Moo Milk Special

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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The owner of Moo Motors, best garage in town, is renowned for his attentive service, including a special polish called the Moo Milk Special. Here we learn how it came about, and what role his apprentice mechanic and nephew Dom has to play.

Much silly and gratuitous porn, age difference, nephew/uncle sex and generally light tone.


So, I'm finding I have a thing for bulls. Something about them, after hosses of course, my favourites I think. Power, stamina, physicality, but also that bovine solidity. Hot and endearing. This one is for all the bulls out there, you rock.

Also decided after recent events I needed to do something light and sexy just for fun. Hope you enjoy, and if you did, please consider faving or voting.

I was working on the last car in the shop, a shiny Lexus. The other mechanics had gone for the night apart from my apprentice, and I could hear him stacking away the tools in the storage room.

The owner was a nervous type, an uptight feline with an immaculate coat and pince nez glasses. I had to avoid the temptation to smile when I saw him get out of the car; total Lexus driver. I could sense his frustration now, and his disquiet. His pride and joy was wounded, and we couldn't fix it right away. Tomorrow was pretty good in the circumstances; getting parts across the country wasn't easy.

Still, his whiskers quivered in suppressed anger. I whistled to distract myself from the desire to ruffle his headfur, and completed the last paperwork on the parts order. The cat was distracting himself too, and his eyes flicked down the work list for his car. His eyes twinkled as he saw something to enquire about, voice a little querulous.

"The contract says you will provide a cleaning service if required."


"I hear you are recommended for your special polish...can I have that?"

I grinned. If only he knew

"Yes...the Moo Milk Special."

"Well...I want some Moo Milk then."

I looked over his well tailored form again and grunted. He should be so lucky.

"You want to pick it up after work?"

"Yes please."

I nodded, a picture of solicitude. "Well, can you come a little later then, give us time to do the clean and polish? Say 6:30?"


For the first time since he came in the shop the cat looked almost content. Maybe it was the thought of milk that did it.

I know it always did for me.


I hated going to the shop on a Sunday, but I had left my brother's birthday present in my locker on Saturday and I was seeing him for dinner that night. I swore like a trooper when I realised my mistake, but there was nothing for it, and swearing wasn't going to fix it, so off I went.

Running my own business had it's attractions, though it was hard work. I had found people I could rely on over the years, a good crew with the skills and adaptability I needed to compete against the big garages. And I had built a loyal following amongst my customers, ones who referred a lot of business and that kept me going.

Moo Motors. I had cringed when my brother came up with the name, but unable to find anything better, I stuck with it, and it had become something of a badge of honour how corny the name was. The big bull sign over the door was a local wonder, and I felt a good sense of pride at what I had built. Still, it took all the hours I had and then some. One day, I was going to take it easy I promised myself.

Yeah, right...

On that sunny Sunday, I was on a mission, determined to get in, get out, and head home to watch the football with a beer or three and some nachos. So I wasn't quite prepared for the prospect of finding my garage being burgled; but the moment I arrived, I knew something was up. Lights on inside, and I had locked up carefully yesterday and made sure they were off.

None of the crew should have been there, and I sensed trouble. Plus, none of their cars were visible in the parking lot, and I knew all their rides by heart. I had helped them with their own cars, a couple of classics, a Cobra and a Mustang, and neither were there. Cursing silently, I headed back to my truck and pulled out my Glock.

I kept it for emergencies; you couldn't be in this business without occasionally needing something to speak for you, and it felt reassuring in my hand as I headed for the shop. I reached for the handle on the office door and tried to turn it; the knob moved easily, and I cursed silently again. This was definitely not good. I had installed a shitload of security devices including motion sensors and alarms, but it seemed they had done jack shit. The little blue light on the side of the building mocked me with it's silence, and as I gritted my teeth I determined to sue the motherfucker who sold me the useless pile of shit.

The door opened silently, and I tiptoed into the office as quietly as a 300 pound bull can. Nobody in sight; but there was sound coming from the shop.

I stopped in the door, my pistol at the ready, and slowly dropped my aim as I took in the scene.

Of course, I reasoned, I had not thought this one through completely. The absence of one of the two cars was not entirely determinative; I had forgotten about the third employee in my little gang, but I had never really thought he would be there on a Sunday alone. He was never supposed to be there alone, under pain of death or at least a clip behind the ear, but seeing what he was doing I could understand his desire for solitude, though I still found it hard to grasp what I was seeing.

