The Cry of Sodom: Book I, Scroll V

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#11 of The Cry of Sodom

The world is seldom as one believes it is, but sometimes a fur must open their eyes to truly see the pleasures before them. Upon entering Sodom with his wife and daughters, Lot is about to learn of the lusts of the body rising into conflict with the notion of sin. Family liaisons await and his daughters are more cunning than he could have imagined in their quest for pups and continuing their bloodline.

This is a re-release of The Cry of Sodom. Each 'scroll' will be published on Tuesday for consecutive weeks until we complete this book. Book II has been drafted and will be released following this re-release. Book II has not yet been released, except as a draft to Patreon supporters.

Thanks for watching and reading! Let me know what you think and enjoy this re-release! I won't delete the original story file so as not to delete it from favourite lists and such, but this release will make for a much easier read on a computer screen. I'm a little better versed in digital readability now - sorry I gave you guys such a chunk of text last time!

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Characters © commissioner

Story © Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Book One: Asuragiari

Scroll Five

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Opportunity did not present itself for two more nights. Lot spent much of his time sleeping between consuming greater and greater portions of their frighteningly low food supply. He ate without care, drinking until slumber took him, more lethargic and impassionate than ever. Esther, for her sake, said little, but Pheine understood her unspoken frustration with Lot. It showed in the lack of company she supplied the older canine, whereas she kept close to the sisters, afraid to be alone. Regardless, the vixen was not above the odd glance or knowing look in Lot's direction, imagining indiscretions that Pheine did not understand, wondering and sharing her thoughts with Thamma alone.

At midday, two nights after the agreement between Pheine and Thamma, the elder sister could bear waiting no more. Her increasingly erotic dreams made sleep difficult and she rested little, sneaking her paw between her thighs in the dark to stroke herself to muffled moans, knowing that Thamma was awake and listening. Sometimes, Thamma accompanied her in masturbation. Neither acknowledged their nightly activities, despite the hardly stifled orgasmic cries both struggled to muffle with blankets. They were learning and growing together as sisters, closer and eager for experience.

During the consumption of the midday meal - it did not truly matter what time they ate when so stationary - Pheine could not sit still. It was unlike her to fidget, yet she fiddled with the stale bread, poked the fruit and sipped sparingly from the wineskin, swilling the rich liquid around her mouth. She soon would be using its potency for her own purposes, as the cold heat in her belly could not be calmed, though the wine would settle her nerves. She took a hefty gulp and wiped her muzzle, a smear of crimson wine staining the back of her cream-coloured paw.

"Here, father," Pheine said pointedly, exchanging a look with Thamma. "Have some more wine."

"Is there cause for celebration?" Lot muttered, accepting the pottery cup anyway.

"Our escape from Sodom," Pheine answered with a smile.

Finding this pleasing, Lot drank deeply from the cup, smacking his lips.

"A fine wine indeed," he murmured, cradling the cup between two large paws. "More wine. Esther. Fetch more wine."

Compliantly, Esther padded to the rear of the cave and collected several skins of wine, crouching with both legs pressed together, as conservative as any lady that Pheine had seen in her life. The reason that Esther was not as open as females of Sodom was fairly evident, considering her true sex, so she could be excused for adapting alternate manners of presenting herself. It made sense, though Pheine could not believe that she had not come to the conclusion that something was awry at an earlier time. There had been plenty of telling signs.

"Thank you," Lot slurred, accepting the wine from the flushed fox. A muscle in his neck twitched and he reclined slowly, eyes lidded as he traced Esther's path across the cave, unconsciously licking his lips. Despite the dim light, Esther's fur glowed with good health; spending more time in the outdoors did wonders for her appearance, even if she refused to remove her beloved anklet for fear of losing the small treasure.

Though Esther had not consumed as much wine as the others, her smaller stature made her susceptible to the wiles of liquor. She blinked lethargically, lounging on the scant pile of sleeping mats that she had cushioned with a mattress of dry grass. The vixen yawned, only half-covering her muzzle in ladylike decency, taking another sip of rich, crimson liquid. Thamma crossed her legs and sat at her side, slinking an arm around the vixen's waist, subtly caressing her through the pale dress, which had been kindly lent to her.

Catching Thamma's eye, Pheine placed a finger to her lips. It was now or never. Swallowing excitement - which fed butterflies in her stomach - Pheine took up position beside her father. She ran one paw over his rounded stomach, up to the v-shaped neckline where his robe's folds creased, cutting across one another. The sash was loose around his belly, a predicament of age and a fattening figure. His orange muzzle, struck with grey hair, twitched in response and, emboldened, Pheine stroked her fingers through the tuft of cream fur protruding through that gap in the neck of his attire. For all their trials, his fur was luxuriously soft, speaking of the life Lot had enjoyed. The Canaan dog lifted his head and caught Pheine's paw in his own, trapping it against his chest.

"Now, daughter," he said slowly, taking great care to pronounce every word with clarity. "What brings this spell of affection?"

"May a daughter not willingly show her father affection?" Pheine countered, a smile lighting up her eyes. "After you have so cared for my sister and I, we want to ensure you are aware of our appreciation."

Wine rocked her vision, daring her paws to rashness. She fumbled with the sash and yanked it loose, allowing her father's robe to fall open. Lot did not seem to notice the cool air and Pheine leaned over his body, feeling his warmth through her clothing, parting the robe both ways to reveal his fur and plain loincloth, tugged down on one side by lopsided sleep. Nipping her lip, Pheine glanced at Thamma, who bobbed her muzzle encouragingly and rubbed her crotch through the fabric of her own clothes. Esther looked on, her sharply pointed, narrow muzzle questing forward with the curiosity of a true Corsac fox. The fox stretched out on her stomach and rested her head on her washed out russet forearms, watching intently as her tail stirred against Thamma's legs.

