The Demon Misfit, Chapter 2

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Demon Misfit, Chapter 2

By William W. Kelso

When I woke up at first I didn't remember where, or what, I was right away. I lay with my eyes closed and tried to hold onto the wonderful dream I'd been having about it being my fifteenth birthday again and my folks were still alive and I'd just gotten the best bike in the world. I reluctantly opened my eyes and stared at the red granite wall a few inches away from my face, or muzzle. The sounds and smells reminded me of where I was and I screwed my eyes shut again, a few tears leaking from them as even demons can cry. I was suddenly aware of a presence nearby, and from the scent it was an Imp. I remembered someone holding me while I had grieved at how unfair life was the night before, a gentle and caring presence that helped me to vent my anguish and let me sleep. Someone who had been there when I needed them, a complete stranger that had only known I was in pain.

I carefully sat up, as quiet as I could be. I looked down and saw the Goat Imp that had been assigned to me as one of my personal "slaves". She was curled up next to my bed in the dirty straw that covered the floor, still sound asleep. She wasn't very pretty as her fur was mutli-colored and splotchy and she was none too clean as being an animal, like me, she didn't bath much. I'm sure to a normal person she stank, but to me she smelled fine, nice and musky and female. She was lying on her side with her mouth open, snoring softly. I reached down and gently ran my hand along the side of her muzzle. She woke up with a snort, and then seeing me looking at her she jumped up and backed away, bowing and obviously scared to death. It hurt me to see her fear me like that. Then I remembered what I look like now. Scaly skin, fangs, the eyes of a snake, no wonder she feared me. Even I avoid looking in mirrors, and in fact there are very few of those in Hell.

"Master, she bleated, forgive me, I did not mean to be pretentious! I, I meant no harm!" She reached the wall and crouched down with her arms over her head.

"Why did you come to me last night?" I asked. Then I added, "Please don't be afraid of me, I mean you no harm."

"I, I'm sorry master, please forgive me. I thought you were in pain, I did not mean to presume!" She bleated in a frightened voice.

"I was, very much so. Your kindness helped me a great deal, thank you for being there for me." I said in a soft voice, tying not to hiss so much.

She looked up me when I said that, surprise evident on her face. She wasn't used to having anyone, much less masters or mistresses, thank her for anything. This master was strange, but in a nice way. She lowered her arms and took a closer look at him.

I reached over to the table (actually it was a rape stand, I hate the thing) and picking up my glasses I put them on. That seemed to surprise her, guess she's never seen glasses before I realized. "Please, I asked, come over here so I can get a better look at you, my eyesight is not that good. I won't hurt you, I promise."

She stood up nervously, still not quite sure what to make of this new and strange master to which she now belonged. He had called her to him so of course she must obey, but she could not detect or scent any subterfuge on his part, no hidden animosity that would explode into sudden violence. She had been trained to sexually pleasure her demon owners, but that didn't mean she enjoyed it most of the time, a brutal rape is still a rape. She endured it, but didn't like it. If he wanted her she would not protest. Her master looked at her as she approached. She kept taking quick peeks at him and wondered what the funny thing on his muzzle was. He said he wanted to see her better, and she'd heard that before. Being his new slave she had no doubt he wanted to establish his dominance by servicing her. She walked over to him and stood in front of him so he could inspect his new property, then turning around she bent over and dropped to all fours so he could also inspect her sexually and mount her if he desired, she closed her eyes and waited for his weight to settle on her hindquarters as he took her. She smelled his rising arousal and braced herself for his entry into her.

I watched as she slowly approached me, obviously hesitatingly. She would look up at me, than duck her head again. She was pretty homey looking I realized, but was cute in a way I find hard to put in human terms. Being an Imp; one third goat and two thirds human, she had both breasts and udders, had she been a high Imp she would have had only breasts. Beasts have only udders. Her udders were pink sacs with large nipples, and her human breasts were firm and fairly large under their covering of dirty white fur. She had the head of a goat with small horns that went straight back, unlike my own which are curved. She stopped fairly close to the bed, then caught me by surprise when she turned away and dropped to all fours and I realized she was offering herself for sex. She probably thought that's what I wanted, being what I was and where we were. From the rear, bent over like she was, she looked more like a natural goat. The black lips and dark pink inner color of her vagina was that of an animal, located at the base of her short tufted tail, I could see her udders hanging between her legs, legs ending in cloven hooves like mine. And her scent hit me like a big soft hammer, and to my dismay I felt the animal part of me start to respond. I realized I DID want her, but not like this!

"Please, I said, not like this! I won't force myself on you, it wouldn't be right. Please stand up and look at me."

She was surprised to say the least! Wouldn't force himself on her? No one had ever asked permission to mate with her before, not even the other Imps or beasts. If a male, any male, desired her she had no choice but to comply. She slowly stood up, strangely disappointed that he didn't want her, and turned to face her master.

I looked at her as she turned around to face me again. She looked at me with a somewhat puzzled look and for the first time since last night I looked into her gentle brown eyes again, the eyes of an animal, but with human intelligence shining in them. I thought about what my own eyes looked like, and I doubt if she thought they were gentle. I patted the bed, "Please sit down with me, if you want to I'd really like you to. I won't bite." I said with a smile (which was probably not the best thing to do if you have a mouth full of fangs and a tongue like a snakes.) She gave a nervous little bleat, then sat down about as far away from me as she could get.

