Better Nights

Story by Cinnamon on SoFurry

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To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of this story. But I'm re-posting it because it's our introduction to Natalie, who shows up in other stories.

I took a long, slow drag on my cigar, looking down with a faint smirk at sweet little Megan's muzzle slurping my dick like blowjobs are going out of style. It's not the best I ever got, maybe, but she's come a long way from that first night in the backyard and her drunk ass (or whatever it was she was on) was begging for my dick. Oh, she still begs for it, only now it's when she's sober, too. And give a bitch a few months of practice at something and she'll pick it up, even if it is choking down a cock big enough to bottom out in her ass.Sorry, gettin' ahead of myself there, too.I took a breath at the end of the drag, exhaling through my nose a faint stream of gray smoke and lay my head against the threadbare back of my sofa. Megan was making those cute little whining sounds she got when she had my dick in her mouth, all muffled and eager punctuated with a gag every once in awhile when she went too deep. She'd been at it for about half an hour by then, smart enough to switch between sucking on my balls and bobbing on my cock to pace herself a little and keep from rubbing me raw. Guess Tony liked blowjobs, too, given how good she was at this, but I never asked - and she quit talking about Tony pretty quick after the first time I nailed her. Shit, nowadays she didn't say much except, "Hi Ethan!" before she was on her knees with the biggest goddamn smile on her face. Looked real pretty, especially when I gave it a few smacks with my hardon. Reminds me of her mom. Speaking of her momma, I gotta give her a call sometime soon here if I don't want her suspecting nothing. It's one thing to bang a girl's daughter, another to swap her out.I had the TV on, so I can't claim my phone going off broke the silence, but Megan jumped a little anyway. It DID go off right next to her ear, I guess, since I just had my jeans still on and just open enough for her to get my equipment out. Without thinking I clapped a paw over the back of her head and pushed down, clenching the cigar between my teeth and using my other paw to dig the goddamned phone out of my pocket."Don't stop," I grunted as I finally got the phone free, the ringing becoming louder once it wasn't stuck in my pocket anymore. I took a look at the caller ID display and groaned inwardly before I flipped it open."Hey Sis," I growled flatly. "How you been doin'?" It's fair to say my little sister Jennifer and I don't really get along and never did. Five years of age difference'll do that to siblings. So will one of 'em being an insufferable cunt."Don't give me that how you been shit, Ethan," she growled acerbically. "I'm not calling you to catch up. Grandma's dead." She sound almost triumphant, like she'd done it herself and was proud of it something.I rubbed my forehead with a muttered grumble. "Yeah, so? I'm kinda busy Sis." Megan looked up at me questioningly; I answered her with a light shove down on her head and a shot of

precum across the tonsils. She obediently got back to work."Didn't you hear me? I told you grandma's dead. She died last night in the hospital. You did know she was in the hospital, right?" Now she sounded accusatory."Huh? Yeah, sure," I lied. "Somethin' about, uh... Cancer, or something?" I was pretty sure that wasn't it, but I didn't really give a shit. The old bat was a hundred and something years old and had lost her marbles years ago, I wasn't about to let her finally shutting up for good ruin a perfectly good blowjob. Even better now that my pushing Megan down on my dick was making it a lot more sloppy, spit and precum bubbling around her lips."Pneumonia, asshole!" Jenn fairly shouted into the phone. "God, I can't believe you sometimes. Didn't mom call you and tell you? Weren't you worried?"I remembered dimly some voicemail message from a few weeks back - might have even been months by now - from our mom saying something about grandma and a hospital and whatever. I was listening some night at work while I was showing some dumb little shit what we do with fake IDers in the bar, and was a lot more interested in cramming the rest of my dick into him than I'd been listening to my momma saying some shit about my grandmother. Not like I hardly ever talked to either of 'em."Yeah, maybe. I dunno. C'mon, gimme a break Jenn, what the fuck you want me to say? She was old, old people die. World's better for it." I could feel my balls starting to tighten up; if Megan was listening to my conversation she didn't let on. She'd stopped going back and forth between my nuts and my cock and not was just sucking me for all she was worth, little paw wrapped around my flesh shaft and stroking it in time with her sucking."She was your grandmother you dick, mine too! I don't care if you give a shit or not, but don't talk about her like that! Christ, you're such an asshole, why can't you show respect to someone just for once? How would you like it if-""Hrrf... Hang on a sec, Jen," I said, interrupting her. "There's someone at the... Door... Fuck-" The last word I growled through clenched teeth, clapping the phone against my shoulder to cover the speaker. With a long, growled and smoky exhale I clutched at the back of Megan's head as my dick began to throb. Once dry, then again, then the third splattered a thick gout of spunk into the little husky bitch's mouth, making her choke. More spit, this time with plenty of cum mixed in bubbled out from her lips to drip in long slow drools down over my nuts even as she swallowed hungrily, gulping down my load like she was chugging a beer. I nearly bit clean through my stogie, chewing on it unconsciously while pulsing waves of triumphant pleasure washed through me. All the while I kept Megan's head shoved hard into my lap, firing half of those blasts just straight down her throat in between choking gags. She tried to cough, shuddering on her