Groaning, Lot's head lolled back, supported by one of the softer packs. A faint scent of sweat clouded the air, intoxicating to Pheine's rocketing senses - or perhaps the wine. She did not care to debate the matter. She caught the edges of her father's loincloth, which was constructed of two off-white panels of cloth at the front and back, held together by thinner strips of fabric. Pheine suspected that he would have worn something more comfortable had they been in their wealthy surroundings, not something as simple as what could have been a servant's undergarments. For a heart-thumping moment, she could not for the life of her see how the ties came loose, so carelessly were they knotted. She growled in the back of her throat, heat in her head and belly making it hard to think clearly. At last, however, the loincloth fell away; Esther gasped.

"Pheine? What is the meaning of this?"

His words would have been frightening under any other circumstance. For Pheine, swimming in the current of rebellion, she was far from a place where she would have thought twice about displeasing her father. He was no longer in charge, at least for their liaison. She arched her body over his and nuzzled through the fur on his chest, lowering a paw to tentatively stroke his furred sheath. The narrow tip of his member - somewhere between pink and red - protruded from the plump sheath and his balls were coated in fine down that Pheine eagerly caressed, rolling the orbs between her fingers. Lot moaned, raising half-heartedly reaching as if to stop her, dropping his paw to the ground with a noticeable thud.

Fumbling with the ties that secured the dress around her body, Pheine stumbled out of the garment, letting the dirty cloth pool around her bare hind paws. She had chosen to wear nothing but the dress that day and her breasts heaved in the cool air, fat nipples hardening. Her father propped himself up with one paw, too drunk to do anything but stare slack-jawed at the plump yet buxom female fur. Apparently wine was an excellent cure for paranoia as well as loosening inhibitions. Pheine had to quell the smirk twitching at the corner of her lips, her curled tail wagging rapidly.

"Relax, father," she said, running her paws over her body as if to display her wares. "This is how it is supposed to be."

Her fingertips grazed the tuft of thicker fur around her crotch, a rich cream, and she involuntarily arched her back, thrusting forth her hips. Her sex was inflamed, more so than ever, and fingers alone could not satisfy the need. Looking at Lot's semi-aroused, waiting cock sent tremors through her body and she quaked in unadulterated anticipation. The eyes of her audience enhanced the pleasure and she whined as she slid a slick fingertip against her clitoris, spreading her pussy lips in the process. Mumbling to himself, Lot shook his head and reached out for Pheine, paw landing on her hip and drawing her closer, down to his level. Pheine caught her breath, heart beat thudding in her ears, music to their illicit liaison.

Esther whimpered, sipping wine to calm herself. Thamma wound an arm comfortingly around her waist and stroked the shy vixen's muzzle. Resting in Thamma's lap and arms, Esther gazed up at her trustingly, irrefutably innocent. Encouraged by her sister's ministrations, she cupped her paw beneath Esther's muzzle, kissing her softly on the lips. The vixen stiffened, ears splayed, and relaxed into the kiss, allowing Thamma to slowly ease her dress up her fair-furred legs. Eyes riveted to Lot, Esther squirmed delightfully, moaning into the heady kisses and nips as a hardness beneath her dress betrayed her arousal.

Expecting her father to instantly become aroused like all the other males that she had had the pleasure of observing around the well, Pheine rubbed her crotch over the soft tip of his member, whining with need. Though he responded by putting his arms around her, groping her body in the throes of drunken desire, no more of his shaft deigned to slide forth. She growled in frustration - how was she supposed to know what to do her first time? She couldn't, not on her own. Furtively, she thought back to how she had watched her mother with the other males, reaching out for them and taking their shafts between her lips but also her paws. She could only follow her mother's example. Hesitantly, she reached forward, halting an inch from his body as a devious idea brightened her consciousness: Thamma.

"Thamma?" Pheine flicked up her tail coyly, angling her body so that her sister received the ideal view of their prone, panting father. "Would you like to take over? Maybe you have a better paw than I."

Thamma nodded quickly and disengaged from Esther, springing lightly to her paws. She offered a paw to Esther that the vixen shyly clasped, allowing herself to be pulled to her hind paws despite shrinking away. Feeding off Pheine's boldness, Thamma padded to Lot's side and untied the sash fastening her dress about her chest, discovering a sultry smile that would have made any male's heart beat quicker. Disrobing with a flourish that Pheine was privately proud of, Thamma folded to her knees, appearing more like her sister than ever, despite her comparative slimness to Pheine's voluptuous beauty. The fur across Thamma's shoulders was split with lighter bands between a richer burnt-orange tone. Regardless, there was no doubt that they were sisters. Panting hotly, Thamma stretched luxuriously across her father's cream legs and cupped his balls in one paw with a look of wonder. Esther itched to do the same.

Lot groaned and rolled his muzzle from side to side, conflicting emotions swamping his senses, yet he could not commit to actions that could have altered the course of events. Though he was old, sinful lust drove his body to new heights as Thamma squeezed his sheath softly between two paws, caressing the hidden cock as if she had years of experience in the art of pleasure. Thamma growled, breasts hanging pleasantly as she curled forward, massaging his balls between her fingers and trusting her body to know what she should do. All she knew in her mind was the dizzying dance of wine and ever-present need. Swallowed by burning need, the canine rubbed her father's sheath, pressing her breasts against his leg. The warm swells of feminine flesh teased his round thigh - equal fat and muscle from their travel without the luxury of mules or servants - and Lot groaned unwillingly. He leaned into her touch and stretched one arm back behind his head, paw pressed to the cave wall, which was damp with moisture.

Thamma's hair fell about her muzzle in a tangled mess, the canine more concerned with satisfaction of her need than a dignified appearance. She could not believe that she had initially fought anxiety over Pheine's plan. On the contrary, as Lot's red cock slipped further into view, she believed it the best idea her sister had come to posses, though there was always room for improvement. She took the warm tip of his cock between her paws, encouraging it to full hardness. The deflated knot that she knew all canines possessed (she had seen the servants' dogs, after all) remained tucked away in the sheath, plumping it out with its waiting presence.