The burglar was no burglar. It was in fact my apprentice; an eighteen year old calf called Dom. He was my nephew, and I had taken him on reluctantly but my brother had been so grateful. They had no idea what to do with the calf after he did so badly in his final year of highschool, and college wasn't an option at least for now. He had come around a few times when he was younger and shown some interest in cars, and for me at least he had always been polite and eager to learn, so I decided to bite the bullet and give him a shot. My brother's gratitude extended to covering half his wage, which didn't hurt either.

Dom had been hard to read in the three months he had been with me. Polite to a fault, quiet, respectful, but not giving away much. He seemed to pick things up quickly enough, but he was a long way from being able to work unsupervised. Hence the ban on being here alone.

He was here alone now, but he wasn't exactly working.

The calf was dressed in his khaki cargo shorts and a Packers top, his usual attire under his overalls when he was working. Watching him out of his overalls for once though, I got a chance to see him better than usual, and had to admit I was enjoying what I was seeing.

He had filled out nicely over the years. One thing he had never been shy about was hitting the gym; my brother would have preferred he hit the books as hard, but I could understand the attraction. I had been a total gym head in my school years, and though it had gone a little to padding now I was in my 40's I still had the bulk I craved as a skinny calf.

Dom had put on quite a bit of bulk himself, but it was nicely cut. Impressive biceps and shoulders, a broad chest covered in brown and white fur, a pair of perky little nips crowning defined pecs, and a belly beginning to reveal at least a 4 pack from under the puppy fat. And I got to see all this because he had lifted his top with one hand, the fingers twisting one of his now swollen nips roughly as his body writhed in the throes of his own preferred form of exercise.

He had also filled out nicely in other places. His shorts had been dropped just off his wide hips, and he had slid the waistband under his sac. The elastic forced his heavy bull nads out and they looked decidedly bigger than my own at that age, and his cock was every bit as impressive as mine. It was currently erect, glistening with precum, and twitching as he stroked it. His little patch of curly black pubes above his cock looked drenched in precum, or sweat. I licked my lips anticipating the taste of that wondrous mess of teenage fuzz.

As I watched this erotic display, he let go of his top, and reached for something lying on the hood of the only car we had left in the shop for the weekend. A Jaguar, it needed some extra parts I had to order in, and for now it got to spend the weekend stuck in here with it's british racing green exterior looking forlorn in the confines of the garage. It proved useful for my apprentice though, who had placed a piece of cloth there, presumably anticipating the inevitable end of his exercise.

Looking closer though, I realised it wasn't a random piece of cloth. My eyes widened, recognising a pair of my boxers; I had changed out of my work pair yesterday as I had to go out with some mates to a bar after work, leaving their somewhat sweaty mass in my locker along with my brother's birthday present. My nephew must have got them out, and as I watched in total disbelief, he brought them to his snout, buried it in the musky crotch, and sniffed deeply as his cock throbbed in response.

"Holy fucking shit..."

I realised a second late that I had spoken aloud. The calf's head swung round and he stopped in mid jerk, his long cock spitting a line of clear precum to the floor, the head pulsing with the needful throb of impending orgasm, and his big brown eyes fixed on mine as his muzzle opened in shock.

His shock went to an extra level as he took in the sight of me, and I noticed he was looking at my hand. Looking down I saw the problem, and with a sheepish grin I put the Glock on a bench and closed the door to the office. At least it was me and not one of the guys...


"Dom...what the fuck?"


He was still standing there, like a satyr caught in a trap, his cock swinging out in front of him, my boxers still clenched in his hand. He suddenly seemed to decide this was a bad idea, and he scrabbled with his shorts trying to pull them over his genitals, but they kept catching on his scrotum and when he eventually got them up the obscene tent from his still hard cock kind of gave the game away. Plus...

"Mind if I have my boxers back?"

He gave a little start and stared at the stained white garment. He tried to stuff them in a pocket, without success, and I reached out patiently and opened my palm.


He gave. Then he hung his head and I almost could see tears in his eyes. They glistened, and he hid behind his forelock as he did when he was caught doing something stupid by my brother and got a yelling. My brother seemed to enjoy humiliating the calf in those times; I could see the resentment with the fear.

Not quite sure why, I brought the boxers to my own muzzle.

Shit...pretty ripe...