knees. Goddamn did this bitch love sucking cock.My paw was shaking a little when I brought the phone back up to my ear. "Sorry..." I grunted. "Sorry 'bout that," I felt another weak jet of sperm coat the inside of the husky-girl's mouth."Who was it?" Jenn asked sourly."Huh? Oh, uh... Nobody." I let my paw slip off the back of Megan's head to take the stogie from my teeth after another slow draw. Megan was looking up at me through watering eyes while I did it, but I ignored her."Yeah, right," she said. "Well, whenever you're done there-" she made the word sound dirty and pointed. "We need to help mom plan the funeral. The family's going to want to come out for it.""Can't we just cremate her or whatever?" I wasn't really thinking as I talked, watching Megan slurp up the rest of the sperm oozing down my dick from where she'd spilled it. I was still pulsing a little, weakly, adding more work for her to do every couple while it slid down over her paw."Fuck you, Ethan," she growled. "You're going to help with this whether you want to or not. You're NOT going to stick me with doing it myself."I heaved a sigh. "Yeah, yeah, awright. Gimme a call later, I'll tell work I ain't gonna be in for a coupla days."She still sounded annoyed. "Good. And I will. I thought we could get the flowers from-"I clicked the phone shut, cutting off abruptly the tinny sound of her voice, and tossed it onto the coffee table with a clatter. With a faintly annoyed growl I clutched at the back of Megan's head, pulling her down into my crotch again. This time, my softening dick slid easily into her throat... Easily being relative, I guess. It fit at all, which is easy enough I suppose. She was still looking up at me as best she could from that position, and I just grinned down at her as I took a drag on the cigar, long and slow. Lil' Ethan'd be ready for action again in a few minutes, and a couple months pregnant or no, I figured dumping load number two in Megan's cunt would make me forget about my bitch of a sister.Yep, it worked.--One week later...As depressing as deaths in the family were - even if I didn't much take a liking to my grandmother - they had the one benefit of bringin the whole family together again. Aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, even just friends from way back when; they came from everywhere to pay their respects. And all those old feuds and fights that seem to linger forever in a family like us go by the wayside, even if it's just for a few days. It felt kinda like when I was a pup and we had big ol' family reunions, only now all of us that used to have to sit together at the kid's table were the ones raising hell at the restaurant bar, leaving all the little nieces and nephews to talk and throw food and shit in one of the booths. The funeral was tomorrow, and the last of the folks arriving had come in this

afternoon. A bunch of us were out catching up at some Italian place, the kind that has a bar bigger than the restaurant.The talk was mostly nostalgic, and mostly from the folks who'd come in from out of the state. Us folks who stuck around town didn't get as weepy talking about the old plant closing or that stadium outside of town getting torn down - we were living in it, you know? It wasn't history for us. All that talk was fine with me, though, since it gave me a chance to enjoy the eye candy that was most of my cousins sitting around the table. A few of 'em getting up there in age, like me I figure, but I got the benefit of having been the oldest pretty much my whole life. I had my arm slung around cousin Susie (my dad's sister's kid), her paw snuck into my lap and copping a feel while nobody was looking, at least, nobody I gave a shit about seeing. She may be in her late twenties by now but Susie's one of the best fucks I ever did have, back when we were just getting out of the 'playing doctor' phase. And she was looking good, too. Real good.I figure now's as good a time as any to 'fess up: Susie wasn't the only cousin I nailed back in the day. My folks were blessed with plenty of brothers and sisters each, and between 'em all they had a near even dozen pups over the years. And startin' from about the time when I was old enough to use my dick for something besides just stroking, I fucked nearly each and every one of 'em. Reunions, weddings, you name it, I got my dick wet every time. Susie in the treehouse her daddy made for her, Stephanie at her brother's bar mitzvah or whatever it is they call it; hell, I fucked Eddie up the ass, right under his graduation gown, the day he got outta high school. Shit you not, he picked up his diploma with my load leakin' outta his asshole. Made sure he had some on his paw, too, when he shook the principal's hand. Hah.Didn't really set out to do 'em all, either, I gotta be honest. Most times it just kinda happened, 'specially as we got older and it wasn't really just exploring anymore. I'd be at some wedding reception or something, horsing around with the other guys, one of 'em would look at me that way; next thing you know I'm in the pool pump house at uncle Jeffrey's place balls-deep under my cousin's tail with his sister's mouth doin' the job I'd normally have to take care of with reach-around. Fucked her next, too, while her brother finished off. I figure I wasn't the only one doing the fucking; I'd see a couple others sneaking off and coming back walking funny and embarrassed smiles. I gotta figure some of the grownups figure out what was going on, but nobody every said nothing. What the fuck are they gonna say, anyway, right? When we were young enough it was all just kids playing around, and when we were old enough not like they could say shit anyway.Anyway, Susie was prolly hoping for another go when I heard a voice from behind me; loud enough that Susie

