College Open Day 1

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#19 of Cub

Multipurpose College was a mysterious place to train slave and maid. Nobody knows who funded and legalised this college, and their motives.

_ English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^_^ _

College Open Day 1

Jerry was surprised to see the long queue, he thought that he came too early but it seemed like he was late. The lion checked his watch, 7A.M. only, the event was starting at 8A.M. He stood there looking all round.

** "Sandwich! Milo!"**

** Jerry quickly waved at the hawker.**

** The hawker smiled at Jerry. "French Toast? Salmon sandwich? Milo? Nescafe?" He asked politely.**

** "Tuna sandwich and Milo with ice," Jerry paid for the food and began to enjoy his breakfast. He checked his watch again and sighed, boredom kills.**

** "Hi, I am Leona."**

** Suddenly a lioness greeted Jerry. The female fur was wearing a sundress. Its light skirt flowed out above her knees showing of her toned legs. She was a beautiful girl. Her hair was the color of raspberries and was tied in plaits. It was decorated with little beads.**

** He felt kind of nervous. He was really attracted by her, more than he'd been by any girl in his life, and he did not really know what to say - and did not trust himself to say anything. He had a feeling that if he said anything, it would come out wrong. "I am Jerry."**

** "May I have a chat with you while waiting for the gate to open? I prefer to chat with same species."**

** Jerry stood there, nodding. He was dying to ask her a whole bunch of questions. Like: Are you single and available? Where are you from? How old are you? Can I become your boyfriend? But he did not want to be too pushy. So he just stood there, nodding, like an idiot.**

** "Do you have a maid or slave?"**

Jerry did not understand why she asked such question. "Nope, but planning to buy one. My house is not that big and I have not built a slave basement," he replied with a smile.

"I am alone and I need someone to clean my house and fulfil my desires," Leona answered frankly.

Jerry gulped. She is alone and she is open-minded. He thought.

** Multipurpose College was a mysterious place to train slave and maid. However, no outsiders were allowed to visit the college during normal days. Once a year, the college would have an open day. During this day, it was a good opportunity to gratify one's curiosity. Nobody knows who funded and legalised this college, and their motives. Moreover, slavery was legal in this country.**

** Finally, 8A.M, a rabbit opened the gate slowly. "Masters and Mistress, welcome to the Multipurpose College. You can call me Tom." After briefly introduced the college, he stood aside with a smiling face.**

** The visitors saw some landaus but the horses were replaced by male furs.**

** "They are prisoners but don't worry, they can't hear and see us," Tom explained. "Masters and Mistress, there are two sections in this college but you can only visit one section. So, please choose carefully as there's no turning back.**

** The two sections are cub and adult. This landau will take you to the cub +section and that landau will take you to the adult section. Don't visit cub section if you don't like cubs."**

** Jerry turned to Leona. "I am going to visit the cub section, how about you?" he asked nervously.**

** Leona considered for a moment. "Cubs are cute," she answered, cheerily.**

** Phew, luckily she also liked cubs. Jerry thought.**


** Jerry tried not to show his excitement. He tried to walk as casually as he could, as he came over and sat beside Leona. It was a small seat, and his leg brushed up against her as he sat. He could smell her perfume, and he felt his blood race. It was getting hard to think clearly.**

** Leona tucked one leg under the other, and turned and faced Jerry. She sat there, smiling, staring into his eyes, and he wondered for the millionth time if this was all a dream, if one of his friends was setting up for a prank.**

** "This is my first time visiting this college, I liked foxes, they are sexy and obedience. How about you?" Leona asked with interest.**

** "Me too, I liked cats, they are horny and cute," Jerry said in his consequential way, trying hard not to build a tent.**

** Pleasant talk beguiled their journey.**

After the landaus entered the cub section, the gate behind them was closed.

The security guards led the visitors to the lobby where a tigress greeted them. "Masters and Mistress, I am Jamie, welcome to the Multipurpose College," the tigress introduced herself. Her udders were large and pendulous, her thighs large and powerful, her calves thick. But she was not sloppy fat. Her belly, though large, was firm. Dressed, a man might call her fat. Naked, she was simply a big girl. "Before we continue, I would like to ask what you expect to see in here."