A pace away, Pheine fingered her hot snatch lewdly, pants becoming louder as Thamma dipped her muzzle to lap the head of Lot's member. Her eyes widened at the salty taste of flesh mingled with musk that clouded her senses in the overbearing scent of male. It was a tangible combination of natural musk, arousal and sweat from days in the sun. A scent that should have been unpalatable under normal circumstances fired Thamma into a frenzy and she took longer, bolder licks along the length, flattening her tongue so that it rasped over the red rod. The older dog moaned and stroked her hair with a trembling paw, prey to the pleasures of the body. Already pre cum beaded at his cock-head, a delicious treat for his hungry daughter.

The inexperienced canine squirmed, digging one paw between her own thighs to relieve the sexual itch: she feared that she would lose control if she did not. Boldly, she pressed her lips around the tapered cock head, playing her tongue against the slit, salty with sweat and pre cum. It was a combination that made her fur bristle as if she tasted a fine fruit. A muzzle bumped into her shoulder and Thamma paused, taking note of Pheine muscling in at her side. A recently disrobed and panting vixen followed in the elder sister's wake. Esther staggered to the ground, wrapping her arms around Lot's nearest leg, panting with her muzzle wide open as the two sisters tongued their father's member, coating every inch of it in their shared saliva. The vixen whined.

Sliding her lips down, Thamma groaned and fingered her clit lewdly. It was a strange sensation to have her lips parted around a smooth, slick pole and she grazed it with her teeth more than once, her father grunting unhappily each time. Pulling back, Thamma murmured an apology, brushing her moist nose along the line of his cock in lieu of her teeth. She needed more practice. Dipping her muzzle, Pheine tongued the older canine's balls, curling and wrapping her flexible tongue around each orb in turn. Lot stroked her head and muzzle, fingers playing with her hair like he had done when she was a pup of much younger years searching for her father's affection. Hips bucked and his shaft twitched, splattering a drop of milky pre cum to roll languidly down the underside of his shaft, towards Pheine's muzzle. She paused in her administrations, curiously scooping the fluid on to her tongue where she rolled it for a second, marvelling at the salty taste and thick consistency, wanting more.

Though she begged it to remain compliant, Esther's red, vulpine member responded to the show, rising to full mast without physical touching. Stark against her pale stomach, it was impossible to ignore as she humped her hips licentiously, drawing Thamma's attention. The canine's eyes carved out the shape of the vulpine member and the small, unformed knot at the base, a slight, noticeable bulge. Smiling gently, Thamma stroked a paw down the vixen's back, reassuring as the shy fox ducked her muzzle, hiding it against the side of Lot's thigh. Thamma would later put it down to the wine, but the vulpine pressed closer to her paw with a needy whine, arching into Thamma's paw and peering over Lot's thigh, unwilling to tear her attention away from his now throbbing member, rigid and dripping beads of pre cum. Leaving the vixen to make her own decision, Thamma moved away and crawled closer to her father with another wine skin, presenting the opening at the neck to his lips.

"Drink, father," she said, eyes disallowing other options.

Thankfully, their father liked the taste of wine on his lips and willingly drank deep from the skin, rich liquor filling his belly with incomparable warmth. It soothed the dryness in his maw and he brought his muzzle to Thamma's in a drunken kiss, brushing their noses together. His lips folded over hers and she perked her ears in surprise, skin tingling with warmth. Both canines panted upon breaking the kiss and Thamma put the wine aside, within easy reach, so that she could join Pheine in 'preparing' Lot's cock for mounting. Neither sister was much inclined to proceed without a tasting the goods beforehand.

The gusto with which Thamma attacked her father's cock caught even Pheine off-guard. Thamma's back arched provocatively and she stroked her tongue along the length of Lot's member, growing bolder with every lick. The sisters battled good-naturedly for dominance over the shared phallus, settling for a side each even if Pheine, as the elder, took precedence over her father's balls. She knew his seed - what would make her a mother - was inside and she sought to pay worship to the full orbs as if pleading that their sperm would swiftly seed her womb. Thamma gasped for much needed breath, body squeezed between her father's and Pheine's.

After some time, a shy Esther joined the canines and wrapped her flexible tongue around the base of Lot's cock. Her fox yips accompanied the chorus of moans and growls. Thamma adjusted her angle to allow Esther more space and the vixen curled up between Lot's legs, one paw resting delicately on his thigh. Her tail twitched, a shimmer of light glancing off her anklet, and her member throbbed, paying tribute to her arousal. Thamma took the tip of Lot's cock between her lips, sucking gently (as she had heard that it was something that males enjoyed) to great effect. The older canine tensed, hips rising to push his cock deeper into her muzzle.

Perfectly shaped to take a male's shaft, Thamma thought of her muzzle with a spark of satisfaction.

Saliva dripped from Lot's member but Pheine found it a trial to draw away, lust hazing her vision. She blinked sluggishly, unusual warmth drowning her in its arms. It was time. Thamma was not privy to her internal conversation, however, and did her best to swallow her father's whole cock, the tip pressed into the back of her throat as she suppressed her gag reflex. Pheine laid a paw on her sister's shoulder and Thamma twitched her tail irritably.

"Thamma," Pheine swayed, blinking slowly, though whether the effect was from intoxication or heady lust remained to be seen. "Wait. Stop."

Disgruntled, Thamma jerked her head up. A bead of pre cum clung to her upper lip, where it was caught by the tip of her swirling, pink tongue. She panted softly, pupils dilated in a faraway expression.

"What, Pheine?" She growled. "Why did you stop me?"

"We should preserve father's seed," Pheine explained, though her words tumbled over one another in their rush to escape her muzzle. "We should... I mean... It's our best chance to get pregnant. We need it inside, not on or in our muzzles. This is all for continuing our bloodline," she added after a moment, as if she had indeed forgotten the initial purpose of their tryst; it had been easy to forget.

