
Story by RC1138 on SoFurry

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#6 of A Ranger's Tail

A Ranger's Tail

Book 6: Marriage

Chapter 1 Preparation

Consular's Estate 7:24 AM Local Time

"Morning Cathy..." Steve said lovingly, his vixen still half asleep under him.

Smiling she replied, "Morning Steve..."

He lowered himself down and kissed her passionately. They had slept in an embrace all night, and awoke to basically restart were they had left off; neither could get enough of the other.

Through the pure white fur on her cheeks he could see Cathy slightly flushed.

Breaking the kiss the Captain asked, "I take it your not cold anymore."

Becoming slightly serious, "I think I only get cold when I worry for you, or..." she trailed off, rubbing her own stomach.

Steve smiled at her, and kissed her from the top of her head, down to where her paws was making circles on her small belly.

"How long does it take?" he asked, wondering in his mind what it will be like.

Shrugging Cathy replied, "Your guess is as good as mine. I just worry that maybe when I was..." she trailed off once again, feeling a shiver go up her spine.

Cooing he rubbed the fur on her face and head, "I know they will be fine."

The fox stopped shivering and feeling of cold almost instantly went away, and she rolled her head into his hands.

"I'm almost afraid to ask but what would you like them to be?" she said, thinking of giving birth to either of baby or a kit.

"Honestly?" he asked, she nodded in reply; "I want them to be healthy, happy, and strong like their mother, and that's all. I don't care who they look like, just I want them to be safe, and I want you to be safe as well."

Cathy smiled, he gave the answer you would expect from a person in his position, but she believed him. She did so because she felt the same way.

Kissing her neck he rubbed her shoulders and moved his hands over her tits, which were as warm as her pussy, which his still hard cock was buried in.

Chuckling she sat up and said to him, "Comon, we have a long day ahead of us."

Releasing his grip on her he said, with a disappointed voice, "Aww, I figured we'd just stay in bed, like you wanted."

"It would be nice," she considered, "but what of this deal of being Consular?"

"Don't remind me," he replied, frowning. The fact was, as nice as this place was, he could live without it. In fact he could live without anything but Cathy.

Smiling she said to Steve, "You don't think it would be nice?"

"Would you like the job instead?" he replied, giving her a "matter-a-fact" look.

Seeing his point she answered, "No, but on the bright side I know you'll be a much better Consular than that bird."

For a long moment the two just sat there, each of their thoughts in different directions. Cathy saw the nice things and the advantages of the job, but Steve's mind focused on the problems.

"You want to know the main reason I don't like this?" he said, not able to look her in the eye.

She picked his head up with her paw but he still adverted his eyes.

"No," she replied, trying to be as caring as possible.

"I don't want to have our children at the same time, how could I focus on being the leader of the Federation while my wife had our children?" he replied, feeling a bit selfish, as if it mattered not to her.

Smiling she gave him a quick kiss, "I can tell you, for a fact, that whatever you do I know you won't neglect me, or anyone else that comes into the picture, and I know that, for me, that's all that matters."

Shaking his head her continued, "No, that's not what I meant. You know I still love the Federation, but I do love you more. I couldn't become Consular knowing that I might neglect it to care for you. I will always put you first, but I wouldn't feel right knowing that it might fall apart on my watch."

Cathy still smiled. She understood completely, and was touched that he would still care for her, but shared her love for the Federation.

"Steve I love the Federation too, and I wouldn't allow you to become the consular if I didn't know you could handle it," she replied reassuringly.

Her words worked miracles with his mind, and the Captain looked up, now smiling and kissed his lover.

"I love you so much Cathy," he said, mentally jumping for joy that she was so strong willed.

"I know," she replied confidently, smiling a large toothy smile.

Still naked she pushed back the covers and to her surprise, the blinds were opened, she hadn't noticed them until now. The sunlight from Conakry's twin suns enveloped Cathy alone, and she gleamed in the sunshine.

When Steve worked his way above the covers he was met with the sight of the vixen glowing in the sunbeams. She looked so beautiful, and had he not known better, Reynolds would have thought she was made of light itself. She just watched him stare at her, and look her over. They were both still nude, but that wasn't what he was focusing on, although his hard member said otherwise. Mentally he just looked at how well she blended with the sunlight, and made sure to memorize the way she looked this moment, wishing he had a camera to capture it.

"Come here Steve," she said quietly, the sound of her voice almost angelic in his ears, which fit the way she looked at the moment.

It took a second for the message to reach his knees and he crawled the foot or two over to her and she pulled him into the sunlight as well. He couldn't see a thing, but he felt every inch of her and of the sunlight.

"Hold me," she commanded in a quiet, yet strong voice.

He put out his arms and she almost fell into them, cuddling against his body. They both felt the warmth of the natural light bath them, and they both felt reborn within it.

The fact was neither of them could see the other, which was why Cathy had called him over. She loved how she could feel his presence and his body, but she didn't need to or could see him. His feelings were identical, and he took it a step further and rubbed her back and then the base of her tail.

She let out a high-pitched "yiff!" and gave his chest a tight squeeze.

"You really like it when I do that don't you?" she asked, not angry in any way, but embarrassed that she couldn't control that reflex.

"I think I like it when you do that the most," he replied, smiling widely.

Although he couldn't see it, she got a devious look in her eye and replied, "but what about this?" And she lowered her mouth, using her snout as a guide, down to his hard cock. She gave it a lick from its base to its tip, causing his body to stiffen against hers.

"I stand corrected," he jested.

With and idea popping into his mind he brought his hands to the sides of her face and lifted her head to a level with his. Still unable to see her he kissed her passionately and said, "Lets try something different."

He felt her nod and he laid down next to her and she went to lay down on top of him but, still not seeing her, positioned her arse over his face, and she got the idea form there.

Carefully the fox lowered her pussy down to his welcoming lips, and she felt him kiss it the same way he did her face, and it felt just as good. In turn she leaned down and placed his dick into her muzzle. Her body fluttered as he ran the tip of his tongue around and over her erect clit.

She moaned on his dick and, ceasing his licking for a moment, Steve said quietly to her, "Do you like this?"

Removing his dick from her mouth she said back to him, "I love it!" and before she could return to licking his cock he had already tensed her clit with his tongue. She moaned loudly and felt the urge to suck as hard as she could on Steve's member.

Not one to disappoint she placed his dick back in her mouth and bobbed her head up and down as he ate her out. Sealing his lips around her pussy, Steve thrusted his tongue as deep as he could into the folds of her pussy. His face glistened further in the sunlight from her already dripping pussy, and the taste of her juices made him sigh in pleasure.

His tongue's invasion of her nether regions caused her to bob her head all the way down, taking his entire length down her throat. She used her long and agile tongue to play with his cock as much as she could. Even with it inside her mouth she could wrap her tongue all the way around it, which made him make short, mild, thrust up into her mouth. She allowed it to go down her throat and she felt him moan into her pussy. The fox was glad he liked this.

Using his tongue, Steve explored his lover's pussy for the first time in a week. He remembered how good it tasted, and it was much better than he imagined it had. Each time he rolled his tongue over an apparently sensitive spot inside her, she would loose control of her neck and would allow most, if not all of his cock to go into her mouth. It took all of the Ranger's might not to thrust up to far, and she was doing a spectacular job at testing his will power.

It wasn't long for either before they could feel the cum building up inside their respective sex piece. They were both trying as hard as they could to get the other off, the sunlight was causing both of them to feel hot, and she felt extremely sexy, even though he could not see her.

To get a better hold on her, Steve reached up and held the fox's ass with both his hands. Using his pinky he rubbed the base of her tail, and in turn he could feel her vocal cords vibrate against his cock as she let out a muffled "yiff."

Seeing the opportunity to "play" with her, he used his thumbs, while not neglecting her tail, to tickle the fur right between her two tight ass cheeks. She moaned on his cock and he smiled, while licking her clit, realizing she was enjoying this a lot.

As he tensed Cathy's clit he felt her increase her rate of licking and sucking of his member, and he realized she was close to cuming. He was close to, and breaking the seal from her delicious pussy he said, "I'm almost ready Cathy."

She replied with a muffled, "Mmm hmm," and he continued licking and eating, awaiting the tastiest of all to shoot into his mouth.

Cathy moaned deep on his cock and she lost control of her hips, letting them come to a rest on his face as her cum streamed from her lips, to his. A moment later he came as well, and she gulped down every drop from his cock.

The salty, milky cum from her lover made her heart skip a beat as he, even though being swamped in her juices, continued erratically licking her clit. Her hips jostled and rocked against his face as the waves of a strong orgasm washed over her.

After a few seconds both their orgasms died down, the previous night had worn them down to a point where they couldn't physically sustain as long an orgasm as the last nights, but Steve knew a way to solve this, a good meal.

With a slurping sound she removed his still twitching cock from her mouth, stopping only to give its tip a quick lick. He broke the seal around her pussy lips as well, turned himself to meet her face. Steve still couldn't see her but he knew she was smiling back at him. Holding her in his arms, he cradled her as is she was a child. She was just as light as he remembered, and because of the way the sunlight enveloped her, it was a strange feeling to hold her, yet not see or feel her weight.

"So are we going to be married today?" she asked in a serine tone, out of nowhere a paw rubbed the side of his face.

"If that's what you want, then yes," he replied, enjoying this to no end.

"But is that something you want?" she asked, wondering if he was feeling better about their prompt union.

Smiling, which her paws felt rather than saw, "I think it's not soon enough my love," Steve replied, and it wasn't an answer meant to please.

After spending the past two nights reunited with his love, and the fact his love was seen as more than acceptable by the Federation, Steve wanted Cathy to be his own as soon as he could. It was a formality; she was his and no one else's, but it was, to both of them, a nice formality.

Reality kicking in for a moment Steve said, "This is pretty nice, the sunlight and all."

"I know, I feel so much more... with you in it," she commented, giving his unseen torso a squeeze.

They both laid there for at least another hour, over the time the twine suns moved and slowly revealed various parts of their bodies to sight. It was almost a rebirth as slowly they could see each other's feet, then their legs, with Cathy's tail making small twirls in the air. When the suns' movements revealed each of their sex pieces the vixen giggled, and gave her partner a good hug. Cathy's fur was matted once again, but the blood red fur looked beautiful in his eyes nonetheless. Even though the light was leaving their parts, they both felt tremendously warm.

"So we really are going to..." she trailed off, a noticeable amount of eagerness in her voice.

Letting his lips be his guide, Steve kissed her forehead, and held her close.

"Yes, we are." he said, holding her tightly in his arms.

She gasped happily and, although still blinded by the sun, turned and gave him a very deep and passionate kiss. He dipped her head below his and their tongues intertwined and swirled around; it was going to be a good day.

Now all a twitter, she sat up and just rested in his arms, thinking of what that one final moment will feel like.

"Don't you want to get up and go?" he asked, although his voice told a different story. It really said, "I really want to stay in bed with you until the end of time."

"Let's sit and wait and..." she just trailed off, feeling that words were useless here, and she just snuggled into his strong arms.

For another good thirty minutes they laid there, and then as they both looked into the area of where they knew the other's eyes were, they watched, and waited, as the curtain of sunlight lifted. Steve watched as slowly her snout, then her cheeks, and finally, her beautiful eyes. She looked on as well, and saw his face come into view. They both looked and felt happier now. They were, in spirit and mind, reborn in the sun.

Without a word, they both leaned in and shared another long kiss, this one more of what lovers share after sex, rather than just average kissing.

"Lets go," he whispered to her, and, almost carrying her, lifted the pair from the bed and they both dressed. Their clothes from the previous day laid strewn on the ground, and, although noticeably reluctantly, the pair dressed in them. Her arm stuck through his, they walked out the door and down the hall.

Down the extravagant stairs they went, and at the bottom they were met by the old cat that had brought them to their room the night before.

"Sleep well?" he asked, smiling at the pair in love.

"Very well," Cathy answered, her entire snout perked up in a smile.

"Good to hear that," he replied, "If you are hungry breakfast has been prepared."

Having not eaten since the previous day's lunch hour, they were both quite hungry, and nodding, the cat led them through the various rooms of the estate.

Cathy, always the caring fox, tapped the cat's elbow as they walked to the dinning room, causing him to stop short.

"Something wrong ma'am?" the cat asked, turning to meet the pair.

"No, I just wanted to know your name," she answered in a kind voice.

Smiling he lowered his head and replied, "I am Chris Parks. I serve as the head butler for the consular's estate, caretaker and such."

"Well Mr. Parks," Cathy replied, very serious now, "I have a question for you."

"No problem ma'am," the cat replied, still smiling.

"Actually its two questions," she corrected herself, "First, I want to know, what did you think of Consular Otho."

Still smiling, although it was apparent it was forced, Parks replied, "I won't feel right speaking ill of the dead."

"What I meant to say was, did he appear to enjoy himself more than the average Consular?" she asked again.

"Well," the cat begun reluctantly, "the last few Consular's I've met were far from what you would call 'average.' I've been serving as the head butler for Consular's for more than thirty years," Cathy thought of Osing and Drake, "and I would say there's been a steady decline in the attitudes of Consulars over that time. What was your other question ma'am?"

"You know who my husband is right?" he nodded. "Well do you think he will make a good Consular?"

Smiling again Parks replied, "I think he will definitely break the trend. Just seeing how much he cares for you shows how much he can care for the Federation, which, I think, was the greatest problem with the last series of Consulars."

"Thank you Mr. Parks," Steve commented, "I have a question as well if you don't mind."

"Not at all sir," the cat replied, smiling to see the fox resting her head on the man's shoulder.

"Do you know how or where's the best place to," he looked at Cathy and smiled, "to hold a wedding?"

"Why here of course," the cat replied, with no hesitation.

Nodding and having thoughts run through his mind Reynolds gave Cathy a small kiss on her cheek. Parks turned and lead the pair all the way to the dinning hall, which, as to the rest of the mansion, was probably more extravagant than it needed to be.

As did the rest of the rooms in the estate, the walls were adorned with huge pictures and murals, and as Steve was pulling Cathy's seat out for her to sit, one caught his eye, almost causing his hold on her paw to falter.

"What?" she asked, looking at the perplexed look on his face.

He stared at the picture and replied, "That-that picture. It's my father."

Cathy turned instantly, eager to see the face of the man who was the father of her soul mate.

He looked, needless to say, very similar to Steve, but not as... as endearing. Very strong and powerful, handsome as well, but he didn't have the same eyes as Steve; he didn't look as kind. Cathy thought that a look of longing, or a look missing for his father would be on his face, but instead it was one of anger.

The picture showed the Captain's father, clad entirely in an older version of the P9 armor, holding of all things his families Thompson, and pointing into the distance as a collective of army and navy forces surged around his feet and in a semi-halo around his head.

He began walking towards the picture, and Cathy, not wanting to let go, got up and walked with him. Coming to the foot of the picture the fox saw a look of pure hatred in her lover's eyes.

"What's wrong?" she asked meekly, not wanting to strike a cord with him.

In a sad, almost regretful tone he replied, "I hate this man almost as much as I hate that bird."

This was new news to Cathy's ears, and she rubbed his back and replied, "Sit down and eat something."

"I'm not hungry," he replied, shaking his head, but not removing his eyes from the picture.

Realizing she needed to break him out of this, or at least break his eye contact with the picture, Cathy said, in the strongest and firmest voice, "Steve, look at me."

