
Story by Cinnamon on SoFurry

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See, bad guys don't always win in my stories. Sometimes there's someone badder.

"Shhh, relax babe, just relax."Kaleb doubted the vixen needed any encouragement - what he'd slipped into her drink had her almost passed out entirely - but he said by rote it anyway as he reached beneath her skirt to get her panties off."Where... Are I..." The vixen (whose name Kaleb had already forgotten, so he decided he'd call her Betsy) was glassy-eyed and unresisting, sprawled out on a bean bag with her arms up over her head and her muzzle aimed off to the side, like she was sniffing her elbow or something. Kaleb didn't think that was very attractive, so he pulled the arm closes to her nose down along her side, posing her. "Who... Ugh..."From beyond the closed door came laughter, someone else from the party going on outside walking by and continuing down the hallway. Kaleb suspected this was a bedroom, but he wasn't sure. It had been dark enough when he'd guided Betsy in here that he never got a look at the whole room; he only saw the beanbag in the light from the hallway when he'd first come in and aimed her for it. The house belonged to someone he didn't know, the party in celebration of something that had nothing to do with him. This was where he worked best, places where nobody recognized him or his name - or his reputation.Kaleb had an easy time fast-talking his way into a party. At 26 the hyena still looked like he belonged in a frat, in fact, he cultivated the look carefully since college parties were the easiest. Gym every day, Ed Hardy shirts, polo shorts, and an unruly looking mop of hair that he actually spent a great deal of time on every morning. So long as he looked like he belonged there he rarely needed to do more than hear about a party and show up to get past the front door to get in without hardly a suspicious question. Invitations were for pussies.Betsy had been easy too, even easier than he'd thought when he scoped her out. He usually went for loners, but in this case nobody seemed to be flying solo at this party so he'd taken the next best thing: the least-confident looking girl in a small group that consisted of only girls. Girls talking to boys could be sketchy; you never knew which ones were or had boyfriends. Girls talking to other girls were there to party, and the alpha bitches usually got 'picked' first. By choosing to chat up one of them lower in the pecking order he would be guaranteed she'd be thrilled to let a guy like him get her a drink and wouldn't worry too much when he came back with a drink of some dubious provenance. She'd drink it to be polie, just like Betsy did about half an hour ago.Once Kaleb had her panties off he briefly considered undressing her the rest of the way. Girls who woke up to find themselves completely nude were less likely to think anything had happened they hadn't wanted, although Betsy didn't seem like she'd

raise a stink either way. She'd been shy when he approached her, and shy girls usually kept their mouths shut. That had kind of been a problem with her; it had taken more than half an hour of chatting her up before he managed to steer her away from her friends and get a couple of drinks into her, long enough that he'd started to get a little pissed off at how much she was making him work for it. He decided he didn't care what she'd think when she woke up.He did push her shirt and bra up though. Her tits had looked too good not to, and even if he couldn't see them very well in the dark he could feel them, heavy and full; when he pinched her nipple experimentally she gasped. That was good; he didn't like them completely unconscious. Getting to his knees, he pushed his muzzle up between her legs and planted a long, slow lick over her pussy, squeezing and massaging her breast with one paw up high while fumbling with his shorts down low. He always liked to eat them out first, at least a little - it made him feel like he was devouring them, literally; violating them in a way that just fucking them didn't. Betsy tasted sweet, and was already wet and warm for him, the lips of her sex plush, almost puffy. He liked that. He didn't like 'skinny' pussy.Shorts and underwear were around his ankles before he finished eating her out, pulling back his muzzle and wiping it off with the back of one arm while he climbed on top of the vixen. She barely reacted, flopping bonelessly when he lifted up one leg and hooked it under his elbow. It wasn't until he'd gotten his cock inside her that Betsy responded at all, moaning and whimpering both at once and her breath stuttering. He didn't blame her; with a nice fat dick like his he expected most girls would be begging for it - if they were awake enough to see it, or know what was going on. It wasn't as much fun when they wanted it, though.Betsy was wet and yielding and so very warm, those plush pussy lips engulfing his cock and gripping him all the way down. The deeper he got the more she moved around, but he wasn't worried - he'd given her enough tranquilizer to make sure that even if she seemed like she woke up she'd still remember nothing, and would be far too gone to cry for help - if she even wanted to. The way she was squirming underneath him he suspected Betsy did, in some back corner of her mind, know what was happening and maybe even wanted it to stop. The thought made his cock surge harder and he thrust into her hard, making her twitch and moan again."Darryl... N-no..."Darryl? Who the fuck was Darryl? He almost laughed when he remembered that was the name he'd given her downstairs when making introductions. "S-stop... Hhhhrrrr...""What's up, babe?" Kaleb murmured, mostly just to keep her reassured, just in case. He

