The Demon Misfit, Chapter 1

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Demon Misfit, Chapter 1

By William W. Kelso

I woke up with a really bad headache, man what did I DO last night? And why is it so warm anyway, damn AC must be on the fritz again, as usual. I tried to move and my eyes snapped open. What the fuck? I tried to move again and was only able to wiggle a little bit, WHAT? It was pretty dark, but I could still see that I was strapped to a table with honest to God iron manacles around my ankles and wrists and I was naked! What DID I do last night? My head was starting to clear up some and NOW I remembered. That hot chick, the one that had picked me up at the student center last night where I was grading papers! I couldn't believe it at the time, I'd had like maybe three dates, all disasters, in my entire life, so when a good looking girl had turned on to me I was, well, shocked and flattered. She wasn't even a student looking for "favors", I always backed out of those kind of situations right away, NOT good for an assistant teacher to get caught messing with a student even if he was only a couple of years older, really BAD career move.

I thought maybe I'd found someone that liked brains over brawn, but if that was true then why the hell was I strapped down butt naked on a table or something in what looked like a prop from an old Frankenstein movie? I tried the chains again, but they were the real deal and I had a feeling the rest of the place was just as real. I looked around at the old brick walls with moisture and niter stains on them, there were arches in the walls and some had old bottle racks in them. From the architecture I guessed I was in a circa-1840-60's basement or wine cellar. Thick walls, no windows, no one would hear me if I yelled so I didn't. At least she'd left me my glasses so I could see. I whimpered in growing fear, WHY had she done this to me? Hell, if she wanted sex I'd have been MORE then glad to cooperate, at my age being a virgin was embarrassing. I mean I know how everything works; I'd just had no hands on experience. But if someone chains you up naked in their basement it usually means they're not interested in a normal evening of romance. Man, this really sucks. Why did the one good looking woman who'd ever shown an interest in me turn out to be a psycho? I tried not to think about what she might have in store for me, but didn't have much luck. I have a very active imagination, which is not a good asset in this kind of situation.

Olivia had been glad to finally find the virgin she needed. It used to very easy to find a virgin on the old College campus, but that had certainly changed over the last sixty years or so. Now the new students fresh from High School were almost never virgins anymore, and the few that were didn't stay that way for very long. She was appalled at such loose moral standards. Being almost 300 years old the Sorceress had spent her youth in a much more stringent and morally strong era, and while she herself had no morals whatsoever she still disapproved of similar behavior in others. She had finally settled next to the College over a hundred years ago as it could provide her with plenty of oversexed young lovers, both male and female, plus the virgins she needed every ten years to renew her contract with her patroness demoness. But the last few times finding a suitable virgin sacrifice was downright hard.

She was getting a little worried as she only had a couple of more days to find one and it was getting close to the time she would have to summon her patroness in order to renew the contract, if she didn't a Seeker (she shuddered) would be sent to "collect" her soul. She decided to give the student center a try because on Saturday nights that was were some of the more desperate students tended to hang out and she hoped she'd get lucky. At his point she'd even settle for a female virgin though her patroness preferred males. She had almost given up when her necklaces pendant began to get warm, at last! Now it was only a matter of narrowing down the possibilities and cutting the virgin from the herd. She moved through the scattered students, most of who stared at her in frank lust (she had that effect on males and some females). However she soon started to get frustrated. Where WAS he? The warmth would grow, then fade, then almost die away. She was sure she had moved close to every male in the area, but the charmed pendant had not indicated which one was the virgin. She felt like jumping up and down and having a fit, the charm had never lied before! Then she heard a door open and watched as a young man, slightly older than the other students, walked out of a room and over to the snack machines, got a bag of chips, then walked back to the room and shut the door. AHA! She causally moved over to the door, the frosted glass window in the door had "TEACHERS LOUNGE" on it in golden letters. So, he's a teacher, interesting. From what she'd seen so far he didn't look like much, kind of porky and dumpy looking, but he WAS a virgin and that was the only requirement for her needs.

He had proven ridiculously easy to seduce and capture. He had been pathetically glad for her attentions and she almost felt sorry for him. In a clumsy inept way he was kind of charming, a real old-fashioned gentleman. He held the doors open for her, insisted on carrying her bag of "groceries" from the car to her house, and had even fixed her broken doorbell with just his penknife. Damn thing had been broken for years. Had he known what was in the bag of "groceries" he might not have been so eager to carry it for her, it contained a set of premium grade black mass candles that had cost her a small fortune. They HAD to be top grade to bind her patroness inside the pentagram. He was a fairly big man, but overweight and had glasses with lenses so thick his eyes looked huge, it was funny looking. He kind of reminded her of that old comedian Lou Costello that she had met once, and her victim was kind of sad and funny in the same way. She found herself actually liking the bumbling man, he tried so hard to please, but she would do what she had to do as it was his soul or hers, and she knew what her "reward" would be. So she girded herself for what was to come and tried to stop thinking of him not as a man, but as a sacrificial animal. She made him tea, and after he'd passed out she dragged him through the secret entrance to the old basement and stripping him she chained him to the altar. She was panting and almost of out breathe when she was through, he was a heavy guy. It was still a few hours till the appointed time, so she prepared for the ceremony by cleansing herself and getting the required components of the spell ready. Her last act would be to prepare the candles and activate the pentagram. Then she would summon her patroness to claim her prize and renew her own contract for another ten years.

I was starting to hope that maybe the lady was just kinky and into bondage and stuff, hell I could actually go for that as long as no body parts were removed. At my age beggars can't be choosers, and she was so fantastic looking I could actually make allowances for certain, um, eccentricities. But if she was into the dominant thing why had she left me chained up in the dark, for now what must have been several hours. No, this felt really bad. I only had one thing left to try if she had nasty plans for me, groveling and bribery. In a situation like this forget pride and bravery, and don't tell me you'd be all macho if YOU were chained down butt naked in a dungeon! I'll honestly tell you though, if I' d have had ANY idea of what she had planned for me I would have started screaming a long time ago and never stopped.

Finally I heard a heavy sounding door open somewhere, complete with un-oiled hinges to complete the dungeon effect, and she came walking into the room or dungeon or basement, or whatever it was. She was wearing a black robe like a monk and carrying the groceries bag I'd carried in for her and a large very old looking leather book. I tried to talk to her,

"Olivia, that's your name right? What's going on, why are you doing this? It's really very um, uncomfortable and disconcerting to say the least. If you're interested in bondage or something like that I can go with it if you just tell me what you want?" Nothing, she just ignored me. Okay, plan two.

"Um, I don't know if it would make any difference, but I have about $10,000 in my savings account, it's yours if you'll just let me go. I promise. I'll even let you do what you want to do if you promise not to hurt me. And I promise I won't tell anybody." Nada, OK, plan three. Time for a lot of begging.

"Please let me go! You're scaring the Hell out of me lady. I don't think I can give you want you want anyway, I'm too scared to do ANYthing! Pleeaassee let me go! I'm a nice guy, I've never hurt anyone before, please don't hurt me! And to my embarrassment I started blubbering. I'm SCARED, PLEASE LET ME GO!" Her only response was to come over and stick a piece of duct tape over my mouth. "MMMPPPFFFFFF!"

She was finally ready, so she opened the secret door and walked down the steps into the old wine cellar. Her sacrifice heard her of course, and staring at her he made the usual pleas and begged for release. They all did. She had to pretend to ignore him because she did kind of like this one, he wasn't some whiny little brat like most of them. His pleas got progressively desperate, so when he started blubbering she finally had enough and walked over and put a piece of tape over his mouth. She ignored his terrified pleading eyes and continued the necessary preparations.