jerked her paw back onto her own leg guiltily. Real subtle."Hi, Ethan."Oh yeah, I knew that voice. I hadn't heard it in a long time, but I still knew it. I turned around to see a wolf/collie cross-breed smiling impishly at me in a way no purebred wolf could manage without looking like she was faking it."Well shit," I drawled as a grin of my own spread across my muzzle. "How you been, sweetheart?"Susie turned too, brightening visibly when she saw who it was. "Natalie! Oh my god, Natalie, how're you?! it's been forever!"Natalie's one of the reasons I gotta say 'almost' when it comes to fuckin' my way through the Stuart family tree. You know how people say, "Love 'em like a sister?" In Natalie's case it was more like I liked her more than my sister. A good fifteen years and then some younger'n me, I grew up thinking of her as the little LITTLE sister I never had, and a whole lot less of a bitch than the one I did have. My mother's brother married a border collie back in the day, and one day they came by for one of those Sunday family visits with baby Natalie looking so cute I had a tough time believing she had a speck of lupine blood in her. A few years later she was looking a little more like her wolf heritage, but never did lose those cute-as-a-button looks. And while it's halfway embarrassing to admit it, truth is I just never could think of her as anything but that cute little puppy calling me Uncle Ethan (nevermind I was her cousin) and showing me her brand new macaroni and construction paper art project she'd just finished or whatever.'Course, that was a long time ago. Nowadays you could find her picture in the dictionary next to the the definition for MILF. Mid-twenties, coupla kids just as cute as she was, and a husband who I gotta say is a pretty stand-up kind of guy. Wolf, so good start there, and had the balls to talk to me when he was dating her - can't pretend I made that easy - and the good sense to ask both me and her daddy when he was thinking of popping the question, separately. We both said yes, though I think I put him through the wringer more than uncle Nick did. After all was said and done they got hitched about a year later, and so far as I know things have been going great ever since. I see 'em every once in awhile when the family gets together, like now.Natalie slid in next to me and Susie while I shifted in my seat a little, trying to not make the hardon Susie'd been working on too obvious in my jeans. "I've got kids, Suz, remember? You're lucky I'm awake enough to answer the phone at all." She looked at me with more of a smile playing around her lips. "How've you been, Ethan? Too busy raising hell to answer your cousin's voicemails?""Aw, c'mon Natalie, you know it ain't like that." I motioned to one of the waitresses, she nodded at me with a tray full of empty bottles on her way by. "Just with work and all, y'know how it

is.""Oh, I know all right," she said. "You're probably too busy nailing every cute thing with a tail you see to answer the phone, huh?"I laughed while Susie looked a little shocked. I was used to her foul mouth, hell, I taught most of it to her, but Suz wasn't. "Now why you gotta be like that? Anyway, you know I ain't the type to kiss and tell.""From what I hear you don't kiss 'em first at all," she said with a snort. "A Cosmo for me, and a beer for him. He's gonna need another," she said to the waitress who had showed back up again. "Suz, you want anything?"Susie looked at her watch, yawning and shaking her head. "Mmmm, no, it's a little late for me. We've got the funeral in the morning." She paused, frowning and looking at Natalie. "Um, speaking of that, I'm sorry about grandma, you know..."Natalie shrugged, dipping her head a little. "It's all right. It was a long time coming, and she had a good life. We'll always remember her fondly, though."Susie nodded, leaning over to give me a kiss on the cheek before sliding out of the booth. "I'll see you two tomorrow, hmm?" She may have been addressing both of us, but she was looking straight at me as she said it.I gave her a quick wink. "Sure thing, Suz. Sleep tight.""Bye Susie!" Natalie said, taking her paw and clasping it tightly between hers for a moment.Once Susie was out of earshot, Natalie straightened up in her seat. "Fuck, I thought she'd never leave. If I had to look somber for one more minute I was going to throw up." She took her cocktail and sipped from it. "Honestly, Ethan, how've you been? You never call, you never write, blah blah. You get yourself a girlfriend or something?"I laughed, shaking my head and taking a slug from my beer. "Hah. You sound like Jenn, only with more cussin'. C'mon, Cuz, you know me. I ain't even got my phone on half the time, and what the hell am I gonna say? Hey, Natalie, what's up, I threw four guys outta the bar today for tryin' to hit on the help?""Really? Were they cute?" Natalie was grinning."Fuck you," I said with a laugh, taking another pull from the bottle. "Truth is," I grunted once I'd swallowed it. "Just ain't much goin' on with ol' Ethan. Still just cruisin' along, y'know?"Natalie was staring at me now, critically, making me uncomfortable. She'd always been able to do this, even when she was just a kid she'd start grilling me about what I was up to, where I'd been, the works. And I swear to god she knew when I was lying too, which 'course made me fuck it all up, and she'd just keep on going. I had uncle Nick bail me out more times than I'd care to count, telling her not to question grownups, but as soon as he was out of earshot she'd be back at it. "So nothing, huh? Nothing at all?""Nothin' that's good for talkin' about with my favorite cousin. How 'bout you? That husband of your still treating you

