he wasted no time in mounting her, grunting as he climbed and covered her. And he was so large, but she took him into her with squeals of pleasure. As he serviced her she grunted and moaned from his attentions, enjoying every stroke. When they both came simultaneously she thought she was going to pass out as her orgasm rocked her body. He slid from her as he dismounted; then they just held one another and nuzzled in the aftermath of their glorious mating. She had never been happier, he loved her!

She suddenly noticed it was late, and night would fall soon, and she knew what that meant. She had to tell him what to expect as the first time he changed might cause him to panic if he wasn't prepared for it. She told him,

"My love, night approaches and soon we will change. You have seen my other form, you too will have one. During the hours of darkness we must roam the bog to try and drive any lost travelers to their doom for it is what we are, we have no choice. It is only during the hours of light we can assume our more human forms."

To be quite truthful I hadn't really thought much about her other form after my change, and hearing that I would also take on yet another form was disconcerting to say the least. I remembered the great howling thing that had driven me into the bog in a terrorized panic. I cringed inside; I certainly didn't want to run around trying to kill people. And she was so gentle, I just couldn't see her doing it either, after all she had told me the only reason she had taken that form was because I startled her. And that had been during the day as well.

"Can't you, can't we, control it? You changed when I startled you, and then changed back again. Why can't we do that at night? I asked her.

"I'm sorry my love, at night the beast rules. It is a hate filled malevolent thing that has no good in its warped soul. It is the heart of the bog personified, it takes our bodies and we have no say in the matter. We can take the form in daytime if we need to and are in control then, but not at night. But perhaps if we play the God's music it will calm us and we will not do any harm."

"The only problem is the batteries will not last forever. It is best we save them for when we can truly enjoy the music, for once the batteries die it will be gone forever. I'm sorry I didn't bring any extras."

She replied, "If I had not taken my other form you would still be the way you were and free of this place. I am so sorry my love."

I held her head in my hands again and looked in her lovely green eyes, and said "But then I wouldn't have found you, and that more then makes it worthwhile, my old life was empty and lonely. You are all I've ever wanted, and all I'll ever need. I have always been fascinated by ancient sacred places and the tales of spirits and ghoulies, I just never thought I'd end up being one!" and I started laughing, it was all so very wonderful and absurd at the same time! And she laughed with me.

His laugh was deep and rich and full of genuine amusement, and she found herself unable to keep from laughing with him. Then she felt the sudden stab of power in her gut, and looking up saw that the sun was gone, and she turned to him and croaked "It's coming!", then doubled over as the change took her and heard him cry out as he also changed.

The beast straightened up with a snarl and realized it wasn't alone. There was another like her, a male. This was new, she had always been alone, but for some reason his scent was familiar. He was bent over moaning, leaning against the altar. She hissed a warning at him, but he didn't seem to be a threat. She didn't like being in this place, and with a deep growling snarl she turned and stalked from the circle of stones, and raising her head wailed her horrible loneliness and hatred of all living things. She heard a similar wail from close by and knew she would not be the only one roaming the night. She felt the bog calling to her, its demand for fresh souls guiding her. She moved deeper into the bog; stopping to wail again every few minutes, as she searched for a hapless victim to serve up to the powers that controlled her.

The change was so swift and sudden I had no time to prepare. One second my mate cried a warning, and the next I was doubled leaning against the altar and moaning. I heard something snarl, caught a strange; yet familiar, scent and looked up just as something large and hulking pushed its way through the bushes as it left the circle. Seconds later came a horrible wail, and before I realized what I was doing I threw back my own head and wailed as well, and my cry was just as horrible. With a gasp I lowered my head and looked at myself, and I was truly terrible to see. My fur was long and shaggy now; thick and matted, my fingers longer and ending in sharp black claws. My muzzle was much larger, and with a moan I ran my tongue over the jagged fangs lining my jaws as I slobbered and drooled. I also realized I was much larger too. What was I, who was I? Again came a horrible wail, and again I answered it. I felt a growing need to do something, but I didn't know what. I also felt a growing anger, a building hatred, and lifting my head to the crescent moon I wailed again. Something was calling me, and I had to answer that call. As that call grew what little control I had left faded and the beast took over. With a deep grunt I left the circle of stones, and moved out into the bog. I did not mind where I walked as I knew the bog would not take me, and I strode across the treacherous muck as if it was solid ground. I belonged here.