Almost instantly he turned his head and met her eyes. She saw a look of pain in them she had not seen before, at least not in his.

"You know better than anyone that I know about..." she sighed, thinking of her own past, "bad fathers. Don't dread on this, it will only hurt you more."

Nodding he began to turn his eyes back to the picture, but her firm grip on his elbows held his eyes in place.

"Now, lets eat something, I know you must be as hungry as I am," she said, smiling again.

Steve forced smiled and kissed her cheek, and the pair walked back to the table, but thoughts of his father still invaded his mind.

They sat and the food was brought in. It was a huge breakfast, with great tasting food. Fresh eggs, milk, sausage, and bacon, and biscuits and other foods that neither had eaten or seen in years, or, for Cathy at least, never before.

"Wow," she said, and picked up a forkful of scrambled eggs. Tasting it she let out a deep "Mmmmmm."

They ate the hearty meal and when they were both content, leaned back in their chairs, and their eyes began to wonder. Steve made a mental note to look everywhere but the picture of his father, but Cathy's eyes were glued to it.

It upset her dearly that he harbored such pain, at that she didn't even know about it. She shivered at the thought of what other things he must have buried down deep within himself, and she was worried of them spontaneously appearing.

The vixen got up, and took the seat next to him, turned the chair and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Steve," she began, "I think we need to talk about you for a change."

He turned and gave her a puzzled look; he wasn't quite sure what she meant by that.

Continuing she gestured with her paws, "You know all about my past, but I know little of yours. If we are going to get... well... married in a few hours, I want to know about you. The good and the bad."

Sighing he looked her in the face and replied, "There isn't much good, not really until I met you."

She smiled and moved her chair closer to his, making a small couch out of them. The fox let him rest on her for a change, and stroked the side of his head.

"Go on," she said, and let him nuzzle her body.

"Well, since I guess you want to know about my father, he was a good man, and that's about it. I think I've spent more time with you than I had with him," she made a soft sigh of disbelief, "The sad thing is that's probably true," he replied to make it clear. "I can remember instructors' faces clearer than his. I don't think he liked me much," he concluded, his voice rather heavy.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" she asked, angry at what would be considered her father-in-law seemed to instill in her beloved.

Shrugging he replied, "I just never gave it much thought. To be honest the last time I really thought about him, just for the sake of it, was at least four years ago, when most of my troopers stopped trusting me."

He remembered back to that time, which in reality wasn't that long ago, yet it felt like ages. In a months time Captain Reynolds was going from being a distrusted company commander, to possibly holding the trust of the entire Federation. Quite the switch to say the least.

"He didn't marry for love. My mother, if you can call her that, was beautiful I guess, but I knew her about as well as my dad. They spent most of their time together, but not together. I don't even think he really loved her, I think he just loved showing her off."

"And are you his opposite?" she asked, rubbing his head which was now weighing on her breast.

"In every way, yes," which actually made him fell better. By anything other than name, he wanted to be disjoined from his father.

"What about your grandfather, you mentioned him to me once," she said, realizing she had heard enough about his father. One day she might pursue it further, but it was inconsequential to her in the big picture.

Smiling he replied, "Now my grandfather was a great man, and a great person. When I wasn't training, I was with him. He really taught me what was important. He taught me ancient fighting techniques, things long forgotten and, as he often admitted, were useless in real combat, but shouldn't be forgotten. He taught me how to shoot my Thompson." Sniffling now he continued, "He died when I was about 14, after that I trained in the military pretty much non-stop."

Cathy stroked Steve's head with her paw; she could tell he must miss his grandfather very much. His death had ended his life, so to speak. He had never gone to parties, never gone shopping, never been a normal youngling, something even Cathy had enjoyed time-to-time.

His voice very heavy now, he continued, "I didn't make many friends as kid. Most of the time I was around officers, probably why I get along with General Osing and Admiral Drake so well. By the way, how is it that he was... okay with you?"

"What? You mean because I'm a furry?" the fox asked. It was a humorous concept now, since the Admiral was one of their key supporters.

He nodded into her breast and she chuckled, "Well remember I told you about the interrogation he gave me on the Trident? Well he was quite taken with Karl, and I think it was that puppy who made him more liking to our kind."

"How he couldn't ever like furries is beyond me," Steve commented, feeling very comforted by Cathy's soft stroking of his head, "Your all so soft and tend to not have the faults of man," he added, smiling.

Cathy was taken by the statement. She always harbored some fears that others would look at pair... strangely; that because he was a human and she was a fox wouldn't be overall accepted. Now with him likely to be the next Consular, her worries frightened her more.

The true fact was that most planets where humans and furries coexisted, mixed pairs were common and accepted, but because Cathy's home of Foc was almost exclusively foxes, she wasn't ever really exposed to the concept.

Sighing his voice went cold and asked, "Do you think it might be our fault the war started. Humans I mean?"

Cooing, she held his head in her paws and replied, "Of course not. Why would you think a thing like that?"

"Because only humans tend to be so evil to each other, and anyone that comes in contact with us." He continued, feeling much self-pity for himself, and his species.

Cathy couldn't believe it, she had never heard of such a thing.

"During one of my 'talks' with Mafeu, he told me that long before we left our home planet and started colonizing and controlling your planets, we had brought an end to an almost eternal peace. I wasn't taught to look at it like that, but I cant help thinking we hurt your universe, and so many have had to die because of it. Why do you think we are the only ones who seem to cause problems?"

"You don't realize something Steve," she said, kindly as possible. She wasn't angry with him or his species, she knew this was more of a mild case of Post Dramatic Stress Disorder, and she needed to get it out of his system, "the wolves have never been at ease with the Federation."

"Yes but we made the Federation," he added.

"But they weren't exactly friendly with others before that you know," she answered.

To her surprise he shook his head into her breast. How could he not know that?

"You don't know they've tortured us for many thousands of years?" she asked.

Looking up, his eyes somewhat red from straining them, he shook his head and replied, "No, I thought their hostilities only really began when we tried to make them part of the Federation."

"I thought you went to high end schools?" she asked, and he nodded in return.

"Keep in mind, those schools were all military academies of one kind or another," he replied, his mind starting to catch up with her reasoning.

She looked him in the eye and realized that these weren't new thoughts, he had been wondering about his kind's actions for some time.

"I think I need to teach you some history," she said and looked around.

Realizing that this wasn't the place she stood up, and, holding his hand, walked them to the adjoining room and they sat on a couch. She laid his head down on her lap and rested her paws on his face.

"You never heard of how brutal the wolves were towards other furries before humans came to help us?" she asked.

He shook his head again, not able to raise his voice high enough to answer.

"How can that be?" she asked, "How could you not be taught such an important thing?"

"Who taught you?" he asked.

Looking away she answered, "My father."

Now he held her. Neither liked their father's, but she had a much better reason.

"Sick bastard," Reynolds thought to himself.

"He told me," Cathy continued, "That long before people came to our planet, or other planets, the wolves went around, conquering planets and taking furries hostage. They would basically like pigs, and force us to serve and appease them. When people came around, talking of their United Federation, almost all species and planets jumped at the chance and joined. The wolves pulled out right away, being the cowards they are, and then after hundreds of years, the Federation became what it is today," she thought for a moment and added, "sort of."

Seeing his face frightened her. He looked scared and angry. He looked the same way when he described his father.

"My instructors always made it seem like we just came along and said, 'hey try our way of government' and poof, you had the Federation. Why wouldn't they tell us we helped? The natural idea we would get was that we were conquerors, you make us seem like saviors," he finished.

"You were," she said, smiling at him.

He shook his head, "But why wouldn't they tell us we wer-"

"I meant you were," she cut in.

He thought for a moment and smiled back.

"I think that speaks volumes about your species, that you saved me, even though you could have been killed yourself, and that you are the loving man I am going to marry," she replied and nuzzled his face.

"Thank you Cathy..." he said and hugged her.

Glad to see him smile she decided to drop it for now, Steve would go deeper if he needed to and Cathy would listen when he did.

For a good amount of time they sat on the couch. They were both enjoying a moment of honesty, and until Parks came in, their minds were pretty much at ease.

"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting anything," he said appraisingly.

"Not at all," Cathy replied cheerfully. She was starting to feel more like the young, 22 year old fox she was.

"There's a call for Captain Reynolds from a Captain Atric," the cat reported, and gestured to follow him.

"I'll go," Steve said to Cathy as he stood, "you get whatever you want for today and meet me at the landing pad, we're going to return to the Endeavor and have chat with General Osing."

Smiling she replied, "Okay."

The Captain followed Parks through various rooms in the Estate until he reached a rather large den of sorts.

"Over their sir," he gestured to a Com system on the wall. Even something as ordinary as a Com station was all done up in what the Captain saw as, "Crap."

Regardless, he walked over to the station, and on the small screen he saw the young face of his former XO.

"Hello Sean, what do you need?" Steve asked, noticing a slight smile played across the fox's face.

"We've been wondering how things went, how the Consular's estate is," he replied.

Sighing the Captain replied, "It's... extravagant to say the least. I can imagine that bird feeling right at home. We're coming up to the Endeavor right away, we need to clarify a few things with General Osing."

"He's been waiting for you to come for almost two hours, but he refused to have you awaken," Sean replied.

"Well tell him these two things, you're the first to really know; today Cathy and I are going to get married, and we need to find someplace to do it, and I need to talk to him about this whole 'consular' deal."

Sean just smiled at his friend and nodded. His face flickered off and Steve knew that the fox was likely running about like a pup and telling every waking soul of Reynolds' announcement.

Bridge Aboard FN Endeavor 1059 Military Time

"They're what?!" Osing exclaimed, a smile forming in the corner of his mouth.

With a grin that showed every tooth in his mouth, Sean replied, "Yes sir, straight from Captain Reynolds mouth, they plan to come here right away, and they plan to end the day married."

"And he sounded like he's considering being Consular?" Drake asked, equally interested.

"Yes sir," Sean replied, still smiling, "He sounded more like he has conditions, which would mean he wants the job."

Standing up Osing brushed out the wrinkles in his pants, "Alright, then we have to make sure things go well. I don't know about you, but I think it's a good idea that we keep him happy as possible. If we can get him to be consular, it will definitely wash away the feelings towards the Consulars after..." he paused for a moment, "... the last few consulars ruined it."

"So what's the plan?" Drake asked, thinking of the pair.

Osing sighed and began, "Well-"

"Hello General," Captain Reynolds interrupted, walking onto the bridge with Cathy next to him.

"Hello son, that was fast. I take it all is well?" Osing asked, careful to read the Captain's response.

Looking at Sean who couldn't help but grin at the pair Reynolds looked at Osing and replied, "Yes sir, I take it Sean's informed you of our plans?"

Osing nodded, grinning as well in the process. Particularly General Osing had expected this all along, and to him this was the crowning moment of his efforts.

"So then, do you know how best to go about it, we both have ideas, but I don't really know where we can, or if we really can have this done in a day," he replied, feeling Cathy give him a loving squeeze with her paw.

"For the first time I can honestly say, the Federation has your back Captain Reynolds. You just get yourselves prepared, we'll take care of the rest," Drake replied, noticing a sigh of relief escape both of their lips.

"Thank you Admiral, General," the Captain nodded, and he turned and walked out the door with his partner.

Watching the pair walk out, Sean commented, "Well, I guess we have a lot of work to do."

"Yes, uh Lieutenant?" Drake called out.

"Sir!" a panther walked over and saluted the Admiral.

"Lieutenant, I need you to go down to the surface, go to the Public Relation's office at FN/FGF Command, and start things rolling for the..." he trailed off for a moment and smiled, "wedding of Captains Reynolds and Grey."

The panther smiled and without a word, walked off the bridge to the shuttle bay.

"Well that should defiantly set things in motion," Osing commented.

A Ranger corporal, a rabbit, walked up to Sean and saluted.

"Captain Atric, Captain Gates wishes to see you."

Hesitating for a moment Sean put up his paw and replied, "Thank you Corporal."

The rabbit walked off the bridge and Osing stared at the fox and said, "Where has Captain Gates been all day?"

"Emily felt tired this morning and just stayed in bed," Sean replied.

Through his attuned hearing, the fox heard Drake say under his breath, "Oh boy..."

Ignoring the comment he nodded to the two officers and walked off the bridge.


Walking towards what had been Captain Reynolds old room, Cathy's mind was noisy and uncollected. She thought of all the things to do. Even though she had spent the better part of her life not interested in matters of the heart, she was in the end, a female, and the thought of being married to the man of her dreams excited her in so many ways.

"What do we need to prepare?" Steve asked her quietly, trying not to draw attention in the busy halls.

Coming out of her thoughts she replied, "I'm... not exactly sure..."

"I take it you've never been to a wedding either?" he asked, in a humorous tone.

She shook her head and shrugged, "I know what they look like, but I've never been to one."

"Well what do we need?" she asked as they got onto the lift with two other soldiers.

He waited a moment and thought.

"Well, you need a dress," he whispered as quietly as he could into her ear. The other two in the lift, a dog and a squirrel heard him and gave each other a perplexed look.

"Are you..." the dog scrutinized the couple. "...Captain Reynolds and Captain Grey?"

A bit surprised the pair turned and both nodded.

The dog's eyes widened and the squirrel smiled.

"So is it true? You're both getting married today?" the dog asked looking very interested.

Cathy giggled and nodded.

The two soldiers looked at each other again in surprise.

"Boy do rumors spread through the Federation like wildfire," Steve thought.

"How did this... you know... like happen?" the dog added.

Steve shrugged, "I saved her, and she saved me."

The squirrel's eyebrows crooked, "That's it?"

Cathy smiled and answered, "No, there's so much more to it," she gave Steve a small push, causing him to chuckle, "He saved me, and he was the only one whom I could trust, they wanted to kill me. He saved me again from the wolves, and when I found him, he saved me again."

The lift came to their stop and, without another word the pair walk off and down the corridor to Steve's old room. They could have gone to their new room, rather suite, aboard the Endeavor, but they both realized that the most private and intimate place they could go was the room where they had spent most of their relationship.

When they entered there was a slight smell in the air. Not bad, but it was there. It was actually their smell, what they had left after they had made their attempt to run from the Federation.

Sitting down on the bed Steve commented, "You know you saved me back their as well."

Cathy tilted her head quizzically; it was her thoughts that he was the one who was coming to her rescue.

"If it wasn't for you, if you didn't love me and want to save me, the Federation might not have come and found me, and the Alpha Wolf would be alive and fighting, and that bird would still be trading lives for money. Cathy, you saved me and everyone in the Federation."

No one had put it like that, and she thought for a moment. She had thought all along she was just trying to find the Captain, not necessarily save him. The fox had certainly never thought that she had saved the rest of the Federation as well; she just figured she was doing her duty to her lover.

Steve smiled and sat her down on his lap. Her tail whipped between them and she used it to brush his face, to which he coddled her to his chest and kissed the fur on her cheek.

Remembering what he had said back in the lift she restarted their conversation.

"I've never really worn a dress before," Cathy said, the excitement becoming more apparent in her voice.

"I can't wait to see this," he thought to himself, trying to imagine her walking to him.

"What about you?" she asked, looking up at him, her muzzle a few inches from his face.

"I have my dress uniform," he replied, wanting to kiss her.

She smiled, "Your going to wear your medals?"

He frowned and didn't reply.

"I know you have medals, I remember hearing how you had almost every major one the Federation offers," she said, but his reaction didn't improve.