"Right...of course..." Thamma muttered, tilting her head, wine fumes heady on her breath. "Pheine, will you mate with him first? You've seen mating before. I...I don't know what I should do, how to position myself."

"As the elder virgin," Pheine smirked, "it would be proper. Watch and learn, dear sister, and we shall have our wish."

Lot struggled to prop himself up, back arched against the rough cave wall, and Thamma coaxed him forward, sliding a wadded up blanket between him and the wall. She could not deny that she was anxious for his wellbeing, as a daughter should be. Frayed ends and loose threads mattered little when it came to comfort in such an environment and Thamma hoped that her mild assistance could make the experience more enjoyable for her sister. It had to be hard, the first time. She had no experience to draw on, however, so how could she discern either way? Slyly, Thamma hoped to gain a better view by propping Lot up in such a manner because, after all, she had to watch and learn, did she not?

Licking her lips, Pheine shook herself, nerves battling with excitement. Her fluffed up tail bounced as she swung a leg over Lot's waist, straddling him so her knees scored dents into the woven sleeping mat. Grasping his rigid member, she pumped it a few times within her paw, feeling the firmness and heat, blood pulsing beneath the skin. It was the answer to everything that she had been missing. All she needed was for it to be inside her, satisfying her body at long, long last. Raising a paw, Lot caressed her breast and Pheine arched into his touch. Her hips moved to rub his cock between her feminine folds, dripping with erotic arousal.

Nerves had no place when her sister was watching. Gaze steeling, Pheine lowered her chubby body, legs spread wider than she was physically at ease doing - her father was so wide! The pliable flesh of her thighs squeezed snugly around his hips and the paw on her breasts distracted her to fresh heights of need. Grunting and whining like a four-legged bitch in heat, her eyes rolled and she panted desperately. She had to have him! Bearing down, Pheine let out a bark of frustration when the cock did not immediately slip into her folds. It had been so easy for those other females, all those furs pleasuring one another with their bodies without a care for the intricacies involved. Pheine growled, ears folded back in unwelcome frustration.

But the smooth shaft sliding through her pussy lips felt good. Anger receded and she moaned softly, hips bucking to force Lot's hardness against her swollen clitoris as a murmur of remembered ecstasy shivered up her spine. Readying herself for the plunge, Pheine straightened her torso body, pushing her chest out as if to put her large, rounded breasts on full display. It had to happen, she had to do it. Fingers questing between her legs, she teased her vulva, parting it with the lightest of touches and placing the tip of the shaft into the centre. She growled, strained beyond expectation, and hunched her shoulders, passage forced open through her own insistence - a cock was considerably larger than a finger!

Her body rounded forward as she struggled to contain herself in front of Thamma; she could not show Thamma how difficult she found it. The barrier that protected her virginity, something leftover from necessary protection during her younger years, stretched around the intruder, forced open through the small hole or tear that allowed Pheine to bleed every moon cycle. Squeezing her thighs around her father, Pheine cried out suddenly through a flash of pain and a sudden lessening, pain reduced to faint discomfort. Tentatively, the canine pushed her hips down and barely caught herself from howling triumphantly, just like her ancestors. A wide, canine grin spread across her muzzle and she ground her sex down, sliding inch after inch into her soaked folds.

Abruptly aware of her surroundings, Pheine shivered, fur bristling. The entrance to her warm passage was unduly sore but the pain had all but vanished, her hymen either torn or stretched to accommodate natural intercourse. Panting, Pheine's chest heaved in relief and exertion as her bosom quivered. Sex was more difficult than it had appeared in observation. Suppressing a wry grin at her own 'hilarity', she placed both paws on Lot's chest, sinking down experimentally with a self-satisfied moan. A cock felt a lot better than a finger. Lot groaned, paws massaging his daughter's breasts with relish. Though the aroma of sweet wine was on his breath, his eyes were starkly bright with the knowledge that came from some perceived wrongdoing.

Thamma knew that she should not have worried for Pheine, yet she had still had to hold herself back when her proud sister clenched her paws into brutal fists, breathing becoming unjustly laboured. She knew Pheine had been too distracted to take note of her sister's noticing, which was a barely disguised blessing. Stretching out luxuriously on her side, Thamma worked her fingers over her damp mound, curling her short claws through the thicker fur and down to her sex. Her sister made no pretence of modesty as she rode her father's cock, using her paws for leverage as she set the pace and bounced upon his body, enjoyment outweighing any lingering discomfort. Knowing that it would be better if she did not bring herself to full floods of pleasure immediately, Thamma rested her muzzle on her outstretched arm, simply watching as she stoked the heat of her simmering arousal.

Without reason to exercise restraint and giddy with wine, Esther shyly crept forward on all fours, eyes transfixed not on the bouncing derriere of the lustful canine but the phallus and balls from which she derived so much pleasure. Her raspy, vulpine tongue snaked out and she returned to the action she had desired, lapping the older males balls with youthful abandon. Lot spread his legs, allowing Esther full reign as she growled contentedly, not even minding the female sex an inch or two above her nose. Not quite able to take all of Lot's modest length initially, Pheine enjoyed what sensations the three inches of his shaft provoked in her. Her juices trickled down Lot's member, slickening it for further penetration as she bravely took a fraction more into her pussy; the stretch was delicious.

Taking a deep breath, Thamma could bear the waiting no longer. All she could think about was the fact that there was one male without his shaft buried in a warm snatch, even if said male masqueraded as a she. It did not take much persuasion on the part of her wicked mind. She slid beneath Esther, jostling Lot's legs as she wormed her way into position - he grunted in response, too distracted to pay her more attention. Esther blinked slowly, whining as she fought to maintain pace with the canine's actions. While Esther came to comprehend Thamma's intent, Thamma wrapped her arms tightly around the lithe vixen, trapping her. The vixen squirmed, tail lashing the air, but Thamma merely guided her snout back to Lot's crotch, letting her inhale the thick musk of male. It was as if the semi-drunk vulpine had been given a shot of aphrodisiac in that moment, or even an overdose.