"I repeat Dom...what the fuck?"

He was silent now. A single tear dripped from his eyes onto the oily floor. I got a paper towel from a dispenser on the wall and handed it to the calf. He blew his snout noisily but still looked at his hooves and mumbled.

"Sorry Gary."

I reached for his chin, lifting it up so I could look in his eyes. He looked terrified, but his expression changed slowly as I took my time, watching for something, and seeing it, I bent to him before I could stop myself.

His lips felt warm, and his breath tickled my chin hairs, and then they opened and I tasted mint and felt his hesitant kiss blossoming into something else just as I broke it off.

If I was being honest, I had felt a certain attraction for him for some time, but I had suppressed it diligently. There were too many forces working here, not all of them good, and yet it took just one sight of him masturbating to my scent and I was gone. I had always assumed that he was straight; silly, under the circumstances, but there it was. You know what they say about making assumptions. It has a lot to do with ass, I found.

Now he was really uncertain. And so was I. Ass indeed.


"I shouldn't have done that Dom."

He gave me a typical teenage eyeroll, and decided to repay the favour. I felt fingers clasp my chintuft, and pull me into his hungry maw. He mashed his lips on mine with all the subtlety of a Labrador after a meal. Now I broke the kiss with a chuckle.

He looked a little hurt, I could tell, and I rubbed his budding horns and sighed.

"I guess you are a bit more like me than I realised Dom."

He nodded, and tried to grin a bit. I knew my brother had told him about me at some stage, because he had begun asking me whether I was looking for a boyfriend. I had brushed off his questions and had words with my darling brother, but it had served its purpose. I knew before he came that sooner or later the guys would have told him, and it avoided me having to have an awkward conversation.

Now I faced an entirely different but still awkward conversation.


The little shit put his fingers to my lips then. I bristled, but let him take the lead. At least he was talking, and for a teenager that was nigh on a miracle.

"Yes unc, I'm gay. I've known since I was fifteen."

"And how long have you been sniffing my underwear?" It came out flippantly, but I was genuinely intrigued. And not prepared for the answer.

"Ahhh...I actually stole a pair of your boxers when you came over to our place to use the pool when I was sixteen..."

"Holy fuck!" Well that answered one old mystery. I had no clue where those had gone.

"And I've had the hots for you ever since..."

His fingers slid down my chest, over the slightly pudgy terrain of my belly, and alighted on the definitely questionable territory of my belt. And then he began to unbuckle me.

I grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes again. They had a twinkle, instead of tears now. I let out a sigh at that; something to make me feel less guilty, perhaps.


"Boss...I'm your apprentice right?"

"Yeah..." and that was definitely not going to lessen the guilt. Bastard.

"Well, you have an obligation to teach me right. And I'm ready for my next lesson."

His hands were on the prowl now, and I let him at it, taking in the words. Not what my brother had in mind I'm sure...but still...

Clumsy, but he knew what he wanted. His hands slid under my top, and over my belly. I chuckled a little.


"Oh I'll do more than tickle..."

Suddenly he dropped his muzzle to my belly and licked, and all I could do was moo and moan and enjoy. I secretly loved that feeling, and he seemed to enjoy it too. Then his tongue ventured higher and I felt his rough tip on my nipple.

He pressed his lips to my areola and huffed. I bit my lip and yelped. Then he suckled and I finally gripped his small horns and forced him against me and demanded the rough treatment I craved. For once, a clumsy teenager seemed about perfect; and when he finally got totally unwound and bit I just bellowed and pushed him against me harder.

I let him up for breath, but he wanted more and fast, as I did at his age. And when he dropped to his knees, I closed my eyes and tried not to think about what I was doing or who I was doing it with, but kind of failed. A part of me, a deep well hidden part of me, really would have enjoyed making my brother watch this.

He managed to unbuckle me finally, and hooked his fingers into my waistband and pulled my jeans down over a growing erection. His muzzle pressed to my boxers and sniffed luxuriously, and I gave his headfur and stroke and laughed at his enthusiasm but inside I was burning up with pleasure. Having a young stud so obviously into me was something I craved more than oxygen, and it had been a while since I had it. And he was definitely into it, no play acting required.

When he pulled my boxers down my cock swung up and slapped his muzzle. He was undeterred; sniffing my leaking tip as his fingers tickled the underside of my scrotum. Then he opened his muzzle and slid his lips over my head and his tongue rubbed the underside of my shaft...