"I do, but I'm not very proud of them to be honest," he replied.

She nuzzled his face and asked, "Why not?"

He sighed and replied, "I blame myself and Colonel Hushing and his cronies."

Cathy shuttered at the thought of the late Colonel, he had almost taken her love from her.

"Wear them with pride my love," she said, licking his lips.

He sighed again and scooted her off his lap, and walked over to his dresser. After digging through some clothes he pulled out a small suitcase. He walked back to Cathy and sat down next to her. Even without his urging she laid her head on his shoulder and watched as he opened the case.

It was amazing. It was literally pilled high with medals. Gold, silver, bronze, and other colors of metal gleamed out of the case.

"Wow, you really do have them all..." she commented.

Digging through the case he pulled out one single, small gold medal. Cathy had never seen one of it's type before.

"This is the only one I'm proud of, Admiral Drake would likely remember it," Steve began, smiling at the trinket, "I got it fresh from the Predator Training unit. I was part of a Ranger unit, and we saved the good Admiral. In the process I helped my Company Commander, Captain Jennings, and the rest of the Ranger's go through a tough zero-g battle."

"Well wear that one then, any others?" Cathy said, beginning to think that most of the medals were in reality special to the Captain, she just needed to make him realize that.

For the next ten or fifteen minutes they went through about fifty medals, at which point it was clear his lapel would weigh a lot more than needed, so Cathy let him stop with one of the medals, another small Gold one. This time however, her frowned and didn't talk.

"Well what's the story of that one?" Cathy asked, noticing a small winch of pain in her love's eye.

"My father gave me this one..." he said, staring at the small gold medal, "He sent it to me when I graduated, it's one of the only things that I ever got from him."

"Then of all of them, you have to wear that one," she said, giving him a small squeeze.

"Why?" he asked, a bit surprised by her statement.

"Because," she answered, "He is and always will be your father, and even if you don't care for him, I'm indebted to him forever."

"Why?" he asked again, this time even more surprised.

"He gave me you..." she said, and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Steve huffed and held her in his arms.

"Well if you put it like that..." he grinned, "Now what about you?"

She now took on a slightly sad mug, and lowered her snout.

"I don't have really anything I can think of to wear..." she trailed off, realizing that plain fact.

"Hmmmm...." moaned Reynolds as he thought for a moment.

Neither could think of a thing, she really had little clothing to speak of, only military dress uniforms, and she wasn't going to wear one of those.

"What do you think I look best in?" she asked, figuring maybe that was the best answer.

"Anything..." he thought for a moment and grinned, "and nothing..."

She pushed his shoulder and replied, "Unless you want to do the same that's out of the question."


"Oh get a grip!" she laughed and tackled him on the bed.

She snuggled in close to his body and he cradled her.

"Cathy my love," he began, "I'm going to make sure you find the most beautiful dress you can imagine."

Steve felt the vixen hug him a bit tighter and he pet the fur behind her ears. He felt her stretch and relax in his arms.

"Aside from that, is there anything else we need?" he asked, realizing that she was starting to fall asleep.

"Well," the fox yawned, "I know we each need a main witness."

"Oh ya..." he said, remember that part of a wedding.

"Well I'm sure you have someone you can use, but I don't know any other women in the Federation well enough to be my maid of honor," Cathy said, putting her head right next to his.

Ticking he nuzzled her, "My poor fox, I'm going to make sure everything goes perfectly, alright."

She closed her eyes and nodded into his head.

"I know why your so tired, and I think its quite cute too," the Captain commented, which brought her back to attention.

"What?" she asked, not catching on.

He took her paw and rubbed her stomach, "This."

She smiled widely and kissed him, "You know I'm looking forward to that so much."

"So am I, I want to prove to you and myself that fathers don't have to always be bad..." he trailed off.

For a long while they just laid there, as they were becoming accustomed too.

"I take it your going to ask Sean to be your best man?" Cathy asked, breaking the silence.

He nodded and replied, "Yes, I was debating between him or Osing or Drake, but I think I have a better idea for them," Steve grinned at his own brilliance; he had a great idea for both of them.

"What about Emily?" the Captain proposed, "She's a very strong willed rabbit, and must be quite big hearted, she's in love with Sean."

"Sounds like your proposing a double wedding," she commentated into his side.

Steve huffed, "Today is your day Cathy, and I don't think there's a soul in the Federation who thinks otherwise."

"I love you Steve," the vixen said, and gave him a very tight hug.

She yawned again and he stroked her head. Steve forced himself to get up, he would have liked to lay there with her, but he had a duty to her.

"Here, you rest for a little while, and I'm going to go prepare some things, okay?" he said, giving her a small kiss.

"Okay," she said, and watch him walk out the door.

A few seconds later, she was asleep, dreaming of what this day would bring.


Shutting the door behind him was quite feet. He desperately wanted to lay in bed with her all day, she looked so happy today, but he had to make sure things went perfectly. Steve had done so at the lake, and he was going to do so again in the Federation's capital.

The Captain pulled out his Com unit and sent a message to a Ranger to have Sean report to the Captain in the suite he and Cathy had been given.

While he made his way up there he passed by many officers and troopers, all of whom stopped and took an extra look at him. Steve figured they must have been wondering where Cathy was.

Reynolds walked into the room and was meet with the sight of his Thompson in the corner of the room. He picked it up and held the ancient weapon. Now the gun wasn't only part of his family, but was going to be part of Cathy's as well. He was going to share everything he had with her and couldn't wait for it.

About thirty minutes later Sean knocked on his door and entered promptly. Before all this, when the fox had been Steve's XO, he always look sure, strong, and, somewhat, arrogant, but now he looked a bit happier, and seemed to become somewhat nervous, but not in a bad way. This time however he looked a bit more distracted than what was becoming his usual.

"What's wrong Sean?" Steve asked friendly, standing up to meet his friend.

"Uh nothing si- Steve," the fox replied, a bit uneasy about addressing Reynolds in such a friendly way.

"Sean, what's up?" he asked again, realizing that there was something the fox needed to get off his chest.

"Emily- Captain Gates is... uh... she's..." he trailed off, his voice faltering on and off.

Judging by the fox's nervous state, and his archaic mannerism, Captain Reynolds soon caught on.

"Ohhh, heh heh, well congrats Sean..." Reynolds managed to get out in a surprised, yet calm tone.

"Thanks..." Sean replied, not very focused.

"Sean I have a favor to ask of you," Steve began, realizing that this might not have been the best time to ask, but he didn't have a real choice.

Captain Atric looked up, the look of uncertainty disappearing. He still could snap back to attention, he hadn't forgotten how to be a soldier.

"Will you be my best man at my wedding?" Steve finally said, a bit relieved to have at least said it.

The fox smiled, "Of course Steve, I would be honored."

"Thank you Sean," Captain Reynolds said, a smile pushed its way onto his face.

He began to turn and walk away, but Sean posed a quick question; "What do you think I should do with Emily? I mean I will marry her, I want to marry her, but I don't know about being a father."

Steve chuckled and turned back, "Sean, neither do I, and believe me, I think I'm more nervous about it than you could imagine. Neither mine, nor Cathy's father was..." he searched for the right words, "...admirable. I have to make sure that I am as good of a father as I can be, I cannot- I will not allow myself to fall short as both of ours did."

The fox didn't look any more relieved, and he shifted his feet uncomfortably.

"Put it like this Sean," Reynolds explained, "You love Emily with all your heart?"

"More than I could ever describe," Sean replied, in a confident and sure voice.

"Then that's all that matters, if you love her, you will love your offspring, and you will always do good for who you love. My father didn't love me, and I don't think he really loved my mother, but I know I love Cathy, and I will love my children as much as I love her. I know you will be a great father as well, and that Emily is lucky to have you."

Sean smiled. The Captain had simplified things, and reassured him, at that had done wonders for the fox's mentality.

"I have one other thing to ask you Sean," Reynolds began, feeling even more awkward than before, "since we're on the subject. Cathy needs a maid of honor, and we would like to know if Emily could do so."

Sean continued smiling, which made Steve feel better, "I'm sure she would be as honored as I am."

"Thank you again Sean," the Captain nodded, and, after thinking for a moment, put out his hand.

Sean took his hand in his paw and shook it, "I wish you good luck with Cathy, she's a wonderful fox and I know that she loves you more than anything."

Steve just smiled and turned and walked away, leaving Sean in a much better mood than he had met him in.


Cathy awoke about thirty minutes after Steve left her in the room alone. She hadn't awoken because she was satisfied with her nap, but because she was cold. She woke feeling cold and alone and she didn't like it. The fox had spent the last two days with her lover almost nonstop, as she should. Hell, she had been willing to die to find him, she would have done nothing but be with him for the rest of their lives is she could have her way.

Sitting up she felt a cold shiver resonate throughout her furry body. Even though her fur was fluffier and warmer than usual, she couldn't quite figure out why, the vixen still felt immeasurably cold.

Realizing she smelled a bit ripe, and knowing where she was going to be in mere hours, she took a nice hot shower. Even as the very hot water rushed over her fur and onto the skin below, she still felt somewhat cold. It wasn't the cold that caused shivering, but a cold she felt in the depths of her body. Either way, Cathy knew the shower would do her well, and she made sure that every part of herself was cleaned as well as she could. When she was satisfied with her shower, she dried off and dressed as warmly as possible.

There was almost no clothing in the room, and all that was there were some of Steve's clothes. It was a bit big for her slender figure, but she felt closer to him by merely wearing his clothes.

She wondered where Steve was, what he was doing. Cathy knew whatever he was doing, he was doing it for her, but she still would have preferred him being with her. The fox still felt cold.

So much had been said today, so much had happened. It was a good final day of their lives not bound by marriage. They had both gotten things off their chest's that had weighed heavily on both of their consciousnesses.

The computer on his desk was still on, even from a few weeks ago, and she walked over to it. The fox sat down and began surfing through various articles, of varying topics. What she was most interested in though, was what would happen to her as her pregnancy progressed.

"Wow..." she muttered aloud as she read the article.

She had understood and known about the basics of pregnancy in her kind, but she didn't, for obvious reasons, really understand it; she had slept through that part of class back home.

"I bet Steve will be very glad at that," Cathy thought to herself.

She lowered the article and looked at various things, even played a game. Her mind was wandering in millions of miles of thoughts and feelings, all of which surrounded Steve.

"Ma'am!" someone called out from the other side of the door, knocking on the door as well.

Breaking her semi-interested trance on the game she was playing, Cathy walked over and opened the door. In it stood a female mink, holding a suitcase, and she was smiling kindly. To her surprise the mink wasn't in uniform, and wasn't escorted.

"Who are you?" Cathy asked the new face.

"I'm Maria Saab, your fiancée sent me over to fit you for your dress. May I come in?" the mink replied, gesturing to the case in her paw.

Cathy stepped back from the door and just eyed the mink over. She put most of her attention to the suitcase in her hand. It looked too small to hold a-

"Dress!?" Cathy said aloud, now registering what the Mink had said.

"Yes Ms. Grey, do you really think Captain Reynolds would allow you to not have a dress? I will say, if you permit, he is quite handsome, for a human anyway," the mink said.

A little annoyed by her comment, as innocent and good hearted as it was, Cathy replied, "That's Captain Grey, and why aren't you in uniform uh-"

"Ms. Saab, and I'm not a soldier, I was just brought here from my studio about 10 minutes ago, quite abruptly I might add Captain Grey," the mink replied, in a calm and cool voice. She was being paid way too much to fly off the handle now. Plus, she thought that it was quite a romantic story.

"Well Ms. Saab," Cathy began, cooling off a little, but still annoyance was present in her voice, she wasn't sure why, "you said Steve sent you?"

"Yes, and we have little time, I usually take a few days to fit a dress, we have a few hours, so please, go undress while I set up," the mink commanded, which caused quite a reaction on Cathy's part.

She was about to say something in retort, but then the mink opened the suitcase and pulled out the dress. Cathy melted at the sight, it was beautiful. She turned and almost ran into the bathroom. She quickly undressed but realized she needed clean underwear.

Cathy walked out and made a nervous gesture to her lessened clothes.

"I need to go and get some better underwear, these aren't exactly what I would like to wear," she commented to the mink, who already had a pincushion and other fitting items.

Ms. Saab looked up, smiled, and reached back into the suitcase. She produced a very, very skimpy white lace thong and bra, and replied, "Don't worry, being the best I always know what to have. I believe from you health form measurements I got your real size. For some reason they always feel that they need to make females appear three or four sizes larger than usual, and males about three sizes to small."

Seeing the provocative underwear, Cathy felt quite awkward, but excited, and not necessarily just for herself.

"I assume you're washed?" the mink said, scrutinizing Cathy from ears to paws.

The fox nodded.

"Then here," she handed Cathy the undergarments, they were almost weightless, "Put these on and come back out so we can fit this."

Cathy obeyed and went into the bathroom, and put on the thong and bra. It was very small, and Cathy would have been embarrassed to wear it in front of Steve, and she could spend the rest of her life nude with him, and just the way it made her look made her feel very reserved.

The vixen walked out and saw the mink holding up and smoothing out the dress. She turned to look the fox over and smiled.

"He's quite lucky, you have a beautiful figure," Ms. Saab commented, looking over the way the underwear fit onto Cathy like a small, revealing glove.

"Thank you," Cathy replied and walked next to her.

"Now put this on, but carefully. It might not fit perfectly right away, but I'll make quick work of any problems," the mink said, holding the pincushion and needle with thread.

Chapter 2 King

Shooting Range Aboard FN Endeavor 1404 Military Time

Three shots rang out and all three of the metal targets drooped in quick succession, almost instantaneously.

"Set 'em up again!" Karl yelled out to the range officer.

"Doing good today Sergeant," the officer said, pressing the reset button.

After almost a week of basically non-stop shooting Karl was becoming a crack shot, particularly with the pistol. He could bull's-eye almost any target on the rifle range, and the pistol range was almost boring to him now. What he liked the most about the shooting was, of all things, the quietness of it. Since he had become quite the spectacle, few had seen such a young pup ever shoot, and shoot well at that, they tended to leave him to his shooting alone in the large range. He liked the silence between his shots; to him it was one of the quietest sounds he had ever heard, and the most peaceful.

He walked back to the shooter's box and at the buzzer he was off. He took three steps forward, stopped at the coverage wall and sent three quick rounds downrange. He heard the sound of three "pings" which meant he had been dead on.

Another few steps put Karl at the prone shooter's position. He jumped down, fired another volley, and jumped to his feet before he even heard the resonating sound of his successful fire.

Just as he reached the final shooter's position, he heard three shoots sound off behind him, and heard three targets drop, his three targets.

Standing the puppy turned angrily and looked downrange, "Who shot my-"

Karl cut himself off. It was Captain Reynolds holding his old gun, Karl didn't know what it was but nothing in the arms locker looked like it.

The puppy ran up to his mentor and saluted. The Captain shook his head but returned the gesture.

"Hi Karl, I see you're quite the uh," Steve looked at the six downed targets, "good shot."

"Thank you sir!" Karl said, his tail wagging at the Captain.

"There's something I need to talk to you about," Reynolds began, his voice quite serious.

Karl nodded for him to continue.

Steve smiled and did so, "You know Cathy and I are getting married today right?" Karl nodded, "Well I'm tying up as many loose ends as I can, and your one of the last ones."

