
Story by RC1138 on SoFurry

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#3 of A Ranger's Tail

A Ranger's Tail

Book 3: Partnership

Chapter 1 An End

FN Trident Orbiting Chyane preparing to engage escaping wolf ships, 1200 hours military time

Admiral Drake had no idea what to do. The damn fox, moreover a traitor, had informed him that a great hero of the Federation was about to be killed by ships under his command.

He mused the possibilities; on one hand he had his duty, and his orders straight from the Consular himself, and he did agree the only way to deal with the Alpha Prime was to kill him. On the other hand he had Captain Reynolds, a man that had saved his life, his ship, and many thousands of other Federation soldiers.

"But what if she's lying?" he thought, "she's already a damn traitor."

The possibility crossed his mind.

"Sergeant Grey, how can you assure us that Captain Reynolds is aboard a dropship?"

He got no response.

"Sergeant Grey come in, Over?"

Still nothing. He was angry with that.

"Fucking fox must be lying," Drake said aloud, causing more than half the bridge crew to flare with irritation, "Arm all weapons and prepare to engage targets lieutenant Paul," Drake yelled at his weapons officer.

The Admiral saw a look of pure hatred in the dog's eyes, which only made Drake even less compliant in his mind.

"He couldn't have been captured, those damn soldiers are next to impossible to kill," he thought.

On the main view screen the wolf dropships tried to speed away, hoping to make a successful jump. If Drake acted now, none, not a one, would be able to get away, but, to his surprise, he harbored doubt. He could be a hero of the Federation; end the war with the wolves, he may have condemned Captain Reynolds to death but the good Captain would likely have died himself to end the war.

"But he deserted..." Drake said aloud. The various people and furries on the deck were quite confused. Aside from his normal disregard for other's species, he was talking to himself, something very uncharacteristic of the Admiral.

"That damn fox persuaded him to leave! How could he just run from the Federation?" Drake yelled out aloud. Now some of the others on deck were getting somewhat worried.

Drake's XO, the only other human on the bridge, walked up next to him and quietly said, "Sir, do you want me to take the con?"

Drake turned, wide-eyed, anger flaring through every inch of his face.

"No," the Admiral commanded.

He sat down and put his head in his hand. The damn fox said he was her husband, even used his name.

"Do it for him..." her voice echoed in his mind.

"Mother fucker!" he yelled.

The XO became irate himself, "Sir, if you don't calm down I'll have to relieve you of your command!"

The whole bridge was silent, until lieutenant Paul reported, "Sir's," he wasn't sure who was in command, "we are within firing range, orders?"

Admiral Drake stood on the bridge, his bridge, and found himself obeying the command of some fox, a sergeant no less, planet side.

"Fuck it!" he yelled, causing his XO to grab his shoulder. Before he could say anything Drake barked his orders, "negative Paul, stand down and bring us to holding station. Ensign Carney, send a retrieval boat to pick up the Sergeant. If she resists arrest I want her captured and brought directly to the brig. Also call intelligence and have their representative come to my stateroom." He turned to his XO, "John you have the bridge."

He walked off the bridge, every eye followed him, and they had all heard and seen everything, particularly the message from Sergeant Grey.

A Wolf dropship Leaving Chyane

"Look sir, they're battleship is moving off, your 'pal' followed through!" the pilot reported to the Alpha Prime.

Mafeu wasn't capable of showing fear, but he had been worried when he saw the massive ship moving towards their minuscule transport.

"Yes," Mafeu commented, "apparently he feared being exposed more than he actually cares about wining this war."

"That's Admiral Drake's ship isn't it?" the pilot asked as he punched in the jump coordinates.

Alpha wolf Mafeu studied the battleship and nodded, "Yep, I'm impressed that our politician was able to convince him, Drake's a dumb fucking hard ass."

One of his guards walked in and saluted, "Sir, the prisoners are secured," and he held out the gauntlet.

"Good, send a message to our 'friend' and tell him to meet us at these coordinates," he said and handed the wolf the info card.

Mafeu smiled, he was eager to "debrief" the Captain, which is why he was taking them to the safest part of the universe, the one place they could never be found, and the one place the Federation really would never look.

Outskirts of Ronch, Chyane 1:48PM

She awoke to a raindrop on her snout. She opened her eyes to see a gray, overcast sky. The sight only brought more pain to her heart. Cathy wanted to lie there and die; she never wanted to see another thing again.

The fox started crying, she wanted Steve, and she felt left behind. He had basically given his life to save hers, at the expense of himself and the Federation. She had tried to save him, but she was talking to Admiral Drake, she knew it, and he would near believe her, much less do what she begged. She curled into a ball and wept. She saw his Thompson near by and she crawled over to it; her leg hurt and she thought it was broken.

"He was the only one who ever loved me! My own fucking father didn't love me as much as he did! The only man to ever love me, and those fucking wolves killed him! They could have left him! They could have left him! All they had to do was leave him!" she sobbed as she looked at the gun.

She cradled the weapon and cried, thinking of the last few moments, what he had said.

"He called me his wife!" she sobbed, "he said I was his wife! He wasn't even allowed to propose to me in peace, he had to yell it out among those fucking wolves!"

She cried harder now, thinking that he may come back; wishing he'd come back.

Then Cathy had a moment of clarity, her sobs stopped short. She held her stomach and thought of what else he said, "She's carrying my child!"

She cried even harder than before. Some how he had known about something so personal to her that she hadn't. Cathy knew he would have told her, he would have waited to a moment where it could have been the most glorious news that it was, but he couldn't even tell her this directly.

"My husband! He didn't even get to tell me! He-" she cut herself off with a sob.

The whole area was clear, no sounds other than her sobbing and the soft patter of the rain of the ground. Then, as she lie there broken and completely forlorn, she heard a small and weak grown back near the village. She slowed her sobbing and clutched the Thompson. She hoped it was a wolf, she really did, and she would make him pay for his brethrens actions.

But it wasn't a wolf, she knew it, it was too high pitched, like that of a small child-

"Karl!" she yelled.

She still felt dead inside, but she couldn't let him die on the field, he was alone in the universe too.

Cathy limped over to his small downed body, her leg felt terrible. She fell a few feet from his body and crawled to him. He was face down in the mud and she turned him on his back. He let out a raged cry and struggled to breath; he was still unconscious though. He had a huge gash on his face, and was bleeding a lot.

She cradled his body and held him. She was totally engulfed in sadness, and it wasn't all just her own. The poor dog had lost his family, and was now severely injured by the same bastards. She couldn't believe she had the strength, even with the armor, but she managed to lift the young pup up and brought him to what had been her and Reynolds cabin the previous night.

Cathy saw his pack on the ground and wanted to die, but she had to make sure that Karl was okay; Reynolds had sacrificed himself for his efforts too. Cathy laid him on the bed and turned off her armor. She slipped on some sweats, and she saw her leg wasn't broken, but very beaten. She got a moist rag and wiped his head. The wound must have burned because his eyes fluttered as she did.

"K-Karl?" she asked, her eyes burned but she stayed focused on him.

He didn't respond but his eyes kept trembling.

"Good, at least he's not dead," she said sorely.

His whole face clenched and he opened his eyes, Cathy stroked his head carefully, trying to coax him into consciousness. His eyes stayed opened and tried to focus. He looked straight up, then at her, and he let out a sickly deep cough, causing his entire little body to shake. She covered his mouth with the cloth, and when he stopped she saw blood on the spot where he had coughed.

She turned him on his side, fearing he may go into shock. She laid down in the bed with him and covered them both, she had to keep him warm or he may go into shock, and she wasn't sure how to treat that.

He felt her lying next to him and he tried to speak, but all that came up was a deep cough, he tasted more blood. He cleared his throat and managed to get out, "what happened? Did we get them?"

She held him tightly and tried not to cry, "Ya, we did."

He could tell she was lying; he was young but not stupid, "No, what happened?"

Cathy clutched him harder, "They took Steve!" and she broke down.

Now Karl was awake, he didn't even feel the pounding pain in his head, and he almost yelled out, "What do you mean? Who took him?"

She recounted the tale, leaving him quite upset, and she laid there weeping.

All he could manage out was, "I'm sorry!"

She cried harder, she didn't want the young pup to feel bad; he wasn't the guilty one.

"Its not your fault, he saved you, and me, and our-" now she wailed, she hadn't cried this hard since she was back home on Foc with that bastard of her father.

Karl knew she was out of it, he knew all to well what had happened to his mother when his father had been killed by the wolves, and he was going to make sure she didn't have to die too.

He forced himself up, feeling the pain in his head again.

She went to reach for him saying, "you shouldn't get up, you could go into shock."

He didn't know what that meant but he had to go get help.

"I'll be back quickly, I have to go get someone, stay here," he ordered, trying to sound as his father had.

He hobbled out the door and towards his foster home. When he managed to get there Lucy met him at the door.

She ran up to him and held him, "Are you okay? What happened? We heard gunfire but we stayed inside like you said."

He let out another raged breath, but this time no blood, "One of the soldiers, the human, he was captured or killed by the wolves."

She had a face of horror, "They got away?"

Karl wiped an angry tear from his eye, "Yes, but this isn't over! I need your parents to help, the other soldier's hurt I think, and she's in my old house."

Lucy helped him over to the wall and laid him down. She gave him a big hug and ran for her parents.

She saw her mother and father hunkered down in their room, "Mom! Dad! Karl needs your help!"

The two looked at each other and ran for the door behind Lucy, she was a fast little pup, faster than her parents.

"Oh my God Karl what happened?" Lucy's mother exclaimed.

He held his wounded head and pointed to his parent's home, "The Federal soldier needs help, I think she's hurt."

Lucy's father told her mother to stay and ran to the house.

Karl watched him enter and a few minutes later limped the fox out. He brought her inside and sat her down in a chair; she refused the bed.

"What happened out there?" he asked.

"The wolves, they took my husband," she cried, tears matted her red furry cheeks, "and I don't know what happened after that, I think the Federation shot him down!" she cried and neither of Lucy's parents knew what to do.

They let her be and tended to Karl, but he only let them clean his head wound. He walked over and tried to talk Cathy, but she was out of it.

Then a loud noise brought all of them, except the distraught fox, to attention. They listened with their ears perked, and it sounded similar to the dropship that had left.

Karl heard footsteps outside and yelling, but they were softer voices than the gruff wolves. He looked and saw Cathy was completely broken so he picked himself up and opened the door.

Outside he saw a similar ship to that of the wolf's, but it was different, and he saw at least 20 soldiers running around; some dogs, foxes, humans, rabbits, and other animals.

"Are you Federal soldiers?!" he called out.

He grabbed the attention of a young fox, dressed in armor similar to the one the Captain and Cathy had worn.

He walked over to the dog and said, "Yes, have you seen a young female fox or a man?"

Karl sighed with relief, "Yes, Cathy's inside there and she thinks the Captain was killed by a Federal ship."

The red fox didn't even react and merely said, "Don't worry son, we let him go."

Chapter 2 Under the Magnifying Glass

Ronch, Chyane Foster home of Karl Devon 3:00 PM

Captain Sean Atric, Reynolds' former XO, looked at the young dog. Apparently Reynolds had been busy because he was just leaving a trail everywhere.

Sean walked in and saw Cathy sitting on a chair, weeping; he wasn't surprised. He too had been quite upset when he heard the radio chatter earlier today, but he couldn't even conceive what she felt. Just from what she said on the radio it appeared things had more than just progressed between her and Captain Reynolds, he wondered most of all when they had been married in such a short time.

"Sergeant? Sergeant? You okay?" Sean asked carefully.

She looked up and noticed him for the first time, not quite recognizing, but then her faced warmed a bit. She stood up and hugged him, to his surprise.

"It's okay Sergeant he's alive, he's alive, Admiral Drake let them all escape," Sean added, patting her back awkwardly, he wasn't used to contact like this.

Cathy felt faint, she wanted to faint, she probably could have but she needed to hear that again.

"Dra-Drake listened to me?" she asked, now very quiet.

Sean held her up, he could see she was near shock, "Yes, and apparently made a big scene on the Trident's bridge."

A pair of Federal soldiers walked in and saw what was going on. They stepped out and started issuing orders. Captain Atric noticed this.

"I'm sorry but we have to go," Sean said, although seeing Cathy like this he was starting to wonder if this was for the best, "we have orders to bring you back to the Trident immediately. I made sure that we we're the ones that picked you up, which wasn't an easy feet to do in an hour but General Osing insisted to Consular Amstrad that we did, who is apparently fuming over Drake's disregard to his orders."

She stood up and complied, Cathy was in such a dazed state that he could have told her to run to the Trident in orbit and she would have tried. As they walked out the door she saw Karl staring at her, and she wanted to say something but she couldn't.

They walked up to the troopship and she was about to hop in when she saw the Thompson on the ground by the building, she ran to it and half the troops raised rifles at her but Captain Atric yelled, "Hold your fire!"

She picked up the rifle, and next to it, where she had fallen to the wolf's rifle, she saw the pistol Osing had given her; she picked it up as well.

By this time Karl had walked out towards the troopship, it was teaming with movement. He saw Cathy walking towards the troopship and he ran to her, causing all the men to retrain their rifles on him, but the fox in armor yelled, "Hold your damn fire!"

Cathy saw him run up to her and she said, "I'm going to get him Karl, don't worry."

He shook his head, causing the gash to sting and said, "Take me with you, this is my fault, if I had let you go none of this would have happened!"

The pup tried not to cry but he was very close to it.

"I cant do that, your far to young, and its not your fault, we would have helped you no matter what," she replied.

Captain Atric hearing this walked over.

"He can come," he motioned to a corporal, "put him on board in the medical bay."

The corporal picked up the dog by the waist but Lucy came running over. Sean was heard saying, "She might be one too many though..."

Her ears were very good and she said to the fox without care, "I just want to say goodbye to Karl."

Sean nodded and the corporal put him down.

"Your sure your going to go?" the young dog said to her friend.