began to thrust, pausing long enough to get his knees up on the beanbag along with her and her hips in his lap. Then he could fuck her with just his hips, and lean down to kiss and lick at her tits, feeling her body rise and fall underneath him with his own motions. "Nnnn... Hhhh... Heeeee... Heeeeeat...."Of course I know you're in heat you dumb bitch, I have a fucking nose. He didn't say that though, just fucked her gently but with increasing urgency, letting go over her leg now that they both draped naturally over his hips from the position. "Nnnggg..." Betsy rolled her head up and looked at him, or at least, her eyes did. He saw nothing in them but glazed near-unconsciousness. So he gave her a bone-jarring hard thrust, watching her eyes widen,  focus, awareness trying to claw its way through... Then sag back with a whimper, and those eyes rolled back."You in heat, baby, that's what's wrong?" he murmured, kissing along her neck. He thought he felt her nod. "Then I bet this feels really good then, huh?"Betsy shuddered but otherwise made no sound except her stuttered breathing, reaching up to either grab or slap at his side - he wasn't sure which. He fucked her harder, taking ahold of her leg again and using the leverage to spread her thighs wider, returning to kissing and licking at her tits.If he had to Kaleb could mask his approaching orgasm; keep his breathing even and his body language neutral, right up until the time it was too late to demand he pull out. Betsy would be making no such protests, despite her reluctance, so he went for broke. He fucked her fast and roughly, slamming his hip against the backs of her thighs and biting down hard on her nipple, twisting the other one. He heard her cry out sharply, and loud enough that if it wasn't for the party outside he'd have been worried about being heard. Not that there was any help for it now, and anyway he wanted to make sure she was awake as she was going to get for this.When he started cumming in her she was awake for it, he was sure of that. He felt her tense up, her arms weakly try to push him off, and a soft, keening, "Nooooo..." that was as much air as was words on her lips. Fuck yes is what he was thinking though, wedging his cock balls-deep inside her and grunting against her breasts as he unloaded into her pussy. With a sigh he felt the last few spurts dribble into her, and half-sprawled on her."Daaaaarryl," she was moaning. "Daaaaaaarryl.""So far as you know," he mumbled, and jerked his hips back to slurp his cock out of her well-bred cunt. The scent of her heat was overwhelming now, mingling with the stench of sex and semen in the room. Even as he was rolling off of her he considered having another go at her - he hadn't had one