At first I just wandered more or less aimlessly, wailing and answering the wails from the other who roamed the bog. But soon I was moving closer to the source of those other wails, answering with my own wails. And the wails also had a questioning sound to them as well. I strode into a clearing with a pool of water in the center, and the other was on the other side with its back to me as it lifted its head and wailed again, and I answered with a softer wail. It turned and saw me, and snarled, its eyes glowing as they reflected the moonlight. It was more of a questioning snarl then a menacing one, and I answered with a soft growl. The breeze was blowing toward me, and I flared my nostrils to catch the scent of the other and it was female, and I knew it, but could not remember from where or when. I started around the pool towards her and she turned and disappeared into the bushes with a great bounding leap, and with a snarl I followed.

She heard the other wailing, and as he came closer she stopped and waited by the pool she usually rested by during her wanderings. She was curious about this stranger, another like her. He pushed into the clearing and looked at her, flaring his nostrils. She snarled, but made no threat. He was very large and powerful looking, his eyes glowing as he tasted her scent on the breeze. She found she was very interested in him. When he started around the pool toward her she turned and fled, not really sure how to respond to his own interest. Soon she heard him following, and with a growl picked up her speed. If he wanted her he would have to catch her.

I pushed through the bushes and caught her scent again, and with a roar I ran after her, bounding and leaping over rocks or other obstacles, the bog quaking as I passed over it. She was fast, fleet and graceful and I found myself admiring her lovely form, for to the beast I had become she was not the least bit horrible or hideous in any way. He saw her only as a desirable female, a possible mate. I caught glimpses of her and she always managed to stay just ahead of me. She knew the bog better then I, and used that to her advantage. Then I came to realize we had passed the same strangely shaped boulder more than once, and that she was leading me in circles. I paused, grunting as I breathed heavily, slobbering and thinking. Then with a snort I moved into a nearby clump of bushes and waited. Soon I was rewarded with sound of rapidly approaching hoof beats, and as she neared my hiding place I sprang with a loud roar and grabbed her and we both fell to the ground snarling and kicking.

He was quick, but she was quicker. She led him on a roundabout path that sometimes crossed itself and was soon breathing hard, but he didn't give up so she kept going. She found she enjoyed the thrill of the chase, grunting and snorting as she ran. When he suddenly rose out of some bushes to her side and grabbed her it was a total surprise, and she screeched in anger and fought him. They feel to the ground and she kicked and bit, snarling and growling as she fought for her freedom.

She almost got away for me more than once, and kicked and bit and struggled frantically and I soon had numerous scratches and minor bites. Finally I got her neck in my mouth and pinned her, growling deeply in the back of my throat. I wanted this female and she would be mine! I bit hard, snarling, and she finally calmed down. Once she had submitted to my dominance I was gentler, if it can be called that. With deep growls and hard nips I forced her into position, and when she finally presented herself I mounted her with a great roar of lust and pleasure, and she echoed with her own roar. I grasped her around the waist and lunged into her, snarling and squealing as I penetrated her and began thrusting powerfully, my tongue lolling from my mouth as I grunted with each thrust. She clawed the ground and screamed, snapping her jaws and squealing, bucking and writhing underneath me, and with a snarl I grabbed the back of her neck in my jaws and increased my strokes and when we reached orgasm it was pure agonizing ecstasy. I threw my head back and roared, my whole body shuddering as I poured my seed into her, and she screeched and clawed up great clumps of dirt in her throes of pleasure. To many it must have seemed to be a brutal rape, but to the beasts we were it was the epitome of love making. I had caught and subdued her; she had fought before finally accepting my dominance, and then had submitted to being serviced by me. Afterwards it was different, much gentler as since she was my mate now I no longer had to be so forceful. I crouched down next to her and gently nipped her ears and neck, licking her face and muzzle, running my clawed hands through her thick fur and burying my nose in her fur so I could scent her better. She gave soft little moans of pleasure, breathing heavily and becoming even more aroused from my gentle attentions. I snuffled her rump, and then with a growl I mounted her again, and this time it took much longer and our sounds of pleasure were much more subdued but just as passionate.

She had done her best to resist the males mating lust, but once he had subdued her she accepted him and presented herself for mating and he wasted no time in mounting and coupling with her. The beast she was howled and screamed its pain and pleasure as the male covered and serviced her. It didn't take long the first time as the male took her as his mate, establishing his dominance over her. Afterwards he was gentle and in the way of their kind he caressed and nipped her driving her into estrus, and when he mounted her again it was oh so much better and took much longer and they both moved together, softly growling and moaning from the ecstasy of their mating.

