Chapter 3 - Charizard's First Time
Well, it seemed he's time in the forest was over. Charizard had to move on. He wasn't a little Charmander anymore, as the other pokemon had learned before him. He remembered that both Nidoking and Feraligatr hadn't feared him. Why was that for? ...
From Defeat Comes Victory (1/7)
"You are never going to win Vasran!" the voice over the radio shouted as a ship spiraled through the darkness of space, the one controlling it grunting in pain as he struggled to regain control of the primary systems. "You're finished! That ship...
Filling the Void - Chapter Nineteen
"So what's this guy like?" Lucas asked, as he smoothed wrinkles from his shirt. "You know, really. The way everyone gets that weird look in their eyes whenever someone mentions his name, he must be a real piece of work." "If by, 'a piece of work' you...
NC Sex Spree
"I can't believe I lost my NC mall card," a red Usul said, as she searches the back alleys near the mall for her card. The Usul recently got a NC mall card, which had something her owner called "real money" on it. The Usul didn't understand what...
Consortium 1-2: Shipment of Nothing Chapter 3
A few hours later Riu steps into the chamber for the council and awaits for the rest to show up via HAPI. Anon had called every single member of the council, though had listed it as non-urgent. Already some of the members are asking him what the...
Chapter 8: Home is Where The C Wing is
**_"PLEASE RECONSIDER CAPTAIN. ONE MUST GET SLEEP, IF THEY WANT TO BE EFFECTIVE ON THE BATTLEFIELD."_** "I told you computer. What kind of a friend am I if I'm sleeping, while she's out there?" **_"IT'S BEEN FOUR DAYS AND YOU HAVE NOT RESTED...
Chapter 19 - Honour
Chapter 19 â€" Honour Location: Yggdrasil â€" Hall The fight between Munchy and Aries had become very intense with both of them bleeding heavily. Munchy delivered an upper-cut to Aries that knocked him backwards but the horse was still not...
Under Velvet Wings
The house was dark, the music was loud and the drinks were strong. Dimitri leaned against the wall, mixed fruity concoction in hand, surveying the rest of the party. His left footpaw tapped to the beat of a generic yet catchy industrial song, ear...
Handicap Match
Deafening roars filled the arena once her music hit. Shimmering bright lights danced about the area in grand ceremony. They chanted her name, cheered for her, gave her a standing ovation before she even showed herself. Then she appeared. The star of...
A Long Time Coming
This story was written for J as part of my Patreon themed request day for April. This month's theme is "First Times." The story contains M/M sex between consenting adults. :3 **A Long Time Coming** "A-aahhhh!" Stroking at the short headfur...
A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 6
Jewel took a deep breath as she pressed the doorbell. Yesterday, she had learned the truth about Alex's relationship with Phyllis. The horrible and abusive truth that she had to act ignorant of. That proved difficult when the mink opened the door,...
Taken to Market
The raid had started just before sunrise--banshee-like screaming tore through the dark, startling the villagers from their dreams. Some of the exhausted and disoriented folks tried to fall back asleep, believing there were just a few rowdy men playing...