this young, or this cute in awhile - but ultimately he knew it was better not to push his luck.  Not being stupid was what let him keep doing this, he reminded himself.He dressed quickly, using her panties to wipe her juices and his own cum off his cock. It didn't take long since he'd not even kicked off his shorts. He considered whether to make her look like she was just sleeping there, but he thought it was funny to imagine her friends coming to look for her and finding her in a cum-soaked heap in the bedroom (was it a bedroom?).  So instead he just leaned over her and took her chin, giving her a shake. "Betsy." Then he remembered it wasn't her name, so instead said, "Hey. Hey, wake up."She did, a little, eyes focusing on his even though as they wandered around drunkenly. "Daaaaaarryl?""Sure, whatever. Hey, I got good news for you.""Wh... Huh..." She looked at him in abject befuddlement."You're not in heat anymore." And my name's not Darryl, dumbass."Nnggg..."He laughed and let her head go. The moment he'd released her she sagged back onto the beanbag chair and seemed to go to sleep. Which was just fine with him.--Kaleb knew that sneaking out of a bedroom was the best way to get tagged as what he was, so instead he strolled out like he owned the place. There were a few wisps of people from the party here and there but none of them paid him any attention as he closed the door behind him and headed for the stairs down.Check that; one guy was looking at him, he was somewhat dismayed to notice. Kaleb hadn't noticed him at first but the guy - a tiger, about his size and build, dressed ridiculously snazzily - was definitely watching him with a faint smile on his lips. He kept Kaleb's gaze even when he tried to stare him down. Oh well, no use trying to hide it."Something funny, bro?" Kaleb said, squaring off in front of the tiger. He wasn't the fighting type if he could avoid it, but he needed to know what the score was with this guy."Not at all," the tiger purred. He almost literally purred, his voice like silk. "I simply wanted to congratulate you.""On what?" A couple people shouldered their way by, and he looked over his shoulder to make sure neither of them went into the room he'd just left. If they did he might have to bolt.The tiger had an almost aristocratic air about him, that smile staying perfectly in place. "Why, your prowess with the ladies of course. You had that girl so completely in your thrall that I doubt she even knew where she was."Kaleb narrowed his eyes. "She's fine, just had too much to

drink," he growled, hoping he sounded intimidating. "You like her boyfriend or something?"The tiger's smile widened just a tick. "Certainly not. Nor am I especially concerned after her welfare. You, however, hold much more interest for me."Kaleb didn't know what that meant, but it didn't sound good. "Dude, I gotta go. I'm not interested in whatever you got going on.""Give me just a moment," the tiger said, so Kaleb did. "I'd like to offer you my services.""Your what?" Kaleb glanced around again. This was longer than he wanted to be standing around after a fuck like that. He didn't see any of "Betsy's" friends anywhere, but if he did it could be too late. "Dude, I'm not buying anything.""Nor am I asking you to." The tiger made a movement, and produced a business card, handing it to Kaleb. It was white, and said only:Ilias DimitriouProfessional ServicesAnd below that a phone number. Not even an email address. Kaleb looked at it dubiously. "If you don't want to sell me anything, why're you giving me a business card?""Why, because I want to help you, of course.""Help me what?""The young lady in there... A tranquilizer, am I right? No, no need to answer, I can see you won't anyway. How would you like to be able to do what you did - what you do - without needing to resort to chemical assistance?"Kaleb scowled now. "I don't know what you're talking about, bro, me and her just had a few drinks. I told you, she's fine, I didn't slip her nothing.""Of course you didn't," the tiger named Ilias said smoothly. "Regardless, in my spare time I like to give... Let's call it advice to young men like yourself. Young men who would like to improve their skill in seduction. A crass way of describing the practice of learning how to 'pick up' attractive women. Which is a funny term for it, wouldn't you say? Especially since they're laying down for most of it.""I don't need any advice." Kaleb didn't move, though."We could all use advice, my friend," Ilias said, and the way he said it make it sound to Kaleb like he was, in fact, Kaleb's friend. "Would it make you feel more comfortable if I went and had sex with her myself? To prove I have no ill intentions towards you?""What? No, I mean..." Kaleb looked around. At the bottom of the stairs he saw one of the girls he thought was Betsy's friend, and moved so the tiger was between her and him.  "What do you want?""I want you to call me," the tiger said. "Not tonight. Tomorrow, perhaps. Would you do that for me?""Okay," Kaleb said, telling himself

