His Wife

Story by RC1138 on SoFurry

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#5 of A Ranger's Tail

A Ranger's Tail

Book 5: His Wife

Chapter 1 Murder

Aboard Consular Otho's Personal Transport 11:21AM Local Time

Unlike the moment when Captain Steve Reynolds was sure that the late Colonel Hushing had killed him and his wife, this time the Captain was sure he wasn't the one who had been shot. To his complete surprise the Consular stood, with a pistol drawn and smoking, and the Alpha Wolf sprawled out on the ground.

Of all the people or furries to kill the Alpha Wolf, it had been the traitorous Consular Otho. Now the Falcon turned himself and pointed the weapon at Captain Reynolds.

"Don't do it consular," the Captain said quickly, he wasn't going to go out like this either.

With a mixture of horror and uncertainly the bird replied, "I have no choice, you understand that don't you?"

"You've killed the Alpha, I won't say a word, just tell the Federation you were captured too," the Captain replied, now actually begging. The Falcon's grip on the pistol was weak, but he still had the trigger somewhat depressed.

"I-I can't, you're lying, you'll turn me in! What kind of idiot do you take me for?" Otho reasoned, and hardened his grip on the pistol.

"I take you for a fucking moron, but the fact remains, on my honor as an officer I won't say a word," Reynolds pleaded, starting to believe he was going to have to run or fight, the bird wasn't going to be reasoned with.

"Some honor, you gave yourself to him," the bird gestured to the dead Mafeu.

"Only to save my wife, who is all I want and will do anything to be with," the Captain said, he flexed his leg and prepared to jump at the bird.

Unfortunately for Reynolds, the bird saw this and took a step back, to far for even the well trained Captain to reach.

"I don't care, I won't get caught," the falcon raised the pistol and pointed it right between Reynolds' eyes.

Not sure what it would do, the Captain jumped and rolled to his right, landing behind the dinning table.

Steve moved fast enough that the bird wasn't able to track him, but a second or two later the bird fired as he moved the pistol towards the table. He hammered the table, but the pistol was to weak and couldn't penetrate it.

After the third round the Captain rolled again, and to he was thankful the door that he had come through was still opened, with a wolf guard, somewhat confused, standing in it. As he had done in days past Reynolds lunged at the wolf and tackled him. The wolf hadn't been holding his rifle very well and it flew about three feet behind him.

Rolling, the Captain picked up the rifle, and in one, skilled move, turned and unloaded about twelve rounds into the unsuspecting wolf, and then put his attention to the door controls. He shot them too, causing the air seal to form and the room to be locked off, from his side at least.

The consular was terrified and angry. He ran over to the door and slammed it, seeing the Captain get up and run off. He couldn't believe it; the Captain was going to inform the Federation of his treason. The bird couldn't let that happen, he hadn't done this much only to let some fool in love cost him his luxuries, or life.

Otho looked around, and saw one other exit from the room, and he moved towards it. He didn't bother to shut it behind him, he had to find the Captain; he had to silence him.


Reynolds didn't dare look back; he had to get to the launch bay; he had to secure it. As he dashed through the halls and corridors he caught sight of a wolf patrol. He made quick work of them; the dumb bastards never had a chance.

In the past when the Captain killed the enemy, he did it out of necessity, but now he killed these wolves in anger. He thought of his wife, Corporal Gates, and all the thousands of people and furries he'd seen tortured, hurt, or killed by the wolves, all to line a consular's pockets.

When the last wolf dropped the Captain continued his dash to the launch bay. He remembered the ship's layout from the first time he went on a rampage aboard it, but this time he found himself somewhat lost. Steve found himself in the crew corridor, with wolves running about every which way. The Federal Fleet must be razing hell outside.

He ran past a somewhat open door, but stopped and looked inside. It was the Alpha's chambers, and he knew there was something he needed to get back, something that would make this a bit easier.

Reynolds walked, carefully, into the former, "den of The Wolf," and looked around. For such an important wolf, the leader of all, it was a mess. Thankfully for the Captain however his artifact was easily found. On the cluttered desk he saw his familiar gauntlet. His P9 armor.

Captain Reynolds slung the armor on his arm and was about to activate it when a wolf barged into the room.

"Sir, the Federation's Fleet is destroying out ships faster than we can return fire, we must eva-" he was cut off by a trio of rounds making contact with his head.

The wolf fell and Reynolds was back on the move. This time he took care to avoid the wolves running around. Without their leader calling the shots they were lost. At least the Federation would end this war with a total victory.

He felt the ship begin to move and realized they were going to jump. Even though the Alpha was dead, and given some time the entire wolf fleet would be destroyed, the Captain knew if this ship tried to make a run for it, there was a good chance it would be promptly destroyed.

Reynolds turned and ran for the bridge.

Bridge Aboard FN Endeavor 1120 Military Time

"All guns fire!" Drake yelled out, breaking the transfixed stare of Osing, Cathy, and Sean.

"Fire, fire! I want every ship in the fleet to take two of there's!" Drake continued, as he ran over to the commander's chair.

The other three officers moved towards the view screen to see exactly what was about to unfold.

This had never happened before, not in the two thousand years since the Federation's inception. Never had so many ships been in one system, and never had en engagement of this magnitude taken place. Cathy and Osing knew that they were looking at the entire wolf fleet; there wasn't a single doubt in their mind.

"Sir our fleets moving in, but the wolf fleet is only defending itself, it's not making any attempt to flee or engage," the Endeavor's XO reported.

"Well don't wait for them to recoil, all batteries fire on all ships, I want to see a wall of steel firing towards those ships!" Drake ordered; this was the moment he'd been waiting for his entire career.

They all felt the ship shutter as they fired, but it also felt like space itself was being ripped apart as tens of thousands of explosions went off behind the Endeavor. Rounds streaked towards their targets, and they saw what could be mistaken as a small sun erupting in the wolf's ship lines.

"Tell all ships to hold their fire!" Drake barked. He turned to meet his navigation officer, "Mark the location of the Alpha Wolf's ship and make sure no one touches it. Order the fleet to move in a dagger formation, clear a way to that ship but I want it clear that no one fires a shot at it, not even to disable it."

Drake turned to Cathy, and in a clear, but quite voice he said, "Go, quickly."

She didn't need to hear it twice and she ran to the launch bay with Sean and Emily close in toe.

Osing walked over to his friend and said in an very quite voice, "I hope you know what your doing."

Drake wasn't, to say the least, but he nodded. He had to at least appear sure of himself.

"Commence Firing!" he reordered.

Another volley was fired and it now appeared about 1/6 of the enemy ships were dead, spiraling about or just completely destroyed.

The heavy battleship Valiant moved in front of the entire Federal Fleet, and began clearing it's way with the equally large Trident to her port. The two battleships destroyed hundreds of enemy ships as they neared the relative location of the Alpha's ship.

Literally millions of pinpricks of lights flew around the various parts of space between ships. While the wolf capital ships didn't move, their fighters were a different story. Every launch bay in both fleets was emptying and ships of every class and size were flying out into the vacuum, most of which were destroyed within seconds.

The Battleship Hammer deviated from the group began rushing at the group of ten, almost equally large, wolf battleships. The Hammer's turrets erupted and two of the enemy battleships went nuclear. Unfortunately for the Hammer's captain, the other eight battleships got control of themselves, turned their turrets and fired on the lumbering ship. What looked to be more than one hundred heavy 19-inch rounds struck the Hammer and pulverized it. It didn't go nuclear, but almost every compartment was breached and it fell apart into ribbons of molten steel.

"Admiral the Hammer, its gone!" the navigation officer reported, terror notable in his voice.

"Damn it! I want an order to all capital ships, stay part of the formation; do not attempt to engage targets on your own. Send it now!" Drake barked.

The communications officer relayed the message and the dagger formation tightened up.

With the Endeavor at the center, the remaining seven battleships took up positions at the point of the dagger and continued driving their way to the still frozen ship, which by now Drake had identified as consular Otho's ship. He didn't say it, but he knew it.

He turned and looked at Osing, who nodded in acknowledgment.

About two minutes later Cathy's voice rang in over the intercom, "Admiral, we're ready to board the Alpha's ship, we await your final order."

"Go immediately, I'm having every fighter and at least one hundred destroyer's escort you," Drake replied.

He turned to his XO who went off the carry out the order.

The final chase was on.

Assault Craft Leaving FN Endeavor 1156 Military Time

The medium class ship rose into the air and flew out the bay.

Captain Grey held onto the back of the pilot's seat as the craft left the safety of the launch bay. Almost instantly the ship shook violently and Cathy saw the space filled with fire. Thousands of enemy and Federation ships streaked by the front of the assault craft as it lumbered along.

In the distance, a few thousand miles, Cathy could just make out the tiny craft that was the ultimate target. It was long and sleek, and looked like it had taken serious damage, yet it looked vaguely familiar, yet she couldn't quite place why.

The pilot, a female squirrel, wasn't too sure of herself. Although she was doing as good as anyone could, given the situation, she was quite fearful of the situation. Cathy, seeing this, patted the squirrel on her head and walked into the bay.

Inside she was meet with a very interesting sight. All twenty soldiers, including her, were dawned in P9 armor. The sheer weight of the dense battle armor made it nearly impossible to have this craft carry anything else. They didn't really need anyone else anyway. Having more than two soldiers equipped with the armor was more than enough, but twenty was overkill. Cathy had insisted though, and Sean hadn't been willing to put up a fight against her.

The only soldier not in the armor was Corporal Gates, who hovered around Sean like a bee. Had they been alone Cathy was sure that Emily would have been clutching to Sean, but she knew better than to do that in the company of the Rangers.

"Five minutes to target ma'am!" the pilot yelled out over the intercom.

Cathy turned to say something but Sean put up his hand and walked next to her.

"Alright, as soon as we land," Sean began, it was a needed briefing, "everyone better pile out and clear the murder hole. I guarantee we won't be welcomed guests and they know right where to fire. Don't depend on your armor for long, as with all these detonating ships going nuclear, its possible an EMP wave will turn it off so keep that in mind."

The group of Ranger's nodded. Of every boarding action, this would be the toughest. Although every single soldier on board was the best the Federation could muster, some with even more experience than Captain Reynolds, they were still all very worried. So much weighed on this mission. It was all to clear to every soldier and sailor of the Federation that this was going to be the final battle. Every capital ship in both military's was in this same system, and they were beating the hell out of each other. Just before leaving there had been word that either the Hammer or the Valiant, both famous battleships, one of which had been destroyed.

The fox walked over to Emily, he wasn't too happy she was here.

"Stay very close to me," he whispered to her, with much concern in his voice.

She nodded. The rabbit's paws trembled at her sides and she looked very nervous. She tired to hide her paws but he held them, and after making sure no one was looking, gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Emily smiled and gave him a quick hug.

Cathy, watching all this, felt a rare sense of resentment. She felt guilty for it, but the fact was that she wanted her lover too.

The ship shook one again and Cathy, feeling alone, went back up the ladder and into the cockpit. The female squirrel was now sweating and looked very scared. A destroyer took a position ahead of the small assault craft and cleared a way. Small speaks of light erupted ahead of the destroyer, as it's heavy machine guns shot down as many enemy spacecraft as possible.

"How long?" Cathy asked, very eager to have this day done. In her mind she could see herself and Steve laying in a bed somewhere, both supremely happy.

"About a minute if this destroyer stays in one piece," the pilot replied.

As she said this, the destroyer feel apart and exploded.

"Make that two minutes," the pilot added as she flinched. She put the craft into a downward spiral and reoriented the ship with the, surprisingly, open docking bay of the target ship.

Seeing that, Cathy jumped out of the cockpit and down the ladder, to the surprise of the troops in the bay.

"Get ready, were less than two minutes away!" she yelled and the collective armor's in the room zipped up completely and all weapons were trained on the door.

They all waited for the first moment they would see the enemy.

Bridge Aboard Consular Otho's Personal Transport 12:02 PM Local Time

Reynolds kicked the side of the dead wolf's head. The shipmaster had managed to put up quite a fight but Reynolds had won in the end.

With a full burst of automatic fire the Captain shot every console in the room, except the docking bay controls and the security camera screens.

He heard the alarm of an incoming ship and his heart leapt.

On the view screen he saw the unmistakable image of a Federal assault craft.

"She's here," he whispered aloud.

The Captain opened the doors and laid out the welcome matt. He tuned in the landing bay camera and saw the wolves taking up defensive positions.

The assault craft landed and the wolves raised their rifles. A flash enveloped the room and the cameras went blank for a moment.

Reynolds smiled, "Good girl, you used the breaching charge."

It worked and all the wolves flinched, long enough for about ten, which was unbelievable to the Captain, soldiers fully clad in P9 armor jumped out and engaged targets. He saw one step out, roll, and kill two wolves with a single shot to the head each. To his surprise this soldier had something the others didn't, a tail. But it wasn't Cathy. He could tell. The only other soldier he could think of was his former XO, Lieutenant Atric.

Close behind the fox an unarmored rabbit, which Reynolds recognized as Corporal Gates, ran out and also began firing. By now the room was almost completely secured. She looked... better to say the least. A lot better than she had looked a mere few days ago. She stuck close to Sean and covered him as he covered her.

Reynolds watched this with intrigue, he had never seen a Ranger boarding action, he had always been part of it. He was actually somewhat surprised with how fast they were. He couldn't imagine being able to stop this himself.

Steve watched for some time, but then he saw her. The vixen stepped into view and looked around. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and seeing her holding his rifle, the Thompson, only added to the sight. She had never looked so beautiful in his eyes before. She looked eager, but there was something sad about her, something missing. He could smell her fur and he felt himself pining for her.

A wolf stood up behind the assault craft and fired a burst of fire into his lover.

"No!" Reynolds yelled.

Thankfully the wolf had aimed at her chest, and in turn Cathy filled his with a ten round burst of .45ACP rounds into him.

That was the last strike. Reynolds stood up, grabbed the wolf rifle and began a mad dash to the launch bay.


Emily and Cathy looked at the lifeless bodies of the wolves, and felt nothing. They had both, for lack of a better word, shared an experience that no one, not even their lovers, could ever truly, fully, understand. Well, maybe that's not entirely true.

"Room's clear Captain, I suggest we move on," one of the Rangers reported to Cathy.

She nodded and replied, "Alright Sergeant, spread out and search the ship, I want it clear, if you find Captain Reynolds or the Alpha wolf, you call me first. Don't attempt to kill or capture the Alpha, you call me first. If it's the Captain, I want you to make sure he's okay, but then call me ASAP!"

The Sergeant saluted and ran off.

"I suppose we better move quickly, before they can regroup," Sean said as he walked up to Cathy and Emily.

"Where do we search first?" Emily asked, eager to pay the Alpha Wolf back.

"We don't go together. You two will go and find the Alpha," Cathy began, noticing a slight smile form on the rabbit's face, "I'm going to find Steve. In twenty minutes we all return back here and regroup."

Sean hesitated but before he could protest, Cathy turned and ran to a door, checking it first, and then running down it.

"I hope she knows what she's doing," Captain Atric said aloud.

Emily gave him a side hug and replied, "She doing what she needs to find her love, now you have to help yours. Comon."


The vixen ran through the corridors and halls, noticing that she saw no wolves. She didn't know where she was going, or why, but she was going to run as far down this corridor as possible.

Every twenty or so meters there was a blastdoor, all of which were closed. She checked the environment throughout the ship; there were no leaking compartments. She ran through each and every single one of them, until she realized she must be moving towards the bridge.

Unbeknownst to her, Steve was running along the same corridor, and soon the pair was only separated by one single chamber.

They both entered the final chamber at the same time and froze. They saw each other, but didn't know what to do. They had both thought of this moment for so long, yet they didn't know what to do.

He made the first move, a single step towards her. She looked even more beautiful in person then she had on the view screen. He smiled and gave a deep sigh.

"Hello Cathy," he murmured, not able to raise his voice.

All Cathy needed to see was him smile, and she dashed at him. This time she jumped about twelve feet away, and due to the P9 armor's enhancing abilities, she landed right on him. She nearly killed him, his armor was still inactive on his wrist, but he didn't feel a thing. He held her in his arms, a feat not easy because of the added weight of the armor, and kissed her.

The vixen kissed him furiously, missing his mouth most of the time.

"I thought I would never see you again!" she said through her kissing.

He looked at her face and saw tears running form her eyes and moistening the fur on her cheeks.

Reynolds didn't answer he just kissed her equally hard held the sides of her face.

She was crying hard now. She couldn't handle the moment, she was like a little kid at a birthday party who was just overwhelmed, and she let it all out.

"I thought I would never see you again!" she repeated.

This time he answered, his voice straining as well, "It's okay, it's okay. You found me."

Cathy held him so close she was practically squeezing the life out of him but neither noticed.

Chuckling he managed to slip out, "So I take it you missed me."