And he really was terrible. He tried, bobbing his head enthusiastically, but in spite of how turned on I was, he really didn't have a clue. I pushed him off, using my hands on his horns to guide him back, and he sat back on his knees looking stricken.

"First lesson Dom...stand up."

He obeyed, still pretty wounded, but that didn't last when I fell to my knees and pressed my muzzle to his own crotch. His shorts fell to his hooves and I decided to clear the decks, pulling them off before he tripped as only an awkward teenager could do. I managed to get them to land on the roof of the Jaguar, and decided that was the most fitting use for the overpriced piece of junk. And when his jockey shorts joined them, I no longer could spell Jaguar if I wanted.

That was because I was muzzle to head, so to speak, with that perfect teenage cock I had seen earlier. It smelled incredible, tangy musk, sweat, precum. I ran my muzzle across his balls, huffing in deep breaths as he tried not to giggle, then along his shaft, and cupped his scrotum. Bigger than my brother; and as long as I lived, I was determined not to let him know precisely how I knew that.

Well, unless Jake pissed me off even more than usual.

"Now and learn. Watch one...teach one..."


I gave his sack a gentle squeeze and opened my lips just enough to slide over his swollen head. Not too far; only as far as the shaft just under his head, and then back, and down, and back, concentrating my efforts on his sensitive tip. My tongue flicked at his piss slit, sampling the taste of ripe precum, which was flowing in a river of need from his hole. He was moaning softly, his voice caught between calf and bull, the deep rumbling sigh of ecstacy mixed with the cry of discovery.

Judging the time right, I went down to the hilt, deep throating him as his cock bucked in my throat like a wild cobra, and he finally rested his hands on my horns and gripped tight but for now didn't use them to force me down. I could smell that musky precum pool in his pubes, my tongue extending to lick some of it off, before I slid back easily, and he let out a spurt of pre, and his tail swished so hard I thought it might damage his legs.

I thought about pulling off, but I had grown hungry. And I wanted my meal; and the best meal of all was a gutfull of stud cream. He was about to boil anyway, and needed the edge taken off. And what better way to do that...


My fingers slid under his scrotum, and I rubbed his soft perineum. It twitched under my fingertips, and then I found his hole, pressing on the resisting muscle until it yielded and I was buried to the knuckle in his incredibly tight ass. His hands suddenly went very tight on my horns and now he tried to push me down his length. I held him off, and concentrated on the tip. He was throbbing so hard, and his ass clenched down on me tight. I knew it was coming.


His load tasted so beautiful. It was also the biggest I had seen in ages. I barely took it all, swallowing rapidly to drink in his spunk and take the next burst and the next. When he was done, his cock went extra sensitive and I knew it was time to give him a rest when he pushed me off and yelped when I licked the cumtube from his scrotum to his wide open urethra.

My poor nephew fell to his knees then, unable to stand. I guess it didn't matter so much, given what I had planned next...

"Ok...that's the watch one. Now the do one..."

He was better this time, taking his lead from me. And his eyes shone whenever I let out a moo of pure pleasure, especially when he took me deep, not to the hilt, but a long way with my tip buried in his throat and my balls clenching as he stroked the underside of my sack and then squeezed roughly.

"Ughhh...nice try Dom, but I'm tougher than that."


His determination was a match for his level of horniness it seemed; he bobbed slowly on my length, lips getting used to the feel of a cock, and his fingers began their own exploration of my deep crevice. He found my hole and rubbed in teasing circles, and I let my head fall back and mooed out my pleasure and felt the cum begin to build. But I knew what I wanted.

He looked hurt again when I pushed him off. I used his horns to lift him to his hooves, and pulled him into a kiss, our hardons rubbing deliciously together now in our embrace. He was back to full mast again, ready for more. Bloody teenagers.

"Uhhh unc..."

"Dom...I want to...but I need to know..." I knew what I wanted allright, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, not yet. Guilt warred with desire, the damn wall creaking.

"What unc?"

"Please tell me you have at least done this stuff before."

"Ohh fuck unc, of course, plenty of times. Now please, I want you in my ass..."

How could I resist that? I defy any red blooded bull to resist a needy begging young stud demanding an assfucking. At least that's how I justified it to myself.