it was just to get rid of the guy. He seemed like a freak. "Yeah, fine, whatever. Can I go now?""You can leave anytime you want." Ilias looked over his shoulder, down the stairs. "Use the front door, her friends are towards the back."Kaleb stepped around the tiger and put one foot on the top step, looking back over his shoulder. "She's probably still passed out in there, if you want to have a go at her."Ilias's lips quirked. "Thank you. I believe I'll take you up on that offer."--The next morning Kaleb called the number on the business card, because he'd told Ilias he would. The conversation had been brief, and ended with their agreeing to meet at a local outdoor mall, one near where Kaleb lived, which he thought was convenient. He was still a little hung over from the night before so he wore sunglasses even when he sat down across from the tiger at one of the many small cafes dotting the mall. It had been a weekly farmer's market at one point and grown organically into a combination outdoor food court, market and produce fair, spread across the area of about a city block. Ilias was dressed casually, but every bit as dapper as he had been at the party. Light khaki-colored pants, a simple white shirt open at the chest, and neat leather shoes. He was sipping a coffee when Kaleb arrived in shorts and a designer t-shirt, smiling enigmatically at the hyena. The tiger wasn't wearing sunglasses, and his eyes were flat and emotionless even when he smiled. "Good morning," Ilias said. "Thank you for calling me. I appreciate it.""Yeah," Kaleb said, waving a waitress over for a coffee of his own. "Well, you asked me to.""That I did. Did you enjoy the rest of your evening last night?""I guess," Kaleb said suspiciously. "Did you?""Certainly. Your friend was quite accommodating.""You fuck her?" Kaleb wasn't sure he wanted to know."Yes. Does that bother you?" The tiger's eyes studied him."No," Kaleb lied. "I'm Kaleb, by the way.""So you are," said Ilias. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Kaleb. My name is Ilias.""Yeah, I know. You gave me your biz card, remember?" Kaleb's coffee arrived, and he drank some."I do. I remember it very well. Do you want to know why I gave you my business card?""Well yeah," Kaleb said. "You said something about advice." He wasn't sure what else to say, because that was all Ilias had told him last night."I remember that, too. I'm glad you do as well. I told you I wanted to help you, which is true." He

took a sip of his coffee. "I'm going to make an assumption, Kaleb, and you can tell me if I'm wrong. That young lady last night, she wasn't the first you've taken advantage of in the manner you did last night. You enjoy it, finding attractive young women, seducing them and bedding them, don't you? Please don't be offended.""I'm not," Kaleb said, but he kind of was. He didn't like it being put like that, taking advantage. The seducing part sounded pretty good though. "And no, she's not the first girl I fucked.""I'm also going to assume... Mmm, well, perhaps I won't. What is it you do for work, Kaleb?""I dunno, work," Kaleb said. "I do retail stuff mostly, sell clothes and stuff. Whatever.""I see. And you're between jobs right now?"Kaleb was startled. "How did you know?" "Your phrasing. Phrasing is very important, Kaleb, that's something I'd like to teach you. You must say precisely what you mean to say, or people will be able to take advantage of your ambiguity. If you had said, 'I sell clothes,' I might think you had a job doing that right now. But what you said left open the possibility that that's something you've done in the past, or would do if someone hired you to. So you do nothing for a living, is that correct?"Kaleb didn't like how Ilias phrased that, either, but he nodded anyway."Verbal answers please, Kaleb.""Yeah, I'm not working right now, so what?""Do you have any family?""Sure, I've got a mom and dad," Kaleb said. Then he said, "And a brother and a sister too, both younger. My mom had them with another guy after she and my dad got divorced." He was surprised he said all of that, because he hadn't meant to."I see. Half-brother and half-sister, then.""Sure, I guess." Kaleb drank his coffee."As I said, you must speak precisely, Kaleb. Words are communication of meaning, and meaning is the most imporant thing of all.""I thought you were going to teach me how to pick up chicks," Kaleb said. He was getting tired of the way the tiger was talking to him, like he was a kid or something. "What is it you think we're doing right now?""Bro, I got no idea," Kaleb said. "But I'm starting to wonder why I'm here.""I'm sure you are," Ilias said. "What if I told you that you could do what you did last night, with that young lady - Kelly was her name, by the way - without resorting to chemical means?""Like sweet-talk them? I already do that." Kelly, that was her name. He should have remembered that."Of that I have little doubt," Ilias said. "But if that's all that was required you wouldn't have drugged her before sleeping with her, now would you?""Hey man, you fucked her too. Maybe you slipped her something." Kaleb was starting to get uncomfortable with the direction this conversation was going. "She was fine when I left her."Ilias chuckled, but his expression didn't look like it. "There's no need to get defensive, Kaleb. I'm your friend, remember?"But Kaleb wasn't feeling defensive, he was feeling suspicious. "Did you really fuck her?""Repeatedly," Ilias said. "But that's not important. What is important is that you answer my questions.""Why?" Kaleb asked."Because otherwise I won't be able to teach you anything. Don't worry, they're not especially difficult questions.""And that'll let me pick up chicks?" Kaleb was still feeling suspicious."If you want," Ilias said."Bullshit." Kaleb had decided this was, in fact, bullshit."You doubt me. I don't blame you, of course." He glanced around, before his eyes settled on something at Kaleb's 4 o'clock. "That young lady, over there."Kaleb turned, and saw a wolf bitch sitting by herself at another table reading a book. She looked deep in thought; from what Kaleb could see it looked like a textbook of some kind, and she had a notepad upon which she made occasional scribbles."What about her?""Do you know her?" Ilias asked."No.""Neither do I. Wait here, please." Ilias got to his feet; he was taller than Kaleb remembered. He waited.Ilias strolled over to the girl's table, standing next to it and saying something that Kaleb couldn't see. They talked for awhile; the tiger asked her something, she answered. He said something, she giggled. When he leaned down to kiss her she let him, tilting up her muzzle and meeting his in a long, lingering embrace that lasted nearly half a minute. From where Kaleb sat he could see her reach down between her legs and thrust a paw there, holding it even after Ilias had stepped back and touched her chin. He said something else and she smiled, bashfully, then gave the tiger a wave goodbye.Ilias came back and sat down again, his expression exactly the same as it had been before."Bullshit," Kaleb said again. "You know her.""Not at all," Ilias said. "I've never seen her before in my life.""What did you say to her?""Exactly what she needed to hear. Are you still skeptical of what I can teach