She was very confused now. Her master asked her to sit down next to him which was unusual as she had never been allowed on a bed before, they were for masters only, the floor was for her kind. But even more disturbing was he asked if she wanted to, and said please! Her heart skipped a beat with when he smiled at her showing his impressive fangs with his long black tongue licking over them as he drooled, but it seemed to be a real smile, not a threatening one. But an order was an order, so she sat down on the very edge of the bed as far away as she could.

We looked at one another for awhile, two damned creatures, one an animal and the other something far worse. They were frank appraising looks, each one sizing the other up and then realizing they liked what they saw. I reached out and gently took her hand in mine. "Thank you for last night." I said a little shyly; which could be considered comical seeing as what we were, and I put my muzzle to her hand and kissed it as best I could.

She sat and looked at her new master, and he looked at her. Even though his eyes were the expressionless reptile eyes of all demons he could sense a real gentleness in him. When he took her hand and gently kissed it you could have hit her with a sledge hammer and she wouldn't have noticed. No one had EVER shown any regard for her own feelings before, or thanked her for anything. What was he doing here? He did not belong here like she did. She could still smell his desire for her, and felt true desire for him start to stir in her own loins. Somehow she knew it would be different with him. She knew they had more than enough time before they would be called to their duties. She reached over and began to fondle his genitals, and he gave a snort of surprised pleasure.

The Imp stared at me for awhile, obviously a little disconcerted by my actions. She blinked a couple of times, and then seemed to come to some kind of decision. Reaching over she reached between my hairy legs and began to touch and fondle my testicles and partially erect penis. It took me by surprise, but it was a very nice surprise. I would not have forced myself on her, but now that it appeared she wanted me I would most certainly not hold back, frankly I don't think I could have.

She could tell he was surprised and pleased when she started to fondle his impressive genitals, and soon his powerful male musk was mixing with the scent of her own arousal. She wasn't surprised when he began to fondle her breasts, but she was pleased by his gentleness. Instead of roughly grabbing and pawing them he caressed her with slow gentle hands, doing his best not to scratch her with his sharp claws. She felt her nipples grow hard and bleated in pleasure. When he pressed his muzzle against hers she WAS surprised and hoped he wasn't a biter as she have been severely bitten by more than one overly amorous partner. But he was gentle even there, his long tongue exploring the inside of her mouth and she responded, sliding her own long tongue into his as she tasted and explored him. When he slid a hand down to her udders she squealed at the touch to her tender swollen nipples. She had recently weaned a lamb, but was still lactating and had not had a chance to milk herself recently, her udders always kept lactating far longer than her breasts. She cried out and fell over on her back, hoping, and he did not disappoint her. He lowered his head and suckled at her udders, relieving the pressure as he drained them. She had NEVER had a master do this before; the feeling went far beyond mere sexual arousal now. When she was dry he pulled away from her and gave a deep commanding grunt and she knew what was expected of her, and for once she WANTED a male to mount her. With a squeal of anticipation she sat up and spun around, and crouching offered herself to him, grunting her lust. She looked at him over her shoulder and gave a soft bleat of need.

As she fondled me I reached over and gently cupped her breasts, and then started to fondle them. They were nice and firm, and she had large nipples which were soon erect and hard, and I ran my fingers across them. She grunted and bleated in pleasure from my touch, and I pressed my muzzle to hers and kissed her which seemed to surprise her at first, but then she shut her eyes and kissed me back. I gave a deep hissing bleat of pleasure as she kept fondling me; she really knew what she was doing. I slid one of my hands down her warm furry stomach and began to knead and fondle her udders, and I found that those nipples were also hard and sensitive. As I fondled all of her mammeries her eyes snapped open and she gave a deep grunting bleat of lust, and grabbing my hand pressed it harder against her udders. I pulled away from our kiss and lowering my head I began to lick and tongue her breasts, the fact they were covered in fur did not bother me in the least. I was able to completely wrap my tongue around one and lick her nipple with the forked tip of my tongue. She threw her head back and gave deep guttural moans, her hands spasmodically grabbing at my horns and shoulders as she grunted and squealed from my attentions. With a soft moan she fell over on her back and spread her legs, and I lowered my head and taking one of her udders large red nipples in my mouth I began to lick and suck it, and was rewarded with a sudden spurt of warm sweet liquid. It startled me a first and I almost pulled away in surprise, but she had put her hands on my horns and held me there so I knew that's what she wanted. Her milk was delicious and it felt incredibly erotic as I suckled her, and when that udder ran dry I switched to the other one and was rewarded with several more mouthfuls of rich creamy milk. No wonder her udders were swollen and sensitive, she was lactating! But now I desperately needed my own needs taken care of. I raised my head, milk dripping from my muzzle, and gave a deep commanding grunt of lust, and she knew what I meant. It was sound of a Ram letting his mate know he was ready to mount her.