First she double checked the pentagram. She had laboriously chiseled it into the natural stone floor of the old cellar, and then used a spell to inlay the pentagram and symbols in sterling silver. It had turned out nice, even her patroness had told her it was "classy". She checked to make sure the symbols and lines were intact, if they weren't she would be very sorry. Next she moved five old candle stands to their proper places at the five points of the pentagram, unwrapped the new black mass candles and double checked them to make sure they were the real thing, she'd heard of idiots getting stuck with regular black candles and the results of those mistakes, that wasn't going to happen to her! She hadn't lived 300 years by being careless. Next she set two regular candles in their holders and then dragged the podium over to one side of the altar. She lit the two candles so she could see to read her tome of arcane knowledge, and taking a deep breath she let her robe fall to the ground and started the incantation.

I thought maybe I'd finally hit a cord or something when she walked over to me, but all she did was stick that tape across my mouth. No, this did not look good at all. I watched as she dragged some old candle stands to various corners around the table (which I know realized was a solid block of quartzite) and put black candles in them. Oh crap, I thought, I recognize this set-up, a black mass of some kind, with me as the centerpiece. Oh crappity crapola, was she really going to cut my throat or something, didn't she know all that God vs Devil stuff was bullcrap? Just my luck, murdered in a stupid superstitious ritual by a crazy want-to-make-a deal-with-the-Devil nutjob! I just kept staring at her in terror, waiting for the knife to come out. Even when she dropped her robe and was nude underneath (and I got hard, I'm only human) and incredibly beautiful I was still terrified despite my obvious arousal. Oh no, I thought, what if she castrates me! I gave a loud muffled scream and struggled some more, but all I did was tear up the skin on my wrists and ankles until I was bleeding. It would be so horribly unfair if I lost my manhood before I even got to use it!

Then she started reading from that old book she had, and I recognized it was old classical Latin. I could recognize some of it as Latin had been an elective of mine in college. Her voice was loud but I still had a hard time hearing exactly what she was saying, it sounded like she was summoning, or calling, something. What the heck was a Vulva anyway, oh, wait a second, wasn't that the name of a woman's um, HOLY BEJEEZUS OMG! Or as I said through the tape "HRY BJZS OMG!" as a large cloud of sulphurous red smoke appeared next to the table and I felt my ears pop as the air pressure changed.

I felt my eyes bug out as the smoke cleared to reveal I was no longer alone in the pentagram; it looked like a large person wearing a black overcoat had appeared out of nowhere. It's got to be special effects I thought. But when the figure opened and folded its huge bat like wings I almost passed out. What in the ?? The thing, for that's what it was, no human ever looked like that, started to address the witch or whatever she was. I knew it couldn't be a costume, oh Sweet Jesus.

"I am Vulva, Patroness Demoness of Carnal Pleasure! Who has dared to summon me? HISS!" The creature said in a deep, very impressive, definitely female, voice.

"Patroness, I Olivia, your faithful servant and acolyte, do humbly beseech that you hear my petition and accept my sacrifice."

"Olivia! How nice to be summoned by someone who knows the old, polite, ways. Of course I will grant you my time and attention. At least you aren't a fruitcake like those Beautre sisters who summoned me last." The creature replied.

"The Beautre sisters, said Olivia in surprise. Are those two miscreants still running around lose? I thought Vulkrebs got them last year."

"No such luck I'm afraid, Vulva replied. Whatever else you can say about them they are cunning, have to admire that. Last sacrifice they offered me was almost dead, poor thing, but he did turn out rather, um, nice." As she talked she gently rubbed her slightly protruding stomach, oh yes, he turned out very nice indeed she thought fondly. Then she reached out and touched what looked like thin air and there was a flash of light and spray of sparks. "Just checking" She said with an evil smile. "Now to the matter at hand, I assume you have the regular required sacrifice for me?'

"But of course my Patroness, I would not have dared waste your time otherwise. I know my place and obligations." And she bowed her head.

"Yes, you do, hissed Vulva, and that is what I like about you. I will extend my last offer again. If you consent to give me your body and soul now I will make sure to find you a, less then miserable, place in my service in Hell. I may not make this offer again, and I only make to the more um, professional, Sorceresses. I will make it worth your while. Hissss."

"My Patroness, I am flattered. But I think I would like to spend a few more years in this world. I'm not through, um, partaking it of it pleasures yet." Olivia replied.

"A shame, said Vulva, it would have been fun. And I'm sure we could match any of the, um, pleasures of which you speak. But now to business, let me take a look at your offering. I can already smell his innocence and my loins ache for him!"

Her loins WHAT for WHO? I thought as I stared in disbelief at what to me was an impossibility. The thing standing next to me just couldn't exist, things like her (?) do NOT exist, this is insane! It must be some sort of gag, a sick sorority trick. I had listened to them talking like they were passing the time of day; it was like some sort of Twilight Zone episode! But it was so horribly real. And then the creature turned to face me.

Vulva looked down at the helpless man lying on the altar and was less then pleased. "Hmmm, she said, hissss. He's definitely not up to your usual grade of sacrifice Olivia, bit on the porky side isn't he? Hiss?"

If you don't like me, let me go! I thought in terror. I won't complain!

"I'm sorry my Patroness, but good quality virgins are hard to come by these days. The regular humans are almost as randy as we are nowadays, you have no idea how long it took to find him."

"Actually, I think I do. Vulva replied. The last few have been pretty pitiful too; the last one was almost dead thanks to tweedledumb and tweedledumber "playing" with him first. Perverts. At least this one is healthy and already anxious for my attentions, hissss!" and she reached down and fondled the man's balls and erect penis, and when she squeezed a drop of pre formed on his head, and with a lick of her tongue she tasted it, "Mmmm, pure and sweet, aren't you my pet?"

"HLY SHT!" I said through the tape as the creature fondled me and then licked my dick! Despite having nasty looking claws her touch was soft and gentle for the most part, but I wasn't paying much attention at that point. I was trying to scream through the tape and started struggling again, the wounds to my ankles and wrists started bleeding again. This was impossible! "MMMMPPPFFF, GU AWY! LEV ME ALNE! MUMMEEE!"

Vulva laughed, "I do believe my new pet has something to say!" Then she leaned over and took the edge of the duck tape over the virgins mouth and said, "This will hurt you more then it hurts me, my pet, hisss!" and yanked the tape off.

I watched the creature, the erotically beautiful creature I realized, as it leaned over me, and telling me it was going to hurt, yanked the duct tape off my mouth. I've always had a rather low threshold of pain, and it DID hurt like a MF. "OOWWW! Son of a Bitch! What is wrong with you two loonies? This is NOT funny and is a really SICK joke!"

Vulva smiled, and leaning over she ran her long black forked tongue slowly across the man's face. "Hiss, I assure you I am not a joke, my pet. I am exactly what I appear to be, hissssss!" and licked him again, nice and slow enjoying the taste of his sweat and lust.

The creature just smiled at me and then leaned over and kissed, no, licked me with a long forked reptilian tongue! Oh Gross! I thought. Then it told me it was real and the primitive animal mind deep within me already knew that, only the civilized mind refused to believe it. It licked me again with a hiss.

"But, that can't be! I wailed, I'm an atheist, I don't believe in things like you!"

