I Like to Watch...Seventh Glance

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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#7 of I Like to Watch

Another in my semi regular series on voyeurism.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who watches the watchers? Well, one young lion cub gets more than he bargained for when he starts spying on his sister and her hunky stallion boyfriend. But there are even more surprises in store for our hero, along with orgasms.

I wasn't supposed to be home yet, in fact I was supposed to be out at my mate's place studying for a Chemistry final but I had begged off with a lame excuse and headed home anyway. Well, not exactly home.

With my bike parked in the laneway beside our house, I made it through the rickety wooden gate as quiet as I could, and headed for my target. Up the old gumtree, and into the treehouse my dad had made for me when I was ten. It was still standing, a little tattered, the pine boards a little cracked, and there were far too many spiders in residence for my liking. I had used an entire insect bomb on the joint last time in an effort to dissuade them and it seemed to have worked, the webs were still there but the arachnids were absent.

I was just in time too.

Settling down on the cushion I had placed there a week ago, I picked up my binoculars and waited.

My sister was home from college, and much as I hated that lioness' guts, her presence did have it's compensations for this kitty boy. And boy what compensations.

Her boyfriend had come round, as I knew he would. My parents wouldn't be too happy if they knew, but they were away this week at a wedding in Queensland, and it was just me and my sister. And now, just me, my sister, her boyfriend, my pair of binoculars, and a hard kitty cock.

I had a perfect view thorough her window on the first floor. Like me, she never seemed to close her blinds for some reason, maybe like me she enjoyed the view of the ocean or some shit. Like I could care. I had come up here a week ago to check the old place out, maybe engage in a bit of nostalgia, and instead copped an eyeful and more as my sister did her Pilates on her bedroom floor. And it started my mind ticking over.

Oh, I knew it was wrong. So fucking wrong. But that kind of added spice to the enjoyment. And I consoled myself with the fact I wasn't really spying on my sister after all; no, I had other fish to fry.

"Ohhh yeah mister horse..."

Her boyfriend joined her in the bedroom as I watched, and my smile grew extra broad. I shuffled a little back into the shadows and settled down to enjoy. My own personal porno channel.

The stallion had ignored me as much as he could, and I took a perverse pleasure in the fact that I had this over him without his knowledge. He was dumb as dogshit, but fuck he looked amazing. A footballer for his college team, he worked out obsessively. I could tell as soon as my sister ripped his clothes off.

My sis could never seem to resist his body. In this and nothing else, I had to agree with her. As soon as he was in her room, she pulled him into her arms and buried her muzzle in his. The big fucker pressed his body to hers and gave as good as he got. A Percheron, he was built as fuck, with deep chestnut coat and short buzzcut mane and a little patch of white on his nose. So cute; I mentally chided myself for wondering what it would taste like to kiss that little blaze on his nose.

Susan had her paws under his rugby top now, rubbing his chest. I whimpered a little, mostly in jealousy. He had fucking awesome tits; and at least I could get to see the tits I liked now, unlike the first time I caught my sister alone.

My paw moved casually to my shorts, rubbing through the fabric, then sliding under the waistband to grip a needy kitty cock. I was a good six inches now, thank you very much, no slouch in the cock department and the barbs were coming in nicely too. It felt good in my paw, just like it did every night. And so what if these days I mostly fantasised about a certain stallion when I pawed off?

She had his top off now, and I ogled his chest and belly. My fucking sister blocked the view soon though, rubbing her body on his and he pulled her shirt off and then I watched him fumbling with her bra catch. He always seemed to struggle, and I gave him a little cheer when he finally managed it. It made him seem more fallible somehow, and I liked him for it.

I could sense but not hear her scream as he bent his muzzle to her tits. She always seemed to love this, grabbing his mane and pulling him to her nipples and not letting the poor bastard go. Eventually he had to break her deathgrip and go back to kissing her muzzle while his hands roamed over her ass.

It was all I could do to stop myself applauding when she managed to swivel him until his ass was pointing out the window, and then began to pull his training shorts down. He was wearing a jock; oh fucking hell it looked fine, the elastic framing his ass like a Rembrandt. Two big broad mounds of stallion ass, flexing as she rubbed his rump and played with his tail then pulled his jock down too.