She gasped as he mounted her, he was large but she was used to that and after a few thrusts she had no problem accommodating him as her own state of extreme arousal had made her nice and slick and he slid into her with a minimum of resistance. She squealed and bleated her own incredible pleasure as he bellowed and hissed, humping her with strong regular thrusts. She had been serviced many times a day for many years, but it had never been like this before. He was not gentle her, but neither did he cause her pain, only pleasure, the most pleasure she had ever felt in her short life. She realized or the first time that she was in LOVE with a mate. Finally his thrust became more rapid, his bellows deeper and desperate, and she felt herself approaching orgasm, one of the first she'd had in a long time. When he exploded inside of her she gave a loud squeal and fell forward with her head resting on the bed, slobbering in ecstasy with her tongue hanging from the mouth. He did not dismount at once, but rested across her back and gently licked her ears and ran his tongue across her muzzle, giving soft bleats of pleasure. She liked the feel of his hardness inside of her, and hoped he would mate with her again, and so he would but in way she had never before experienced.

As soon as she heard my command, the command the animal part of me had made without me even realizing it, she spun around with her back to me and leaning forward crouched and offered herself to me, her sex wet and swollen, slick and dripping with her sexual juices. She looked at me over her shoulder and gave a soft bleating moan of lust. I could not have refused that offer anymore then I had been able to refuse my Mistresses offer. With a bellowing bleat of pure bestial lust I mounted her, and it was pure animal sex from then on. The tenderness was gone, but I was not brutal. I grasped her with my arms using them more like legs and thrust and lunged into her with my head thrown back grunting and bleating at the agonized ecstasy of our joining. My bellows and hisses of lust woke several of my fellow demons in their own rooms nearby and they smiled in the dark, several of the females making plans to "meet" me at the first opportunity because they knew the sounds of an enthusiastic mate and a female being very well serviced when they heard them. They wished they were the ones bleating and squealing like that. Some of them, unable to wait, quickly found partners of their own and soon the tunnels echoed to the sounds of many more frenzied couplings.

When he suddenly fell backwards and pulled her with him it was a big surprise but a nice one. He stayed inside of her and it felt so good. He left her straddling him and put his hands around her waist. Then all of a sudden she felt his tongue doing something to her! Something she had never felt before, he was licking her THERE! No male had ever done that before, not intentionally. She had had plenty of them lick her sex and run their tongues inside of her, but they never paid much attention to that special spot, and never when they were already joined. Ohh, she thought, what was he doing to her? She looked at him over her shoulder, his eyes watching her as his tongue, and now his lips licked and caressed her and it was unlike anything she had ever felt before. At times he actually ran his tongue inside of her too, his tongue and penis pleasuring her at the same time. She had thought she had experienced everything sex had to offer, and to her it was mostly just a pleasurable chore, but this was, was so different. Grunting and bleating she began to ride him as he steadied her with his powerful hands or she would have fallen off, and the whole time he kept pleasuring her THERE! She rode him and rode him, delirious with the growing indescribable pleasure, and they both grunted and squealed their lust and love, for she knew she had finally found a true mate and lover. Then she brought them both to an agonizing gut-wrenching orgasm she hoped would never end. Totally spent she started to slide off of him, but he pulled her onto his chest and embraced her and held her as he went limp and slid from her. Bleating softly he gently kissed and licked her as she lay panting trying to catch her breath, and he held her close.

I pinned and rode my mate with powerful thrusts, grunting and bellowing at the incredible feeling of being deep inside of her. I didn't hold back, I couldn't, and she was slick and tight and I slid into her to the hilt easily. I thought I would come with each stroke, but it went on for the longest time and the longer the better. When I finally could no longer stand it I exploded deep inside of her, roaring and hissing as I filled her with my seed, and from the sounds she was experiencing the same agonizing ecstasy I was. Temporarily spent I lay across her back and licked her ears and muzzle, just enjoying being inside of her. I also knew I wanted her again, but with my bestial lust satiated for the moment I wanted her more as a woman then an animal. I wanted to make love to her, not just service her. This strange gentle love I had found here of all places, the one thing I had wanted more than anything. I fell back and pulled her with me so I was lying on my back and she was straddling me holding her with my hands around her waist. I looked at our joining and was surprised to see her sex was not entirely that of an animal after all, that pink bud at the top of her vagina could only be a clitoris. Because of my longer neck and muzzle I was able to easily lean forward and began to lick and tongue her, even pushing my tongue into her as she rode me. She gave a deep guttural moan and turned her head to look at me, her mouth open with her tongue hanging out, gasping in pleasure as I licked and nibbled her clitoris. She leaned back as far as she could and started riding me and the sight of my penis sliding in and out of her drove me wild, but I stayed in control and use me for her own pleasure as she rocked up and down, my tongue and lips pleasuring her as well. Finally her rocking's became frenzied and she was throwing her head back and forth, giving loud squeals and bleats of pleasure and lust, then with a final deep grunt she ground down on me and we both orgasmed and screamed in agonized pleasure, our juices squirting from our tight joining. With a sob she fell back into my embrace and I slowly went limp and slid out of her.

I held her for awhile, gently kissing and licking her. We both reeked of our mutual lust, but that was normal for here. I heard sounds of other couples in many of the other rooms and realized we must have set off a kind of chain reaction. I would find out that one good fuck could do that as everyone else wanted to get in on the act. I raised my head as I heard a loud hiss from the door and the sound of clapping hands. It was the Head Overseer and she had a big smile on her muzzle.