He nodded and replied, "Yes, I need to help find the Captain, and I still need to pay back those wolves."

Sean looked at Cathy who sighed sadly, the thought of the orphaned pup hurt her heart terribly.

Lucy was stronger than Karl, Cathy, or anyone else there and to the surprise of the on looking Federal soldiers and Karl, she kissed his cheek and whispered, "Good luck, and remember I love you."

Sean leaned into Cathy and whispered, "You just stir up things in whoever you come in contact with don't you?"

She actually found that funny, but she was very humbled by the sight. These two pups, 12 years old each, seemed to have the same love, or at least Lucy seamed too, that she and Reynolds had.

Karl just stood their dumb founded and a bit embarrassed. The corporal saw the poor pup's predicament and picked him up and placed him in the ship. Karl waved to his friend and was lead to the medical bay.

Lucy smiled at Cathy and walked back to her home.

"Well we had better get back, this day's just going to get better back on board the Trident," Sean said, unnaturally gloomy.

Cathy just stared at the young female pup, amazed at what had taken place; wholly amazed.

Sean pulled her up into the craft and she managed to gain control of herself. The last of the Federal troops poured in and they took off towards the giant battleship in the sky.

Two hours later on board the FN Trident, Admiral Drake's stateroom 1630 Military Time

He was in trouble and he knew it. From his utter disregard to orders coming directly from the Consular, to his loss of control on the bridge during a combat situation. He now had four meetings; the first with the intelligence representative, next one with the Sergeant Grey and, so he was told, a small "pet" she picked up on the way, then he wanted to talk to Osing, already knew what he was going to say, and then a last one, tomorrow, was what would end up being a hastily formed hearing with Consular Otho and every high classed leader in the Federation.

Drake dreaded the next few days, and he wanted to kill Captain Reynolds and his, literal, bitch. Someone knocked on his door.

"Sir, it's Lieutenant Colonel Sterling, I'm here as requested."

Drake sighed, somewhat regretting the request.

"Enter," he said quietly, but the dog heard him.

"Admiral," he saluted, "may I?" he gestured to the chair.

"By all means Lt. Colonel," although the Admiral did admire Sterling; he was about the most astute and proper officer under the intelligence bureau he had ever met, he was the only non-human officer he, truth be told, liked, but he just wasn't in the mood right now to meet with anyone.

To get right to the point Sterling began, "I don't think today's activities need mentioning, the entire fleet heard."

Drake nodded his head.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about?" Sterling asked, interested. It wasn't too often an officer requested a meeting with an intelligence officer.

The Admiral took a deep breath, "A few things, but let me get them all out and then you answer them as a lump, all right?"

Sterling didn't move, just sat up and leaned in a bit.

"First of all," Drake started, "I want to know if intelligence was aware of this... situation between Captain Reynolds and Sergeant Grey; did they know and cover it up, or did they really manage to disappear. Second I want to know why the opinions on the Alpha wolf changed; first you tell me to capture him at all costs, then Consular Otho tells me personally to kill him on the spot."

The Lt. Colonel's eyes widened but Drake put his hand up; he wanted to finish each item first.

"Third, I want to know what is, and I mean exactly, the planed action to do about obviously rescuing Captain Reynolds and capturing or killing the Alpha Wolf. Fourthly, I want to know what actions will be taken against Sergeant Grey, regardless of Captain Reynolds' fate. Specifically about this 'my husband' crap. You heard her; she had the audacity to call herself Catharine Reynolds. If she's married I want her court marshaled and in jail in a week!"

Drake could swear he saw Sterling make a "oh whatever" look and it took a lot to keep his temper down.

"And lastly, I want to know from you, from your best judgment, what I should say tomorrow to Consular Otho," Drake finished.

Sterling took a deep breath and sat back. He was a very smart dog, and he remembered each question.

"Alright, first no, we had no idea that Sergeant Grey and Captain Reynolds were indeed alive and had deserted. The report by General Osing clearly stated they were MIA and most likely had been killed by the wolves."

Drake clinched his teeth. He had known that answer, and he knew something the young Lt. Colonel didn't, but he had to talk it over with George first.

"Second," Sterling continued, "I was not aware that it was ordered to kill the Alpha Prime on sight, that was not suggested by anyone in the intelligence bureau to the Consular. In fact we want to catch him more than anything, he knows many secrets that would die with him and we actually kind of need him alive. Are you sure Consular Otho ordered you to actually kill the Alpha on site?"

The admiral nodded, and he noticed a slight twitch in the dog's face, something was up.

"For your third question I have no idea. We haven't had anything planed because so far you're the first, other than Captain Atric, to meet with Sergeant Grey. You'll have more info than us."

Drake chuckled, and they both knew why. As smart as Sterling was he wasn't good at lying; that room was bugged to the point that if Drake farted they could tell what he ate for breakfast.

"As for your forth question," he continued, very serous now, "as far as this love affair between those to goes we're in the dark, this has never happened like this before; never affecting the Federation so much. Hell, we even suspect that they had aid from at least Captain Atric, and theories suggest higher-ranking officers as well. As of now, we can't really punish Sergeant Grey, both parties, namely Captain Reynolds as well, wouldn't be present. Plus, aside from the small dog she brought with her, which is a whole other situation, she's the only one with info that could led to him and the Alpha Prime."

The Admiral was not satisfied with this. Usually intelligence knew everything, and it seemed that the Lt. Colonel was basically saying, "We have no fucking idea what happened."

Grabbing Drake's attention the dog added, "As for you inquiry of tomorrow, I think you should be informed that Consular Otho has left the fleet, it will only be held by a few senators and dignitaries."

"Where'd that piece of bird shit run off to now?" Drake replied, angry and relieved at the same time.

"Uh we're not exactly sure sir, he left in his personal ship and turned the tracking beacon off. I'd guess he's afraid that the wolves may be too daring and make an attempt on him. He's quite the," Sterling hesitated for a moment, "self-preservationist isn't he?"

Drake found this very strange, it wasn't unlike Otho to run, but he usually would take twenty destroyers with him for escort, not leave by himself. Either way it was a good thing, maybe the bird will get picked up by pirates or get lost.

"So, for the first time in my life intelligence has nothing to say?" Drake queried.

Sterling smiled and replied, "Yes sir, right now all eyes are on you and what that young fox is going to say to you."

Brig aboard FN Trident, 1725 Military time

Cathy sat at the cold metal table with Karl on her lap. He had insisted, complaining that it was too cold; he had never been off the small warm planet.

She had been in this room before, but she had sat at the other side of the table, and she knew what to expect, and that scared her.

Karl was completely calm; a bit cold, but he had no idea what was going on. As brave as he acted on the planet he lost all courage when he came aboard the massive battleship. He clutched her hand the whole way down into the brig, acting more like the 12 year old he should be.

She at one point had tried to ask him about what had happened between him and Lucy back down on Chyane, but he clamed up and she pursued it no further.

The fox heard the heavy metal door's lock tumble and in stepped Admiral Drake, looking thoroughly pissed, just as Cathy had always seen him. He sat down at the far side of the table and Karl hopped off Cathy's lap, interested in the new face. Cathy motioned that he should stay close but Karl just walked to the other chair on the side of the table and took up position between the two. For such a small package he seemed to think he was Consular himself.

To the utter surprise of Cathy the Admiral actually smiled at this show of intrigue; the small dog was trying to act as if he was a member of the Federation himself. His smile turned to a scowl when he looked back at Cathy; she just sat still.

"Before I ask you anything Sergeant Grey, or should I say Sergeant Reynolds;" Drake began, trying to let it all sink in on the poor fox, "I want it to be clear that, although I don't approve of it, there are probably 20 or more cameras trained on you, and lord knows how many listing devices, so everything you say will be recorded, so pick your words wisely."

"First of all Sergeant Reynolds sounds just fine to me," Cathy replied, causing the desired result in the Admirals face.

"You sure that's the wise way of putting it?" he said, voice filled with anger

She snickered, "No, but it's what I want on the record."

"When did you get married, where's a ring?" the Admiral asked, scrutinizing the fox.

Cathy sighed unhappily, she wanted to lie, but she couldn't, "We weren't..."

The Admiral huffed, just as Cathy expected.

She stopped and thought about it for a moment and added, "But we will be, you wait and se we will be."

Drake huffed again and added, "We'll see, we're not at that yet."

Karl shifted his gaze from Cathy to the new human. Although he knew he should be quite, and let the two talk about this crap, but he felt he had a job to do, and he wanted to know what the hold up was.

"Who are you sir?" the little, yet brave dog asked.

The Admiral almost fell out of his seat. He wasn't even expecting the dog to be in here, much less asking questions.

In a gruff voice he replied, "I should ask you the same pup."

Cathy noticed Karl snarl a bit in anger; he really didn't like being called a puppy.

"I'm Karl Devon and why isn't Cathy and I looking for the Captain?"

Ignoring him the Admiral shifted his attention to Cathy and said, "Why is he even here? Who authorized this?"

Cathy didn't want to sell Captain Atric out, he had helped her and Steve aboard the Endeavor so much and he was one of the few furries she could trust.

Almost as if sent by God, the door opened and Sean stepped in. Cathy sighed in relief as the Captain sat down.

"I did sir," he answered for her. "Reporting as ordered sir," he furthered and sat down opposite Karl, who smiled at him.

"Why in God's name?" Drake asked, shaking his head.

"Well, he wanted to help find the Captain, he appeared to be in charge of the situation, and that usually means he knew the most about what was going on, so he was a valuable intelligence," Captain Atric answered.

"Plus I wanted to come along, Cathy needed my help and I always wanted to see a Federation starship," Karl chimed in.

Both Cathy and Sean sighed and lowered their heads. Both being foxes they shared similar thought patterns, and they both knew the pup was a bit too ambitious and spoke a bit too much. But to the surprise of Cathy and Captain Atric, the Admirals attitude warmed and he turned to the pup, who apparently thought was in charge of the situation. Cathy actually was beginning to think the General liked the young puppy.

"Why didn't your parents stop you from coming?" the General asked, unusually kind heartedly to a furry.

Cathy gasped, but went unnoticed by the other three.

Karl's face didn't change and simply said, "Their dead; the wolves that took the Captain from Cathy also kill my parents. I'm glad I only had to see them take my parents and not the Captain too."

For a long moment the Admiral just stared at the pup, apparently realizing where he got his strength and bravery from, and Drake actually felt bad for him.

"For the record son I'm Admiral Drake of the 3rd fleet," he added finally.

It seemed that the puppy was in charge of the situation, because the next question came from him once again.

"So why aren't we looking for the Captain, this ship's big enough to find them isn't it?"

The Admiral replied, "First I have to find out why the Captain and Sergeant Grey," the Admiral glared at Cathy who glared back unafraid, "were off on their own to begin with," and his gazed shifted back to Cathy, although his better attitude came with it this time.

"Well?" he asked.

"You want the long or the short version?" she asked.

The Admiral sat back and replied, "I've got plenty of time, the long will do fine."

So Cathy recounted the tale; she told them of her intelligence mission, her rape, Reynolds saving her, the incident with the false doctor, the shower incident. She even told them, however briefly, of their first night together. She almost cried as she thought of that night. She went on to the shooting range, the dinner he had prepared for her, at which point the Admiral glared Captain Atric who just smiled. She told them of the mission, Hushing's death, although she left out Osing, she didn't want to ruin his record. She even went through each day of the trip and the march. When she got to the mountains she stopped, she cried a bit but the Admiral, very uncharacteristically, waited patiently. She omitted what details were private, but she did mention that she suspected, or at least Reynolds had, that he had seeded her there and that she was likely pregnant; she trusted Steve's judgment more than anything else.

Karl tilted his head not understanding that part; actually causing Drake to chuckle, but he realized then that if she was indeed telling the truth she hadn't seduced him, this was a lot more than anyone had suspected, this might very well have been love.

Cathy then went on to the last day: Karl sniffled through this. She went through the final conversation between her and Reynolds; a noticeable reaction was seen in both Drake and Sean.

Once done Cathy sat there crying quietly; they all sat there for a long moment quietly.

After a good ten minutes Drake took a deep breath and turned to Captain Atric and said, "You can confirm what parts you were involved in?"

The Captain nodded, although worried what admitting to so many crimes might do to him, he wouldn't call Cathy a liar, not after that story.

Drake sighed and then asked, "Did you bring what I asked?"

The Captain reached onto his belt and handed Drake what appeared to be a very small grenade.

"There's one thing about your story that doesn't add up Sergeant Reynolds," she looked up at the use of the name she had taken, apparently he had changed feelings over the subject, "And before I ask I must make sure that only we hear it. Do you know what this is?"

The fox shook her head.

"Few people do," Drake began, a small smile playing across his face, "it's one of the few things that the army managed to keep secret from intelligence, its an EMP grenade, it will short circuit anything within a 25 feet radius; armor doesn't matter."

He pressed a button on the small ball and Cathy felt a shiver run down her back and static go through each and every hair on her body.

The Admiral smiled broadly, he knew someone, somewhere, was screaming "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" but he needed to know this, and he had to be the only one to know this.

"How," he started, "is it you came into having a M1911 Colt .45 ACP pistol in your possession? I only know of one in the universe and I'm interested in how you acquired one."

Cathy froze; she didn't know what to say. Apparently the Admiral had gone through great lengths to make sure this one fact stayed a secret to all but him, but she still didn't want to betray General Osing's trust.

"I-I have no answer sir," she mustered, waiting to hear him stand up and yell.

Instead he leaned in and whispered, although every ear in the room was that of a canine so there wasn't a sound that wasn't heard, "You can tell me the truth, I already know how and who gave you this gun, I just need to hear it from the fox's lips."

"General Osing gave it to me, just after we both shot Colonel Hushing before the Captain and I escaped. He had maj-"

Drake held up his hand, she stopped mid syllable, he had heard enough.

"Thank you Sergeant," the admiral stood, "I'm going to have you transferred to a room under constant watch and you will be re-instated your ranking privileges."

