Tails of a Switch 4 Breaking the New Girl

Yulia awakes to the cool concrete of the basement's playroom, after being 'convinced' to come to The Playground by Lena, who has promised her to Nez. I awoke to the chilled air on my naked body. My arms and legs tied out,...

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Atomic FOX: Issue #6

It was Sunday morning and Adam was just waking up. Last night he'd finally decided to try sleeping after he had shrunk himself. Mainly because he was so relaxed at that size he knew that eventually he'd end up falling asleep one night like that anyway....

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Two True Needs

**Two True Needs** When Kyra awoke, it was sunset and she immediately hoped that everything she thought had happened was, in fact, a dream. Unfortunately that hope was shattered by the feelings of Movix's flaccid shaft still buried in her aching...

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It wasn't fair, the otter was never slated for this. He had dreams of becoming something big and powerful, a business leader, a politician, anything that wasn't clipped to the end of a leash, walking on all fours behind the pink badger...

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Qest: Primal - Chapter 20: Seven Course Meal

Ethan and Brook stood outside the Culture, looking up at the huge building, bright and shiny, with a neon sign that displayed the image of some poker chips and a bowl of pasta; it really was a gem that lit up the otherwise dreary dock. Some sort of...

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Little Adventures

Hi, this is basically the first story i publish so yeah. There isn't really much to say i assume so: Welcome to my premiere. So i hope you enjoy it. (Also i am grateful for any feedback. Thank you.) It was a chilly Friday in the middle of summer and...

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Professional Phantasm Pursuit

"Got anything yet?" The voice of a sheepish male sputters over your radio. It's Gene, of course, the one hiding back in the van, or "surveilling" as he says, even though you'd much rather have another hand on deck. "Not yet," you radio back...

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Tuff Ch. 6

Chapter 6 "Alex! Wake up, dad wants you for something." Joey closed the bedroom door and steps could be heard fading down the hall. Alex rose from his bed and rubbed his eyes, his last day of freedom had so far been a lazy one. _Please don't be mad...

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[c] Heating Up, chapter 1

Afi's trainer days were long behind her. In her early twenties she'd wandered the region, catching powerful pokemon and taking on as many comers as possible. She'd never made it to the League, but she'd acquired nearly all the badges she could, and she...

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