right?"She glared at me a moment longer at my not-so-subtle effort at changing the subject before harumphing. I taught her that, too. "Alright, have it your way. Yes, Brandon's still doing just fine. He just changed jobs, got a promotion when he did, too. The boys are doing great too, both of them start school next week.""Yeah? Shit, I remember when those two were small enough to wash 'em in the sink. School now, huh?""Yep," she said with a smile. "And they're a couple of little damn hellions, too. I figure they got that from the Stuart side of the family.""Hah! They're wolf pups, Natalie, what you expect? You want I can-""O-ho, no," she said, cutting me off and thrusting a finger at me. "I remember you helping ME when I was their age, and I was a girl! I don't need them learning the shit you'd teach them. They break enough windows and drive their father up the wall without YOU teaching them the tricks of the fucking trade." She took another gulp from her cocktail glass.I put on my best hurt face. "Aw, c'mon Cuz, you're killin' me here. I didn't teach you anything you didn't need to learn."She made a raspberry with her lips. "Oh yeah, like what? Besides that kicking a guy in the balls is the best way to fight him off. Trust me, I already knew that one."I laughed in spite of myself. "Lotsa things! Like, uh..." I thought for a moment. "Like how to respect a lady right.""Respect a LADY?" She laughed incredulously. "First of all, they're FIVE, Ethan, they don't need to know anything about girls except that they have cooties. Second, I know what YOU'Re thinking of when you're talking about respecting a lady, and I do NOT need them learning it. Not at five, not ever."Now I really was hurt a little, scowling as I swallowed another gulp of beer. "Now hold it just a minute there, Natalie, you know I ain't never-"She waved a paw, interrupting me again. "Yeah yeah, Ethan, I know, don't you play hurt puppy on me. I didn't say you were DISrespectful, just that you and I have differing opinions on what kids need to learn. And frankly, how adults should behave.""Hey, I helped raise you right, didn't I?" I wasn't really mad at her, just stung a little.Natalie pursed her lips, holding her breath for a moment before letting it out in a sigh. "Yes, yes you did," she said with some reluctance. "And I shouldn't make fun, you're right. You should come visit sometime, you know. The boys would love to see you again, and so would Brandon.""Speakin' of," I said. "Where's he at? I ain't seen him since Jessica got hitched."She finished her drink, waving down the waitress again and pointing at her empty glass. "Oh, he couldn't make it. With the new job and all, leaving all of a sudden wouldn't look good."I squinted. "He's like a big foreman type or something now, right? Ain't they got that,

whaddyacallit, paternity time off?"Natalie choked back a laugh. "It's bereavement leave, Ethan, and yes they do. It's just not cool to do it right at a new job, you know? If it was a direct family member or something it wouldn't be a big deal, but grandmother-in-law is a mouthful to try and explain to your boss. He works a lot, very hard. Something YOU could try to do sometimes, you know, slacker.""Huh." I knocked back the rest of my beer as the waitress came by with another one, unbidden, giving me a smile as she handed it to me and another cocktail for Natalie. I ignored the jab. "He got enough time to take care of you? He's not one a'those guys that just spends all his time at the office, neglectin' what they got at home?""Yes, Ethan, and stop trying to play dad. He's around enough." I thought I heard something in her voice, but I didn't comment. "If he ever wasn't, I'd call you up first thing. Or just kick him in the fuckin' balls."I laughed, slapping the table loud enough for some of the other family members to look over; Natalie gave little waves back. Folks were used enough to me to know I wasn't pissed, though. "Now where'd you learn to talk like that, huh?""You, asshole," she said with a wide grin, just as the lights flickered off and on a few times. Last call. "Shit," she muttered, face falling. "I'm not even half drunk yet." Without a thought she threw back nearly the entire cocktail in one swallow; she must have seen the look on my face because she scowled cutely back. "Don't look at me like that. If you get to be drunk, so do I. It's my fucking grandmother's funeral, remember?""I ain't said shit," I chuckled. "Guess it's true, everyone takes it different." I thought for a moment, for a long moment as she sat there looking off into nothing for awhile.I hesitated a little. "You, ah... I got some booze back at my place, if you wanna, y'know... If you ain't ready to call it a night yet."She looked back at me. And just looked. I swear, like half a minute goes by and she's just staring with that same kind of stare she had way back when and she was trying to figure out if I was telling her stories or not. When she did speak, she sounded resolute. "You sober enough to drive?"I did a little mental calculation. "Yeah, prolly.""I'm not," she said flatly. "So you're behind the wheel." She slid out of the booth and I followed, wondering if maybe this wasn't such a good idea.--Fifteen minutes later and we were back at my place, with me silently thanking god I'd cleaned up the mess me and Megan made the other night, as well as the girly magazines I'd usually kept scattered around. Thirty minutes after that and we were both well on our way to getting trashed, the coffee table littered with empty beer bottles. It was a warm night again, the windows open and me with a stogie like usual. Natalie was next to me on the