"OH, my pet, but we believe in you! Hiss Hiss Hiss!" she said and started to fondle me again. "Now enough of this idle chatter, Hiss, it is time you and I grew more, um, acquainted. Hissss!"

"Don't touch me! I screamed, Get away from me! Olivia, please help me, don't let her hurt me, please! I'll do anything! Pleeassseee! Get away from me you hideous thing!" I blathered like an idiot, but I wasn't very coherent at this point.

Vulva said "How rude, I am NOT hideous, ugly maybe, but not hideous. Roseanne Barr is hideous, but not me! I think I see why you put the tape over his mouth Olivia, good idea, hissss." And leaning over again she put the tape back over the virgin's rather loud mouth.

"Mmmmmppppppffffff MF!" I said through the tape.

With a smile of anticipation Vulva jumped onto the table and straddled the terrified man. She ran her tongue over her lips, drooling at the thought of the treat to come. The tip of her tail snaked between her legs and coiled around the base of his penis and stood it upright to make it easier for her to mount him. At least he is a little more than average in that department, she thought in approval. She gave a long drawn out Hiss of pleasure as she lowered herself onto his waiting hardness, grunting a little as his head penetrated her first set of lips and slid into her. "Hiiiiiiissss, grunt! Oh sooo sweet, Yesss!"

Oh God, I thought, please help me! I believe in you now, I really do! But nothing happened and I could only stare in a mixture of horror and, anticipation? as she lowered herself onto me. She had her tail wrapped around my cock and was using it to guide me into her! I could see the dark red lips of her sex, dripping with her sexual juices, and my own penis was now slick with pre. OMG, this is NOT happening! I could only raise my head and stare helplessly as she took me inside of her and I gave a loud of muffled moan of, God help me, pleasure as I felt my penis penetrate and slide into her vagina. It felt so unbelievably good! I let my head lie back down and closed my eyes, tears leaking from them, as she started raping me, and was sickened to realize I was enjoying it. The demoness had me in her to the hilt now, and with a grunt of pleasure began to rock back and forth, and I moaned at the incredible pleasure.

I opened my eyes and could see Olivia watching what was happening, I looked at her and begged with my eyes, but knew it was hopeless as she was watching in obvious arousal of her own. Then all I could do was concentrate on the beast that was causing me so much pleasure.

Vulva grunted in pleasure as she rode the virgin, it was always so much fun to rape an innocent, they were usually SO grateful they ended up willingly giving her what she wanted, but could not take. From the way this poor man was reacting to her attentions she had no doubts that would be the case this time as well. He was a little old for a virgin, but that just made him tastier. She ground down on him and stopped for a few seconds, and her powerful vaginal muscles pulled his testicles up inside of her and held him there, then she began to rock back and forth again. "Hisss, oh yessss!" She knew he was reaching his limit, but she would not let him come for a very, oh yes, very long time. She preferred to make her victims beg for her to take their body and soul. She rode him for a long time but finally she leaned forward, and tearing off the tape she pressed her muzzle to his face and kissed him brutally.

"Ohhhh GUUUD!" I moaned through the tape as the beast rode me, hissing in obvious delight. "Umf, umf!" I stared up at her in fascination, pinned by her beautiful, but expressionless, reptilian eyes as they returned my stare. She suddenly threw her head back and ground down on me and gave a deep guttural hiss and I answered with a moan of my own. Then she stopped and I felt something warm and wet wrap itself around my testicles, and pull me up inside of her! This-can't-be-happening! OMG, I had never imagined or dreamed it could be like this. I looked up at her as she kept riding me, her head was part goat and part lizard, she had horns and ears like a bats and large bat wings folded on her back. She was a goat from the waist down as far as I could tell and had cloven hooves, but I could see small fine scales through her thick curly fur. Her breasts were the most beautiful I'd ever seen, firm and perfect with large aureoles and nipples and as she rocked back and forth they bobbed up and down and they were also covered in fine reddish scales. As I watched, moaning and gasping through the tape gag she leaned forward again, ripped off the tape, and pressed her muzzle to my mouth and her tongue slid into and invaded my mouth, and I didn't, couldn't, resist as I kissed her back.

She was pleased at his response as he returned her kiss, letting her tongue explore his mouth and throat with no protest. She made a small gesture and the shackles around his wrists came loose, and rearing back again she took his arms and pressed his hands against her breasts with a hiss of pleasure. As with all of them he knew what to do, even humans have animal instincts, and soon his hands were kneading and caressing her breasts and she felt her nipples grow harder. Oh Yessssss! "Hisssssss!" She began to grind down on him harder and more rapidly and listened to his gasping moans of lust and pleasure. Soon, she thought, soon! She leaned forward and kissed him again and he returned her kiss with no inhibitions.

By now I wanted what she was giving me, oh God how I wanted it! I returned her hungry feral kiss as well as I could as kept riding me. I thought I would explode any second, if this was what it was like being raped I could get used to it. She seemed to know exactly what I was feeling, and would slow down or speed up to keep me right at the brink of release, and I was getting desperate. Oh, I needed to come so BAD! Suddenly I was aware my hands were free, and she leaned back and taking my arms she pressed my hands against that magnificent chest and with a moan I began to fondle her breasts, rubbing against her large rubbery nipples. She watched me with a smile on her face, then leaning back down she opened her muzzle wide and I opened my own mouth and welcomed her tongue with my own. And it went on and on until I was screaming for her to let me come around her tongue which was deep in my throat. I clawed at her shoulders and back but I wasn't trying to push her off of me.

It was time, she could tell. She pulled back from the man's eager mouth and his hands kept fondling her breasts as he stared up at her and pleaded with his eyes, and begged her for release. She leaned down and he tried to kiss her again, but instead she softly whispered her offer in his ear. "Man, do you wish for the release I can give you, do wish to freely give me your virgin seed? In doing so you will also give me your body and soul and become mine for eternity, but in exchange I will give you more pain and pleasure then you can imagine. But you must freely give me that which I cannot take." Then she reared back and became perfectly still, looking down at the man as she ran her tongue over her fangs. If he should refuse her offer she had no choice but to let him go, unharmed. It was the way of things.

I gasped as she pulled her tongue free and reared back up. I wanted to keep kissing her, but since she was out of reach I kept fondling her incredible firm breasts and moaned as she brought me to the brink again, then suddenly she stopped and became perfectly still "Noooo" I sobbed. The she leaned forward again and whispered in my ear. I heard, and understood, what she said, what she offered. I lay there gasping and it felt like my heart would explode, and heaven forbid me I accepted her offer. I wish I could say I didn't know what I was doing, that I didn't understand what she offered, but it would be a blatant lie. All I knew what that I wanted the release she offered more then I had ever wanted anything and the price be damned, as I soon would be. With a guttural groan I moved my hands from her breasts to her hips and began to thrust upward in to her. She gave a delighted grin of pure evil and began to grind down on me again, and leaning forward she brutally kissed me again and looked into my eyes with her own expressionless eyes like those of a snake. Then with one final thrust I came and exploded deep inside of her and I screamed in ecstasy into her mouth as I felt my seed pour into her, and she bellowed into my own mouth, our tongues wrapping around one another. I felt her rip something else from me along with my virgin seed and replace it with something dark and evil, and the next time I screamed it was from agony as I felt something start to happen to me.

