
Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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Well, Hoss is back for now. And I leave you with a hoss story, and a fairly twisted one.

The story of Aris, stallion and Queen's Champion. The job comes with some challenges though, not least the dominating sexual cruelty of his lover and mistress, the Queen.

She has a plan for him, and our stallion has to summon all his strength to follow through for her. And in the process relive his youth and all the sexual awakenings of a Cadet at the Royal School for Warriors.

But perhaps even his loyalty will be strained by forces beyond her control. Even a Queen able to wield a whip as beautifully as the mare, cannot always count on controlling her stallion.


A tale of intrigue, awakening, torment, femdom, what colts and stallion get up to in the barracks, and much ambiguity.

The room looked just as I remembered it. It even smelled as I remembered it. Sweat, musk. The scent of fresh spunk, it filled my nostrils with a pungent odour and triggered a whole lifetime of memories.

"You must have been here a few times my pet."

It was as if she read my mind.

"Yes my Lady. A few."

I heard her musical laugh then, and a soft whinny. It went straight through my spine, and into disparate places. Heart and cock. Both sang to her tune.

"It will be my first time witnessing some of the rites you colts go through. Perhaps I should have done this earlier."

Yes, I knew she would enjoy it, even though this was something for the males alone. She liked transgressing boundaries, did my lover. Even as Queen of our realm, Mare of the Herd, there were boundaries she was not supposed to cross. But for Melestane, boundaries were made to be broken. Like her lovers.

We stood in the barn, as I had known it back then, a colt barely eighteen, budding into a stallion. Was it really six years ago? I had been chosen by her to become a cadet here, the Royal School for Warriors. It produced her personal bodyguard, the Queen's Legion, and the finest fighters on the continent. Here we were taught, and here we were broken only to be remade.

I was living, if I can call it that, in the household of Lady Tassicar, an important noble. I had been there all my life, as far as I could remember, and all my life I had dreamed of something better. As the bastard foal of unknown parents, my fate had been better than most of my kind, but I knew well enough that I was not truly welcome there or anywhere.

My Lady the Queen had come to our estate on a royal progress when I was seventeen. As a groom, I had been ordered to prepare the finest horse in our stable for her to ride. A stubborn and truculent stallion called Demon, only I seemed able to make him behave. So I had won the job, and presented my charge to her with words of caution and advice.

She had laughed at me then, the first time I heard that music, and told me that she had no difficulty controlling a mere stallion. My face had burned, and she had lifted my chin with one delicately gloved hand and looked into my eyes. Her expression troubled me and thrilled me, and my skin burned at her touch.

After the ride she had ordered that I be sent to the Warrior School at her request, and enrolled as a cadet. It was so unexpected, my mistress had not even bothered to argue. She had recovered her wits sufficiently before I left to order a salutary thrashing with the braided whip for 'having the impertinence to offer advice to her Majesty.' I bore it stoically, knowing it was a last gesture of futile anger, and that I would be going. My wounds would heal, and I would be free.

If only it were that simple, and if only all wounds did in fact heal.

"Tell me about your first time here Aris. What was it like? Which side of the coin were you?"

My cheeks burned again, as the first time she had spoken to me. But this time I knew I had to respond.

"I had been here two months. I kept my head down, mostly, with a few whippings but nothing bad enough to bring me here. Then I had an argument with Swordmaster Prothane. He ordered a more severe punishment."

Her hand stroked my mane then. It was strangely soothing, and someone unfamiliar with her may have mistaken it for a sympathetic gesture. I knew better, and soon her hand strayed; over my back, across my flanks, over my rump. She was touching the places the whip would have hurt, wanting to taste the pain. I was already naked, at her command, my body exposed, hands shackled in front of me. I could not have stopped her touch even if I wished it, but I knew I did not wish it.

My blood boiled again, and not just at my cheek.

"Ahhh so beautiful. You look incredible under the whip my love, but somehow I feel cheated not having seen that moment. Who gave you your whipping?"

"Warmaster Galick."

Her hand stopped on my dock, her fingers in my tail. I shuddered.

"Was that when he..."


Ahhh that night. I still remembered it so well.

The room was dark, like tonight. I had reported to the Warmaster as ordered. I felt angry, and it showed I knew, in my eyes and ears and tail. I was a younger stallion then, hotheaded and not yet wise. The Warmaster could see my defiance.

When he led me in here, all that changed.

"Strip Aris."

I obeyed. It did not take much, after all. Cadets at the Warrior school only wore a simple loincloth in white linen, decorated with the royal crest in red. Removing it reverently, I had placed it on a bench and prepared to take my punishment. The Warmaster wanted to talk though.

"Why are you such a difficulty to us Aris?"

The question had shocked me. I thought I was being obedient.

The big Clydesdale stood close, just watching me. His eyes were thoughtful, and something else. I swallowed, and hung my head, but the feeling felt good all the same. I felt the heat of his gaze over me, like a hand stroking my flesh.

"I...I do not know what you mean Master. I try...I try to be a good cadet."