sofa, legs curled up underneath her and laughing drunkenly."Eddie Are you serious?" She waved a paw in front of her face. "I thought he... I just thought he was shy! I even tried to get him to play show'n'tell with me once, and he just ran off!""Queer as a three dollar bill," I said, belching under my breath. "Got hisself a boyfriend now, too, some cheetah. David, or somethin'. First time they showed up at Christmas I figured uncle Chuck was gonna blow a gasket. Even kissed him under the mistle toe." I'd left out the graduation fun part of the story, needless to say.She laughed harder, slouching against the couch and shaking her head. "I have to show up at more family gatherings. Chuck was always a conservative prick anyway, he deserves a swishy son.""Yeah, I figure," I chuckled, taking a languid drag on the cigar. "Y'know, the whole family wouldn't mind seeing more of you out here, Cuz. It ain't the same without you around.""Oh yeah?" she said with a quiet little smile. "And what about you, Ethan?""Me?" I shrugged a lopsided grin. "I ain't gone nowhere, I-""No," she said, interrupting me. "I mean, you want to see more of me?" She was staring right at me, now.I chuckled again, uneasily this time. I wasn't quite sure what she was getting at. "Well sure, Natalie, you know you always been my favorite. 'Course it'd be good to have you 'round town some more."She let out a frustrated huff, jaw setting. "Gimme that." She nodded her muzzle brusquely towards my paw."Huh?" I looked at it, my stogie between two fingers. "You want me to put it out? Sorry, guess it does kinda stink-"She growled now, the kind of sound only a wolf bitch can make, half wolf bitch anyway. "No, Ethan, I just want you to give it to me. Here, christ." Without waiting for an answer, she reached over and plucked it from my fingers. While I watched, without hesitation she put it between her lips and pursed them, the cherry glowing red for a moment as she took a long draw on it. It wasn't her first time I was guessing, given that she didn't even flinch at the taste, and she exhaled it much more delicately than I ever do."Now what'd you do that for?" I was thoroughly confused now, my brow knitted as I stared at her."Because I need your muzzle for something else." She took one more quick slug from her beer like she was getting ready for something. I just sat there, confused.She swallowed her mouthful and pointed at me. "I know all about you, Ethan Stuart. Nobody in this family can keep a secret to save their life, least of all when it comes to family scandal shit. You really think I don't know your game? That I didn't see Susie practically giving you a handjob in the bar?""Now hold it right there-" I started."Shut up," Natalie growled. "When I was growing up all I ever heard about was cousin Ethan this, cousin

Ethan that. Oh my god, you should have seen what he did last night." She said that last part in a mock-valley-girl voice. "I saw you sneaking off at all those family reunions, all those holidays. I spent most of my teenaged years wondering when you were going to get around to trying that with me. Not like you didn't have your chances." She looked a little disgusted, taking another drag on the cigar.I was a more than a little stunned. "Natalie, wait a minute, wait up. It ain't like that.""Oh yes it is," she said accusingly as she exhaled. "It's exactly like that. The list of the girls in this family that you haven't fucked is shorter than the list of ones you have, I bet." She glared at me. "Well I'm fucking sick of it." She got to her feet, swaying a little.Where the hell was she going with this?"It's about time you showed me some fucking respect, Ethan." Clamping the cigar between her teeth, she reached down to the button of her too-tight jeans she was wearing. And while I sat there like a dumbshit, she pulled open her fly and unzipped it, exposing a 'V' of powder-blue panties underneath. Christ, she hadn't lost an speck of the figure she had when she was a teenager, she prolly still got carded. And she was getting undressed like she was... Well, like she was me, telling a girl how it's going to be. Like she knew what was going to happen next, whether or not I did. "It's about time you showed me how you treat a lady." She shimmied her hips, working her jeans down over them. She'd barely gotten them to her thighs when she reached for her panties, pushing on them as well.I was speechless, and lemme tell you, that don't happen often. What was it lately with girls thinking they could push me around? Did she think she could just.... Ohhh, fuck.She'd gotten her panties down around her thighs too, exposing the snow-white fur of her crotch. With the sight of that lightly-furred, pink-flesh sex the waft of her scent hit me, exquisitely her but much richer now. I just stared."C'mere and kiss me," she said around the cigar.I started to get to me feet, woodenly, but her tiny little paw planted right between my ears and held me where I sat. Good thing, too, I wasn't sure how well I could stand right now."Nuh-uh," she said. "Down there." Her other paw went to her crotch, one finger pressing just above the rise of her pussy and sliding down. Her fingertip parted her sex, and when it came away the tip was damp. Slick. "And Susie already told me how good you are at this, so if I think you're holding back, I'm going to put this fucking thing out in your eye." She took the cigar from her teeth and ashed it onto the floor, carelessly. Probably burned the rug, too. And before I could move she made a fist in my hair and yanked me forward; before I knew what the hell was going on she'd buried my nose in her cunt. Just like that, I had hot, slippery flesh up

