Extra Storage

Story by Kooshmeister on SoFurry

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Boony is a suburban wolf who's big into sounding. Unfortunately for him, his young neighbor down the street is, too, and she wants to see just how much he can take!

Boony sat in his living room with the curtains drawn, smiling at the array of sounding rods laid out on a towel which was sitting on the coffee table before him. A lean gray wolf with short, spiky dark hair, he was currently completely naked, his legs spread, sprawled on the comfortable, well-worn old sofa, his cock standing stiffly up from his spread thighs, as he tried to decide which rod to use.

Smiling, he daintily selected a medium-sized one and used the tips of his fingers to spread apart his urethra, and groaned out as he began to slowly insert it into his shaft. He gently eased it deeper and deeper, enjoying how good it felt, when suddenly his phone rang. Fuck. He clenched his teeth, trying to ignore the accursed ringing, wishing he'd put the damn thing on vibrate! Finally, he realized, no, there was no way he could ignore the ringing, not with whoever calling him insisting on continuing to let it ring even though nobody was picking up.

Grumbling, he gently removed the rod from within his dick, and set it, dripping with his pre, on the towel, and then grabbed the phone. It was Cherry, his neighbor. He answered it. "Hello?" he asked, wondering what she wanted.

"Hi, Boony!" said Cherry's cheerful voice. She was a fourteen year old rabbit girl.

"Uh, hi, what is it?" asked the wolf.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over and have tea with me."

"...now?" asked Boony, a little dismally, as he really wanted to get back to his sounding.

"Of course now, silly!" the rabbit giggled playfully. She gave a time and hung up.

Frowning, Boony sighed. Oh well, he thought, feeling his erection wilting until it became flaccid. Tea sounded fun, he guessed. After all, not all of life's pleasures could be sexual. He cleaned off the one sounding rod he'd used, gently wrapped them in the towel, and placed the bundle on his bedside table. Dressing, he took his phone and left the house, walking down the street towards Cherry's house. It was a hot afternoon, but the sun was already going down, so soon enough it'd be cool. Arriving at the residence, he noticed that there was no car in the driveway. Cherry's parents weren't home. That was unusual. She'd never asked him to come over while her parents were out before. What did she have in mind?

He went to the front door, but just as he was about to knock, it flew open. Startled, Boony leaped back a bit. "You almost gave me a heart attack!" he said, half reproachfully, half amused.

"Sorry," came the reply, along with a giggle.

Cherry, short, trim and extraordinarily buxom for her age, stood smiling in the doorway, her reddish hair pulled into an unkempt ponytail which had the effect of making her look younger than she really was. There was a definite Lolita air about her which made Boony squirm a little, observing her attire. A choker collar, a black leather halter top which did little to contain her breasts, the skimpiest little skirt the wolf had ever seen, and knee-high black combat boots.

The skirt was so small that hints of pink frilly panties were visible with each movement Cherry made, and the outfit was completed by striped pink arm warmers and matching stockings which didn't go with the boots at all. Boony, simultaneously liking and hating what he saw, hating her for sending such confusing messages to his poor cock, considered making a crack about what her parents would say if they saw her dressed like this, but decided against it.

He entered. Shutting the door, Cherry went past him and walked wordlessly into the living room. As she went past, Boony was certain he saw a smirk on the young girl's face. Shrugging, though, he followed her, eying her butt as she went. Her skirt had no hole for her short rabbit tail, so it lifted the skirt up, allowing the wolf to see her panty-clad ass, a view he found himself enjoying perhaps a little more than he should. In the living room, furnished to her parents' tastes and not hers - which was to say expensively - an antique tea set was waiting. A porcelain clock with a flower motif ticked loudly on the mantle above a fireplace that hadn't seen use in many years, and the big screen TV wasn't turned on. But for the clock, the room was eerily silent.

"Have a seat!" Cherry said, cheerfully.