The puppy tilted his head in confusion, and holstered his pistol, to which the Captain chuckled.

"I want to ask you, what are you going to do one this is really over? I only ask because, as much as it seems you like the Army, I can't in good conscious allow you to serve in it, not at this young age, particularly because there's someone out there who you love and apparently loves you."

Karl's normally excited mood fell and he looked right down at his own feet.

"Cathy told you about Lucy?" he asked, his voice showing embarrassment.

"Yes, and I can say, from experience, I can't think of a worse thing than to lose the one I love, and, if only for Lucy's sake, you wouldn't want to put her in that kind of pain," Reynolds replied, very calm but in a commanding tone.

"What if Lucy served with me?" the pup asked, his voice still hung a bit.

Chuckling Steve replied, "Karl, that's why Cathy and I had to leave in the first place, that's the reason the Federation frowns upon relationships between soldiers. No, that of all things would be unacceptable. And besides, I am going to make sure no one ever has to lose a loved one to war again."

That last part hung in the air like a cloud. Steve had pretty much accepted the idea of becoming Consular, and moreover he knew that the most important thing he could do was set up a way for peace to exist in perfection. The military would still exist, but he hoped they would never have to be used for anything more than disaster relief.

The Captain made an excellent point, and Karl knew it.

"All right sir, but then what am I to do anyway?" the pup asked, the dream of combat leaving his mind. Peace sounded better to him anyway.

"That's what I asked you," the Captain replied, smiling at Karl, "I know you don't have a home, unless you want to stay with Lucy's family."

Karl shook his head, "I like her parents, but they're to... afraid all the time. When we got those wolves," he paused for a moment, wondering if might be brining up bad memories but he continued, "I found Lucy first, they were hiding somewhere."

"Well where do you plan to go then?" Reynolds asked, an idea forming in his mind.

"I don't know, but I don't want to go anywhere without Lucy," he replied.

The answer left the Captain surprised, if not dumbfounded. It was quite the display of friendship and love.

"Do you think her parents would let you bring her with you?" Reynolds asked, not quite sure what kind of parents the female pup had.

Karl shrugged, "I don't know, but where would we go anyway?"

"Well, I hate to rush you," the Captain said, kneeling down to be face to face with the little pup, "but you need to figure things out soon."

"I don't know..." the pup repeated.

Reynolds smiled, "You have time really, just keep it in mind. You can do what you want for now, I just need to go talk with General Osing and Admiral Drake."

"Can I come?" the pup asked, "I like Admiral Drake, he nice."

Steve almost broke out laughing. Of all the people the little puppy could like, Admiral Drake should be the last.

"Comon," Reynolds said, and the pup followed the officer off the shooting range, only stopping to hand in his pistol.

Bridge Aboard FN Endeavor 1410 Military Time

"So when can we expect everything to be ready down there?" Drake asked, looking over the plans on the table. They weren't the normal type of plans; in fact none in the room had ever dealt with plans of this... type before.

"In about three more hours everything should be perfect. Most of the, I guess, important guests are already on their way, and I've never heard a chef complain so much, but he should be able to have his part done fast," chuckling the General added, "I think of all the operations I've been involved with, this is the toughest."

"But may turn out to be the most rewarding," Lt. Colonel Sterling added.

Osing nodded in agreement. If only for the happiness of the couple; that would more than make this worth their work and efforts.

"I just hope they both remembered to get the right clothing," Drake chuckled.

Chuckling as well Osing replied, "Don't forget, he's still Captain Reynolds, he wouldn't let things go unnoticed or unorganized."

As he said that Steve walked onto the bridge.

"Sirs," he saluted the group of officers, who returned the gesture. Drake smiled at the pup that was close behind the Captain.

"What can we do for you Captain Reynolds?" General Osing asked, a bit surprised to see him still onboard.

"I need to talk to you both in private, actually sirs," he nodded to General Osing and Admiral Drake.

Sterling nodded to them both as well and they walked off with the Captain, leaving the puppy and the dog behind on the bridge.

"So what's on your mind son?" Osing asked once it was apparent they were out of the earshot of anyone onboard.

Taking a deep breath Reynolds began, "I need to thank you both for all that you've done, and not just today, but helping Cathy through her troubles."

"No problem son. To be honest we didn't want to lose you either," Osing commented.

Steve smiled and continued, "Thank you sir. I also need something important, from each of you."

The two officers looked at him and waited for his request.

"General Osing, you've been a long time friend and mentor, and the closest thing to a father either of us have had, so I would like to ask that you give Cathy away today."

Osing, as expected, was taken aback by the request. He nodded in reply, but was still stunned. He realized that the Captain looked up to him, but he didn't realize to what extent that was. The General certainty never thought of himself as a father figure to anyone.

Turning to the Admiral, Reynolds began again, "Admiral Drake," he said, smiling from ear to ear, "I can't thank you enough for all that you've done for Cathy and myself. I can't think of anyone better than you to serve as our Chaplin."

"I would be honored to do so," Drake said, putting out his hand.

The two officers shook, and nodding to the Admiral and the General, Reynolds went to walk away.

"Where are you going now?" Osing asked, coming back to reality.

"To go see Cathy, she should be getting her dress fit now," Reynolds commented, smoothing out the wrinkles in his dress uniform. He was quite the spectacle in it, running about in the halls. The fact that he had about fifty or so medals on his lapel didn't help either, but the fact was he didn't care what anyone thought of him right now.

To the surprise of the Captain, the General had a look of dismay and almost offense on his face.

"What's wrong with that?" Reynolds asked defensively, Drake now started to look the same.

"What?" he asked again, still not seeing the answer.

Shaking his head Osing finally replied, "You can't see her today, not again, not until the ceremony."

"Why not?!" Steve exclaimed, the thought of not seeing Cathy terrified him, even if it was for one day, mere hours at that.

Drake taking over made a rolling gesture with his hands, "Your having a traditional- semi traditional," he corrected himself, "wedding right? Well last I checked your not really supposed to see her until the last moments."

The Captain went to say something, but words had left him again. He knew the two officers wouldn't lie, he knew they must be right, but that didn't make him want to obey.

"I have to see her, I can't wait that long..." Reynolds said.

Realizing that, for his sake, the Captain needed to learn to be able to spend some time away from his love, Osing took it upon himself to find a way.

"Steve, its for the better, believe me. Just go down to the surface, but for your sake, you need to let this day go its course," the General said, in a careful, but commanding tone.

"I'm sorry sir, but I don't think I can spend that long away from her," he replied, although his voice wasn't sure.

"Reynolds, you need to go to the surface, if only for a few hours. Cathy is safer here than anywhere else in the Federation-"

"Only when she's in my arm's I'm sure she's safe," the Captain said, now somewhat annoyed.

Frowning that it would come to test this, Osing replied, "Captain Reynolds, I'm ordering you down to the surface. The truth is you need to be able to spend at least an hour from her. It won't lessen what you have, if anything it will strengthen it. It will prove even apart your not really separated."

"I already know that," Reynolds replied, his tone a bit lower though.

"Than this should be no problem and my order still stands," Osing retorted.

The Captain lowered his shoulders and submitted.

"Now you go down to the surface, and get washed up, a new uniform will be waiting for you when you arrive," Admiral Drake chimed in.

Reynolds saluted and turned on his heal, walked off the bridge, and, as Osing knew, down to the launch bay.

When he was gone Osing turned to Drake and said, "Good, it's important that he can still follow orders."

"But whose orders was he following? Yours or his own?" the Admiral posed.

"Oh when did you become a Goddamn philosopher?" Osing said, shaking his head and rolling his eyes at his friend.

Drake chuckled and patted the General on his back, "Comon, we still have work to do."

Former Room of Captain Reynolds 1618 Military Time

"And I think it's done," Ms. Saab said, looking over her alterations to the dress.

Cathy gave herself a spin, she felt and look very beautiful in the white wedding dress.

It was a low cut, very low cut, strapless silk dress. Ms. Saab, being the great dressmaker she was, had been able to make it fit onto Cathy so well that her figure was almost over accentuated by it.

Cathy rolled her paws over her body and sighed happily, "I love it, and so will Steve, I can't wait to see him."

Ms. Saab cracked a smile and put out her paw for Cathy to step down off the pedestal.

"Alright, now take it off, carefully," the mink said, digging through her bag for a paper box.

After removing the silk dress the mink took it from Cathy and folded it carefully and placed it in the box.

"Now we go down to the surface, from what I understand they want to start at about 5 o'clock, and it's about a quarter past four, so we have to go now," the mink said, in almost a commanding voice.

Cathy began to redress but hesitated.

"What about this?" she gestured to the sexy thong and bra.

"Ya that reminds me, you can choose between the bra or this," she pulled out an even more seductive corset.

"I can't even imagine wearing that in front of Steve," Cathy said, looking at the item, it looked like it was made for a six year old it was so small.

Smiling the mink replied, "Than this is what you should wear, it will be even more interesting for both of you..."

Cathy just looked at it and furrowed her brow, she just couldn't figure out how to wear it, much less breath in it.

"Put it like this, you don't put this on until you put the dress on, obviously, and, from what I understand about Captain Reynolds, you won't have to wear it for a long time anyway," the mink said, raising one eyebrow.

Cathy made a guilty smile, apparently more of their relationship was understood than she could avoid.

"And these?" Cathy gestured to the panties, "Do I still wear these?"

"Good point," the mink said, holding out both paws, "Give them here, quickly."

Cathy went to go to the bathroom to change, but the mink made a "tisk" sound and Cathy figured it didn't matter. She dropped the thong and removed the bra, holding them out to Ms. Saab.

To her surprise, Cathy caught the mink eyeing her over, with a bit too much interest. She followed Ms. Saab's eyes from her breasts down to her pussy and saw the mink's mouth open a fraction of an inch.

Realizing she was being watched, the dressmaker snapped out her stare and took the clothes from the vixen. She heard Cathy turn and go back into the bathroom and she chanced a glanced at her again. She stared at the fox's rump as she walked away, she could see her pussy lips from behind and the sight made her lick the inside of her mouth.

"He is very lucky..." the mink whispered to herself, but Cathy heard it even through the door.

When the fox came back into the room she didn't look the mink in the eye, she was... uncomfortable to say the least. She had been so nice before and Cathy was young, but not stupid, she could tell the entire time Ms. Saab tended to pressure certain areas more than others.

Seeing her discomfort, Ms. Saab felt ashamed, but still attracted.

"I'm sorry Cathy, your just a very sexy fox," she said, chancing a step closer, "I can help it usually, but every now and then I dress someone who just rouses me."

"Its... okay I guess, just to let you know I'm not that kind of fox," Cathy said, shying away.

"Oh I know, I've never done that with a fiancée, I wouldn't want to possibly put doubt in a new bride's mind, but I still... well... you know," the mink tried to defend herself with.

"I don't actually," Cathy said in a combative tone.

The mink took the hint and packed away the undergarments, taking a quick smell of the air first.

Cathy made the mink walk out first, and kept her eye on Ms. Saab but she mainly thought of where she would be standing in a few minutes, and whom she'll be standing next to.

Chapter 3 Joined

Grand Hall in the Consular's Estate 4:52 PM Local Time

If Steve could have been, he would have been pacing. He felt nervous and afraid of the next few moments, and each minute that past just increased the feeling.

Sean walked closer to his friend and put his paw on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Steve, I can't think of a better moment for you two," the fox smiled.

Steve just nodded in reply. He was going to be nervous and no one... almost no one, could change that.

He looked around the huge hall. There had to be at least four hundred people and furries packed into the room, and of all of them Steve knew and was friendly with ten, maybe.

Sean looked a bit nervous as well, but that was mainly because he was excited to see his love in a dress. The fact was neither he, nor Reynolds were used to civilian clothes, hell, almost everyone in the room was in uniform, the only ones who weren't would be the bride's maids and Cathy, of course. Both of the Captain's were... eager to see what they're respected lovers would look like out of the uniform and into a beautiful dress.


"Any doubts?" Emily asked, rubbing Cathy's shoulders.

"None at all," the fox replied tensely.

"Then you shouldn't have anything to worry about," Emily replied, trying as hard as she could to not to chuckle. The vixen was a nervous wreck, and while Emily understood why, it was still quite the sight nonetheless.

Cathy didn't reply this time, she just stood up and walked over to the mirror. She did look beautiful in the dress. She felt herself slipping away mentally as she thought of Steve's gaze on her the first time he saw her.

General Osing watched with some humor as well. Having seen Captain Reynolds a few minutes ago he knew that the man was in as nervous a state as his lover was. The two officers had gone through so much fighting in their careers, yet this was the most tense either of them would likely ever be.

Cathy walked about and stood next to the General.

"Any doubts?" he asked now, unaware that Emily had just asked the same thing.

"Why does everyone feel the need to ask me that?" she said, even more tense than before.

"It's a classic bride thing. They always say that for the last few minutes doubt goes through their mind," the General replied peacefully.

Rubbing the fur on her paws she replied, "No, I don't have any. In fact this is the most sure thing I've ever done, that's what scares me."

"How so?" Osing questioned, tilting his head in confusion.

"I don't know it just kinda does," she replied, playing with her tail nervously.

Osing smiled, "I think once you see him you'll be fine."

Cathy smiled back and let her mind wander. She thought of a lot of things, but mainly their future. She wondered what else he had in store for her, and what it will be like to know for once in her life she will have a constant, Steve. She couldn't wait to know for a fact that every morning she would be able to awake in his arms.

"Uh... excuse me ma'am, we are going to begin shortly," an usher said, peaking his head into the room.

The fox's heart leapt, it was so close and her nervousness almost overwhelmed her.

Osing stood up, smoothed out his uniform, which had at least fifty medals on its lapel, and walked over to Cathy.

"Comon Captain, you'll feel better in a few moments," he said in a kind voice.

The General held out his arm and Cathy took it, and they stood by the door. She could hear the cue music and the ushers opened the doors, and Cathy felt herself enveloped in light.


"Wow..." Steve heard Sean say as Cathy began walking up the aisle.

He likely would have said the same thing but Reynolds was speechless at the sight. She looked more beautiful in the dress than he had ever seen her before. Every ounce of worry and nervousness disappeared almost instantly and he felt significantly better. In fact she looked more than beautiful to Steve, she looked drop dead sexy. Admiral Drake and General Osing had been right; waiting the few hours to see her had been worth it.

Cathy made her way up to the alter and it took more will power than either of them was aware they had to not lunge at each other and kiss. Instead they just smiled widely at each other, and Cathy began to blush, even through her white-fur covered cheeks Steve could see it.

Drake gartered their visual attention as he began the ceremony, but their minds thought of nothing but the other. The Admiral said some things, but it didn't register with Cathy or Steve.

The Captain chanced a view at the fox. Whatever she was wearing, he liked it. It made her beautiful breasts look three or four times as large as they normally looked, and made his knees almost weak to look at them.

From her point of view, Steve looked dashing in his new uniform. It, unlike her dress, hid most of his features, and made him look less powerful, less like the machine he appeared to be incased in the P9 armor. Cathy liked him like this.

For the both of them, time moved extra fast. For the furries and people watching them, time move extra slow. Although Cathy and Reynolds knew, collectively, about twenty or twenty-five people in the room closely, they didn't realize that they in fact knew every single person and furry. The General and Admiral had been sure to have guests that the bride and groom had met before. While in most situations they barely knew each other, each and every guest had shared an experience or two with either Cathy or Steve. There were officers, soldiers, civilians that had been saved; even Lucy had been rushed here using some of the trickiest jumps in the history of space travel. Cathy and Steve didn't see it, but Lucy was sitting next to Karl, and was holding his paw the entire time.