Cathy sighed deeply, she had been afraid that this meeting would end with her head on a pike.

"Admiral sir, we're not done here," Karl chimed in; he had been quite silent for the past half hour or so.

The Admiral turned, with a confused look on his face and sat back down, something Cathy and Sean couldn't believe.

"Really? What have you to say?" he asked the small dog.

"I have two things to ask," the dog held up two fingers, which put a smile on the Admiral's face, "First, when do we get to find Captain Reynolds?"

"I will guarantee you that by the end of tomorrow we will start," the general smiled. Cathy breathed another sigh relief and adverted her eyes; she was very, very tired now.

"Two," the dog said, "When we go looking for the Captain can I have a smaller gun? Those wolf rifles are too heavy."

The Admiral sat back, the little dog assumed there would be fighting, and more over he assumed he'd be part of it.

"Cathy said I was there when we killed a bunch of wolves but they managed to capture the Captain," Karl rubbed his head and ear, it still hurt, "I killed one of those damn wolves too you know, but I would like a smaller gun," he paused then smiled, "and a uniform."

The Admiral sat up and smiled, this little dog was winning him over, "What size are you Karl?"

Had Captain Atric been sitting down he'd have fallen off his seat. The Admiral hated furries, and he was now catering to a puppy, what a change of events.

He walked over to Cathy and whispered, "I told you that you had a strange effect on whomever you meet."

She smiled and pushed him aside. Karl was wagging his tale now, very excited.

This time Cathy asked a question, "Sir, before you go, I want to ask you something."

He looked at her warmly and replied, "Okay."

"Why'd you change your mind? Your not known to disregard orders, much less listen to furries," the other two in the room shifted uncomfortably, as did the Admiral.

She was being honest and that scared the crap out of Drake, as she was, after all, formerly part of the intelligence community.

Drake thought for a long moment, long enough that Sean sat back down.

Finally he got up and opened the door, knowing he wanted this answer would be heard, "You made me; I could tell you weren't lying and you changed my mind for me," he turned and walked out the door, he still had a long day.

Sean just chuckled and looked at her saying simply, "Told you."

Captain Atric got up and walked to the door, "Comon you two, we've got a long job ahead of us."

General Osing's stateroom aboard the FN Endeavor 2200 hours military time

Osing was rarely "eager," he usually sat like a rock until he needed to be briefed or debriefed, but this meeting was different. This case with Captain Reynolds had ballooned into something infinitely bigger than it had been when he first helped him. This incident was affecting the very core of the Federation. News of this event was already as far as the capital world.

He thought of Sergeant Grey, or Sergeant Reynolds as she had said on the now famous radio message.

"Boy did he pick quite the fox," Osing commented to himself, chuckling softly.

He dreaded the moment that Fred walked through his door. He knew that Cathy wouldn't betray his trust, but it wouldn't matter even if she did, he never called "private" meetings, the Admiral was just as tactless as Osing was; he didn't give a damn if the whole federation heard what he had to say. He knew that the "secret" was out, and that scared him. Not so much for his sake, but the sake of those around him, including the major and various others who may go for the same ride that Osing may very well be sent along.

A few minutes later Admiral Drake just barged in, without question or request. He sat down on a chair and the two friends sat for a moment. To Osing's surprise he was smiling.

"Well Fred," Osing said breaking the ice, "what do you want to ask me?"

The General didn't have to be told that Drake would be grilling him.

"George I don't know if I should slap you, kiss you, salute you, or shake your hand," the Admiral said, quite serious.

Osing chuckled and answered, "I probably deserve all four."

The Admiral laughed too, he was a lot happier than he had been even and few hours before.

"Why'd you do it George?" he asked simply.

Osing huffed loudly, "It's a long story."

"Already had one today, give me the short stick," replied Drake.

"So she told you everything?" Osing pried.

Drake nodded.

"She's a good girl, Reynolds picked a good one; we really have to find him you know," Osing inserted.

"I know," Drake answered, to which question the Admiral was answering Osing didn't know, "You should meet the little puppy she picked up on Chyane, quite a character this little fellow," the Admiral answered.

"I saw the report, the little brown one right?" Osing asked, a bit surprised at how the Admiral referred to a furry.

Drake nodded again.

"Did you read the part about his little girlfriend? Sweet little thing those two. Goddamn 12 years old and they got it figured out and we're a bunch of old coots and we're trying to solve problems we don't even understand," Osing added with a bit of envy.

"He's an orphan you know. That wasn't in the report. The last thing he said to me was he wanted a small gun because the wolf rifle he used was too big," the Admiral shook his head and gave a half chuckle.

The General replied, "The most dangerous soldiers are aways orphans."

"What about the Captain? His father was famous and he's the most dangerous man I've ever met," Drake interjected.

"Take a good look at his file, his parents may have been alive but they didn't do shit with, for, or about him. The only thing he really has from them is his Thompson."

Osing figured it out now.

"It was the pistol that gave me away wasn't it?"

Drake chuckled, "As soon as Captain Atric handed it to me I knew."

"They didn't take his Thompson by the way?" Osing asked, rather interested in the artifact.

"No, they kicked it out the back during the final struggle," the Admiral frowned, "they really did love each other, just from what apparently he said and did in that last moment.

They sat for a moment, both thinking of the lost Captain; their thoughts both summed up in one way, poor bastard.

"I've been doing this for years," the General started out of nowhere. "I've helped more than thirty couples leave the Federation, but when I helped the Captain I knew that this was the big one."

"George, before I was going to ask you to testify against the Captain's and Sergeant Reynolds' actions on the basis of your actions, but I want you to help me now, I want you to get this done so we can get these two back together like they should be, get them together and out of the Federation, but so that they can still be okay and happy," Drake said, the statement surprising the hell out of Osing.

General Osing smiled and shook his friend's hand.

Designated stateroom of Catharine Reynolds' and Karl Devon aboard the FN Trident 2200 Military time

They were both as tired as they would ever be. She had been totally exhausted all day, even before her love was stolen from her.

Cathy managed to stop off at the medical bay on her way to the room, and found that she was indeed, pregnant. The nurse who found this was also aware that the person who had done this was the Captain, and she had reassured Cathy that while there was no guarantee that they would be children or kits, there was no genetic problem. Her species of fox was companionable to humans and there was neither genetic rejection nor immune response to his seed. She was going to have the Captain's offspring and they would be born healthy and fine in four to six months, God willing.

She had chocked back tears at the news; she wished Steve had been there. The nurse gave her some medication, saying it would allow her to shrug off the symptoms such as exhaustion. She also gave her medication that came with a warning. She said that sometimes, when female federation solders did get pregnant, from a paid companion that all soldiers were known- "well she thought, not all," to use. The few that wanted children and kept them were given special pills like this. Should something happen to the would-be mother it would put the fetus into a stasis that would allow them to be removed later and reinserted into another "donor mother" so that the offspring would live.

She had returned those pills, knowing that she wouldn't allow herself to die, not unless she knew for a fact that Steve as dead as well.

Karl had been in high spirits. The had sent up the small uniform immediately and he put it on. It fit just as well as Cathy's did and he looked the part. They had also sent up what was essentially a carbine version of the M88, which looked full sized in the small dog's arms.

But something else had come that scared Cathy. Papers were handed to her, as she was considered his "guardian" on board, his military papers. He had been inducted into the Federal Army and was given the rank of Sergeant. She had thought it was a joke, but the orderly reported that he had all the privileges and abilities of a normal Sergeant, and that apparently he had been given this "honor" so that he could fight, which Cathy thought was preposterous. On the papers it said under "Duration of Duty-" he could leave any time he wanted, but she could tell that would only be once he made the enemy pay.

He jumped around in his uniform; acting like the puppy he really was inside. He did look cute in the miniaturized gear they had supplied, she hadn't even known such equipment existed, and couldn't even imagine why; rather she didn't want too.

Finally he lost his second wind and sat down, and started to fall asleep.

She picked him up and brought him to the cot and laid him down on it. She then turned and walked to her bed and got into it, but he followed her looking somewhat concerned and embarrassed.

"Can I sleep with you in your bed?" he asked, somewhat shy of the question.

Cathy couldn't even fathom why, he was far to young to have ideas like that, and it appeared he was already "spoken" for by Lucy; the thought made her smile.

"Why?" she asked simply, trying to hid the full interest in her voice.

He shifted his feet about in an awkward fashion, causing Cathy to chuckle again.

"It's just that I'm not used to sleeping by myself," he answered, apparently a bit embarrassed as to why.

"Who do you normally sleep with?" Cathy asked, suspecting but couldn't imagine that she was right.

"Ever since I started staying with Lucy's family she would come in at night and sleep with me in my bed, because she heard me crying the first night. After that she would jut lay next to me and hug me the whole night, and leave again early in the morning."

"She's a very nice friend isn't she?" Cathy commented, once again humbled by the pair.

"I miss her," he added.

Cathy could tell that Lucy was his only family. While Lucy's parents had been caring for him, it appeared that they were still simple country folk, like she had been, and they were weary of the orphan. However, from her display at the troopship and his stories, it appeared to Cathy that Lucy may be a bit more... advanced than she ought to be at 12. It was becoming quite clear that it seemed that she may actually love Karl, the same way that Cathy loved Steve. She suspected it back at Ronch, but it seemed very clear now. She noticed that Karl still looked like he was harboring something, and Cathy thought for a moment that maybe Lucy was even more "advanced" than she thought, but she couldn't imagine that, she refused to. She may love Karl, and it appeared he likely felt the same way, but he acted like you'd expect a 12 year old to react to that kind of feeling and situation, embarrassment and mild-guilt, but Lucy approached the situation more like, well, Cathy would. The young dog acted like a full-grown woman, and that concept worried Cathy, she wasn't to sure what Lucy might "be doing" with Karl, but she shrugged that thought off and tried to replace it with a friend comforting a friend.

Cathy smiled and patted the bed. He looked up and smiled. Karl jumped next to her and crawled under the covers. Cathy laughed at the sight of him turning around beneath them and his head emerging from the edge. She coddled him like the small pup he was and within a few minutes they were both asleep.

Chapter 3 Stolen

Wolf Dropship, Leaving Chyane 11:52PM

He felt the dropship lift up and saw Cathy fall to the ground. He wanted to get up, he wanted to jump out to her, but he knew he couldn't.

Captain Reynolds lowered his head and felt the huge wolf pull him into the brig on board the dropship. Before he threw the Captain in there, he said, in a very surprisingly frightened tone, "I need you to give me that armor."

The Captain, fearing that any action of disobedience would send them back to the planet, and to Cathy, removed his armor gauntlet. Reynolds was glad he had worn pants over the armor; he had done so because he wanted to look as little like a machine in front of any people in the village as possible, that almost seemed funny now.

The wolf was afraid of the Captain, and it showed, as he didn't even try and bind his hands, he just opened the door and the Captain walked in.

The heavy metal door shut behind Reynolds and the room went completely dark. His eyes refocused and he could just make out the figures of three humanoid figures. He sat down at the door and saw that they were the three prisoners that Karl had mentioned. One was a human, two were Rabbits, and all three were female. They were huddled in the corner and were all in various levels of being beaten up, and, undoubtedly, raped.

For a moment Reynolds felt the simultaneous emotions of relief and anger. He was very relieved that he had gotten Cathy out, he couldn't, he wouldn't have let her shared the fate of these poor women. Also, he felt anger of what wolves had done to these poor soldiers. When the Federation took wolf prisoners they put them in very homely POW camps. They weren't raped or beaten; such actions were deplorable.

The three women saw the Captain and perked up. One of them, the least beaten rabbit, spoke up in a horsed voice, "who-who are you?"

The Captain looked up, he was in a slight daze from what he had just done. He stood up and walked over. Apparently the three had been worst off than he had originally thought because as soon as he started walking over they all shuttered and coward in fear. He sat down about a foot from them, all three just staring at him.

"I'm Captain Steve Reynolds, of the Rangers," he figured that they must have been captured for at least a few weeks, just by their wounds, so they had no idea of his disappearance.

The other rabbit cocked her head and replied, "I've heard of you. How did they capture you?"

"They didn't, I went willingly to save my wife..." he trailed off.

Now they were all interested, they all knew who he was, few Federal soldiers didn't, and the last thing that anyone ever would think would be he was married.

"What do you mean?" the rabbit and human asked.

So, as Cathy would do later that day to Admiral Drake, Steve recounted their tale to the tree huddled women. He only spared a few details, the most personal and private ones. When he got to the part were he saved Cathy from the wolf that was raping her he noticed the stronger of the two rabbits clench her teeth in anger. At the telling of the last and terrible conversation between he and Cathy, just a few minutes previous, the three women un-huddled and just stared at him. By the end he was crying himself; he couldn't help it. He wished that he could just jump out the dropship and back to Cathy, but he knew that he would likely never see her again, which made him cry more. He just sat on that wall lamenting quietly to himself; Cathy's face emblazed in his mind.

The three women just watched silently, they realized that there was nothing any of them could say that would comfort him. They had accepted they would likely never see home again either.

Reynolds managed to cry himself to sleep, wishing that Cathy would be able to live her life in peace.


The Captain awoke only a few minutes' later, feeling the ship accelerate and jump; they were off, and he knew he was leaving a part of himself behind.

The three women sharing the small brig with him were no longer shaking, but they remained huddled together.

He realized that they were still quite afraid, as was he, and he wanted to talk to someone, he needed to get Cathy out of his mind, just for now.

"So what's your story?" he asked quietly.

One of the rabbits, apparently the leader of the group, turned to him and stared for a moment.

She replied, "Well, I'm Corporal Emily Gates, this is my sister Sarah," the other rabbit nodded, she was in better shape than the Corporal, "and this is-"

"Private Frances Abrams sir," the human interjected.

Reynolds nodded at each of them.

"We," Emily nodded to her sister, "were part of a mechanized unit about half a month ago, tasked with transporting some munitions just after our invasion. Our convoy was ambushed and everyone was killed except Sarah, me, and cat, but the wolves executed him after they took us. I just can't believe how many tanks they have."