"Oh I know it Aris. You pursue your instruction in the arts of war with a manic devotion we all can recognise. Even Prothane...oh, he hates your guts colt, do not mistake me, but he can recognise a special talent when he sees it, and when allied to hard work, that is rare. He knows you as one of the best he has seen."

I hugged the praise to my chest like a fine garment, or a blanket against the cold. I could not help a little smile. I thought Prothane had no time for me, hence tonight. This was a revelation.

"But even the hardest steel must be tempered colt, or it breaks. You are so wound up inside, so intense. You barely speak to your fellow cadets, let alone anything more...agreeable. And you give nothing of yourself to your instructors but your will to learn. Why is that I wonder?"

I knew, but wondered if he did. Most of my fellows were sons of minor nobility or rich merchants. I was the orphan bastard colt, and I knew they all whispered it in the shadows. I did not belong. It was bad enough that some of them said it, worse still that part of me agreed with them.

The mention of more agreeable things cut me though. I knew what my fellow cadets got up to at night. The sighs, moans, nickers, cries filled my ears and made me jealous and lonely. I craved belonging, especially that way, but I held back and watched and listened instead.

It was only play, in any case. We were specifically forbidden to fuck, that privilege belonged to the instructors. But we used our fingers and our muzzles to give as much pleasure as possible, and bind our little herd together. Except for me.

His hand stroked my body then, as I stood in the barn. A surprisingly gentle caress, from such a gnarled warrior as he. Over my shoulders, down my back, along my flanks, then my rump. Just like my Lady now...but it felt very different.

"You are beautiful colt. And yet your pride holds you distant. A shame."

I looked at him finally, ashamed that I was close to tears. Sadness, loss, loneliness. It was too close to the surface for me to control.

"My pride is all I have!"

I should have earned a rebuke. Instead he leaned in and kissed my cheek. He knew his men, did Galick. And in spite of my attempt to build a wall around my soul, he knew me.

"Then temper it young colt. And grow stronger."

His hands caressed my chest then, and down my belly, and I gasped as I felt him touch the tip of my cock. I had dropped partially, without even realising it. My flare filled with blood under his touch, and I spread from my sheath to full erection, gasping and shocked, but still at attention as discipline required. His hand was still gentle, like a lover's. I ached.

"You are beautiful colt, I told you, but I need to show you before you believe it. Oh, you still get your whipping, but if you want you can have more. You see, I ordered the others to leave you to me, when you arrived."

I gasped at that. I had wondered, after two months when all my fellow cadets had been deflowered, some many times. Why was I singled out? Now I knew...

"Now cadet. Over the whipping bench."

I knew what to do, even if my body struggled to obey completely. But I managed it, trotting unsteadily to the frame. A simple enough but sturdy contraption, I would be bent over a bench, with my wrists and ankles tied, awaiting my fate. I saw it in the torchlight, the mass of wood and rope. And then I was standing before it, and shaking.

"Do you need to be tied Aris?"


My pride was still strong. I bent over the bench and gripped the bar at the far end, my hooves spread, and waited.

His hand returned. It hurt almost as much as a whip. I had never known a loving touch, and here...ahhh, why here?

Down my back, feeling the new grown muscles, my hips, my rump. Then his hand spread my cleft and I gasped but held on still as he stroked my private places. The soft silken place between my hole and my scrotum, that felt so good to touch. The wrinkled ring of my pucker, that felt so good when it spread round my fingers as I pleasured myself of a night hearing the cries of the other colts in heat, or the sound of wild mating coming from the Masters quarters when they took one of my fellows to bed.

He cupped my balls and squeezed gently, hefting them in his hand.

"A mighty stallion in the making Aris. You will make a mare very happy one day."

The memory of his words made me chuckle now. If only he knew. If only I knew.

The touch ceased, and I heard him trot over to the wall. I kept my eyes closed anticipating the worst. I could not close my ears though, and I heard the swish of leather through the air as he tested the whip. My body shook in spite of my efforts at control.

"You cannot defy a Master Swordsman in his own class cadet, even if he is a po-muzzled ass like Prothane. Do you understand Aris?"



The crack was followed by a loud thud as the whip bit into flesh, landing across my shoulderblades. The pain came a moment later and I hissed but managed to stay mostly quiet.



The crack came again, and the pain. This time on my left buttock. I stomped a hoof slightly, gritted my teeth, and spoke through pain.


By the twentieth I was in agony, but determined not to be broken. The whip danced over my body, back, thighs, rump. Pain was my opponent, and I would not be beaten.

"Spread your legs wider colt..."

I swallowed and obeyed.

The last few broke me, harder than any blow I had known, across both cheeks of my already sore rump. On the last, the tip flicked into my crevice and I screamed. I did not move though, and lay panting on the bench, my eyes gushing tears.

"Thank you...Master..."

His hands were back, and he bent over my prone form. I shook, and I wept. And he held me, his heat filling me with comfort inspite of the agony.

"Such pride colt. And strength. But you have no need for pride with me."