you?""Yes," Kaleb grumbled. "But I'll answer your stupid questions. I don't have to pay you, right?""I do this in my spare time, as I said," Ilias said. "Shall we begin?"They did, and the questions made no sense. What was his favorite color, what was his pet's name, who was the first girl he kissed. His favorite flavor of ice cream. What kind of car he drove. His grades he got his senior year in high school - he had to think hard to remember that, and all he could remember was his GPA. The longer the conversation went on the more comfortable the hyena felt. He was still suspicious of the tiger's intentions, at least at first, but the guy seemed pretty cool even when he was asking weird questions. After awhile Kaleb wasn't guarding his answers, because he didn't want to. Ilias was the kind of guy he felt like he could open to, even when the questions got more personal. The first time he'd kissed a girl. The first time he had sex. The first time he'd kissed a boy (never). How often he masturbated.Then things got a little weird. Because although it was impossible, Kaleb could swear that about half of what Ilias said he didn't... Actually say. Kaleb would hear Ilias ask him something, and of course Kaleb would answer, but he could have sworn that the tiger's lips never moved. "When was the first time you had mexican food? How old were you?" Ilias asked. Kaleb tried to watch to see if the tiger's muzzle formed the words, but he couldn't tell no matter how much he concentrated."I was... Uh... I think eleven? Maybe twelve?" It was some place called Azteca, he remembered . His dad had taken him during one of the visits right after he and his mom had broken up."Was it the first time you went out with your father after the divorce?"Kaleb didn't remember saying anything about that out loud. "I don't remember," he replied honestly, though.His head felt... Stuffy. Full. Crowded. It was hard to keep a thought in it for more than a few seconds, but he didn't mind really. It was kind of pleasant, almost like being drunk but less disorienting. And this Ilias guy was definitely a good guy to be hanging out with, just shooting the shit. And if that was Ilias in his head with him, well, that was okay too. "Very good," Ilias said without speaking, just looking at him. "You did very well, Kaleb. I think you and I will get along just fine.""Thanks, man," Kaleb said, and meant it. "But I don't really get how this is supposed to help with girls. Like, what I do now?""Something I s-krich-suspect you wouldn't-t-t enjoy iffff circ-circumstances were diff-iff-ifferent," Ilias said, his voice stuttering and intercut