"I don't know if it matters but about a week ago the Ranger's and I took out their primary tank production factory, it was the same mission I met Cathy on," the captain reported.

Emily nodded, not really caring, "Frances was picked up a week or so later,"

"I was part of an infantry battalion," the private continued for Emily, "we were on patrol and I got separated," she looked to the ground, apparently she felt as though her fate could have been avoided.

All three of them shared that look. They were barely clothed, their uniforms were rags and they huddled together for warmth in the small cold brig. Reynolds noted that Emily's sister, who couldn't have been much older than 18, looked the most afraid. The poor rabbit's life had been cut short and now she was a sex slave for the wolves.

"Now," Emily continued, "every night the wolves come in her and take one of us and..." she trailed off, Reynolds saw tears well up in her eyes, "...rape us until they have their fill."

She turned and buried her head into her sisters, and they all cried collectively. Reynolds wanted to kill the wolves here, and every wolf in the universe. They were all the same; they raped, killed, and pillaged everyone else, for no reason. He made a vow to himself to kill the Alpha Prime, even at the expense of his own life.

For a few hours this went on like this. The Captain sat quietly and the three women huddled together. What felt to be about three hours later the large wolf walked in. Reynolds had to stop himself from running at him for fear repercussions on the three females; he had to protect them as much as he could.

The wolf, ignoring Reynolds, looked over the three females, their eyes wide in horror.

"You!" he yelled and pointed at Private Abrams. The woman hung her head in shame and obeyed. She got up and walked over to the wolf.

Reynolds couldn't believe this, and he wouldn't stand for it.

"What are you doing with that woman!?" he yelled at the wolf.

"This bitch is going to serve her purpose, now sit down before I rip your head off and eat you," the wolf pushed Private Abrams in the head and they both walked out of the brig, slamming the door behind him.

Abrams was scared shitless, but she couldn't show it. She knew if she screamed now or acted as afraid as she was they would be even worse to her, although it wasn't that big of difference from what they "normally" would do.

The wolf walked her into the main crew bay; there was a chair, a couch, a rug that Abrams knew to be rough, and in the corner she saw the wolves various "toys."

"Sit down on the couch, the rest will be here in a moment," the wolf chuckled.

Abrams could feel her heart beating a mile a minute, she dreaded who would walk out the door. At least once a week all 10 wolves would come in and each one would have their way with her, except the Alpha Prime, who would laugh at the sight. He said he wouldn't fuck her because she was, "a slimy human."

The others would laugh and hurt her, causing her to scream and say, "Look she likes it!"

She watched the pilot, the Alpha Prime, and one other elite guard wolf walk in, but no one else.

The Alpha Wolf, almost trying to justify what they were about to do, said, "because the Captain has killed some of my men, we're all going to enjoy you at once."

The three other wolves grinned widely. "Who gets what part?" one of them said, as if she was a piece of meat, not a wrong analogy to be honest.

She was terrified by the concept, she usually passed out from one, and all three would be going at it now.

"I don't care what parts you take, but I'm having her cunt," the Alpha Prime said as he dropped his BDU's.

She almost passed out right there, "All four?!" she thought.

To her even greater fear, the Alpha wolf would kill her with what he had; his cock was well over 15 inches.

While the other's continued undressing the Alpha wolf walked over to her, grinning; his hard on starting to protrude and point right at her like a dagger.

The poor human cowered in fear, and crawled for the wall. She huddled into a ball. This angered the Alpha Prime and he picked her up by her neck and said, "filthy human cunt, you'll learn to do your job!" and he punched her in the face, nearly breaking her jaw. He dropped her to the ground and he kicked her in the stomach, knocking her wind out. She gagged hard, tasting blood.

He grabbed private Abrams short blond hair and threw her at the wall; she landed on her back feeling like her shoulder was broken.

This time the Alpha Prime picked her up and carried her back to the group.

"Who wants her pretty ass?" he questioned, one of the big wolves stepped forward holding his hard on. The Alpha handed her to him, without letting her feet touch the ground, and sat down on the couch. The other wolf held her over the Alphas cock, and he lined up its head with her raw pussy. He pulled down her torn trousers and bloody panties. Then the wolf elite dropped her and the Alpha slammed his whole cock, all 15 inches, deep into the private's cunt. She felt him straining and breaking muscles; she started to cry.

Without waiting a moment the other wolf behind her pressed his cock up against her ass hole and shoved it in. He locked hips with her and she screamed bloody murder.

They both began fucking her hard, both laughing at her discontent.

"What's wrong cunt? Can't take it?" the Alpha Prime chuckled.

She slung her head back, mouth wide open screaming, but no one would come to her aid. Each time they trusted in she could feel an indescribable level of pain. Their cocks pushed in and out, and when they were both in at the same time she could feel her muscles in her pussy and ass tearing.

The other of the big wolves walked up and stood over the Alpha who was enjoying her pussy, but mostly her pain. The new wolf grabbed Abrams head and shoved her down on his dick. She tried to stop it with her tongue but he pushed passed and at least 7 inches went down her throat. She couldn't breath but she tried to scream; the vibrations only excited the wolf more. She pushed her hands up and managed to push his cock out of her mouth.

"The bitch doesn't like the taste of my cock!" he laughed. He punched her in the temple, causing her to have a lapse of consciousness. He replaced his cock in her mouth, but this time, all of it. She couldn't breathe, she was sure they would kill her this time.

Every hole she had was filled, and the pilot, feeling dejected, came over and began playing with her tits. He took of her shirt and gave each one a hard bite, causing a muffled scream.

"How could anyone get used to not having fur?" the Alpha commented as he filled her pussy with a thrust, a bit of blood could be seen dripping out of her pussy.

"What's wrong bitch, not enjoying this?" the wolf forcing her to suck him said at the sight of the tears streaming down her face.

She had to stop this, if not to get them to kill her, she couldn't take much more of this. She bit down, hard, on his dick, causing him to yelp.

"What's wrong?" the other large wolf asked as he continued pounding her ass.

"The fucking cunt bit my dick!" he yelled.

The Alpha laughed and answered, "Teach her a lesson."

The wolf smiled and proceeded to punch her each time they drew their cocks from her body. He hit her so hard above the eye that she immediately felt a trickle of blood

"What the fuck man!" the pilot yelled as he wiped some of her blood off his hand.

The wolf that was punching her stopped, "I bet the fucking cunt won't do that again."

He jerked himself off; apparently she had hurt his cock. He eventually came, and he dripped it all over her face and mouth, she cried so hard that both her eyes hurt.

"Oh, I think I got some blood too!" the wolf fucking her ass commented. He stopped his fucking for a moment and stuck a finger up her ass and put it in front of her face; it was covered in blood.

"I bet your loving this!" he laughed.

The wolf whose cock she bit walked over and sat on the chair, content with himself. The pilot took over his position and filled her mouth with his cock. It was smaller, but only a little. She gagged hard and screamed. The pilot started thrusting in and out, as if he was fucking her pussy or ass.

"Alright boys, hold off before your done, lets fill this bitch up," the Alpha wolf grinned.

She tried to voice an objection, but the pilot's cock muffled her pleas.

For another thirty minutes this went on. She could feel and smell her blood all over her face. The pilot clawed at her head the whole time, putting gashes in the back of her head. The two fucking her latched onto her legs and ass checks, putting small holes were they grabbed onto.

She wanted to die, and she was sure she would, but not soon enough. Each time the Alpha Wolf filled her pussy she wanted to scream, his rough cock tearing at every inch of her blood filled pussy. His cock was too big for her and it was causing damage. He had broken her cervix, and he was actually fucking her uterus.

In her ass she was glad she couldn't feel anything now, the wolf there had managed to fuck her so raw that her whole rectum was numb. Her mouth was another story. She wanted to puke. The pilot's cock invaded her throat and she was starting to pass out from air loss.

To her inevitable horror she heard the Alpha wolfs voice say, "I don't know about you boys, but I'm feeling ready."

"Been waiting on you sir," the pilot commented.

The wolf fucking her ass leaned in and whispered in her ear, "ready to be filled cunt?"

"Wait hold on!" the pilot said. He turned to the other wolf and said, "get the stims, I want her to be awake to enjoy this."

The other three wolves laughed heartily and the one fucking her ass high fived the pilot.

The last wolf returned with a large needle and handed it to the pilot. He removed his cock and she let out a ragged breath. He slapped her with his dick, just to demoralize her.

He took the needle and primed it. He leaned her back and stabbed her a bit bellow the heart with the needle. She screamed and cried harder.

"Oops," he laughed, "wrong spot!" and he drew the needle.

The next stab was right on target and he injected her heart. She felt a burning sensation travel from her heart to every part of her body. She was instantly awake and alert, to her terror.

The pilot laughed again at the sight of her renewed horror. He rubbed his long snout in her tits and slid his dick between them. He was glad enough to finish there, but the Alpha Prime growled and he replaced his dick in her mouth.

A few moments later she felt all three cocks surge and grow, and she felt her fears cum.

They filled her with their think milky cum. In her ass and pussy first a layer of blood shot out her pussy, then a thick, sickening stream of their cum. Because the Alpha Wolf had been so deep in her, she felt his cum surge through every part of her sex organ. Her uterus was filled with his cum, and he continued cumming and it filled every part of her pussy, including, as she could feel, the tubes leading to her ovaries.

She tired to cry out, but the pilot came deep in her mouth. She could feel his cum dripping down her throat into her stomach. She tried to swallow as much as possible, but she could feel herself actually drowning on it.

She flailed her arms in fear, tears streaming down her checks. His cum erupted out of her mouth and dibbled in thick globs down her bloody chin.

The wolves came for a full minute, groaning and laughing gleefully the whole time. She wanted to pass out, but she couldn't. She couldn't breath, but because of the stims the pilot had violently injected her with she could have held her breath for an hour, and they may have very well forced her to if they could.

She lost control of her functions and physically fainted, but she remained alert, she was just unable to scream, moan, or beg.

When the Alpha Wolf finally stopped cumming, he moaned happily, "Get this cunt off me and throw her back in with the others."

The pilot removed his cock from her mouth, as did the wolf in her ass. When he removed his dick, he left behind all of his cum, which she could feel circulating threw her body and it made her sick. His dick was bright red with her blood, and she saw it and wanted to cry more but she was out of tears.

The wolf that fucked her in the ass picked her up by the neck and yanked her off the Alpha Wolf's cock. His dick looked like a bloody dagger now, and the wolf forced her down on it. She tasted his left over cum and the blood liberated from her pussy.

The Alpha wolf nodded and the other wolf picked her up and carried her back to the brig, stopping only to pick up her tattered clothes. When he got to the door he stuck his finger in her pussy and felt around, causing her to try and scream, but nothing came out but a wisp of cum.

"Hmm, dumb cunt," he commented as he opened the metal door.

Inside the two other woman looked on helpless and the captain was speechless. The wolf dropped private Abrams and she landed on the ground with a sick squish. He turned and walked out, shutting the door behind him

She lay there, her whole body twitching, a thick mixture of cum and blood pouring out all her holes. Once they were sure that the wolf guard had left the other side of the door. They grabbed her clothes and tried to wipe her wounds and orifices, but it was to no avail. With each glob of cum or blood they wiped away a new one dripped out of her mouth, pussy, or ass.

Emily turned the private on her side; she was still non-responsive. Her sister held onto the private's hands with her paws and Emily, carefully, lifted her top leg and stood her up.

That was enough to get Abrams out of her catatonic state and she screamed and cried. The stood her up and held her against the wall. Emily held her ass cheeks open and let the cum pour out of her. At least a quart flowed out and she cried the whole time. Emily shifted her position to focus on Abrams' pussy, and was horrified by what she saw. More blood was dripping from her vagina than cum, and when she touched one of the raw lips, the private let out a scream of pain.

Had Sarah not been holding her hands, she would have passed out, even on the stims, but she put her whole pain into her grip on Sarah's paws.

When Emily did pull her pussy lips apart an even larger stream of cum and blood shot out. She made a blood-curdling scream at the horrific sight of her sex organ.

Emily stood up and whispered something in Abrams' ear; Reynolds couldn't hear. All he saw was Abrams shake her head furiously, but then cried and nodded.

Emily got back on her knees and took a deep breath. She leaned in and shoved her arm into the private. Abrams screamed and cried, almost breaking Sarah's hand, but she didn't let on that Abrams had hurt her.

Emily felt around and to her horror she felt what was left of her cervix. She reached higher in and felt a thick layer of cum, and found that she could feel into the private's uterus. She kept feeling around and her eyes widened with fear. She sighed and began, carefully, removing her hand, but she tried to scoop out as much cum and blood as possible, which now had become a very large puddle at the feet of the beaten woman.

Captain Reynolds was stunned watching this. He thought, selfishly, that he was glad he was a man, and regretted the thought; his wife and lover had almost been in as bad situation as this. He just stared at what was unfolding. He couldn't understand why they had to do this. Even if they had only raped her, her head was pulp. Her blond hair had streaks of blood in it and her eye was swollen over.

The two rabbits carefully lowered Private Abrams to the floor and put her on all fours. They rubbed her back, starting at waist level, and moving their hands up. They were trying to make Abrams throw up; she had a lot of cum in her. It worked and she let out a long stream of cum and blood, now it looked to be at least two gallons of liquid around the Private's knees. They picked her up and limped her to the wall were they must sleep.

Sarah got her clothes and carefully put them on her, the room was bitter cold and she needed to be warmed. The sat her down carefully and each took up a side and held her, trying to keep the woman warm.

"Captain, come over here and help us keep her warm," Emily said.

He had been in a daze over what he was witnessing and she had to ask it again before he got up and walk over to her.

Emily got up and had the Captain take her position. The floor was wet with blood and cum that was still dripping from the Private but the captain, as ordered, held her. He still couldn't believe this.

Emily sat on the same side as her sister and used her fur to keep the private warm.

Once the private had fallen asleep the two rabbits started talking.