It was a second before I realised she was doing something else as well. Her paws were still on his ass, but pointing up. He reached for the windowsill to support himself, and leaned his head back and shook, as my sister went down on him and feasted on his pony cock. As I watched he spread his legs and flicked off his shorts and jockstrap and I saw the back of his scrotum and then, as he lifted his tail, his pucker clenching when he flexed his ass and his cheeks spread with my sister pulling them wide.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, as she let her fingers dance in his crevice, and then one finger slid against his pucker and I lost my load over the wall of the treehouse and bit my own paw to stop my wild roar being heard in the next town.

When I recovered, he had her on the bed and was going down on her. She had her legs over his shoulders and I could see the flow of muscles in his shoulders as he lapped at her pussy and slid his fingers into her snatch. It didn't take too long before she gripped his mane tight and seemed to buck her hips against his muzzle and I watched her eyes go wide and she seemed to yell and moan before she collapsed.

Then he mounted the bed and slid between her legs and I finally saw that amazing horsecock for a moment. It swayed against his belly, slapping the ridged muscles of his abdomen, and he handed her a condom packet and waited for her to roll one onto his pink and black mottled length before lining up with her pussy and sliding home.

Her bed pointed at the window, and I got a rear view of the spectacle. This was my favourite view of a guy in some ways, and a perspective I loved even in straight porn. I could watch the stud fucking away, his ass high and handsome, the muscles in his ass and hips and thighs working as he fucked, and on the backswing, the sight of his beautiful pucker winking at me with his tail high and the delicious length of horse taint that I desperately wanted to bury my muzzle in and the heavy balls dangling and the length of his cock sliding into my sister all slick with her fluids.

They fucked like that for ages, with my sister's paws over his shoulder, until I saw those hindpaws suddenly curl and her paws gripping his ass gripped tighter and jammed her claws into his ass cheeks and he lifted his head and let out a whinny I could hear in the treehouse it was so loud. His balls drew up and pulsed and his pucker screwed up tight and his tail flagged and then he collapsed on her and they kissed while she played with his mane and I felt the rush of adrenaline that comes from a second hard ball-draining cum. No need to paint the walls, I mused, I had painted them pretty well already.

The darkness helped mask my retreat from my observation post, and I felt it was mission accomplished. They were being all lovey dovey, and I wasn't going to wait for more good action. I could always just jack off to the memories of that pony ass, and the sight of his pucker and his cock swinging in the air, and that would do nicely. Besides, I was always fucking hungry after a good wank, and tonight I was desperate for some microwave pizza.


Sitting up in bed later, with my other hungers satisfied, I was playing games on my iPad and generally goofing round when I heard a knock on the door.


I expected it to be Sue, so I was a little surprised when the face that poked round the door was none other than horsefeatures.

"Taylor? What can I do for you..."

"Got a little problem Jackson. Mind if we have a chat?"

I was intrigued. The meathead almost sounded intelligent.

"Please be my guest Taylor."

He sat on the bed beside me, his eyes wandering over my room. He had this condescending smirk on his muzzle, and I was torn about whether I wanted to smack it or kiss it more. Probably both.

"So Jack...I did a little exploring yesterday."

That got a grunt. Yet more things I didn't think the big idiot had in him.

"And I thought I would check out the treehouse..."

Now he had my full attention. I swallowed, and met his eyes. Big, brown horse eyes, staring right at me, with that grin reaching the eyes and bestowing a triumphant twinkle. I swallowed again.

"Sue thought it was long out of commission, but that wasn't what I found. Nice little nest you have up there."

"Um...yeah...kind of my...quiet place..."

"You know, the smell of kitty spunk is pretty potent. Just quietly...you know, between mates."

I was blushing, I knew it, and my mane felt all scratchy like it always did when I was embarrassed. I had to itch it, and I hated that my body was giving me away like this.

"And a pair of binoculars too..."

"Um...I...um...like to watch the boats in the bay is all..."

He laughed then. It was half whinny, half chuckle, all music and it went right through me like a warm stroke on my cock. I shivered.