Nodding, Boony flumped down, the tea set on the table between them. She poured him a cup and they made small talk. He felt suddenly like a doll at a playtime tea party. But most little girls playing with dolls didn't dress like the fourteen year old who now sat somewhat suggestively in her father's leather armchair and beckoned for him to park his caboose in the love seat opposite. If she asked him to raise his pinky while drinking, though...

"Where are your parents?" he asked idly as he sipped the tea. He grimaced a little. He was no tea expert, but boy did it ever taste weird. He kept his opinions to himself, however, and kept drinking to be polite.

"Out," was all Cherry would say, lying partially sideways with one leg draped over the arm of the chair, which had seen many a football game on "guys' night."

Nodding, Bonny sipped more. The clock seemed to tick loudly, more insistently. The wolf ignored it. Sip. Chit-chat proceeded dully. The wolf was beginning to feel unusually apprehensive. What had his young neighbor invited him over for? Slurp. He was feeling strange, now. He squeezed his eyes shut. The ticking of the clock grew louder, until it was pounding in his ears. Now he knew something was wrong. Was he coming down with something? He started to mumble that he didn't feel well, and wanted to leave. As he rose, however, he wobbled unsteadily. The empty teacup fell from his hand and shattered against the edge of the table. Cherry smirked evilly, watching without concern, remaining where she was, as the big wolf from down the street slowly teetered like a chopped down tree and then toppled over to lie unconscious on the floor. She sipped her tea idly and giggled to herself at her wicked plan coming together at last.

When Boony awoke later, he was tied to a wooden chair in a dark room, naked. He grumbled groggily. What the hell? Where was he? He tugged at his bonds, but the ropes holding him to the sturdy chair were far too strong. Suddenly the door open, flooding the room with bright, almost heavenly light. Boony winced. Slowly blinking his eyes open, he saw the figure of a short rabbit girl backlit in the doorway. Cherry. She had a large box tucked under one arm. He growled at her, and in response, she issued forth a girlish little giggle.

"Comfy?" she asked.

The wolf didn't reply. Cherry turned and flicked the overhead light on, revealing to her captive that he was in the rabbit family's garage. Shutting the door with her foot, Cherry came over. Still was still wearing the scandalously sexy halter top and mini skirt combo, her thick-soled boots clomping noisily on the smooth cement floor. The box under her arm was a ratty old one made of cardboard, barely held together with various colors of duct tape, both recent and old. Scrawled on one side was "To the Storage." This, Cherry plunked down on the floor off to Boony's left. He looked at it, but the flimsy lid was down, and although it wasn't completely shut, curled as it was from age, the dim light provided by the ceiling bulb wasn't enough to let him see in through even that meager opening.

"Did you fucking drug me?" Boony demanded after a moment.

The rabbit girl giggled. "Yep!" she replied.


Cherry stood back a bit, admiring the bound, naked lupine, clearly liking what she saw. She gave her ponytail a little toss and coughed, and said, "Well, a few days ago I came over to your house and knocked. You didn't answer. So I went to the living room window and peered in through the slit in the blinds, which you hadn't closed all the way."

Uh-oh. Boony didn't like where this was going.

"It was a gray day, so there was nothing reflecting off the glass much, giving me a goooood view of what you were doing inside!" the rabbit continued, grinning broadly.


"I saw all the things you could stuff down that great big monster of yours," Cherry continued. Standing nimbly on her left foot, she raised her right, and used the tip of one heavy boot to prod at the bulbous head of Boony's currently flaccid cock as it hung down over the edge of the seat to which he was tied. The wolf shivered, and the cock twitched slightly, stiffening. She lowered her foot. "My dad has been nagging me to find somewhere to put my things so they're not cluttering up my closet, soooo..."

Boony blinked. What in the world? "You want to... put your things..." he trailed off, feeling himself sweat a little.

