Goldenmane Chapter X: Just Desserts

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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#10 of Goldenmane

And a resumption of our series on the adventures of Agent Stud Colt, MI6 agent extroadinaire.

The head of MI6, the ice cold wolfess, shows her more...vulnerable side. Thinking she may have sent Stud Colt to his doom, she needs to find forgiveness in her soul, and in the arms of her bodyguard...and in a certain dessert.

The wolfess shuddered a little. She knew she was in no real danger, but she shuddered anyway. This was as close to it as she allowed herself to become in her world of paranoia and intrigue.

As she lay there she reflected on her past. How many, she wondered? How many agents had she sent to scream out their ending in a basement somewhere with a pair of electrodes attached to their genitals? Or how many had she sent to apply those self same electrodes?

Her best tally came to 43 zapped and 87 zappers. So she could at least console herself with the thought that she was currently 44 ahead. Benny at Mossad should be so lucky.

Still as she lay there, she contemplated the last one. Stud Colt...

He was so dumb. Even amongst the overmuscled and underbrained Neanderthals she used for these missions, he was dumb. He hadn't even realised how much the double o section was in fact used as delicious bait to draw out enemies lie this MURR like flies to honey. Most of them realised that before they ended up with a bullet in the brain or an electrode on their balls. Those ones made excellent bodyguards.

Like the other figure in her room tonight...

"Are you ready ma'am?"

The bull had a grin plastered all over his muzzle, and his deep voice contained a chuckle. She hated him a little for that, but she loved his body too much to discipline him. And his wicked sardonic humour had her wet as much as the thought of what he was about to do to her.

"Yes Dinks. And don't go easy on me tonight."

"Perish the thought ma' have been a very, very naughty boss."

"Yes Dinks, so naughty..."

He had eschewed the paddle for tonight. He knew his boss too well; the head of MI6 needed to feel his hand spanking her delectable butt tonight. It had to hurt just right, so she could forgive herself for her latest outrage.

The bull sorted. As far as he was concerned, sending the insufferable stallion into a painful death and or maiming should have got her a medal.

Still, orders were orders. He adjusted the bindings, which held his boss down on her bed spreadeagled. It was an antique rosewood 4 poster bed, perfect for current needs. He had tied her ankles and wrists with silk cords to each post. Tearoom gossip held that the ropes were a personal gift from the previous interior secretary, and given he had been a Conservative minister, that level of kink made sense. At least it wasn't a black Naugahyde gimp suit with dog collar, like the one the same minister was found in after an unfortunate accident involving autoerotic asphyxia and a lifesize stallion dildo.

After that his promotion to the House of Lords had been sealed.

"I'm ready Dinks."

She sounded impatient. He frowned and stroked her ass, lifting her tail as he stroked each pert bum cheek.

"Oh I don't think so ma' need to confess first."

"Oh...of course Dinks. Well...forgive me Dinks, but I sent agent Stud Colt into danger to draw out a new enemy, without telling him what I was doing."

"Terrible ma'am...disgraceful..."

The gently stroking hand slid up her cleft, making her gasp in anticipation, then raised up high. He hesitated, making her wait, then brought it down hard with a loud crack on that beautiful ass. The crack echoed round the room, and he smiled as he drew a strangled gasp from his boss.

"Go on..."

"Ahhhh Dinks...I knew...I knew that an organisation called MURR was planning an operation, an operation Kardashian, and I needed to draw them out. I sent Stud Colt hoping they would react so I knew I was right..."

The hand stopped moving. She waited.


"Oh...sorry ma'am...that's are a wicked, wicked wolfess..."

The hand came down again, and she writhed in delicious agony under the blows. He was really getting into it tonight she could tell. Her ass burned almost as much as her pussy and it was only the second spank.

"Now he is missing and presumed lost. I think we need another plaque on the memorial wall Dinks...the bodycount is getting worse than a season of Spooks."

"You evil twisted bitch m'am, throwing away good agent's lives like that."

Another spank, and he let his fingers curl round her bum and into her crevice, tantalisingly close to her pussy lips already dripping with need.

"Oh twisted..."

"And I suppose you aren't going to order a rescue..."

Another spank. This time he let his fingers stroke her pussy lips after, feeling them pulse under his touch. She gasped and cried out, fighting her bonds.

"Ahhhh no...I can't let them know we are onto them. But I do have an ace in the hole....OHHHH!"

Dinks had found his own ace in the hole, sliding two fingers into his boss' pussy and coating his fingers in her slick juices.

"What is that ma'am?"

"Operation, no I can't tell you about that. Not even you Dinks..."

"Bad bad ma'am..."

He rubbed fingertips over her fluffy butt, letting the tingle build, then let loose a torrent of spanks that had her crying and begging. Then he slid his fingers into her crack again, but this time seeking out a different hole.

"How bad have you been ma'am?"

"Terrible Dinks...*sob* terrible..."

"I thought so."

It was their own little theatre, but the bull knew. This was what she wanted.


"You want forgiveness ma'am?"

"Oh God...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

The feeling of thick bull cock invading her anus made the director of MI6 feel suitably chastened. And the subsequent pounding sealed the deal. And in keeping with her punishment, she endured the delicious sensation of her pussy rubbing over her thousand count Egyptian cotton sheets that had her on the brink of a much needed orgasm stoically. She knew she wouldn't cum just yet, not till later in the bath, but that was part of her penance. She had practiced the art of denial all her life, and she saw no reason to change now.

As the bull grunted and thrust on the brink of his own orgasm, she at least had the joy of thinking that she now shared something with her possibly dead agent. She had after all seen the videos too, provided by Q, of the bull taking agent Colt's ass. She had rubbed one out to it so many times she had worn out the hard drive.

The gush of hot bull milk washed away her guilt like a spunk absolution. Or possibly a baptism. Now she just needed her comfort food to bring her back to life.

She stood afterwards at the entrance to her ensuite, staring at the big bull. He was lying on her bed, cock still hard, staring at the ceiling smoking a Gauloise. She wondered what he was thinking at times like this, and then her lip curled in mocking abnegation.

Of course the answer was nothing. He was another one of the brain dead Neanderthals after all, with more muscle than sense. He just was ever so slightly smarter than that dense stallion, that was all, but it was all a matter of degree. He was still thick as two short planks.

Still, he could feel good against her for the next part.

Looking behind, she saw that the arrangements had been made. Honeybadger was a whizz at logistics. Her bath contained one gigantic custard trifle from Selfridges, with enough room left over for a certain wolfess...or perhaps a close companion as well.

"Will you...will you join me in the bath Dinks?"

The thought of eating custard off his cock suddenly appealed. Not to mention what she could do with the French log...and where she could put the jelly.

He looked at her sadly and shook his head though, blowing a small smoke ring before removing the cigarette.

"I'm sorry ma'am. But you told me never to trifle with my boss."

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