She laughed weakly and kissed him more. Cathy would have thrown him down right now and feel asleep with him had a battle not been going on just outside these walls.

Almost reading her thoughts he pointed out, "We have to go, quickly, it isn't safe here."

Then the Captain remembered.

"We also have to look out for Otho. He's here, and he's a traitor," Reynolds reported grimly.

She stared into her lover's eyes and knew he was telling the truth. Cathy nodded and was about to say something but Reynolds, in one quick move, grabbed her and shoved her behind him. Cathy turned to see Consular Otho, holding a pistol pointed directly at the pair.

"Just walk away Otho!" Reynolds screamed, now angry that the bird had caught the two at such a pinnacle moment.

Before the bird could answer a loud shot rang out and the Falcon's head exploded, showering the two lovers in a mixture of blood and skull fragments.

Cathy screamed and held onto the Captain's back.

Having heard the shot from behind him, Reynolds turned, with Cathy pivoting behind him, and was met with a terrible sight.

Alpha Prime Mafeu Sadovnik stood, blood pouring from a hole above his right eye where the bird had shot him, holding a rifle with its barrel smoking from the last shot.

"Oh my God," Reynolds managed. He was horrified; the wolf was twitching, as was his finger.

"Oh you'll see Him soon enough, Captain, but first your bitch!" the wolf said and fired a single round.

In almost slow motion the Captain tried to turn, then move in front of it, but to no avail. The wolf's shot struck Cathy to the lower right side of her neck, causing her to fall instantly.

Reynolds grabbed at her but only caught her paw. She didn't even get a chance to scream, she just fell flat, with her paw in his hand. Of all the places the wolf could have shot, he hit her in about the only spot that wasn't covered by the armor.

Cathy's face curled up and she gasped for air. She coughed and a substantial amount of blood feel out the side of her mouth. The Captain was petrified; he lost all control of himself. He could feel himself dying with her, right there. She had a look of pure horror and utter sadness in her eyes.

Her body twitched and shuttered, each movement hurt him as if he had been shot. She tried to mouth the words, "I love you," but the blood on her lips and face prevented him from distinguishing what she was trying to display.

She closed her eyes and stopped breathing, and all the Captain could muster out was, "C-Cathy?"

The wolf grinned; he looked at the Captain's face and saw the discontent. The look pleased him to no end.

"Don't worry, Captain Reynolds, you'll see her again, real soon too," Mafeu said, and recharged a particle round.

Cathy's mind was blank. She felt tired, and just wanted to rest. She could hear the Alpha wolf say something and heard a humming sound, but she couldn't see it for some reason. Her lover's hand still clenched her paw and an image popped into her mind. She felt a hole in her neck, but it didn't hurt. The fox knew it should hurt, but it didn't, she was just tired. She heard the wolf say something else, and her mind forced her to remember the situation.

"You... you fucking bastard!" the Captain yelled out, not looking up from Cathy's body.

"Ha!" the Wolf laughed, "I guess I was right, she couldn't save you, and you couldn't save her."

Cathy heard that, and she wanted to stand up, or at least open her eyes, but she was too tired.

"You should have let my son have his way with her," the wolf said grimly, and the Captain got it.

Not letting go of Cathy's paw, Reynolds turned and looked the wolf.

"I'm glad he's dead, I hope he didn't die from that one shot, I hope he suffered," Reynolds said, tears now in his eyes.

Cathy heard something along the lines of "son" and a thought popped into her mind of a lake, she couldn't remember what that had to do with anything.

Because of the Captain's comment, Mafeu pumped a single round into his leg, but the Captain didn't flinch nor move. He didn't even groan. Reynolds was dead to the world and the only thing in his mind was his wife's paw and her murderer.

The wolf seeing the lack of reaction was a bit... surprised.

Cathy heard the shot, and her mind woke up a bit. She remembered the situation exactly and remembered what had happened. She held the captain's hand tighter, but he didn't notice. She remembered what was going on and remembered his armor was down. She reached up, and with the last ounce of strength in her body she hit the activation button on his armor. Her paw went limp and dropped from his hand.

The Captain looked down at her and realized she had gone, but had pressed his armor's activation button.

He stood up and stared at the Alpha Wolf, who now realized the armor was beginning to incase Reynolds. The Captain's eyes were full of murderous rage, and that scared the wolf to his core.

Not wasting a second, the wolf fired the charged round right at the Captain's chest, but the armor was fast enough and it deflected the round. All it did was cause the Captain to kneel.

Reynolds stood up and began walking, ominously, towards the wolf. Now very afraid, Mafeu opened up on him, but as fast as he shot, the armor caught up and protected the Captain, as to Cathy's final wish.

Now terrified of the monster walking towards him, the Alpha wolf took a step back, and continued firing at his chest. Because of his fear he didn't even think to shoot him in the head.

The wolf backed up to far and his back hit a wall. As he did the Captain jumped at him, and in a swift move, grabbed and threw the rifle across the room. The wolf just stared at him, terrified.

Mafeu went to raise his hands to push Reynolds away, but Steve was faster. The Captain grabbed onto the wolf's neck. His hands, covered with Cathy's blood, dug into the wolf's neck.

Trying to defend himself the wolf grabbed onto the Captain's neck, but his armored collar made this attempt useless. Reynolds dug his thumbs into the wolf's throat and squeezed as hard as he could. His eyes were white hot with murder and hatred. He thought of every good moment he and Cathy had shared, everything he had done to live long enough to see her again, and this piece of shit had ruined it.

"S-stop!" the wolf coughed out, now his mind was going blank, as Cathy's had.

Not answering the Captain continued strangling the Wolf. His knuckles cracked and bled, he was squeezing the wolf neck hard enough that he crushed the wolf's windpipe.

Now the wolf began thrashing about, but Reynolds put his full weight into him. His paws scratched at the side of his head, causing deep cuts and lacerations, but the Captain didn't even feel them, he just locked eyes with the wolf and squeezed.

Behind him the door opened and Emily and Sean walked in. At first they didn't know what to make of it, but then Sean saw Cathy's body on the ground, and realized what he was doing.

Emily went to raise her gun, but, although Sean knew he might regret it later, he restrained the rabbit, and the two just stared the Captain.

The wolf's head thrashed about, breaking the Captain's wrists and causing an audible "crack" but Steve wouldn't release his grip.

"I damn you to hell," the Captain whispered, horror in the eyes of the wolf, "your going to pay for killing my wife, you are going to pay and I know it."

The wolf grabbed onto the sides of the Captain's head and squeezed, but he could feel himself getting weaker. He could die here, he couldn't. He hadn't avenged his son enough. Behind the Captain he saw a pair of Federal Soldiers, one of which he recognized. It was a brown rabbit, and he felt even more frightened. It was the cunt he had used the past few months on Chyane and her eyes were filled with the same, yet less, of the murderous rage that had lit a fire in the captain's eyes.

The Captain, his hands bleeding from squeezing pressed his thumbs so hard into the wolf's neck he finally broke the skin.

Mafeu let out a suppressed yelp, and Steve, using his thumbs, pushed out his windpipe and yanked it out completely. The Alpha thrashed harder, and, with one hand still holding the wolf by the neck, Reynolds took the broken windpipe and dangled it before the wolf.

He grinned and saw the wolf beginning to slip out of consciousness.

"You murdered my wife, Sarah, Private Abrams, and countless more, and now, you get yours," the Captain said, and with a hard windup, punched the wolf in the snout, breaking it and shoving it into his head.

The wolf's thrashing ceased, and his body went limp. The Captain still held onto the wolf by the neck. Reynolds was covered with blood now, a mixture of the wolf's, Consular Otho's, his own, and Cathy's.

For five seconds he held onto the wolf, staring at the horrified look on his face, and Reynolds started to cry. He had never really cried, but he let the wolf go and turned to see Sean and Emily, but mainly he saw Cathy's lifeless body.

The pair watched as the Captain walked over to Cathy and kneeled down. He stroked her blood soaked cheek and looked at his little fox. She had gone with a look of sadness on her face. After all the searching, and she had been murdered.

Reynolds noticed that in her hand she still clutched his family's Thompson. The Captain picked up the weapon and looked at it. She had, in not so many words, brought it back to him. He didn't want to live, and he didn't plan to. He turned the barrel to his face and fumbled for the trigger.

Sean, seeing this, at first knew what he was doing, but didn't realize that he was going to do that. Sean was going to let him do it, but then his mind caught up with himself and he kicked the gun from Reynolds' hands.

"Sir, y-you can't," he said timidly. He couldn't even imagine what must be going through the Captain's mind; Emily clenched his paw tightly and started cry softly.

The Captain was dead inside. His wife was dead, and there was nothing he could do to change it.

For a long moment the three just stood there, frozen in time. The ship reverberated with explosions from the battle outside, and a pair of Rangers walked in. Only Emily looked up to see them.

The two looked around, and saw the carnage in the room. They saw the headless body of Consular Otho, his red feathers very distinctive; they saw the gorey body of the Alpha Wolf slumped on the far wall, and they saw the Captain kneeling down to the body of Captain Grey.

Sean turned and without words the two knew what to do. They unhooked their gear and pulled out a bag.

The Captain, looking up for a moment, wouldn't have that. Before they had the entire black bag unfurled, Reynolds picked up Cathy's body and lifted her into the air.

To the surprise of everyone in the room she let out a low groan and her face shifted.

Reynolds seeing this almost dropped her.

"Cathy?" he said, in a begging voice.

She didn't stir or make a sound again, but the fact was she had made one, and that meant she wasn't dead.

He lowered her back to the ground and the four others crowed around the pair. Reynolds nuzzled Cathy's face, and to his surprise, she nuzzled him back.

"Cathy, c-can you hear me?" he said; now hope coming back into his voice.

She didn't move again, but Reynolds lowered his head to her chest. Her armor was still on and he went to turn it off. He then realized that it was the only think keeping her alive. It was breathing for her.

"Thank God for the Predator system," he said aloud, "Sean, get that ship ready, I want to be back on the Endeavor now!"

Sean turned and ran for the assault craft, yelling into his com gear to have the Captain's order's made so.

Carefully Reynolds picked up Cathy's body up and began walking, carefully to the launch bay.

The whole walk, a little over 200 meters, Reynolds just stared at Cathy's body, mainly her neck. The wound was raged and hurt him terribly to see. Although her gear said she was alive, and she had reacted to his touch, he still was disturbed to not see the gentile rise and fall of breath going into his love.

A few minutes later he reached the launch bay and walked into the assault craft. He brought her body into the medical bay and the tech plug her armor into an IV tube. He tried to reassure the captain by telling him she would be fine, but he just stared at her.

The craft rose into the air and sped off to the Endeavor, with the Captain praying that Cathy would be okay.

Chapter 2 Recap

Bridge Aboard FN Endeavor 1232 Military Time

"Admiral, receiving transmission from the assault craft!" the communications officer reported to Drake.

He walked over behind the ensign, a dog, and leaned in close to hear the transmission.

"Admiral, are you there?" asked the voice; it was that of Captain Atric.

"Yes, what did you find?" Drake said into the microphone, eager to find out what had happened.

A second went by and then to the surprise of Admiral Drake, he didn't hear the voice of Captain Atric, but the distinct voice of Captain Reynolds, the one they had gone to find, "Admiral, this Captain Steve Reynolds, Cathy's been shot and we need as much escort as you can offer to get us back safe. Also I need the best med team you can muster in this fleet to be ready to help save her."

"Don't worry son, if I have to give my heart to save her I will. What about the Alpha Wolf, what happened?" Drake asked, upset to hear what happened to Cathy.

There was a moment of hesitation, but then Reynolds came back on the air; "He's dead, I killed him. Before I did though the Alpha killed Consular Otho, who was a traitor to the Federation."

When the Captain finished his sentence the battle stopped, literally and metaphorically. The channel was open and almost everyone listening had heard that, including any wolf forces listening in on the channel.

About thirty seconds after this information had been divulged, every single wolf ship ceased fire, and in about twenty more seconds, the Federation followed suit.

In the quick half hour about eight thousand ships and countless lives had been lost, and now, with still more than ten thousand ships in close vicinity to each other, not a one fired.

Drake and Osing were stunned. Osing had called that one perfectly, moreover the fact that the wolf was now dead, but that Otho had been a traitor. If it had been any other soldier in the Federation, no one would have believed the Captain's story, but Captain Reynolds was known for a lot of things, and one of them was he never lied to the Federation, not even when he tried to run away with Cathy.

General Osing walked up behind his friend and pointed to the main view screen. Drake saw that both Fleets had ceased firing and said, being the first on either side: "It's over."

Osing smiled and slapped Drake's back, who chuckled. Again Osing had been right, they had both seen the end of the war, literally.

"Comon, lets make sure those two are okay," Osing said, and the pair walked down to the landing bay.


Reynolds had been expecting a welcoming party of sorts when he came aboard the FN Endeavor, but this was more than he could ever have imagined. The landing bay, four stories high and about three hundred yards long had every single eye looking right at him and Cathy as he carried her out. The tech had insisted on putting her on a stretcher, but Reynolds wouldn't have that.

To his relief he saw General Osing open the lift's doors and wave him over. The crowed parted as he made his way to the old General, Drake at his side, and the door shut behind him.

"What happened?" Drake asked, very concerned. Everyone in the Federation had become fond of Cathy, she was better known than anyone in the entire Federation, including the late Consular.

"Mafeu tried to kill her," Reynolds said, transfixed on the wound on his wife's neck.

Osing put his hand on the soldier's back.

"Don't worry son, I've had worse wounds than that, and I didn't have P9 armor trying to keep me alive either," he said, trying to comfort the Captain.

"How can you carry her?" Drake asked.

For the first time Reynolds realized he was carrying her. She must weigh a bit over 350, and he hefted her as if she was a small child.

"I wouldn't drop her if I was shot," Reynolds replied.

Osing, tilting his head added, "When your right, your right, cause I don't think you realize it, but you are... your umm, leg."

Once again Reynolds was reinserted into his surrounding. He felt the hole in his leg, and knew that his wrists were also broken, but neither hurt.

"I don't feel anything Sirs," he commented.

Neither of the officer's knew what to say to that, it was never a good sign for anyone to be unfeeling to multiple wounds.

All this time Sean and Emily had been watching; both praying that Cathy would be okay.

"You know she basically commanded the Federation?" Drake began.

Reynolds shook his head; he hadn't known what to think before he had seen her aboard the Consular's ship. The dried tears on the sides of his check became moist again as he whimper at the thought of Cathy leading fleets; she had always wanted to be a Ship Captain.

"She's a good soldier, and a strong one at that, this is a small challenge compared to what she's endured over the past few weeks," Osing added, none of these comments seemed to take any effect on the Captain.

Sean walked over to his friend and looked at the fox in his arms.

Reynolds lowered his head and nuzzled her face, hoping she would do the same to him but she remained still. Carefully her rubbed the base of her neck, and her reflexes caused her to make a swallowing motion.

The Captain sighed with relief, he was glad to see she was, in the least, alive.

Osing, observing the situation, thought aloud, "Hmm, three Captains ended a war thirty years old."

That hit home with each person and furry in the room.

"Three Captain's?" Reynolds commented; he didn't look up though.

Seeing an opportunity to stray his mind a bit Sean replied, "Well, you, me, and Cathy."

Steve gave a sigh and a sad smile. His little fox had been made an officer as well; he had to have her back and safe.

"She traveled all this way and is close to dying, all for me," the Captain said and looked up at the group watching him, "why?"

Osing, seeing that the captain needed a jolt, replied, "Get a grip man. How can you ask that? She searched for you because she loved you, and she still does, she's not gone yet, and I know she won't leave us now."

The lift came to a stop and they exited. About a minute latter they were in a medical bay, with literally thousands of doctors and nurses running about. While there were soldiers with worse wounds in the room, every eye went right to the sad man carrying the wounded fox. Their eyes followed him as he walked over to the room they had prepared for her.

In the room the Captain was meet with a familiar face, Dr. Michael Pennock, one of the best surgeons in the Federation, and a doctor who had treated Reynolds in the past while he had been training to use his P9 armor. The Captain felt relieved, if anyone could help Cathy, it was him.

"Good to see you Captain; General," the Doctor nodded to each person, "lay her on the bed, she doesn't look that bad."

Actually she wasn't in the best of shape, had it not been for the armor she would have died by now, but Pennock couldn't let that on. The Captain looked like a stiff breeze would knock him over so the Doctor had to seem as optimistic as possible.

Reynolds laid his wounded wife down on the bed, placing her head on the pillow carefully. He didn't step back though, not until the doctor, with some force, released his grip on her paw.

The Doctor bent down and looked over the wound. It had penetrated straight through her neck, but thankfully had missed her spine. It had grazed her windpipe, which explained why she didn't appear to be breathing, and why the armor was working so hard.

He stood up and turned to the Captain.