When the male dismounted from her for the second time they both lifted their heads and wailed, but they were wails of happiness and contentment, the loneliness gone forever. They spent the night mating again and again, the very power that bound them to the bog making them insatiable for the pleasure and comfort they gave one another. And their wails were ones of peace and happiness, and for once the bog was safe for travelers.

I woke up with a loud snort and realized I had a heavy weight draped across my body. I knew it was my mate from her scent; she was still asleep and made a funny little snoring sound. I leaned over and licked her face, and she opened her eyes, those incredibly green eyes, and I realized how beautiful she really was. She licked me back and we groomed one another for some time in lazy contentment. I lay back down eventually and looked at the sky.

"Did last night really happen? I asked, it seems more like a dream." I could remember everything, but it seemed almost like it was someone, or something, else's memories.

"Oh yes, my love, She giggled, it did indeed! And I must say you made my beast most happy." And she nipped my arm with another giggle.

With a growl I grabbed her and wrestled her until she was under me, then I kissed her long and slow, and she closed her eyes and moaned as my hands began to explore her body. I realized I wanted her again, more so then ever.

"Again?" she gasped as my intention became obvious.

"Oh yes indeed" I replied, and after that talk wasn't necessary. We made love this time more as man and woman then animals, and it lasted forever and was wonderful and afterwards we were both spent and exhausted.

She said, "Look at us! We're both filthy! Come, let's go to the pool and clean ourselves off, we stink!"

And she was right; our fur was matted and covered in mud from our efforts of the night before. "I wonder why?" I asked innocently, but only got a snort in response. She led the way prancing from hummock to hummock, and I followed enchanted by her lovely gracefulness. I was so lucky to have the most beautiful mate in the world, no doubt about it,

We waded into the pool and washed one another off, then holding one another we groomed our necks and heads with our tongues and lips, grunting and bleating softly. When we were done and had dried out we did some final grooming until our fur was sleek and shiny. I realized I was hungry, and so was she. No Fish & Chips shops here, so she showed me the best places to find food. The grass and leaves filled us up, and the berries were nice and sweet, but it left a lot to be desired. I knew I was going to miss the nights out at fancy restaurants, but then looking at her again I realize that maybe I wouldn't. We were both exhausted from our rather strenuous night, so we went back to the shelter and quickly fell asleep, snuggled close to one another in the bed she had made over the years. She fell asleep first, her head on my chest, and she held me like she never wanted to let go. I looked at her and wondered what it must have been like to be alone for so long and gently nuzzled her ear, then fell asleep as well.

I was surprised that we didn't seem to need much sleep, and when I woke up feeling rested and refreshed it was just a few hours later and it was still early afternoon. I was alone and felt a moment's panic, but then heard Mozart playing. When I left the shelter she was sitting on the altar listening intently and making soft humming sounds. I walked up behind her and leaning against the altar I pulled her into my arms and buried my muzzle in her neck fur.

"Ummm, I said, you smell so nice."

She gave a happy little bleat, then said, "He must have truly been a God, only a God could have made such music. It is so beautiful."

"It's not as beautiful as you." I replied, which got me a gentle nuzzle and lick, much to my delight.

I was amazed at how soon I had become used to my new, rather unusual, form and life. We listened for awhile, and then I reached over and turned off the player. She was disappointed, but I told her,

"We need to save the batteries, they are the magic that makes the music come. When they are gone the music will be silent." That thought made us both very sad, this place would be so much more silent without the music of Mozart.

We stayed like that for awhile, her leaning against me as I leaned against the altar, happy just to be touching and smelling one another. Finally she said,

"Come, let me show you around, there is more to see then you might think. There are some secret places only I know."

She showed me the bog in a way I had never seen before. Small hidden pools with lovely little flowers blooming along the edges, more overhangs hidden behind bushes which also had beds in them, groves of trees where wild goats and the deer we resembled accepted us without question and to my amazement another ring of ancient stones almost lost to sight in overgrowth. And near the stones was a pile of stones that concealed the entrance to an ancient tomb made from huge slabs of stone fitted perfectly together. Of the previous occupant there was no longer any sign, and she had made it her winter home lining the floor with a thick layer of soft moss and bracken and lining it with her own soft fur. We would be most comfortable here, our body heat keeping us nice and warm since we did not use, or need, fire. Then I found something stuck away in the back of a niche in the wall of the tomb.

