Ragefire Captive - Chapter 2 - Descent

Story by Merle on SoFurry

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#2 of Ragefire Captive


by Merle

Tags: [straight] [lesbian] [belf] [orc] [rape] [oral] [bondage] [whipping] [rape] [humiliation] [cum] [gangbang] [anal] [lesbian] [drugs] [rape] [torture]

Any creative criticism is much-welcomed! Please tell me anything that could use some work! Also, since no-one seems to be able to tell this - Jateej's name is pronounced "ya tee ya". I don't understand what's so confusing about it, it makes perfect sense in Elvish. :)

All characters are copyright me, but feel free to use 'em in whatever (just give credit where it is due, please). Also, please link me if you do, I'd love to see it!

Now, sit back and relax, and enjoy Ragefire Captive...(based on a true story!)

Part 2 - Descent

"If you put anything near me, I'll -auugh!"

The paladin's threat, made as she struggled valiantly to squirm away, was easily rendered futile as the orc warlock skilfully shoved a thick leather ring in her mouth. He buckled it behind her head before she could spit it out, the elf finding at an exploratory bite that the leather was stretched over strong metal. Her mouth was held open, and fear chilled her as the orc straightened, the bent again over her.

His strong hands didn't bother fumbling with her underclothes; he tore the shirt and brassiere from her in one hard yank, letting her breasts bounce free as she gasped; her cheeks flushed with shame and rage, her nipples stiffening slightly in response to the cool air of the room, hued rose in the dim light. The orc tossed the shreds of cloth aside and laid his hands on her breasts; petite as she was, his fingers could easily cup each one - and Jateej was astonished to hear herself whimper as hard fingertips dug into them, her captor kneading and squeezing roughly.

"A hard nut to crack, you were...but inside, feh, you're as soft and sweet as any other elf." The warlock slapped a breast, Jateej blinking away tears as she forced herself to stay silent; when the orc fastened his teeth on her breast, though, a strained whimper forced its way out of her. His tusks scratched at the soft skin as he bit and licked wherever his fancy took him, then bit down hard on her right nipple, trapping it between his teeth.

Despite her discipline, the elf cried out in mixed fear and pain as the orc pulled back; he twisted his head to the side, stretching her tit cruelly. He didn't let up until he wrung a scream from her, the elf throwing her head back as her self-control cracked; when he released her, Jateej was surprised and more than a little relieved to see her nipple throbbing and swollen, but intact.

She had no time to recover from his mauling of her breasts, the orc standing in one movement and pulling her up into a kneeling pose. Trying to ignore the fading ache in her right breast, his tooth marks deeply imprinted in the skin, Jateej still could not help noticing the tent in the warlock's robe. He wasted no time forcing her head forward, only the thin wool between her face and his stiff cock; the warlock ground against her, his voice low and amused.

"Your newest friend, elf...say hello. You'll grow to love him and his brethren, soon enough..."

Jateej snarled in response, her words reduced to meaningless gabble by the gag holding her mouth open, and strained against her bonds - but though her thin frame was infused with divine strength, the leather held fast, the paladin helpless to prevent her humiliation at the hands of the orc warlock.

A few quick movements by the orc and his robe hung open; his shaft jutted proudly, the dark green of his skin shading to a deeper color towards the head, and Jateej had the luxury of one distracted moment to be thankful that he seemed neither malformed nor diseased before a strong grip on the back of her head forced her mouth onto his member.

Her howl of protest was muffled by the orc meat as it pushed uncomfortably far into her mouth, trapping her tongue against her underside and smearing precum wherever the tip touched. She kicked her feet impotently against the floor as the warlock pressed himself deeper into her mouth, beginning to thrust with his hand on her head forcing her to follow his motions. With the elf helpless to bite or pull back, nothing stopped him from grinding her face into his crotch until his tip filled her throat. Jateej gagged violently, her eyes filling with tears, then started to panic as she realized that the thick shaft was cutting off her air!