"She'll be fine, the round grazed her airway but the armor is breathing for her and she has no other damaged. You on the other hand," Pennock gestured to the Captain's various wounds, "are in worse overall shape than she is, so I suggest you at the least get those cleaned out."

"I'd rather stay-"

"I know you would, but the fact is it would do more harm than good, I need this room clean since I need to clear out her entire airway before I can turn off the armor, so I can't risk anything getting in there."

The Doctor gave a glance at the fox's neck, "I'd figure about a day or two and she'll be okay. She'll have quite a hard time breathing or moving, but she'll be able to speak and eat. Now go, get treated before I feel you're the higher priority."

Being that Doctor Pennock was one of the few people Reynolds trusted he obeyed and walked out the room, looking once at his wife's face.

Although he was offered a private room, Reynolds respectfully declined, and went into the common emergency room. About an hour later a doctor came by, cleaned up his leg wound, and set the bones in his hands. He gave Reynolds an injection of Calcium and quick-set so that the bones in his hands and wrists would heal in less than a day, and then Captain Reynolds was escorted, to his discontent, to a debriefing room.

All that Captain Reynolds could think of was the "what ifs?" What if the Alpha wolf had used a charged round? What if he had better aim? What if Sean had let him kill himself? The thoughts wracked at his brain, and he was actually glad to see the dark room. Each time he had stood in here over the past few weeks, something had been set in motion that changed his life and the lives of all those around him, but, usually, for the better.

Osing, Drake, Sean, and Emily walked in behind him and sat down in various seats at the table.

"Alright," Osing began, in a very strict tone, "I want everyone to be honest. We're going to go through every single event that's happened since you," he gestured to Reynolds, "were captured. I want nothing but the most extreme details ignored, and right now we have no room for 'I guess,' clear?"

They all nodded and turned to Steve.

So he recounted his tale, right from the moment he traded himself for Cathy, to the last second of the Alpha Prime's life. Osing and Drake nodded at each other when he recounted the details on consular Otho, and Osing grinned when he mentioned the details of the bird's death.

After Reynolds finished Lieutenant Colonel Sterling walked in, he had never met this Captain Reynolds before.

"Hello Captain, I'm Lt. Colonel Renault Sterling, and I've been serving as Colonel Hushing's replacement."

Reynolds looked him over and realized this was a different kind of intelligence officer.

"First of all," Sterling began, rather taking over the situation, "I can't say I'm thrilled that you said what you said over the common channel. In just under an hour every single ship and likely half the Federation knows what has happened, but I will say this, I think you ended this war, and for that, the Federation owes you the greatest gratitude."

The other officers nodded in agreement. As his birthright suggested, Reynolds had rocked the Federation to its core.

"Thank you Colonel," Steve replied, "but all I want is for my wife to be okay."

"Don't worry," Sterling smiled, "having talked to her for the past week I know she'll be fine. We do have an," he searched for the right words, "important matter to attend to."

All the officers listened carefully, when Intel said it was important, it was big.

"We have the two largest governments in the universe, literally sitting next to each other, and both of their leaders are dead. I don't know if any of you have forgotten, but just because the wolf's ceased fire doesn't mean they left or surrendered, there's still upwards of six thousand enemy ships floating around out there, leaderless. I don't know how long this laps in command will last, but we need to figure something out soon."

"Don't worry, there will never be an Alpha Wolf again, I killed Mafeu's son," the Captain commented.

At that he gained the confused stares of everyone in the room; that was a fact he had forgotten to mention before, partially because he had forgotten much of the Alpha's final moments.

Seeing their confusion the Captain added, "his son was the one who raped Cathy."

That fact got their attention and they all reacted the same, a mixture of surprise and "oh boy" syndrome.

"Be that as it may," Sterling chimed in, "where does that leave us?"

Emily, having been silent this whole time, answered for the Captain; "peace."

Osing let out a low whistle, that concept hadn't been talked about in more than twenty-five years.

"Ahh, I think I have a lot of work to do," Sterling replied, seeing the logic.

"We all do," Drake said.

Reynolds, having had enough of this stood up and saluted, "Good day sirs, I'm going to see my wife."

Drake nodded and the Captain, his voice cold and emotionless, walked out of the room and back aboard the lift.

"Think he'll be okay?" Drake asked, to no one in particular.

"I think," Captain Atric cleared his throat, "that we had all better, pray for the both of them."

Sean hesitated for a moment but added, "He almost killed himself aboard that ship. Had Cathy not moved when he picked her up he likely would have gone through with it eventually."

The two high ranking officer's shifted uneasily, the thought of Reynolds doing that, being in that much pain, frightened them.

"Well, we need to tie up some loose ends," Osing said, trying to advert everyone's thoughts. "First, I want that traitor's ship in our launch bay, and then we are to return to the capital. By then those two should be okay, in the meantime I want a room prepared, big enough for them to share."

Osing looked at the others in the room, but his stare stuck on Emily and Sean. They, although trying to hide it, were paw-in-paw and she was leaning on his shoulder.

"Actually, make that two," Osing added, gesturing to the pair. Sean shifted uncomfortably, not liking the direct attention. Emily squeezed his paw and he smiled.

"There's one last thing," Sterling began, "we still need peace talks with the remaining wolf forces. This war might be over, as, according to Captain Steve Reynolds," the dog now distinguished between the couple, "there aren't going to be any more Alpha Wolves, and it's more than likely it will be days before the wolves figure out a leader. You all saw how they fought, they were quite dependent on their monarch."

"That's a given Sterling, what's wrong with that?" Drake commented, not quite getting the gist of what the dog was getting at.

The Lt. Colonel leaned in and replied, "We need a new leader before we can do that. My question is, who?"

Drake and Osing chanced a glance at each other; they both had an inclining of who.

Seeing this Sterling continued, "I see you understand. The senate won't be able to find a leader on such short notice, usually the begin the screening process in the last two months of the previous consular's rule, but Otho's was..." the dog searched for the right words, "...cut short, so there are no candidates in mind."

"But I take it you do?" Sean chimed in.

Sterling nodded, "I do, but it's not who you think, not by a long shot."

Everyone, particularly Osing and Drake, listened very carefully. The two old officers had, as expected, thought they themselves might very well take the job of Consular. While it wasn't really appealing, but after all these current events, they both liked the idea of being linked forever to those events by being Consular.

"Because of her actions in recent day, I think Captain Catharine Reynolds would make a fine choice," Sterling reported, which, as expected caught all the others off guard.

Everyone in the room, subliminally, agreed. She had shown great leadership, under unimaginable stress, and was fighting even now.

"I don't think she or Captain Reyno- Steve, will approve or accept that," Osing commented.

Sterling, nodding replied, "You're probably right, but I just have to give recommendation, and in my opinion, she's the best one for the job."

"I'd say one of you two fit the bill better," Sean added, gesturing to the General and Admiral.

"The thought crossed my mind," Sterling replied, "but there's more to my recommendation than just leadership quality, I think they could use the niceties."

"That," Osing commented, "is something I would have to agree with."

Nodding, Sterling continued; "Yes, the sheer fact is that these two won't just slip out of the lime light. Aside from the fact Captain Reynolds was quite famous before these events, now they are both known by almost everyone, likely on both sides. Hell, Cathy found him, was nearly killed herself, and the Alpha wolf and consular Otho were killed, all what? Three hours or so ago? From what we're hearing over the various communication channels, more people are aware of her plight, than the fact that both leaders are dead. I think, for their mutual safety, its better we place them in a situation were we can keep an eye on them. As sorry as I am to say it, both are still in the fire, they may still be attacked, and if we keep them in the Consular's palace, no harm will come."

Osing, shaking his head, "I still don't think that either of them will go for this, but be that as it may, we have other important tasks to attend to."

Drake stood up and added, "Right, so let's get to it."

The group of officer's adjourned, but first Osing walked over to Emily and Sean, holding a small box.

"Here, since those two are the same rank, I figure you both deserve the same courtesy," and Osing handed Emily the small box.

She opened it and inside were captain's bars. With similar reactions as Cathy she hugged the officer and kissed Sean, who chuckled at the sight.

"Congratulations, Captain Gates," Osing said.

He saluted, and walked away. He had let another pair go.

Chapter 3 Love

Two Hours Later Medical Bay Aboard FN Endeavor 1508 Military Time

Reynolds paced back and forth, like, of all things, an eager wolf waiting for the kill.

He had waited longer than he thought possible, and each moment felt like hours. Steve knew that Doctor Pennock was the best of the best; his wife couldn't have been in better hands, but he was still scared.

He sat down on the chair the orderly had brought for him. Captain Reynolds felt tired and dirty, but he wouldn't leave, he had to hear the words, "She's awake and waiting for you."

Until then, he was going to be a nervous wreck.

Steve sat there, ignoring the fact that almost everyone in the room, at one point or another, was staring at him.

About another hour passed when Dr. Pennock walked out. He looked tired and the Captain was frightened.

Reynolds stood up, but the Doctor put his hands up and began, "She fine. We cleaned up her neck, fixed and cleared her airway, and removed her armor. She's not awake yet but by about dinner time I'd say she should begin to regain consciousness."

It wasn't the answer Reynolds was looking for, but it was better than what he had been imagining. Terrible, horrible, images of her being dead had swarmed throughout his mind, bombarding him with thoughts that chilled him to the bone, and this good news abolished them.

"Can I, I mean can I go and-"

"You can go in any time you want," the Doctor said, trying to calm the soldier. Of every moment in his life, this was the most stress filed.

By the time the Doctor had said, "any" the Captain jumped up from the chair and almost ran inside Cathy's room.

She was in the bed, and looked similar to the way she had when he first rescued her, which angered him. Although she would protest, Steve felt he had failed her. He had made a vow never to let anyone hurt her again, and she laid broken, in a hospital bed now.

Carefully he walked over to her bedside and kneeled down. He picked up and held her paw, and he swore he felt her squeeze his hand. He laid his head down on her side, and was overwhelmed that he heard her heart beating in her chest. He moved his face next to her muzzle and felt air moving in and out of her nose, which also caused him to feel better.

Unknown to him, a cameraman took a small, yet important, photo of him leaning over his wife. In time everyone in the Federation would see the picture.

Reynolds thought he saw her feet or tail stir under the covers and he whispered, "Cathy?" but he had no response.

For about two more hours he kneeled their, just resting his mind and body.

Eventually he looked up and stared at Cathy's face. He hadn't seen his beautiful fox in basically a week, a horrible week, and she looked equally tired. She was quite beautiful, and not just to his eyes. Because she had spent the last week, although in constant stress, she had been able to care for herself in a way she hadn't in years. He fur was very soft and... bouncy, and looked a deeper red and cleaner white than she had ever in Steve's eyes.

Smiling he rubbed the side of her face, remembering how much she liked that.


She was alive. Her throat and head hurt. She tried to flutter her eyes but they hurt too much too.

A hand was clutched around her paw, but she didn't know whose. A face flashed into her mind. It was that of a man, a human. She didn't understand why but she liked his face.

She felt a memory come into her mind; a gray hallway, a gun, a yelp, and a clang sound.

Her head hurt but she felt more images and memories come back. A name popped into her head.

Captain Steve Reynolds. She liked that name as much as she liked the face.

She felt another hand, same as the one still holding her paw, pat the side of her check. Without trying she moved her head into the pat.

"Cathy! Are you there?"

The sound resonated through her mind. The voice was sweet and full of concern. Her eyes still hurt and she couldn't open or move them. She tried to speak, but her throat was on fire.

Another memory flashed in her mind, this one of a lake, she saw the same face as that of the man, but she saw herself, sleeping with him on a blanket under the stars.

That last memory clicked, and she was overwhelmed with memories. Everything, from birth to what she preserved as death, came back to her in one swift motion. It hurt her head and she let out a groan.

This time the hands squeezed and released. She didn't like that, she felt alone. A second latter she felt the hands touch her again, but on her shoulders.

"Cathy, are you okay, say something, please..." the kind voice said, this time with more concern.

She didn't like hearing the voice sound like that, but she sorted through some of the memories. She remembered one, it was a big one. She found herself on a small ship, and she felt herself being held by a great monster, a wolf. Across from her on his knees was the human she saw by the lake. She liked him. He said something but she couldn't hear it. Whatever it was it made her sad and she wanted to cry. Then she looked into his eyes, and remembered everything.

Cathy realized everything now, and realized what was going on. Her throat didn't hurt anymore.

"S-Steve?" she said weakly. Her eyes fluttered but there was a bright light. She saw a figure for a spit second above her, and realized it must be Steve.

"Cathy? Oh my God! Thank you!" he cried and hugged her.

"The light," she said weakly.

Without further advisory he stood up and turned down the light above her head.

"Are you okay Steve?" she coughed, a little blood on her tongue, "I heard a shot and then thing's went blank," Cathy asked.

With tears in his eyes he rubbed the top of her head between her pinned back ears and replied, "I'm fine, I'm fine. Believe me, I'm okay. Are you okay?"

She gulped but that hurt a lot, "My throat hurts and I can't move."

His voice hardened and he answered, "The Alpha Wolf shot you in the neck, but your okay now, your safe."

Smiling, which almost made Reynolds pass out from relief, she replied, "Can we go somewhere warm and quiet?"

Forcing a chuckle Steve said, "We'll go anywhere you want, just be okay."

Her strength returning she realized she still had arms and pushed herself up. Steve went to help her but she put up a paw and made sure she could do it on her own.

Cathy looked around. This was a different kind of bay than she had ever been in before. It was cold, very cold, and dank.

"Where am I?" she asked.

Sitting down next to her on the bed he hugged her, carefully and replied, "Your in a recovery room on board the Endeavor."

Shaking her head, which hurt a lot more than she realized, Cathy added, "I don't like this room, can we go to yours where it's warm. I'm very cold."

"I don't kno-" he stopped, "I'll have it done right away."

She smiled and moved her head in a way to invite a kiss. More than willing Steve leaned in and kissed his vixen, in a state of ecstasy that she was awake and aware. For what felt like a glorious eternity they embraced each other. She actually felt considerably warmer now, but she still didn't like the room, it felt like a meat locker.

He broke the kiss and patted the side of her face, she moved into the pat and smiled.

"I'll be right back," he said and stepped outside.

The room was cold again. With her paw she reached up carefully to feel the wound on her neck. It was covered by a bandage but was sore to the touch. She let out a weak cough, which hurt terribly.

Not wanting to be or appear weak, she, carefully, slung her legs out and stood up. He tail hung behind her and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't unpin her ears from the sides of her head. Her fur was still soft, but she felt terribly cold. She picked up the blanket and wrapped it around herself but it did little to help. She shivered but didn't lie back down.

A few minutes later he walked in smiling, although it disappeared when he saw her face.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Shivering she replied, "I'm very cold, can we please go somewhere warm?"

He walked over and sat down next to her, she felt a bit warmer now.

"You want to walk? I'll carry you if you want," he offered, actually preferring the latter.

She shook her head and stood up, but put out her paw for assistance.

He took it and led her from the room. The doors opened and she was met with the gaze of more than a hundred wounded soldiers, males and females, furries and humans. Reynolds led her through the crowed and to the lift. She didn't feel comfortable here, and she felt very cold still.

Steve was glad that his "new" room had been placed only two floors above the bay, and within three minutes he walked, rather limped, his weak and shivering fox into the huge room.

Seeing the big and fluffy bed she sighed, it looked warm.

Carefully he picked her up in his arms and laid her down on the bed, covering her up.

He kissed the top of her head and went off, to do something in the adjoined room. The fact there was two rooms in the suite was a surprise to both of them.

When he returned a half a minute later she was shivering and trembling under the covers.

"I'm still cold, very, very cold," she said, her voice cracking.

Starting to think the doctor was wrong in saying, "If she's awake she can go right to your room," Reynolds looked around for more sheets or covers. Seeing none he got into bed with her and slipped himself under the covers. She almost instantly latched onto him and her fur actually felt cool and clammy.

Instinctively he rubbed her back and sides, trying to cause some heat to build up on her. After a minute or so she stopped shivering so much and sank down into him. This had been the most comfortable bed he'd been in, in literally, years, and it wasn't necessarily because of the comforter.

"Feeling better?" he asked, rubbing her and holding her close.

"Mmm hmm," she replied and pushed her head against his chest.

A moment passed and he brought his head right next to one of her cute ears and he whispered, "I love you Catharine."

Taking a deep breath she replied, "I love you Steve."

For the next four hours the two laid there, not sleeping, not talking, just laying. She was so happy to be warm, but she was exuberant that she was hugging her husband, which reminded her of something.

"Remember what you said on the wolf dropship?" she asked, actually cheerful regardless of what a terrible day it had been.

He nodded and added, "Which part are you talking about?"

That brought up another point. She had forgotten about the other thing he had told her on that day, and she realized that she had put more than her own life in jeopardy when she found Steve.