Vulva gave a grin of delighted pleasure as the man began to thrust up into her as much as he was able considering her size and weight, but it was a valiant effort and she ground down on him to help increase the pleasure for both of them as she truly did want to give him the maximum amount of pleasure in exchange for his soul and an eternity of service as her slave. He shifted his hands to her waist and grunted and slobbered as he met her downward thrusts. She leaned over and kissed him again and stared into his eyes, and as he came he screamed into her mouth and she roared into his as this part was as pleasurable and painful for her as him, and she ripped out part of his soul and replaced it with part of her own. As they kept coming, locked and writhing against one another, she watched as his eyes changed, his pupils narrowing as his own eyes became as reptilian and expressionless as her own, the first part of his own transformation into his new demonic form and new life. His old life was gone forever, there was no turning back as he was now as damned as she was. Finally she pulled back from him with a pleased gasp as he had filled her to overflowing, very nice, and looked down affectionately at her new pet as he stared back at her with his lovely new eyes. The she began to rock back and forth again, grinning as he realized her intentions.

Finally it was over and she pulled away and looked down at me. She ran her tongue over her fangs and smacked her lips a couple of times, and smiled with a smile that no longer scared me, I only thought it was beautiful. And I felt so very strange. Then I gasped as she suddenly ground down on me again, and again, and then started the now familiar rocking motion, her breasts bobbing gently. "Uhhh" I gasped. "Oh please, no, I, I, uh uh UH! Can't! Oh please!" I moaned and sobbed. Then all I could do was to try and thrust into her as my own lust began to build again. I gave a moan of agonizing pleasure as I felt something start to happen to me, felt myself start to physically change. "OH GAAAAAADD!" I screamed as I felt my hands and feet start to cramp and muscle cramps began to shoot through my back and legs and oh it hurt so! "AAAAIIIIEEEE!" I screamed as I felt my head start to change shape and my jaws push out and forward. I looked at her with tears streaming from my eyes as a massive orgasm wracked my body, and I felt so horribly strange. I gave a loud wail and she smiled and leaned down and kissed me again, and this time my own tongue slid deep down her throat. Oh, I thought, what is happening to meeee! It hurts! It hurts so good! I came again and again and she matched my screams with her own bellows and roars of pleasure until my own sounds began to more closely resemble hers then any a human ever made. At first there was as much pain as pleasure, and I writhed and cried in agony, but as I felt my penis began to lengthen and thicken inside of her the pleasure slowly increased until it replaced the pain and finally reached a point where the pleasure became a pain of its own, an agonizing ecstasy I cannot begin to describe. She held me to her and kept kissing me as the change went on and I screamed and screamed and roared in agonized ecstasy. I felt a tail push out from between my legs, felt my skin crawling and rippling as thick coarse fur sprouted over much of my body, but mainly on my legs and around my waist. Felt my teeth lengthen into fangs as her tongue kept exploring my mouth and mine pushed deeper and deeper into hers. The whole time she kept staring into my eyes and it helped to make the agony more bearable. I became more aware of her taste and the lovely scent of burnt cinnamon, and I wanted MORE of what she was giving me, and no longer cared what was happening to me. It felt right now, it felt GOOD! For some time I had not been screaming or wailing, but growling and snarling, roaring in lust, hissing and bleating as I coupled with my Mistress as she kept her promise to me as she hissing and grunted her own pleasure. Finally after one more massive orgasm I was spent, and she let me slide from her and with a final grunt of pleasure I passed out.

Vulva rode her new pet giving him the pain and pleasure she had promised, and she kissed him and held him to her to make his change less painful then it would have been otherwise. For all that she was she did not like to see her pets suffer any more than necessary, he was hers now and it was her responsibility to take care of him now. So she gently held the male as he changed into his new form and became a demonkind like her. He serviced her well and she roared her own pleasure as they orgasmed again and again. Yes, he pleasured her well enough, not the best she'd ever had, but not the worst. When they came for the last time (for now) she let his now impressive penis slip from her embrace and lowered his now unconscious form to the table. Noticing the old iron manacles were digging into the flesh above his new hooves she pulled them off and watched as the wounds they left healed. He gave a gurgle, his own now long and forked tongue lolling from the side of his mouth. She reached down and stroked his muzzle and his tongue automatically found, and licked her hand even though he remained oblivious for now. He closely resembled her now, only was male of course, and smaller. She was a little disappointed, she had hoped for something a little more exotic, but another Overseer was just fine. She could never have enough of those, though fairly minor demonkind they were the backbone of Hell's civil service. Since he was unconscious now was a good time to perform the final task which would bond him to her in her service for eternity. She whipped the now glowing barb on the tip of her tail around and carved her personal brand into his flank, his flesh burning and sizzling, but as soon as she was finished the brand healed and looked like it had been there forever. He gave a deep low moan, and when she was through he gave a soft snort, rolled over on his side and pulled up his legs, and started to suck his thumb. Oookay, she thought, and gave him one final caress, one last kiss, and turned to face Olivia.

"Olivia, my friend, I am satisfied with your offering. He turned out rather well despite my initial misgivings. Hissss. I hereby extend your youth and powers for another ten years. Are you sure you will not, hiss, accept my offer? I could use a demoness of your skills on my staff, hisss. I think you would enjoy working in the breeding pits. Hisss."

Olivia just smiled, "My Patroness, again I thank you, but I prefer to stay her for now. Who knows, I will probably accept your generous offer at some point." Then in spite of herself she asked, "What about him? What will happen to him?"

Vulva a little surprised by that question. "Him? My new pet? Oh, I will find a job for which he is suitable. Do not concern yourself, he is no longer human and will see things from a new perspective from now on. He will adjust in time. Now as to my offer, it may not come again, but if it does and you accept that would be very nice. You would not believe some of the retards and weirdo's we get nowadays, it would be nice to have some competent help for a change. Hiss hiss hiss!"

About this time I woke up. I looked up and everything was blurred, so feeling around for my glasses I found them and put them on and everything came into focus, and I wish it hadn't. I looked down at myself, at a bestial body covered in fur to varying thicknesses, at weirdly bent legs ending in large cloven hooves, at huge swollen looking genitals, at my hands which now had hard leathery skin and wicked black claws. Reaching behind myself I pulled a long reptilian looking tail into sight and I could FEEL it lashing back and forth. With a soft bleat I reached up and felt my face, felt the muzzle I was looking down, felt the horns on my head and my large hairy pointed ears. "NAAAAAAAA!!!" I screamed, startling both Olivia and the creature that had done this to me. I looked at Olvia and reached out to her beseechingly, with tears streaming down my muzzle. "Oliviaaa, pleaaassse help mee! I don't waaant to be like this! Pleeaassee don't let her haave meee! PLEEAAASE!" I gave another bleating wail and jumping down from the altar I ran towards her, hit the force field of the spell binding the pentagram, and since I was a creature of Hell now it did its job and with a loud explosion and flash of light I was thrown back against the heavy granite altar and slid to the ground. Before passing out again I managed to cry her name one more time "Oliivviiaaaa!"

Olivia was startled by the new demons wail of terror, and looking at him she saw he was reaching out towards her and he pleaded with her to help him, and when he threw himself against the force field and was blasted backward, wailing her name one last time, she held her hand to her mouth and for the first time she could ever remember she cried for one of her sacrifices. He was so terrified and had turned to her for help. "Will, will, he be OK?" she asked, little sobs making her stutter.

Vulva was startled too as her new pet yelled right in her rather large sensitive ear. Then the silly beast tried to cross the pentagram, bad move. Well, she thought, he got what he deserved. If a demoness of her power could not cross the border then he certainly couldn't! He was unconscious again, slumped against the side of the altar with his head hanging down in his lap. How very annoying. He'd be up again soon though, their kind were tough, they have to be.