They both felt as if they were watching the marriage from afar. She could hear Steve say vows. She didn't so much hear the words, but felt them. She returned words that came from her heart, and she couldn't so much hear them either, she just looked at Steve's eyes and smiled as she talked.

Drake motioned to Sean and Emily to hand the bride and groom their rings, which they exchanged. Steve took special care when he slipped the ring onto Cathy's finger. She looked it over and her smiled widened.

Cathy and Steve both heard Admiral Drake ask each of them a question, and while they didn't hear what he had said, the knew what he had said, and they both answered with their appropriate, "I do."

Drake asked if anyone found this union to be wrong, and of course the room was silent. No one in the Federation likely thought that the pair shouldn't be married.

The Admiral smiled and continued, "Then under the Federation, and the power it gives me, I pronounce you man and wife," almost a pun, "you may now kiss the bride."

Steve kissed her deeply, having been waiting all day, all month, and his whole life for this. The crowd made a collective smile and Drake turned to the audience.

"I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, Congratulations," Drake said, and the crowed erupted in applause.

Still holding the sides of her face, Steve kissed his wife, and for the first time, that meant exactly what it said. When he broke the kiss she smiled at him broadly, and her cheeks were still red, but not with embarrassment, she was as happy now as she had been the first moment she had seen Steve on the Consular's ship.

Drake patted Steve on the back and the couple walked down the aisle to the reception.

As Drake passed by where Osing was sitting he heard him whisper, "Good job Fred."

The guests filed out and into the ballroom, where now one of the biggest parties in the history of the Federation was taking place.


"John? I haven't seen you in years!" Steve said shaking his old comrade's hand.

"Congratulations Captain, I never would have thought it possible," the ferret said, chuckling.

The entire time hundreds of guests had been coming up to the newlyweds and introducing themselves, and to their utter surprise, they actually knew and remembered most of them.

Steve chanced a look at the main table where Osing was seated and saw the General wink at him.

"You dog..." the Captain said under his breath.

Cathy had been enjoying all this to no end. She looked so happy in the setting and loved the positive attention.

On the other side of the room, Osing and Drake were chatting of the day's events.

"So what do you think?" Drake asked, smiling at the pair at the center of the crowd.

"About?" Osing asked, looking at the same sight.

"Of this whole operation," Drake said, making a joke on the wedding.

"I think it's been the toughest, most strenuous one either of them have gone on, and one of the most complicated ones I've ever worked on, yet I think it's the first one in many years I've seen that went... perfectly," the General commented.

On another side of the room, Emily and Sean talked quietly of their own plans.

"You really look beautiful in that dress..." Sean said, kissing his lover's neck.

The rabbit giggled, she was glad he thought so. She liked wearing something other than the plain military uniform.

"The General wants us to talk about what we're going to do, he doesn't want us on active duty anymore," Sean said, "He thinks-"

She put her paw to his lips, "We can talk about that later, lets just enjoy ourselves for now."

A slow song came on and the crowd stepped back as the bride and groom danced in its center. To the surprise of everyone but Cathy and Steve, the pair danced quite gracefully. Apparently they had both done some kind of dancing before, because they moved perfectly to the music.

Sean and Emily stepped in next, followed by a few other couples. There weren't many, most of the people there were in the military, and henceforth didn't have real partners, although there were now more couples than there had been when the guests arrived. The atmosphere created by the newlyweds was romantic enough to cause this to happen.

Although the bride and groom were the center of attention, the cute pair of puppies dancing rather close was gartering almost as much attention. Lucy and Karl stared at their, or what they perceived as, their future equivalency, and tried to match their movements. Karl copied the Captain's movements almost perfectly, as did Lucy, and they danced in the same circles as Steve and Cathy did.

After a few moments Cathy looked towards the small pair and chuckled, causing Steve to look in the same direction. The pair paused for a moment to watch the two pups dance, who had by now gotten the idea and no longer needed to copy their movements.

"Now that's about the strangest thing I've seen in awhile," Steve commented, still holding his wife.

"They're quite adorable though, aren't they," Cathy mentioned, smiling at the pups.

Looking back at Cathy, Steve was almost overwhelmed and he whispered, "You know you look so beautiful in that dress..."

Cathy looked back at him and replied, "Thank you, the dressmaker worked quite hard on it."

"I heard she was the best, a little eccentric, but the best," he replied, looking Cathy over from head to paw.

Cathy smiled at the comment, and realized he was looking at the low cut portion of the dress.

"I figured you'd like it..." she said, and moved very close against his body.

He kissed her and the pair stepped off the dance floor and sat down at their table. They ate some of the food that they were presented with. Steve had specially requested some of the best steaks that could be made for their party, and by some miracle the chiefs had delivered them perfectly.

A few minutes later the small pups came over and sat down next to Cathy and Steve.

"So this is the famous Lucy?" Steve asked the pup, who smiled back at him.

She was wearing a very small dress, and Karl was wearing a miniature version of a Federal dress uniform.

"Very good Karl," the Captain said, turning to the puppy, who had been wagging his tail since he had seen his little friend.

"When's Karl coming home?" Lucy asked, eager to have her friend safe at home with her.

"Whenever he wants," Cathy replied.

The female puppy turned to Karl, who grinned.

"The Captain said that I could go anywhere I want, and if your parents say its okay, you can come too," the pup said to his friend.

Steve almost choked on the piece of steak in his mouth, he hadn't said that exactly. He understood why the puppy was grinning so much, and at him.

Lucy turned to the Captain and asked, "I can go with him?"

"If your parents say it's okay... I guess," Steve replied shrugging his shoulders.

The pup smiled and hugged her lover, which to the surprise of the Reynolds, looked like a mirror image of themselves.

"So where do you plan to go Sergeant?" Steve asked finding the situation to be quite humorous.

Karl shrugged, "I don't know."

Stroking his head Lucy whispered something in his ear; quiet enough that even with her acute hearing, Cathy couldn't even hear it.

"Really?" Karl asked his friend.

Lucy nodded.

"Can we go to school and live here with you?" Karl asked for Lucy.

Cathy was about to answer but her husband put up his hand.

"I can't think of a reason why not," Steve replied.

It was a sweet answer, and Cathy squeezed his hand when he said it.

The two puppies look happy and smiled at each other.

"You still have to ask Lucy's parents if sh-"

"I already did," Lucy interrupted, grinning, "before I left. I told them I may stay with Karl here and they said it would be fine."

They were from a different kind of society. Even Cathy's world, as backwards as it was, hadn't been so... unforgiving, but they all seemed to be good furries, just a different culture.

"Then yes, I'm sure we can work this out without a problem," Steve replied.

Just then General Osing, who was standing up by his table, brought the room to attention.

"Everyone, I have just been informed by the Senate that they have been unsuccessful in finding a new Consular and they have accepted my nomination for Captain Reynolds as the new Consular, which means, effective immediately, Captain Steve Reynolds is now Consular Reynolds."

The room went silent, completely silent. The General had dropped a bombshell, and the entire room looked at Reynolds and his new wife.

"Congratulations Steve...." Cathy said, leaning in to give him a hug.

He was stunned this time more so than the last. He had forgotten about what the General had proposed just the day before at the senate, he had been focusing on the wedding in total, not allotting thought to anything else.

"Thank you Cathy..." he managed, holding her arm with one hand.

Osing strode over to the table and stuck out his hand for Steve to shake. He stood up and shook the General's hand.

"I think you might very well be the luckiest man in the Federation tonight, Sir," the General commented.

He took his hand from Steve's and saluted him, and was followed by that of everyone who was in the military. Those that weren't, however few, stood up and bowed their heads to the new consular.

"I...Uhhh...." Steve began, but wasn't able to continue. All he managed was to bring his hand up to his brow and return the collective salute.

Cathy stood up and saluted her new husband, and that gesture got Steve to wake up to the world.

"Thank you Cathy, Thank you all," he started, his voice low however, "I guess it goes without saying I'm going to do a much better job than Otho did, and I won't ever betray the Federation. I also will make it my duty to set a standard for all future Consular's to follow."

The room applauded and Cathy stood him up with her, and gave him a hug.

"Very nice Steve," she whispered in his ear.

He cracked a smile at her.

Drake walked over to the couple and shook the new Consular's hand as well.

He then turned to the guests and said, "I think it's been a big day for all of us, the Federation, but most importantly these two, and I believe it's about time we leave them to each other."

Drake could hear Cathy whisper, "Thank you Admiral," behind him.

The guests all smiled and began dispersing. A few minutes later only the close group of friends and a few others remained. They all converged by Cathy and Steve's table and all were smiling at the pair.

"So what are you both going to do now?" Sean asked his friends.

"We're going someplace warm, hopefully with a view," Cathy replied, hugging her husband, "any ideas?" she turned to Steve.

Smiling he replied, "Yes, actually, but it's a surprise for now."

The fox smiled back at him and rubbed his back with he paw.

"Then I bid you both a farewell," Osing said formally, smiling broadly at his statement, "and I think your both a wonderful couple and I wish you many happy years together."

The General walked off and Drake took his spot, and seeing him Steve smiled.

"I think I understand why you had me be the Chaplin, and I think it had the effect you wanted," the Admiral said, smiling at the Consular.

"And are you glad it did?" Steve asked, glad it had worked.

Nodding his head, Drake replied, "Yes."

"Then I think that you'll be a better person for it," Steve commented, and shook the Admirals hand.

"Thank you," he paused and smiled, "sir."

The Admiral walked off and out of the room.

"What was that about?" Cathy asked Steve quietly.

"I had him be our Chaplin because I thought it right that he, of all people, marry a man to a fox," Steve replied, smiling at his vixen.

She smiled and nodded in agreement, it was, if anything, poetic justice.

Sean and Emily approached the pair, holding each other's paws.

"I can't thank you enough Sean," Steve began, "You've helped us the most I think, from the beginning to this moment. I can't think of a way to repay you for this. If it wasn't for you, lord knows where I or Cathy would be right now."

Sean smiled and he went to shake his friend's hand, but Steve pulled him in and gave his friend a hug.

"Thank you Steve," Sean replied.

"What about you two?" Cathy asked, smiling at the other couple.

"One day well get married to, probably soon, but not yet," Emily replied, rubbing Sean's back.

"Steve told me the news," Cathy grinned, which caused Sean and Emily to grin widely, "Congratulations to you both."

"Thank you Cathy," Emily replied.

They both had an understanding that they shared. They had both been brought to their lovers by war, and were both bound to their lovers by bonds formed from war, and now that peace had come, they were even closer. Even though Cathy and Emily had limited contact with each other, they both liked each other a lot.

Sean put his paws on his rabbit's shoulders and walked the pair out. For a few minutes Cathy and Steve sat in the room alone, just letting everything sink in. It had been a long day, not the longest day in their lives, but definitely the best yet. Nothing, not one thing, had gone wrong, and nothing would.

Karl and Lucy had been sitting quietly at the table and were sitting against each other. Karl yawned and snuggled into Lucy, who soon followed suit.

Seeing the pair Cathy smiled and gestured to Steve.

"Time to go home you two," Steve said, causing the two puppies to perk up a bit.

For the first time in Cathy and Steve's life, at least the major part of it, they had a home, a real home to go to.

The pups sat up and walked behind the couple to the sleeping quarters. Parks offered to bring the pups to their room, but Cathy and Steve turned him down, and decided to do some exploring with the pups for an appropriate set of rooms. They weren't ready to let the pair sleep in the same room, although it really didn't matter, it was just a mental thing.

They went up the grand staircase, but Steve stopped at the bottom, he just watched Cathy ascend the stairs behind the two excited puppies. She caught him staring and swayed her rear sensually, giggling at his facial expression. He hurried up the stairs to catch her. They were having a grand time now.

The odd group walked down the halls, stopping to look in the bedrooms. There had to be about eight, and each one was tremendously extravagant, far more so than Cathy, Steve, Lucy, or Karl needed. The final room caught the eye of Lucy and Karl and they hesitated to leave.

"You like this one?" Cathy asked, looking at the pups.

They both nodded and ran inside. They jumped on the bed and ran about the gigantic room. Watching the two puppies play brought strange feelings to Cathy's heart, and she slowly clasped Steve's hand in her paw, resting her muzzle on his shoulder.

Steve turned and smiled; he understood right away what she was feeling because he felt the same way.

The two pups played a little longer but soon got back into the bed and laid down next to each other, and to the surprise of Cathy and Steve, slipped under the covers and hugged each other, almost falling right to sleep.

"I guess we're going to have to let them stay together..." Cathy whispered to Steve who was shaking his head, but smiling.

"I guess so," Steve replied, who shut the door behind them.

They walked down the hall and into their room. Everything had been made and, to the surprise of the couple, the fireplace was alive and crackling.

Cathy took his hand in her paw and laid Steve on the bed, turned her head and winked at him. He got the idea and crawled up to the pillows and watched her walk into the bathroom.

Steve took off his jacket, but that was all. He wasn't sure what to expect out of Cathy now, as it appeared she had plans of her own. Steve had dedicated the whole day to her, but Cathy was going to dedicate the night to him.

A few minutes later she returned, and Steve's eyes and mind ran wild. She was wearing considerably less clothing now, and what she wore now stirred up feelings everywhere, not just the obvious region. She wore a white, lacy corset, which pushed her breasts up and made her look like an hourglass lady of old. She also wore a pair of lacy white panties, which barely covered sex piece, and to only add to the entire effect she had a pair of stockings on which almost made Steve jump out of the bed and fuck her good right away.

Cathy walked over to him, swaying her hips and giggling the entire way. Steve smiled and watched her hop on the bed, and crawl over, making sure her beautiful breasts hung low and that he could see her line of cleavage. The fox's eye caught a bulge forming in her husband's pants and she smiled at him.

When she was upon him, she sprawled herself on top of him and their lips met. As they kiss he rubbed his hands down her sides and over her features which had quite the effect on both of them. He massaged her back and the base of her tail. She let out a small "yiff" into his mouth and they both smiled.

"You look... great..." he said, eyeing his wife over.

Kissing his lips she replied, "I know..."

Cathy sat up and turned her back to him. It took a moment but he realized she wanted him to remove the corset. Steve's honest opinion was to keep it, he rather liked the way it looked on the vixen, but seeing the outline of her rump coaxed him into following her lead.

Steve was a bit confused by the corset, and had a bit of trouble removing it. She helped him by guiding his hands with her paws to the ties on the side. After about two minutes her removed it and she let out a deep breath.

"Whew, that thing's hard to breath in," Cathy said, looking at him over her shoulder.

Steve chuckled and kissed the fur on her neck, Cathy moaned at his touch. He reached around with his hands and cupped her breasts, and she moaned even more. Using his other hand he slipped his fingers into her panties and rubbed her now moist clit. At his touch the fox arched her back against Steve's chest, smiling and moaning happily.

In a playfully devious tone, Steve whispered in her ear, "Your all mine now..."

"I was always yours," Cathy moaned in return, "if anything, your really mine now..."

At that she turned, although he didn't remove his hand, and pushed him on his back and rubbed her luscious tits in his face. Cathy saw his eyes disappear under the fur on her chest and felt him rubbing his face in her pillows. She giggled at the feeling and let her body move with his constant hand motions in her panties.