"The part about us, you and me," she replied

Without hesitation he added again, "Which part? Both are part of us."

Cathy smiled and kissed him, it had been a wonderful misunderstanding, and she was quite taken by it.

"The first part," she finally replied.

He nodded, a bit embarrassed. Although they had both been using his name, and calling themselves as an honest couple, neither was aware of this and since he hadn't formally proposed to her, he wasn't sure if that had taken or not. To be honest he had mainly said what he said out of desperation. It had been truthfully, but he would have said anything to save her back at that moment.

"I made a deal with one of the senators, during my hearing. We have to make that fact official," Cathy reported, a smile playing on both their faces.

He kissed her and she gave his lips a lick.

"You want to marry me?" he asked, not so much as a real question but as more of a statement.

She hugged him and replied, "Yes, I've wanted this moment for so long!"

"When then?" he asked, actually eager at the concept of her being his in spirit and on paper.

"I don't know, something tells me we're both going to have a hearing over this when we get back to Conakry; their likely going to want us to appear before the senate at it's home. Maybe after that we can. I can't believe that the Alpha killed Consular Otho."

Reynolds' face hardened and fear enveloped him. Seeing this she became concerned and rubbed her paw on his face, letting her fur rub him softly.

It had no effect so she asked, "What's wrong? Did I say something?"

He nodded and began, "Consular Otho was a traitor, the traitor. He was trading military secrets with the Alpha for money. He said he would..." the Captain trailed off, upset with the thought. The bird and wolf were gone, but they haunted his mind.

Taking a deep breath he continued, "He said he would kill you if I didn't do what they said."

A tear welled up in his eye and Cathy whipped it away quickly, she didn't want to see him upset.

"Be glad he's gone, the Alpha paid him the ultimate price. By the way, what happened to the Alpha, did you capture him?" Cathy asked; she wasn't aware what had happened.

"He's dead, I-I killed him, with my hands," it was the first moment he really acknowledged that.

Cathy sighed, not really unhappy to hear that, but not happy to see how much that event bothered him.

He looked down and continued, "I strangled him to death. I ripped his throat out. He told me something terrible too; he told me that I killed his son, which was why he let you go at first, that's why he didn't just kill me," the Captain hesitated for a moment, "His son was the wolf I saved you from."

That last part hit Cathy in the face. She remembered that horrid event, seeing her now-husband come through the tall stocks of grass and pointing a gun at her head but then shooting the wolf who was brutalizing her.

He looked up, this time he had tears streaming from his eyes, "I thought you were dead. I was sure of it. You feel to the ground and stopped breathing. I don't even remember getting shot by the wolf, I just remember seeing your lifeless body on the floor and digging into his neck."

She held the sides of his face with her paws, and kissed his forehead. This time he cradled his head in her arms and held himself tightly to her.

"That was the last test I think," she said, not understanding herself what she was really saying, "I think that was it, I think we can live together now and never be interrupted again."

He looked up and stared at her eyes. He felt a bit better over what he had done.

This time they kissed each other at the same time; no one led off. He remembered something else though and broke the kiss and looked away again.

"Something else?" She asked, realizing he needed to get these out in the open.

"Ya, I almost killed myself back on the ship," Reynolds said, not sure what she would say or how she would react.

Upset at the concept she picked up his face and looked him in the eye, "Why?"

"I thought you were dead. After the Alpha was dead I saw you on the ground. You looked sad and afraid. The Thompson was under you and I just picked it up. I was about to fire it but Sean kicked it from my hands."

Cathy made a mental note to thank Sean for that; he had saved her love.

"I picked up your body, and was going to have you buried somewhere peaceful, then go somewhere and finish myself, but when I lifted you up you moved, and... well..." he trailed off.

For another long time, many minutes, he just laid his head on her chest, in a "high" state of terror. All those emotions of what he thought was lost came back to him, and he felt cold.

He shivered a bit at some of the thoughts that raced through his mind at that moment and she felt him clam up. Cathy felt very warm now, aside from his body heat, his presence was warming, but he was shivering and cowering now. She rolled back her hospital gown and let her fur envelop him. She could tell it was soft and he stopped shaking almost instantly.

"I'm glad this is over," he said into her fur.

"So am I," she commented. Her throat was dry and she cleared it, which hurt a lot. She coughed lightly but some bright red blood came up.

Seeing this Reynolds laid her on her side and got up, went to the bathroom, and got a glass of water.

"How's the throat?" he asked as she drank the water slowly and carefully.

She replied through a sip, "I can tune out the pain a bit, it only hurts when I try to cough or gulp or something."

Reynolds smiled and replied, "That's my girl."

He laid down next to her again and held her close. Both their moods had lightened and they both felt happy, truly happy for the first time in weeks.

Reynolds removed his shirt and she coddled next to him, her gown still lowered enough that most of her beautiful tits and stomach were revealed.

He rubbed her belly, the same way he had back at the lake, and it caused a similar result.

"Your fur's a lot softer than before," he commented.

She moaned and replied, "I know, its nicer like this isn't it?"

He nodded and kissed her, and they embraced for a long time, long enough Cathy felt herself falling asleep in sheer comfort.

"I wanted to ask you something," Steve chimed into her half asleep state, "was I uh... right about the other thing I said in the dropship?"

Cathy smiled a happy, toothy smile and kissed him. In the process she whispered in his mouth, "Yes."

He pushed back, "So that means..."

Cathy nodded, "yes."

"And they'll-they'll be okay?" he asked, eagerness in his voice.

"Mmm hmm, when I first came back a doctor checked me out and told me they would be fine. She wasn't sure if they would be kits or babies, but they will be fine."

"I love you Cathy," he said slowly and kissed her deeply, enough they both lost a breath or two. She didn't care.

"I love you Steve," and she kissed him deeply as he had.

"Funny enough, I went into heat again a day or two ago," she added in, remembering the embarrassment of that night.

He tilted his head in confusion, "even though your-"

"Pregnant I know, scared me and scared the hell out of Karl as well," she added, remembering the details of that night, what a horror.

"I forgot all about him! What happened after..." Reynolds trailed off.

Cathy smiled and recounted her side of the events, right up until the last few hours when she had landed in the ship.

Steve chuckled at a few parts, particularly when she mentioned the massage. When she finished he brought it back up.

"I take you really liked that, the massage at the lake I mean."

She nodded and tilted her head, "What did you do, exactly, I couldn't figure it out."

"Well, I'll show you," and he slipped his hands onto her exposed chest, "What you do," he continued as he ran his hands along the fur on her body, "is use as soft as touch as possible."

She was already enjoying this. She moaned a bit and forgot all about her wound. His hands massaged her from the base of her groin muscle, to her two very soft and plump tits.

"From what you said, you tried to massage you, that's not how it works. You have to pet your fur. It's going to be even better now, since you're very soft. Here, let's try this," and he turned her on her belly, removing the gown completely.

She sprawled out her legs and her tail swayed between her legs, twitching each time he made contact with an area that caused a flicker in her heart. He rubbed her shoulders, her sides and the fur right down the base of her tail. At the slight touch around it she bucked her hips and yiffed, to the to surprise of both of them.

"Sorry, it just feels really good," she commented. She had never done that before, not even when they had sex before.

"It's okay, I'm glad to see your enjoying it," he commented and continued rubbing her back.

He chanced it again, to see if he had found another pleasure point on her body. He carefully rolled his hands across her fur, and then massaged the base of her tail. To his surprise she yiffed again. This time she flopped over on her back and looked at him, a bit embarrassed and, in a loving way, angry.

"Your having fun, aren't you?" she asked.

"Very much so," he laughed.

At that she threw herself on top of him and kissed him. They rolled around a bit and ended up with her on top as they had started. He patted the soft fur on her back, and this time he barely touched the base of her tail, and she still let out, yet a very quiet, almost whisper quiet, "yiff."

He smiled and kissed the side of her muzzle, "I love you my little fox."

"And you're my man, my husband, and I'll always' love you," she added.

"My fox, my wife, we don't need to be married for me to know that," he said, brushing the fur on her ears.

"A wedding would be nice though," she added, the eagerness showing in her voice.

He laughed, "I think we might have more than that, if we're as famous as everyone keeps telling me. In the meantime would it bother you if I told other's you're my wife now?"

"I have been telling everyone that all along, I couldn't think of a better thing," she said, kissing his cheek, "So as long as I can say to other's your mine."

"I could be no one else's," he assured her.

They traded a kiss and vowed to each other:

"My wife."

"My husband."

She nuzzled him and snuggled into his body, resting her head on his chest.

In turn Reynolds wrapped his arms around her small figure and continued nuzzling her, he was enjoying this quite a bit. She licked his cheek and they both began to fall asleep.

As a final word he added, "Together at last?"

She barely made out the answer before she fell asleep, "Together forever."


At about 0600 the next day Steve Reynolds awoke, glad to see Cathy was safe, alive, and smiling on top of him. He stroked her cheek and she awoke with a smile. Her throat no longer hurt and she was tempted to remove the bandage, so she could have a roll with him and have no worries of an open wound, but he made it clear he just wanted to hold her.

"I dreamed of wakening up with you the entire time we were separated," he said in a quiet voice.

"Are you happy now?" she asked, nuzzling his face.

"Hmm," he chuckled, "more than you know. Are you feeling better?"

She nodded and replied, "Yep, and I don't feel cold at all anymore," Cathy smiled and added, "thanks to you."

He gave her a tight hug and kissed her, causing her belly's fur to rub against him almost like a brush. Steve rolled his hands down and along her body as she moaned happily, enjoying every moment of their embrace.

Cathy slid off his body and laid down next to him, not breaking their kiss. She used her tongue to slip past his and lick the inside of his mouth, which had the desired effect of making him, unknowingly, thrust into her.

The reaction caused her to smile and a moan into his mouth. He kissed her deeply as her tongue played circles in his mouth. They both had missed each other more than they realized.

They broke the kiss and smiled at each other with loving eyes, and laid there for another good hour; until it was all to clear they were going to have to get up.

Whoever had set up this room had taken the liberty of brining all of their possessions and setting them up, including clothing. They dressed in their BDU's and walked out of the room together, to go to the bridge and hopefully see Osing and Drake. They both wanted to inform them of their ultimate plans.

Everyone they past stared at the couple. Aside from the fact they walked with her head on his shoulder, the two were now iconic images. The photo that had been taken of Reynolds leaning over Cathy's bed was now on every vid, news cast, newspaper, and many magazines.

When they entered the bridge, only General Osing stood on the deck, literally, by himself. No operation officers to be seen. The usually teaming bridge was eerily silent.

Osing turned to see the pair walk onto the bridge and smiled.

"Good to see you on your feet Catharine, Captain," he nodded to Steve, "Have a good night?" The general flinched after saying that, that was probably not the best question to ask of the pair; he hadn't thought that one quite through.

Not offended Cathy answered, "Yes, we got the last of the problems out of the way," She looked out the main view screen and asked, "We're all of the wolf ships?"

"We've left that system my dear, we are now in orbit over Conakry," Osing reported.

His response caused a notable amount of discomfort in both of the Captains.

"Don't worry, while there has been a trial called, I can't imagine anything bad being said of you two, or any of us. For lack of a better way of saying it, we're all heroes now," Osing smiled again, "Wars over."

For a long moment that didn't register with either of the Captains. While it had been clear, to Reynolds at least, there would be quite a lapse in command of the wolf forces but he hadn't figured it was really over.

He turned and looked at Cathy who was smiling, he held her close to his side and asked the old General, "Sir, what's the Federation going to do now that the wars over?" then a thought popped into his head, "and whose in control now?"

Osing cleared his throat, "Well that's something we should talk about. It's been suggested, now by more than just one other person, that either you or Cathy take the Consular's seat."

The pair just stared at the General, his words echoing in their ears.

"General I-" Osing raised his hand, cutting Steve off.

"I don't want your answer. This has been suggested so don't wrack your brain about it, I just thought you two should know about what others are thinking. In the meantime, you are both to report to the surface for your hearing." Osing concluded.

They pair saluted but Cathy held onto Steve's arm, stopping him from turning.

"General," the fox began, "what's to become of us? In the Federation I mean? My deal with the senator only extended to when I found Steve, what is going to happen to us?"

"That, Captain Reynolds," she smiled at the surname, "is something I don't know. To be honest I don't want you two in the military."

The pair looked at him confused, they had always viewed Osing as their closest, most important confidant.

Seeing their confusion he elaborated, "I saw how badly you looked when you," he nodded to Cathy, "thought he was lost, and I saw the horror in the eyes of you," he gestured to Steve, "when you were sure she was dead, and I don't think its smart or just to let you two risk your lives in the Federal military."

Hearing and thinking of that moment, Steve held his fox close, a pang of fear resounding throughout his body.

"I think," Osing continued, "the best thing, the most deserving thing, is for both of you two live out your lives in peace. No one in the Federation has fought harder than you Steve, and Cathy's definitely looks like she could use a vacation."

Cathy smiled at the concept and nodded, she wanted to go someplace warm; she still felt very cold outside of a bed she shared with Steve.

This time the pair smiled and turned and made their way to the shuttle, ready to take them their hearing. This time, Cathy didn't fear facing the senate; she had her husband with her and she knew nothing could go wrong.

Corridor Aboard FN Endeavor 1104 Military Time

"Damn, damn!" the little pup yelled as he dashed down the halls, nearly tripping over various uniformed soldiers and sailors.

Karl needed to find the Captain; he hadn't even known that Cathy had found him. He also needed to find her; he hadn't known she had been almost killed as well.

"Why doesn't anyone tell me these things?" he yelled to himself as he searched for the bridge.

The pup busted onto the bridge and saw it in its usual busy state. Karl saw Admiral Drake and General Osing and ran over to them.

Drake turned and smiled at the pup, but continued talking with his friend. Karl, seeing that he was obviously discussing something important, waited patiently, or at least as patiently as he could.

After a minute or so Osing and Drake realized that the pup wanted to talk as he was hopping up and down and his tail was moving furiously.

"What's on your mind son?" Drake asked.

The little dog, realizing he was being paid attention to, saluted to the two officers. They returned the gesture; both thinking it was the funniest thing to have the twelve year old saluting them like he was a true soldier.

"I wanted to know sirs, is Cathy and Captain Reynolds okay?" the pup asked, the concern noticeable in his voice.

Both of the officers kneeled down, which bothered Karl but he listened anyway, "Don't worry son, they're both fine, and very happy to be back with each other. I take it your looking for them yes?" Osing asked.

Karl nodded.

Osing continued, "Well they left for the surface, they have to appear at a trial of sorts. We were going to follow them in an hour or so; by then we should have a greater understanding of what the Federation's next step will be."

Karl sighed with disappointment; he had wanted to see the Captain for himself.

"Can I go with you?" he asked the General, eager to see the pair together, and to see Cathy happy.

Osing smiled, "Of course, get your things and report to the launch bay in an hour or so."

Karl saluted and ran off, to get all the trinkets and items he had picked up over the past week.

Drake laughed and watched him run off, "I wonder what's going to happen to him."

"Don't know," Osing commented, "I suppose he'll return home. Funny little pup though. That reminds me, there's going to be more Reynolds 'running' around soon."

Nodding Drake replied, "I know, I remember her speaking of that at her hearing. Pups or human's, I have no idea which one would be stranger of the pair, or more fitting."

For a long moment the two stood in silence, thinking of what that fact must be stirring up inside the pair.

Breaking the silence Osing remarked, "Kits."

"What?" Drake asked, coming out of deep thought.

Clearing his throat Osing continued, "Kits. Baby foxes are called kits. I have to say, for someone that hated furries for so long doesn't seem to know much about them."

"Hmmm," Drake grumbled, he was hoping that aspect of himself had died with the past days, he was starting to like furries more and more, but his past always caught up with him.

Osing, either for true concern or for personal fun, furthered mentioned, "You sure don't seem to hate them anymore."

"Ya, ya I know. How could I anymore? How could anyone hate anyone after seeing those two with each other, or alone talking about one another for that matter."

George smiled at his friend and replied, "Good to hear that. Considering what's in the coming days we had both be as friendly towards those two as possible."

"Speaking of a pair, what's going to happen between Captain Atric and Corp- Captain Gates?" Drake asked, not forgetting the Federations other couple, "Can we expect 'kits' or bunnies from them as well?"

Osing chuckled, "We might, I was actually expecting Captain Atric to come and speak to me before I left, but it appears he's... they've slept in."

Drake chuckled as well; this whole situation was so foreign, so taboo for the Military that all normal etiquette and properness had been dropped.

Osing sat down as did Drake, who took the commander's chair. The ageing battle cruiser was now one of the most famous ships in the fleet, more so than Drake's beloved Trident. In the end only two battleships had been lost in the battle, which was weighing heavily on Drake's heart. He was just glad this war was over and looked forward to peace.