"Don't worry about him, hisss, she told Olivia. He'll be OK, it's really not so bad. He just needs to get used to, it is a bit of a shock at first, and accept what he is now. It takes longer for some, usually the older more intelligent ones. And now it's time for use to go as dawn approaches. I will see you in another ten years Olivia dear. Think on my offer, anytime you wish to accept you have but to summon me and I will come. Hissss." She turned and looked down at her pet and he was awake again, looking around in a daze. She reached down and offered her hand and he took it, and suddenly they were somewhere else.

Vulva closed her eyes and smiled as the hot winds and scents of Hell washed over her. Home! She looked at her newest pet and his eyes were closed and he was trembling, still holding onto to her hand in a tight grip. At least he's not screaming in my ear anymore she thought as she dug her finger in the same aforementioned ear, it was still ringing. Her pet had a set of lungs! She felt him grip her hand with his other hand, and he pressed his head to her hand, and sobbing asked her not to hurt him anymore. She crouched down and took his chin under her other hand and lifted up his head, and he opened his, to her, beautiful reptilian eyes and looked into hers, and she softly said, "No one will dare to hurt you without my permission, my pet, and as long as you serve me well I will not be cruel, you are a demon now and you have nothing to fear for you wear my brand. Now let me take you to your new home and find a suitable job for you. Come, my slave".

Somehow I knew where I was now, I could feel a searing hot wind against my body, but it felt pleasant. My nose was bombarded with too many scents for me to sort, and the sky was a bright searing light with no sun. With a soft whimper I shut my eyes and grasped my new owners (?) hand with both of my own and pressed my forehead against it. "Pleaase don't hurt me aanymore more, Pleaase Mistress." She reached under my chin and lifted my head up and told me she wouldn't let anyone hurt me and if I worked hard she would be pleased. She looked into my eyes with her own and I no longer saw evil, but instead thought they were beautiful. Suddenly I wanted to please her more than anything else, so I shook my head "yes" and that seemed to satisfy her. When she told me to follow her I obediently got to my feet, no, I have hooves now, and I followed her, still tightly holding on to her hand and she didn't seem to mind.

As walked down an ancient stone path, our hooves clopping, I looked around in terrified curiosity and terror. I felt an itching on my butt, and looking down I could see what looked like an old scar, but realized it was a brand, on my flank. I gave a surprised snort, and Vulva, no I must call her Mistress, saw what I was looking at.

"That is my brand, all my slaves wear it. It binds you to my service and identifies you to any other denizen of Hell. Any who dare to mess with you will realize that in doing so they also mess with me. And if it makes you feel any better I also bear the brand of our own Great Lord and master Ba'al, for you see we are all slaves in the service of the Great Lords. I am as much his property as you are mine, but as long as he doesn't know you exist you're safe."

Well, that's reassuring, I thought, and picked at my brand until she told me to leave it alone. Branded, like a cow. I shuddered. As we walked I realized we were both naked, but I felt no embarrassment, actually it felt kind of, well, nice. The hot burning winds felt almost sensual as they caressed my exposed flesh and genitals. And speaking of genitals I was much more, um, endowed now. My penis hung thick and flaccid, a good seven or eight inches long, and my balls now hung in line with one another instead of side by side and were at least as big as billiard balls, and both were black and shiny. Well, I thought, can't be too unhappy about that, definitely an improvement. I wasn't so thrilled about the rest though. I had a goat's legs and hooves and from the waist down was covered in thick curly reddish brown hair or fur, and had a long prehensile reptile like tail that seemed to have a mind of its own, but I found I could control it if I wanted to. Otherwise it just kept slowing whipping back and forth. My torso seemed more or less human but was very muscular and under the thin hair was covered in very fine reddish brown scales, my arms were basically human shaped too but my hands looked more like the talons of a bird and had razor sharp black claws. I knew that I had a muzzle because I could see down the length of it, and in fact my vision was now almost 360 degrees because my eyes had moved to the sides of my head. It was a little unnerving at first to have a small blind spot in front of me blocked by my muzzle, but I soon grew used to it. I ran my hand across my head again and found the large curved horns whose weight I could feel. My muzzle/face was covered with fine fur/hair and my nose was large, rubbery, and very sensitive. I adjusted my glasses again as they were now perched on the bridge of my nose/forehead/face and no longer fit very well, I could only see well if I looked straight ahead and through them. I'm a goat lizard I realized, and then also realized that while I might look like that I was really something totally different, a demon. My very first brush with something I had always considered to be superstition and I get a one way ticket to Hell, do not pass Go, do not get a "Get out of Jail" free card. Hell of a way to get religion.

As we walked through the hot desert like wasteland I heard screams and strange noises in the distance, and once saw something large and horrible fly across the searing sky. There were volcanoes smoking in the distance, and one was busy erupting and ash drifted in the air. I began to walk closer and closer to my Mistress and held her hand even more tightly, and bless her she did not push me away. Once we passed another demon, or in this case demoness, who looked a lot like me, and she was just as nude as we were. As she neared she bowed to my Mistress in deference and my Mistress gave a brief nod of her head. I found my eyes watching her every move as she approached, oh my, she was lovely. As we passed her tail licked between my legs and gave me a quick, very intimate, caress, her own forked tongue licking over her fangs as she smiled at me. "Baaaa!" I said, and jumped like an idiot. She just laughed and continued on her way, I slowed down and looked over my shoulder at her, fascinated by her swaying hips and lashing tail. My Mistress noticed this of course, and said,

"She too is one of mine, I'm sure you'll be making her acquantence soon, I think she likes you. You will find our kind have very little inhibitions when it comes to mating. Hiss hiss hiss!" She laughed at my mortified look.

We had been approaching a low range of what looked like reddish granite hills for awhile, and as we got closer I could see openings like caves at their base and up their sides. As I watched something large took flight from one of the upper openings and seeing us turned and flew towards us. As it got closer I could see it was a honest to Gu, uh Guud (I realized I couldn't say the "G" word anymore with a start), well it was a friggen Dragon! A pretty good sized one too. It landed nearby and with what looked like a smile on its snout walked up to us. By this time I was hiding behind my Mistress, me no hero. The Dragon said in a very deep and pleasant sounding voice,

"Hiya Vulva, where have you been? I missed seeing you during my monthly rendezvous with your familiar."

"Hello Vulkna, was summoned so had to run, you know how it is, never a moments rest for the wicked. Hiss hiss hiss. I wondered why he wasn't responding to my calls, the randy little thing. Tell me, did he fuck you as well as usual?"

"Oh yes, the Dragon replied with a pleased hiss, three times! Now that he's bigger it takes longer to drain him! But it's sooo much fun doing it, Hiss hiss hiss! Tell me, who's your new friend?"

Vulva replied, "Good, I do so like it when one of my pets enjoys his work so much. A happy slave is a horny slave. I hope he saved enough for me. And this little fellow is my newest pet; I just raped and changed him a couple of hours ago. Come, my pet, don't be rude. Say hello to Vulkna, she's really very nice."

I stuck my head out from behind Vulva, said "Hi, pleastedtomeetyouI'msure." And ducked back behind Vulva. Both the Dragon and Vulva laughed.

