Lion King Epilogue

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#18 of Cub

Sad ending for The Lion King.

_ English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^_^ _

Lion King epilogue

A lioness sat with legs widely spread, bound on the rack. Both her pussy and tail hole were filled with large dildos. Her cries filled the otherwise empty cave room. She was absolutely at the peak of exploding.

A lion entered the cave room and closed the door - lithe and melanistic in appearance with a sleek, black mane, dusty orange fur at daytime, dusty brown fur at night time and distinctive, almond-shaped green eyes.

He placed a bowl beneath her pussy and pulled out the dildos from her holes. Immediately she squirted into the bowl, and then she felt as though energy was being constantly drained out of her, as though she was leaking electricity. He knelt before her pudenda and licked her clean. "Poor Sarabi, used to be a queen of the Pride Lands but now became a slave, bitch, slut and prostitute," he emptied the bowl and went on. "Your juice is always delicious and nutritious."

"Scar, you murderer! You better kill me now before I kill you," her voice crackled with anger.

Scar laughed evilly. "Kill me? How are you going to kill me? You can't even move your body. No, I didn't kill your husband, it was an accident."

She glared at him with rage and then she began to use many weird words to scold him.

** The enemy sighed. "Don't you see the situation now? You son has fled, your husband has passed away and all your good friends are being tortured by my friends," he said. Suddenly he plucked her pubic hair. The shock robbed her of speech.**

** Scar plucked another pubic hair and she emitted a cry of pain. "You know what? I enjoyed your screams, you looked prettier whenever you cries." His bright smile was infectious, lighting up the room.**

** She began to swear again. Scar punched her in the stomach and she felt as if her guts were exploding. She breathed in and out but air wouldn't enter her lungs. Starved for air, her heart raced at tremendous speeds, and her lungs shallowly rose and fell in time. He smiled at her as he punched her numerous times in the face. Her face became a bloody punching bag. He kissed her muzzle as she bled, "I will kill you in the most painful way, mark my words."**

** Scar laughed musically as he walked to the stove and picked up a hot iron bar. "A slave must be branded," he said. She swayed her head from side to side with worry. When he placed the iron bar in between her D Cup, she could feel the heat. He moved the iron bar around her front body, she looked cuter when she was scared. She refused to plead her enemy although she was frightened.**

** When Scar pressed the iron bar onto her furry chest, they could hear the sizzling sound and smelled something burning.** All of a sudden she felt the warm glow of the iron bar on her body. She uttered a cry of pain but he laughed, a coarse hearty guffaw. When he withdrew the iron bar, there was a huge 'S' embedded on her chest. She gasped and began to swear again.

** "Now let's meet your friends," Scar announced.**

** At that moment, some hyenas pushed some devices into the room, and then they dragged Nala and Fuli into the room. "Leave them alone! They're cubs only!" Sarabi shouted.**

** "They're cubs now but they're also the future queens and that's why they MUST also die painfully," Scar chuckled.**

** "Scar, can we boil them now? Or barbeque them? Or fry them?" a hyena asked politely.** They were saturated with happiness.

** "No, we must rape them and then torture them until they die painfully," Scar replied coldly.**

** A hyena turned to Fuli. "I want to eat her internal organs," he said.** His laughing was like ripples in a still pond after a stone has been thrown in. It radiated outwards through the packed hall of children who had up until that moment been quite silent. Now they too began to titter and soon the ripples of laughter became great waves of hilarity.

** "You can eat them after we tortured them." Scar picked up a smaller hot iron bar and walked towards Nala.**

** "Don't do it! She'll die!" Sarabi screamed.**** She felt a wave of fear rush through her.**

** "Poor girl, your boyfriend has fled and won't come back to rescue you," Scar exulted.**

** Nala knew she must keep calm. "He'll return and then he'll kick your balls."**

** "Well said, Nala," Fuli put in.**

** When Scar placed the iron bar above Nala's forehead, she could feel the heat and she began to sweat. She squeezed her eyes shut. "This brand will never fade and you'll bear with it forever. Everyone shall see it and recognise you as a slave," he explained, and then he pressed down the iron bar. Immediately she emitted a wail like a lost soul.**** Her voice faltered, and then she lost consciousness. Fuli could hardly believe her eyes when she saw what had happened. Now there was a huge 'S' embedded on Nala's forehead.**

** "Now it's your turn, guardian of the land," Scar giggled as he moved towards Fuli.**

** Fuli looked at the iron bar which was still burning hot. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the torment to come. Soon, she felt the burning pain on her forehead. She uttered a wail of grief and then fainted from the pain. Now there was a huge 'S' embedded on Fuli's forehead. He was satisfied and put back the iron bar. Anger boiled deep in Sarabi's system, as hot as lava. It churned within, hungry for destruction, and she knew it's too much for her to handle.**

Scar said. "Fuck them but don't kill them," he was as happy as a rabbit in a carrot field. He returned to his own bedroom.

** Sarabi was scared when she saw the hyenas, how many of them? Ten? Fifty? Hundreds? "Please don't gang-rape them! They'll die!" she cried.** She felt a wave of fear rush through her.


** "Master, we found Simba."**

** A grin spread over Scar's face, wide and open, showing his over-whitened teeth. "Kill him," he said shortly.**

** The assassins bowed and then left the cave room.**


Nala's brain had shut down. She was clammy and there was the glisten of a cold sweat. Her eyes were as wide as if someone was coming to deliver the fatal blow. Yet what she saw, no-one else could see. "Simba! Please revenge for me!" she screamed and then she bit her own tongue with force, her heartbeat stopped in less than thirty seconds.

** "A scholar prefers death to humiliation, I don't want to be impregnated and enslaved forever," Fuli also bit her own tongue with force and her heartbeat stopped in less than one minute.**

** Sarabi was the last lioness whom bit her own tongue with force, "My son, please come back and bring peace to this land again," she murmured. Her heartbeat stopped in less than two minutes.**

The end.

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