"Seeing as everyone's taken care of, what are you going to do?" Drake asked aloud, causing Osing some discomfort, he hadn't given it much thought.

He sighed and replied, "I guess I'll return home. I think I would like to get some sleep."

Drake nodded, some true rest would be nice. Neither had really slept in the past few decades.

"And you?" Osing asked in turn.

"I think I'll try and find a partner like the Captain has," he said, not even sure of the concept himself.

Osing laughed, not so much in a mocking fashion but as reaction to his answer.

"Never thought you would say that one. You don't think you're to old for that sort of thing?" the General commented.

Drake shook his head, "I never thought a man and a fox could really be in love, or that I would see the end of the war, so I think it's a safe bet that anything's possible right now."

"I'll drink to that," Osing replied, "got any scotch nearby?"

"Not on this bridge George," Drake laughed.

Breaking their conversation, Sean walked into the room, looking terribly nervous.

Two Hours Ago Captains Atric and Gates' Stateroom Aboard FN Endeavor 0905 Military Time

Emily awoke to feeling a very, very warm, loving sensation in her nether regions. She arched her back in a stretch and, by accident, caused Sean's cock to move slightly inside her and she moaned pleasantly. She realized the pair had fallen asleep post-coitile, with his member still buried in her steamy cunt.

Her movement brought him to a semi state of awareness and he, instinctively, kissed the back of her head, between her two ears. She moaned pleasurably and her little tail twitched.

"Good morning," she whispered as she turned her head to meet his eyes.

"Good morning," he replied in turn, giving her a kiss.

Now Sean awoke to the point that he was aware he was still inside her. While he was still technically horny, last night's "games" had left him quite content in that respect, he did enjoy the closeness and the comfort of waking up like this.

Emily smiled when he removed his lips from hers and he nuzzled her face.

"I love you Sean," she moaned as his slight movements caused vibrations inside of her.

Although he was smaller than the wolves had been, she was glad for that. He, even when he was really fucking her, did so with care and love, the wolves seemed to do it with hate. Quite frankly he was the best male she had ever been with.

He kissed her and replied, "I love you too."

Emily wanted to be face-to-face with him, so she reached down and carefully removed his cock from her pussy. When she removed it a small, yet noticeable, warm trickle of cum slipped out behind his cockhead. Ignoring it she rolled over and wrapped her legs around his, and taking one of his paws, kissed him deeply.

In turn Sean rubbed the fur on the rabbit's back and moved his hand all the way down to her little tail.

"You like it a lot, don't you?" she commented as he pat her tail softly.

He smiled and nodded, "I don't think I've ever seen one as nice as yours."

"My parents told me that as a bunny," she added, and drew herself closer to Sean.

As she did a bit more of his cum dripped from her still moist cunny lips and onto Sean's leg.

"Is that mine?" he asked, a bit surprised by the feeling on his leg's fur.

She nodded and licked his lips.

"Do you want to just leave that there?" he furthered, not to sure whether it was okay with her, and it wasn't exactly sitting right with him either.

Emily nodded again, not so much offended or surprised by the question, but a response did take hold of her.

"What's wrong? I still 'work' and..." she trailed off as she saw his smile fade, "What's wrong with that?"

He changed his expression but his ears pinned back, "I just... well I guess...-"

"You think it's to soon for that?" she finished for him.

More often than not it appeared to Emily that Sean froze up a bit in these matters, but she knew his heart was pure, he was just a bit shy.

Nodding he looked down, a bit embarrassed by his feelings.

"It's okay, I understand, more than you'd think, but what's the harm?" she forwarded.

Hearing that he looked up, agreeing.

"All right Emily," Sean began, "and what if..." he trailed off again, causing Emily to giggle. She found it quite funny that such a well-trained soldier, who had shown nothing but bravery, couldn't talk about sex or matters related to it with his own lover.

To finish his statement she began, "Then we will be linked by something other than our love. I think it's more than obvious we're still going to have to leave the military at least, I doubt that Cathy and the Captain will stay, 'spatially after yesterday."

This time, trying to avoid stumbling on his words, Sean just nodded. He really did agree with everything she said, he just didn't know how to say so, so he gave her a passionate kiss which, in both their minds supplemented better than any words could.

For a good half our they just laid in bed, kissing every now and again, and just talked of various possible ends to their current situation. In conclusion, they both agreed the best way to continue their lives as they both wanted to was to seek jobs in the Federation, but not ones involving combat. They both wanted to serve, that was the reason, well at least one of the reasons, they were where they were right now, and they didn't want to just abandon it. They both agreed Cathy and Steve's personalities demanded that they leave the Federation's services, or each other, the latter being an impossibility, so they were, indeed, choosing the right way for themselves.

After reaching this conclusion Sean smiled and kissed her, then rolled out of bed. Emily moaned unhappily and asked, "Can't we just stay like this all day?"

Sean continued smiling and replied, "I would love to, but if we are to do what we want, we need to tie up some loose ends. Having already seen this happen once in the past month, I can say it's not that easy, and has to be handled with care."

Realizing he was, indeed, correct in that respect, she sat up as well, and looked about for her clothes. Not seeing them she stood up as well and looked about the room for them. As she did Sean stopped and watched her.

"She has such a beautiful body," Sean thought to himself, "shame I had to meet her under these circumstances, and that she had to have her beautiful body so damaged by those wolves."

Sean was comforted by the fact that those that had tortured his lover were now in an early, and likely, horrible grave. He made a note to thank the Captain for that.

She found her clothes and dawned them, breaking Sean's trance. He followed suit and washed up in the bathroom. He was a bit surprised that he, rather both of them, had been transferred to this, for lack of a better word, luxurious room. It was large, and it was more than obvious that the bed had been issued with the idea of a couple sharing it; it was too big and comfortable for it not have been. They had enjoyed the bed, and not just for the obvious reason, it was very, very comfortable. Emily hadn't really had a bed like this since a child, and neither had the young fox.

They were quite a pair to be seen. Nearly identical in age, a young 24 was Sean and a month or two older than he was Emily, the two actually... looked right for each other. While they had both seen plenty of fox and rabbit couples, that wasn't strange, not nearly as uncommon as a fox and human, i.e. Steve and Cathy. The Captain and Cathy looked, although as strange as it sounds, perfect for each other as well. No one who saw the pair together knew why, but it really fit. The same was true for Emily and Sean, and it may have even been more so because of their similar characteristics. His fur being that of a much mellower red orange in compared to Cathy's, was a good match to Emily's light brown fur. She was shorter than Sean, but because of her ears she was about four inches taller when they were perked up. Emily was considerably stronger, not so much in build, but in spirit. While Sean wasn't weak by any standards, Emily had a presence that demanded respect.

As he was studying her figure he noticed a slight... spot forming near her groin on the front of her fatigues.

"What's that?" he asked, pointing towards the moist area.

Emily looked down and tilted her head inquisitively. She reached down the front of her pants and removed her paw quickly, realizing what it was.

"It's uhh, some of your..." she trailed off. It had felt so natural, so good; she hadn't even realized she was still filed with his cum.

He scratched the back of his embarrassed, "Sorry, I didn't mean to leave it... or to cum in... you know."

He was actually lying, something very uncommon for him. Sean had wanted to cum in her, hard, just as hard as he had. It wasn't so much for selfish reasons, but when he was getting close to cuming, he thought of pulling out, but her pussy cradled his cock so well that he just wanted to fill her up. Captain Atric felt a bit guilty now.

"I guess I need a shower..." she said sensually, and Sean caught on. Even though he had little time, he was going to stay for this.

Being closer to the door, Sean walked in first, dropped his draws, and stepped into the shower. She followed close behind and did the same, only when she entered the shower she let herself rest upon him, his quickly hardening cock poking between the fur on her legs.

Sean, not skipping a beat, held her in his arms, rested her back against the wall, and got to his knees. He hadn't done this to her yet, and before he started he turned on the water. The warm water circulated around them both, and he wet his hand up like a washcloth, and carefully rubbed her out. He reached, what he preserved as, deep inside her love folds. She moaned graciously, and felt him reach inside and slide his left over cum from inside her pussy.

When she was "clean" in that respect, he removed his paw from her cunny lips and replaced it with his maw. He stuck his snout into her, opened his mouth, and began licking her from the inside.

Enjoying this penetration Emily started moaning rapidly and grinding her hips against his face. He was all to glad to have his snout deeper in her, but he didn't want to push to hard, for fear of hurting her. The scent of her pussy juices drove his mind in circles and he tried to lap up as much of her cunny juices as possible. His long tongue invaded every inch of her pleasure hole, and she bucked her hips hard enough against his head that his entire snout was buried within her. He couldn't breath, but for the moment he didn't care. He licked furiously, sending his tongue deeper and deeper.

After what felt lick a glorious eternity, she started moaning, rather groaning, harder than ever, and her pussy walls clamped down on Sean's muzzle. Her juices invaded his nose and mouth, and he started to choke. To his surprise her paws reached down and held the back of his head, and he felt himself start to suffocate. She was forcing him down on her.

Oh how the roles had been reversed.

Emily, being so caught up in the moment of his eating of her pussy, held onto his head the same way that had been done to her so many times before. She, unfortunately for Sean, forgot how much she disliked it when the various males that had done it to her, had held her head in place as they ejaculated into her mouth.

Now afraid, as his mind started going blank, Sean started trying to push his head out, but Emily's grip was firm. He couldn't even close his mouth to stop her juices from going down his throat; her pussy muscles had locked his jaw in place. His mind went blank, and the last thought he had was, "I'm going to die drowning in my lover's juices."

Sean went a bit limp and Emily's throbbing orgasm died down. Even as the after shocks rocketed her, she realized Sean wasn't moving. She removed his muzzle and to her horror, his eyes were closed and he didn't look like he was breathing.

"Oh my God Sean!" she screamed, and laid him down on the floor of the shower. She kneeled down next to him and put her ear to his chest. He, indeed, wasn't breathing and Emily almost fainted.

"I murdered him!" she yelled in horror, and locked her lips around his muzzle and sucked in deeply.

A load of her own cum shot up into her mouth, she coughed on it but continued. Seeing there was a considerable amount of her cum in him she removed her lips and started CPR. She pressed on his furry chest a few times, and then breathed for him into his mouth. Still he didn't react. She repeated it, still nothing.

On the third try, he coughed hard into her mouth, but she left her lips sealed around his snout, making sure she caught all her juices from his throat.

He opened his eyes to see her looking quite fearful. Sean coughed hard again, and he felt a lot of liquid leave his lungs and shoot out his mouth, into hers. She removed her lips and, with her own cum dripping from her mouth, stared at him with terror in her eyes.

Still coughing Sean managed to say, "I take it you enjoyed it?" He coughed again.

Not laughing Emily hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened. I swear I'll never have you do that again. I almost killed you!" she sobbed into his shoulder, feeling terrible.

She was upset at what she had done. She remembered having various boyfriends, and those horrid wolves, do the exact same thing to her, and she never liked it, not once. What upset her the most however, was realizing what the captain must have felt when he saw Cathy lying on the ground, thinking she was dead.

Sean, still recovering from the episode, coughed again and rocked her back and forth.

"Don't worry I'm fine I'm fine, just in the future let me do the work, I was going to lick you fine anyway."

She still didn't stop crying quietly and for a long moment she just rocked her lover back and forth as the water rained on them.

Sean tried to comfort her but the fact was that she had scared him to death. He thought he had came close to death. He hadn't realized how physically strong Emily was, and she had held his head down quite well.

After about five minutes he felt strong enough to stand up and he helped her up as well. Emily was still upset at what she had done, but he made sure to seem as if nothing had really happened.

"We'll I think your plenty clean..." he commented, trying to bring her back.

She nodded and the two stepped out of the shower, dried off, and returned to the bed. Although still naked, and knowing he had a meeting soon, Sean laid down on the bed; he needed to rest for a moment.

Feeling very, very guilty, Emily walked over and seated herself onto of him, his cock separating her pussy lips.

Not quite expecting this Sean looked up, saw what was going on, but saw the expression on her face, and stopped her from moving.

"Emily, it wasn't that big of a deal, I don't want you to do this because you feel guilty and I won't let you," Sean replied.

The fact was that he really wanted to fuck her, not in revenge, but because the feeling of her cunny lips on the sides of his cock was making his libido run wild.

She just stared at him. Emily was offering herself up to him, but for exactly the reason he had said. She thought that maybe it would repay him for what she had done.

Continuing Sean said, "I want you to do this out of love, not out of guilt. You do it out of guilt and that means you don't really love me, you feel sorry for me. What happened was a simple mistake, I'm sure your not first to have done that to her lover."

Emily forced a smile, and reached down with her paw and put his member deep inside her.

She said to him, "I love you more than anyone else," and began rocking her hips.

Sean knew that she did, he never doubted it, but he didn't kid himself into thinking she wasn't still feeling guilty. Nonetheless, he still wanted her, and his libido was larger than his morals, so her held her hips, and assisted in her riding.

She tried as hard as possible to get him off fast. She squeezed her pussy as tight as she could around his throbbing member and milked his cock as best she could. She had to make him cum, hard, she just had too.

The rabbit bounced hard on his cock, and was enjoying it herself, greatly, but she rolled her hips around in sensual circles as she rode him, and she saw him starting to flinch, and knew he was close.

His cock tensed, and she laid down on top of him. She felt his knot swell and grow inside her pussy lips, looking the pair together. Sean's cock erupted, sending his seed deep into her cunny lips. To her surprise, the feeling of the cum splashing against the inside of her cunt caused her to cum as well. Not as seriously as she had in the past with him, even in the shower just a few minutes previous, but enough that she breathed hard and humped him furiously.

When his cock stopped dripping, and her cunny stopped convulsing, she smiled and kissed him deeply.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, holding her on top of himself with his arms.

She tilted her head, causing one of her ears to flop down on his head. Brushing it aside she replied, "About what? I'm the one that almost killed you."

He smiled and answered, "I didn't mean to cum in you again. I don't know if you want to get cleaned again."

Emily shook her head, "I made sure you came in me. I know you don't want me to feel guilty but I do, I nearly killed you and for what? Pleasure. I would give up anything for you in a moment and I put myself so far ahead of you, you almost died."

Sean brushed her hair with his paw, and replied, "I told you not worry about that, believe me, I know you did it because you were enjoying yourself, you don't have any blame on your shoulders."

"But what if I killed you?" Emily asked, resting her head on his chest.

Sean didn't have an answer for that, and she knew it. The fact was it would have been, as horrible as it sounds, murder, and it would have only been made worse from the fact that she loved him. That was why this bothered her so much. He started to understand.

"You still feel guilty about Sarah, don't you?" he said, patting her back lovingly.

The rabbit didn't answer; she just nodded her head on his chest. It was all to clear to him now. Emily had lost her beloved sister, and, in her mind, it was her fault. When she almost killed Sean, it was another blow to her already guilty mind.

Stroking his lover's fur, Sean kissed her, trying to comfort her.

"You need to understand Emily, neither this, nor Sarah was your fault. It was the Alpha Wolf's fault, and his alone. I know you feel like there was something you could have done to change it, but I don't think there was. If you had tried, he would have killed you, and I would never have known you... I don't know what to really think to be honest," Sean concluded.

Looking up, a small tear in her eye, Emily replied, "I know that, but that doesn't change how I feel. What mostly bothers me is... well... I never paid him back. I know that of all people, the Captain had a reason in the moment to kill that fucking wolf, but now I'll never have a chance to kill him..." she trailed off, feeling much self pity.

Sean smiled sympathetically, and without even making an attempt to remove his knot from her pussy, he laid Emily on her side and covered both of them. She hugged him and cried softly, all the while he patted her fur. He rocked her back and forth in his arms, making a soothing "shhhh" sound, and after a few minutes, she stopped crying and just hugged Sean tightly, glad he understood so well.

After a few minutes of silence, Emily broke the silence with a rather strange request, "You love me the same way the Captain loves Cathy right?"

Sean nodded and kissed the top of her head.

"Will you marry me then?"

Hearing that Sean almost fell out of the bed. The thought hadn't ever crossed his mind. He knew that his and Emily's lives were turning out quite similar to the other pair's, and Sean loved her deeply, but he didn't know if that so much mattered him or that he was sure it was needed. Also the concept frightened him.

"I don't know..." he managed, flinching after he paused. Not the best answer considering.

In the exact way he thought she would react, she did.

"Why not?" Emily asked, a bit disjointed, "you love me right?"

"More than you'll ever know," he replied, trying to recover from his fumble.

She sighed and replied, "Then why not? Cathy and the Captain are going to get married, why can't we? I know I love you the same way she loves Steve, I know you love me the same."

Sean felt a bit guilty now. Everything she was saying was right, but he still wasn't sure.

Emily looked him in the eye and continued, "I'm never going to love anyone else, not the way I love you, you love me the same way right?"