"Shy, isn't he? The Dragon said, but the new ones always are." She leaned closer and looked at the new demon cringing behind his Mistress. "It's really not that bad you know, she hissed softly, and you could do much worse than Vulva for a Mistress. Welcome to Hell little one. Well, Vulva, I have got to go, my Master only gave me a couple of hours to get laid, and I need to get back as soon as possible." With that she gave a roar and leapt into the sky and flew off towards one of the distant volcanoes.

"She's nice." I said.

Vulva told me, "Why yes, she is. However not all have her disposition, so be careful my pet, never forget where you are. Right now you are scared of everything and that is good as you will be careful, but when you grow too complacent is when it can be truly dangerous. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask any other demon or Imp in my service, they will give you a truthful answer or suffer my displeasure. Hissss."

That, I thought, is something I do NOT want to suffer! I made a vow to be as good, or should it be as bad, as I could be. We were much nearer to the caves now and I saw they were really more like tunnels as most had been carved out of the solid rock. We approached one with a heavy barred gate and there were two creatures on guard. They were nude, it appears no one in Hell wears clothes except weirdo's, and were armed with nasty looking pikes that glowed and gave off waves of power. One looked part goat and part human, the other part human and part baboon. As Vulva approached they lowered their weapons and bowed low, but didn't say anything. One quickly opened the gate and we walked through and into the dim tunnel. "Are those demons too?" I asked.

Vulva snorted, "No, of course not. They are High Imps, some of my older more deserving ones, which is why they have a post of honor and responsibility guarding the portal to my domain. They have earned my trust."

"High Imps? What's an Imp anyway? They look kind of like us." I said.

"They look like us because their parents were humans and animals, but they are not demons. They are mortal and can be killed, we can only be destroyed. You will find out soon enough as you will become one of their trainers and overseers, a kind of groom and handler for the livestock of hell."

"Livestock?" I bleated in surprise.

"Yes, my pet. I am a Sex Demoness, but as a sideline I also run and manage the breeding pits of Hell. Over 80% of Hell's beasts and Imps are bred here. We keep quite busy, and you will be a welcome addition to the staff. You will be assigned a quota of females and studs, and will also train the new spawn born as a result of their couplings. Of course you'll have a staff of already trained Imps and beasts to assist you. Hiss. You will be their Overseer, that is the type of demon you are."

Oh crap, I did NOT like the sound of that at all. I just couldn't see myself doing something like that! No matter what I am now. "Mistress, that sounds kind of, well, horrible. Couldn't I do something else?"

WHAM! She lashed out with her tail knocking her new pet sprawling on the hard stone floor and he let out a bleating hiss of pain and surprise. She stood over him and hissed, "Slave, you will do as you are TOLD, never again will you question the duties to which I assign you, do you understand this SLAVE?" She loomed over the terrified beast, her tail lashing back and forth. Every other demon or animal in sight had stopped what they were doing and bowed low, trembling, at the sound of their Mistress's anger.

"Yeeesss, Mistress, I'm sorry!" I squealed as she stood over me hissing in anger. I cowered with my arms over my head, my hooves kicking at the floor. "Please don't hurt me, Mistress! I didn't mean to anger you." I pleaded in terror.

"Hiiissss! No, I don't think you did so I will forgive your insolence this one time. Do not try my patience again though. You must learn your place; once you do it will be much easier for all of us. Hissssss!" Vulva told her new pet.

"Yes Mistress!" I said. "I'm sorry, I'll be good."

Vulva watched me closely for another minute, and then satisfied I had learned my lesson she hissed "Follow me, my pet!" and continued on down the tunnel.

I scrambled and got to my hooves and trotted to catch up with her. Man it was hard to get purchase with hooves on a slick floor! As we went deeper into the tunnel complex, the place was a huge maze, we began to pass more demons and Imps, some in fairly large work parties. And I started to see stuff that made where I was sink in like nothing else had so far. We passed through what she called "breeding pits" and I saw poor slobbering sexual monsters mating with animals and beasts, one after another nonstop, they sounded like they were insane, their screams and bellows had as much pain as pleasure in them and I shuddered at the sound. When she told me they had all been virgins too originally I almost collapsed, what if I had ended up like that, a mindless sex crazed insane monster for eternity? I was finally beginning to realize just how "lucky" I had been. Even more disturbing were the smaller pits, cells really, in which human women were being forced to mate with animals. I tried to look the other way and tried not to listen to the horrible sounds, the screams of the women and the sounds of lust from their "mates", tears running from my eyes. There was a constant background noise of roars, screams, grunts, and other sounds of pain and pleasure. I was too shocked and horrified to say anything, but I think my Mistress took my silence as stoic acceptance. Thankfully we finally entered what looked like a barracks or dorm of some kind for the more minor demons like me. Of all the demons I'd seen the males and females like me were the most common. We were all part goat, part reptile, and part human, at least in appearance.

Vulva looked around as she entered the slave quarters, "YOU! Slave, fetch a Head Overseer!" The demon gave a low bow and disappeared with loud clops of his hooves. Shortly another demoness approached, the only difference between her and the others was her harness was slightly fancier. She bowed low to her Mistress and said,

"If it pleases you Mistress, I am the only Head Overseer in the quarters at this time. My shift has just come off duty. We exceeded our quotas by ten percent." she added with pride.

Vulva said "Yes, I remember you. Your performance has been adequate. Now this new demon needs to be assigned to a job and trained. Hiss. He is very new so will need supervision for awhile, he has only just been changed. You may assign him where you see fit. I will leave him with you now. Hissss."

As Vulva turned to leave I panicked, "Mistress, please don't leave me!" I asked her and grabbed her hand. "I'm so scared, so very scared." For a second I thought she was going to whack me again, but instead she turned and said,

"My pet, I will look in on you on occasion. This demoness will take care of you and see that you are trained and given a useful job working for your Mistress. You have nothing to be afraid of in my domain. Now do as she says and you will be fine." And she gently pulled my hand from hers and turned and walked away down the corridor. I watched her go with tears in my eyes; she was my last link to what I used to be.

"Mistress!" I called softly, and took a couple of steps after her. "Mistress?" But she had disappeared down the tunnel. With my shoulders slumped and head down with tears running down my muzzle I turned to look at the female version of myself. She actually seemed to have a sympathetic look on her bestial, but pretty, face.

"You're a, were a, virgin, aren't you?" She asked.

Numbly I shook my head "yes".

"I was too, a long, long time ago, most of us were though a few are natural born. The first thing you want to do is forget your human life, it's gone forever and will never be back, and thinking about it just hurts. Do you understand that? The sooner you accept what you are now the better. And it's not so bad once you get, um, used to it, or as used to it as you can. I will be your Head Overseer as my shift is two short of a full staff, and as we just came off shift you'll have a few hours to get settled in and meet the others. For now I'll assign you a room and personal servants. Being a demon, even a minor one, you get a private room and two personal slaves, one beast and one Imp. It's also feeding time so we'll start there first. Follow me."

She led me down the tunnel past a row of small rooms; I glanced in some and could see beds and other stuff. No doors though, I'd notice there were very few door in Hell, lots of bars, but few doors. Evidently they were a status symbol reserved for higher level demonkind. We lesser ones weren't supposed to have any secrets that need to be hidden, so there was NO privacy. Not for anything as I could see demons and Imps copulating in plain sight. Having been something of a prude before my new and sudden change in jobs, and form, I was appalled at first, but quickly found out that sex with demonkind and their slaves was pretty much animal in nature, done often but with no lasting obligations or expected commitments of any kind. Being sterile also had its advantages as no precautions required and no kids, ever, and there are no condoms in Hell. It was so common I soon learned to ignore it unless I was interested in taking part, and I would be, oh yes I would. Once the shock of my new situation and life wore off and my sex drive kicked in I would be VERY interested in sex, as often as possible. It's one of the few enjoyable pastimes available for us, and we make the most of it. But for now that was the farthest thing from my mind.