He gave me a wink and looked at the Jag, it's long expanse of hood concealing a quite useless underpowered engine. It had some additional uses though, and my nephew seemed to have worked it out too. He bent ostentatiously over the radiator, his chest rubbing the hood, hands gripping the sides, and lifted his tail.

I took in the sight arrayed there for me. A muscular ass, though nowhere near as broad as mine, still more than a handful of beef. His tail lifted high, I could examine his pucker, one tight little ring of muscle already clenching. I knew how it felt with my fingers up there, and almost lost my load at the thought of how it would feel round my cock.

He had a long soft taint covered in little fuzzy hairs, and then that pair of heavy nuts now hung down, the left a little lower than the right. It was some view, even better than the sight of his toned back stretched out for me and the glow in his eyes as he watched me watching him.

For once in my life, I suddenly had no idea what to do. It took a demanding moo from Dom to snap me out of it, and I finally decided to take him in stages. I wanted to taste; and kneeling behind him, with my knees on the oily concrete, I lost sight of anything other than that perfect ass.


It was a sort of long sighing moo, combined with a hiss. It sounded almost as good as he tasted. I licked from his scrotum, all the way along his cleft, and finally sampled that pucker, eating, teasing, before finally forcing my way in as the moo turned to a gasp and I felt his pucker open and then try to close, trapping my tongue in the tightest grip imaginable.

My only response was to saw my tongue in deeper, muzzle pressed to his taint, using a hand on his tail for leverage. He writhed under my attentions and I became bolder, using my fingers to spread his asslips wider before fucking his hole with my tongue and letting my thumbs play with the opening to his tunnel. The skin of his anus felt incredible, so soft, and it tingled under my touch seeming to flutter like a butterfly wing. And then I found his nut and he screamed.


That got him a slap on the ass. I always gave him one if he swore round the shop, so he would feel disappointed if I didnt now.


The bastard was teasing me. I gave him a hard slap, and that did it. He moaned and clenched his cheeks.

Finally unable to hold off any longer, I stood behind him, rubbing my cock along his cleft, prodding at his tail. I nudged my head against his well licked pucker, the poor little ring looking so tight. I was leaking so much, and that and spit would have to do. I had neglected to bring any lube, unaware that my nephew lay in wait with this perfect ass.


He clenched his ass tight as I pressed. I waited for him to relax and tried again. He grunted, and let out a little gasp, and finally I felt the heat of his ass around my head.

"Please...take it slow..."

I did. It took me fifteen long, patient, incredibly frustrating minutes to take his ass completely. Edging a little deeper, waiting when he hissed in discomfort, rocking back and forward just an inch, then a little deeper again. When I rested my belly against his ass, hilted in his depths, I pulled back and gave him his first hard thrust, my balls swinging forward to slap his taint and draw a gasp and a cry.

I bent over him, my chest on his back, and nibbled his horns, and then his ears, and whispered to him as I pulled back till just the tip remained inside...and then slid all the way back in again in one, long deep penetration that made him shake against me with his ass clenching rhythmically on me the whole time.

In the end, I never really got to fuck him properly, and it was probably just as well. His ass wasnt ready for that, not yet. It was enough though, and I wrapped my arms under his chest and held on while my hips bucked into him with control I could only barely maintain and I felt every thrust through the delicious spasms in his ass and his cries and moans and the way his chest heaved under my grip.

When he let out a deep bellow and arched his back, I felt his orgasm through his ass first, clenched down on my cock like he would never let go. He lay on the hood of the Jag panting then, before pushing back with his arms so I could stand too, his body spooned against mine.

It was then that I saw the slight problem.

"Fucking hell Dom..."

He had cum allright, in buckets, all over the Jag. The green duco was painted with lines of creamy teenage bull milk, at least a dozen long spurts covering most of the oversized hood. I had to admit, it was an impressive load.

"What are we going to do boss?"

He got a bite on the shoulder for that, but the bastard seemed to like it. He moaned and pushed back against me, my cock still buried in his depths.

"What do you think asshole? We need to give it a wash and polish had better get the hose and the soap."

After we had done, I had to admit the car looked pretty spic. And for some reason, the hood in particular seemed to glow with an especially impressive sheen.

He noticed too, pointing and grinning. "See boss. Special ingredient, that. You should bottle it."