The foreplay was having the desired effect on both of them, and each was just about ready to go. He removed his hand and as he always liked to do, he licked and tasted her juices that stuck to his fingers. The aroma from her pussy filled both their noses and caused a twitch in Steve's crotch. Cathy sat up on his lap and reached down and undid his pants. She released his throbbing member and giggled at the sight of it standing on end on it's own.

"Let me take off-"

The vixen cut him off with her paw on his lips, and just reached down and played with his dick. It was warm and hard in her paws; she felt her heart flutter and Cathy, knowing what her husband wanted, sat back and untied her lacey thong. She removed it and tossed them to the side.

Steve stared at her crotch, and this time didn't wait a second. Cradling her back with his arms, he laid the fox on her back and gave her a lick from back to front. As his tongue rolled over her clit she breathed deeply and moaned softly. She tasted so good and Steve just wanted to force his tongue as deep as he could get it, and he did just that. She grinded her hips up in pleasure as he invaded the deep realms of her soft pussy, he was always great at pleasuring her.

Cathy felt a bit of guilt, she thought he might be focusing too much on her, but she didn't realize he absolutely loved the way she tasted. Steve slipped his hands underneath her butt and held her closer to his mouth.

"Let me taste you..." Cathy said through her moans, but Steve shook his head in her sex hole. She didn't realize he was saying no and began to pull away.

"No, no, I like this," he mumbled and continued licking.

Feeling better she laid down and felt him roll his tongue over her clit again.

"Ohhh..." she moaned passionately and felt herself up.

He still had her buttocks held and he pressed upwards, petting the fur on it in the process. Cathy's breathing went faster and faster, her breasts rising and falling rapidly. All Steve was waiting for was silence, and that would be the "check" on his test that he had done well and, in his mind, would get his tasty reward.

In about thirty seconds he got that check and her breathing was so fast and her moaning so great, they both worried of possibly disturbing others in the Estate. To ease their worry she silenced fast and, knowing what was "cumming" Steve sealed his lips around her swollen pussy lips. She bucked her hips against his face and a long hot stream of her tasty cum swept from her lips into his. He tried to drink as much as he could, but most of it splattered against his face, her aroma invading every pore on his face an inside his nostrils.

When she stopped her cumming, she still couldn't lower her hips, as her after shocks still rocked her body. The fur along her legs and near her cunny was soaked with her cum and Steve, removing his seal around her pussy, rubbed his face along her fur to dry off some of her cum, but Cathy picked up his face, and although panting hard, licked her cum of his face. She didn't get most of it because she focused mainly on his lips, and moving his head closer, they just kissed. She thrusted her tongue inside his mouth and lapped around, which just furthered his excitement.

Breaking her kiss, he whispered to her, "I love your pussy Cathy, you taste so good."

"So do you..." she whispered back and stuck her tongue back in his mouth.

To her surprise he pushed her out of his mouth, and just held her close. The vixen smiled and nuzzled his face.

"I love you Cathy, my wife..." he whispered as her muzzle cradled his face.

She remained silent and just kept smoothing out her fur along his face. Her short snout rubbed around his ear and she gave it a lick. He sighed and rubbed her back, hugging her closely.

"Hey Cathy," Steve said, in a rather normal tone, "I wanted to ask, have your chills died down at all?"

Not quite coming out of her passionate state she replied, "They did, I didn't feel cold all day, now shhhhh," she put a paw to his lips, "I know there's more to do tonight."

He smiled and gave her a kiss, "Cathy I could spend my life just with you in my arms and be a very happy man. I don't think I really want, or need anything else."

She cooed in reply and snuggled into his arms, letting her tail wrap around his body.

"What do you want now?" she asked, a mischievous look in her eye.

Steve chuckled and pet the fur between her ears, and just kissed her, the fact was as horny as he was, he was always glad to just lay with her, being separated had done that to him.

He wasn't completely without lust however, and neither was Cathy, so they both, as if knowing exactly what the other was thinking, moved as one. She laid him on his back, and staring at his face, moved herself down and soon rested her hips just a little lower than his hard cock. Taking it in her paw, the fox rubbed his member against the fur by her pussy and watched him roll his eyes back at her touch.

Wanting it inside her, she rested herself and rested his cockhead against her lips, but waited for him to make his move. Needing no encouragement, he placed his hands on her hips and, carefully, sheathed himself inside her. The fox arched her back and he rubbed the fur on her belly, which tickled her in a way that she wasn't able to catch her breath.

Her tight pussy lips sat, spread out on his hips, drooling and soaking his legs. Cathy was already breathing hard, and her tongue hung out in a panting motion.

"Take me any way you want," she moaned out as he rotated his hips against hers.

Smiling he replied, "Cathy, we're married, we can both enjoy ourselves..."

She giggled and understood what he meant, she was sounding too much like he was the only one who should enjoy this, when in reality he enjoyed her happiness, and wanted to see her feeling good as well. Up until this point she didn't realize that mutual enjoyment was why they both were perfect for each other.

Understanding now, Cathy drew herself up and down, using her legs, but he fit so well inside her that she couldn't keep up her rate very well. She paused every now and again until he took her hips and lifted her up and down, to aid in her motions. Although she wasn't moving fast, her tits still hopped up and down on her chest, making a soft rustling sound.

She couldn't move herself faster, but she wanted too. His cock was smooth against the insides of her pussy, and she wanted it to go as fast as it could.

"Mmmm faster..." she moaned, and she felt him grip her hips a bit stronger.

Instead of only moving her up and down, Steve started moving his hips up and down as well, against his lifting. She moaned more graciously and her tits bounce even more, but it wasn't enough, he wanted to hear her groan and scream in ecstasy.

"You want to go hard Cathy?" he asked, slowing for the moment.

Feeling the same flutter in her heart that she had by the lake, she moaned a simple, "Yes," in reply. She knew foxes shouldn't go into heat when they were going to have kits, and certainly not three times in one month, but quite frankly, she really didn't care.

Steve moved his hands just above her hips and propped his chest up, he wanted to be able to see her face, just in case. He would always harbor some fear of hurting her, she was just too precious to him to take a chance. He drew his cock from her vagina, just about to the tip, and, reaching up to stroke her cheek, slammed her down, hard, on his cock.

Thankfully to Steve, he heard her moan passionately and he knew she was liking this. He slammed her down quite hard, and loved the way her tits bounced up and down with her.

"Oh God! Oh God! Yes! Yes!" she moaned, her tongue handing out again.

Her slamming down made a loud "slapping" sound on his lap and she was breathing hard and moaning harder. After a few minutes her moans turned to high pitch groans, and she put her paws on his chest for supports, Cathy could barely hold herself up. The vixen allowed her tail to roam freely and it slapped around between his legs.

"Oh my God..." she whimpered as he slammed her down again.

"Its good Cathy?" he asked, somewhat out of breath himself from holding her up.

Groaning she replied, "Yes! Fuck me harder! Please! Please harder!"

Not needing any more coaxing he slammed her down even faster, and Cathy arched her back all the way with her head almost upside down. Her great tits moved and swayed as he fucked her tight cunt and Steve wanted to burry himself in them, or any part of her for that matter.

Cathy leaned her head back as he bounced her up and down even harder and faster. She was moving fast enough that a "flop" sound resonated from his fucking and she was getting close to another orgasm.

Cathy was enjoying this so much she wanted more.

"Here!" she almost yelled at him, and reaching her paws around his neck, pulled him down on top of her, both Steve's and Cathy's favorite position.

"Now fuck me hard!" she commanded, and she laid herself out on the bed, gripping the covers with her paws.

He brought up one of the fox's legs and pushed against it with his body, shoving his length inside her. She moaned in unison with his thrusting, and her tits bounced more fluidly with his fucking. His cock spread her love folds and they sealed behind him, and the feeling of her lips resting on his cock base, even though was only for a second at a time, almost caused him to climax, it was just to great.

Seeing that he was indeed fucking her perfectly, Steve decided to bring it to another level and, remembering her spot, pressured her special area deep inside her cunt, and she instantly let out a long high pitched moan. Without even trying, her pussy lips clamed down on his cock, hard, and made it harder to fuck her at his set rate, but he continued nonetheless.

"Ohhh God Steve I'm going to cum againainain!" she moaned.

"You're loving this!" he said to the vixen bouncing in front of him, moaning himself now.

"Ohh my God yes Steve please fuck me hard, make me cum again..." she said in an almost pained moan. Had Steve not known that she was really enjoying this, he would have stopped, but instead he did the opposite, and just fucked her harder.

Her tits bounced rapidly and couldn't catch up with his pounding of her pussy. She groaned as the fur on her head shook as quickly as her plump tits. Cathy's heart was beating so loud behind her breast that she could hear it in her ears, almost as loudly as her moans and his.

"Harder! Harder! Harderrrr!" she moaned, each one getting higher and higher pitched.

The whole time he was just pressuring her g-spot, and soon her body went ridged and her head and tail trashed side to side in pure ecstasy. She let out her classic silent scream and her hips grinded against his. Cathy managed to control her paws long enough to pull Steve down, flat on top of her. He kissed her deeply as she locked hips with him, and her cum shot out her pussy and over the bed. Her fur was soft and caressed his body just as much as her paws did as her cum continued shooting from her cunny lips.

"Ohhhhhhhh...." She finally managed to moan, in an almost whisper quiet voice.

When her cum stopped flowing she continued, without being able to stop herself, humping his hips, hard.

"Hoooo ohhhhhh!" she almost yelled into his face as her continued after shocks ran over her body. She felt shivers go from her pussy down her tail and she felt as if every inch of fur was melting onto his skin.

Seeing she needed a break, not that he wasn't a little worn out himself, Steve just held her, stroking her fur by her ears.

She buried her face into his chest and whispered, "Oh my God Steve... I love you so much."

"I love you too Cathy. Of all the fox's I could have married, I had the one with a pussy that cums almost on command, and can love me regardless of a command," he replied, stroking her cheek, she moved her head into his pat and smiled up at him in a blossoming post-coitile state.

"It's my gift to you..." she said in a full voice, although it was strained, "Now for another..." she added, and, although thoroughly fucked and tired, she began, slowly this time, rotating her hips against his. He was allowing his weight to be pushed on top of her, he was tired too and couldn't help it, so her motions were limited, but the fox made way and saw him close his eyes and smile.

"Cathy, we can rest for a moment," he said to his wife, seeing her strain to fuck him back.

Shaking her head she replied, "I want your cum as deep as you can shoot it."

Stroking her cheek, which she smiled back to, he said back to Cathy, "Why? We can wait a little while, I'm glad seeing you like this, at ease and happy."

She shook her head again and added, "I like your cum, deep, deep in my womb. I love it when you cum inside me because I know you will do that with me and me alone," he smiled and kissed her forehead, "and I love waking up still being filled with you. I like cumming with you, you squeeze me so close..."

Steve smiled and nodded. There were plenty worse fates than this, in fact there was no fate better, and he went to pull himself up a bit, to give them both room.

As she had done in the past she wrapped her paws, and this time her tail as well, around his body and held him as close as she could.

Cathy smiled and licked his lips meekly, "I told you before, I love this position the most, and I want to fuck you with you laying on top of me and cradling my body to yours."

Still smiling he let himself fall into her fur; it felt great over his own breast and chest, legs arms and all other parts of his body. He felt her tense her paws over his back and she positioned his head to the side of hers, so that they looked like one being.

Now quite ready to fuck him as he had fucked her, she bucked her hips slowly, but powerfully, making sure to squeeze her pussy lips together as tight as she could manage, trying to force up a massive load of his semen into her belly.

She moaned as she pleasured him with her cunny, and she felt his body tense on top of hers, he was really enjoying this now.

To her surprise he stopped her sensual motions with his hands, locked lips with her, and pushed his cock in a way similar to the way he had done when he had taken her virginity. He rested his member against her special spot once again, and she did yelp into his mouth, as she had done in the past. She hugged him tighter at the stimulation, that area of her pussy was still tensed from his previous hard fucking.

"Now we can both enjoy this to no end..." he whispered in her ear, giving it a small love bite.

She moaned in response and bucked her hips up against his. The way they were positioned caused her cunt to suck down on his cock and they could still both enjoy being as close as they could get.

"You're loving this..." Cathy said quietly, quoting her lover, who just moaned in reply this time. The vixen was barely able to speak, his cock resting against he special spot felt better than when he ate her out and rolled his tongue over her clit.

They both moaned quietly in unison, this time it wasn't from a hard-core style fucking, but more of an example glorious lovemaking. Cathy licked the side of her husbands face and rubbed his back, he belonged to her and she was going to make sure it always stayed that way.

He didn't move much, but he tensed his cock and moved his hips in a swaying motion, making sure that he didn't thrust, but the feeling of her pussy's sucking and cradling was just to much, he couldn't last long.

Speaking poetically Cathy said to him, "My Captain, my Captain, fill me up with your love..."

At that she pushed his cock again her special spot, with a decent amount of force, and, making it so the head remained in that place, used a combination of hip movement and tightening of her pussy lips to milk his cock, in hopes it would be enough to get him off in time, she was about to cum once again.

Her fears of cumming to soon were dashed away when he said, "Ready Cathy my love?"

She didn't say a word, nor nod, she just let the waves of her climax begin to overwhelm her, and her cunny clamped down on his cock, which had the desired effect and his semen began to burst in globs deep within her womb. She came at the same moment, and felt her cunny's wall convulse and suck deep, trying to coax his welcomed cum deep inside her.

"Ohhh Steve!!!!!" she moaned, and brought his face to hers.

The two climaxing spouses stared at each other for a moment, and kissed deeply, catching each other's breath as their mutual orgasm rolled over them violently. The fox breathed hard and gasped for air into her man's mouth, and he did the same into hers. Although it wasn't an orgasm brought on by fast movement, it felt like one, if not harder. The slow after fucking had allowed a huge orgasm on both of their parts to build up and it weakened both of them to the core.

Her legs shuttered and shook, and she sank into the bed beneath his body. In turn he fell deeper into her soft, puffed fur, and whispered into her mouth, "My wife..."

Cathy almost cried at her that, it was such a powerful moment for her, she felt this time like they were one, and his total and complete love for her made her feel a level of comfort that couldn't be described. It was like part of his soul moved into her, and cuddled her inside as he did the outside.

When, finally, his orgasm died down, he rubbed his face on her neck and she patted his head. Her orgasm had not ceased, and didn't stop until it was satisfied with the amount of cum that was now a flowing river inside her belly.

"I," he took a deep breath, "love you so much Cathy, no one ever loved me this much, so much in body and spirit. I can't think of a better way to spend life than bound to you."

She just licked his lips meekly, tasting him, and smiled. She just held out her arms and snuggled him close, into her fur. Steve reached back and pulled the covers over himself and Cathy, the warmth of the sheets barely comparing to that which was resonating from her body.

"Go to sleep my love," he whispered, petting her cheek. She smiled, glowing, and closed her eyes, still holding him close. She felt him laying on top of her, his cock still twitching inside her cunny, and smiled; it had been a long, yet great day.

The pair fell asleep basically simultaneously, embracing each other finally as husband and wife.

Chapter 4 Peace

The Reynolds' Room in the Consular's Estate on Conakry 8:48AM Local Time

Waking at the same time, similarly to the way they had slept, the pair hugged each other and kissed. Steve removed himself from Cathy, and to his surprise his cock wasn't followed by a cascade of their cum, she was holding it in.