We finally entered what could only be called a cafeteria or messhall. It was a large room with several rows of heavy rough hewn wooden (at least I think its wood) tables. Along one wall was an opening carved in the stone and Imps, under the close eye of a demon, were serving a line of waiting demonkind food of various types. They had trays, plates, bowls, and cups but no utensils. She showed me where to get the trays and a cup, and then we got in line. The others were all looking at, and smelling me, with curiosity. A couple gave friendly "hello there" bleats or hisses, but I was still pretty shaken so was rude I'm afraid, but they understood once they knew I was new. We were given a large bowl of some sort of thick stew, a smaller bowl of what looked like porridge or pudding of some kind, and a small loaf of bread and the overseer had them give me an extra loaf which was awfully nice of her. Then there were two large urns, one with water and one with a kind of tea like stuff which isn't half bad. She led me to a table and we sat down and she started to eat with obvious pleasure, giving little bleats and grunts of hunger. I just looked at my food and picked at it for awhile as I just wasn't very hungry yet, and I was kind of worried about what might be in it. I noticed she dipped her bread in the porridge or whatever it was, so I did the same and took a small bite, then a bigger one. It was actually pretty good. The black bread had a nutty flavor, and the "porridge" was actually a kind of cheese spread or margarine of some kind, nice and spicy. The stew was a thick vegetable blend, and was kind of bland but there was salt to season it with or could mix in some of the dip. Turns out we're pretty much vegetarians, no meat, which kind of surprised me as we do have the fangs of carnivores. There were no forks or spoons, we ate with our muzzles using our tongues to shovel the food into our mouths, or ate with our fingers. Very messy, very animal like. There were no paper napkins or towels of any kind, so when we were we done licked ourselves, and each other, clean. The communal grooming and cleaning was actually very nice once you got used to it and quite often led to other enjoyable things.

We were quickly joined by the others and introductions, such as they were, were made all around. The shift was top heavy with females and some of the males said they were glad there'd be another "Ram" around to take some of the "sexual burdens" off of them. I couldn't really turn red at those comments since I was already pretty red, but they could tell I was embarrassed and they all had a good laugh, or bleat, at my expense. They also got a kick out of my glasses; most had never even seen any. My glasses also got me scheduled to see the "Vet" as we demons are not supposed to have any kind of physical flaws, usually a trip to the vet means you've been severely injured or punished. From the way some of others reacted to that news I definitely had some reservations about going to the vets. When we were done eating, and "cleaning" up, we dropped off our trays and other stuff at another window where an Imp took it and handed it to other Imps that had KP duty. I noticed the trays and crockery were all licked clean, in Hell you eat what you take. NO waste allowed.

The Head Overseer took me to some "livestock" pens next, and helped to pick out my two personal "slaves". She asked me quite frankly if I preferred females or males, or one of each, for sexual purposes. Like I said, I was still pretty much a prude and was kind of shocked by the question. When I hesitated she picked one of each before I could say anything. She just pointed and the Imp in charge of the pens brought out the two she'd pointed to. One was a male beast; the other was a female Imp, both goat stock. I found out that there were three basic kinds of livestock other then animals, the first were beasts that were half human/half animal, the Imps were two thirds human/one third animal, and the rarer High Imps were three fourths human/one forth animal. The beasts and Imps did the heavy labor, the Imps also did some lesser strenuous jobs, and the High Imps usually performed the lower level civil service and supervisory stuff. Some were trained as "pleasure beasts" and given to demons for rewards and "rest and relaxation". Beasts and Imps can't breed with one another; they have to have human mates. The High Imps are sterile like most demonkind. That's why virgin sacrifices are so important; the breeding pits need all the human livestock they can get. Most of the rare male sacrifices become breeding studs, the women are mated with everything. Of course we were pretty low down on the social ladder ourselves, we're slaves but that is a LOT better than being livestock. Beasts and Imps could be any combination of human and animal, but the most common were goats (maybe because they kind of look like us), pigs, and baboons. Of course there were all sorts of more "exotic" ones from every species you can imagine and some that exist only in Hell. I soon learned to not be surprised by any kind of monstrosity I might encounter.

She led me, and my "slaves" back to the sleeping quarters. She told them to wait in the hall, which was also where most of the slaves sleep at night, and followed me into the room. Things got interesting then. As I stood looking dejectedly at my new "home" she suddenly embraced me from behind and rested her head on my shoulder. I could feel her rather large breasts pushed against my back and her long forked tongue "kissed" my muzzle and before I even realized it I responded by "kissing" her as well, it just seemed the um, natural, thing to do. "I like to personally welcome any new staff." She said in my ear in a deep throaty voice, and her tail came snaking between my legs and started to very intimately fondle me "BaaAAA!" I grunted at the lovely touch. She hissed in my ear as she licked it and my muzzle, her clawed hands gently rubbing my chest as she ran her claws through my fur. I gave a guttural Hiss and turned around and kissed her, and she was just as enthusiastic as I was. It wasn't a gentle peck type of kissing, it was full deep throat with our muzzles jammed together, both of us grunting and hissing as we stared into one another's eyes, and as we kissed, bleating in lust, I roughly kneaded and fondled her breasts and her nipples soon grew hard. By now I was rock hard and with a hiss she pulled away and crouched down in front of me and took me in her mouth. I held onto her horns (smaller than mine) with my head thrown back and gasped as she took my full thirteen inches deep into her throat, and her long tongue began to lick and caress my testicles even as she fondled them. "Uuuurk, Baaaaa!" I moaned, my own tongue licking over my fangs as my whole body shivered from the unbelievable pleasure she was giving me.

This was the first truly consensual sex I had ever had, and the irony of the type and location was not lost on me, but I didn't care. It was a combination of human and animal and was 100% bestial, but it was not bestiality as we WERE beasts ourselves. That didn't make it any less enjoyable though, and in fact the combination of human and animal sex made it far more intense, it was the best of both, and increased them tenfold. Finally she let my penis slide from her mouth and with a hiss she spun around and crouched again, and lifting her tail she offered herself to me and I knew exactly what she wanted. I managed to ignore my own rampant condition, and crouching myself I began to lick her crotch and vagina. It looked pretty human, but the location was more that of an animal, to me it was a beautiful sight. I was so very new at this, but as my animal lust had manifested itself any human inhibitions were long gone and would remain gone forever. Once I had experienced this I could never get enough, we're all sex crazed down here, it helps us keep from going insane. But I did my best and from her sounds she wasn't disappointed with my efforts.