"They all must have done her at once," Emily, said, a pang of fear in her voice. "I wondered why it went so fast, 10 wolves usually take longer than that."

The Captain cleared his throat and spoke up, "there's only four left, and Cathy and I killed the other 8."

The rabbit stared at him for a moment, a look of fear and happiness in her eyes.

"Good," she said simply, "good."

The Captain couldn't help but feel like this was his fault, like they had taken their anger out on the poor woman.

"Do they do this, like this every night?" he asked, still stunned by the extent of the woman's injuries.

Emily shook her head, "No, they've never done anything to this extent. Usefully they just take turns forcing us to suck them off or they just fuck..." she bit her lip and wiped a tear from her eye.

"I promise, I swear, I will make them pay for this," the Captain said, almost to himself.

The three sat like that, and the Captain was horrified that this had only been the first day.


The next morning the Captain woke up, what he thought was early; the three women were still asleep.

The door opened and all but private Abrams were instantly attentive to the doorway.

In steeped one of the large wolfs. He stepped into the puddle left the previous night and said, "fucking cunt."

He dropped a small box on the floor and pointed at the Captain, "You! The Alpha Prime wants to talk to you."

The Captain didn't want to leave the women, but he knew it would be worse to ignore the orders. As he walked by he saw one bottle of water and a MRE in the box, apparently the food for the prisoners.

The wolf, weary of the Captain, pushed him softly through the ship. He passed through the room that served as the love shack for the wolves; on the wall Reynolds saw various sex toys, although they didn't appear to be used to increase anyone's pleasure.

In the next room there was a large table, and at one end of it sat the Alpha Prime, with a large plate of food before him.

Mafeu smiled deviously and motioned with his paw for the captain to sit down.

"I'm sorry about the room Captain, but you understand don't you?" he ate a piece of the food, steak and eggs.

"What do you want Sadovnik?" Reynolds said defiantly, the wolf had nothing to hold him by; he couldn't harm Cathy now.

Mafeu scowled and replied, "You'd better watch your manners, or I'll make you watch tonight's games."

The play worked and Reynolds flared with anger. Had the two guards not been there he'd have jumped out at the Alpha Wolf.

"Why do you do it huh? Why? What the fuck is wrong with you bastards that you have to rape or kill everything you see?" Reynolds asked, with Cathy, and now the three scared women, in his mind.

Mafeu chuckled at the Captain's continued defiance. "That's quite the vixen you choose for yourself," he said, ignoring the Captain's questions, "You'd do just about anything to protect her wouldn't you?"

The Captain stood up and slammed the table violently, ignoring the fact that he was unarmored and that the two wolf guards raised their rifles.

"You can't hurt her now, so just drop it!" Steve yelled.

The Alpha didn't flinch at all, he just stared at the Captain and smiled, "Oh can't I?"

Reynolds' face was full of fear now; he wasn't sure what that meant. He sat down carefully.

"We'll get to that later, are you hungry at all?" he said, actually sincerely.

The Captain was hesitant; he didn't trust what might be in the food.

Almost reading his thoughts the Alpha replied, "I could have you shot right now, I don't need to poison the food."

The Captain picked up the food and ate. As he would bite a piece of bread or something, he would slip half down his sleeve, to bring to the prisoners. This didn't go unnoticed to the Alpha, but he let it go, he realized that he had to play "the good host" now, at least until he got what information he needed.

"I believe you mentioned something about trading your life for hers, and information and such," the Alpha mentioned.

Reynolds stopped eating and stared at the wolf, now realizing that they meant to gain every piece of Intel he could provide.

"Yes, Mafeu, what do you want to know?" the Captain said, beaten.

The Alpha sighed and placed a small black box on the table.

"This is a lie detector, I want it to be clear that EVERYTHING you say will be record and if you lie, it will inform me. Each time you do, I force you to rape one of the prisoners. After enough times, I'll have you execute them," Mafeu said coldly.

"I understand," Reynolds replied, he hadn't intended to lie; he knew Cathy would inform the Federation and they would go back and retrace and change everything he knew.

For the next few hours Mafeu drilled him, asking about future operations, locations of famous officer's families, weapons research. The Captain tried to always lead the Alpha Prime to questions whose answers wouldn't cause massive repercussions in the Federation. The ploy worked and Reynolds avoided such subjects as Federal knowledge of wolf home worlds or their secret codes.

When Mafeu was satisfied he stood up and walked to the door, motioning for the wolf guard to return the Captain to his cell.

"That will do for this session Captain Reynolds, we'll meet like this again tomorrow. I will be a day or two before we reach our final destination."

The Captain was lead back to the brig and was locked back inside. He noticed that the box was gone and that the women seemed glad he was back.

"What happened?" Emily asked.

He didn't answer but removed the food he had taken from the meal and handed it to them. They ate as if they hadn't in weeks, which Reynolds now thought may be, for all intensive purposes, true.

For the rest of the day they huddled together in the corner, all thinking the same thing, who would go tonight?

At about eight they got their answer, a wolf elite guard walked in, ready to select another "toy" for the night.

He looked over the three frightened women and pointed to Private Abrams again.

"Comon again cunt!" he said.

She willing got up, already crying.

Emily got on her knees before the wolf and cried, "Please don't take her, not again!"

The wolf slapped Emily saying, "Get back you slut!"

She got back up and begged further, "Please, take me instead, let her rest the night!"

This time he punched her on the top of her head and swift kicked her in the groin. Emily fell to the ground in pain.

"You'll get your turn soon enough cunt," the wolf grinned.

The pair walked out and Reynolds jumped to Emily. He picked her up and placed her between himself and her sister.

They sat there for a few hours, each minute making them more and more anxious to see the poor woman's return.

Then, to the fright and horror of the two rabbits, a shot reverberated through the ship; they clutched together and sobbed. Reynolds' resolve grew.


"What the fuck did you do?" the Alpha said to the wolf now cleaning his pelt. He saw the dead woman lying on the ground with blood polling by her side.

"I was fucking her cunt and to scare her I had my pistol in her ass. When I came I guess I got a bit to excited," the wolf explained.

The Alpha sighed, "you dumb shit, your lucky you didn't blow your own dick off."

The wolf cringed, "What do you want me to do with her?"

Mafeu thought for a moment and turned to walk out back to his room, "Chuck her out into space, she's more useless now than before, I wouldn't even eat her."

He would have if he was hungry, but only lower wolves would view a human as a good food source; Mafeu always saw them as the dirty apes they were. "By the way," he added, "no cunt for you for a week."

"Why!?" the wolf asked, very angry.

"Because," the Alpha wolf replied, somewhat irate, "now we have one less piece of ass to go around."

The wolf, defeated, picked up the dead Private's body and brought it to the air lock. He unceremoniously tossed the body into the bay and shut the door.

A tear fell from Private Abrams eye as the airlock doors opened.

Chapter 4 Preparations

Designated stateroom of Catharine Reynolds and Karl Devon aboard the FN Trident 1800 Military time

This day was becoming quite boring, which suited Cathy just fine for now. She'd rather be cooped up in here than possibly under further investigation.

Karl stood to disagree, as he was restless and eager. The whole day he had been studying history on the computer, or playing with his gun, which had Cathy a bit worried until he finally removed the magazine and unloaded it.

She spent the whole day in bed; she was tired mentally and physically. She missed Steve.

Karl seeing how upset she was struck up a conversation.

"You know what I do when I miss my parents?" he started.

Cathy shook her head, actually interested in what the pup would say. He had, after all, suffered a similar loss as she had to the same beings.

"I talk with my friends," he answered.

"You mean Lucy?" Cathy asked.

Karl nodded and his face and ears lowered, apparently he missed his friend.

"I don't have many friends in the Federation," she told him, "or anywhere really," she added.

She was always viewed, even by those she was in charge of, as foxtrash. Because of her upbringing, and her father's actions, she was always viewed as someone not worthy of being there, like she was inferior because of him. She hated that. Reynolds hadn't cared; he loved her and didn't give a damn about her past. She stopped a tear from forming with her paw.

She looked at Karl and realized he hadn't looked up, he was still thinking of Lucy.

"You love her don't you?" Cathy asked, very interested in what his reaction would be.

He didn't say anything he just nodded, apparently embarrassed by the fact.

Cathy smiled; it was a cute example of "puppy love," the pun alone was funny. She saw that he was ashamed of this and she knew she had to reassure him it wasn't a bad thing.

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with that. You know I love the Captain and he loves me, maybe someday you two will love each other the same way."

He looked up, but the look of shame didn't go away.

"She loves me the same way you love the Captain," he said.

Cathy tilted her head, "What do you mean?"

"When she comes in and sleeps with me she says I'm her husband, and you said the same about the Captain," he replied.

Cathy was stunned, she had imagined and figured out on her own that the two did love each other, but this was above and beyond. She had thought last night, with guilt, that the two might be more than just friends and shared "puppy love," but she was sure of that fact now.

"Karl, have you two done things that you feel guilty over?" she asked, not eager to hear this answer.

He lowered his head again, and said, "yes."

A long awkward silence passed; Cathy was very surprised to say the least. She knew exactly what was going on, she could remember back to a time when she had made a similar face to officers back on her home planet of Foc. This was different though, she had been forced into doing what she did, and while Karl may have been as well, it wasn't likely he had objected to it as much, he was embarrassed about talking to someone about it. To add the situation, Cathy remembered her own confession to the officer on Foc, and remembered that she had felt better having told someone, and she knew she had to pry.

"If you want to tell me its okay, I understand much better than you'd think," she said very sympathetically.

He shook his head, apparently there was more than Cathy could imagine. She decided to let it go, he would tell her or someone when he was ready.

Almost by a gift from God, at least in Karl's eyes, Captain Atric walked in.

"Hi Sean," Cathy said, completely dropping military etiquette. She viewed the Captain as part of her inner circle, of the people she could trust, and it seemed that certain rules and regulations didn't apply.

"We're wanted at the hearing, things aren't going well for Drake and Osing," he said.

She nodded and got up from the bed, "I'll be there in a moment. Should Karl come?"

Sean nodded, "Yes, he's been requested in fact," the captain looked at him and frowned, and looked back at Cathy, "what's wrong with him?"

"He just feels sorry for Steve," she lied. Karl looked up, gratitude in his eyes.

The captain walked out and waited by the elevator. A few minutes later the pair walked out of their room and they all went down to the hearing, to pled the case of Captain Reynolds and Admiral Drake.

FN Trident, Court Hearing of Admiral Fredrick Drake, General George Osing, Captain Sean Atric, Captain Steve Reynolds, and Sergeant Catharine Reynolds, 2000 military time

"So let me get these events clear," the lead senator started, "in short Sergeant Reynolds, the Captain saves you, falls in love with you, runs away with you, and is captured trying to save you? Am I right?"

Cathy shifted uneasily in the seat, she had told her sad tale once again, but this time she forced herself not to cry.

"Yes senator, that's the basic version of it," she replied, not happy of his simplification of it.

"So then you would argue that this is all his fault, that he brought all this on?" the senator asked.

Cathy wanted to kill this man right now, but she had to stay compliant, "No senator, I encouraged him along and love him as much as he loves me."

The senator sighed, "Sergeant Reynolds, do you understand the penalty for what you and the Captain did? Do you understand that your actions have also possibly ruined the careers of three other officers and ended the life of another? Do you understand that you convinced an officer to make a decision that very well may prolong this war, which has already raged on for more than 30 years? Do you understand that tens of thousands of codes, ships, units, projects, families, and officials have to be moved because of what Captain Reynolds may be telling the Alpha Prime himself?"

"Yes senator," she answered meekly.

He stood up and replied, "No, I don't think you do. First of all, we are going to loose an unimaginable amount of money changing all those things I mentioned and more; campaigns abandoned and people let down. You've besmeared the career of Captain Atric,"

Cathy glanced at Sean, who winked at her, she felt a bit better at that. Millions of eyes were watching this hearing, as it was televised as all hearings are, but this one was bigger than most had ever seen or heard of.

"You also," the senator continued, "by some miracle, brought Admiral Drake onto your cause, in the process causing him to break a direct order from the Consular himself, you'v-"

"Sir that's not entirely true," a young dog said, he was sitting at the same table as the other defendants.

The senator huffed, "What now Sterling?"

"That order given by Consular Otho was not suggested, nor sanctioned, by intelligence. More over we'd given explicit orders that the Alpha Prime must be captured at all costs. What Otho did has the entire intelligence community up in arms, particularly since he left in such a hurry. It is because of this that all charges against Sergeant Reynolds and Admiral Drake in relation to this matter are to be dropped and disregarded, regardless of whether or not the senate agrees."

The senator's anger flared and he sat down.

"Why'd you do it Sergeant? Why? He saved you, why did you fall in love with him?" the senator asked.

"What kind of dumb fucking question is that?" General Osing had heard enough, "Why does anyone fall in love? Dumb bastard, if we knew that the whole Goddamned universe would be a better place. 'Why did you fall in love?' She fell in love with him because that's how it was meant to be."

The room was silent for a full minute, Osing's famous tactlessness proved to have no boundaries.

The senator, rather calm considering, addressed this with, "General Osing, of all people to even talk during these hearing you should be the last. We won't get to your past actions for weeks, let alone your part in this fiasco."

The general huffed; it was obvious he felt this was a waste of time, just pointing out the obvious facts.

"Now, I didn't ask you, I asked the fox sitting in the chair, now if you please, let her answer," the senator turned his gaze to Cathy. "Well?"

"To quote the good general sir, 'why does anyone fall in love?' I couldn't answer that nor could any two who are truly in love. He's mine and no one else's and I think this whole hearing would shame Steve. He loves me as much as I love him, no law, hearing, war, or distance will change that, but because you want an answer I guess its because I could trust him."

The senator sat back and sighed; there were murmuring all throughout the audience and among the other senators.

"What do you think of the relationship ban in reference between this man and fox Admiral Drake?" the senator asked, knowing that he hated furries and his response might change the opinions of the audience.