against my lips, nose squelching into the folds of her sex.I was going to protest, swear to god I was. But what the fuck are you gonna say to a girl - cousin or not - when you got your muzzle betwen her legs? So what did I do? What she goddamned told me to is what. After a few seconds of just figuring out what was going on I clapped both paws around her hips, holding onto her as tightly as she was to me, pushed my nose side to side to wedge it further between her legs, and stuffed my tongue right into those wet pussy lips.She reacted like I'd slugged her, her whole body jolting and her other paw grabbing onto my ears. "Ohhh, fuck yeah, kiss me Ethan," she growled as her hips pushed harder up against my muzzle, far enough that there was no way I was gonna be breathing through my nose. Snorting a breath through my lips I dragged my tongue up between the folds of her cunt, slurping up the juices that had already leaked there and replacing them with drool, the taste of her having my mouth watering already (the buzz I had going didn't help much). It was tough getting my nose in there with her jeans holding her legs together, so with a few rough yanks I got them and her panties down below her knees, lifting one boot to catch the front and stomp them down to around her ankles.Natalie was sober enough to take my lead, stepping out of the twisted bundle of cotton and spread her legs at the same time, lifting one up to plant it on the couch next to where I was sitting to let her thighs spread more. Christ she was soaked; it seemed the more I ate her out the more there was to lap up, and by the time I had my tongue buried good and deep up into her pussy she was makin' sounds like I never heard a bitch make before, feral growls and moans and all that kinda shit, riding my muzzle the whole time like a bronco. Hell, I had to hold tight on her just to keep her from breaking my nose with her pelvis, her hips alternating between rolling and humping against me, more of the latter when I had my tongue up inside her. Her fur was longer than a pure-bred wolf bitch, making it so when she clamped her head around my thighs it was nice and soft, just like I remembered when I'd be hugging her when she was a pup.By now, no matter how drunk I'd been I was boned up something fierce, the only thing keeping it from hurting that I was hunched over to get my muzzle in Natalie's pussy at the right angle. I'd started to think about exactly what I wanted to do with that hardon when all at once Natalie shoved me away as roughly as she'd grabbed me, my tongue pulling out of her cunt."GodDAMN you're good at that," she gasped, half-turning and just sort of collapsing long-ways onto the rest of the couch my ass wasn't planted on. With one knee drawn up she laid her head back, taking the cigar from her muzzle and holding it out. "Here," she panted, tongue lolled and eyes heavily lidded.I took it, and took a drag from it

while looking at her silently. I could taste her, just over the flavor of the tobacco."You gonna sit there, or are you going to fuck me?" she asked bluntly, eyes still closed.I hesitated. You got to understand, I've known this girl since practically the day she was born, and I figured it something like a point of pride that I'd never taken advantage of her, not once. Not sober, and sure as hell not drunk. "Natalie, I ain't so sure 'bout that."She made the same derisive raspberry sound she made before. "Oh fuck you, Ethan." She opened her eyes to glare at me. "You've got the morals of a junkyard dog and you know it. So how about we just skip the part where you ask me what Brandon's going to think, or whether I'm too fucked up to be making my own decisions, and just get right to the part where you show me what you've got packing down there. God knows I heard enough about it from the other girls, now it's my turn."I sat there, staring at her. She stared right back, levelly. Goddamn if I didn't teach her how to stand up for herself. So silently, I took a long, slow drag on the cigar, exhalling as I reached over and stubbed it out in an overflowing ashtray on the coffee table. I stood up, pulling my shirt up off over my head, not slow enough to be showing off but not exactly in no hurry neither. Boots next, kicking them off to thump against the leg of the coffee table. From there, it was just a matter of unbuckling my jeans, pulling open the fly, and pushing them down to expose the thick, matte-black spike of my erection, hard enough to slap up against my gut when I got it out of my underwear.Natalie smiled triumphantly, drawing up her other leg so both her knees were bent. From where I stood I could see her cunt, still wet from the tongue-lashing I'd been giving it. Unhurriedly I pushed my jeans down, stepping out of them and leaving my nuder than her - she was still wearing her shirt, although it was bunched up underneath her tits."Remember when you took me to the zoo?" she asked, her voice quiet. Seductive."Uhhh..." I vaguely remembered. It had been just once, something her dad suggested or some shit like that. "Yeah. Long time ago." My own voice was low and thick, laced with a growl as I got onto my knees on the sofa between legs she spread for me."Uh-huh. Remember I wore that pink skirt I wore, the one grandma got me for Christmas?"THAT I remembered. "Yeah." I had my paw around my cock now, giving it a few slow strokes.Her eyes slipped downwards to it, lingered there, before lifting back up to mine. "I wasn't wearing any panties underneath it. When dad told me it was you who was taking me out that day, I snuck back upstairs after you got there but before we left and took them off. I'd decided I was going to try to get you to fuck me."My lazy drawl masked my surprise. "Yeah?" She'd been a teenager then, I was pretty sure.

