The Cry of Sodom: Book I, Scroll VI

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#12 of The Cry of Sodom

THIS WILL CONTINUE IN BOOK TWO, publishing online w/c 16th May!

The world is seldom as one believes it is, but sometimes a fur must open their eyes to truly see the pleasures before them. Upon entering Sodom with his wife and daughters, Lot is about to learn of the lusts of the body rising into conflict with the notion of sin. Family liaisons await and his daughters are more cunning than he could have imagined in their quest for pups and continuing their bloodline.

This is a re-release of The Cry of Sodom. Each 'scroll' will be published on Tuesday for consecutive weeks until we complete this book. Book II has been drafted and will be released following this re-release. Book II has not yet been released, except as a draft to Patreon supporters.

Thanks for watching and reading! Let me know what you think and enjoy this re-release! I won't delete the original story file so as not to delete it from favourite lists and such, but this release will make for a much easier read on a computer screen. I'm a little better versed in digital readability now - sorry I gave you guys such a chunk of text last time!

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Stories available on Kindle & Sellfy to download right now!

I take any and all commissions!

Characters © commissioner

Story © Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Book One: Asuragiari

Scroll Six

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

It was peculiar for Pheine to wake so warm and comfortable on the coming of the next morn. The young canine yawned lazily, nuzzling into the soft warmth that slipped one arm around her waist, draped over her body like a snake. Where was she? Would mother come to wake them soon, chasing their tails to progress with the day? Slowly, she blinked and opened her eyes, drifting home to reality on a cloud that could only be satisfaction. Lying on her back, a blanket tangled around her legs and she kicked it aside, the fabric falling over a pale fox tail. The first to wake, she took in her surroundings: the leftover wine skins, pottery drinking vessels, Thamma with her head on her father's bare chest and Lot snoring lightly with his body curled against hers. The little vixen wound amongst their legs, a small smile brightening her muzzle as she dozed.

Relaxing, Pheine thought there was no reason to face the day just yet. Sunlight streamed into the entrance of the cave but it was still dark in their corner, cool shadows shielding their bodies from its glare. Hazy memories of the previous night danced before her eyes and, although they were probably dulled by wine, she was confident of the sexual liaisons that had taken place. Their current condition was evidence enough anyway, if memory was not to be trusted. Awkwardness and liquor aside, she felt lucky to have overcome her first sexual experience with a partner - or partners - with only minor pounding within her skull. Esther would likely fare worse with the after-effects of the wine due to her size, Pheine thought with a generous flicker of sympathy.

She sighed, bored of solitary wakefulness. As sisters were prone to do, she flipped her tail up between her legs, caked with dried semen, and prodded Thamma's shoulder, gauging how deep into sleep she still resided.


Wriggling, the canine instinctively distanced herself from her sister's meddling paw, but Pheine was not to be easily dissuaded from pestering. Caressing Thamma's breast, she surrendered to a devious grin that stretched the corners of her lips to aching point. Her sister's eyelids fluttered and she moaned in reply. Thamma's paws roamed her own body as she fluttered to the land of the living, pausing at her decidedly damp sex, which did not solely drip with feminine juices. Nipping the inside of her cheek, Pheine leaned over and brushed her nose against Thamma's, bringing her to full wakefulness with a sisterly, morning kiss.

"Good morning, sister."

"And good you too, sister," Thamma mumbled, pausing to yawn midway through the utterance. "I trust it was you that deemed me unworthy to sleep any longer."

"What else are elder sisters for?"

"For leading the way."

Pheine chuckled warmly, stretching her arms above her head and unconsciously jostling the remaining sleepers. Lot woke with a dozy grunt, raising a paw to scratch the bridge of his muzzle; he swallowed twice to dispel the dryness from his maw. While he gained his bearings, Esther sat up with fluidity that neither sister could hope to master, rubbing the back of one paw over her eyes and perking one ear as if she had only now realised her condition. Her skin flushed beneath pale, sand-tone fur and the insides of her ears took on a pink shade. As wicked as ever, Pheine almost laughed out loud but was stopped in her tracks by Thamma, who jabbed her hard in the ribs with a warning glare. Lot's eyes narrowed.

"What brings us to this state, Pheine?" Lot growled.

His voice was unnaturally quiet, devoid of the usual paranoia and frantic tone. Pheine swallowed, though his arm around her waist filled her with an additional shot of confidence that was, for once, sorely needed.

"Do you not remember, father?" She stalled, eyes ever hopeful, like a pup's.

"I remember..." Lot paused, lowering his muzzle sombrely. "I remember lying with you, your sister and the vixen. This...this cannot be. It could not have been."

"But you remember," Pheine wagged her tail, ignoring his tone.

"Father, the day is not as gloomy as you would believe," Thamma piped up, trailing her paw through his chest fur. Lot shivered. "If this was 'sin', as you claimed before, we would repent. This is not sin. This is what we are meant to be. I can feel it and I will not have you languishing in the thought of holiness and sin when a sin has not been committed!"