Lips found my neck and kissed. Then he traced the outline of my pains, fingers and lips touching every welt and suckling where the blow had drawn blood. All the way down my back, then over my rump, and finally, as I moaned and nickered, into the cleft of my ass where he kissed the spot that had been kissed moments before by the whip. His hot breath on my cleft felt like a dragon's, and did as much damage to my soul as a dragons fire could to my body.

"Well Aris?"

"Please Master."

I heard him unbuckle his tunic, and the soft sound of fabric moving over stallion coat and the thwump of garments hitting the floor. I turned to look at him then. He was a huge stallion with the thick body of a Clyde, black coat shot with some grey, white feathering, and big blue eyes that sparkled with life. His mane was close cropped, like his tail, and I could see now many scars on his body still thick with muscle. He had lived a warrior's life; I knew it, but now I got to see it.

And my eyes fixed on his cock, and I was done. It pulsed with life, blood rich and thick. A massive endowment, with a fat flare already pulsing in the air, and a thick medial, a tapering shaft, and all above a pair of heavy testicles in a black leather sac. I could see his urethra pulse in anticipation of my deflowering. I wanted to worship it forever.

He reached for the small pot of oil that always stood in this room, and slicked up his length. I watched him approach, and lifted my tail high in need and respect. My stallion, come to claim his due.

"So beautiful colt...and now mine. Enough of your pride youngster. Just feel it."

I felt it indeed. The first thrust of his cock, spreading my pucker wider than I thought possible. Abandoning pride as he instructed, I cried out, I whinnied, and even pushed back, demanding more. It hurt all the way in, but it was a good hurt, like his touch. And soon it didn't even hurt, and I felt the pulse of life deep in my gut and in my cock and in my balls.

He leant over me as he rutted, licking my neck and nibbling my ears and whispering in my ear. I was his, no other would have me. And I would be his whenever I wanted, but I had to ask. I would learn to temper that pride after all; it was all I could do not to knock on his door every night.

He reached under to hold my cock, not stroking, just holding, as his hips rode into a long leisurely fuck. I felt his flare scrape across the place inside me that burned with need, the pleasure building with each fresh thrust. His lips brushed over the nape of my neck, down to my shoulder, then he bit playfully and his tip slapped hard onto my swollen spot inside.

I let out a wild stallion whinny and came. My body unleashed, like a river reaching the ocean, on and on through countless spurts of pleasured release. I could smell my own ejaculation pungent and fresh. The room always smelt of cum; now I knew why.

As I lay panting, he held me, his body still. He had not spent himself yet, I could tell, and I ached for his cum inside me. Instead he pulled out, and I whinnied in frustration, and not a little pain. My pucker burned.

His gaze was not angry though.

"Stand Aris."

Wondering, I obeyed. His cock swung with need, slapping his belly. I stared at it desperate for it's pleasure.

He pulled me into a heated kiss, full body, strength and a warrior's need in the gesture. I felt my breath taken as his tongue fought mine.

"You will learn colt. Sometimes, taking your time when you can is the most pleasure of all."

He drove two more fresh climaxes from me that night, my screams of delight echoing off the stones, the splash of young semen adding to the stench. The last saw me on the ground, with my hooves over his shoulders as he rutted into me without mercy. Finally, as I sprayed our chests with a climax that made me almost lose consciousness, I saw him lean his head back with a grimace and let out his own whinny and I felt the burn of a stallion's cum inside me for the first time. It spread through my depths and I knew I was owned, claimed by his seed. And the knowledge felt good.

When I made it back to the barracks, my fellow cadets were as expected. Some slept, some talked, some played, and some pleasured. When one of us came back from punishment, their fellows tended to them. I had not participated before, even when I had felt the lash. Now though, and to their surprise, I sought out two of my fellows, a chestnut colt called Bayard, and a Friesian called Oban. And I asked them to make their fellow cadet's pains go away.

On the floor, I had two colts tending to me, but all the others watched as Bayard spread my cleft and lapped at my abused anus, the tingle growing to a fire, while Oban suckled my cock as I for the first time lapped and suckled his. I could hear the others stroking and moaning as many masturbated at our show and I didn't care. I felt home at last, and my herdmates were embracing me as well. The first gush of Oban's cum tasted sweet, and I moved to Bayard once I could no longer resist his licking on my ass and on the sensitive skin of my cleft. I slept between them, cuddled by two colts, and I slept well.

While Warmaster Galick was my lover, he knew I played with the others, and approved. He even took some others at time into our loving. Both Bayard and Oban had turns with us, and towards the end of my time in the School, he seemed to realise I needed others more. The time of our parting would not be long delayed.

Our last time was bittersweet. He invited both the other colts, and he taught us new skills that were not the province of war but were the province of warriors. I mounted my first colt, buried in Oban's inviting tailhole, and took the Friesian into mine as well, while I knelt over Bayard's muzzle and the chestnut suckled my cock. I had learned restraint by then, under my Master's guidance, and the night seemed to go on forever at a constant peak that didn't crest. Only when he took me and fucked one last time with all his passion did I spend as he spent inside me.

Back in the barracks I had to use all my will not to cry.

My memories were interrupted by the sound of a whip. I flinched in anticipation of delights to come.