Relaxing, Esther tentatively returned to licking her elder's balls, soft moans escaping her lips. Thamma breathed shallowly, exploring the vixen's body with her paws and in particular marvelling at her small breasts. She was clearly male even with their presence but Thamma knew enough to suspect that herbs and concoctions could be applied to the body for more reasons than simple healing. She wondered if there were some that increased arousal or one's fertility. Flat on her back, Thamma wrapped her legs around Esther's waist, letting the vixen's smooth cock tease her folds. Aroused by sensation and action alone, Esther whined, ears folding back submissively. Pheine let out an especially throaty, mature moan and a smirk crooked Thamma's lips, one paw guiding Esther's cock to her well prepared sex, which was shiny with her own juices.

The vixen gasped, breath hot on Lot's saliva soaked balls. A victim to the whims of her body, her hips bucked, pale tail held high as if in simultaneous invitation. Her skilled tongue discovered a musky patch of sweat on the underside of Lot's full sack and she attacked it with gusto, sucking hungrily at the thin skin and fur. Gathering her nerve, Thamma took full advantage of Esther's distraction - not that the vixen had not been taken advantage of enough that day - to work her slender cock-tip into her folds. Her arousal, unexpectedly, became a problem as the smooth shaft gained no friction on Thamma's flushed sex, so productive were her feminine preparations for mating. Her upper lip curled in a snarl and she shoved her muzzle against Esther's chest, grabbing her cock with two paws and forcing it into her tight hole, just as she had seen Pheine do.

Barely an inch sank in and Thamma yelped in shock as that frail barrier tore, pain shuddering through her body. She whimpered and buried her muzzle in Esther's clean fur, which was scented with some kind of wildflower. Esther trembled under the sudden, intimate stimulation but found the heart to lick Thamma's forehead comfortingly: don't be scared. The Canaan dog breathed slowly and deeply, wishing belatedly that she had followed her sister's example with greater care, easing herself into the act. Returning to lap Lot's balls and fleshy, warm sheath, Esther's tail fluffed up and she rocked her hips just enough to coax a shy moan from Thamma's lips.

The pain ebbed with such swiftness that Thamma had to consider whether or not it was partly mental. She did not feel noticeably different without her virginity intact. Where the barrier had torn was sore, assuredly, but her tight snatch - spread for the first time - was as well lubricated as her sister's, if the moist slapping behind Thamma's head was any indication. Calmer, Thamma dug her heels into Esther's rump, hind paws crossed neatly as she drew the vulpine deeper, insistent need clouding coherent thought. Yipping quietly, Esther responded with a shallow thrust, pale hips rocking in an erotic dance. Thamma dug her small claws into the vixen's back, suppressing a low growl for fear that Esther would think her in pain and try to pull away.

Sparing a thought for her sister, Pheine glanced over her shoulder, shaking her head to dislodge a wild wisp of hair from her eyes. A grin flashed across her muzzle - she need not have worried. The canine's hair whipped her shoulders as she bounced, her rocking increasingly exacerbated by heights of arousal that she had not known it was possible to reach. So much had become viable since Sodom. Thrusting beneath her promiscuously spread legs, Lot grasped her hips firmly and matched her pace. He drove into his daughter's pussy with such fervour that Esther was hard pressed to maintain her adoring licks. The older canine faintly found himself longing for the stamina of a younger dog.

Shuddering with feminine passion, Pheine cried out hoarsely, begging in an unnoticed whimper for orgasm, that electric release that encompassed her body from muzzle to toe. Her father would not last much longer, she warranted, but she was determined to have her fill and then be filled, as was the plan. On the other paw, her plans appeared to be increasingly difficult to follow once she had begun. Raising her hips high, Pheine barked, suddenly empty and oh so unfulfilled. Her father's cock swayed, the old canine thrusting into midair, seeking to plunge it back into his partner's cunny. Biting back annoyance - this had not happened to those other furs! - Pheine readjusted, tracing her pink tongue along dry lips and casting her father a sultry grin that would have converted a pure soul to sin.

Esther was swift to take advantage of opportunity and, as soon as Pheine lifted her hips, she stole a few devious licks of Lot's cock, wrinkling her nose cutely at the leftover female juices. It was worth it for the salty taste of pre cum and cock. Settling down, the vixen curled her tongue around each of Lot's orbs in turn, bucking her hips with greater force over Thamma. The hind paws on her back and buttocks drew the vixen in closer, deeper, her tail twitching erratically. Lot sank inside Pheine's swollen sex and she rocked with renewed vigour, yips and whines orchestrating her impending orgasm; Lot contorted his muzzle, motions frantic. As if in sync, Thamma's head fell back and she moaned loudly, gasping for breath that she was not sure she would regain in the course of mating, thoughts flickering before her eyes as if by the course of vision. She could already see her pups and she wondered if they would look like Corsac foxes or Canaan dogs; it was difficult for different species to produce offspring together... Likely she would have to have her father impregnate her. She grew glassy eyed, jaws gaping in unrestrained enjoyment. Her shoulders pressed hard into the ground, cushioned by the mat, and she used her position to rock her hips towards her vixen partner, yelping when the entire slender shaft speared in.

Shaking her head, Pheine's chest rose and fell rapidly, breath harsh within her windpipe. With a proud howl, she raised her muzzle, hair tumbling wildly over her shoulders as she lost herself in the throes of orgasm, body shivering like a leaf in the wind. The canine rolled her head, completely oblivious to the pants and whines of her father beneath her legs. Her legs grew weak and Pheine trembled, paws resting on Lot's chest for support, cunny muscles rippling around his cock: cum in me. Something wider nudged her vulva and she gulped, bearing down in time to take Lot's half-swollen knot as her heartbeat hammered against her eardrums. Swelling rapidly, it grew inside and she whined as her warm passage was forced wider in lingering, orgasmic excitement. Giving one almighty buck of his hips, Lot gasped, claws digging into his daughter's hips, and his balls drew up against his body, pumping out seed in hot spurts that Pheine swore that she could feel filling her pussy.

