Cpt. Juicestice VS. The Plastic Dragoness
He was trapped, stripped,gaged and bounded on a table. A soft padded table, really comfy if the case would be better then this. The plastic dragoness had set a trap and he ran straight into it. First time he thought she was trying to kill him with gas...
33 Floors Part 3
When the elevator stalled, Mathieu knew that he would simply have to walk up the other 30 floors to the top of the building. It was not something he particularly liked nor did he know what Hiram Serra, the lion whom he had contracted out for this job...
Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 10
Anthro News On April 11th, 2004, a innocent male attempted suicide for the wrong reasons, love. This has been a recent and growing epidimic here in Anthropolion, he just topped it off with his injury. Puppy Dizzle, worker at Swan Lake Spa,...
Catching Up
After they ate a small portion of their winnings, Skye showered from her and Ruki's recent adventures across Sinnoh and replaced their bedding with a satin white blanket and light blue sheets. Skye bundled her hair up into a ponytail for the day. She...
Transition in Pride: Genderfluid Passion (erotic eBook teaser)
**Transition in Pride** ** ** **Genderfluid Passion** She hadn't been "out", like...properly out, for long. It was a strange time, things going on in the country and angry voices rising against those...
PokeNNN - Round 21
DAY 1: On a hot summer day, on an island inhabited by Delphox resides a male Braixen named Lex. It was one of the few Braixen that were already on the island and had an intensive training. He met Xena, a Braixen just like him who was heading with...
Party Time
Party time By Bunny Boy This story and Bob is copyrighted to Bunny Boy, Arcc is copyrighted to his player As is Breeze, and Catfiddle Warning the story contains nonconsensual sexual acts between adults and young furry males. So if your...
Mare-ied To His Work
(MtFtH TF Horse, Pregnancy) Michail was living on a ranch with his girlfriend Andrea, who is a horse breeder, their relationship was going well. It was early spring so the horses were spending more time outside now, and Michail had been around...
Chapter 15
Lost In The Mist © 2015 Sinclair Diavante Chapter 15. I woke up with a pounding headache. A huge variety of sounds and smells assaulted me as I rolled over, onto my feet. I scented blood, my own and something else's. That something else made my...
Tales of Redstreak Chapter 3
She felt a throbbing in hir head and that shi was lying on hir backs. Daring to open hir eyes shi finds Coaldust by hir side holding hir hand. Medallion was behind hir with Medallion's parents behind that. "Hey everybody." Red says weakly. Everyone...
Scat Bunny, Chapter One
If you're under eighteen, don't read, if you're over eighteen...probably still should not read. I've not held back a whole lot with this one. So expect squickage! SCAT BUNNY Chapter One The rabbit opened her eyes to the new day and looked...
Charles' Growing Pains II
Charles' Growing Pains II by Kenneth Beltan Everything © Kenneth Beltan 1 Mrs. Nasreen Saxon sat folding clothes. There was more to do this time, as she had decided to do the laundry for the whole household. Usually her son Charles liked to do his...