A vulpine raised his paw. "According to the novels I read and the movies I watched, this is the place to train slaves and maids severely," he replied.

A husky raised her paw. "Agree, I expect to see slaves being trained with pervert methods," she answered.

A canine raised her paw. "It's a school that teaches girls and boys how to be sex slaves and at the end of their training they sell them off to the highest bidder. In other words, it's hell here," she observed.

Jamie giggled. "Sorry to disappoint you all, but the novels and movies are faked. We don't punish or torture them without reasons, and we definitely won't use sick methods to train them," she answered demurely.

Jerry looked startled. "I do not quite follow," he said.

"Actually, it is not easy to become a full-time slave. A slave's submission comes from deep within her belly. If owned, she belongs to her Master/Mistress completely - mind and body, heart and soul - and unconditionally.

Where do they come from? Some of them were orphans, some of them came here willingly and some of them were sent to here by parents. Some parents were poor and can't afford to take care of another child, so they sent their child to here," Jamie explained in a very amiable tone.

Jerry frowned as though he did not understand.

A barn-owl approached them slowly. "Young furs can enter the college as early as five years old. Unlike humans, at age 5, furs are already more mature than humans," she added. "After they enrolled with us, they'll take what we'll now call placement tests, and depending on their results they can enter as freshmen, sophomores, juniors, or seniors. Some students are slow-learner and some are very smart. It is easier to teach a group of same standard students."

"Why provide them with education? They only need to know how to please whoever bought them," a boy said in a querulous voice.

"Very simply, Sir. Sometimes the Master or Mistress will ask the slave to do some simple homework for their children, or translate some letters for business purposes.

A slave will retire someday, somehow. And when they did, they still can find other jobs to do, or take care of their house and children if they got married. Moreover, an educated slave is more valuable. I am sure that you won't want a slave who can't even read a simple letter, right?" the barn-owl continued.

The visitors nodded.

"What is the difference between a maid and a slave? If they serve the same purpose, why not just call them multipurpose-servant?" a maiden asked.

"When maids don't like their job, they are free to quit and leave. Slaves can't leave, no matter how bad the job is or how harshly they are being treated. Slaves only stop being slaves when their masters decide to free them, and that didn't happen often. In some countries, maid and slave are two different jobs, and they receive different kind of training. In here, we train them equally so that they can become multipurpose-worker, or you can call them as Slave Maid," the barn-owl answered.

This was followed by a short silence.

"No more questions? Well then, let's visit their first class after they enrolled," Jamie said earnestly.


** This morning's sunrise was a breathtaking display of radiant colors. The grass was as neat as astro-turf with corners more square than a book. Some cubs were drilling in the meadow. Sometimes the sky was immensely blue. White silvery clouds glide almost imperceptibly against it. The clouds were never the same as they changed their shapes continuously.**

When the trainers saw the visitors, they commanded the students to line up with spread-eagle. The visitors were saturated with happiness. The furs were all blushing but dared not shut their legs. A thrill of applause bursts through the field.

"As you can see, during the first lesson, we'll train their stamina and endurance. No, you won't see us train them with kinky devices," a trainer began.

The furs were feeling very ashamed at being helplessly exposed to these visitors. So they just continued looking up at the sky and tried to blank their mind, hoping this ordeal would soon be over.

"After they enrolled with us, they are not allowed to wear anything. They must know that a slave is not allowed to cover his/her own body," the trainer added.

Leona stood before a satyr and turned her attention to his genitals, noting his goat dick which, although flaccid was a good size as were his testicles. She presumed that he had been circumcised, the tip of the glans visible through the soft folds of the foreskin, was pointing downwards below his scrotum. She looked up to his face, which was flushed a deep red. She noted that his body was covered with goose bumps, a testimony to his nervousness, she thought, rather than the temperature of the environment.

"What's your name?"

The satyr was shocked. "Nick," he stammered.

"What happened to your dick?"