The Admiral thought for a moment and answered, "I think it's a good law, I think its needed and it's reasoning makes sense."

"Thank you Admiral Dra-"

"I wasn't finished senator. I think all that, but I also know that these two must be in love, and that we need to respect that. Of all things they were abiding to the Federation's rule, as did the General. Instead of trying to hide it and continue, they did the right thing and made an effort to leave. The General should be commended for his efforts of helping those who were in love uphold the Relationship ban."

There were a lot of murmurings now. The Admiral had made an observation that none had seen before.

"Be that as it may Admir-" the senator started, but this time Captain Atric interrupted as he stood.

"Sir, with all do request why are we here? What actual charges are being filed? Like the Admiral said, the General and all those he helped including Captain and Sergeant Reynolds broke no law. Admiral Drake is cleared because the order he apparently was disobeying was not sanctioned by the intelligence community, which all orders relating to the military by the Consular have to be. As for the 'murder' of Colonel Hushing by General Osing, if you put it into perspective, of anyone should have been investigated it was him. He killed more Federal troops than any wolf I meet, and he took the same oath I did. And if you want to be exact, Osing shot him when he was about to execute and officer of the Federal Army, a criminal offence, so if anyone involved with that incident has no actual charges. So Sergeant Reynolds is clear, so is Admiral Drake and General Osing, and of course Captain Reynolds of all people is clear."

"That just leaves you then doesn't it Captain," the senator added.

The room fell silent again. The captain had proved his point, but omitted himself. The fox's ears pined back.

"You mustn't forget that you aloud promiscuous behavior between an enlisted soldier and an officer take place, regardless if they were in love, you still should have reported it."

The senator thought he had managed to catch at least one of them.

But the Captain smiled and replied, "I did."

The room was once again filled with chatter.

"Who then?" the senator asked.

"General George Osing, I told him the first day and he told me he to follow the Captains every order and to trust his judgment," the fox replied.

Cathy's eyes went wide and she turned to look at Osing who chuckled and smiled back. The General really had played her and Steve as fools from the beginning, and he even added Sean into the plot.

She returned her gaze to the senator and said, "It appears that there is nothing of question for this hearing, now why cant we get back to what is needed and rescue my husband?"

The room went silent, now all eyes focused on the red fox sitting at the pedestal in front of the entire Federation, and the now even-tempered senator.

"Unfortunately you forget that he is a traitor. His actions with you may not be offenses in light of some..." he looked at Drake and Atric, "recent interpretation of that law, but he did willing go into wolf hands with the promise to divulge information to them."

"Then let us find him so he can be tried at court," Cathy replied, unafraid.

The senator shook his head, "I'm sorry, but he's technically dead. Since no POW has ever been returned to the Federation by the wolves, anyone captured by them is considered legally dead, and we cannot allocate forces to find a legal corpse."

Cathy was stunned for a moment, and her eyes began to well up with tears. At this pinnacle moment, when it seemed they may be able to find her love, it was dashed because of a technicality.

She stood up and yelled out, "Why won't you let us find him huh? Is it money? Is it? What's the price your willing to put on his head, or my head, or your own head senator!"

"Sergeant Reyno-" the senator tried to interject.

"Is it pride? Don't want to admit that your wrong and that we should be looking for him right now!" Cathy said with tears now streaming from her eyes, "Public approval? Do you think people will honestly think the Federation doesn't work because you allowed it to search for a war hero and great officer even though he traded his life to save another's?"

"If you'd let me-" the senator tried to get out.

"Or is it just simply because I love him? Is that it? You don't want me to have him back? Neither you or the entire Federation can stop me, I'm going to find him and I wont hesitate to kill anyone, including you senator, to get him back and safe," she concluded, tears streaming from her eyes and soaking her lapel.

The senator just stared at the fox; he wasn't sure what to say to that. He was following the laws he had been taught, but now it seemed that there was something else, besides the laws.

"Sergeant Grey," he started, using her legal name, "would you swear before this court that if you return with Captain Reynolds, you will legally marry him, and you will never create a problem for the Federation again after doing so?"

"On my love for him," she replied, filled with clarity and integrity.

"Then I see no reason why we're still here, this hearing is adjourned and operations will commence tomorrow to start the rescue of Captain Steve Reynolds and the capture of Alpha Prime Mafeu Sadovnik. All forces will be directed by and report to Sergeant Catharine Grey," the senator banged his gavel and walked out.

Cathy almost fainted on the spot, but she walked herself over to her only friends in the Federation. What she didn't realize fully was, she was now in control of the entire Federal military, and they would do exactly as she told them in an effort to rescue her husband.

Stateroom of Catharine Reynolds' and Karl Devon aboard the FN Trident 0100 Military time

This had been the second longest night of her life, only dwarfed by that night she and Steve had shared at the lake by the mountains.

After the hearing she had gone with the other officers to eat a well-deserved dinner, but she had been tired and went to bed right after she had finished eating.

Karl had been observing the full day's events quite quietly, but he wanted to talk. He waited until she was laying in bed, comfortable, but not asleep. He got into bed and laid above the covers.

"So we're going to find the Captain?" he asked.

She smiled and replied simply, "yes."

With a slightly worried look he asked, "Do you think he's okay?"

Once again she smiled and replied, "I know he's okay. Comon, its late, we need to go to bed."

He crawled under the covers and snuggled into the bed.

After a few minutes, right before she was beginning to drift into sleep, Karl asked in the dark, "What makes two people married?"

She rolled over and faced him, not sure what to say. She really considered herself married to Steve, as did he to her, but they hadn't had a ceremony. Hell, he only said it once in the ship before the wolves took him from the vixen, but that was enough for her. Yet now everyone in the Federation had accepted that, and with an exception to when the senator ordered her to marry Reynolds on his return, everyone refereed to her as his spouse, using his last name.

"I guess it's when two people really love each other," she answered finally.

He thought for a moment and asked, "So you don't need a to get married and have it known by everyone like my parents did?"

"No, I think if two people love each other that's all that matters, what other people view them as doesn't matter, its whether or not the pair want to be husband and wife to each other that counts," Cathy replied, feeling better about what others may think of her relationship with Steve.

Karl sighed with relief, "Then Lucy is my wife."

Cathy was shocked. Once again Karl had simplified things only to blow her away with his relationship with the young female dog back at Ronch.

Karl moved closer to Cathy and whispered, "Can I tell you a secret? I have a question but you can't tell anyone I asked."

She normally would have thought this was funny, that he was so young that he didn't realize the bigger picture, but she was still in disbelief to what he had said before.

"Sure, you know I will," she replied, still in a half daze.

He replied in an optimistic voice, "Good, but you can't tell even tell the Captain I asked though."

Cathy nodded, she wasn't in the mindset of thinking of reporting anything to Steve once she saw him again, she just wanted to hold him and feel his touch.

"Have you and the Captain had," he whispered even quieter, "sex?"

That was it. It was all too obvious that "little Lucy" was about as innocent as the late Colonel Hushing. She must have been doing something with Karl. How she knew what to do was beyond Cathy, and that she was doing it at the young age of 12 frightened Cathy, but she did realize that it was all too obvious that the pair loved each other. Although, she just couldn't see how two 12 year olds could really love each other like that and that much. She wasn't sure what to say. She knew she had to answer, but she had no idea what or how to say it.

She nodded and replied, "Yes."

"Is that part of being married?" Karl asked.

Cathy just nodded her head.

This time he, unknowingly, may have crossed a boundary, but he didn't know of such margins, "How often did you try and have sex with the Captain?"

"I don't think that's really something I should answer Karl. That's a big personal thing between two people who love each other," Cathy replied, taken aback by the question.

Karl sat his head up, "I don't mind telling you what Lucy does with me."

"Still Karl, what you do with," she hesitated for a moment, still in disbelief that she was having this kind of conversation with a puppy, "Lucy is personal. It's not necessarily bad," although she wasn't sure of that herself, "but it's something for you and Lucy and possibly Lucy's parents to talk about."

The two laid there for a long while, neither talking nor falling asleep. Finally Cathy asked, "Has Lucy ever done anything, like that, that scared you or hurt you?" Cathy was afraid that they're maybe more than just love driving the little puppy back at his hometown.

"The first time," Karl started, "I don't know how, I didn't even know what she was doing, but I cut her in her privates. She cried and I was afraid, but she told me it felt good after that, but I always made sure to be careful after that and she never got hurt again, but it still bothered me."

Cathy smiled. She thought back to the night that the Captain had sex with her for the first time. She understood the pup's worry completely. The Captain had barely been able to bring himself to knowingly do the same to her; Karl had done it without any understanding to what happened.

She pat his head and replied, "Don't worry, that was normal," as normal as this strange situation could get in her mind, "and you didn't really hurt her."

Karl smiled and hugged Cathy; apparently this had been weighing heavily on the pup's conscious.

They both fell asleep, and Cathy dreamed of the first moment she would have her Captain back.

Planning Center aboard FN Endeavor 1000 hour military time

Drake was less than thrilled to be on this ship. He wasn't glad that he had to switch this ship to being his flagship, but General Osing had refused to move his FGC from the aging cruiser to the ulta-modern Trident.

The planning room was a literal mad house. Officers of every level, from the army, navy, and intelligence ran about, performing millions of tasks. The entire Federal military was being directed to this one mission. Aside from rescuing the Captain, no one had forgotten that it would appear that the Alpha Prime himself was the one who captured the Captain. It was a double target, and feelings among the Federation were split between which one was really more important. The Federation would win this war eventually, by removing the wolf leader or by beating them in battle, but the Captain could never be replaced. Still, some of the higher, less understanding or caring officers were, rightfully, tired of this war and this presented a great opportunity to end it; the wolves would agree to peace if they lost their monarchy-style leader. Either way this one target was going to face the entire Federation Navy, Army, and spy units.

Cathy walked into the room and everyone froze, to her surprise, awaiting her orders. She walked over to the center planning table were Admiral Drake, General Osing, and Captain Atric were standing.

"Morning Cathy," Osing said warmly, and handed her a small jewelry style box. She opened it and saw it was a pair of Captain's bars.

She looked up, speechless.

Osing smiled and reported, "We can't have an enlisted non-com overseeing this, so congratulations Captain Reynolds." Osing shook her hand.

She was still speechless, but she returned the gesture.

"Now unfortunately, to avoid confusion, we have to refer to you as Captain Grey, but that's only because during operations we don't want people mistaking one of you for the other," Osing said, and added warmly, "It's understood and accepted that you two share the name."

"Thank you sir," she finally mustered.

She pinned the officer bars onto her lapel, and, to her surprise, Karl saluted her.

She smiled at the gesture and looked at the planning table.

"So far we haven't a clue where they went," Lt. Colonel Sterling started.

Cathy looked at the officer for a moment. From his arguments during the hearing yesterday it was obvious that he was different than his predecessor, which made Cathy feel much better.

"We have idea's," Sterling continued, "and we've sent out destroyer pairs to investigate each but the Alpha Prime is smart, and he will likely go exactly were we won't look."

The group all agreed to that. The Alpha Prime was one of the few good commanders of wolf forces, they were all glad he didn't command that often.

"Because of this we are led to believe that they will try and hide in a Federation controlled system, and quite frankly it could be one that receives heavy traffic or one that's dormant, there's just no definitive way to know. We're listening to all Wolf radio traffic, but for now it would appear that the Alpha Prime is running dark, probably knowing what we're going through right now," Sterling added.

"So what's our course of action?" Captain Atric asked.

Sterling sighed, "Well, the unfortunate fact is that we'll have to wait until either somehow the Captain or the Alpha Prime, makes themselves known, or we get lucky enough to run into them and can mobilize before they move again."

The General perked up and said, "What about his armor's tracking system? Can we find him that way?"

Cathy shook her head, "No, he deactivated that before we tried to run."

"Yes, we already tried that one," the Lt. Colonel reported, "So right now we're sending probes out and every small class ship out to look for him, but the reality of the fact is we could spend a millennium looking, and never find them, we need to narrow our search," Sterling concluded.

Sean posed the question of, "Well, which way did they go? Can't we narrow it by that?"

This time Drake answered, "Standard operating procedure; make multiple jumps in various directions, to throw off just that type of pursuit."

The Captain shook his head, "We could still find we're their first stop was, at least it will be a start."

For a long moment they all considered it, then Osing turned to Cathy and asked, "It's up to you."

"Do it, at least we'll be moving, we can still plan out were to go from there," she replied, not even sure of herself.

Drake nodded and walked off to carry out the task.

"We're leaving a contingent of tanks on the planet, now that the Alpha has left the wolves are back in hiding, hoping we'll all leave to give chase, and I'd hate to disappoint," Osing added.

They felt the ship begin to accelerate, and the chase was on.

Chapter 5 Broken

Wolf Dropship, Entering Final Destination 9:30AM

Reynolds awoke to the feeling of sudden deceleration. He looked around and to his anger he had awoken in that same dank cell he had fallen asleep in. He had dreamed of nothing but Cathy the entire night, and was hoping he would wake up by her side. Instead he awoke with the two rabbits clutching him; they had cried for a good portion of the night.

A few minutes later the wolf guard walked in, carrying the box of "food and water."

The two rabbits didn't shutter in fear this time, they had both accepted they were as good as dead.

Without command the Captain stood up and walked out. The wolf guard was still weary of the human and walked out before him. This time the Captain noted this and stored it away; it may come in handy one day; he wasn't going to let the sisters die.

He walked without close guard to the same room as he had been in the previous day. The Captain found Mafeu sitting the same way, with food in front of him, at the table. Without being told or asking he just sat down.

"Why'd you do it huh?" he asked.

Mafeu twisted his head, "Do what?"

"You know exactly what. Why did you kill that poor woman? You raped her, and then you killed her. How long until you kill the other two huh? How long before you kill me or kill my wife as you claim to be able to?" Reynolds asked, his voice becoming more and more angry and violent.

Mafeu frowned and leaned in, "First things first; I didn't kill the cunt, he did." The wolf gestured to the guard to his right, who growled at the captain's gaze.