"Well! She said, I don't know that you were doing to that Imp, but I hope you'll do it to me too! Don't think I've ever heard one squeal that loud before unless they were being gang banged. I think you're going to be very popular with the ladies for sure, I know you will be with me. What was that thing you were doing with your tongue? That looked kinky as Hell! I may have you give the other males lessons. Now I'm sorry to interrupt, but from the smell fun time is over, so now its work time. Meet me in the cafeteria in five minutes. Your slaves will know where to go for their own feed." And she disappeared, but not before raising her tail with a saucy flip and giving me a good look at her sex. And I swear to Big L I felt a stirring at the sight of a vagina I already knew well, and licked my lips.

I don't think my love even noticed the demoness. She was still lying on my chest holding me and gently licking my muzzle, making contented little bleating sounds. I kissed her again, long and gentle, then reluctantly said,

"I'm sorry my love, but we have to go to work, both you and I. I'm not sure what I'll have to do as I'm new at this, but I guess you need to take the beast and both of you get something to eat. I'm sure I'll see you later. I have to go the cafeteria."

She didn't want to leave him, but knew she had to. But first she told him something she knew was important. "Master, do not ever call me your lover when others can hear. It is forbidden for a demon to take an Imp as a regular lover, and if they find out we will both be punished. Always call me slave or Imp and never show me any favor over others. If another wants to use me for their pleasure do not protest, I am used to it and do not mind. Master, I have never had a male make love to me before as you did, and I will always love you, but it is forbidden. But if we do not advertise the fact most of the others will not mind. Now I must go and perform my duties. If you need me or the beast we will know. She gave him a final tight hug, then jumped up and led the beast off down the tunnel to be fed and report for their duties.

I lay there for another minute listening to the sounds of her hooves fading down the tunnel. I did not want to get up as I dreaded what the "day" had in store for me. I could hear other demons calling greetings to one another and orders being given. Finally with a groan I managed to get out of bed. I relieved myself in the provided hole in the ground, and staggered (I was sore!) off towards the cafeteria as I was ravenous now. When I entered there was applause and shrill bleats that passed for whistles and catcalls here, and I was horribly embarrassed. A few females, and even a couple of males, gave lewd grins and indicated I should sit in their laps. I graciously declined to the sounds of more applause and "Sorry, you would have enjoyed it" comments. Fact is I probably would have, and even though I had never had much in the way of gay tendencies the thought of male on male sex didn't seem to bother me much at all and in fact the sight of a well endowed Ram would even turn me on. Things are definitely different here; the norm is NO sexual taboos or inhibitions at all. If another male approaches you for sex it is considered very bad manners to refuse unless you're doing something important or working for your owner and don't have the time. Do not forget where I am, and what I am, now. The shy overweight man is gone forever; Vulva transformed him and replaced him with a lust crazed beast with too many morals for his own good.

Breakfast was a repeat of dinner, but with the addition of two loaves of bread for everybody as a reward for hard work. Vulva, for all her many faults, does reward her slaves if they earn that reward, and this place even small rewards are greatly appreciated. I would find that most of Vulva's slaves are surprisingly loyal. As before I sat with the Head Overseer who had been assigned to train me, and she turned out to be good company. Like myself she had been human once, also a virgin, but had been sacrificed to a male demon, who like Vulva had transformed her into a creature of Hell. She as actually owned by a demon named Vulkrebs, but was on more or less permanent loan to Vulva since he was himself a slave of Great Lord Ba'al. Quite a few of the other female demons were as well. In return their masters and mistress's got first pick of the most recent crop of beasts and Imps and/or a cut of the profits. Everybody came out ahead except the slaves, but no one cares what they want. As long as we work hard that is all that is expected of us.

I also found out I now had a name of sorts, while the owners never bothered to give their low level slaves names (it wasn't ever permitted) we did give them to one another so we could tell one another apart. I mean think about it, what if someone orders you to go get the male demon slave in the cafeteria, and there are twenty of them? Talk about mass confusion. So my "name", at least the one my fellow slaves would know me by, was "Randy". How embarrassing, I had to rest my muzzle on the table and put my hands over my head as the whole cafeteria echoed with laughter and bleats, even the Imps joined in. But soon I was laughing too, who says demons have no sense of humor! Finally we had time to eat so I stuck my muzzle in the bowl of stew and shoveled it into my mouth with my tongue, grunting and slobbering in pleasure, only pausing to dip the bread and take large bites or take big gulps of the "tea". I made a mess, we ALL made a mess, and then we all had a nice mutual grooming session as we cleaned one another off, ALL over. The messier we got, the more enjoyable the grooming was. Another little pleasure we make the maximum use of, and time permitting it usually results in a short pre-work orgy. With a final lick of my muzzle to slick down an errant hair the Head Overseer, whose "name" was Babs (no idea why) told me to follow her, and I obediently did so.

She led me to a supply room and had the high Imp in charge issue me my basic "gear", it wasn't much. I was fitted out with a plain leather belt with cross straps to hold it up, and then was give a fairly long leash and a nasty looking whip. Both of which I would carry on the belt when not in use. That was it, period. That's all that Babs had too, only difference was hers had silver metal plates on them and her straps looked much nicer the way they helped separate and spread her lovely breasts. She saw where I was looking and ran her tongue over her lips and one thing led to another and soon she was leaning against the counter, both of us grunting and hissing as I serviced her and it was glorious. The Imp just ignored us and went about his business, but he had a raging boner. After we were through she gave me a final lick, and told me that "Oh yes, I was going to be very popular with her and she was going to share me as little as possible!" I think one reason I was so damn, well, Randy was that I had been so old when I was transformed. It made me appreciate it more. I soon had a rep for being a "Hell of a good fuck" which in Hell is high praise indeed. I would even be sent to make "house calls" at some of the higher lever demons domains. But that would come later as I was about to bite the big one, figuratively.