He got a withering stare for that, and in invitation to the shower given we were both now sweaty, covered in suds, and dirty. I was only intending to get clean, honest, but any resolve didn't last though; his fingers on my cock had me hard in an instant, and pretty soon we were getting dirty again. With his hands pressed to the tiles, ass poking out, muzzle to one side, hooves well spread, I eased into him while his cock slapped his belly and his sighs went right through my spine.

I lasted longer this time, long enough to give him a proper fucking, and with a hand on his cock, to draw a third load from his overproductive teenage balls to coat the tiles. Afterwards we dressed silently in the garage, and he gave me a slightly shy peck on the muzzle while he stroked the duco on the Jag.

"You know unc...maybe it was just because it was my first time...but that polish really does look good."

His impish grin as he walked out made me want to bend him over my knee and teach him a real good lesson about lying, but I knew that was me being angry with myself. The damage was done though; I had the taste for that ass, and I knew I was hooked.

That was confirmed later that night. I had turned up to my brother's place, the party in full swing, my beloved older bro busy on the BBQ grilling steaks. I handed him his present and blended into the scenery drinking a beer. I got a causal wave from Dom, the calf trying otherwise to ignore me as was appropriate for a teenager with his boss; that was, until I had to go take a leak.

I made it to the bathroom, took out my cock, and was about to syphon my bladder when the door opened and quickly shut. I was muzzle to muzzle with a grinning calf, and had just enough time to open my muzzle to yell at him when I heard the lock on the door go click.

"Should be more careful boss..."

He was on his knees in a flash, and I had my cock buried deep in his muzzle before I could say a word. All I could do was clamp a hand over my muzzle to stifle screams. The little bastard had improved a lot in a day.


He slapped my ass; I guess I deserved it, and it stung a bit, and made my cock throb harder.

"Fuck you Dom."

Another spank, this time lingering over my cleft and two fingers dived for my ass and spread my pucker wide and I had to choke off a scream as he hit my nut.

Then there was knock on the door.

"Hey Gary, you in there? Stop damaging the joint dude, we are about to cut the cake. I need my little bro there!"

I looked down at a twinkling pair of brown eyes. His lips glistened with spit, and he pulled off just enough to show me the ridge of my cockhead, purple and swollen, his lips sliding over the rest of it, and his fingers speared into my prostate with intent.


"About time bro."

It is hard to chuckle and swallow a load, but my apprentice somehow managed it. He was definitely a fast learner. Then he held my cock while I pissed, and for some reason that was the most intimate thing I could imagine.

Standing next to my bro afterwards, he wrapped his arms around me in true bro fashion, slightly drunk, slightly silly. He had given a speech of thanks, especially for me, his younger bro, lauding me for taking in his only calf and teaching him everything I knew. I almost lost my beer then, wondering at his words, but he seemed to be clueless. I noticed Dom had lost his drink too, all over his shirt. His sister gave him a strange look, as he doubled over in laughter, but he seemed to wave her off. Still...I had better have a word to the little shit. I realised a little late I had chosen a not terribly discrete partner.

Partner...was that what we were...?

I was contemplating that as my brother slurringly told me how much he loved me and how much it meant that I had taken Dom on. Then he spoilt it all.

"You know...I know a few girls at work. Stunning birds, and they remember you from the Christmas party. You remember Rebecca?"

"Yeah..." I remembered a bubbly lioness about 30. She had groped my ass and probably would have gone further if she had any more champagne.

"You should give her a go Gazza."

"Jake, you know I'm gay. Hard to ignore; I seem to remember you sucking on my cock a fair few times, if you remember? In fact, I seem to remember you being the first one into my ass. "

He went silent, and dropped his arms. He downed his beer, but wouldn't look at me.

"That was a long time ago bro. It was a mistake."

"Didn't feel like a mistake."

He still wouldn't look at me, and instead reached for another beer. I gave a sigh and prepared to leave, but he gripped my shoulder.

"I really do appreciate what you are doing for Dom. I thought...well, I thought he was going to be a real problem. You have given him a lot of guidance Gaz. I can see how much more confident he is now and it's thanks to you."

I bit my lip and reached for my own beer, seething with mixed emotions. One thing I was sure of though; as far as Dom was concerned, I had to be a good uncle until I worked out what the fuck I was doing here.


The sound of tools clattering in the storage room finished, and I looked up to see the smiling form of my nephew in oilstained overalls as he sauntered into the garage proper. The cat had gone, off to his perfect world, and I was about to close up shop. All that remained was to give Dom a lift home and then relax with a beer and some leftover pie at my humble abode.