"He is being punished because of it."

"Punished? How? What kind of punishment do you deem appropriate for murder?" the Captain yelled.

The Alpha Prime replied coldly, "he's not allowed to enjoy any of the prisoners for a week."

"Oh, so the punishment is he doesn't get to rape anyone, but you guys will take his share sure enough huh?" the Captain replied.

After that they went through their normal talk. The Alpha asked questions and the Captain answered. This time it went on for about eight full hours. During this time they were fed twice. The Alpha, somehow, seemed to have massive stores of meat on board, which frightened the Captain. While not eating much, he had been picking at the various dishes, trying to steal food for the two rabbits. A sudden pang of fear resounded through the Captain's mind.

"This is Private Abrams isn't it?" he gestured to the meat on the plate, fearing the answer.

The Alpha wolf laughed heartily, to the distress of the Captain, "No my good Captain, I can assure you this is not the late private. I cant guarantee that it wasn't someone, but I can assure you it's not her," he ate a piece of the meat, "we threw her into the vacuum."

The Captain flared with anger, the thought chilled him to the bones.

"We've reached our destination, and tomorrow morning our 'guest' will be here. I think you'll be quite surprised who it is. We'll all move to a seemingly abandoned freighter tomorrow were you and your two friends in the brig will finish out your usefulness," the wolf said ominously.

The Captain, in a challenging voice, replied, "Oh this is supposed to be the person that could kill my wife?"

"If I were you I wouldn't doubt me, I never joke. I still find it funny that you of all people frown upon our actions against females, you've raped a woman just as plainly as I have," the Alpha wolf said in a tone of absolute certainty. He watched the Captain's reaction very carefully.

The Captain couldn't even begin to understand, and his face showed it.

The wolf smiled at his confusion, "You have no idea what I mean? That's because you see it as such an innocent action that you've fooled yourself into thinking it was out of love."

The Captain stood up and slammed the table, this time however the guards didn't move, just as they had been instructed to do prior to the meeting.

Mafeu smiled, the Captain was playing right into his hands, "Ahh, you understand now don't you?"

"You better hope I never have weapon near you!" the Captain said in a murderous tone.

"Ha! You can't see it! Do you really think some fox like her is going to willingly fuck a human like you? I know her records, her father raped her as a child, then she's raped again by one of my men right before you saved her, and you think she would just lay herself down before you and open wide?" the wolf said humorously.

Now the Captain's expression changed to that of fear. He stuttered out, "Ho-how do you know all that?"

Mafeu smiled again, "You'll soon find out. As for your 'wife,' which I think it's funny that you'd refer to your sex slave as that, seemed fridged and I only saw her for a few seconds. How can you not see that you raped her? You kidnapped her from the Federation to do lord knows what in the wilderness to her! Hell you must have fucked her pretty good, you said she was carrying your child. Heh, you wanted her to yourself so much you traded yourself for her. You probably figured that if we took you, you can get back to fucking her later, but if we took her, you need a new slave."

Mafeu let that stew for a few minutes; he could see the uncertainty he had instilled in the Captain. He would break him yet.

Reynolds couldn't believe it. It couldn't be true. She had said she loved him. He had made first sexual move though. Could the wolf be right? No, he couldn't, but what if he was? Had he convinced or forced Cathy to have sex with him and not even realized it?

Then the Captain's face changed, "You think I've never heard of someone doing this? Trying to brainwash or turn a soldier against his standards. Let me get something clear, my wife loves me, and nothing you say will change that. I let her go because I knew what you would do to her you filthy fucking animal," the Captain smiled, "and so help me God, I am going to kill you and every wolf that has succeeded in taking a loved one from someone."

The wolf actually, to the surprise of the Captain, showed some fear in his eye. He covered this and smiled.

"I suppose we've had enough of our 'debriefing' take some food to the rabbits, they'll need it," the Alpha said and nodded his head to a guard.

The Captain ignored him and stood up and walked out by himself. He knew exactly what the wolf had meant by that, and he had to warn the pair.

When he got back to the cell he took out the food and handed it to the two rabbits. They ate it quickly and he sat down next to them.

For a long while he wanted to tell them what he was sure the Alpha wolf meant, but he couldn't do it.

"We have to find a way to get you two off this ship," he finally said.

The two sisters looked at him, not quite registering what he said.

He moved closer, trying to make sure that little or no sound was dispersed, "We have to figure out a way for you two to get out. Tomorrow, so Sadovnik says, we're going to be transported onto another ship, and apparently it's disguised as an abandoned freighter. If it's going to carry the Alpha Prime it's likely to be well armed and defendable,"

"And that means they'll have escape pods and fighters!" Sarah finished for the Captain.

"Yes," he continued, "so we have to find a way for you to get on one and get back to Federation controlled space."

Emily looked up and asked, "What about you?"

"I can't go, he knows to much about what's happened between me and Cathy, someone very close to her is a real traitor and I can't risk her. Once you get back you must tell them were I am, or at least tell Cathy, she'll come and find me."

"But won't they move to a new location once we run?" Sarah asked.

The Captain's spirit was knocked down a level, but he still replied, "I'll figure something out, but what's most important right now is that you two get out, I think these wolves will soon go to far once again..." he trailed off.

For about and hour the three sat in silence, then the Captain figured out a way to get them off secretly.

Steve started, "What if you-"

He was cut off the by the door opening once again, and in it stood a wolf guard.

Emily stood up on her own; she was going to make sure her sister didn't get raped. She started to walk towards the door but the wolf pointed at her younger sibling who was latched onto the Captain. Sarah screamed in fear, apparently Emily had managed to hide her most of the time.

As she had done the night before she got on her knees and begged the guard, this time she was sobbing already.

"Please! Take me! I don't care! I'll do whatever you want just leave my sister alone!"

The wolf smiled, "stupid bitch, your both coming."

Now the Captain was on his feet, which caused the wolf to take a step back; they did fear him.

"You're not taking anyone tonight!" the Captain said in a commanding tone.

He took a step toward the wolf and the wolf in turn took a step back but raised his rifle.

"Sit down human or I'll kill you right here," the wolf replied. "I'm taking both these cunts and if you try and stop me I'll kill you."

The Captain went to take another step towards the wolf but the butt of a rifle stopped his forward movement.

To the horror of the wolf the Captain didn't flinch, he just stared at the wolf, with a small bit of blood on his forehead.

"Walk out of here right now," the Captain demanded.

The wolf worked up some courage and pushed the Captain back and tackled him, "You want to take their place? I'm sure we can make an exception here." The wolf hoped that would scare the Captain but to further his horror the Captain replied, "Go ahead."

He stared at him for a long moment and grabbed the small rabbit by the neck and in one quick motion turned and ran; stopping to pick up the other, and quickly shut the door behind him.

Emily was terrified, as was her sister. The wolf brought them to the room were they would be brutalized. To the horror of both of the rabbits a large bloodstain was noticeable on the floor. He threw them to the ground and ordered them to take off their clothes. They both listened obediently and the wolf took of his pants as two more walked in.

The Alpha walked over to the wall with the "toys" on it and turned with an evil look in his eye.

"I think we're going to begin with a show," he picked up a what would be considered a double-sided dildo, made of high impact plastic, but it had huge spikes coming out the sides, "You two are going to fuck each other good and hard with this or I'll eat you alive."

Emily didn't want to do this to say the least. Aside from the fact that the dildo was obviously going to hurt her, she didn't want to hurt her sister, much less have sex with her.

"P-please don-" the guard shut her up with a punch to the side of the head.

"You'll talk when you're asked to cunt!" he ordered.

Sarah was catatonic; wolves that wanted to have their way with her fragile figure surrounded her. The Alpha threw the dildo at her, and when she caught it, it almost cut her paw. She couldn't believe they wanted her to... to use this.

Seeing that this was going nowhere the pilot walked over and threw Sarah to the ground. He bent her over and shoved the dildo into her pussy. She screamed and started crying; it felt like it was tearing her vagina to shreds.

The wolf guard seeing the pilot moved Emily to the other side and shoved her down on the dildo, causing a similar result.

"Now give each other a good fuck," the Alpha ordered.

For a long moment the two just sat there, crying. Even the feeling of their breathing caused the dildo to move causing incredible pain.

The Alpha sighed and motioned to the two wolves. They bend down and placed their dicks against the ass holes of the two sisters.

"If you don't give us a good show then I'll have to let my men make their own fun, and they won't stop until something breaks," the Alpha grinned.

Emily screamed and yelled, "No! Please, don't! We'll do it! We'll do it!"

The two wolves stepped back up, with some hesitation.

Emily whispered to her terrified sister, "You do the moving, so that it doesn't hurt you as much."

"I'm sorry," Sarah whispered back and she started moving her hips.

The two screamed and cried; they could feel the spikes digging into the insides of their cunts.

They still weren't moving fast enough for the wolves so the pilot decided to "help" them.

He put his hand on each of their backs and pushed them together. The dildo went so deep in each of them that their pussies touched. Both cried out in pain, and Sarah felt blood leaking inside of her.

"Get the idea now?" the pilot snickered.

Emily hugged her sister, and started humping in and out, trying to keep Sarah's part stationary but the pain overtook her and she stopped. Sarah seeing this took over and humped her sister, but unfortunately for Emily the edges of the dildo had dug into Sarah enough that it only moved around inside of her. She cried and latched onto her sister, wishing she could die right there.

The wolves sat on the various chairs and couches in the room and giggled. They all watched the two winch in pain with each stroke of the dildo. One of them, the guard, was drooling.

"I can't wait to have the small ones ass!" he growled.

This scared Sarah and she thrusted hard, causing the dildo to dislodge inside of her and the two screamed in pain.

The wolves laughed at her discomfort.

"Still not fast enough!" the Alpha yelled as he walked over to the pair.

Emily took over and began humping as fast as she could without causing more pain. The wolf pushed the two over, with Emily laying on top of Sarah. A look of terror was spread across the sisters' faces.

He stepped on Emily's back and pushed her down. The pain would involuntary cause her to shoot up and the wolf would push her back down. Eventually a terrible rate was worked up and the two were breathing hard and crying. Each time it was drawn out of the two the spikes would fold in and the rough plastic would make a burning sensation within their cunts. When the wolf would force her down the spikes would open up and they would dig deep into them both, causing a pain that they would have accepted death to be rid of.

"Aww, that hurts does it?" the Alpha mocked, "give your sister a good kiss, cunt."

She didn't and he drew his pistol and put it to Sarah's temple.

"You'll either have her brains on your face or her lips," he commanded.

Emily obeyed and gave her sister a deep kiss, using it to try and comfort her to the situation.

"Did I say stop fucking?" the Alpha further mocked. He put the gun at Emily's head and she restarted fucking her sister. They kept kissing as Emily fucked her own sister, wishing that she could take that pistol from the Alpha and kill everyone in the room.

Apparently satisfied with watching the pair, the Alpha lifted Emily of her sister. The dildo slipped out of her now bleeding pussy and stayed lodged in her sister's.

"Oh you like that toy?" the Alpha joked, "you can keep it then, I want your ass anyway."

Sarah tried to scream but all that came out was a sob of pain.

With his strong arms he threw Emily across the room into the "welcoming" arms of the other two wolves. The pilot shoved his paw into her pussy and played with her tail. His touch was rough and hurt her already raw pussy.

The Alpha picked up Sarah by the ears and carried her to the nearby chair. The pain was almost as bad as the dildo still lodged in her pussy. He sat down and rubbed his hard cock. He sat her down on his dick, but it slipped back and went along her back. She screamed now and her forced his dick into her tight ass, causing her to flail her hands in pain. The Alpha chuckled and started fucking her hard, liking the poor rabbits face.

"I always preferred furry tits," he whispered in the frightened rabbits ear as he started playing with her small breasts.

Emily was faring no better. Thy had laid her down on her side and one was fucking her raw pussy while the other, the pilot, was forcing his cock down her throat. She didn't care much at all about what they were doing; she just stared at the huge wolf fucking her small sister. Each time the wolf brought her straight down on his cock she would scream into the air, just exciting the Alpha more.

The feeling of the pilot's cock twitching broke Emily's concentration.

Through the wolf's cock she tried to yell, "please not inside!" but the wolf either didn't hear or care. He came deep inside of her, causing immense pain. His milky cum filled her and rubbed against every soar inside her pussy, causing enough pain that she blacked out for a moment.

"Stupid bastard, we're not done with this cunt yet, let's switch for now," the wolf fucking her face said.

He pulled his dick out and shifted himself. For a moment he thought back and forth and said, "I don't want sloppy seconds," and he filled her ass, brining new pain. She let out a shill scream and the pilot put his dick in her mouth, his cum still dripping out of his dick into her mouth. She coughed but he held the back of her head.

Sarah was still crying, but her ass had gone somewhat numb and just to make sure she was still in pain the Alpha began fucking her with the dildo as he filled her ass. He pulled it all the way out; a drip of blood fell of each spike. He moved it in front of her face and inserted it quickly and gave it a tug, causing her to scream and cry harder.

He turned her head and tried to kiss her, but she spit at his face, not on purpose, but that didn't matter to the wolf. He growled violently and threw her to the floor. He put the spiky dildo in her ass and stepped on it. He kneeled down and punched her in the head.

Emily screamed, begging for the wolf to stop, but she was forced to look on helplessly as the huge wolf beat the defenseless rabbit nearly to death.

"You have the stims lieutenant?" the Alpha yelled out to the pilot, "Get the vibrator insert and some tape too," he added.

"I've got it right here sir," the pilot replied, and he removed his dick from Emily's mouth to grab the small bag.

She took the opportunity and yelled, "Please, you can use me, just leave my sister alone! You an hit me if you want but let her be!"

"Shut that bitch up," the Alpha said to the pilot as he took the bag from him.

The pilot started punching Emily in the head, and she just sobbed the whole time, causing the wolf behind her to speed up. She would have sworn he broke something inside of her.