with nonsense syllables that Kaleb understood just fine, even if he couldn't place the language.  "Fbzrguvat ni irel zhpu fifcropil labh jebbhyqa'g unin rawblirq na ubhe notb.""Oh, yeah, okay," Kaleb said. He knew what to do, even if the words had sounded funny, so he got to his feet and left his coffee behind as he headed out of the mall. It took some hunting but he finally found what Ilias had described to him, a bathroom stall in a gray cinderblock building at the edge of the mall area that looked like it was some kind of industrial storage. The bathroom door was behind it, and there was nobody in sight. He went in, closed the door and didn't lock it, and got on his knees. The floor was dirty. The only light was a flickering florescent bulb and whatever came in through the air vents along the roof line. It was warm, and humid, and it smelledAfter a few minutes the door opened and the tiger joined him, stepping carefully over a wet spot on the floor. He still wore that same not-smile he'd had when he confronted the hyena in the hallway at the party."Excellent Kaleb, good job," Ilias said, locking the door and turning to the kneeling hyena. "Now, I need you to listen to me very carefully. It's going to be difficult for you, but I know you can do it. Alright?"Kaleb nodded. Of course he could listen. It would be hard, but could do it for Ilias."Look around you. Where are you?""In a bathroom with you.""Correct," Ilias said, in a way that made Kaleb feel proud. "And what are you doing?"Kaleb looked around himself. "Kneeling on the floor.""Why are you doing that?""Because I want to.""That's correct again, Kaleb. Excellent." Ilias was standing in front of him, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his fly . Something was tugging at the back of the hyena's brain, but he couldn't pay attention to it, not now. He was supposed to be listening."You want to open your mouth, Kaleb."Kaleb did, while the tugging at the back of his head became more insistent. Something was nagging at him, something was wrong. He was still trying to figure it out when Ilias pulled out his thick penis and put it in Kaleb's muzzle, soft and heavy and tasting of sweat. Kaleb didn't move, looking up at Ilias unblinking, the weight of the tiger's penis on his tongue."Do you want to suck my cock, Kaleb?"Kaleb shook his head, only a little. He didn't, at least, he didn't think he did."Recall what I said about speaking precisely, Kaleb. I asked you a question, and you answered honestly. That was well done, so you don't need to feel ashamed of that.

I'd very much like you to suck my cock, Kaleb. Now what do you say to that?"Kaleb just sat there, looking up at him. His head felt as if it had been wrapped in a wet towel, his thoughts slow and blurry. He didn't know what he had to say to that."Now do you see what I was talking about?" Ilias said softly, and Kaleb hung on his every word. "Convincing someone to like you is easy, Kaleb. It takes hardly any effort at all. A smile, the right word, a light touch perhaps. All it is, really, is just convincing someone that what they want to do is what you want them to do."The penis in Kaleb's mouth didn't move, and neither did he. He drooled a little around it."Once youv'e determined how to do that, well, as you can see, you can make them do anything.  What I did when I first came in was tell you what you wanted, and here you are, doing it. Then I told you what I wanted, and that wasn't very interesting to anyone, was it? I already know what I want, and while I'm sure you like me a great deal right now, that's not enough to convince you that what I want is what you want."Okay, Kaleb thought. He found this all terribly interesting, even if he didn't understand any of it."What you want," Ilias said, and this time Kaleb was sure the tiger's lips didn't move. The voice sounded like Ilias's but it was inside his head, just warmer and silkier and calming. "Is to suck my cock. You've wanted to from the moment you saw me last night. In fact, it's all you've been able to think about since then. It's why you called me this morning, and why you went to this-" he glanced around. "Frankly disgusting restroom when I asked you to."That was what had been bothering him, Kaleb decided, that thing at the back of his head that he couldn't identify. Relief washed over him like a tropical ocean wave, warm and soothing as he began to suck on the tiger's penis.  Just a little, and inexpertly since he'd never done this before that he recalled, but he he did. He felt it begin to swell in his mouth, slowly."It's really too bad," the tiger was saying sympathetically, "given how unpleasant you find it to be, now that you've experiencing it. If you weren't so desperate for it you probably wouldn't even keep going. The taste is just terrible, isn't it?"It was. Kaleb found himself trying not to gag, especially when the first dribble of precum leaked down his throat, but he couldn't make himself stop. He didn't want to stop, which was so odd, because thinking about what he was doing revulsed him. So he thought about Ilias instead, which felt better, and made it feel like he was doing a favor for his friend Ilias."I can see you agree. It must be so curious a feeling, to be doing something with such abandon