"Yep!" cried Cherry, excited. "I figured if you can fit those big sounding rods down into there, you can fit all this stuff, too!"

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!"

"Okay, okay, I admit that it isn't my real reason. I'm really just curious to see what you can take. I figured I'd use my stuff here to kill two birds with one stone." She knelt down by the box, giving it an affectionate pat. "See what the big bad wolfy can take and find a place for some old junk that I'm a little too sentimental to throw out."

Boony grumbled, and twisted in his restraints. "You could've just asked...!" He had to admit, though, despite how hot she was, even she'd asked, he might've said no on account of her being so much younger than him, which would've landed him right smack in the same predicament, considering Cherry obviously did not like taking no for an answer.

"Yeah, but this is more fun!" Cherry said, grinning wickedly.

She opened the lid and revealed that although the box itself was old, its contents were not. Boony's eyes boggled. An assortment of dildos in various shapes, sizes and colors, as well as a football and a baseball, were revealed. Where in the hell had a fourteen year old girl gotten dildos? Who had sold them to her? He wondered if she'd stolen them from her mother. Or her father. Thinking of her parents made the wolf realize he had one more question, one final appeal before they began.

"Where the hell are your parents?!"

"They went on a weekend getaway in Vegas," was the rabbit's simple reply, and she stood, holding the baseball.

The baseball was a well-worn one signed illegibly by some sports star she idolized. She tossed it up into the air, and caught it as it came back down. Leaning against the wall, she repeatedly tossed and caught the ball as she proceeded to use her foot to stimulate Boony into arousal. The wolf groaned out. His sensitive member twitched and swelled out, growing to an increasingly enormous size, at least for the present circumstances. Boony knew it could grow bigger, though, which was one reason why he was not particularly eager for this to continue, if only for Cherry's sake. Cherry smiled watching her friend's meat swell and pulse, and then she stepped forward, lowering her foot, and dug her fingers into the cumslit at the tip, using them to pry it open, earning a gasp and a whimper from the wolf. Curling her fingers around the baseball, she plunged it inside, and Boony gave in to the pleasure as the girl's entire arm was promptly crammed down inside.

It felt so good, he thought, so sinfully good, mmm. Cherry licked her lips and grit her teeth, working her arm in and out of her prisoner's cock, sensually fisting his urethral passage, wet squishing sounds filling the room and mingling with the tied up lupine's moans. She worked her arm deeper and deeper, trying to shove the ball down as far as she could, eager to reach the opening which led into his nutsack, which gurgled in anticipation of what it was about to receive. Suddenly, she felt an tugging at her arm. Weak, but insistent. The walls of the shaft's interior tried to clamp down around her invading limb, but weren't strong enough to get a good grip. With minimal effort Cherry extracted her arm, none the worse for wear apart from being positively drenched in her friend's pre. She watched as the bulge of her signed baseball, looking like a lone pea in a pod bulging out the middle of the huge shaft, was suddenly sucked down to the base, disappearing past it with a schlurcking sound. She gasped and stepped back in surprise, and saw, and heard, the baseball get deposited into Boony's balls.

"Hope you... unh... don't expect it or anything else you stuff down there back in the same condition," Boony warned her, panting as his cock grew a little further. "And I gotta warn you. You might join 'em if you're not careful."

For a moment, Cherry looked uncertain. She looked at her cum-covered arm, remembering how the cock had tugged at it, trying to grab her, and how it had actually sucked the baseball down the rest of the way. Now, the wolf cock was larger than before, and it seemed to bend towards her, drooling copiously from its slit, as though it wanted her. But she dismissed the danger. Like all people her age, the young bunny was full of youthful enthusiasm and a certainty that she could handle whatever task she put her mind to. And so her next words sealed her fate.

"Oh, pish-posh!" she said, smiling, and grabbed the football.