"He was a strangely sentimental one that stallion, for a warrior. I hear he killed a whole legion with his own sword in his time. Tell me...how did his sword feel buried in your tailhole?"

The hairs on my back stood up suddenly, and I felt the grazing touch of the whip's end. She stroked it in deliberate slow motions down my back, until it reached my crevice, and she nudged it between my cheeks as I shuffled on my hooves and my cock spread from the lips of my sheath in shameful arousal.

"Tell me..."

Her hand now came to the party, and cupped my scrotum. Like he had, back then...but a very different gesture.

"It felt...I felt home, My Lady."

"Did you seed little colt?"

"Yes...three times with him inside me."

She laughed again, but I detected a note in her laugh. A harsh note, an uncertain one. Jealousy.

"One may almost believe you had fallen for him Aris."

I dared not speak, but I knew the truth. The first of many I lost.

"Did you love him as much as you love me Aris?"

Ahhh the question I dreaded. And yet the worst part was that I could answer truthfully.

"No My Lady. I still love you, even after...this."

She snorted, but I could tell she was pleased. It was in her ears when she came around the front to face me. And her eyes. Normally grey like ice, they sparkled with a golden fire now, and not just from the prospect of what she was to do to me. Somehow, my love mattered, even in the darkness. It was all I could hold on to.

"You are my most precious possession, Aris. That is why this will hurt me so much...but I bear it, because I must."

Yes, I could almost believe that. But I also knew, that a great part of her would enjoy it immensely.

She looked at the whipping bench, her curiosity piqued now. Her ears were attentive, and her nostrils flared too, as she sampled the same air. It seemed to fascinate her, these male scents. She licked her lips slowly, savouring.

"Tell me love, how many times did you get to use another here?"

"Many my Queen."

"Ahh yes...the privileges of the Queens Cadet. It was the first sign of what you might become, my love, when your fellows elected you their leader. And you enjoyed those privileges too, did you not?"

I had to nod. When the ballot was announced, I thought my heart would burst. Pride, but tempered as my lover and Master had hoped. Tempered with love, and humbling, always humbling.

"I can smell what you lot got up to in here well enough."

It was true. The place always stank of it. For some reason I remembered the last most fondly, though he was the last of many.

Though the cadets were able to relieve their needs with each other's hands and muzzles, and we spent our nights with the trainers instructing our tailholes in more subtle arts, still there was a need. A stallion needs to mount, and mate, and fuck. And the need grew in our balls and our cocks and our bodies.

For that, they had a special solution. Every now and then, when we earned it, a great warrior from our enemies was brought to the barn for us. Two purposes in one; to spend the growing need in our loins, and heap humiliation on the enemies of our city and our Queen.

The last had been a great bull of the Narvii, a warrior of fearsome reputation. He had been captured near the river forts, leading a small band of bulls to ambush our supply train. He had not gone down easily, and in the end a blow to the head had knocked him senseless. He would not have allowed himself to be taken alive otherwise.

Here he was, shackled, with four guardsmen from the Queen's legion to keep him under control. He was stripped naked, and tied down to the whipping bench. He was not due a whipping though, or any more conventional form of torture. As Queen's cadet, I had the honour of breaking him in, and when I entered the barn, he was already cursing and threatening in a bellow that shook the walls.

I surveyed him for a moment, enjoying the view. A massive bull, with arms and thighs like tree trunks, he was now splayed over the bench, his legs spread wide, ass open to the air, massive balls swinging as he struggled against his bonds. A huge brown-furred mass of muscle and sinew and malice, but for now he was contained. And I knew he was nervous, even though he hid it. His anus winked at me, closed tight, relaxing, then closed tight again. He knew, or at least his tailhole did, and he feared.

I approached him and bowed to the guards. They smirked and left, and I was alone with the enemy warrior. He saw me then, and snarled.

"Little pony, if you so much as lay a finger on me, I will slice your belly open and eat your fucking heart out!"

He stared, saliva dripping from his nostrils, and his nosering rose and fell as he snorted harsh breaths from the effort of trying to break the bonds that held him in place. I just watched, and then I smiled. His eyes went wide and he struggled afresh.

"You fucking miserable cunt! I will rip your balls off with my fingers and choke you with them little horseboy! You will regret the day you crossed a Captain of the Narvii little cunt..."

His words flowed over me like rain. I paid them no attention. Instead I focussed on that ass. Pausing for a second by the small bowl of oil, warmed by a candle, I took the time to lovingly coat my hardening cock. It glistened in the torchlight, and I felt the rush of blood that preceded a wild fucking. This moment always felt amazing.


Finally I laughed at him. I swatted his rump playfully, watching the muscled cheeks wiggle under the blow. Then I gripped his tail, which was now, belatedly, trying to protect his crevice, and pulled it up painfully. He grunted but kept his silence.

"I don't have to dare cow. I am in charge of your destiny tonight."

Most males in my position would hump into the helpless warrior and spend in a moment of rough frantic fucking. I had different ideals though. First, I wanted to savour. The first fuck into an enemy warrior's anus was the most exquisite sensation I knew. The feeling of his ass yielding, the grunts, the struggle and the long deep entry was as close to perfection as you could come.