Thamma heard the moans but, too concerned with the bone buried in her depths, paid little attention. She wound her fingers into Esther's hair, crying out in a hoarse whimper words that she never thought she would hear from her own lips, begging the fox to give her pups, mate her and fill her with virile seed. The vixen growled, ears splayed hopelessly. She could not stop - did not want to stop. It was good to have her nose buried in the older canine's balls, even if she used her shaft to mate; it did not seem truly part of her, but the pleasure could not be denied, as much as the canine beneath her. She imagined Lot pressing his chest to her back, member forcing entry into her own virginal hole, and took a sharp breath, inhaling more musk than intended. Breathing deeply, the vixen lost herself in the orgy of fur and flesh, climax creeping onward as Pheine slumped forward above her muzzle.

A drizzle of semen oozed from Pheine's cunt as she collapsed, eyes glassy; it had taken more out of her than expected. The excess seed trickled down Lot's sheath and pooled between his balls, proving an irresistible temptation for a vixen in need of pleasure. Eagerly, Esther lapped up every drop with a low moan of delight - when had she last had opportunity to experience that taste? - and her tail wagged as if she was the figurative cat with the cream. Panting, she tilted her muzzle down, neck muscles tense with the strain of withholding orgasm for a few seconds longer. It was impossible! Gritting her sharp canines together, she fought for control that was not to be had, sweat dampening her fur in the struggle. Thamma yelped as the fox's small knot was shoved past her outer lips, growing to lock them together, seeming to pulse in her tightness. No matter what Esther desired, a fox's true nature could not be denied.

The vixen heaved forward, nose crushed into the gap between a pale canine thigh and balls. Thamma clutched her narrow shoulders and squirmed pleasurably as Esther shuddered, filling her partner as her hips jerked reflexively. Her tongue lolled, the taste of salt, sweat and fur on her lips exquisite in the moment. She almost did not mind that she was tied to a female fur, her inflated knot straining the dog's sex. Swaying drunkenly on all fours, Esther dipped her muzzle kindly and licked Thamma's forehead, drenched in sweat and lusting for more.

"Tired, sister?" Thamma panted with her muzzle open, though the corners of her lips twitched with sisterly mirth. The recipient of her question pushed herself upright with a groan, Lot's cock slipping from her pussy with a lewd squelch and outpouring of semen. Esther only hesitated for half a second before lapping over the canine's softening member, hardly minding the lingering feminine juices. Still, she minded a little, deeming it a small sacrifice for the taste of semen on her tongue. It had been too long since her last male partner had graced her with his cock: a secret affair.

Shivering back to reality, Pheine wagged her tail, the fluff brushing across her father's leg and making Esther sneeze.

"I was the one doing all the work up here," Pheine smirked, leaning forward as if in challenge. "All you did was lie on your back for Esther to take you - that's hardly work."

"Hardly work, just as fun," Thamma snipped, surprising a bark of laughter from her sister, the sisterly jibes remaining despite the shared experience. Pheine did not think that she would desire to have their relationship any other way than how it had always been for the two of them and, for that, she was glad.

"If you think it's so difficult," Thamma cocked her muzzle, peering upside down at her sister, "would you care for a second round?" She paused, muzzle quivering. "Best chance for pups, is it not?"

"It is indeed."

Sliding off her father, Pheine knelt at his side, head tilted as she contemplated just how the two of them were to continue. Of course, there was more to come and she wanted to give something more pleasurable to Esther in addition to their quest for pups. She did not want to be thought entirely heartless. Absently, she noted Thamma squirming out from beneath a fox who was as still as a statue, the vixen's eyes glassy and tongue lolling. Lot's eyes were lidded like one that struggled with the onset of slumber, proving both males - young and old - exhausted by the sisterly duo. Thamma squatted at Pheine's hip, one paw driven between her legs with no doubt as to where her touch led; the whining moans were enough indication. Thamma humped her paw with the drive of a female possessed and Pheine snapped back her head, realising just why her sister was so frenzied: the younger sister was yet to reach orgasm, blood pumping and heart racing as she gyrated desperately. Peering through her dark eyelashes, unusually thick and plump for a canine, Pheine patted her hair into place, smoothing down unruly clumps with the finesse of the vain.

"Come now," Pheine brushed her fingertips against Thamma's arm, coaxing her back to reality. "You shall have your opportunity, sister. Watch what I do and assist me."

With an unladylike grunt, Pheine grasped her father's upper arms. Under the influence of a great deal more liquor than the females, Lot was as passive as a puppy, allowing her to manhandle him into position. He blinked rapidly as semen cooled between his thighs, soaking into his fur where Esther was unable to reach and combining with intoxicating male musk. The fox trembled, supporting herself on all fours as her pale tail swung lazily, limbs quivering with the strain of supporting even her bony body. Struggling with her father's weight, Pheine huffed and dragged him away from the wall, sliding him down on to his back while her arm muscles screamed in protest. She sighed when he was finally horizontal, cushioned by the sleeping mat and woven blankets. Pursing her lips, she tugged the blankets straight and jumped when her father's paw drifted upwards to trail over the swell of her breast.

Thamma caught on quickly and crawled over to the vixen whose member she had recently become so well acquainted with. Esther glanced up, muzzle creasing, and Thamma gently wrapped her arms around her waist, smiling as the Corsac fox collapsed willingly into her embrace. Pheine spread more blankets alongside Lot's body and patted them invitingly as Thamma guided Esther over, one paw resting against the small of her back. Licking her lips boldly, Esther folded to the prepared mats with barely any encouragement, turning sensuously on to her back and stroking her small breasts as if challenging Lot to not appreciate her body.