It was an ancient leather bag, and as I pulled at it the bag disintegrated and gold and silver coins spilled out. I looked at the coins in amazement; there were Roman, Celtic, Greek, Spanish doubloons and pieces of eight, and many I couldn't even identify. And in addition there were all sorts of jewelry, silver Roman spoons and other cutlery, torcs, goblets, and even more! It was hoard worth only who knows how much, and here I was stuck in the body of a spirit deer in the middle of a bog! I felt a moment of greed, then looked over at my mate and it faded. What use did I have for such wealth now? I asked her about the treasure and she told me she had found some of it already here, and had gathered the rest over the years when it was left behind and/or hidden by travelers. She giggled when she told me how mad some had been when they returned to find their stash gone.

I think about then I finally began to realize just how long she had been here, alone in this place. I asked her questions and she answered as best she could. When she had been taken from her village by the shaman or a druid of some kind and bound this place she had only been maybe 17-18 years old (she couldn't remember), and if what she knew about history was right she must have been her for almost two thousand years! While the Roman Empire rose and fell, while other mighty empires came and went, this beautiful gentle creature had roamed this bog, alone. She didn't understand when I suddenly grabbed her and held her close, and burying my muzzle in her fur I cried to think of what she had endured; what my lovely mate had suffered for all those years.

That night was a repeat of the first, the only difference being I didn't have to chase down and subdue the female beast as she now accepted me as her mate. We mated again and again in the moonlight, and once again the bog was safe for travelers as we were concerned only with one another, two hulking horrible monsters gently pleasuring one another.

The next day as we rested in the shelter we heard the sound of voices and dogs and it suddenly occurred to me that I must be the object of their search since I had been "missing" for several days now. We watched through the screen of bushes and gorse as they searched the circle and found my discarded clothes and satchel. Fortunately we had the CD player and my pack in the shelter with us. They searched the whole day and we remained where we were, even though she said they could not see us unless we wanted, and then only if they believed in such as us. She smiled when she told how many still do, even though they would deny it until actually seeing one of our kind. Why the dogs did not scent us I'll never know, unless our scents can only be detected by others like ourselves. When they finally left we ventured out and looked around. Everything was gone, even my poor ruined overcoat. I gave an amused snort at what they must have thought when they found my muddy clothes, but not me. Guess they thought I'd gone bonkers and took off my clothes and jumped in the bog. When I told her she got a laugh out of it as well. Then the night came and again the bog echoed to our wails of bestial pleasure.

I got the idea early the next morning. Why not? It might work. I took a small silver coin from the hoard, and wrote on a page from one of the notebooks in my pack. It was very simple and straight forward. It said "If you leave the following items on the old altar twice a month you will find another coin waiting for you" and included a list of batteries, and fruit such as apples, bananas, and organs. The coin was worth way more than that, but not to us. When the search parties showed up a little later I left the shelter and walked right up to my erstwhile guide and chauffer and slipped the note and coin into his pocket, and no one saw me. It was weird and wonderful at the same time. I almost decided to take on my bestial form and scare the crap out of him, but if he dropped dead of a heart attack then we wouldn't get the goodies. Then I returned to the shelter.

"What did you do?" she asked.

I just nuzzled her, and said "Wait and see."

And sure enough a few days later after the search had ended my dear little Irish friend came nervously into the circle, and left a large heavy bag on the altar, and then took off like a banshee was after him. She had already smelled the contents of the bag, and as soon as he was gone she let out a delighted bleat and ran to the altar. When I walked up she turned to face me with an apple stuffed in her mouth, and grabbed me with a big hug and I spun us around while she kicked her legs and munched the apple. The bi-monthly deliveries of such simple delicacies would make our lives much more enjoyable.

We're still there; in the bog that we are a part of, and will be until the end of time. But we don't care as long as we're together. I had come to the place to study an ancient ring of standing stones, and had found a myth and became part of it. I have no regrets for I found true love as well of a kind I could only have previously imagined. And if one of the infrequent visitors to our domain is lucky they might hear the sounds of Mozart or the Andrews Sisters drifting across the bog, and see two strange creatures dancing in a circle of ancient stones with eyes only for one another.

The End


The Seeker, Chapter 6

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 6 By William W. Kelso It had been a really slow day so far, which was just fine with me. Interesting days in Hell are, well, Hell, the quieter the better. I was lying on my...

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The Demon Misfit, Chapter 2

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Demon Misfit, Chapter 2 By William W. Kelso When I woke up at first I didn't remember where, or what, I was right away. I lay with my eyes closed and tried to hold onto the wonderful dream I'd...

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The Demon Misfit, Chapter 1

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Demon Misfit, Chapter 1 By William W. Kelso I woke up with a really bad headache, man what did I DO last night? And why is it so warm anyway, damn AC must be on the fritz again, as usual. I tried...

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