Glorp! It was stuffed in. She gritted her teeth and had a time getting the oblong pigskin to go in. Boony, even though the haze of sex addling his brain as pleasure took complete control, knew it was because his beast was still waking up. But he knew the more that it was fed, the hungrier it got. And he knew that there was no way of talking Cherry out of her current task, so he settled in and just decided to go for the ride. Besides, he thought; she might get lucky and stuff everything in the box down there without going in herself. Miracles did happen. The cock swelled outward and gobbled up the football. The rabbit girl gave a small squee of delight seeing its bulge go down. She grabbed the dildos, one, two, three. They'd originally been her mother's, but she'd stolen them from her panty drawer for her own use, naughty girl that she was.

The first dildo was a blue, humanlike one, and she stuffed it in headfirst, relishing the perverse sight of a dick going into a dick, and pistoned it in and out of Boony, using it to fuck his slit, as the wolf panted and mrrrowled in pleasure, wishing he were untied so he could do it himself. Then, seizing the tip a little more firmly, she pushed it in all the way. Slurrrrppp. Down it went! Due to its shape and the now larger size of the cock into which it'd disappeared, it didn't make much of a bulge, and neither did the other two dildos, a bulbous, orange reptilian one that was actually smaller than the first one, and a pink one shaped like a horse cock. Cherry was especially disappointed that this one didn't make much of a sight going down, especially considering it had been roughly the length and width of a baseball bat. She grabbed a fourth dildo and crammed it in as well, and, having emptied the box, and possessed now of a perverse lust to cram whatever she could into her friend, crumpled the box itself up and stuffed that in, too.

The cock ate them all. One by one they were taken down, swallowed hungrily, not simply stuffed in by Cherry, or drawn in by gravity. Even the rough-edged old box was only mildly discomforting to the wolf. And once each item reached Boony's balls, a process began, one Boony struggled to try warning Cherry about. The swallowed items were superheated and melted down into thick wolfcum, filling his balls out massively. He thought Cherry's earlier refusal to stop might be due to her not understanding what actually happened to things that went down there. He tried to tell her, but just as he opened his mouth, the girl grabbed a big red metal toolbox and shoved that inside with box hands, and the wolf's warning died in a sudden howl of pleasure, and his cock clamped down on Cherry's hands. Cherry started extracting her hands, intent on finding something else in the garage to put inside of the cock, when she felt the sudden pressure on her hands and frowned, pulling, but found herself unable to extract herself.

The cock, far bigger than ever now, even larger than her, swelled out and swallowed. Cherry screamed in sudden terror and struggled desperately to escape, but could not get free as her arms were slurped in like two noodles, and her screaming soon became muffled and wet as her wide-eyed face followed suit, precum filling her mouth. Her long ears flattened back against her head and her breasts bounces, jiggling, the button on the halter top straining to contain them as her terrified struggles caused the girl's unusually large mammaries to swell outward. Then there was a ripping sound and a zing as the button hit the floor and went ricocheting this way and that, and those tits popped free and hung heavy and a little bit sweaty, nipples pointing at the floor, for the girl, in teenage rebellion, had refused to wear a bra. The cock greedily swallowed her feminine torso up into itself, her breasts popping in wetly, bulging the shaft out from within, earning what seemed to Boony to be the thousandth moan from him since this whole thing had started.

"Toooooold you..." he managed to gasp, tongue lolling as he panted. "I tooooold yooooou..."

Even half inside of the cock as she was at this point, Cherry, stubborn bunny that she was, fought. She dug her boot heels into the floor, determined that she wouldn't surrender. But the cock simply pulled and pulled, and the rubber heels slid along the mercilessly smooth floor, out of from under her. Hope swelled in Cherry. As her legs flew up, her panty-clad butt fell and hit the floor. Due to the cum, the grip of the cock, while powerful, was slippery, and her body slid out some, one breast popping free. She wiggled her ass on the floor, rising to one knee, and attempted to pull one arm free. Just one arm! That's all she'd need! Then she could grab something, like the edge of her father's heavy workbench! It wasn't to be. The cock redoubled its efforts, clenching and flexing, sucking back in what it'd lost, including the stray breast, and suddenly it reared up.