The orc groaned in pleasure as her frantic squirming made her throat spasm around his shaft, not letting up until her head began to swim from lack of air. She sucked in a grateful breath, only to gurgle and thrash as he pressed forward again, making short, sharp thrusts that left her breathless at their deepest and merely forced her to gag when he pulled back, each time leaving more of his pre leaking into her mouth, forcing the elf to taste him.

Jateej lost track of how long the orc face-fucked her, her lungs burning and her body trembling as muscles fought against unyielding leather, using up her oxygen even faster. She only knew that after an eternity of humiliation, her mouth filled capacity with orc cock, he thrust one last time into her throat , then suddenly pulled back; thick, salty, bitter liquid spilled over her tongue as he did, the elf swallowing some without thinking, then more splattering on her face as the orc's tip pulled free, his shaft bobbing and twitching in time to his spurts of seed.

It took the light-headed elf a moment to realize just what was pooled in her mouth and cooling across her face; she blinked once in vague confusion, then convulsed, overwhelmed with disgust. Worse, she couldn't even spit with her mouth held open by the gag, and most of the cum stayed in her mouth despite the violent motion. Before more could trickle out, her captor shifted his grip to her ponytail, covered her nostrils with his free hand, and forced her to tilt her head back; she gurgled protest, the gag leaving her no choice but to swallow his seed or choke on it as her body fought for air.

The lion-faced orc made a low, approving noise deep in his throat when Jateej swallowed, coughing at the bitter taste, and released his grip; kneeling, Jateej bent forward as far as her bonds allowed, stomach heaving and tears dripping to mix with sweat, drool and seed on the ground.

She tried to collect herself, to recapture her self-control and avoid thinking about what she had just done, but after far too short a time the orc came back. This time he carried a coil of rope in one hand and more rope at his belt - no, Jateej realized in horror, at his belt was a coiled up leather whip. Unthinking, the paladin cringed away, but hogtied as she was she only overbalanced and fell onto her side, the air driven from her in a grunt.

Her captor roughly rolled her onto her front, the elf shivering as her breasts pressed against rough stone, and before she could think to pull away he had fastened a cloth bag over each of her hands, cinched tight at the wrist. A thick wooden rod of about a foot long, cuffs at the ends, was fastened to her ankles; when the thongs binding her wrists to ankles were loosed, Jateej realized that she had just been fitted with a hobble, and her hands rendered utterly useless, still tied behind her back with fingers neutralized by the mitts.

Using her own hair as a leash, the warlock forced Jateej to unsteady feet; half-dragging her along with him, he pulled her to the entrance of the cave, and the paladin felt herself start to hyperventilate as it dawned on her just what was about to happen.

A Blood Elf, a Blood Knight in training no less, bound, gagged, naked but for a brief pair of panties, her faced stained with orc seed, and about to be shown off to her captor's comrades like some street whore...or worse, Jateej thought, for even a whore could say 'no' to a customer. To these orcs, she was mere chattel - the spoils of war, a plaything to be used as they willed.

The warlock interrupted her panic when he tore the slip of cloth from her legs, denying Jateej her last ounce of modesty; she moaned in despair, bare feet shuffling on the stone floor, as he led her into the light of the larger cave.

Ragefire Captive - Chapter 3 - Breakdown

RAGEFIRE CAPTIVE by Merle Tags: [straight] [lesbian] [belf] [orc] [rape] [oral] [bondage] [whipping] [rape] [humiliation] [cum] [gangbang] [anal] [lesbian] [drugs] [rape] [torture] Any creative criticism is much-welcomed! Please tell me...

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Ragefire Captive - Chapter 1 - LFG

RAGEFIRE CAPTIVE by Merle Tags: [straight] [lesbian] [belf] [orc] [rape] [oral] [bondage] [whipping] [rape] [humiliation] [cum] [gangbang] [anal] [lesbian] [drugs] [rape] [torture] Any creative criticism is much-welcomed! Please tell me...

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Gym (Part 3a - Feel the Burn)

This story is copyright to me (Merle), and the characters are trademark to the same; feel free to use them in your own stories or artwork, however, I would just appreciate a heads-up if you do so. Just so you can't say I didn't tell you so: THIS...

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