"Again Emily, more than you'll ever know," Sean replied, starting to see she wasn't going to back down. "Damn her strong will," he thought to himself.

"If that's true," she said, now with a slightly unhappy tone, which bothered Sean, "then you should have no doubts in wanting to make me your wife."

The fox sighed, she really wanted this, and it seemed she was taking offense to his avoidance of her request. Sean realized he was losing his semi-erection, and his cock popped out of Emily, and re-sheathed itself within him. A small amount of his cum escaped from her cunny, and he noticed that it appeared she was purposefully keeping her moist lips closed, to keep his cum inside.

She smiled and Sean got nervous, she had seen him looking at her pussy, and Emily realized he knew exactly what he was doing.

"I'll make a deal with you," she began, "if you ever make me pregnant, you have to marry me, no matter what."

Sean stared at the little rabbit, she was very serious, and if he had offered it, she would have shaken his paw. He stared at her eyes; they were very pretty.

"No Emily, we don't need to do that, I want to marry you and I will, I'm just... I don't... nervous by it," the fox replied, a bit embarrassed that his voice faltered as he said it.

With a humorous look played across her face, Emily replied, "You've seen so much combat, yet this scares you?"

"Why wouldn't it?" Sean replied, very serious, "I've never been in a position like this, I've never loved anyone this much, and... I don't know. I just don't know."

The rabbit smiled, "I do."

"'I do' what?" he asked.

"I do," she repeated simply, still smiling.

Catching on Sean smiled, "I guess we have more things to talk about then."

Now excited Emily replied, "Yes we do," and she kissed him deeply, very relieved to see he had come around.

While she kissed Sean, a bit more of his cum managed to slip out of her pussy, and went on his leg.

"Do you want that cleaned up?" he asked as he broke the kiss, a bit calmed himself after finally submitting to her full intents.

She shook her head, "No, leave it but you can check and see if 'it' took."

It was test and Sean knew it, and he wasn't going to falter on this one.

"No, lets leave it be, it won't change ho much I love you, or make me feel like I made the right decision. I know that already."

She smiled widely and almost jumped out of the bed, it was just what she wanted to hear, and the fact was it was true. Although he wasn't lying to her about this particular item of interest, he was indeed still a bit uneasy about her proposition.

They both embraced each other for some time before he coaxed himself out of the warm bed. Getting dressed was a bit of a downer to them both; they would have just as well spent the entire day asleep, but Sean knew that they both had a duty to provide for Cathy and Steve, the pair was on their final test now, and they didn't even know it.

Emily went to the launch bay to await Sean's arrival, while he went to see General Osing as he had been requested. When he entered the bridge, Sean saw Osing and Admiral Drake chatting by the command pedestal.

They turned to meet his entrance and Osing said, "What's wrong son, you look like a train wreck."

"Long morning," Captain Atric replied, not wanting to go into detail.

Taking the hint, Osing ignored the topic, for the moment.

"Well I needed," Osing started, but then gave the matter further thought, "...we needed to talk to you about certain details of what took place aboard that ship, what your going to say to the senate, and what you want us to well... do with you once this is all said and done."

The fox shifted his feet around uneasily. His tail, which was already hanging at his leg, now was hung so low that it formed a perpendicular line to the floor. Seeing a single chair open Sean sat down, realizing this was going to be a trying conversation.

"To start," Drake began, "I want to know, specifically, what you plan to tell the senate during your testimony in Captain Reynolds' and Captain Gery's hearing. Particularly on the events surrounding his," the admiral searched for the right words, "removal of the Alpha Wolf. We didn't tell him this, but the senate is in an uproar about this, as is the intelligence community."

"Well," Sean answered, "I didn't see much. Captain Gates and I walked in on him in the process of 'removing' the Alpha Wolf; Cathy was already down. It was less than a few minutes that the Alpha Wolf lived while the Captain strangled him."

General Osing glanced at Drake and bobbed his head in a semi-approving fashion. The answer suited him, somewhat.

Sitting up Osing asked, "But do you think that the Captain over reacted? Do you think what he did should be considered murder?"

"It could be," Sean answered quietly.

With a perplexed look on his face Drake chimed in, "How so?"

"He could have left him," the fox began, "Captain Reynolds didn't need to kill him. With his armor on, he defiantly was stronger than the wolf, he could have captured him. But..."

"But..." Osing furthered, interested in what the young fox was about to say.

"But," he continued, "I don't think he acted wrongly."

Both Drake and Osing smiled, the answer suited them.

Feeling the urge to add something Sean continued, "I would have done the same thing. In fact, I doubt there was anyway, as it was said before, that Mafeu would have made it off that ship, alive at least. Had Captain Reynolds not done it, Cathy might have if she could, Captain Gates had her reasons, any of the soldiers with us could have, even..." Sean trailed off.

"You would have?" Osing asked, watching the fox's reaction carefully.

"After what he did to Captain Gates, yes," Sean answered, thinking of his beautiful rabbit.

"I'm glad to hear that Captain," Osing smiled, "You may not understand why, and that might be a good thing, but I am. Now, tell me, is that what you will tell the senate. I only ask because they tend not to be as... understanding and realistic as officers."

Thinking for a long moment, Sean answered with, "I will tell them what seems appropriate, but I cannot lie to them."

"We wouldn't want you to," Drake started, although his voice seemed to feel a different way, "but you need, for the sake of the Captains, be discreet with certain details. The senate wants to charge him as a traitor, and not because he ran from the Federation, but because he, as the feel, murdered the Alpha Wolf."

The concept seemed insane, to everyone, including a few senators, but they still were more angry that a war criminal had escaped their judgment, and that the Captain was the sole person or furson able to punish the wolf. A few Senators had lost sons and daughters in the war, so it was a hot issue with most.

"Steve and Cathy are my friends," Sean said adamantly, "I won't do anything that will cause them pain, and won't allow anyone else to even try."

"Good lad," Drake replied.

Osing leaned forward and continued the grilling, "Now what are you going to do? It's obvious that Reynolds and Grey are done with the military but it's becoming more and more apparent the Federation hasn't finished with the pair, but what of you and Captain Gates?"

Sean sighed; he didn't know how to answer that. Hell, he and Emily hadn't even clarified what they were going to do. Sean could tell that Emily wanted to get married, and he would honor that wish, but other than that their futures weren't clear.

Unable to think of anything, Captain Atric replied with, "I don't know sir. I-we haven't given it much thought."

Drake frowned, "Well, you two had better get cracking, because the sad fact is we can't let you stay in the Army either. Not only would you both be somewhat ineffective; we or any officer, couldn't expect you to sacrifice the other for a mission, which could be needed, but neither of us would feel right putting you into any situation that would possibly cause either of you to lose the other."

Huffing, Sean thought of this morning's events, it was actually kind of a funny coincidence, from a certain point of view.

"I guess we'll have to leave the Military, but I don't know where from there," the fox answered, shrugging his shoulders.

Drake began to add something, but stopped when Osing raised a hand; "I think that a safe idea for you two is, if you love each other the way I think you do, is to find someplace nice, and settle down. You each will likely want to contact or meet with your families, particularly Gates'," Sean thought of Emily's family, and of the pain she felt over her sister, "but I would say what you both seem best suited for is a nice, quiet life."

"But sir," Sean protested, "we, at least I know I do, still want to serve."

Shaking his head Drake replied, "Be that as it may, we still couldn't sit well with ourselves knowing you two were fighting. Unless you want to be a desk jockey, I can't think of any other thing either of you can do."

"I'm considered one of the best operators of the Predator Armor, maybe I can be an instructor," Sean commented, perking up at the chance.

Nodding his head Osing responded with a simple, "That could work."

"But what about Captain Gates?" Drake asked.

Thinking for a moment, Sean answered, "I won't answer for her. I'll discuss it, but I'll leave the decisions to her."

Standing up, Osing put out his hand in a gesture to point Sean to the door; "Alright Captain. Please clarify the matter with Captain Gates. In the meantime, we are all needed down on the surface."

Drake and Sean stood, and the three walked out and down to the launch bay, ready to testify, hopefully, for the last time for Captain Reynolds and Captain Grey.

Chapter 4 Uniting

Outside Senatorial Hearing Court on Conakry 1:30PM Local Time

Steve stroked the side of his fox's head as she rested it on his shoulder.

The pair had now been sitting and waiting for their own hearing for an hour and a half, and each minute just gnawed away at both of their stability. If he could, Reynolds would have stolen himself and Cathy away now, just to be together and away from all this.

"Do you think we should be worried?" Cathy asked, nervous for both of their safety, but mainly his.

Sighing, he replied, "I don't know. Even for the senate, this is taking quite some time," Reynolds felt her shiver and he asked, "Still cold?"

She nodded into his shoulder; that was making him more nervous than anything.

"I don't know why I'm so cold, I just want to go back to bed," Cathy replied, moving closer to Steve.

"Maybe it's from the... you know," Steve posed.

She shrugged, but continued shivering slightly. Her fur was cold and somewhat clammy as it had been the previous day. Reynolds just wanted this to be over so he could keep her warm.

About ten minutes later a mixture of furries and humans walked into the waiting room. It was all the friends of Steve and Cathy.

"Hello son," Osing smiled, "you look well."

Reynolds looked up and forced a smile, Cathy left her head on his shoulder though, still feeling terribly cold.

Seeing their reaction Osing kneeled down before them and said, "Don't worry you two, after this I'm going to make sure, personally, that you go where ever you want."

The thought went through Cathy's mind and she smiled, but left her head on Steve's shoulder.

Karl, who up until now had been bouncing off the walls, walked meekly over to the pair.

"Hi Cathy, are you okay?" he asked, which managed to grab the fox's attention.

Looking up the fox replied, "I'm fine Karl, just a bit cold."

She forced a smile to ease the pup's mind.

Karl looked over at the Captain, who looked a bit amused, which further eased Karl's mind.

"Hello sir, glad to see you back," Karl said, and saluted the Captain.

Reynolds twisted his head, not quite understanding what was going on. He noticed then that the little pup was dressed in full a Federal uniform, but scaled down. Thinking back to the various programs he heard of Steve turned to Osing and asked, "You didn't?"

"He requested it," was all that Osing could muster, without laughing.

"Requested?" Steve said, sitting up, Cathy sat up as well, but stared at her partner with a look of confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Cathy asked.

Ignoring her for the moment, Reynolds asked, "Are you sure you didn't 'push' him into this? You know my feeling towards that unit, I don't approve of this in any way."

"Hey, hey, hey, Steve, what are you talking about?" Cathy persisted, this time gartering his attention.

Sighing he reluctantly replied, "There's a special unit in the Federation, a 'kids division' that involves troopers under the age of 16, often as you as ten. The Federation will conscript them, train them, and put them onto worlds where the enemies might be in hiding, and have them tasked with searching for possible locations of the enemies. Because of their young ages their rather inconspicuous. Who are you likely to suspect, a ten year old, or a twenty-two year old?"

Cathy, with a look of horror in her eyes, turned to Osing and almost yelled, "So that's why you had such a small uniform on hand!"

Shaking his head Osing began to reply, but Sterling walked up behind him and kneeled down as well; "He didn't approve of it either Captain Grey, I pushed it. If it makes you feel any better, I don't approve of that Special Forces unit either, and hopefully since this war is over we can dissolve it."

Cathy's attitude cooled and she sat back next to Steve, she was embarrassed that she had flown so far off the handle, but she had been a bit moody towards everyone the past day or two, with an exception to Steve of course.

This entire time Karl had been standing there, unmoving, but a bit surprised by how angry the couple had gotten at the possibility that he had been forced into service. In reality he thought it might be fun to be in the army, but apparently, from Cathy's and Reynolds' reaction, it must be worse than he thought.

"I'm sorry sir," the puppy began, "I only did it because I thought it would help find you, and get back at that wolf."

Reynolds calmed down as well, and thought of the Alpha Wolf. He remembered what that wolf had done to the small puppy's parents, his whole family, and felt a little guilty over what he had done.

"I didn't mean it like that Karl," the Captain replied, "I just didn't want you to think that this was all you had in life now."

"He still has Lucy," Cathy chimed in.

Everyone in the room chuckled, except Reynolds.

"Lucy?" he asked.

Cathy whispered into his ear, "I'll tell you later."

She knew that was going to be an awkward conversation, she couldn't leave Steve in the dark with all the details of what had happened during his absence, but it was still going to be strange to explain.

"Irregardless," Reynolds continued, "I want him out of this uniform as soon as possible. And if what you say about both of us is true," he looked Osing right in the eye, "then you'll be sure to know I will definitely address this."

Now Cathy asked, "What are you talking about?"

He whispered into her ear, "I'll tell you later."

Drake chuckled hearing this, but Osing only smiled; the Captain was perfect.

"You should know that we're all here to help you two, this hearing will decide the fates of many," Drake commented, "hell these two might very well be in the same situation after you if things don't go well."

Sean and Emily walked up to the couple, and Reynolds, seeing the pair, took a moment, but got the idea.

"You dog!" he chuckled.

Sean just smiled and Emily giggled.

"You knew?" he asked looking at Cathy, who just smiled, and he turned back to the fox and rabbit, "Understand why I did what I did now Sean?"

The fox just nodded and Cathy hugged Steve's arm a bit harder, suppressing a giggle.

To break the uneasy silence, an orderly walked into the waiting room and saluted to the officers; with an exception to Karl, everyone in the room was.

"Sirs, the Senate's assembled and is ready to begin the hearing," the orderly reported, looking a bit nervous.

He turned and left, and Osing stood first.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, remember to put on the right face, they don't take kindly to browbeaters."

Drake, laughing, replied with, "Of all people to say that George, it's you who needs to be a bit well behaved. You're the one always flying off the handle."

Without replying General Osing walked to the door, followed by the rest.

The great Court was quiet, regardless of the fact there was upwards of a thousand people and furries inside, and all eyes were focused on the group entering. The camera's floated on their platforms and followed the group as they walked over to their table. Ahead of them was a long, semi-rounded bench, at least two hundred feet long, packed with at least as many senators. For about three hundred feet back from the bench, line after line of seats filled with many officers, soldiers, and various people, all there to witness this hearing.

It took a full minute for them to make their way to their own bench. They sat, with Cathy and Reynolds at the end, and the Senate, with Senator Dietrich Muaser, the oldest of all the senators, and the most conservative, at the head of the rounded bench. The old ferret was at least sixty, and cared little for this matter, as his facial expression showed.

"This hearing is now in session, would Captain Reynolds please approach the bench," the ferret began, his voice somewhat irate.

Without question Reynolds stood and walked towards the podium in front of the bench, Cathy wishing she could go with him.

After he was standing at the podium Muaser leaned in, and with a thick German accent he began his questioning.

"Captain, because of," he glared at Cathy, "the testimony in past hearings we will not need to touch on your actions before you were captured, but the collective senate needs some clarification to the ones after your capture."

"I will answer to the fullest extent I can," Reynolds replied, glad that at least some of his past mattered only to himself and Cathy.

"First of all, we don't need you to describe how you killed Alpha Prime Mafeu Sadovnik, but rather why," the ferret questioned.

"Because he almost killed my wife," Reynolds answered quickly, which didn't serve well enough to the Senator.

"Let's get something clear here Captain," the ferret said a bit angry at the explanation, "you are by no means married to that fox yet, you may not leave this room a free man so lets take each thing one step at a time shall we? Irregardless of what that wolf may have almost done, you still were in a better position to capture him yet you, by definition, murdered him."

Reynolds, unknowing it to be the worst answer, said, "Then yes senator, if you want to put it like that then yes, I murdered the Alpha."

Behind him Reynolds could her Osing whispering, "Oh fuck."

"So you admit to this? You realize that means you executed a political prisoner of the Federation, making you a traitor?" the ferret said.

Now a bit annoyed, Reynolds replied, "I'm sorry senator but your wrong. I didn't murder or execute a political prisoner of the Federation. First of all, to be a prisoner of the Federation, someone has to capture you, and while I was squeezing the life out of the shitbag, he was still a member of the wolf forces. Also, to be prisoner, you usually have to surrender, and he didn't say a word."

"How could he, you ripped out his throat," the ferret added, "He was unarmed, and was beaten, standing orders were clear, you should not have killed him."

Reacting like Osing tended to, Reynolds banged the podium and yelled, "Why the fuck not?! What would the senate have done anyway? Put him in prison? No! You would have had him killed, but in the process you would have let him feel great about causing more pain to those that would have to testify against him. What senator, do you feel as though I stole your kill? Is it that big of deal to you, or to anyone? I killed him out of rage, because at that moment he was mine. If anyone who lost someone dear to them to that wolf was in the same position, I doubt they would have reacted in any other way."

"I'm telling yo-" the senator began but Sterling stood up, and as he had done for Cathy, saved the Captain as well.