Thamma followed the vixen with a wag of her tail and growled playfully, bumping her muzzle against Esther's slender snout. The vixen blushed and squirmed, licking Thamma's muzzle in turn, though the action was tentative at best. Lot rolled his head to the side, watching them share affection with what could only be described as a fatherly smile. However, neither sister would have claimed that Lot was 'fatherly' in any sense of the word, knowing what they knew.

Regaining slow but sure control of her senses, Pheine nuzzled down her father's chest and sniffed as the lightly greying hairs tickled her nose. She closed her eyes and inhaled the salty scent of cum - so unusual to scent - allowing the aroma to lead her lower, irrefutably closer to her prized destination. A trace of sticky cum from Lot's fur clung to her upper lip and she caught it on the tip of her tongue with an eager moan, thighs dampening with combined semen and feminine moisture. Her father's cum leaked out of her sore cunny, but she was far from satisfied with her first sexual experience.


"What?" Pheine's eyes snapped open and she jerked around, pupils dilated. "What, Thamma?"

To her surprise, Thamma met her gaze and motioned to Pheine, one paw stroking the vixen's swelling cock.

"You mounted father the first time," she stated calmly. "It is my turn."

Pheine could not refuse the touch of fox, even if her sister's assertiveness was mildly dissuading and, in a way, challenging. Without a word, the elder sister shuffled across the dirt floor, grime ingratiating itself to her knees as if she was a mucky pup in need of a bath. Thamma took her place and dropped to all fours, bending her elbows to lap over Lot's soft cock; as she teased it back to hardness, she wantonly thrust her rump into the air. The canine whined, ears splayed sweetly against her skull, gripping her father's legs with frantic paws. Oh, to soothe the heat! Thamma humped empty air, tail raised and wagging nineteen to the dozen, ensuring that her rump was impossible to ignore, semen dripping from her stretched pussy.

Resting her body over the smaller vixen, Pheine enjoyed the sensation of small breasts nudging against her own. Esther squeaked and hid her muzzle under Pheine's chin, planting her hind paws flat on the ground and raising her hips so that her crotch rubbed invitingly against the canine's soft thighs. The canine stifled a chuckle, not fooling herself with regards to the source of Esther's arousal even as she shivered pleasurably. Far from becoming aroused by the lady pinning her to the mats, the little vixen only had eyes for the mature dog moaning at her side. Watching Lot with near reverence, Esther stretched out to him, pressing her nose into the side of his neck to inhale his scent with a happy, drawn out sigh. He turned his attention to her and she whimpered, a sudden spark of boldness inducing her to press her lips firmly to his.

Whether Lot's response was due to Thamma's enthusiastic deep throat of his shaft or the passionate kiss, Pheine was unsure. Either way, Lot groaned and returned the kiss as gently as a lover, his tongue twining passionately with Esther's. The vixen's ear pressed to the mat as she squirmed, cock hardening, and Pheine grasped it with both paws, experimentally running the soft pads along the length. Seemingly fascinated, the canine wriggled backwards, nuzzling Esther's small balls, and flicked her tongue along Esther's shaft, drawing a needy whimper from the vixen; the sounds only encouraged Pheine to greater levels of experimentation. She growled, taking the vixen's dick between her lips so the gentle vibrations travelled down the length, setting her a-shiver with sensation. Even if she was not intoxicated, Esther had the fleeting notion that she would have consented to such pleasurable oral - particularly as Pheine sealed her lips around the base of her fox-cock with a lewd slurp - if she had had a willing partner at another time.


Duly distracted, Pheine failed to notice Thamma straddling her father's hips, directing his cock towards her sloppy cunt. In her eagerness, she had not ensured he was fully erect, and his shaft slapped the frustrated canine's engorged clit, eliciting her cry. The desperate dog thrust her hips, struggling to push Lot's member into her inundated folds, though the drooling juices made it a daunting task for the sex-crazed Thamma. Pitying her sister, who had not been able to achieve orgasm while playing the 'bottom' role, Pheine reached over and gently directed her father's red shaft upwards. As Thamma angled her hips, Pheine squeezed the thick, red cock-tip into her sister's dripping folds.

Thamma convulsed and sank down with a moan, unaware of her sister's presence or intervention. She panted and rolled her eyes back in pleasure, tongue lolling wetly from her muzzle as Lot rested his paws on her hips, caressing her richly toned fur. The squelch of sexual juices was as audible as Lot's harsh pants and Esther's soft moans; the vixen's tongue battled lightly with Lot's in a passionate kiss that Pheine found fascinating. How strange it was to see two males kissing! She supposed that Esther did not identify as a male... She shook her head. It was too confusing to think about when sex-addled, if there was such a state. She had better activities to partake in, namely a rigid fox-cock.

Swinging a leg over the vixen's slim thighs, Pheine briefly admired her feminine form, small breasts appearing as suitable as any she had ever seen. Esther's gold anklet knocked against the ground as she stretched out her legs, releasing a plaintive whine into the kiss, one of Lot's paws cupping her pale cheek. Exhaling slowly, Pheine lowered her hips until she felt the tip of Esther's cock brush her clit, startling forth a furtive groan. She did not need to direct the vixen's shaft as it was throbbing and ready for action already. Pheine suspected with a sultry grin that the kiss with Lot had something to do with that, which was exactly what she had intended. Why shouldn't Esther have as much fun as them?

However, Pheine could not deny the desire for her own pleasure. Huffing quietly, she eased the vixen's member inside, taking the initial penetration far more slowly the second time; she had at least learned one lesson, though she hoped that no one would discover her indiscretion of impulse. Her cunny dripped drops of pearly fluid, which lubricated the tapered cock and allowed it to push inside with little resistance. The female fur gasped, fur standing on end. It felt even better than the first time. She shuddered, a ripple trembling through the folds of her body, and caressed her heavy breasts, short, canine claws pricking her nipples through the matted fur. The scent of sex and sweat assaulted her senses increasingly, proving more potent than the duly consumed wine.