Not one of those barely-eighteen ones, neither."Mm-hmm," she murmured, reaching out and drawing a finger over the head of my dick. It came away wet, and while I watched she brought it to her lips, sucking it clean. "I did everything I could to get you to notice. I even rubbed myself every time I went to the bathroom so my paw was wet when you held my hand. Don't you remember how pissy I was on the drive home?""Yeah..." I was pretty much a one-word wonder by now; I was close enough I could feel the heat of her against my crotch. "You didn't say a word.""That's because I was so pissed at your dumb ass for not seeing what was right in front of you! Time for you to make it up to me, you stupid bastard."I grinned and fell foward, my weight caught only by one thick arm planting on the arm of the sofa next to her head. My other paw was wrapped around my dick, aiming it at her sex. I was heavy enough that my knees made a divot where her hips threatened to slip into, angling her down some. "You want I should say sorry?""No you stupid son of a-nnnggg!"Whatever else she was going to say dissolved into that gasp as my cock crammed into her, the first few inches splitting her open around that fat head. Her back arched, eyes going wide and head throwing back. I didn't stop there, either, shifting my knees forward and pushing again to sink more into her with a wet sound. God she was hot, and tight enough you'd never know she'd already popped out a couple of pups. It took real work to get it into her, and she was squirming like a motherfucker before I'd even gotten halfway in. Her knees clamped around my stocky hips, ankles pushed into my ass as she begged for more with everything but actual words.I gave it to her, too. Grabbing onto her shirt I shoved it up, exposing her tits (no bra!) underneath and gave her another few inches up into her cunt; this time it must have stung a little because she bucked, making a half-assed effort to slide away. Yeah right, like I'm gonna give up now. Lowering myself over her further I let out a low, dangerous snarl, lips pulled back in front of her face. "Hold still," I growled thickly.She did. With a quiet little huff she looked at me, shocked, and I got to watch that pretty face twist into a grimace when I began to fuck her, just like that. Heavy, piledriving thrusts with my hips worked the last of my dick up inside her until I had my nuts crammed up against her taint, and once I'd gotten her good and ready I started hammering away, stroke after stroke. That slight reluctance she'd shown was long gone already and she was meeting every once of them with an eager lift of her hips, ankles pulling as hard as they could to try and get me deeper. I'd pause every few strokes, rolling my hips to stir my dick in her cunt; it squelched through the juices there and brought a spasm to her whole body."G-g-god, Ethan," Natalie gasped

open-mouthed, head turned to the side and tongue hanging out of her muzzle. Inside she was like an oven, although I guess a pretty wet, sloppy oven, the heat wrapped around my cock and practically pulling me inside with every stroke. Half-drunk like I was it probably wasn't the best job I'd ever done but you'd think she'd never gotten fucked before, squealing and bucking underneath me so much it was a good thing I had some meat on my bones or she'd have thrown me right off. In the middle of it I lowered my muzzle to hers in a sloppy kiss she responded to eagerly, lifting her head to meet mine before I even got all the way down there and sucking on my tongue like it was candy. All the while I drilled her like a piston, making damn sure every stroke ended with a solid thunk of my hips against her upturned thighs.If this is what she wanted, though, she was going to get it. I pulled out all of a sudden, sitting up on my ankles and pulling my muzzle away from hers, leaving her there for a few minutes to catch her breath."Roll over," I growled after a minute.She looked at me dazedly, panting rapidly. "Wh... Why?"I snarled. "Because I fucking told you to, bitch." I didn't wait for an answer, taking ahold of her arm and hauling her up and over. Halfway through it she was helping me, scrambling to get onto all fours, enough that I could let her go and do the rest. I was taking a little bit of a gamble, thinking she wouldn't mind me talking to her like this. I don't think I had to worry, her hips were still rolling wantonly and I wasn't even touching her anymore."Better," I grunted. "Lift your tail."She did. The slight curl to it had it up and over her back."Finger yourself."No hesitation. Bracing herself with one paw where mine had just been, on the side of the couch, she reached back with the other and unceremoniously buried two fingers up into her pussy, where my dick had just been, with room to spare. I kneeled there, stroking myself absently while I watched."You want me to fuck you, bitch?"She nodded, frantically."I didn't hear you.""G-god, Ethan, I want you to fuck me, please fuck me!" Her fingers moved faster now, sluicing in and out of her sloppy cunt.That was good enough for me. Rearing up over her, I planted one paw squarely on one ass-cheek, working my thumb underneath her already-hiked tail and kept it pinned out of the way. It gave me a nice, clear view of her fingers dragging out of that dripping cunt and made sure I knew just when her claws were dragging out over the lips of her pussy. She hadn't even gotten them out of the way when I replaced with inside her with my prick, jamming it home insider her purposefully hard enough to mash her face into the couch. She let out this incoherent squeal loud enough for the neighbors to prolly hear and shuddered when I hit bottom about a second later, hips