Watching through slitted eyes, Boony beheld his cock lifting the half-consumed form of the girl into the air. It flexed and bucked, tossing her back and forth, her skirt falling down, giving him an unobstructed view of her panties. He chuckled despite himself.

"Told you.." he whispered dreamily to the cute panty-clad ass.

"Mmmphhhh..." was the only reply from somewhere inside the shaft.

Admirably, she still refused to quit. She brought her legs up, kicking. One booted foot struck and shattered the light bulb dangling from the ceiling, plunging the garage into darkness once again, depriving, or perhaps sparing, Boony the further sight of witnessing her demise. But he could still feel it happening, and it was easy to imagine, and even if he couldn't see it, there in the black, it was happening. The girl was being consumed, loud schlorps and gulps echoing through the room. He heard, and felt, the wooden chair he was tied to creaking in protest from the huge weight of the cock and its meal. Could it be? he wondered. Would it break and free him? If more of Cherry's weight were added to his cock, he might bend forward enough to snap the sturdy back of the chair, feeling the back legs beginning to leave the floor.

Cherry squirmed, legs bicycling until the bottoms of her boots found the shaft. She pushed off of it, trying to get leverage, but the huge amount of cum oozing down the cock prevented her boots from finding any purchase and they kept slipping free, and as the cumslit ooze ravenously over her perky hips and pert, panty-class ass to claim them as its own, Cherry fiercely kicked her stockinged legs in enraged frustration, flinging cum off of the soles of the boots in every direction.

After a few moments even this meager resistance was quelled and Boony sighed as he felt her smooth legs and the booted feet slid in, and Boony whined in annoyance as he felt the weight even out now, the legs coming back down to the floor, the back of the chair remaining unbroken. She slid down to join all the things she'd stuffed inside of there, filling out his balls. Immediately, she was worked on, and soon her fierce struggling stopped, her muffled cries and pleas for salvation drowned out, degenerating into thick, wet gurgles as she and everything else in there with her were slowly melted down into steaming hot wolf cum. Cum that would be immediately put to use, the wolf knew.

"You wanted to know how much I could take," Boony said wryly. "Now you know."

Cherry's only reply was to gurgle noisily in his sac. She was, after all, only cum. The entire experience left the wolf desperate to get off. He bucked his hips as much as he could, but being tied to the chair as he was meant that he could move much. Fortunately, he was so close to exploding that he didn't require much stimulation. The forbidden kinky act of gulping a fourteen year old girl down and melting her into his seed was enough, and he felt the itch at the back of his prostate. Unnnhhh, yes. Yeaaaahhh! He squeezed his eyes shut, bit his lower lip, and came, feeling the hot cum rushing up the interior of his shaft to come fountaining out of the tip...

...just as the door of the garage opened, and a male rabbit, Cherry's father, was hit full in the face with Boony's load, opening his mouth to say "We're home early!" only for his words to devolve into a startled scream, and getting quite a substantial amount into his mouth. So forcefully did it pump into him that it jetted out of his nostrils and his ears! The adult rabbit uttered forth a sound like he was trying to gargle syrup and flew back out through the open door, washed away by the torrent of cum which used to be his daughter.

The cock continued to buck and spray until at least it trickled off, sagging, and began to slowly lower back down to the floor, completely spent. Boony panted, his heart beating so fast he felt it pounding in his ears. He opened his eyes, and found himself staring at Cherry's mother. The older female rabbit stood in the doorway, one hand over her mouth. Behind her, her husband floundered in the hallway that led to the kitchen, struggling to get up from where he lay, but found doing so difficult due to the insane amount of wolf cum that had splattered all over everything. Shit, thought Boony. He had a lot of explaining to do.

The End.

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