Rocking her hips, Thamma panted heavily, breasts heaving and nipples pertly erect. Her father's cock felt larger than Esther's, spreading out the entrance to her sex with a lewd squelch as her passage contracted around him. Mixed sexual fluids trickled over his soft knot, noting what was to come. The canine growled, ears angled back and eyes glazed in the throes of passion. With her sister moaning at her side, a flash of competitiveness drove her to greater heights and the ghost of a snarl erupted from her lips. She placed her paws squarely on her father's chest, fingers curling into the thinning, white fur, and arched her back, driving his cock into her body with the enthusiasm of the sex-crazed. She had to feel! She had to feel what Pheine felt...or else she would fall prey to madness of a less pleasurable ilk.

Recalling vaguely how Pheine had moved when 'riding' Lot, Thamma narrowed her eyes, toes curling and uncurling. The slim dog raised her body up sensually, pouring as much sexuality into the motion as she could muster and pushing down until Lot's half-swollen knot ground against her clitoris. With a throat moan, she repeated the motion, the older canine's thicker pubic fur teasing her clit in turn as the light sensation made her shudder. It was sensitive, too sensitive, but she could not resist the lure. Whining at a pitch that she had not known she was capable of, Thamma hunched her shoulders and ground her hips lower, breath coming in short pants as that pleasurable nub of flesh was rubbed. Rockets of electric delight lanced through her body, setting every nerve tingling as if she had been touched by a fork of lightning, her body charging towards pure, unadulterated life. A clump of hair fell across her eyes but she could not spare a moment to brush it aside; she was far too caught up her world of ecstasy.

She could not be outdone by her sister. Pheine flinched, muzzle gaping into a grin as competitiveness took hold. Running her paw down Esther's neck and chest, feeling the soft breasts, Pheine spread her legs wider, thrusting into a motion that would have made a lesser fur cry out in pain. Beneath her, Esther moaned, humping her hips up futilely. Despite her efforts, Pheine remained firmly in control and pinned her down by planting one heavy paw between the vixen's bouncing breasts. She could not be outdone. The canine growled lowly, understanding her futile effort as she impaled herself on the vixen's delicious length, the small knot popping in and out of her tight vulva. Thamma was too far gone to notice, care or catch up to, let alone surpass but, lord forbid - did Pheine truly care? Her muzzle tilted back, eyes rolling in erotic delight.

Thamma had the sensation that something was rising within her, like water filling a pot at the well, poured in rather than carefully ladled. It was too warm! Her legs trembled, struggling to comply with orders, her need snarling orders to maintain movement. She had to keep that dick pounding into her cunny, keep that knot swollen and mashing against her outer lips. And, as it seemed to be, she was suddenly tumbling over the edge of the cliff, falling into flames that tickled her nerves and set her body twitching, lower jaw slack. As her orgasm flared like wildfire, all the canine could do was moan weakly, allowing Lot's knot to pop into her cunny while her pussy milked the phallus for every drop of promised seed.

Weaving his fingers in a semblance of tenderness into Esther's hair, Lot groaned deeply, bucking his hips. His lips still assertively covering the vixen's, he ran his paws down the curves of her body, each thrust into his trembling daughter shoving him closer and closer to that forbidden pleasure. Above the vixen, the older sister felt her partner tensing in movements that mimicked her father immediately before his release. Pheine tilted her head back, baring her throat, and pinned Esther's paw in an act of dominance over the sheepish vixen. The small fox jerked violently and relented to the demands of her partner for her seed, securing a deep thrust into the canine sex that shoved her knot inside a split second before she yelped in orgasm. Pheine followed suit a few seconds later, imagining that she could feel sticky ropes of fox cum coating her passage. The promise of pups made her smile faintly, holding Esther's paw as they rode out their combined pleasure.

The final one to come to the truth of sinful love, Lot secured an arm around Thamma's waist and dragged her close, howling against Esther's neck as he finally broke the passionate kiss. Locked securely into his daughter throughout devilish surges of sensation, he was left panting for breath, broad chest heaving, as Thamma slipped forward in a daze, muzzle resting on his collarbone. The older dog ran his paw up and down her back, murmuring words that were indiscernible to the drained daughter, roaring white noise in her ears ferrying her to the land of recovery and dreamless sleep. Her eyelids drooped, though she still managed to wag her tail faintly and plant a light kiss on her father's nose, the first sign of affection that she had dared show him in years. Excluding the sex, that was.

Esther seemed much the same as Thamma, exhausted from the exertion as she lightly curled an arm around Pheine, pressed to her back as the canine rolled on to her side, flanked by her father and the vixen. Esther reached out so that one pale paw fell above Lot's head as if waiting, eyelids drooping so that the last thing she saw before slipping into sleep was Lot's faintly smiling muzzle, eyes already closed. The last one left in the land of the living and wakeful, the elder canine groaned, soreness setting into her body, though the warm, furry bodies on either side helped ease the worst of it; it was a necessary pain, in her eyes, and worth every second. Pheine breathed out a sigh, blinking and thinking for some time until the gentle breathing of the furs around her lulled her into as deep a sleep as any, body and mind wholly satisfied for the first time in her young life.

The Cry of Sodom: Book I, Scroll IV

**Book One: Asuragiari** **Scroll Four** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ Sitting on the stone lip of the cave, Pheine sighed, brushing away the caked dirt from the hem of her dress as she pretended that the action did in fact remove the...

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**Sparring** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ The blow caught Dora off guard, the blonde German Shepherd stumbling back on her heels with wide eyes. She flung an arm out to the side, shifting in her loose clothing as she spread her stance,...

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The Cry of Sodom: Book I, Scroll III

**Book One: Asuragiari** **Scroll III** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ Beyond Edith's knowledge was a young Canaan dog on the upper floor of a suitably deserted home, which peered down into the gathering place like an all-seeing eye. She...

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