"I think your forgetting something Senator, the Captain, having been captured, was completely unaware of any current standing orders, and cannot be touched therefore."

"Every the lawyer Lt. Colonel? He still killed the Alpha while he was unarmed, and undefended. We have witnesses; Captains Atric and Gates, please approach the bench as well," the senator ordered.

The two stood up and walked up beside the captain, who was holding onto the pedestal with white knuckles.

"You witnessed the Captain murder the Alpha Wolf?" the senator asked, directed at both of them.

Sean nodded and Emily said, "Yes."

"Do you agree with what he did?" Muaser added.

Sean looked back at Osing, who made such a small nod that the fox barely saw it.

"Yes," he answered simply.

"You don't think he acted wrongly? Your own partner, which by the way, we are very aware of your situation as well, was raped repeatedly by that wolf, and you think it's fitting that he was able to avoid persecution by all, and that Captain Reynolds alone had revenge, which in the end was irrelevant since his," the senator winched, "loved one is still alive?"

Sean slammed his fist down on the pedestal, causing all in the room to shudder, even Reynolds. Apparently the ferret had touched a nerve.

"Be glad you're a senator Muaser, or I'd consider killing you right now! How dare you bring that up, how dare you say such a thing in public! Never talk about Emily like that again!"

Emily put her paw on his, but Sean continued beating out the senator, who was flaring with anger.

"You are making a mockery of the Federation by this. I'm glad that the wolf is dead, and yes, to be honest, I wouldn't have minded killing him myself, but it was, so to say, 'luck of the draw' that Captain Reynolds was the one to do it. And for the record senator, I doubt that he considers himself so lucky, he almost lost his wife in the process."

"If someone calls those two husband or wife one more time I'll have them detained!" the senator yelled.

"Oh," Drake stood up, "I guess it doesn't matter to you so much that he killed that wolf anymore, now you just are angry at what they call each other hmm?"

The ferret stared at the Admiral, but he said nothing. The Admiral was one of the few souls in the federation that most feared, particularly furries.

Cathy had heard enough and she, without permission, stood up and walked to Steve and stood by his side.

"This is the second hearing, and let me say, useless hearing, I've been to in less than a month. The first was because you felt that I was wrong to beg Admiral Drake to save my husband, a glorified hero of the Federation, now your persecuting him because he killed one of the most terrible threats to the Federation in it's history."

Almost ignoring her comments the senator motioned with is paw to the bailiff and ordered, "I warned them about calling each other 'husband and wife' have this fox detained for a week and charged with insubordination."

The bailiff walked over to Cathy but Steve stood in his way.

"Touch her and I'll strangle you with your own paws," he said in a low voice, and then turned to the senator, "You ever make an order like that and I will kill you, and I don't think anyone will try and stop me either, not that they could."

Almost hot with anger the senator stood up and yelled, "I want both of them detained, and charged with treason now!"

To the senator's horror, none of the bailiffs moved, nor did any of the house guards. Reynolds took a combative stance and, being that everyone knew what he was capable of, wasn't going to try anything.

Osing turned to Drake and whispered, "I think he's the one."

"I said bring him to the detention cell!" the senator yelled, now even angrier, but becoming nervous.

Still no one moved, but with a commanding voice Reynolds said, "Sit down senator, before I order you sent to a detention cell."

Seeing that he might very well be listened to, the senator sat down.

"There is no reason why we are here right now," Reynolds began, in a surprisingly calm voice, "the only thing the senate should be doing right now is figuring out who the next Consular is. I don't know if you've forgotten, but he was a traitor, and Otho is dead now, and if you don't get working at that then I-" the Captain cut himself off, he almost said something that would make him a traitor.

"Yes?" the senator asked, seeing he might catch the Captain now.

Seeing the Captain's distress, Osing walked up beside him, now there was a crowd standing before the senate.

"If you don't find a replacement for the late Consular Otho, then by law, the senior military officers may appoint one at their leisure. I am giving the senate one day, only one day, to find and agree on someone for the job, and if he is not present, here, in twenty-four hours, I will appoint Captain Reynolds as Consular of the Federation, and anyone who opposes it will considered a traitor, and carted off immediately."

The whole room was silent. Usually after each thing said there would be murmurings in the audience and among the senators, but now there was complete utter silence. General Osing had basically ordered the Senate to challenge his decision, and the fact was, that they could never pull it off. Whether anyone wanted to believe it or not, the General had just announced the next Consular of the Federation.

Cathy held Reynolds close, whose face was a mixture of horror and disbelief. Although Osing had mentioned the possibility, the Captain never believed it, but now the possibility was, for all intensive purposes, fact.

"Now, with that being said," Osing continued, "I am closing this hearing, and the next thing of my concern is when, as the senator has so plainly stated, these two are going to be married, for real, so we can end this BS of referring to whose with who under whose name."

Now Steve held onto Cathy close. They both felt the collective gaze of billions of billions of humans and furries alike boring down on them. What they had both thought of a simple thing was now in the limelight. To add to their fear, everyone in the large court, including Osing, turned and looked at the pair.

"Well? Sound good to you two?" Osing asked, in a warmer voice.

Neither answered, and Cathy felt cold again. She suppressed a shiver and felt light headed.

To help his friends Sean walked up and said, "I think that we've all had enough, this is something to be discussed later."

Sean could have sworn he heard Steve whisper "Thank you."

"I agree," Osing said after a moment.

For about fifteen minutes the senators and audience filed out, but the group of friends remained. When the room was clear they all came back together by the podium, Cathy and Steve still unmoving, his hands trembling in her paws a little.

"I think you might have gone a bit to far with that part George," Drake commented.

"Which part?"

Smiling and shaking his head, "I actually don't think that matters, the whole speech was boarder line treason."

"No it wasn't. It is a fact that the senate has to produce a replacement, and if they don't the senior military officers have the right to appoint one themselves," Osing said, looking at Reynolds.

Sterling looked them over and said, "I don't think he was expecting that."

Steve managed to nod his head, Osing's words were still echoing in his ears.

"S-Sir... I don't think I could..." he managed.

Osing walked right up to the captain and looked him right in the eye, "I don't think there's anyone else who could do it better. Maybe Captain Grey, but that's about it."

Steve felt Cathy in his hands, and she felt cold and clammy again.

"Which brings me to what I care about most," Osing continued, "I think it's a good idea, that if you two are going to get," the General paused, sensing the awkwardness but ignoring it for the most part, "married, you do it fast."

"Why?" Steve asked, not so much adverse to the concept, but wondering why it mattered.

"First of all, it's a known fact she's carrying your child, and it doesn't look good considering your remaining with her anyway."

Cathy clutched his hand in her paw, she thought of being the mother of his child and actually felt warmer.

"The other is that I think you both want to anyway. You keep calling each other husband and wife, which I think is cute and all, but your not technically married, and it does make you both look a bit..." he searched for the right words but found none.

"What?" Steve asked.

"Don't know, but it just seems like you should," Osing answered, a bit disappointed with himself for not being able to think of the right words.

Steve and Cathy looked around, and the other's all nodded.

"When then?" they both asked simultaneously.

"Tomorrow?" Drake proposed.

"Tomorrow?!" Cathy exclaimed.

"Why not?" Osing added, "be honest with yourselves? Would you rather wait? Are either of you going to ask the other for permission?"

"No," Steve answered, actually cracking a smile, "But I think we need to talk more about this if you don't mind."

Osing nodded and walked away, followed by Sterling and Drake. Karl, Emily, and Sean stayed for a moment, but then left the two standing there, both deep in thought. Now the room felt eerily silent and empty. More than sixty thousand square feet was the courtroom, and only a fox and a human stood in it.

"Tomorrow..." Cathy repeated.

Steve walked Cathy over to the table, and sat her down on his lap.

"Well, it's not like there's anyone else we need to be there," he mused.

That was an understatement. Cathy had few people in the Federation she liked, that weren't here, and neither did the Captain.

"But such little time to..." she trailed off, a bit overtaken by the thought.

"I leave the decision to you Cathy, you always know what's best for us," he said, rubbing her cheek.

She took a deep breath and repeated again, but this time with more feeling, "Tomorrow."

"I love you," Reynolds told her, and hugged her tightly, "you feel cold," he added.

"I am," she replied, smiling though, "Can we go home...." She trailed off again, but this time they both were perplexed, where was home?

Ignoring extra part of the question, Reynolds stood her up and walked her to exit; she walked somewhat stiff and shivered a bit.

"I'm going to get you someplace warm, don't worry," he said to her lovingly.

"I don't worry, I know you will," she replied, her tail wrapping around his leg.

As they walked out of the senate building, they saw a shuttle take off and rise to the closely orbiting Endeavor. They walked over to the landing pad and saw not a shuttle, but just a normal ground transport. Reynolds and Cathy walked over to the transport, where they were met by a Major, a zebra, who smiled at seeing the pair.

"Sir?" the Captain asked, "Are we not to return to the Endeavor?"

Shaking his head the zebra replied, "No, I'm under orders from General Osing to take you two to the Consular's estate."

Steve huffed in annoyance; this was going way to fast.

"I'm not the Consular yet, and I'm not going to stay there," the Captain said.

Without hesitating the zebra opened the transports door, got in and replied, "Well, there's no way to get to the Endeavor from here, and your wife looks cold so, for her sake at least, just spend the night at least."

Had Reynolds not been a human, but a dog, he would have growled, but instead he twisted his mouth angrily and helped Cathy into the airbus. Seeing this the zebra chuckled to himself, the General had been right, call the fox the Captain's wife and he'll follow along.

Once they were all secure, the airbus took off, and sped through the capital towards the Consular's estate.

Cathy clutched to Reynolds, and shivered slightly. She felt very cold, but at least she didn't feel alone. In the distance they could see the huge estate, at least seventeen stories tall, rising out of the open ground. It was almost understandable why someone of poverty would want to keep that home at the expense of his or her loyalty, almost.

Sitting up to get a better view of the estate Cathy let out a long, "Wow..."

Steve rubbed her side, and actually was getting excited as the airbus came closer to the large estate. The bus came to a stop about a hundred meters from the huge building and the pair stepped out. The zebra remained inside, but pointed with his hoof to the building, as he wasn't sure if the couple was going to actually go.

The bus took off and Cathy and Reynolds stood there for a moment, staring at the building. A gust of wind blew past the pair, causing both their clothes to ruffle and her tail to catch in the breeze. Although she felt cold, she didn't show it, she was just memorized by the estate.

"I think I could enjoy this..." she commented, wondering of how nice it might be.

Steve didn't answer, but his thoughts did parallel hers.

The next gust of wind caused Cathy to shiver, and, holding her, Steve walked the pair to the estate.

They were greeted at the door by a middle-aged cat; he had gray fur, sagging ears, and looked as if he head seen better days. In short, he looked like he fit perfectly with Captain Reynolds and Cathy.

"Hello sir," the cat said, nodding his head to the Captain, "Ma'am," he did the same for Cathy, "If you are hungry we can have anything you want prepared momentarily."

Sighing and feeling Cathy's cold fur, Reynolds replied, "Nothing thank you. I think we're going to go to bed."

"Alright sir, I'll see you to your room," the cat said, and took them into the house and up the large staircase.

At the top, they rounded a hall, and came to two rather extravagant, large doors.

"Here is your room," and the cat almost opened the door, but Reynolds put up his hand, stopping the cat's arm short.

"Was that Otho's room?" he asked, a slightly angry tone noticeable in his voice.

Understanding the cat didn't answer, but turned and walked the pair down the hall another hundred feet or so, and came to a set of doors, not as extravagant, but still more than the Captain or Cathy needed.

"I think you'll find this room to your liking sir," and the cat opened the doors.

The room was huge. The ceiling was at least twelve feet tall, and the walls were draped with equally tall paintings and murals. The bed was larger than the one Reynolds and Cathy had slept in the previous night, and looked more appropriate for a platoon of soldiers, not one or two people or furries.

Seeing their reaction the cat turned and walked down the hall, leaving the two to their own thoughts.

Cathy shivered again and Reynolds came to her aid. He walked her into the room and to the side of the bed. She crawled into the bed but continued shivering. Looking around the room Reynolds spotted a fireplace. It was mostly ornamental, with the heating system installed they could have this room at 400 degrees, but, as you would expect, the Captain preferred the fireplace.

He walked over to it, turned on the gas, and set it afire. The pre-placed wood crackled in the fire and the Captain felt an instant wash of heat over his face.

"Perfect," he commented to himself.

Steve turned and walked back to the bed, where Cathy lay, still shivering. She had watched him turn on the fire, and as he walked back she pushed her way from under the first layer of covers and sat up.

"The fires warm," he said to her, in a very content and calm voice.

She nodded and got up, walked over to the fire with Steve close behind. Cathy felt the warmth of the fire envelope her, but she didn't feel warm until he came up behind her and hugged her tightly. He rubbed his face against the fur on her cheek and she cooed happily. She moved her tail around his body and up his back, as he rubbed her belly and moved his hand in a warming motion along her leg.

She smiled and turned her head to meet his eyes, "This is much better."

"I know," he replied, "but is it the fire alone?"

She moaned at the joke, and replied, "It might be..."

He smiled now and moved his hands to her face and turned her slowly to meet him face to face. She wasn't shivering, she didn't look upset or unhappy, she looked the way she had the first night she had been with him, the way she had looked that night by the lake, and she felt the same way as well.

Cathy nuzzled his face with her snout. She felt him move his hands down her back carefully and rubbed the base of her tail. As hard as she tried she couldn't help it, and she let out a small "yiff."

Hearing that his hand motions worked he brought his hands back to her face and held her as they kissed. It had been a long time since they had felt... this way with each other. The previous night had not been without it's games, but it was clear that it had been a mere warm-up.

Breaking the kiss he held her paws and took a few steps back, pulling her along back to the bed. He sat down on it and Cathy straddled him, locking lips as she did.

She ran her tongue within his mouth and just by the way his hands moved on her checks, she could tell that each time she "lapped" the inside his mouth he was enjoying it that much more. Cathy could also feel, through both their pants, a noticeable amount of arousal forming in his trousers, as was hers. She could feel her pussy lips dripping and drooling, knowing that it's partner was so close.

"I take it you missed this as well?" she commented, not really breaking the kiss though.

He didn't answer but rolled his hands down and onto one of her tits. She moaned graciously, she was eager for what was coming, possibly more so than him. The vixen then remembered how much she had missed this part of their relationship, and felt guilty over what she had done in his absence.

"Before we 'go' I need to tell you something," she said, a bit nervous and dreading what he might say in reply.

Only smiling Steve replied, "No problem."

Sighing she laid him back, which surprised him. She laid down next to him and caressed his body.

"While you were gone, Karl slept with me," she said, not realizing how that sounded to him.

Steve's eyes went wide and looked at her, and almost sat up but she kept her paw on his chest.

"Wha-what do you mean?" he said as calmly as possible. Needless to say, some strange thoughts went through his mind.

Catching on the vixen clenched up her face, realizing how that sounded and added, "I mean he slept in the bed with me. Remember I mentioned Lucy?"

Reynolds nodded, a bit relieved but still a bit suspicious; not of Cathy, but now of what he had preserved as an innocent little puppy.

"Well, it turns out she's... well... basically Karl's lover," she replied.

"As in-" he began but was cut off by Cathy saying, "Yes."

"What I need to tell you though," she continued, "is that one of the nights he slept in the same bed, I kinda went," she felt embarrassed for so many reasons, "into heat."

With a disgusted smile he asked, "You didn't..."

Knowing that might be the logical conclusion she put up her paw and replied, "No! No! No! You have to trust me..." and she trailed off, remembering what she had told the senator way back before she had found Steve.

Smiling the Captain replied, "Then say no more, I think I understand."

And with that Cathy closed her eyes and felt a level of relief she hadn't felt in weeks. While her eyes were closed, Steve took his hand, which was already rubbing her belly, and slipped it, so carefully she didn't notice, down the front of her pants, and started feeling around.

The feeling of his fingers brought her whole mind to a level she wasn't entirely prepared for at the moment. His hand cradled her moist pussy lips, and he cupped it in a way that made her whole body feel hot for the first time in days. She moaned as he slipped a single finger inside, and she felt very, very hot. Cathy bought her paws up to her shirt unbuttoned, removed, and threw it away. She turned her head and kissed him, who seemed to be happy to see her in a perfect level of comfort.

Steve tried to rub the inside of her pussy as gently, but as effectively as possible. Her pussy was more than just dripping with her juices, but flooding with them. Although she had removed her shirt, she still wore a sports bra and she was breathing hard. No longer did she look or feel cold; her fur and the skin beneath felt hot to the touch, and she actually looked like she was sweating.

He removed his hand from her pants. It was drenched with her cunny juices and he brought it to his lips and licked it up. It was sweet, and made him want to burry his face into her pussy.