Next Babs checked her schedule and told me I was supposed to report to the Veterinarians officer to have my eyes checked. She put her hand on my shoulder and said,


I'm sorry Randy, but I have no choice. The orders come directly from Mistress Vulva. I think you'll be all right though, at least you'll be seeing Dr. Gupta, and he's not as bad as the others. Be sure to scream a lot, they like that. See you later, I hope. Ta-ta!" Then she trotted off down the tunnel yelling at a group of Imps about something involving mops.

Well that was certainly encouraging! I thought. Talk about a pep talk. I stood there for a long time just staring at nothing. Be sure to scream a lot? What the HELL did that mean? Finally after a lot of curious stares from passersby I came to the conclusion she was pulling my leg, gulp, I HOPE! Then it occurred to me that I had NO idea where the Vets office even was.

I stopped a passing Imp and said, "Excuse me." The Imp, a very large and imposing male boar, immediately bowed and said,

"Snort, yes master, how may I, snort, be of service, grunt?"

"Do you know the way to the Veterinarians office, please?" I asked.

He looked at me with his mouth open and tongue swishing over his tusks, a look of utter terror on his porcine face. He fell on his face and grabbed my leg and squealed "Please Master, squuueeee, don't send me there, please, I'll do ANYthing!" and started crying! What the hell, I thought.

About that time another demon came clopping up to me, and said, "What the Hell did he do? He's my slave, and if he's to be punished it will be by ME! Now tell me what he did and we'll decide on a suitable punishment!"

The pig Imp wailed "Squueee! Master he says I have to, grunt, go to the Vet! I didn't do anything! Squeeee, please master!"

The other demon looked at me in horror, "You told him he had to go to the Vet! What are you, some kind of sadist?" Another demon who had stopped to watch added "That's just cruel!" Some more Imps were panicking now, "The Vet? Not the Vet! Please masters!"

I had been watching all of this with my mouth open. "But, but, I, uh, all I"

The other demon who'd been watching said "You're SICK!" and went on his way while the other demon tried to console the pig Imp. "There, there, he said, I won't let the mean master send you to the vet!" The pig Imp wailed, "Promise, squee?"

"But, but, All I wanted was directions to the Vet, I didn't tell him I was sending him there for the love of Gliznak! " I blurted out. The demon, still petting the sniveling pig Imp, calmed down a little and said,

"Well, how the Hell was he supposed to know that? Just mentioning that word scares the Beelzebub out of the beasts and Imps, come to think of it most demon kind too." He shuddered. "Why do want directions to that, that place?"

"I have an appointment." I replied.

At that both the demon and the Imp became perfectly quiet, and stared at me in sympathy. "Geez, I'm sorry buddy. The demon said, Who'd you piss off?, never mind, none of my business." The pig Imp pulled on my leg and said "Me sorry Master, hope you be OK." The demon said in a whisper, "Um, look, I know some really good hiding places, if you're interested. Wink, wink."

"Um, thanks, but no thanks. I'm just having my eyes checked. I just want to get it over with it." I replied.

He looked at me solemnly, "Buddy you are one very brave demon, I wish you the best. Just go down tunnel, take the second right and go straight for some ways until you hear the screams, and you're there, so long and good luck. Come on you stupid pig." And he led the pig Imp off down the corridor.

As they walked away I heard him mutter to himself "Better him then me, poor slob. Now get back to work you lazy pig!" he said as he snapped his whip, and pig Imp squealed "Yes master, grunt!" just happy it didn't have to go to the vet itself, and then added "Poor, poor master."

By now I was having serious reservations about this whole vet deal. I almost called the demon back to ask him about the "hiding places", but figured "How bad can it be?" Believe you me I had NO idea, if I had I would have jumped in one of the volcanoes.

I followed, somewhat slowly, the demons instructions. Took the second right and kept going for a really long way. I heard screams and other noises of torment and pain and/or pleasure, they were pretty common here, kind of the local version of elevator music, but they did get louder as I approached my destination.

I passed a demon going in the opposite direction and cringed against the wall as he passed me. He was making weird noises and shaking his head back and forth and lathering at the mouth. "Ug, ick, gleep! Gargle!" He said. He looked at me and turned and pointed down the tunnel, then said "A, HA, HA, HA, HA!" and ran shrieking down the tunnel."

Holy Crap! I thought, he must have gotten loose from the loony bin, but then again this whole place was a loony bin! I stood there for awhile, but when no more whack jobs turned up I finally worked up my courage and went on. It can't be THAT bad I thought, can it?