"I masturbated without permission, Mistress."

Leona giggled and checked another fur.

About ten minutes later, Jamie led them to the first classroom.

The classroom that they visited was a kindergarten classroom, which had 20 cubs. The size of the room was very wide and had a lot of room for the children to play. They had different areas that the children were able to go to, Computer, reading, and play area. The visitors observed that the furs were fully naked but they did not feel uneasy.

"This is a Collaborative Classroom," Jamie explained.

A teacher greeted the visitors. "Hi, I am Minami. Effective communication and collaboration are essential to becoming a successful learner. It is primarily through dialogue and examining different perspectives that students become knowledgeable, strategic, self-determined, and empathetic," she told the visitors.

"Unlike formal education, we provide sex educations during first day," Jamie said, rubbing her hands.

"We'll make sure they understood their roles, and then we'll show them the devices - both from Western and Eastern," Minami added. She then called some furs to line-up in front of the visitors.

They stood before the visitors, legs parted enough for a hand to slip between, stood tall with back arched, chin level to ground, their eyes lowered in respect, hands behind their back with wrists crossed, ready to be inspected.

"Students, answer my questions," Minami said. She raised her dark eyebrows.

"Yes, Mistress."

"What are you?"

The first cub answered. "I am a slave, Mistress."

"What is a slave?"

The second cub answered. "A girl or boy who is owned, Mistress."

"What is the duty of a slave?"

The third cub answered. "Absolute obedience and exquisite beauty or handsome, Mistress."

"What is a slave's first duty?"

The forth cub answered. "A slave's first duty is to be pleasing to her or his Master or Mistress, in any and every way."

"Declare your oath."

"He is Master or Mistress, and I am Slave. He or she commands, and I obey. He or she is to be pleased, and I am to please. I am his or her property and he or she can sell, trade and rent me to third party at any time," the cubs answered almost in one voice.

The visitors warmly applauded the students.

"Students, now tell the visitors the name of these devices." She opened the Gladstone bag as she spoke, and took out, to the visitor's astonishment, the first device.

"Anal hook," the first cub answered.

Minami took out another device from the bag.

"Thumbscrew," the second cub answered.

Minami took out the third device from the bag.

"The Choke Pear," the third cub answered.

They managed to call out the names of all devices from the bag.

The students got a ten-minute standing ovation.

"Let's not disturb them anymore, we are going to the serving hall to visit their daily meals," Jamie said.

** _Food!_Jerry thought as he drooled.**


** Jerry walked into the serving hall at the building. Everywhere he looked there were stacks of food. One section as a continental breakfast, the other a traditional English breakfast.**

** "Jerry, I am going to place an order now, and you?" Leona asked with a mischievous twinkle.**

** Jerry smiled, and clapped Leona upon the shoulder. "After you."**

** Soon, Jerry was served with an enormous platter of food - egg, ham and piles of fried potatoes. A tureen of fruit sits in ice to keep it chilled. Finally, there's an elegant glass of orange juice. "I'm loving it!" he murmured.**

** Leona ate rapidly, stuffing her mouth too full. "Very delicious."**

** They took one hour to finish their breakfast.**

** Jamie stepped onto the stage. "Master and Mistress, how's the food?" she asked. All visitors gave her a thumb-up.**

** A man stood up slowly. "I still can't believe this is a slave school - good food, good teachers, good environment," he observed.**

"Master, we'll still punish them if they disobeyed us. Now we want to make sure that they are in good-shape when we transport them to the Slave Market. I believe you won't want to buy a sick slave or maid - looked ill, dying and full of scars," Jamie said cheerily.

** The man smiled evilly. "Oh, I see," he sat down slowly.**

** Jamie continued to answer questions from the visitors, finally almost everyone was satisfied with the answers.**

** "Masters and Mistress, we'll visit Classroom Two now," Jamie announced and the audience applauded again.**

To be continued.

Lion King Epilogue

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **Lion King epilogue** **A lioness...

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_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **First time being kidnapped** ** One morning, I visited my friend to play Scrabble. Her parents went to...

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