"Yeah, you like to watch all right. You should check your little hidy hole more carefully mate."

I felt my stomach fall to my hindpaws. My expression was probably priceless; it seemed to make the fucking horse smile anyway.

"I left a little camera there, in one of the knotholes in the wall. Place is falling apart Jackson, you should really do some maintenance..."

"Fuck..." not my best response, but all I could manage.

He pulled out his phone and brought up a video file. I knew what it was, but it still seemed weird seeing myself jacking off, staring through the binoculars, my moans and little roars making me even more mortified if that were possible. Fuck, I even twisted my nipples; I didn't remember that...

"Your parents are going to love seeing this. Quite a different view of their baby kitten..."

"No! Please! Please!"

I was begging, at his mercy. He just grinned at me and shook his head.

"Awww poor kitten. Why should I be nice to you after this?"

"Please, I didn't mean..."

"You didn't mean what? To spy on your sister and me fucking? To jack off? Your cock just happened to accidentally fall into your paw and you accidentally spanked it till you sprayed your pungent kitty seed all over the treehouse?"


"Whats wrong...cat got your tongue?"

I didn't know what to say next. He seemed to realise that, because instead of continuing the interrogation, he leaned in and I felt horse lips rub over mine, the heat of his breath, and suddenly we were kissing and I had a stallion tongue down my throat.


His hands were all over me, pulling off my t-shirt, rubbing my flanks, playing with my mane, and all the while he kissed. I melted into his arms as he pulled me into an embrace, and I felt his big hand slide inside the waistband of my shorts and he gripped my aching cock and squeezed painfully.


He kissed my nose.

"Sue didn't know which of us you were getting off on watching. I knew though...and your cock just confirmed it kiddo."

Yep, I was hard still. Leaking all over his hand like a tap, and panting like I had run a marathon.

His body towered over mine. His hands were gentle though, and he kissed me again as he stripped me of my clothes, and then his hands were not so gentle as he gripped the back of my head.

"I know you like to watch Jackson. You owe me now kiddo. Go to work."

I was muzzle to flare then; his cock swung in the air in front of me, the flare swollen and broad, the urethra gaping, the flesh of his shaft pulsing with life. I bent in tentatively, then more certain as he pushed me steadily towards him. My tongue slid out and I sampled the taste of his cock, the raw tang of piss, the sharp edge of precum, the deep funk of musk. I licked more greedily then, and again, and took every drop from his tip.

"Yeah a good cocksucker aint ya?"

His length looked amazing, and I held it in both paws, hefting it, admiring the weight. He pushed again and I felt my lips open and suddenly I had this flare in my throat and his taste and smell engulfed me.

"No teeth now. Your little kitty teeth are too sharp for me hehe."

I tried my hardest to do what he wanted. It was a real struggle to take him though, and I was choking long before I reached the medial. I realised with a start that he must be at least twelve inches, and I could barely get half in my muzzle without gagging. My sister's skills came as a bit of a surprise.

"That's it little kitty...nice and slow..."

He used his hands to guide me, back and forward, out until his flare rubbed my lips, then in until his medial did the same. I could taste his precum, a river of horse essence disappearing into my guts, and I cupped his balls to maintain some vestige of control and squeezed them when he tried to force me down his length. He just chuckled and stroked my eartips.

"I like it rough kiddo. Squeeze away."

Then I got into it a bit. His balls felt amazing, so heavy, so hot. They gave gradually under my paws, and I loved the whinnies and moans I got from him when I worked his balls and I let a finger slide under his scrotum and stroked his ass like my sister had and he didn't stop me.

I became more daring then, letting a fingertip rub his pucker and then, when that got no reaction, pressing on his pucker and I felt his ass open for me and suddenly I was fingering his hole.

"Ohh yeah kiddo. Fucking good..."

A second finger joined the first, and then went in deep, sawing into his ass and kissing his nut. He jabbed his hips and I had an extra few inches to cope with. His flare scraped down my throat and I took it all until I noticed my lips tingling with the sensation of his curly pubes against them.

"Such a good cocksucker..."