Finally I came to a door with a glass panel that had "Veterinary Clinic, Dr. Singh Gupta" painted on it in gold letters. Nervously I opened the door, one of the first I'd seen in hell, and stuck my head inside. To my relief it looked like a fairly normal waiting room, tile floors, and puke green walls with framed diplomas hanging on them, but no chairs though, we slaves don't rate them. There was actually a stand with some magazines so I walked over and took a look. I picked up one called "Depraved" and took a look, blinked, and put it back down, good name I thought. The rest were medical journals of some kind with titles like "Creative Vivisection" and "Scream". Now sick to my stomach I put down the last magazine and looked around again. I hadn't noticed it at first but there was one of those "take a number" dispensers, so I took one. Number "666", oh just great, I thought, that's encouraging. I walked over to look at the diplomas on the wall, my hooves loudly clopping against the tiles, place had great acoustics.

I stopped and read the first one "Dr. Gupta Singh, last in his class to graduate from the Marquis de Sade School of Veterinary Medicine" WHAT? Quickly I moved to the next one, "Black Hole of Calcutta School of Vivisection, Dr. Gupta Singh, Top of the Class", the next one was a Certificate of Appreciation from a Mortuary Company for providing more business than any other customer. Then the inner door opened and a large multi armed demon wearing a blood stained white hospital smock and wearing glasses thicker than mine stuck its head in the room and said "Next please!, serving No. 666!"

I let out a scream and ran for the door, but there was NO handle on the inside and there were bloody hand and paw prints all over it! "Mommy!" I yelled and started clawing it, gibbering in terror.

"Oh my, another reluctant patient, indeed my goodness yes!" the blood stained horror said, "It is most unfortunate Sahib, but now I must summon my assistants to assist you, oh my yes!"

I turned and looked as two huge muscular ape demons carrying manacles and chains came through the door and started towards me! "YOOOOOOWWW!" I squealed and went right through the door knocking it off its hinges, but they caught me about a hundred yards down the corridor and after a short, but very spirited, battle they dragged me back, chained up and kicking and screaming the whole way. We passed one demon and I put my hands together like I was praying and said "Help me, For the love of Big L, help me!" But it just ducked its head and ran down the tunnel. "Thanks for NOTHING jerk!" I yelled after it.

Next I tried the two bruisers, "Ah, heh, heh, funny thing guys, but I just got lost and stopped to ask for directions. Yup, don't need to see the Vet at all. Nope. Now let me go and I'll get out of your hair." One of them just said "Shaddup." And then he punched me on the end of my muzzle. "OW!" How rude!

When we got back to the door I managed to delay the inevitable for a short while by bracing both of my legs across the jamb, that is at least until one of the grunts gave me a light kick in the nuts, and then they dragged me holding myself and making funny noises through the waiting room and into Hell in Hell. I gave one more plaintive wail as the door shut behind me.

The two goons dragged me down a hall and into an examining room, or torture chamber, take your pick; they're pretty much the same thing down here. They took the chains off, and then with me kicking and screaming again they transferred me to a heavy table and strapped me down eagle spread and helpless. I got in a good kick to ones face with my hoof, and bit the other on the arm, so I felt pretty pleased with myself overall. I hurled obscenities at them as they left, pretty creative ones, but all they did was flip me the bird. "He's ready, Doc" I heard one say. Oh double crap. I looked up as the "doctor" came into the room. I could see him better now, he was a Kali Demon with all those extra arms and he was waving them around with all sorts of nasty sharp looking things in them. He was wearing a now fairly clean smock and a turban. He said,

"Greetings Sab, and how are you today? You are here for the castration, yes?"

"NO!" I bellowed, and started struggling and the table bounced up and down.

"But Sab, I must first do this to perform the sex change operation, oh indeed my goodness yes!"

"Mistress VUUUULLLLVVVVAAAA!" I screeched, "I wanna go HOOMMEE!" The table was now bouncing about a foot up into the air and was moving around the room. BAM, BAM, BAM!

"Oh my, how very energetic!" The doctor said, then he started giggling "He, he, he, snicker! Oh, do not be so dramatic Sab, I was just making a joke, it is funny, yes?" I heard one of the ape demons guffawing, "Good one doc!" Yuk, nyuk.

"NOT FUNNY!" I yelled back, but stopped struggling in relief. The table was now over next to one of the walls and he had to call the goons back in to put it back in the center of the room. They were impressed. "Wow, said one, never seen it move that far before!"

I was motivated, I thought. Then I eyed the doctor who was approaching, and gave a deep growling snarl. "Get away from me; I don't know where you've been!" I lunged at him, my jaws snapping together, and he stepped back. I have a NASTY bite.

"Oh my, most rude indeed! Now tell me, if you are not here to be gelded, then what pray tell are you here for? Hmmm. It is OK Sab, you can tell me, I am a doctor."

"I'm here for an eye exam, I'm far-sighted. See, I'm wearing glasses just like you!" Somehow I had managed to keep my glasses so far, knock on wood.

"Oh my, he said, indeed you do have glasses. I thought they were eyebrows or something, silly me! Hmm, it has been a very long time, very long indeed, since I have seen an eyesight problem. Now where did I put that chart? Excuse please Sab!" He left the room and I heard him rummaging around somewhere. Suddenly he said "Oh, there you are! Gorp, get that please before it gets away again! Thank you."

I watched as a little demon with all sorts of tubes and electrical leads hanging from him came running past the door with a goon in hot pursuit, and a few seconds later the goon came back dragging him by a leg and his claws were leaving grooves in the floor, "NA, NA, NA!" he was squealing. I heard the doc say,

"Oh, please to strap him down good this time, we must not have him running about upsetting the other patients, oh indeed my goodness we must not!" A second later he said, "Aha, I have found it, let there be great rejoicing! Now back to work."