I had tried to be good, I really had. My resolve had lasted about a week, and then he had invited me to go to the gym with him. He taunted me with my lack of condition, and told me he could bench more than me. I could never take that sort of challenge lying down, and proceeded to show him exactly how much an ex first string offensive lineman could lift when he put his mind and body on the line. He had been genuinely impressed.

At work the next day I could barely walk. Every movement caused intense pain in my everything, and the little shit just giggled all fucking day. When the others had gone, his joking became open laughter and I used every last ounce of my strength to bend him over a workbench and spank his contemptuously tight butt until he yelped and begged for forgiveness.

I was far too sore, and far too tired, to fight him off when he went down on his knees and promised to make it up to me. And when he had me right on the edge and left me there, leaking and desperate, he bent over the hood of one of the cars in for the night, a black Mercedes, and I fucked him without mercy or restraint until I had sprayed two loads into his ass and he had painted the hood with his special spunk.

The fucking duco looked amazing again after a wash and polish, and so the "Moo Milk Special" was born. Nobody knew how it was done, and I wasn't about to tell.

My apprentice looked at the Lexus, his grin spreading as he picked up the work order from the bench. He had been with me almost a year now, and I really should sign off on his apprenticeship. The other guys were happy to have him on board, and he had earned it. Still, I had a few things to teach him still.

"So boss...another for the Moo Milk Special?"

"Yeah...tomorrow night. Thought we could maybe go for a pizza after if your boyfriend lets you off the leash."

His grin spread wider still. The bastard was a sucker for a Marguerita, amongst other things. I felt a bit of a bastard myself taking his time like this; well his time, but more so his body. I had encouraged him to find someone his own age, but was secretly pleased when he told them there was a condition. Brian had agreed reluctantly, but I could tell the wolf was not really happy about it. He probably didn't realise I was not strictly competition; I would always have a place in Dom's world, but I also knew I would not be the one.

"Hmmm if you say boss. Still, I think this might be an opportunity for you to complete my apprenticeship, if you are willing."

Seemed he had read my mind. I didn't know what I could cover in a night adequately, though, and told him so. He trotted over and reached up to pull me into a kiss.

Then I felt his fingers inside my overalls, his hand snaking across my flank, down my hips, and into the cleft of my ass...

His muzzle pressed to my ear, and I heard his whisper.

"Well, there is one thing...I think you need to show me how to take an ass as hot as this one boss. And we can see if your jizz is as good for duco as mine."

He stabbed his fingertips into my pucker. My cock shot to full attention, and I let out a groan and pushed back onto his fingers. They sank into the hilt, wiggling against my prostate and making a little wet patch in my overalls. I had to think before my brain went to mush.

"Fucking hell Dom. Please tell me you have done this with your boyfriend already at least."

His wicked smile was a constellation of lights that lit up like the night sky. And his deep brown eyes were full of mischief.

"Of course unc...plenty of times. Now want me to take your ass, don't you? Watch one...teach one..."

I wanted to bend him over the Lexus right there and then, but that would have to wait till tomorrow. Perhaps by then I could come up with a reason why I shouldn't feel guilty about letting him bust another cherry with me and not his wolfboy Brian.

"So...tomorrow boss..."

He slid his hand from my overalls and sniffed his fingertips, then suckled them tasting my ass. And then he gave me a wink, as I shuddered and shot a gallon of precum into my boxers.

Yeah, typical teenage stud. Guilt didn't stand a chance once again. And neither would the hood of this Lexus.

Well, Brian should thank me. At least I was a good teacher.


The room looked just as I remembered it. It even smelled as I remembered it. Sweat, musk. The scent of fresh spunk, it filled my nostrils with a pungent odour and triggered a whole lifetime of memories. "You must have been here a few times my...

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Goldenmane Chapter XI: Ponysluts of Gor

_The stallion sat back on his hooves on the earth. His hands were tied behind his back, and a shiny collar round his neck proclaimed his status for all to see. His eyes bore the look of defiance though. An unseemly defiance._ _I, his owner, a mere...

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Goldenmane Chapter X: Just Desserts

The wolfess shuddered a little. She knew she was in no real danger, but she shuddered anyway. This was as close to it as she allowed herself to become in her world of paranoia and intrigue. As she lay there she reflected on her past. How many, she...

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