Cathy saw him looking at her pink, wet pussy lips and kissed him, bringing his attention back to her face.

"Everyday I wake up next to you is better than the last," he murmured into the fur on her cheek.

Again she felt a wave of emotion sweep over her.

"How could a soldier speak so beautifully?" she asked herself in her mind.

Somehow, neither would ever figure out why, and quite frankly neither ever cared, he heard her, he heard her thoughts, and answered.

"A soldier's heart is pure, and so is his soul, no matter what he thinks of himself. You love me more than anyone, and you care for me, so what feelings and emotions I have buried in me can come out, because you beckoned them. Your just that beautiful, kind, and heavenly, and me being lucky enough to be yours, I'm glad I'm filled with more words than I can say, and I cant even tell you them all because I think you know them already..." he replied, not sure where or why the words had come to him.

Her muzzle quivered, and to stop herself from crying she kissed him, although a single tear did rest on the fur on her cheek. All she could think was that he was the perfect husband, and she reaffirmed her promise to care for him forever. He would never hurt her, he would always love her unconditionally, he would always care for and protect her, he would make sure she lived in peace and never had a care in the world. You'd think that would make things boring in the vixen's mind, but to the contrary, it made her want to have each day go slower, to extend the time she was with him.

Steve laid down next to his companion, and just stared lovingly at her. He pulled the covers up around them and only their heads were visible, and she caressed his body, draping her paws across his chest and one of her furry legs. She liked this part of the morning a lot; she could lay with him in that semi asleep state when things seemed brightest and clearest.

After a few minutes they both came out of this passionate state and returned to their normal selves.

Cathy sat up, and Steve, not being able to help himself, coddled her body and took one of her tits in his mouth. He lightly sucked it and Cathy giggled and kissed the back of his neck.

He released her mound and, after she had, swung his legs over the side and began to redress, but paused to watch her first. Every movement she made looked beautiful and sexy, and the stockings she still wore only made him want her still, but he knew there was more to come, his dreams had told him so.

They both dressed and held each other close, kissing and holding each other.

"Comon, let's wake the little ones and have some breakfast," he said, and she smiled and nodded.

With his arm hung on the fox's shoulder, the two exited their room and walked the few yards down the hall. They reached the room where Lucy and Karl had slept and, not hearing any stirring on the other side, Cathy opened the door quietly. The sight they were met with made Steve smile broadly and shake his head, and Cathy look away in embarrassment.

Meeting Room aboard FN Endeavor in Orbit Over Conakry 0855 Military Time

Everyone, particularly the "guest" sat very uncomfortably.

"Greetings General or uh... fuck..." Osing said unsurely, he wasn't exactly, nor was anyone in the room, sure how to address the wolf sitting at the table.

"You don't know who I am?" the wolf asked carefully, trying hard not to offend the general, "Because I know who you are."

All Osing could do was grin embarrassingly and nod.

"That's okay General Osing, I'm not entirely sure what to call myself either. My name is Nelson Rodina. I don't want to be called Alpha, that's a term of dictatorship, I've been selected by the senior military staff as best to represent our," he thought for the right word, "forces."

Drake and Osing glanced at each other; "That's how we selected our leader as well, just yesterday in fact."

Everyone in the room noticed the wolf's eyebrow go up. Every eye in the room was glaring at the new wolf leader, who was doing quite the job at remaining calm and concise.

"I guess you can call me by my old rank, for now," the wolf added.

Drake, rolling his hands asked casually, "Which was..."

"Major," the wolf replied, only Osing noticing a bit of embarrassment in the wolf's smooth voice.

Seeing the looks on the confused officer's faces, which were all higher in rank to him technically, the wolf said coolly, "As I understand Consular Reynolds was a Captain, correct? Rank doesn't really matter if they're a good leader."

The General, alone, nodded in agreement. Everyone else in the room was still adjusting to being this close to wolf that wasn't trying to kill anyone. Few had every "chatted" with a wolf up close; they tended to not be the chatting type. Even on worlds populated by wolves that had been taken were somewhat segregated, almost no one ever associated with wolves.

"When can I meet this man? I'm eager to meet the person who finally removed that useless monarch from our species," the wolf commented, with a notable amount of bitterness in his voice when he spoke of the fallen Alpha Wolf.

"I thought most wolves liked the Alpha Wolf?" Osing asked, the only Federal partaking in the conversation.

The wolf shrugged, "They had enough power to keep wolves like myself in check, but I don't know if we all liked them. It was more of 'live and let live' situation," he replied, and Osing noticed a twitch in the wolf's eye to the corner of the room.

Carefully the General followed the look. It led right to a rabbit sitting next to a fox that was glaring at the wolf with hate and vengeance in her eyes. Captain Gates stared at the wolf, and although he had been very calm and non-confrontational, she still hated their kind. She thought of Sarah.

Ignoring the rabbit, for the moment, the General returned his attention to the wolf.

"Consular Reynolds is likely going to be late, and I apologies for that. I don't know if you know but he was married yesterday-"

"To Catherine Grey, yes I know. I didn't expect to see him until late; my wife and I spent nearly half the day after our wedding in bed," the wolf replied, smiling as he thought of his wife at home with the pups.

Osing took note of that fact. Anyone who could be in love understood things better than those that couldn't, the Captain had found that out.

Emily on the other hand, who also took note of that, was a bit distressed, mentally. She had thought wolves only "matted" to produce offspring, she never heard of a pair being married. She couldn't fathom two wolves sharing a feeling similar to the way she felt about Sean.

"So what are we to do till then?" the wolf asked, leaning back in the chair. He had to at least appear at ease.

Drake sitting up, not one to be outdone by George, replied, "I have an important question actually."

"Go ahead Admiral," the wolf replied.

"Well," he began, sitting up farther in his cushy chair but glanced at Captain Gates, he had noticed her discomfort as well, "You may not know the answer, or you might not want to answer, but recently it's been burning in the minds of almost everyone in the Federation. Why do any of the wolves feel the need to rape and then murder our female prisoners? We never do such things to the prisoners we take, and, as I guess you know, Catherine Reynolds," one of the first times anyone referred to her as that, "was put into that situation, and we all want to know why?"

Major Rodina took a deep breath, "I knew that would come up today. I dread answering it, and I dread having to explain it before the Consular even more, being that his wife had to be put through that. If it makes any of you feel better," he chanced a glance at the rabbit, who had a look of pure anger and hatred on her face, "a good portion of wolves don't approve of that kind of thing. Wolves from higher placed families tend not 'engage' in that practice, nor approve of it. I'm proud to say that no soldier under my command ever did that. The sad fact is though, to prisoners, it would have been a worse fate to keep them alive. They would have become either a work slave, in the case of a male, or in the case of a female... well you know. I really feel sorry for such things, really I do. If anyone did that to my wife... I can't imagine how Reynolds comforts his wife."

"Their a happy couple," Emily said, grabbing everyone's attention, particularly that of the wolf, "I had a sister, she was happy too, until you wolves needed to rape and murder her."

Sean went to pat her shoulder but she brushed his paw away.

"They raped me, they raped a woman, they raped my little sister, and I'm the only one left alive, and that's because Captain Reynolds saved me, so I'd probably be dead now if he hadn't. I want a real answer to why this was tolerated. Like you said if your wife was raped you'd likely murder whoever did it, I think it might be fitting if that's done. Why? Why? Why? Even a summary execution isn't as bad, why do you need to destroy a spirit first, leave them broken? Is it so that you can call it a mercy killing? What sick enjoyment can you gain from forcing someone to do that?" Emily asked, tears streaming from her eyes.

Sean rubbed her back and she turned and cried into his chest. The wolf, to the surprise of all in the room, particularly the armed guards, stood up and walked, slowly and carefully over to the rabbit. He kneeled down before her and reached into his pocket, which brought the guards to arms, but Osing held up a hand.

"Here, this might make you feel better," and he handed her a vid card from his pocket.

She turned and let him place it in her paw.

"It might make you feel better," he repeated.

"What is it?" she asked, looking at the major.

"It's a recording of a war trial and execution we held over the last day. About 200 wolves were put to death for war crimes against the Federation. Rape being the most predominate, murder and unnecessary brutality a close second."

A mummer went through the room.

"I told you all, most wolves disapproved of this practice, we didn't even want the war to continue, but we did what we were told. Not a good excuse I know, but if someone told you to stop fighting would you? No, of course not, but if someone told you not to rape anyone I'm sure you wouldn't, well they didn't, and we're never going to allow it again," the Major said, very commandingly.

Osing stood up and put out his hand, "I think Consular Reynolds would be glad to meet you," and he shook Rodina's paw, "We're going to go to the surface now and await Reynolds' arrival at the Consular's offices."

Consular's Estate 9:02 AM Local Time

"Okay we need to talk about this you two," Steve said, sitting down on the bed were the two pups sat looking very embarrassed.

He and Cathy had walked in on Lucy and Karl having quite the... moment, and Lucy, who now was definitely known to be the dominate one of the relationship, hadn't stopped when she noticed Steve and Cathy looking at them. Cathy had shut the door fast but Karl, having been caught, stopped the situation and thrown on some underwear. He had called out for Steve to come in, and he sat down next to Lucy, who still wasn't clothed beneath the covers, as the fox and man walked in.

"It's 'sweet' you love each other like that, but you need some limits. I don't even want to explain to you why its not a good idea you do this at your age, aside from the fact you have no protection, and your both 11 just for starters!" Steve continued, almost reprimanding the pups.

"He has a point you two," Cathy added, "Steve and I will have offspring and it's okay 'cause we're old enough, but your to young to risk that."

Steve almost fell off the bed, that wasn't exactly what he had meant. He had meant more along the lines of the fact they were both eleven and eleven year olds shouldn't be doing that. Cathy was a bit more understanding, which from her past was a strange thing but Steve respect that.

"Why can't we do that?" Lucy asked, a bit embarrassed, "I love him and he's my husband like Steve's yours."

Steve began to say something but stopped. There really wasn't a response to that.

"Put up a sign next time..." Steve finally said and, taking Cathy's paw, walked out of the room and shut the door.

"'Put up a sign?'" she asked, shaking her head at him.

"What? What else can I to say? If their going to do that I won't stop them, not if they love each other, I just don't want to know," he smiled.

Cathy shook her head still and smiled. She rubbed his back and the pair walked through the hallway and down the grand staircase to the dinning room. Steve didn't mention it, but when they left their room he had gazed down the hall, and to his actual amusement, he saw a small jacket hanging on the pups' door. He shook his head and chuckled, not even able to really imagine what they will be like when they're older.

Cathy and Steve ate a good breakfast again, this time enjoying more than they had the day previous. Cathy was glad to see that Parks had done her the favor of removing Steve's father's portrait.

While they ate Cathy looked at the ring on her finger. She loved it because every time she saw it she could see Steve's face. She realized that this fairytale was real at that moment, looking up from the ring and realizing Steve was there, he was really there. It hadn't been a glorious dream she had really married her soul mate and he was okay, safe right next to her. Cathy laid her head down on his shoulder and rested there for a moment, she had to feel him.

As they finished breakfast, Sean and Emily walked in and both saluted, although with smiles on their faces, Steve, who returned it with a similar look across his face.

"Hello Sean, Emily," he nodded to each, "what brings you here."

"Just checking on the happy couple," Sean replied, he nodded to Cathy.

"Thank you Sean," Steve said, "you want something to eat?" he gestured to the food on the table.

"No thank you sir, we actually also have two things to tell you. One, you have meeting ASAP with the leader of the wolf forces," Sean said, pausing for the moment.

Steve took a breath and replied, "How does he strike you?"

Emily stepped in, took a deep breath and said, "I like him, he's not like other wolves."

That said enough to Steve. He had been there when she had lost her sister, and when she had vowed to take vengeance on the Alpha, and if she was okay with a wolf, he couldn't be bad. Steve trusted the rabbit's judgment.

"Well I shouldn't keep this... what's his name?" Steve asked, standing up.

"Major Nelson Rodina," Sean answered.

"Major?" Steve said, scrutinizing the rank.

Nodding his head the fox replied, "Yep, he was even elected the same way as you. It might be for the better, on both our sides and for both our sakes..."

For a long moment the four just stood there, in an awkward silence. Cathy stood up and took Steve by the shoulder.

"Comon, you need to go," she said, smiling at him.

"Actually," Emily interjected, "he's requested both of you."

Steve didn't like that. He was a soldier at heart and now a husband as well, and he knew a bad "zone" when he saw it, and he really didn't want to risk Cathy.

"I'll go," she said, almost reading his mind.

He still didn't like it, but she sounded sure and even Captain Gates appeared to not fear this wolf, so Steve would let her come, but he would keep a very close eye.

They all were soon in an airbus, on their way to the Consular's office in the Senate. Cathy sat next to Steve and fell asleep on his shoulder as he patted her arm. Emily and Sean looked at each other and smiled, both of the Reynolds look quite tired, apparently it had been a "long" night.

The truth to the matter was that yes, they were both lacking some sleep because of their lovemaking of the previous night, but in reality both were, although not aware of it, at their mental and physical limits. In the past four weeks Steve had seen much combat, then after saving and falling for Cathy, things had become a constant state of worry with a few breaks in between. Things had gone no better for Cathy and on top of that, she was pregnant, and she was starting to change. There were almost no physical signs, her breasts were a bit bigger, softer, and a little sensitive, but that was about it. Inside though, she was going through the changes you would expect, and she was starting to feel tired more often and without much physical excretion.

This would all matter very little in the coming days though, Steve had a plan.

When the airbus landed Steve shook his vixen awake softly. She awoke with a smile and kissed her husband, glad to wake up next to him twice in a few hours. They exited with Emily and Sean in toe, and went inside and stopped outside what was technically Steve's new office. He hadn't ever even seen it. He had been in it, but it hadn't been his.

"Only you two were requested," Sean said, resting his paws on Emily's shoulders.

Steve nodded and opened the door.

His first instinct was to search for a weapon, or dash the opponent. His ingrained attitude as a soldier still held a tight grip on him, and seeing the wolf gave him the same feeling he had when he saw an enemy. The only thing that stopped him was that Cathy was close, very close behind him.

The wolf, playing it cool, remained seated. It might be rude, but he cold smell the air, as did Cathy, and they both knew that the man was on the edge. When Steve reached what he preserved as his desk, the wolf stood up and saluted him. Not sure what to do, the Captain returned the gesture and sat down.

"Hello Consular Reynolds, Mrs. Reynolds," the wolf nodded at both of them.

Steve almost jumped at the mention of Cathy. Only to add to his horror, the wolf held out his paw to take Cathy's, and she did so, and the wolf, however innocently, kissed her paw. Steve did stand up at that, and caused a visible reaction in the wolf and Cathy.

"My parents always said my manners would get me in trouble, although I doubt they meant this," the wolf said in defense, holding up his paws.

Cathy giggled nervously at the joke, but mainly at her husband's reaction. He was quite protective of his little fox.

"I think it will ease your mind Consular to know that I myself am married, with two pups I might add," the wolf continued.

The Reynolds both sighed, it was a good thing to know, if he was being truthful of course.

"I'm sorry Major Rodina," Steve apologized, sitting back down.

Cathy walked closer and stood behind her husband, rubbing one of his shoulders as the meeting continued.

"So what is it you want to talk about? To be honest I'm not exactly sure what to do as Consular," Steve began.

