Brave Epilogue

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#25 of Pain

Sad ending for Brave.

_ English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^_^ _

Brave Epilogue

** The Scottish kingdom was attacked by King Taylor and some weird creatures. The creatures were faster than a speeding arrow, more powerful than a gorilla and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Merida, her parents and all women - including underage girls - were captured. The creatures ate all men.**

** Merida and her parents were loaded onto a wooden cart designed to be a large cage, along with dozens of other such carts laden with other slaves. The caged carts, as well as smaller carts full of armed guards were one and all fixed to strange wingless dragon-like creatures. The creatures began to move and the caravan rumbled to the edge of the armed camp.**

** They dared not speak or cry. A girl tried to cry but her belly got punched a few times, and now she tossed on the ground in pain. Merida looked at her father, he was the only man alive. Another girl urinated secretly but a creature found out, now there was a spiked-dildo inside her vagina and blood was dripping from it.**

** After a while, the caravan entered a sprawling city composed primarily of adobe and stucco covered structures. The caravan entered a walled compound where cart after cart was unloaded; the process took less than an hour. Merida and her parents were among the last to disembark their cart.**

** There was a small stage at the centre of the market for King Taylor to torture, sell and humiliate the captives. When he stepped onto the stage, all was quiet, as if every living thing had died. He wore the satisfied smile of one who had no doubt of his success.**

** "Today, I am going to punish the prettiest Princess from the Scottish kingdom and I encourage you to join the fun," Taylor announced. "Princess Merida is the 16-year-old daughter of King Fergus and Queen Elinor, who rule their Scottish kingdom."**

** The soldiers dragged Merida to the stage. The crowd was massive, she heard cheering and hollering. She felt a slump in her heart. Looking around she wanted to run away, but where could she go?**

** When Merida tried to struggle, Taylor punched her pretty face like a sandbag. The soldiers quickly stopped the bleeding from her nose. "Don't move and don't struggle. The only thing you can do now is 'scream'," he warned. She felt a wave of fear rush through her.**

** Taylor slowly unbuttoned Merida's wrap skirt and her blouse, pulling them open and exposing her body, naked now. He pulled the blouse from her arms and then stood back once more to just look at her. She lifted her head and watched him silently regard her, her face blushing red and her breasts rising and falling with her panting breath. The longer he left her that way and just looked, the redder her face got as she stood, aroused and embarrassed and not allowed to move. He smiled at her, making her look away shyly, but his hands were there in an instant, cupping her cheeks gently and tilting her face up toward his own.**

King Fergus and Queen Elinor each was tied onto a chair, they were forced to witness their beloved daughter being humiliated. Tears welled up in Elinor's eyes and began rolling down her cheeks like rivulets, she wanted to replace her daughter but she was gagged. Fergus felt the whole world collapsing upon him, he was also gagged and could not protest. He built a small tent when he saw his naked daughter.

"I'm sure your bladder is full by now, why don't you show them how you pee?" Taylor said with a smile.

A soldier placed a huge table on the stage.

Taylor giggled. "Do it now or else I kill your parents."

Fergus could not believe that he was building a bigger tent when he saw his daughter urinated. The crowd gleefully clapped and shouted. Merida could feel the heat growing in her cheeks. By now they must be beyond an attractive rosiness. They must be marking her out as a social incompetent. She felt as if all her insecurities were writ large across her face and there was nowhere to hide. As her anxieties mounted they became a circle, like a song stuck on repeat.

A soldier came and began to remove Merida's hair with a dagger. "I like your bush," he said, tangling his fingers in her pubic hair. Her bush was lush, but bikini trimmed. She was shamed to death.

"You are the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen naked," he said. Suddenly he stepped to her and reached between her legs. His fingers easily slid into her arousal-soaked pussy. No one except her mother had ever touched her there before. Nobody had ever touched her there sexually.

"Don't shut your legs or else your parents die," he warned. He placed one hand on her rear end while two fingers of his other hand slid gently and rhythmically in and out of her pussy until she squirmed with unconceivable arousal.

"How many times you masturbate a day?" he asked, still finger fucking her. He's humiliated her beyond endurance.

Suddenly, he plucked her pubic hair. Tears running down her face, like the water flowing through the drains. "Answer my question," he said.

"I am still a virgin and never masturbated before."

"Oh!" he said, delightedly. His fingers began exploring her deeper. "Have you fucked with your father before?"

One minute later, he plucked her pubic hair.


"Why not?"

She wanted to refuse answer such question but he plucked another pubic hair again.

"I don't know!"

After he finished plucking her pubic hair, he stepped down from the stage.

"All right, you all can come and rape her now!" Taylor announced.