Found what? I thought. If it's some more sharp pointy things I'll bounce this table down the hall and out the door! As I looked up the doctor came back in and to my relief had an old worn looking eye chart with him. With a relieved sigh I let my head lay back down and said "Thank you." to no one in particular.

The "doctor" hung the chart on the wall then came over and looked down at me through his coke bottle lens glasses. He said,

"Okey dokey, now to get you ready for the eye exam Sab. Now please to hold still and not to be struggling."

He leaned over me and there was a sudden flurry of arms, the dude had eight of them! When he was done he said, "Okay, all done. What joy! Now I have to find the eye looking thingies, be back soon Sab, don't go anywhere. He, he, he, giggle."

What a maroon. I thought. And what just happened? I suddenly realized I was strapped down even more. I now had straps across my forehead, around my neck, and my muzzle was strapped shut! "WA DE FCK!" I tried to say," MMMFFFKKRR!" How the HELL did he do that!

I suddenly heard the sound of clicking on the floor, and looking sideways with my eye that was on the side of my head facing the door I saw a little demoness in a nurses uniform suddenly stop when she saw me, She looked up and down the corridor, then slipped into the room. She was a snake or lizard demoness of some kind, I could see her long tail trailing behind her and the clicking sound had been from her claws. She walked over and stood looking down at me with eyes just like me own, and her long forked tongue came flicking out, but unlike mine hers came out of a tube in her lower jaw. We both can "taste" the air with our reptile tongues, but I'm sure hers was more sensitive. She flicked her tongue in and out a few more times and then she reached down and lifted her nurse's uniform over her head and was nude underneath. I'd been surprised she was even wearing a nurse's outfit to start with as no-clothes were the general rule. She was covered in small green scales except for tan colored belly and chest bands and her breasts were very nice, she even had aureoles and nipples, not all reptile demon kind do you know. She walked about to the base of the table or exam bench or whatever and I head a metallic ratcheting sound. Since my head was strapped down I couldn't see what she was doing. I thought, What IS she doing?

I gave a grunt as I felt something loop around my balls and tighten; it felt like a rope or something. "MMFFFF! WUD RU U DING!" I tried to ask. I heard the ratcheting sound again and felt the rope or whatever it was suddenly grow taught and then it started pulling and stretching my balls! "UGH! WUDDAFKRUDING!" I bleated. Klack, klack, klack, "OWOOOOOOO!" as I felt myself stretched farther and farther until it felt like she was tearing them off. As a result of this rather unexpected and uninvited attention I had gotten a boner, and now it was standing straight up as the result of the tension on my scrotum. Which is evidently what she had intended.

She hopped up on the table and stood over me, her crotch right above my aching erection and straining balls. Her tongue flicked out a couple more times and then she lowered herself towards my waiting erection, and as she squatted her vent opened to reveal her dark red sex, a thick fluid dripping from it."HLYFKINGSHT!" I moaned. She took one hand and guided me into her, my head pressing against, and then disappearing slowly into her hot wet embrace. "UM UM UM!" I gasped. She was a slender petite thing, and I thought she was going to her hurt herself, no way can I fit all the way; I'll spilt her in half! But she kept lowering herself onto me, taking inch after inch, her head thrown back as she hissed and gasped. I was hissing and gasping too! She was TIGHT! I could now actually see the outline of my penis inside of her, and still she kept forcing me deeper into her, eight inches, ten, to the hilt! "OHHHHHH!" I moaned, it felt incredible, even the pain in my stretched balls had turned to pleasure.

She looked down at me again, locking her eyes with mine and I knew exactly how a bird felt when a snake was getting ready to eat it. She began to ride me, lifting herself up a few inches before sliding back down, then again, and again. I was being raped and it was GREAT! I was totally helpless, she was in total control. She teased me, bringing me to the brink again and again, an expert at what she was doing. She brought herself to orgasm after orgasm, but never let me come! The bitch! Then she stood up, hopped down off the table, put her uniform back on, and turned t to leave. "NUUUUU!" I moaned through my strapped shut muzzle. She turned and looked at me. "PLS, DUN LEB ME LKE DIS!" I pleaded. She walked back over to the table, licked a big drop of pre off my rock hard aching erection, and turned and left. "UMMMMMFFFFF!" I squealed. I needed to come SO bad, someone help me please! I screamed in my mind.

The screwy doctor didn't come back for almost another hour, and I was still rock hard and dribbling pre, almost incoherent from lust. The doctor blinked when he saw my "condition".

"Oh dearie me my goodness, has that mean snake demoness been playing with you Sab? Oh what a naughty lady, indeed my goodness yes!"

"Uh-huh" I said, "Pls mke e cum, pls!"

"Oh no, no way Jose, I am not into such kinky things Sab! Here, let me to undo this winch, there! Is that not better Sahib?"

I gave a gasping moan as the unbearable stretching pressure to my balls ceased, but I was still rock hard. "Um, dank u" I moaned. The doc smiled and said,

"Oh, it was my pleasure Sab, think nothing of it! Now please to hold still for the eye exam, okey-dokey?"