"Neither do I," Rodina answered, "I was selected because of my record, not because I really have any knowledge of how to run things. I asked you here because we need to talk, I guess, about how were supposed to figure out some peace agreement."

Steve nodded but remained silent. Peace scared him. All soldiers wanted peace, but for a professional soldier it meant the end of his job. Cathy rubbed his shoulder and he felt better at a thought, he had a new job, taking care of his wife.

"I do have bad news," the wolf continued, "A splinter group of about ten thousand troops and maybe two large cruisers have declared war on us and you. They remain loyal to the Alpha Wolves, and their leader claims to be a descendent, but we all know that there was only one line, and most wolves are indebted to you Captain, for ending it."

The soldier scrutinized Rodina, and to his surprise, Steve believed the wolf.

"We'll win, they can't, not against both of us," the new Consular replied.

The wolf sighed, it sounded to him the Captain planed to have peace.

"I'm going to have to apologize to you for something Major," Steve began, "for the next few weeks I cant do much, I have something I need to take care of."

Had Cathy been in front she would have seen it, but with his eyes the Captain carefully gestured to his wife. Rodina understood and smiled.

"It's not a problem Consular," Major Rodina replied, "quite frankly we were going to handle it on our own, to prove to our civilians we really plan to abolish that ancient monarchy."

The wolf stood up, and saluted the Consular, and Steve returned the gesture this time with a more direct approach. He liked the wolf as well, which surprised the hell out of both of them.

The wolf walked out and Cathy, who was in disbelief, slid out in front of him and sat on the desk.

"What was that about? Why so fast?" she asked, her tail making curious circles.

"You'll see..." Steve replied mysteriously.

The fox huffed, she hated surprises.

He smiled and kissed her. She licked the inside of his mouth, and he almost jumped out of the seat for the third time.

"Comon, time for my surprise to you..." he said, continuing his mysterious tone.

She hopped off the desk and followed him out the door. Steve led the vixen down the stairs and to the launch pad. There was a single seater F-94 on the pad, fueling and powering up.

Cathy turned and looked at her husband quite perplexed. He just smiled and walked over to the fighter. He took her paw and led her to the steps, which she walked up. Steve followed close behind, and she played with his face with her tail. He smiled and shook his head; this was going to be, if anything, quite fun.

"Stop at the top," Steve said to Cathy and she listened.

He topped the ladder and sat down in the seat and without coaxing, she straddled his lap.

"I take it we're going somewhere?" she asked, grinding her rump against his crotch. It was the only way to get back at him.

"You'll see..." was all he offered in reply.

Bridge Aboard FN Endeavor 1405 Military Time

"Uh General?" a lieutenant said, walking meekly up behind the officer.

"Yes?" he replied.

"Consular Reynolds couldn't be, well, found, apparently he left the planet an hour ago," the lieutenant reported, a bit fearful of what the General's response would be.

"He what?!" the General yelled, causing the lieutenant to shiver.

Admiral Drake walked over, "What's wrong George?"

"Reynolds, he's disappeared! With Cathy?" he turned and asked the lieutenant who nervously nodded his head.

"I think I know why..." Drake replied, "... He'll be back."

Chapter 5 Rest

F-94 Six Hours Later, in Orbit Over Unknown Planet

"Alright, hold on," he said reaching into his pocket, "put this on," and he handed Cathy a blindfold.

She giggled and did as she was told. The last time she had closed her eyes was by the lake, and she was starting to believe that's where they were headed.

The ride had been... nice. They had played with each other almost the entire time, and both, well Cathy mainly, was actually sad the trip was over; it was starting to get good.

The vixen felt the craft speed down to the surface and land. The deceleration made her swallow her gums and, after a few seconds the canopy opened. A smell of intensely clean air filled her nostrils and she felt a huge amount of warm air rustle through her fur. Cathy felt herself being lifted by Steve out of the cockpit, and she felt them falling through the air.

When his feet hit the ground she let out a little yelp, but then giggled nervously, she hadn't figured he'd just jump out of the craft with her in his arms. She could tell the ground was soft and he stood her up. She knew it must be the lake on Chyane where he had made love to her, and given her their offspring. She smiled at the thought and wrapped her tail around his leg as they walked in a direction. Salt air filled her nostrils now.

"Take off your shoes and socks," a voice commanded, it was Steve's.

She did as he told her and she could feel sand, soft warm sand, under her hind legs. She could hear Steve doing the same, but also removing his shirt. Her heart fluttered. He continued walking her closer to what she preserved as the water, hugging her from behind. She could feel his warm body even through her shirt, which she wanted to remove as well.

The water lapped up against her paws, then up her legs, almost halfway to her knees before he brought her to a stop.

"I know what your thinking Cathy," he whispered quietly in her ear, she melted into his body, "but I'm sorry, it's not the lake..."

His hands went up to her blindfold and removed it. At first her eyes didn't adjust, the sun was too bright, but she look out and saw a vast ocean.

"Where-where are we?" she asked, looking up and seeing a bird in the sky, but not one that was a furry.

"My home, and now yours," he whispered, hugging her torso and kissing her neck.

She wanted to enjoy that, but she wanted to know where "his home" was.

"What planet is this?" she asked, "Chyane?"

"No, my home..." he replied, hugging her tightly and kissing her neck, moving up and down the side of her face as well.

His caressing was clouding her mind; she didn't want to think of anything but the question nagged her.

"I hate to say it, but we can't leave until you guess it," he said.

She turned in the water and saw him grinning. She kissed him deeply; she thought this was a wonderful gift. Not in a million years did she plan to even think of the planet, it was their excuse to stay together and be happy.

Cathy rubbed her husbands exposed chest and reached down and unbuttoned his pants. He did the same to her and in no time they stood, literally alone on this planet, naked in the ocean, letting the warm water lap over them as they kissed and held each other.

The fox just got to into it and pushed Steve into the water. They landed with a splash and she giggled and rolled over him and around with him. The water was very warm, for water by a beach anyway.

After a minute or two of playful activities in the water, he got out of the water, she followed, wishing they could continue, and he went to the fighter and unloaded the bay.

Inside there were blankets, food, clothing, and various other things, but not what you would say was "enough" for what Cathy planed to be a long stay.

"That's all?" she asked, looking at the cargo bay.

"No, look over there," and he pointed to a small cottage about five hundred feet away, she hadn't even noticed it, "I had it stocked yesterday with plenty of food. Only one other person in the Federation, rather furson, knows we're here, and we can stay a long time because he won't say a word."

"But what about being Cons-" he put a hand to her lips and she stopped mid syllable.

"I told you, and I told that wolf, I'm an infantry officer, a good one so I'm told, but I have a more important thing, the most important thing in the universe to take care of, and I won't ignore you to be Consular. I don't particularly want the job to be honest; I've enjoyed the burden of command long enough. I just want to be with you now..." he said, stroking her cheek.

She smiled softly and moved her face with his pat. They walked over, still nude; their clothes washing up on the shore, to the cabin. Inside was a nice, but simple bed, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a den. It looked old but new.

After Steve put the few items he had brought inside, he walked Cathy back outside and stopped about midway between the fighter and cabin. They both laid down in the soft warm sand and cradled each other. The sand stuck to his back and parts of her fur, but it wasn't course, it was actually soft.

He rubbed her soft and wet pussy, kissing her deeply and feeling her gasp in his mouth. She returned the gesture and rubbed his hard cock, cradling the head in her paw and rubbing her soft furry paws on it.

They were both to tired to do anything extreme, although they wanted too, but the long trip, the long month had done a number on them, and being in this serene environment they were feeling the effects and wanted to rest. Regardless they both were going to have a little fun.

She jerked him off as he rubbed her out. He focused all his attention on her clit, rubbing the small pink gland under her soft, and he knew, tasty hood. She moaned and stroked his cock harder and faster, causing him to groan and speed up as well.

Their bodies wanted to cum, and they both did to each other's touch rather quickly, the exhaustion was just too much. White globs of his cum shot out of his cock and onto her paw and pussy, and a long stream of her cum bathed them both.

Each tasted the other's juices and then kissed; loving every moment they were together. She laid down in his arms and just felt the sand form a form-fitting bed around their bodies. Cathy was a fox, and the warm air and beach, combined with her built up exhaustion, and the fact she was in the most tender arms she could fathom, she just started to nod off in his arms, to which he smiled widely and kissed her face.

He picked up the half asleep vixen and carried her to the cabin. He laid by her side in the bed and massaged her body, both enjoying a nice honeymoon that would last, in their minds, forever.

Twelve Days Later, Bridge Aboard FN Trident In Orbit Over Chyane 1213 Military Time

"So if they're not here, then where the fuck are they?!" Drake yelled, stamping down on the video consol.

"I don't know sir," Sean replied over the radio, "we're at that lake they spent some time at, and we already checked the village where Reynolds was picked up, and aside from Karl asking his 'little friend's' parents to let Lucy come with us, we've had no real successes. The plain fact is they're not here."

"All right Captain, report back to the Trident, Drake out," the Admiral replied, a bit annoyed.

Osing shook his head, "I think it goes without saying that wherever they are, they don't want to be found."

"That's not really up to him," Drake said to his friend, "particularly with that wolf splinter cell running around, raiding whatever they can find. We need him at the helm, or someone. You don't want to know how angry the senate is, and guess who they complained too!"

Chuckling Osing replied, "I'm sorry Fred, but the fact is, like I said, we won't find them until they want to be found, or come back."

"You know where they are?" Drake said, scrutinizing the General.

"Sorry again Fred, but I don't. I wish I did, but I don't," Osing replied truthfully.

Drake sighed and sat down in the command chair. The fact was he was worried about the pair. The only thing that eased his mind was the fact that two pairs of P9 Armor had "disappeared," and that the Captain's Thompson was also gone.

The question still stood however, where were the Reynolds.

Two Days Later Unknown Planet Noon Local Time

The fox laid sprawled out, warming herself on the beach. It was so nice here, she couldn't even imagine going back to the cold interior of a starship. Her fur warmed the skin beneath, and the sunrays were actually bleaching her blood red fur to a much mellower red-orange. The salt air was making her fur stay in a constant "poof," which Cathy loved, as did her husband.

Just as she thought of him she heard footsteps on the sand behind her. She didn't open her eyes, she knew who it was. The specter laid down in the sand next to her and kissed her cheek.

"Hi," Steve said.

Turning to meet his face she replied, "Hi."

"Any guesses?" he asked, the joke had been running now for almost the entire two weeks they had spent in this paradise.

"I had an idea, but I forgot..." she replied, rolling closer to his body.

"Oh well..." Steve smiled, and wrapped his arms around his vixen, who kissed him instinctively.

For a long time they just kissed on the beach. It was the most peace either of them had enjoyed in their lives, and the longest period of it. Neither could think of a reason why to leave the beach or the world that they stayed on.

After they broke the kiss she smiled and licked his lips.

"Hey I found something interesting on the data pad," she said, remembering her last night's study, "It takes about three months, sometimes more, sometimes less..." she reported.

Steve didn't understand until she rubbed her belly, which was still small and trim. He smiled and lowered his head to kiss it, feeling the very warm fur on his face.

"That's not long you know," he replied.

Still smiling she whispered, "I know."

"That's even if it's a person?" he asked, still hugging her.

She nodded, "No, that's if it's a kit, a person takes-"

"Nine months," Steve replied.

This time the vixen shook her head, "No, something about the way our bodies react to that kind of thing it goes faster. If it's a kit it's about three months, a baby is about six."

"That's still short," he replied, rolling her on top of him.

"Either way, I know it will be fine," she replied and held the back of his head with her paws.

"Do you wonder what it will be?" Steve asked. He wasn't trying to seem rude, but the subject had been on his mind for some time. He wanted to be a good father.

She shrugged, "It most likely will be a baby, that's what the article said. It tends to be what the father is."

Steve smiled, "I meant male or female."

"Oh, I don't know," she replied, "Are you worried about it?"

"A little," he replied, rubbing his hands down her back. The bikini straps begged to be pulled but he controlled himself.

Cathy smiled and stroked his face, "Don't be. I know it will be fine."

He kissed her neck and she moaned, they had been talking and learning about each other the whole time, both feeling better after each discussion.

"How many can their be? Either way I mean," he added.

She bit her lower lip, which got his attention, "Well, that's about the only way, without a tool or test or something, that we can find out if it's a kit or baby. If it's a kit there will be more than one and I'll get bigger, if it's a baby, I won't get as big 'cause there's usually only one."

She looked at him nervously, there was one thing that bothered her and she needed to share.

"I just hope it doesn't hurt that much..." she trailed off.

He smiled warmly and gripped one of her paws, "Do you worry now?" he gripped her paw tightly.

Cathy smiled back and replied, "no."

This loving moment was cut short by a burst of automatic fire. It was very far off, at least a mile and a half, but it was enough that Steve flipped Cathy on her back, and he laid on top, covering her.

"What the fuck was that?" she whispered, trying to look behind her.

Steve didn't answer; he just watched the tree line.

"Steve, are we safe here?" she whispered, flipping herself over onto her stomach.

"I don't know," he replied, "but not dressed like this."

They were both wearing almost no clothes. He had a pair of swim trunks on, and she was wearing a tight pink bikini, hardly the appropriate wears if there was gunfire in the distance.

More fire, but at the same distance.

"I think you need to tell me where we are," she whispered, not frightened, he was on top of her and would protect her no matter what, but she feared for his safety.

"Earth Cathy, there's no way its an enemy. It must be Federal Forces. The main part of the fleet is still in orbit near the other planets of this system, it must be a search party," he replied, still not removing himself from atop her body.

"Maybe..." she replied.

"Comon, stay close, I have some armor in the cabin," and he stood up, kneeling before her.

She followed close behind, and after a few bounds they were inside the cabin.

Both were soldiers, and both were good soldiers, and they dressed quickly. He pulled out a box with his rifle, a carbine, and two gauntlets of P9 armor.

"Here, I had this one made to fit you, it will armor around everything but your tail," he said, handing her the gauntlet.

The fox took it, and without hesitation, stripped her clothes and put it on. She caught him eyeing her nether regions and she giggled, trying to lighten the atmosphere; it didn't.

They both donned their armor and loaded their weapons.

Cathy's ears fluttered, she heard something outside.

"Steve," she whispered, and gestured with a head motion out the door.

They both clicked their armor's on maximum protection. Cathy's armor looked... strange to see the least. An armored behemoth with a red-white tipped tail.

An explosion rocket through the ground and air.

"Cathy down!" he yelled but it was too late, an explosion enveloped the cabin, blowing it to bits.

His Wife

**A Ranger's Tail** **Book 5: His Wife** **Chapter 1 Murder** Aboard Consular Otho's Personal Transport 11:21AM Local Time Unlike the moment when Captain Steve Reynolds was sure that the late Colonel Hushing had killed him and his wife, this time...

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**A Ranger's Tail** **Book 4: Traitor** **Chapter 1 A New Face** Aboard Captured Freighter's Bridge 8:39AM He couldn't believe it. The Captain had figured that whomever the traitor was he was high up, but he could believe who it was. "So what are...

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**A Ranger's Tail** **Book 3: Partnership** **Chapter 1 An End** FN Trident Orbiting Chyane preparing to engage escaping wolf ships, 1200 hours military time Admiral Drake had no idea what to do. The damn fox, moreover a traitor, had informed him...

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