And second, I knew a secret. That the way to break a male wasn't just to rape him, but to make him enjoy it.

And so it was with the bull. I pressed against his pucker, gently but firmly. He fought, grunting with the effort, his pucker clenched tight as his body coiled with the strain, muscles standing out. I whinnied in admiration, and reached under to cup those magnificent testicles.

First a stroke, and he let out a moo. Then A squeeze, hard and biting, and he bellowed and in the moment of pain, relaxed his anus just enough.

I had him then, and he knew it. His pucker spread, and my flare filled him. Just the flare though, and the first couple of inches. As he panted, I went back to stroking the underside of his scrotum, and gently rocking my hips to nudge my length a little deeper into his ass.

"Such a good little cow. It is what you were made to be, Narvii. A cow. Or perhaps a mare, for a real stallion."

His anger knew no bounds. I let him struggle, continuing the long loving entry. I had found his secret place, the hot, beating pulse of his male need, inside him. And I tended it with my cock, in careful, determined strokes, while my hand caressed his scrotum.

He dropped, of course. And then he felt it feel good, and he begged me to hurt him, to whip him, to rape him like a worthless whore, anything but this. And I ignored him, tickling his shaft now, and then his fat cock head, and always rubbing the place inside him with a flare swollen and eager but never out of control.

My lover had taught me well. I could cum when I wanted, but hold on for an age if I wanted too. Our lovemaking had become languid, varied, his hand on my cock touching everywhere as he fucked me and rewarded me for lasting. I had learned how to hold my orgasm on the brink to earn his favour, even with his shaft buried to the hilt in my ass. The feeling of this tight virgin bull hole was no real challenge.

Bent over his body now, I whispered in his ear, all the while fucking into his ass as much as his soul.

"Such a good little cow...you will beg for me, Narvii...and for the rest of your life, you will remember the feel of my stallionhood inside you, and how good it felt when I fucked you, and you will know you are nothing compared to a stallion. And you will beg for a real male to fill your ass and make you tingle like you are now, and make you cum the way a cow should, like this Narvii cow...yes, no more fighting...you are mine..."

I gripped his horns and thrust. He let out a groan and shot, his cock spraying bull milk all over the floor. I opened my nostrils and bathed in the scent, different yet alike. The scent of male, powerful and rich, always smelt sweet. But this mature bull was a different taste to colt...or stallion. A worthy addition to the room.

Of course I did not cum. Not until I had fucked three loads from his ass and he was sniffling in barely contained agony as his hole clenched my length on each thrust and his balls ached for my touch. When I finally unleashed in him, he wept. His cock dripped a constant line of precum to the floor, joining the great pool of his semen that he had deposited there during our fuck.

I pulled out, and slapped his ass playfully.

"Do you still want to kill me Narvii?"

It was a whisper, but it was there. "Yes."

As befitted my rank, I got to watch the rest of his night. Twenty-seven of my fellow colts had his ass, some taking only a moment to spend in him, some fucking roughly enough to draw a grunt of pain, some fast, some slow, but none drew a fresh orgasm from the defeated bull. I had the honour to myself.

Oban was the last, the big Friesian grinning at me while he fucked into the warrior. I left my position at the bull's muzzle for that, cuddling my fellow colt from behind as he fucked into the bull, my own cock sliding in the crevice of his perfect ass.

When he came, his ass clenched enough to bring me off, and I shot my load on his back. I licked it all off, lest the others wonder, while we took in the sight of the bull. His anus was stretched wide open, unable to close, bloodied and broken, with a river of horse cum dripping over his scrotum to the floor and pooling alongside the puddle of bull seed he had lost.

He was not completely defeated though, for he looked at me, and his eyes shone.

"One day, horse...one day, one of us will get you. I am just sorry it won't be me."

I stroked his muzzle. He did not flinch, expecting the worst but still proud in spite of everything. Something in me softened.

"Get the guardsmen in here."

My lover had been outraged, as much as terrified for me. He had assented though, as it was my right as Queens Cadet. He promised a whipping afterwards though, for making him so worried. And I knew I deserved it.

And so the bull got his wish, at least partly. Taken to the school battle arena, and given a sword, with me as his opponent. His wonder, and his confusion, were amusing enough, but I did not smile. It would have spoilt the gesture.

Tired, and wounded as he was, he was still a formidable opponent, but I knew my own skill then. I knew he would be no match. And after a few minutes where he tried to batter me into submission, the kill had come quickly.

He sank to the sand with my sword in his belly, clutching it ineffectually with a hand bereft of strength. He had the strength left to smile though as he died, still a warrior, even with what had been done to him.

Warmaster Galick had not spared the whip then. It was the hardest flogging he had given me, and yet my cock remained hard through it all, dripping with an anticipation of his cock. When it came he took me without oil, and without ceremony, to teach me the depths of his anger and his fear. It felt good, because I knew he cared enough to be angry, and I came so soon he had barely begun to fuck.

"You stupid, stupid horse. Have I taught you such arrogance? Is this my fault?"