that you find so thoroughly distasteful," Ilias said softly. "I imagine this is how a drug addict might feel when they're getting their fix. I want you to think about that for me, Kaleb. I want you to think about how helpless you are right now. I want you to know what I'm doing."Kaleb felt tears starting to sting his eyes even as he stared up at Ilias rapturously. He wanted to spit out the cock in hs mouth, to stand up and run away, to rinse his muzzle out with bleach if that's what it took to get the flavor out. He knew what he was doing, and for one, brief moment - because Ilias told him that he should - he was aware of why. Ilias was making him do this, or worse, making him want to do it. "Swallow my cock," Ilias said. "All the way down."Kaleb did, rising up off his ankles to get the angle right and choking himself on the tiger's fleshy dick, stopping only when his nose was buried in the thatch of fur around the base. He was still staring up at Ilias, pleadingly now as his throat twitched, involuntarily trying to reject the blockage of the tiger's erection while his muzzle stayed right where he was told to put it."If I gave you no further instructions, you would choke yourself to death on it," Ilias said, his voice no longer sounding so reassuring. "You would stay right where I told you, even if it meant suffocating. I want you to think about that too, Kaleb.  Whether or not you survive the next minute is up to me. And I'll be honest, Kaleb. I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do, because your throat feels quite exquisite right now." It surged and throbbed in Kaleb's throat, and it felt like Ilias punctuated his words with just a tiny window into what the tiger was feeling. Kaleb felt himself getting hard as well at the sensation, frightened as he was.The hyena's chest began to heave. He hadn't been told to take a breath first so he was caught in an exhale, and already felt his head getting light, his vision getting fuzzy. Kaleb had never been so scared in his life, as in his head he frantically tried everything he could to force himself to pull away and found his body completely unwilling to respond despite his growing panic.  "Mmm, yes... That's good, Kaleb, very good." The tiger thrust just a little and Kaleb started to sag on his knees, muscles deprived of oxygen straining to keep him in place. "That's enough," Ilias said from someplace far away, the voice sounding high and tinny in his ringing ears. "You may breathe."Kaleb jerked his head back, intending to collapse to the floor and breathe and breathe and breathe, but he never made it further than halfway off the tiger's cock. As soon as he could inhale through his nose his head snapped to a stop and he was left to suck in ragged, wet breaths through his nose while still, revoltingly,