The Alpha flipped Sarah over and stabbed her violently in the heart with the needle, causing her to let out a terrible scream that brought more tears to her sister's eyes.

He put the vibrator insert into the spiky dildo and turned it on. It shook violently and she rocked her head side to side; her ears pinned to the sides of her head. He pushed in the entire dildo into her ass, all 10 inches, causing her further unbelievable pain. He took the tape and placed some over her ass hole, so that it couldn't shake loose. Her voice died and she just sat there with her mouth open, making no sound. The stims kept her conscious throughout the whole ordeal.

Seeing the gapping hole her mouth created he got up, but kicked her in the stomach first, and knelled down in front of her, his cock dangling above her head. She started shaking her head back and forth but he crawled across her body and pushed his dick into her mouth. He fucked her head as badly as he had done her ass. He pushed his whole fist into her pussy and violently felt around, trying to cause her as much pain as possible.

His cock went so far down her throat she gagged, hard. She tried to push him off with her paws, preferring a beating to this, but he only fucked her head harder. His thrusts caused his whole body to rock against her head, crushing it each time. The pain would have made her pass out before, but because of the stims, whose needle still was in her heart which hurt almost as bad as her throat, kept her awake and crying. The vibrator inside her ass broke something and she could feel a sick wet feeling there, and she knew it was blood.

Now that the pilot was done beating Emily's head, he sat down and watched the scene, leaving her in a mild daze. She watched the predicament that her sister was in but she was to semi-conscious to beg for him to stop.

The Alpha could feel himself starting to cum, so he sat her up against the chair and fucked her face. His cock grew in her mouth and he came, hard into her mouth. Cum dripped out her lips and she cried hard and screamed, adding to his enjoyment. She choked and coughed on his cum, and he played with her tits. He felt the needle still in her heart and, after giving it a twirl, which made her scream on his dick; he yanked it out and threw it to the ground. He removed his cock from her mouth, leaving a trail of cum on her whole face, and lowered his whole body to lick her tits.

In the process of this she coughed hard, and about a cup of his cum spurted from her mouth, and landed on the Alpha's head. For a moment he stared at her, pure anger and hatred in his eyes. During that moment she forgot about the pain her ass and vagina, she just watched the wolf as he raised his pistol, and then her mind went blank.

"Nooooooooo!" Emily yelled as she saw her sister fall to the ground with a bullet to the head.

The whole room went silent. The wolf fucking Emily didn't stop, but just stared at the Alpha who was still breathing hard and angry. He pumped another two rounds into the now lifeless body of Sarah.

Emily's mind went white; she didn't care anymore about anything. The wolf fucking her ass went back to what he was doing and a few minutes latter he came deep in her ass, but she didn't cry, moan, or scream, she just stared at the Alpha standing over her dead sister's body.

"I guess we're all done here," the pilot commented.

The wolf fucking Emily removed his dick and put his pants back on, but she just laid on the couch, her eyes immobile.

The Alpha walked up to the door, "Someone clean this bitch up."

"I ain't touching it, use the cunt," said the pilot and he pushed her off the couch.

As if she had been really hallowed out she stood up and walked over to her sister's body. Tears streamed from her eyes as she hugged the corpse.

The guard yelled out, "You weren't asked to hug her, take that stuff out of her and toss her in the airlock."

Emily ignored him and still hugged her sister.

"You hear what I said cunt? Take that dildo out of her or I'll make you fuck her!" the guard yelled.

She carefully removed the tape and took the still shaking vibrator from her sister's anus, and put it on the chair. She hugged her and picked her up and followed the pilot to the airlock; the blood and cum streaming from her sister stained her fur.

She laid her down in the chamber and kissed her forehead; blood further staining her fur. She lingered for a moment and the pilot yelled out, "Go back to your cell or I'll eject you with her."

Emily would have stayed if she hadn't made a personal vow to kill the Alpha in the worst way possible.

She walked out and, stopping to pick up her clothes, walked on her own back to the brig. She heard the airlock decompress; her sister's funeral, and the pilot walked up behind her.

"Stupid cunt should-a swallowed," he commented, throwing salt in the wound.

He opened the door and saw the Captain sitting on the ground, anger and hatred in his eyes. She stepped in and the door shut behind her. He got up and walked over to the Corporal. She fell onto him and he carried her back to the designated "spot" where they slept.

"He-he murdered Sarah!" she cried. "Why? She did what he asked her too he didn't have to kill her!"

She sobbed into the Captain's chest.

He whispered, "Don't worry, we'll kill him, we'll get him."

She kept crying and continued, "She didn't even want to join the army, she just wanted to be with me! They made me fuck my own sister, then throw her into an airlock!"

The Captain wanted to kill the Alpha now. He had gone to far and murdered two strong soldiers, just for his sick enjoyment. Reynolds knew that he had to get her off this ship, and fast, if she stayed she will be killed for sure, and he wouldn't allow that to happen.

He held her by the shoulders and said in a commanding, yet caring tone, "listen, for Sarah, you must get back to the Federation, you must bring them here so we can get him."

She looked up, still in a daze, and nodded.

"H-how?" she asked, totally broken.

"When we land inside the bay of the new ship, you slip away when I create a diversion, take off in a ship, and inform the Federation."

She looked at him and asked again, "how?"

He continued, "You see how the guards are afraid of me? Well tomorrow when they come to move us, stay very close behind me, they will likely ignore you for the moment. Once we get inside the hanger I'll create a 'scene,' they won't shoot, I'm far to useful to them still, but you fall down and play dead. After I get kill all the nearby guards, you run into one of their ships and close the hatch. I'll blow the air seal and they'll assume you were sucked out."

"What about you?" she asked.

"I'll try and hold out as long as possible; disable any part of the ship like it's radio and such. You have to tell Cathy something though, and you can't forget it and you can't tell anyone else; not Osing, not Drake, not even the Consular himself. Clear?"

She nodded her head.

"You have to tell Cathy that someone, someone with access to her, is a true traitor, and that she must watch her back at all times."

She filed it away in her mind, knowing she would make sure that the first chance she had she would relay the message.

He cleaned her up, and to his horror her insides were meat, only adding to his growing urge for revenge. She cried the whole time but she knew he was being as gentle as possible. He dressed her and held her close, and the two fell asleep, knowing that the future of many would be in the balance tomorrow.

Chapter 6 A New Level

F-98 Starfighter, searching vectors possibly taken by wolf Dropship, 0600 military time

Captain Sean Atric wasn't thrilled to be in the small fighter, he was a ground pounder, not a pilot.

Although he was more than qualified to operate any vehicle in use by the Federation and the Wolves, but he felt alone and cut off in the small fighter, even though he had two wingmen.

"Sir we've found something I think you should see," one of his wingmen reported.

Sean shifted himself in the seat; his tale was stiff from being in the fighter for the last four hours.

"What is it lieutenant?" he asked, rather board. He didn't think this was a good idea, but he had volunteered to do this to put Cathy's mind at ease. To her he was the most capable fighter in the Federation with the Captain missing.

"I think you need to see this yourself sir, it's at these coordinates," the wingman reported.

Sean put them into the autopilot and the ship accelerated through space. A minute later his wingman's space fighter came into view.

At first he thought it was a piece of polished metal, about a 2 meters long but to his surprise as he came within 25 yards he saw what it truly was, the frozen body of a human female.

"What do you make of it sir?" the pilot asked.

For a long moment Sean stared at the body, she was nude and covered in frozen blood, most of which appeared to originate from her privates. Her hair was short blond, in a similar fashion as to that of a normal military haircut.

"I have no idea lieutenant," he stared at her, he could see a look of misery on her face, "run a scan on her, I think she might be a Federal soldier."

A few minutes later the lieutenant, with surprise in his voice, reported over the radio, "Your right sir, she Private Frances Abrams. Her unit was KIA'd on Chyane, but her body wasn't found. She was presumed dead or captured by the wolves; the same fate as it would appear."

The Captain thought for a moment. This might be the lead they needed, she must have been dropped by an exiting wolf craft, and only five other craft that had escaped during the last jump could have gone along this vector.

"How long has she been here?" Sean asked.

The lieutenant waited as the scanners checked her body for radiation exposure, the best way to tell how long anything had been in the vacuum.

"About two days sir, give or take a few hours," he reported.

Captain Atric knew it. He could be wrong but he knew he wasn't. This poor woman had been dropped by the wolf craft that had left with the Captain. Cathy had mentioned that the pup had reported that the wolves had three prisoners, one of which was a human female, and it appeared this was it.

"Should I call the Federation sir?" his wingman asked over the radio.

Sean keyed in the line to the Endeavor and answered, "no lieutenant, I'll report it, get ready to have the entire fleet here."

Cathy's face appeared on his visual exchange screen.

"What's wrong Sean?" she asked.

He looked at her and could tell she looked tired; she mustn't have slept the previous night very much.

"I've found a sign that I'm sure points to were the wolves took Steve, I would suggest that you send the fleet here," he reported.

Her eyes filled with emotion, "are you sure?"

"Yes, this is the next step in the road to finding him," he said, very sure of what he was saying.

She studied his face for a moment and smiled, "Alright Sean, just sit tight, we'll be there in about three hours."

He sat back in his pilots seat and grabbed his tail. He put it to his side, thinking of what must be happening aboard that wolf dropship.

Wolf Dropship, preparing to land aboard captured Federation freighter, 8:30AM local time

This time when Reynolds awoke, he felt the entire ship shudder and stop, they had landed.

He woke her up and went over the plan with her once more. He could see the anger and hatred burning in her eyes and knew she would stop at nothing to succeed.

Thirty minutes later the wolf guard came into the room and ordered them to come along.

She stayed close behind him and as he had predicted the wolf backed off, not binding her paws.

They walked into the bay and out the ship. He found himself in a semi-familiar surrounding of the freighters bay. It was definitely a Federation ship, and to his surprise it had Federation troopships, three of them, in the launch bay.

To the total surprise of Reynolds there were only twenty wolf guards in the huge bay, most of which were on the other side playing cards. He saw a wolf guard by the doors they were being lead to was holding a carbine version of the standard wolf rifle; perfect.

They moved within ten feet from the door and saw a knife on the guard's belt, another plus. He made a motion with his hand to Sarah; she saw it and readied to drop to the ground. He took a deep breath and jumped at the guard, and grabbed the knife off his belt. He hit the ground and rolled backwards, in the process he stabbed the wolf in the back of the leg, causing him to fall and the Captain slashed his neck before he hit the ground. Reynolds grabbed his carbine and shot the guard following himself and Emily in the head twice.

This entire action took less than three seconds, before Emily had managed to throw herself to the ground.

Reynolds turned and fired at the closest wolf, about 5 yards away. He managed to hit him 8 times, three of which hit the wolf in the skull, causing his head to explode. He dodged some incoming fire and rolled behind the crates by a fallen wolf. He looked at the body and saw a grenade on his belt.

He primed it and threw it at the massed group of wolves, taking 5 out and picking off another four with six round bursts from the carbine.

He stood up and saw another two running away, trying to set off the alarm, he picked them off; a single shot each.

The last six wolves stood by the console, and tried furiously to fire on the Captain's position, but he rolled and evaded their fire, hiding behind the landed wolf dropship.

He rounded the whole ship and to his surprise the dumb wolves were still firing at his old position. He managed to down three of them before they realized he had moved, and he easily picked off the last three.

The entire engagement had lasted a total of 42 seconds.

The alarm sounded as he ran back to where Emily was playing dead, and he said quickly, "Go! Get on board the wolf dropship, go back and follow the previous route it followed, the Federation will likely be at the first jump location, trying to track. Only fire it up after I blow the doors, and don't fly away, go straight to a jump at a randomized vector and then proceed to the last jump from Chyane."

She nodded and got up, but he grabbed her arm, she stopped short.

"Don't forget what I told you to tell Cathy," he added.

She nodded but he didn't let go.

"And tell her I love her and to be safe," he finished and let her go.

She ran to the wolf dropship, stopping only to grab a wolf rifle. She disappeared into the wolf dropship and waited in the cockpit, waiting to see the red lights go off signifying that the atmosphere would be vented.

Reynolds ran over to the open door by the wolf with the knife still buried in his neck. He shut the door behind him and jammed it; there was no turning back now.

"First things first," he thought, "I have to find the bridge."

Although the ships layout was similar to other freighters he'd been on, he still had to make an effort to find his way, making as much noise as possible, lest they try and go to the launch bay.

About eight minutes, and thirty wolves later he found his way to the bridge. He killed the three officers on the bridge and searched for the button to vent the bay. He noticed the radio console right next to him and that was his next target.

Right as he found the vent button, the door behind him opened and he heard at least ten rifles cock. He froze.

To his surprise he didn't hear any shots, he didn't hear the all to familiar voice of a wolf yelling, "Drop it!" he heard the voice of Alpha Prime Mafeu Sadovnik.

"Very impressive Captain Reynolds, but before you try and contact the Federation," the Captain was glad he was standing next to the radio console, "I want you to meet my guest. You can turn we won't shoot you. I think you and he will have a lot in common. Comon, turn around."

The Captain, not putting the carbine down but making sure that he moved before it did, turned slowly and looked at this famous guest.

He was horrified with what he saw. For the moment he forgot about the Corporal in the launch bay, about the Federation, about the fact that he was staring down the barrels of more than a dozen angry wolves; he almost forgot Cathy.

"So what are you going to do Captain Reynolds? You think that radio will help? Your better off screaming into space." the guest commented, and the Captain's mind went a mile a minute.


** A Ranger's Tail** **Book 2: Gone** **Chapter 1 New Game** 200 yards from Ranger LZ 1104 hours Military Time For a long moment the three of them just stood there, both Captain Reynolds and Colonel Hushing were stunned and not sure what had...

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**A Ranger's Tail** **Book 1: Trust** **Chapter 1 Meeting** Somewhere over LZ100 on Chyane 1402 Military Time "God I hate this part" he thought to himself as the assault ships engines rumbled over the ground. He finally walked out of...

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