I could not tell him he had taught me anything but arrogance. He had taught me the meaning of respect.It was after that night he began to share our time with the others, as if he knew he was losing me before I was gone, and he needed to prepare himself as much as me.

I gasped as I felt a hand on my cock. I was fully erect, the memories fuelling my length to anguished arousal.

"You want it Aris...I know you my pet. I know you will enjoy it too, as much as I do."


I could not tell her, for it would be my undoing. How I knew she would never respect me the way I respected the Narvii bull, as an equal, even if an enemy. And how much I loved her partly because of that. Even as my fame as a warrior grew, I had been seeking someone to worship, someone for whom I could be the moon to their earth, and who better than this beautiful mare, ruler of all horses? And her voice was the rain upon a parched land when she spoke to me and called me beautiful.

But it never felt quite like it did when master Galick whipped me and then made love to me, or the others who had come after him and before I had taken my current position with her. She may make me cum with a deftly placed whip stroke, she may make me eat my heart out with need for her, and she may protest her love for me absolutely. But I knew she did not feel for me the way Galick had, because she could not. And yet somehow, it made me love her more.

When she came to me with the plan, I had been appalled. But I knew my role was to obey. And in a way, I could be proud. She trusted me enough to do this, when nobody else could have been trusted with this.

"Are you ready my love?"

"Yes my Queen. I...goodbye, my love."

"For now, Aris."

She kissed my cheek, and I banked the feeling for the time to come.

"So who will it be Aris?"

I had to frown at that. Unfortunately, I knew.


Her little laugh was almost solicitous.

"Oh dear...a most arrogant and difficult colt. Lady Cyrelle gave birth to two delightful fillies, but her colt was a different kind altogether. Well, he must have some redeeming qualities if he is the Queen's Cadet."

"He is a good swordsman, my Lady, but not a good stallion."

She gave me a pat on the rear and a smile.

"Well, I shall get to admire his sword work shortly."

At a gesture, I was taken to the whipping bench. I had asked her to at least let me be unrestrained, but she would have nothing of it. For this to work, everyone had to believe I was in disgrace. And so she could spare me nothing, not even this.

After I had been tied down, I tried not to test my bonds. I knew it was futile, and it would only hurt more. The door opened, and I refused to look at the colt who entered. I had spent some time here, helping out their training, so I knew them all, and this one always grated on me.

I could hear his smile even tied down and with my eyes closed though.

"My...Lady. Your majesty. Your beauty is even more stunning in person than from a distance."

He was a crawler too, it seemed.

My lover giggled like a school filly, but I could tell she was putting on a show. Still, she was good at it.

"Beautiful colt. Your name?"

"Valcrane, your majesty."

"A name as beautiful as you. I have need of your cohort tonight, cadet. Can you assist me?"

He swallowed, and shuffled his hooves. He seemed to try to speak a few times, think better of it, then try again.

"Ahhh...your majesty, may I ask a question?"

"Of Course."

"I can't help noticing that you have the Queens Champion, Master Aris there tied over the bench."

"Indeed. He is no longer Queen's Champion. He had disgraced himself, my most ignoble stallion, and he is to be cast from my service. But first, as punishment, I thought he needed to be taught a lesson. And who better to teach it than my faithful Cadets?"

The colt coughed, clearly astonished. The gossip vine would have started already, and the pieces would come together soon enough. The story was that I had seduced one of her ladies in waiting, the Lady Jarissa Kharanly. A most dutiful mare, that one, she would attest to the story, not least by being exiled for a time. In compensation, my love had allowed the mare to mount my cock and use me for her pleasure for a night. She had held a knife to my scrotum the whole time, with her other hand rubbing Jarissa's clit, waiting for me to disobey her injunction that on no condition was I to cum without permission.

My balls ached so much by the end, and partly because I knew she would really have followed through on her threat. A few times she dug the tip of the knife into my balls, enough to draw blood, and enough to make me scream, but not enough to make me cum. That came later, when she used the leather penis that she kept in her rooms for these nights, strapped now to her groin, and fucked my tailhole while I lapped at the poor Jarissa's oversensitive pussy. Then I came, many times, begging for her to use me harder all the while.

That had been three nights ago. My balls ached again with need, and the thought of losing her for a time.

"I hear from a reliable source, young stallion, that enemies are sometimes placed here for humiliation just like this."

"Ahh..yes, your majesty."

"Well, treat my former Champion as you would them. Do not hold back."

"YES!...err, yes, your Majesty."

I knew Valcrane would need no encouragement. The vengeful colt had a reputation for cruelty, and a temper to match. I had cause to discipline him a few times, and he would not be the type to forgive. He would be savouring this.

I heard him trot to the pot of oil.

"Wait! No easing of the way for my disloyal Champion, colt. Take him dry."

I cringed, and gritted my teeth. His whinny of pleasure was hard to ignore though.

A hand gripped my tail and fondled. He didn't pull it up immediately, I noted, but seemed to enjoy playing, his fingers running through the strands. He was enjoying my touch, the bastard. And his hands roamed over me like a lover as I tried to resist the temptation to fight it and try to kill him.