He put some sort of clamps on my eyelids so I couldn't close my eyes, then shone bright lights in them, stuck things in them, poked at them, and blew air in them from something to check something, all the time muttering to himself, and the whole time I was screaming through the muzzle strap, which is why I had it on I now realized. It felt like he was going to pop my eyes out or something, and he never even had me use the stupid eye chart! Finally he stepped back and said,

"Well now, I believe I see the problem Sab, oh indeed my goodness yes!"

Stop saying that! I thought, it's irritating and doesn't make any sense! And let me go! "MMMF, MMMFFF!!" Then I froze when he said,

"Now to operate, oh such joy, I have never done this before Sab, I am thanking you for this opportunity!" And he turned and ran out the door yelling for a nurse.

"Nuuuuu!" I moaned. I tried to start bouncing the table around again, but was strapped down too well. "OMTHRFKER! LEBE GU!"

He came back a short time later with a nurse to assist him, and you got it, it was Ms. Rapist. I was still rock hard and looked at her longingly. Then my attention was diverted when she wheeled up a table with all sorts of really nasty looking instruments laid out on it, many rusty and/or dirty. "Okey dokey!" said Gunga Dim, "Now let us get started Sab, Oh and you may scream all you feel like if it makes you feel better, oh indeed my goodness yes!"

And believe you me I did, I screamed and hollered and bellowed and made sounds I've never heard before or since. He used lasers on my eye, poked sharp needles and other things into them, and used no anesthetic or pain deadeners of any kind and I remained awake the whole time. Finally after what seemed like hours he finished, and with a happy giggle said,

"All done Sab, and I must say I certainly hope it is a success, you betcha, oh indeed my goodness yes! If you go blind oh well, but I think that maybe that will not happen in this case. I will have some new glasses made as well, but it may take some time as I don't think any demon kind know how to make them, they might have to special order them from up there. Now the nice lizard will fix you all up and let you go. Have a nice day I am wishing you with my whole face!" And he turned and ran out the door, and I heard him say "Did I not tell you to keep that thing strapped down, it is lose again! This is most annoying, on indeed my goodness yes! Now get it before it messes on the floor again, how unsanitary!"

The nurse came over and carefully removed the clamps from my eyelids and for the first time in hours I was able to close my eyes. OH! It hurt and felt so good at the same time. I moaned, and I could feel tears and other fluids leaking from under my eyelids. She hissed and I opened my eyes and she squirted some sort of fluid into them from a small plastic bottle. I said "HSSSSSSSSS!" through my muffled muzzle as the fluid stung like Hell at first, but then the pain went away and it felt sooo good! I shut my eyes again and moaned. She undid the straps from around my forehead and neck, then the one from around my muzzle.I sucked in a great big lungful of air and let out a sob of relief. I was still rock hard and aching, and looking at her I pleaded "Please, don't leave me like this, please, it hurts, it really hurts." I'd had a rock hard erection now for hours, and even in something like me it went from pleasure to pain after awhile, especially since I'd been brought to the brink so many times. It was true torture for a thing like me. I looked at my aching rampant erection and the large puddle of pre that had formed on my stomach and dripped over the side and onto the table. "Please?" I asked plaintively.

She seemed to think it over, then she walked to the base of the table again and klack, klack, klack I felt my balls being stretched again and my penis slowly rose until it was standing upright again. Oh crap, I thought, she's going to rape me again! If she does I'm going to scream bloody murder, not that that would do any good but it would make me feel better. But I needn't have worried. She mounted me again and as I lay there helpless she quickly brought to me to not one, not two, but three ball draining massive orgasms and I DID scream, quite a lot, oh indeed my goodness yes!

When she dismounted she had a noticeable bulge in her tummy, and didn't spill a drop. She leaned over and flicked her tongue across my muzzle and I licked hers. "Thank you." I said hoarsely. "My pleassssure!" she hissed and started undoing the wrist and ankle straps. Hell, I thought she couldn't talk! I made sure to ask her when she got off from work. As I wearily swung over and stepped down from the table, she hissed,

"Put thessse dropsss in your eyessss every six hoursss until they are gone. Oh, and you are due back in two weeksss for a checkup, hissss! Have a nice day, Hisss."

I staggered down the tunnel with my head twitching; I had to go back in two weeks! "He,he, he!" I paused as I saw a scared looking demoness looking at me. "Ug, ick, gleep! Gargle!" I turned and pointed down the tunnel toward the Vets office, "A, HA, HA, HA, HA!" I gibbered, and ran shrieking down the tunnel leaving the now terrified demoness to contemplate her own impending visit to the Vet of Hell.



The Demon Misfit, Chapter 1

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Demon Misfit, Chapter 1 By William W. Kelso I woke up with a really bad headache, man what did I DO last night? And why is it so warm anyway, damn AC must be on the fritz again, as usual. I tried...

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The Seeker, Chapter 5

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 5 By William W. Kelso It's been about five years I guess, it's hard to tell time down here, since my Mistress and I had our rather unfortunate run-in with a rather nasty human...

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The Seeker, Chapter 4

Fellow Furries, this is another story related to the actions of our Demoness friend who loves to get a hold of stupid mortals and transform them into her "pets", her specialty being virgins. It's a related spinoff to the "Reluctant Incubus" and...

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