I ran my tongue over, and then inside of her enjoying her scent and taste which just drove me to further levels of lust I couldn't began to describe. Finally the animal took over entirely and with a guttural Hissing bleat I reared up and seating the head of my penis against her lips I mounted her with a bellow of pure lust, and lunging powerfully I achieved full penetration in just a few thrusts and found a steady rapid rhythm as I serviced her, both of us grunting and bleating in growing agonizing ecstasy. I heard similar sounds from the hallway, and realized that the beast and Imp were also copulating, aroused by our own mating scents. Her vagina was tight and slick and hot and wet and I'd never felt anything like it, it went way beyond mere pleasure and pain. She wrapped her tail around my waist to hold me and tried to draw me even deeper into her, her grip was so powerful I doubt I could have dismounted even if I wanted to, but I most surely did not. We were totally oblivious to anything but the object of our affection, and I leaned forward and gently bit her on the back of her neck and she moaned and gasped as I increased the speed of my strokes as I humped her, then she leaned forward even more and I was able to go just a little bit deeper. Finally the end came, much too soon for me, but I had no choice and rearing back I grabbed her around her waist and gave a deep belling bleat as I came and orgasmed and she squealed and bleated shrilly as her own orgasm rocked her body. I was amazed at how long it lasted, both of us grunting and slobbered as I pumped and pumped into her, it was so intense I could actually feel my balls clenching and throbbing as the forced my seed down the length of my massive erection and into her. Finally, still inside of her, I gave a final shudder, and with a final grunt I partially collapsed across her back. I rested my head on her shoulder and gently "kissed" her with my tongue.

"Uhhh, she said, that was very nice, uhhh. I think we'd better get some sleep for now, but if I can I'll pay you another visit before work starts, hmm? Would you like that my fine Ram?"

"Ohh yes, I replied, please do!" With a happy hiss she unwrapped her tail from around my waist and I dismounted, very reluctantly I might add as I was still rock hard. I have NO doubt I could have gone another round, but she evidently had to get going. As a final treat we cleaned one another, our tongues eagerly licking the sexual juices from one another and that almost led to another coupling, but she pulled away before it got that far again. I gave a guttural bleat of disappointment.

"Sorry, got to go, have to catch up on the records and get ready for tomorrow, but thanks for the great fuck. See you later big guy." And she trotted off down the hall.

I watched her go with a mixture of lust and disappointment. I'd half hoped she'd spend the night with me as I didn't want to be alone in this place. I noticed the beast and Imp, reeking of their own mating, looking in the door and snapped "What are you looking at!" and they both moved out of sight, scared I might punish them. But they stayed close to the door and lay down for the night along with the other slaves.

I looked around the room, but there wasn't much to see. A crude, but sturdy, bed with a mattress stuffed with straw or something, but no sheets or blankets. They weren't necessary as guess what; it's very hot in Hell. There was a small sturdy table whose function I couldn't figure out at first, but I soon did as it had two heavy leather straps attached to two of the legs, it was for supporting and immobilizing females who were reluctant to accept your sexual services, it was a rape stand. I never used the horrible thing, and many of my fellows didn't either. Most of us have no trouble finding eager willing partners, and if they sometimes wanted us to strap them to the stand that different. But I refused to use it for its intended purpose. The floor was covered in none to clean straw too, and there was a hole in the floor for relieving yourself. It was a combination of a YMCA room and a stall. It took me all of two minutes to inspect my less then humble accommodations and finally, with a soft bleat, I took my glasses off and put them on the table, and sat down on the bed. It was actually more comfortable then it appeared, and I leaned back on it and stared at the stone ceiling. There were no "lights out" as the level of lighting remained constant in the tunnels and warrens that were my home now, and because of my excellent night vision it was always more than bright enough to see. There was no true dark, but I soon got used to it.

I lay down on the bed and lay there staring at the ceiling without really seeing it. As I lay there I thought about what had happened to me, what I had become, and where I was now. But most of all I thought about what my "future" might hold. I couldn't believe that less than a day ago I had been a human, a somewhat poor specimen, but still a man. Then I was sacrificed to a Demoness who now owned by body and soul and was shocked to realize I was actually fond of, and totally loyal, to her. I blamed Olivia, no Vulva, for what had happened to me. That bitch had condemned me to an eternity of damnation as a beast in exchange for a mere ten years of further life of herself. Eternity, I couldn't even began to comprehend that. It is truly amazing how resilient the mind can be, the fact I wasn't totally insane was to me a miracle. I thought about the horrors I had seen, the insane Hell studs, the poor women, the beast and Imp slaves, and the other kinds of slaves like myself. With a moan I rolled over on my side and started crying, my body shaking from the deep sobs wracking my body. And I couldn't even plead for mercy as I knew that I could expect none here, and the other deity was closed to me for eternity. I couldn't even say or think that name and a demons pleas for mercy are not heard in heaven.

The Imp lay on the floor next to the male beast for what little protection he could provide, since he had mated with her she knew he would challenge any other beast that might show an interest. It was better than nothing. He had been an energetic, if not particularly gentle, mate and had satisfied her. She was almost asleep when she heard a sound from her new master's room. It was a sound she had heard many times in the livestock pens from her fellow beasts, the Imps, and the human breeding stock, but never from a master or mistress. It was the sound of crying and deep wrenching sobs. She almost ignored it, but it was so anguished she felt something she never had for an overseer, sympathy and pity. She got up and slowly crept into the master's room, he was lying in his bed on his side with his face to the wall. He had his face in his hands and his shoulders were shaking as he tried to muffle his sobs. Now strangely concerned because she recognized true soul wrenching anguish she crouched down next to the bed, and hesitantly reached out to him and began to gently pet and stroke his back, making soft bleats of comfort. He froze at first, and then rolled over to look at her. His eyes were swollen and his muzzle was wet with tears, his mouth open as he was still crying with sad little bleats and hisses. He reached out to her and she leaned over the bed and held him and he buried his muzzle and her chest and cried and cried as the horrible anguish poured out of him. She held him and stroked his back while he desperately held her as if she was his only grasp on reality. She bleated and murmured to him softly until she finally realized he'd fallen asleep, and she gently laid him down and he looked much more composed and at peace and even, which surprised her, innocent. She thought about returning to her place in the corridor, but ended up curling up next to his bed in case he might need her again in the night.

I had rolled over and was facing the wall when everything that had happened caught up with and overwhelmed me. I tried to muffle my sobs as I cried and wailed, holding my muzzle in my hands and pressing it against the mattress. It was so unfair, I didn't want to be like this, I didn't want to be in this horrible place, and I could never take part in the horrors I'd seen. I had pretty much been a failure as a man, now I was one as a demon. I don't how long I'd been crying but I was so out of it I never heard or smelled the Imp approach until I suddenly felt someone's hands gently touching my back and petting me and heard some soft bleating sounds. As soon as I realized I wasn't alone I thought that maybe the Head Overseer had come back for seconds and I didn't want her to see me like this, but then my nose told me it was someone else, an Imp from the smell. Startled I rolled over, still crying, and found an animal's face staring at me with large gentle brown eyes, and she gave a soft bleat of concern. It was the first kind face I'd seen in this place and with a sob I tried to pull her to me and she leaned over and hugged me close. At that gentle caring touch I lost it again and cried for the longest time until I finally fell into an exhausted, but deep restful sleep. I never felt her gently lay me down.



The Demon Misfit, Chapter 2

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Demon Misfit, Chapter 2 By William W. Kelso When I woke up at first I didn't remember where, or what, I was right away. I lay with my eyes closed and tried to hold onto the wonderful dream I'd...

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The Seeker, Chapter 5

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 5 By William W. Kelso It's been about five years I guess, it's hard to tell time down here, since my Mistress and I had our rather unfortunate run-in with a rather nasty human...

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The Seeker, Chapter 4

Fellow Furries, this is another story related to the actions of our Demoness friend who loves to get a hold of stupid mortals and transform them into her "pets", her specialty being virgins. It's a related spinoff to the "Reluctant Incubus" and...

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