Finally he lifted my tail, and I felt the kiss of an overeager teenage flare on my pucker.

It took all my strength not to scream. The bastard took me in one thrust, all his might in one push that conquered my ring and drove a path of tearing burning pain into my guts. Right on to the hilt, his balls on my sensitive skin, the sensations running through him manifest in his gasp and his huffing breaths as he adjusted to the feeling of taking a mature stallion's ass.

"Does he feel good colt?"

"Ohhh yes....er, your majesty."

"Then enjoy him cadet. Make him feel it."

He gripped my hips and trust again. This time I could not help letting out a scream. So deep, and so rough. I felt my tunnel spread and torn, the blood soothing his passage for a third and deeper thrust.

"That's it colt. Harder..."

He tried to obey, slapping his hips against me. I took it stoically, and then less so, when my lover reached under to stroke my sheath and coax me into shameful arousal.

"Good...not too fast. Make him feel it colt...make him feel it..."

The cadet let out a whinny and slowed a little, his thrusts in time with my heartbeat. I grew slowly to full erection, in spite of my self, under her touch. She knew how to make me drip even now.

Her hand left me, and I coudnt stop myself watching her. She brought her hand to her lips and tasted my pre. She gave me a wink, and walked behind the colt. I saw him then, eyeing me in triumph, his chest covered in a sheen of sweat, the grey coat shining in the torchlight. He was a strong one, his chest muscles and abdomen nicely defined. I had admired him, knowing I could not take him, but I had dreamed of bending him over more than once and doing to him what he was doing to me now. He seemed to be enjoying it at least as much as I would have.

She reached round him then, cuddling against his body, her chest to his back, her hips to his ass, her pussy against his tail. She brought her hand to his muzzle and fed him my pre and I closed my eyes and groaned.

"See colt...he likes it. You have made him your mare indeed."

She held onto him then as he fucked me, enjoying the feel of my rape. I heard her whinny in orgasm, and assumed she had touched herself while it was going on, overcome by the pleasure of watching my violation. The scent of mare in heat was thick, and it was too much for the colt.


The gush of hot colt seed filled my ass, leaking out as he continued to thrust wildly in his orgasm. When he pulled out, she held his cock, and I watched them kiss and felt the dagger pierce my heart and a single tear fell from my eye. She saw and approved.

"Tell me colt, will you one day enter the Contest to become the Queen's Champion?"

"You can count on it, your majesty."

I ground my teeth at that. The little cunt would never have the balls. He was when all was said and done, a coward.

"I look forward to that then, cadet. Can you send the next one it?"

She made me take only twenty of them. I guessed I should be grateful. Some were as rough as Valcrane. Most were thoroughly disturbed though, and tried to obey her orders though they hated them. For some it meant they came almost immediately. For other they could not cum at all. One sweet colt, called Falys, had tried to object. I caught his eye and told him it was all right. He had been loving, even gentle. It was the hardest of all; I almost came under his loving strokes.

When the last had gone, I heard the whip again. The time had come.

"Ahhh I will miss this the most my love. Oh, I will miss your cock, and your muzzle, and your chest, and your hands, and your voice. But most of all, I will miss your screams."

She played my body like a harp. The whip rose and fell, touching me everywhere she knew the best. Her hands had explored me over our time together, until she knew each individual nerve ending, and could touch it with her tongue, or her finger, or her whip. And when it was the whip, I screamed, and shot precum in great lines, from the impossible mix of pleasure and pain that was her touch.

Outside, I knew the whole School could hear it, along with half the city. The story would spread, and be accepted. They did not know the depths that loyalty could drive a stallion, clearly.

She stroked my mane as I lay, panting, in agony, her touch so fine. She kissed down my back, as my lover master Galick had those years ago, and like him, she licked the welts, but this time, there was more than enough blood for her to savour. She loved the taste, almost as much as the taste of my muzzle after I had eaten her out. And last, she touched my crevice, her fingers running from my broken hole to my scrotum and back, the sensation growing inexorably as she built the pressure.

"Now raise your tail, Aris."

I obeyed. And then the whip sang, and so did I. And as it tore the skin of my tailhole and my scrotum and the oversensitive flesh in between, I came.


Huddled in a ball of pain, I sat by the wharves in Old Town. The dockworkers went about their nightly routines without much thought for a lone stallion dressed in rags. I was nothing now, no position, no life. I merely existed.

Occasionally a curious worker would approach me, but he would be quickly warned off by his colleagues. The story of the disgrace of Aris, once Queen's Champion, was well known.

I could hear the cheers from the arena tonight. The Contest had started already. From the ranks of the Queen's legion, eighty stallions had been chosen to compete. The winner, after a long and arduous process, would be proclaimed the new Queen's Champion, and take my place in her life and in her bed. I wished him luck, for all that I wanted to kill him.

Of course, I knew the pains that luck could bring.

When I had put myself forward, few had given me any chance. I was a good swordsman, the best I felt, but the tests covered all talents. Strength, speed, endurance, unarmed combat, as well as tests of the mind. But I was determined, and I was driven, and when it came to the last four, I had made it.