** The moon under siege by stars seemed to lighten the night bringing forth stars that shone and hung in the blackness. The never ending blackness consumed everything. Except the stars which stood out like pebbles in front of a storm.**

** Taylor threw Merida into a prison. After being raped by hundreds of people, she felt like every muscle was giving into gravity. What she wanted was sleep, a nice warm bed and a solid night of dreams.**

** The next morning, Taylor came to visit Merida. Her heart thumped in accordance with slow, shallow breaths. Serenity was plastered across her face as she slept. At peace, her consciousness swirled in the land of dreams, oblivious to the physical world.**

** "Let her sleep until noon, and then you all can rape her until midnight but don't kill her," Taylor informed a creature.**

** "Yes, Sir," Johnnie replied politely.**** Faerie dragons were about one foot long and resemble miniature dragons with thin bodies, long, prehensile tails, gossamer butterfly wings, and huge smiles.**

** After lunch, a soldier carried Merida to the torture chamber where her parents were gagged and tied to each chair. Soon, the room was filled with nameless creatures. When they took out their dicks, Merida**** stood motionless with horror. All dicks were thick and bulky!**

** A monster approached Merida, "Spread your legs and obey us, or else we make sure your parents die painfully," he warned.**

** Merida very quickly realized her true situation as her eyes fell upon the massive member between the monster's legs. "Please don't do it, I don't want to die!" She exclaimed through tears, but she knew the monster would not listen. It never did.**

The beast forced her to her knees. She then realized that she had misinterpreted the true girth and length of his tool, as she had thought it was already hard! In horror she witnessed it begin to grow. She gasped at the bulging veins as the penis grew, slowly rising. This was her first time facing a penis in close range and she was shamed to death. Finally she found herself presented to the beast's two-foot-long, two-inch-wide cock, semen drooling from it's tip, pointed directly at her luscious lips hanging open in amazement.

When the beast forced his shaft into her mouth, she almost suffocated and her jaws almost disjointed. When he began to thrust slowly, she thought that it would pierce through her throat. The smell almost killed her. After a few thrust, he withdrew his dick and forced her to stand up.

** When the beast forced his shaft into Merida's vagina, everyone could see the shape of his dick through her belly. She felt like someone was squeezing her internal organs. After a few thrust, he ejaculated. To her surprise, he shot for a long time until her stomach felt congested!**

** After the beast fertilized her womb, a golem approached her. His whole body was rock hard - including his dick! When he inserted his dick into her wounded vagina, she felt like someone was rubbing her hole with sandpaper. When he started to thrust, his rock dick scratched her inner walls and she almost fainted.**

** Fergus and Elinor could not believe what they saw: their underage daughter was gang-raped by beasts, in-humans, monsters and mutants!**


** One day, Felix showed Merida the Spanish Boot. "I called it The Shin Crusher!" he announced. A cheshire grin spread over the scalie's face and that meant something very bad was about to happen.**

** Merida looked at the boots. They were made of four pieces of narrow wooden board nailed together. The boards were measured to fit her leg.**

** Johnnie and his friends forced the poor girl to wear the boot - they decided to destroy her left leg first. Once the leg was enclosed, wedges would be hammered between the boards, creating pressure. She pleaded for mercy to no avail. Soon, it squeezed the calf between two curved iron plates, studded with spikes, teeth, and knobs, to fracture the tibia and fibula.**

Merida then began to scream in agony due to this immense pain she was suffering in her left leg. The pain was like a knife being twisted in her spine. It shots up fast, erasing every thought from her head and paralyzing her body. Apparently she screamed, but she did not recall that part, only the pain.

"We'll destroy her right leg after one week, now let's destroy her parents," Johnnie declared.** His guffaws echoed in the large room, causing strangers to search for the source of the loud bursts of laughter.**

A satyr pinned Fergus on the ground and his sister tried to squeeze the Pear of Anguish into his anus. The instrument consisted of four leaves that slowly separated from each other as the torturer turned the screw at the top. It was the torturer's decision to simply tear the skin or expand the "pear" to its maximum and mutilate the victim.

Elinor was at loss for words.

Fergus's face fell faster than a corpse in cement boots. In that instant his skin became greyed, his mouth hung with lips slightly parted and his eyes were as wide as they could stretch.

Merida was white as chalk.

The female satyr began to turn the screw on the end. The first cries were undoubtedly terror, but not the shrill cries of a movie theatre, the cries of one with eyes locked wide and every muscle rigid. The next were of pain, garbling and pitiful.

After they finished tearing the old man's anus, they continued to torture Elinor.

Johnnie helped his friends to secure Elinor onto the Tickling Bed. Her legs were tied to the bed, and the soles of her feet were moistened with salt water. A tethered, thirsty goat would then lick her feet. At first, she laughed heartily. But later, she cried hysterically. The goat's rough tongue quickly caused abrasion and severe pain, and could lick her feet until the bones were exposed.


** Three months later, Merida and her parents died inside the prison. After they died, the monsters ate their corpses.**

The end.

College Open Day 1

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **College Open Day 1** **Jerry was surprised to see the long queue, he thought that he came too early...

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Lion King Epilogue

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **Lion King epilogue** **A lioness...

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_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **First time being kidnapped** ** One morning, I visited my friend to play Scrabble. Her parents went to...

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