against her ass and gut up against her lower back when I leaned over again.And hell yeah I fucked her. I fucked her like a goddamned whore, drilling her hard enough that I could practically hear her teeth chattering in her head. Keeping that one paw where it was I had her wedged between the sofa, my arm and my hips, leaving her no room to do anything but squirm while I hammered away at her upturned ass. Juices were soaking my balls, leaking down the insides of her thighs, splattering over my crotch when I got her just right. I lost track of how long I'd been going at it, but somewhere in there I felt her start to thrash and a fresh wash of hot juices poured past the fat plug of my dick in her cunt, her climax hitting her and just never seeming to stop. If I thought she was into it before, by now she might as well have been in heat the way she was begging for it with every fur on her body, sometimes trying to form words that never seemed to quite come together.It didn't take long for me, not after a few minutes of that. Sweat was soaking through my fur, pattering onto her back where it flung from my forehead and chest, my own breath getting labored and hoarse. She wasn't so gone that she couldn't tell and now managed to beg, pleading for me to finish in her, to breed her, the most filthy shit you could imagine coming out of such a pretty mouth. It was in the middle of one of those epithets that I buried myself to the nuts one more time inside of her and let go with a snarl that shook the fucking floor, spitting out curses of my own as the first blast of spunk splattered the walls of her cunt.Another, and another; an endless pulsing wave that felt so goddamned good as my balls drained into her like a dam breaking. I swear I'd cum more than I ever had in my life and more just kept on gushing into her, gushing right back out again when I gave her a couple of hard thrusts, fat drools of semen leaking down the insides of her thighs and a whole lot more of it painting her insides in messy jets. I couldn't see a thing but white flashes in front of my eyes, maybe my eyes were closed, I dunno. But by the time it had started to fade I was slouched over her, hunching in weak, short thrusts that worked off the last of my load into her overfull cunt.When I was done I just stayed there, savoring the feeling of that warm, wet tunnel still clenching weakly around my cock - she was still cumming, I think - while she gasped and moaned in hot, open-mouthed breaths. I was still panting like I'd run a goddamned mile, my head hung between my shoulders and my muzzle right next to hers."NNgff... Thank you," she managed to gasp.I drew back, slowly. Inch after inch after inch of slimy black dick squeezed out of her, popping free with a wet slurp. I straightened up, rolled back and just kind of flopped against the couch, exhausted."What... Hrf... What do you think you're doing?" she

panted.I didn't even lift my head. "Huh?""It's barely even four," she said, a little more coherently now. "The funerals not 'till nine-thirty. And you've got more apologizing to do."It was going to be one of those nights.--Nine AM the next morning found us rolling into the parking lot at the funeral, me in the one suit I had (and that still fit) and her looking... Well, like a girl going to her grandmother's wedding. Black dress, pumps, nothing fancy. We went inside.The rest of the family, most of them anyway, was already there, including uncle Chuck who was scowling at the both of us."About time," he grunted, even as he held out his paw for me to shake. "And you, young lady," he said and turned to Natalie. "Where the hell have you been?""Oh daddy," she giggled, going up on tiptoes to give him a kiss. "Ethan and I were just getting some breakfast." She sounded a lot less hung over than I did.He harumphed. "Alright, fine. But hurry up and sign the book, the services are about to start."He left, leaving me and Natalie standing there. She went up on tip-toes for me, too, whispering in my ear."What do you think I'm not wearing underneath this dress?"I didn't say anything, just grinned. From across the room I caught Jenn glaring daggers at both of us. She prolly knew the score and just in case she didn't, I made damned sure she saw my smirk before I turned to head into the chapel. Grandma may have been a bitch, but she was alright in my book.

Worse Nights

I've had worse nights.It's two, maybe three in the morning and I got my dick out, draining it into what passes for a flower garden at the edge of the Thompson's back porch. Truth be told it's a dump back here, a little square of lawn and garden behind...

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"Shhh, relax babe, just relax."Kaleb doubted the vixen needed any encouragement - what he'd slipped into her drink had her almost passed out entirely - but he said by rote it anyway as he reached beneath her skirt to get her panties off."Where... Are...

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My Father's Footsteps, Complete

My Father's FootstepsI guess, if I had to point to a particular time when it began, I'd have to say three years ago, during summer of my fourteenth year. Although, events leading up to it started much sooner.That summer was when I got my first real...

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