For the last four, a special challenge awaited. The final Champion was determined by combat, with a sword. And the bouts were to the death.

What I was not prepared for was finding my friend and former lover Oban amongst the four.

We both made it to the final bout. I could see in his eyes he knew I had his measure. And he felt no anger, only love, which only made it worse. When I drove my blade into him, I lost the last part of me that could have been normal. In a way it prepared me for her service, the last lesson, my body prepared for her love of pain by Galick, my heart prepared for pain by Oban. And she proved more than worthy.

My nights were tormented by erotic dreams of her. Tied to her bed to be used by her consorts, even the occasional ambassador from the other cities. One tigress from the embassy of Lagraine had used my cock for a whole night while the mare rode my muzzle and I heard them kissing above me like only those parts of me were there and only then for their pleasure.

I was suspended from the ceiling, and whipped casually by her for the amusement of her lovers, and then fucked lovingly while she slicked my blood on her flesh and made me lick it off her afterwards. And always my orgasm was hers to command.

I told myself I was craving the domination of Galick, but I knew different. She was something else, and as time went on, my stallions became dimmer in my mind.

And then the day had come when she lay on me, my cock buried in her, and told me she had a new plan to counter the growing menace of Dasanicore, city of the wolves, and it's ruler the twisted wolfess Palisar.

"She knows you my love. And she is fascinated by you."

I knew that to be the truth. Her ambassador had said as much, while I fucked her as she lay with my Queen and their tongues danced over each other's clit. I felt the rough touch of my mare's tongue even as I fucked the wolfess, her aim deliberately teasing my shaft and then..ahhh yes, my balls, knowing it drove me wild. She wanted to whip me for cumming without permission, of course. And of course, to please her, I let myself go, filling the ambassador with an apology for my lack of control.

My love had allowed the wolfess a turn with the whip. She had proved clumsy but effective. And she loved whipping my tailhole as much as the mare did.

"That bitch will not be able to resist you, my pet. Disgraced, defeated, cast out. She will seek you out, mark my words. She will bring you to her side, and she will trust you, an injured beautiful stallion betrayed by his Queen. And she will never know she has taken the perfect spy to her bosom."

The night air felt chill, and I huddled under my cloak and shuffled my hooves, trying to ignore the sound of the crowd in the arena.

"Well met Champion."

The figure was cloaked in darkness, but I could smell horse. I sighed inside a little, and looked up.

"Ahh my son. What has she done to you?"

The voice went through me like a summer shower. I gasped, and stared.

The figure removed his hood, and I saw a stallion, with eyes like mine, and a white blaze on his nose, and a muzzle of purest black. Like mine.

"My beautiful stallion, I am so sorry..."

I was in his arms in a moment, and the scent told me the truth of his words. I shook all over as he held me, not wanting to believe, and finding I could barely breathe.

"Aris, I am sorry it has taken this long. I have been in hiding, somewhere else. I was once like you, the Queen's Champion, for your Queen's mother. Then one day she...well, like you my colt. I was dismissed, and disgraced, and replaced. And I have been in hiding ever since amongst friends."


"I made a mistake colt. I lost control, when the Queen was in heat. She was so angry, I was about to be gelded. I managed to escape, and I never knew she bore a colt. It was never spoken of, and when she bore a filly to the next Champion, all seemed well. But I found out about you through my friends, and I knew I had to find you. And then she did this..."

My head was spinning now, and I could not stand. Instead I curled up in a ball and shook. This was not possible.

"But then I am...I am..."

"Yes Aris. You are her half brother. And a Royal by birth."

My mind filled with the sight of her body, and I shivered. I knew I should feel repulsed, and yet I still felt the ache.

"Hey, horses, perhaps it is time to be moving yes?"

A second cloaked figure had joined us, and I smelt wolf. I hated when my mistress was right, almost as much as I loved what she did to me when I was wrong.

And then I looked at the other stallion and smiled. For if I had no idea what to do about my current predicament, there was at least the delicious thought that my Queen was not all knowing after all. And in that lay the seeds of hope.

We were led to a ship at the Western pier, bearing the seal of the City of Dasanicore, a wolf's head in profile. I boarded with a stallion by my side. He slid an arm around me, and I nuzzled against him, and let the ocean smells fill my nose.

More than enough to think about for the moment. And the night's dreams had yet to come.

Goldenmane Chapter XI: Ponysluts of Gor

_The stallion sat back on his hooves on the earth. His hands were tied behind his back, and a shiny collar round his neck proclaimed his status for all to see. His eyes bore the look of defiance though. An unseemly defiance._ _I, his owner, a mere...

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Goldenmane Chapter X: Just Desserts

The wolfess shuddered a little. She knew she was in no real danger, but she shuddered anyway. This was as close to it as she allowed herself to become in her world of paranoia and intrigue. As she lay there she reflected on her past. How many, she...

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I Like to Watch...Seventh Glance

I wasn't supposed to be home yet, in fact I was supposed to be out at my mate's place studying for a Chemistry final but I had begged off with a lame excuse and headed home anyway. Well, not exactly home. With my bike parked in the laneway beside our...

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