It was so unlike Thamma to be outspoken that Lot fell into immediate, considering silence. Esther cocked her head curiously, at greater ease than the sisters would have expected, though it could be assumed that her greatest concern was her gender and not what had taken place. Thamma made a note to reassure her that all was well once she had quelled her father's idiocy. Pheine could not imagine Esther as anything else, but she still spared a moment to twitch a reassuring smile in her general direction. Modestly, Esther crossed her legs and placed her paws in her lap, protecting her genitals from view as she allowed the remainder of her body to be proudly viewed in all its grace and entirety. But there was Lot to be accounted for, even if Esther accepted prior events.

"Perhaps you are right, daughter..." Lot acknowledged after a worldly pause, his words sending Thamma's heart straight into her throat. "There are benefits to the joys of the body, this active expression of love. It is something we should reap and enjoy in the Lord's name, for he would never have sought to close this path to us. It is how we continue to be and it is how I came to be, though accepting more is a strain. I have been wrong."

"It does not matter, father," Pheine's ears quivered and she rested her head on Lot's broad chest, swiftly joined by Thamma on the opposite side of his body. "Change and understanding are the most important."

"I thought you weren't one for simple forgiveness," Thamma could not resist prodding as Pheine snorted.

"If we are changing, then I may also change my attitude towards forgiveness," Pheine quipped, tail curling against her lower back.

"Indeed," Lot did not seem to notice the mild teasing between his daughters. "Change is something to be embraced, something that we should learn from. And forgiveness is to love, remember that, my daughters."

Though she privately disagreed, Pheine nodded, feigning compliance: she would have to choose her conflicts as carefully as she chose her partners. She could not always have life her way, she finally understood. The tip of her tail twitched and her father laid his wrinkled paw upon her cheek. Pheine sneezed and turned her head pointedly, allowing the paw, dirt crusted around the claws, to pet further down her neck, cunningly avoiding the unwelcome sight and whiff. Wrinkling her nose, she made a mental note to harry her father down to the small river to bathe 'more' while they had the chance. She smiled to herself, half closing her eyes as sleep stole upon her like time preceding an unwelcome event. It was comforting to be held close in the new bond between sisters and father as their dynamic shifted perceptibly. Even Esther daintily lowered her muzzle and wrapped her arms around Lot's leg, breathing rhythmic and relaxed; her eyelids fluttered as she fought off drowsiness.

"Let us enjoy the morning and see how we may explore," Lot said softly, stroking Pheine's cheek with the gentlest of touches. "For I have made it away from the sins of Sodom to lie here with my beautiful daughters and a fair handmaid."

Thamma caught Pheine's eye and dropped a sultry wink, paw sliding sensually through Lot's fur until it came to rest above his crotch, playing with the idea of exploring. The older dog groaned responsively and, without liquor, responded eagerly to her touch, shaft growing hard in her paw. She whined, eyes feverish, and buried her muzzle in her father's neck, the familiar if unclean scent comforting her lust. The vixen squirmed and her nipples perked as they grazed Lot's fur; it was an automatic reaction but one that she took pleasure in none the less. She touched her tail lightly to Lot's, which pressed up between his legs as if to provide a fluffy pillow for his balls, and lapped enthusiastically over his jewels, paying the utmost attention to each heavy orb.

As Thamma scrambled to mount her father - his shaft slid into her slippery folds more easily the second time - Pheine wormed her way beneath Esther's body and positioned her vulpine member at the lips of her sex. Almost muzzle to muzzle with the fox, Pheine wriggled on her back, thrusting her hips away to spear herself on that delicious, red rod. Her partner yelped, jerking her hips in pleasure even as the vixen worked harder to satisfy Lot, tongue lashing in a pink flicker of motion. The mating was the first of many instances over several days of frenzied copulation.

Insatiable, Pheine and Thamma enticed the males upon every opportunity, using Esther's preference for male furs to their advantage as they encouraged her to suck Lot's cock, to their father's bashful delight. Not a drop of seed was wasted, however, as they considered it of utmost importance to become pregnant. Even if they had not taken upon the removal of their virginities, they were confident that they would ensure the continuation of their bloodline, their family and their pups. The world had opened beyond their wildest dreams and expectations with contortions of lust and realms of possibility. Anything could be done if only they fought hard enough! They only took what was right for a fur, nothing more. There was much to be learned and the sisters planned to experience all that they could.

Not a soul would ever dare restrain them.

The Cry of Sodom: Book I, Scroll V

**Book One: Asuragiari** **Scroll Five** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ Opportunity did not present itself for two more nights. Lot spent much of his time sleeping between consuming greater and greater portions of their frighteningly low...

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The Cry of Sodom: Book I, Scroll IV

**Book One: Asuragiari** **Scroll Four** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ Sitting on the stone lip of the cave, Pheine sighed, brushing away the caked dirt from the hem of her dress as she pretended that the action did in fact remove the...

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**Sparring** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ The blow caught Dora off guard, the blonde German Shepherd stumbling back on her heels with wide eyes. She flung an arm out to the side, shifting in her loose clothing as she spread her stance,...

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