blowing the tiger. Only slowly did his vision start to claw its way back and the ringing in his ears fade, replaced with the disgusting sounds of his own mouth slurping at a rigid cock.The tiger rested a paw on Kaleb's head, and although Ilias never said a word Kaleb knew just what he wanted. Instructions more like impressions dripped into his consciousness like honey poured into his ear; put his paw there, move his tongue like this, swallow, take a breath, hold it. Ilias was hard and bulky in his muzzle and he couldn't help but slobber around the thick length, his paw wet with it after it had been moving in concert with his mouth for awhile.By the time Ilias was starting to growl Kaleb was blowing him skillfully, instructions he would never forget burned indelibly into his subconscious. He was no longer just blindly obeying the tiger's instructions but using what he'd been taught, and all the while dreading what he knew was coming. He still hated it, deeply, but he wanted it so much, because Ilias told him he did. When the paw around his head tightened and the first splatter of semen hit his tongue Kaleb gulped, and gulped again, and the hyena kept swallowing while Ilias came down his throat. The taste was disgusting, the act made him want to retch, but his body responded as if he needed to drink the tiger's cum to stay alive. Even when the spurts began to die down he sucked, trying to get out every last drop. It wasn't until Ilias commanded him to stop that he did, holding frozen in place with the tiger's cock resting on his tongue, dribbling and pulsing weakly. "Well," Ilias said, withdrawing from Kaleb's slack muzzle and wiping his cock off on his cheeks. "I would say that for a first time that was a commendable effort, Kaleb. Especially given how much you disliked it, you showed quite the dedication. I'm proud of you, I really am."Kaleb closed his mouth to swallow and wince. He felt even drunker now, and not only could he not keep thoughts on his head for very long, he didn't want to, either. It felt better to just ride the waves of whatever Ilias was telling him.The tiger was tucking away his cock, carefully tucking his shirt back in, re-buckling his belt, and smoothing down the front of his fly. When he looked at Kaleb the hyena felt a combination of horror and adulation, a need he tried to reject and couldn't. But it was all indistinct; urge, rather than intent. His stomach roiled and felt queasy."Now then." The tiger tugged back his shirt sleeve and checked his watch. "My, look at that. It's hardly noon yet. I had expected this would take longer." He went to the door and unlocked it; when he opened it the light was blinding to Kaleb. "You can come in now."Through the doorway stepped a figure; tall, canine. A

middle-aged wolf, maybe, or a coyote. He stood there looking at Ilias, glassy-eyed, waiting. Kaleb suspected he himself looked very much like that right now, too. The wolf-or-maybe-coyote looked like a tourist, Kaleb thought, in a hawaiian shirt and basketball shorts. "Roy, I'd like you to meet Kaleb. Kaleb, this is Roy, a friend of mine, just like you are."Roy looked at Kaleb. Kaleb looked at Roy. Neither spoke."Kaleb, you're going to do whatever Roy wants.""Okay," said Kaleb dumbly. Roy was a friend of Ilias's, so he had to do what Roy said."Roy, you're going to take full advantage of Kaleb's predicament. Kaleb won't be able to say no to you, will you, Kaleb?"Please, no said a small voice in the back of Kaleb's head. One that he couldn't help but ignore. "No," said Kaleb."I'll warn you that his jaw may be a bit sore, Roy, but I suspect you can be resourceful," Ilias said. Roy was already unzipping his pants, an expression that Kaleb found worrying, even despite his haziness, on the wolf's muzzle. "In fact, I believe Kaleb here told me not an hour ago that he was still a virgin when it comes to anal sex.  You are a virgin, aren't you Kaleb?""Yes," said Kaleb. His eyes felt wet, but he didn't know why. Roy had his pants down now, and was stroking a frighteningly large cock to erection. Roy wasn't watching Ilias anymore, just Kaleb. And he was smiling."Not for much longer, I'm afraid." Ilias put his paw on Roy's shoulder and patted it. "Once Roy here is finished with you, I'll be sending some other friends to attend to you. I expect you to treat them with the same courtesy you'd treat me, which is to say, do everything they want, regardless of what it is. After..." He looked at his watch again. "Hmm. Let's say four hours, I'll come and retrieve you. Or what's left of you, anyway." He smiled thinly. "How does that sound, Kaleb?" Please don't do this. Horrific. Awful. Sick. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. "I like making you happy," Kaleb heard himself say."Of course you do, you poor, stupid thing," Ilias said. "Now take off your pants, I don't think Roy here wants to wait any longer." Ilias headed for the door as Roy advanced until Kaleb could only see part of him around the wolf's hip. He could smell Roy now, musky and sour. "Oh, and Kaleb?"Kaleb already was sucking on Roy's erection, his ears swiveling to make sure he heard every word of Ilias's inexorable voice."Don't forget to hate yourself."

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