She had different ideas, and she pulled back from him, and crawled, making sure to sway her rump as she did, to the top of the bed, and made a come hither motion with her tongue. He moved over as well, and as he did she stripped down completely, feeling very comfortable nude; not to hot, not to cold.

Steve did the same, and within a few seconds was spooning her, loving the feeling of her fur rubbing against every part of his body. Even though she was facing him, he still caressed her moist pussy, and she in turn rubbed his now very hard member.

"Ready?" he asked quietly, smiling at his beautiful vixen.

"Mmm hmm," she moaned, and pulled away from him again, but this time positioned herself under the covers, and would have jumped for joy if it wouldn't have changed the moment.

Steve slipped himself under the covers as well. Aside from the fact his furry lover was beneath them, it was an even better step up from the bed they had shared the previous night. He moved on top of her and moved his face and lips over her face and top half of her body.

"Will we still do this if you become consular?" she asked, as he kissed the base of her neck.

He looked up and smiled, "I don't think I would become consular if I couldn't. I know I wouldn't if I couldn't be with you."

She gave him a toothy smile as well and kissed his lips deeply. She thrusted her tongue into his mouth, and she felt his cock twitch and rub against the fur on her leg.

Steve caressed her furry breast in his hand and Cathy continued rubbing his erect cock. She moaned passionately as he cupped her breast and rotated it in soft circles.

"I love you so much Cathy, I can't even tell you how much I do," Reynolds said, each word coming from the deepest regions of his heart, he didn't even think of each word.

"You don't have to..." she moaned as he continued rubbing her breasts, "And I don't think I need to tell you that I can't think of a worst fate than to never see you again. Can we just stay in bed like this forever?"

Smiling he removed his hand from her perk tit and replied, "I can't think of a better thing," chuckling he added, "but I doubt that they would allow that."

Nuzzling his face she responded with, "Who cares what they want? All that matters is that we can be with each other."

He nuzzled her back, even though he really didn't have a snout, "Lets do this. If we're not in the spotlight, we're together in as close a way as we can manage."

"That's sounds nice," she whispered, and turned her head and looked him in the eye.

Cathy felt her heart flutter, as did Steve's, and the two knew better at that moment, more than they ever had, that they were going to be with each other forever, if not in person, but in spirit. They finally realized they had never been separated. Each had thought of nothing but the other, and by that effort alone, they had been linked without sight.

The vixen picked her head up and kissed the Captain deeply, thinking of the moment that he would cum deep inside her dripping cunt.

"I can't wait until we're married and I can show you to all as my husband," she whispered into his mouth, it not going unnoticed to him.

"Me neither," he replied back into her mouth, "and I want everyone to know you are my wife."

As she kissed him, Reynolds reached down, and pressed his cock head against her tight pussy lips. The vixen gave out a moan into his mouth, and with her paw, reached down and hugged the Captain's back. He felt her pressing down, and, carefully, he thrusted his entire length into her warm sheath.

"Oh God..." she moaned as he twisted his hips, getting ready to make sure she enjoyed herself as much as he could manage.

He drew himself from her and trusted, not really fast, but quick enough that her tits bounced as he filled her tight lips. Picking up speed he started thrusting at a more than adequate rate. Cathy's moans filled the huge bedroom and she held onto his back with both her paws, moaning faster and faster over his shoulder.

Cathy was once again happier than never before. Each event in their now combined lives seemed to be the best yet, only to be dwarfed by the next. She wished they could stay like this forever.

Steve reached down and held her furry hips, and used his grip as leverage to move her as he thrusted. The move worked and she moaned louder and higher pitched. With one of his hands he reached around and rubbed her tail, and then the base of it. In between her moans she "yiffed" once and again, but now without trying to hide them.

From his combined thrusting and stroking of the base of her tail Cathy could feel herself cumming. She wanted to cum at the same time as Steve, so she tried to hold it off, but his motions were just too... Perfect.

"I'm-I'm Cumming!" she almost screamed into his ear, "ohhhhhhhh!" she yelled further.

Her pussy muscles convulsed and clamped down on his cock, trying to make him ejaculate as well, but to no avail. She came hard and fast, her moans and screams silencing but she bucked her hips hard enough that Steve saw that he could stop for the moment. Her cum stream shot out and drenched the bed, not to mention her fur and his legs. It's smell filled both their noses, and caused his cock to tremble and twinge within her convulsing twat.

He did, in fact, almost cum, but he wanted to make her cum as many times as he could manage, but that wasn't going to be many. Her cum spurted out of her cunt like a fountain and, as it had done in the past, drenched the bed and both of their legs. Her legs flailed a bit, but then he placed his in a way so that they press against his, and she finally let out a deep moan as her main cum subsided.

For a full minute she shuttered with after shocks, Steve not moving, only kissing her deeply. Her tongue couldn't thrust into his mouth, and she could barely kiss him back, she was breathing to hard and felt weak from that single cum.

"Ready?" he asked, kissing her forehead.

"Yes! Please yes!" she moaned, "Please cum in me!"

He knew he wouldn't last another good run, and right now, he didn't care. Steve restarted his thrusting, but this time Cathy arched her back and breathed hard. Worrying he might hurt her by putting his weight on her arched back, he moved his hands from her hips, to under her back, and held her up to him. Although he was still technically on top of her, he was holding her to him, rather than having the vixen rest her back on the bed.

Deciding he wanted to reposition himself, he locked hips with her, causing Cathy to lean just her head back in pure ecstasy. Steve sifted her so that they both laid on their sides, and let her rest completely on the bed. Before he started again he let her catch her breath. She was panting so hard that her tongue hung out and to the side of her mouth.

After making sure that she was comfortable, he moved his cock out and then thrusted in again to the hilt. Her mouth opened wider and she let out a wheezing breath. Steve leaned in and locked his lips around hers, and, while drawing his cock once again, actually assisted her in breathing. The vixen held the back of his head and kissed him as he blew gently into her throat.

He managed on more thrust, then Cathy started shaking her head screaming, "I'm cummingggggg!"

She hadn't been able to prepare this time, and the orgasmic wave washed over her unchecked. Her entire body stiffened next to his and her tail wagged erratically. Her cum shot out of her in a long hot stream of sweet smelling, and as he used his fingers to play with her clit, sweet tasting juices. Three good thrusts were all that it needed, all that was needed to make her cum good and hard again.

Realizing that she was going to need a good amount of time to recuperate after this cum, Steve left his cock buried inside her, and kissed her neck and cheeks as she breathed heaver than before.

Stroking her check, which calmed her panting considerably, he said to his glowing lover, "My beautiful vixen. Your so strong on the outside, yet you are so delicate to the touch, I'm so glad I found you, I'm so glad your safe," the Captain said as his hand brushed past the spot that she had been shot in.

From the adrenalin rush caused by the rapid succession of cumings, Cathy was very aware of her surroundings, even though she was barely able to catch her breath. Each time his hand rubbed across a single hair on her body, it sent shivers of ecstasy that all moved down her body, into her now soaked pussy, and up into her heart.

Through her gasps for breath she managed to reply, "Only you, huuh, manage to bring these, huuh, feelings. I think, huuh, that it is because," and her voice and breath was strong for a moment, "you are my man, my savior, and my husband, but most of all, you are you."

Steve smiled as she continued breathing hard, but smiling back at him.

"You've, huuh, never been fake to me, huuh, you've always treated me like no other, huuh, and for that, huuh, above all else, huuh, is why I give myself to you, huuh, each time we are together like this."

The display of affection and love really took hold of Reynolds, and he clasped the fox close to his body, and waited for her heavy breathing to subside.

The smell of her sex was intoxicating, he could barely think, much less contain himself. Steve looked over her sleek body as she nuzzled his neck. Basically her entire lower half was drenched with her juices.

After about five minutes, Steve noticed she wasn't calming down, and he rubbed her face gentler, trying to make sure she was okay.

Almost hearing his thoughts she said to him, "Steve, please cum in me. Fill me like you did back at the lake."

With one hand he rubbed her check, and with the other he wrapped his arm around her back, and began shifting her on top of him, but she put her paw back on the bed, and held herself done.

"No, I'm okay, I really, really like this position," she protested, trying to keep him on top.

Half of her reasoning was true. The fact was she liked having him on top. She liked the way she could, when she came, snuggle into him and feel more like they are one, but she had an ulterior motive. She couldn't physically take being on top right now. Aside from the fact her legs were too weak to help ride him, she wasn't sure she could take being fucked like that. Cathy couldn't put her paw on why this time, of all times, she was so... sensitive.

He nodded and repositioned himself over her, in somewhat of a push-up position, with his arms curled at the sides of her head. His face hung just above hers and he used that chance to kiss her deeply for a long time. Steve also liked this position, it gave him a chance to see all of his beloved vixen and when he laid on top her, he could feel her fur envelop him.

"Slowly..." Cathy said looking him in the eye.

Giving her a kiss on her neck he restarted humping her, slower than he had done before. She started moaning almost immediately, and her tail squirmed between her legs and her paws flailed about. Using one of his hands to support himself, he clutched one of her paws and brought it to his face, rubbing the fur on his own cheek. She smiled and felt her pussy lips quiver.

Her white belly and snout had taken on a very, very light pinkish hue from the sexing, and she moaned each time he filled her, or withdrew himself from her. The fox's breathing was harder than before, and Steve was worried she wouldn't be enjoying herself while she tried to catch her breath.

"Easy in easy out Cathy..." he said, not exactly sure how to put across what he was trying to do.

Nodding she moaned in reply. "Mmm Hmm."

The sound of his voice did in fact calm, her, and it worked well enough that Steve actually felt her hips move slightly with his.

Seeing that it worked, Steve continued talking to the willing vixen, "I think you like this position most of all."

She moaned back again and to his surprise she started rocking her hips against his, forcing his cock deeper and deeper within her dripping cunt. Then, to only add to his surprise, she took one of her paws and wrapped it around his back, pulling him down on top of her.

"I like this better..." she whispered into his ear, and then gave his ear a small nibble.

"So do I," he replied, and felt her pussy muscles further tighten around his cock.

Cathy's hips bucked against his actually at a good rate, and he matched her speed with his thrusting. Soon they were both moaning, and Cathy's tongue met his in the air, leaving small traces of saliva on both their faces.

"Oh God Cathy..." he moaned as he felt her pussy lips hugging his throbbing member.

His cock pulled in and out, each time he rubbed the base of it against her very erect clit. It was shinny with her normal pussy juices, and it made a wonderful lube. Each time he thrusted in he buried his cock to the balls in her cunt, and she moaned graciously for it.

"I'm so glad you're a person," she said, licking his lips and tasting him, "your skin is soft against my fur-" she was cut off by a rubbing of her clit with his fingers.

Brining them up to his mouth he licked her juices, and using her long tongue she wrapped it around his fingers and tasted her own drippings. It caused her heart to flutter again, and she moved her tongue right from Steve's fingers to his mouth. She thrusted it deep, almost into his throat, and licked. He tasted as good as she did, and it only felt better each time his cock rubbed against the moist parts of her nether regions.

His dick separated her tight cunt, causing a slight sucking sound to be heard as her lips closed in behind his cock, and formed a seal. Each time, using some force, her retrieved his hard on from inside her, and as it's head rubbed against the vixen's insides she felt the same type of shocks of pleasure that she had after a good cum.

In a plight of ecstasy she reached down, and using the softest portion of her paw, rubbed the base of his dick and balls. Steve's body stiffened to this newfound pleasure and she let out a stifled giggle at the sight of his pleasured smile.

Cathy brought her paws back up to his face and kissed him as he continued fucking her. This time it was his tongue that danced inside her mouth, and she enjoyed that almost as much as his cock.

Giving a toothy smile she asked, "Ready Steve?"

This time he only nodded, and they both felt the pressure of their own, and each other's orgasm building.

Her strong complexion disappeared as she felt his cock swell inside her cunny. To only add to this, he remembered something, her special spot. Right before he felt his cum shoot up his tubes, he pressured her spot, and it instantly caused her paws to tighten around him.

"Oh my God!" Cathy moaned passionately, her body stiffing up against his again. Her hips raced furiously against his, and then with one full thrust, she locked hips with his, and felt her juices surge.

His cock twitched once inside her and then released a torrent of cum, deep inside her. They could both feel it washing over every inch of her insides, and the feeling was so great that she brought her legs up and around his waist, which only gave him more room to burry himself inside her. She came as well, with washed in and around his invading cock and cum, which made her bite down in her mouth, then open it in a silent scream.

This time her cunt formed a perfect seal around his cock, locking it in place and stopping any cum from slipping out of her greedy pussy. His strong arms wrapped around the fur on her body, and brought her so close to him that she felt as if they were one, for real.

Cathy didn't moan, nor scream, not that she would have anyway; her mouth just hung open and her tongue moved vibrantly inside it. It didn't matter either, because right before his cum washed the insides of her belly, Steve locked his lips around her open mouth, and kissed her in a way he had never done before.

Wisps of his milky white cum pushed and barraged against her sealed pussy lips, which only made them both cum harder. Using the extra room a lot by her wrapped legs, Steve moved deeper and with all his might tried to allow the strong release of all his cum.

The extra amount of his cum being discharged into her welcoming cunt caused her to finally to break his kiss and her silent scream, and she let out a long, "Yesssssssssssssssss!!!"

The vixen lowered her legs and straddled them around his, still screaming, "God yes! Cum deep inside my cunt!"

"Oh Cathy my love!" he moaned into her face and he felt her pussy lips almost biting on his cock, which only added to his pleasure.

He cradled her body in his arms as the orgasmic waves rocketed throughout her body, causing her to loose her breath twice.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh!" the fox groaned, her cum still shooting out of her pussy like a fountain, but being blocked from exit by his cock and the seal around which her pussy formed.

It could have lasted hours, it could have lasted seconds, but while they both came they lost all sense of time. They both breathed hard and looked longingly into each other's eyes. He looked at his beloved fox, and she looked at her beloved man.

With the tremors of their orgasmic glory still rolling over him, Steve lifted face about two inches from hers and felt words come to mind.

His eyes and body heavy he said, "From now to the end of time, you are my wife and nothing will ever tear us apart. No law, no man, no gun, no anything. And just as that, nothing will ever change my love for you, or the fact that you are my wife; no law, ceremony or ruling."

Hearing this closed her eyes, it was the final relief she needed. Cathy brought his head to rest on hers, their foreheads touching.

She licked his lips and said in return, "No one, not now, not ever can or will love you the way I do. That won't ever change as well. If tomorrow I am calling myself Catharine Reynolds, and it means that to all as well, it doesn't change a thing for me either. I am your wife, and I want you to be my husband for all time. Whatever it takes to preserve that, I would be willing to do."

Steve wrapped his arms around his fox, and felt her fur envelop him, just as he always loved.

"I've dreamed of nothing but this moment since those wolves stole you from me..." she said, nuzzling the side of his face once again, "...you?"

Smiling he placed her face right before his, "No..." he said, making her look at him, still happy but perplexed, "this one," and he kissed her.

From the still shocks of their orgasms in them, and their vows, it was the best embrace they ever shared. Cathy rolled her paws through Steve's hair, and thought in her mind, "He's right, this is the moment I've waited for."

She closed her eyes and so did he, and they both felt each other, as if they were one, slipping off into something. It wasn't sleep; it was something else, something much, much better and happier.

Briefing Room Aboard FN Endeavor 2010 Military Time

"...so that's the plan then?" Sterling said, leaning back in his chair.

"Yep, I think for the benefit of all of us, particularly those two, this is the safest course of action. Might not look the best to all, but it is definitely the safest," Osing replied.

Sitting up Drake added, "Then it is settled, tomorrow we have a Consular, and those two will have their wish."

"Yes," Osing replied, "But first we need to have them brought here, to discuss what they really want. I won't make a decision now without Reynolds' approval. If he wants to be Consular, he will, and if he doesn't... well, we'll deal with that if it comes to that."

"When do we pick them up?" the intelligence dog asked, wondering what answer the General would produce.

"Have you not listened to a word I said? Pick them up when he wants to be picked up; they defiantly need to, ahem, sleep in..." the General grinned.


**A Ranger's Tail** **Book 4: Traitor** **Chapter 1 A New Face** Aboard Captured Freighter's Bridge 8:39AM He couldn't believe it. The Captain had figured that whomever the traitor was he was high up, but he could believe who it was. "So what are...

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**A Ranger's Tail** **Book 3: Partnership** **Chapter 1 An End** FN Trident Orbiting Chyane preparing to engage escaping wolf ships, 1200 hours military time Admiral Drake had no idea what to do. The damn fox, moreover a traitor, had informed him...

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** A Ranger's Tail** **Book 2: Gone** **Chapter 1 New Game** 200 yards from Ranger LZ 1104 hours Military Time For a long moment the three of them just stood there, both Captain Reynolds and Colonel Hushing were stunned and not sure what had...

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