He deserved a third finger then, and that got a reaction. A grunt, and a moan, and he was fucking my muzzle and he had his hand clamped tight on the scruff of my neck and he let out a long moan and a whinny and then I felt his ass clamp down on my fingers like a hydraulic press.


The torrent of horse spunk was too much. I swallowed, and still it came. I choked, and then he pulled out a bit and his cum went everywhere, all over my bed and my chest, and then he pulled out completely and shot his last stream of thick jizz all over my face and mane.

Panting for breath again, I felt his arms around me, and suddenly I was turned on my belly.

"Nice foreplay kitty. Now for the main act."

I had time for a little gasp and a soft "no". He didn't seem to give a fuck.

Pressed into my own bed, lying in a huge puddle of fresh horse cum, I could smell him everywhere, and my throat was coated with it too. His body hulked over mine, rubbing all over, and his still hard cock slid against my tail and then...oh God...


"Yeah, tighter than your sister mate. Way tighter..."

His fat flare punched a passage into my very soul. Spreading my virgin pucker, he rammed inside, the tip so broad it felt like a baseball bat entering me. He rubbed back and forward, the slick remains of his cum and my spit the only inadequate lube, as he fucked his way into my ass. My scream was cut short by his hand covering my muzzle, and I bit his finger and drew blood as he punched in deeper but he seemed not to care.

Oh fuck it hurt...so good...

"Nice and tight little kitty. Your ass is going to be mine forever now, your first real cock isn't it?"

I cried. I moaned. I pushed back against his body. Yes, my first, and I doubted there would ever be one more memorable.

He paused half way in. I felt his medial teasing my asslips, then he pulled back and teased my ring with his flare, pulling all the way out and taking me again, then again, then again. It got easier, and more needful each time. By the tenth I was begging him to fuck me deep.

His muzzle whispered in my ear.

"Such a hot fuck Jackson. I told your sis you would be..."

Then his hips bucked and he took me to the hilt in one thrust. I screamed, uselessly, into his hand. He wrapped his other arm under me and held me to his body, his chest rasping over my back, his thighs forcing mine wider apart like a frog.

"Now hold on little kitty."

It was him holding me, but ok. I was just along for the ride. His length pistoned into me over and over, his hips slapped my ass, his shaft rasped my sore hole, and my tail rubbed between our bodies as he fucked into me without holding back. I shot my load, roaring into his grip, then he fucked on and I shot again and I felt him suddenly go rigid and the hot mass of his spunk invaded my ravished depths and he lay against me with sweat slicking our bodies and his panting breath in my ear.

"Well done kitty...hope our audience appreciated it..."

Eyes wide in shock, I finally looked out the window. There, in the widow of my treehouse, was a light, and silhouetted by the light, the figure of a lioness. A lioness with a pair of binoculars.

"Good thing you used that insect bomb mate, your sis can't stand spiders."

He drew my muzzle to his and tonguefucked me roughly while I tried to adjust to this brainsnapping reality. I was still digesting it when he pulled out of my ass and I felt the pain of my first fucking really take hold, the biting sharp ache in my wide open hole hard to take.

And the cunt was still hard it seemed, his cock swinging against his belly leaking cum and slick with my ass.

He seemed to weigh up the idea of fucking me again, but took pity at the sight of my raw hole. Instead he gripped my ankles and rolled me onto my back.

"Well, if your little kitty hole is too sore, you can always use your muzz Jack."

I had a perfect view of that magnificent ass again, but this time as it lowered onto my face. He spread his cheeks and his taint was bare inches from my eyes. I reached up to hold his hips, and steady myself for what was to come.

"Ohhh yeah...good kitty..."

The soft hairs of his cleft, the leather of his taint, then the ridge of muscle. And then I tasted his ass, and I knew I wanted more. My tongue fought with his ring for supremacy, and I let out a roar of triumph as he yielded and I felt his ass around me, the raw funk of stallion hole now my new favourite flavour. His hand found my cock and teased, rubbing the sensitive barbs on my tip as if to encourage me to greater efforts. I already knew I wanted more though, as I pressed my lips to his taint and drove my tongue to the hilt in his tunnel.

"Such a bad kitty..."

And then I heard the door open.


I Like to Watch...Sixth Glance

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