The Three Little Pigs

Story by Kooshmeister on SoFurry

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Oola gets revenge on a trio of Gamorrean guards who've been mistreating her.

The beautiful green Twi'Lek bided her time as she lay leashed to her bloated master. A beautiful and petite thing she was, nearly naked but for the flimsiest of fishnet garments which left little to the imagination, just how her master liked it.

Outwardly, she was the very picture of submission, but inwardly a fire burned. The fire of vengeance. Not towards her owner, although his time was soon to come. Instead, the slave's wrath was focused exclusively on three of Jabba the Hutt's Gamorrean guards. It would've been four, but Jabba in his infinite wisdom had decided it'd be amusing to see Gurt get eaten by the Rancor the day before. Gurt had been the chief slave driver, and his flogger had cruelly "corrected" Oola and her fellow slave girls many times. He'd been the least problematic, since his tastes ran towards other males usually, but he still seemed to have enjoyed beating Oola a little too much. But with him currently stewing in the Rancor's belly, that just left gis cronies Blorg, Snerg and Jortt. Like him, they were fat, unpleasant examples of their race, although nowhere near as fat as Gurt had been, Oola noticed.

They'd had her many times. One after the other in the dark, dank corners of the palace, their disgusting, smelly pig-cocks filling every available orifice on her poor abused body. Naively, she'd tried complaining to Jabba, but the mighty Hutt had simply laughed his signature laugh and commended the Gamorreans on their "sport," and told them to keep up the good work. Gurt's death, however, had given Oola an idea. What if she could get Jabba to feed the other three rapists to the Rancor? She'd puzzled it over in her mind all night, wondering how to accomplish it. Jabba's decision to drop Gurt into the Rancor pit had been spur of the moment, as far as she'd been able to tell. Could Oola wait for him to make such a spontaneous decision with the other three? She decided she couldn't.

She'd get a reprieve, she knew; the three often went to Mos Eisely to run errands for Jabba and came back drunk as spacers. That was generally when they had her. Although a gentle soul who rarely wished harm upon anyone other than her wicked master, Oola hated the three Gamorreans with a fiery passion, and if she couldn't have vengeance against Jabba, she was certain that three of the fattest Gamorreans in the entire palace would more than make a fitting collective surrogate for her lard-bellied owner.

And so she'd plotted. One night while her three tormentors were away in Mos Eisley, the green Twi'Lek sidled up to the Hutt and cuddled with Jabba. The Hutt had been surprised. Usually Oola hated being near him, so the idea of her willingly touching him was out of the question... unless she wanted something.

"What is it, my pretty desert rose?" Jabba had asked, his tongue lapping out to lick alone Oola's jawline.

"Master, I have to tell you, three of your Gamorrean guards... they've had me without your consent," the slave had said.

The Hutt had loosed a mighty laugh, his belly quaking as though it might burst. So that was what the slut had wanted, he'd realized. Some of his underlings had mistreated her and she'd wanted revenge. How like a woman. "My darling," he told her after he was done laughing, "you're a slave. Unless I am currently enjoying you, anyone in the palace can have you."

Oola had gritted her teeth in anger. Finally she'd said, "But while they had me, I heard them plotting to assassinate you, Master!" she'd protested.

Jabba had then went silent. He doubted this was true. If he knew the Gamorreans she was talking about, he doubted they had the wit, much less the spine, to plot against him. But the Exalted One was a cruel and vile gangster, and so he had pretended to take Oola's "revelation" seriously.

"Give me their names."


The three Gamorreans chortled, snorted and oinked as they came back from the cantina. Occasionally, one would break wind. They were surprised when a few others of their kind, led by a particularly dim-witted slob of a hog named Glurgg, met them inside the front gate.

After snorting sternly at the three, Glurgg ordered them surrounded, and the trio of drunken pigs were taken away to the audience chamber and made to stand before Jabba's dais. Blorg and Snerg stood directly on the trapdoor leading down into the pit below, while Jortt stood to one side, one foot on, one foot off. Spear tips at their backs kept the three guards from moving. The Exalted One sprawled on the dais as usual, Salacious Crumb chittering noisily on one of his shoulders like a pirate's parrot. Oola sat on her end of the stone slab with her master, glaring at the three drunken captives.

The largest of the three, Blorg, was one immensely fat, sweaty hog, whose furry loincloth was too small, leaving very little of his nether regions to the imagination. He wore no chest armor, allowing his enormous stomach with large belly button to sag forwards over his crotch, and up above sagged two enormous man-tits with the thickest, heaviest nipples anyone had ever seen. For a Gamorrean, he was intelligent, which meant he was roughly as smart as an undereducated human. At the moment, however, what little wits he had were dulled by the alcohol he'd consumed. Although nothing could've saved him at this point, his intoxication contributed to him not realizing how much trouble he was really in until he literally felt the floor fall out from underneath him.

His two companions Snerg and Jortt were smaller hogs, but still quite fat and sweaty. They were far dumber than Blorg, and like him were drunk beyond really caring about much of anything.

"How dare you plot to assassinate me!" Jabba bellowed forth.

Oola smiled, watching. Yes, she thought. Her revenge had come at last. Although she suspected that Jabba hadn't believed her and was only doing this in order to experience hos favorite hobby of watching people being eaten, whatever got these three drunkards killed was fine by her. For their part, the Gamorreans blinked and traded looks of stunned bewilderment, but still were unclear of just what was going on, even though very few people were ever made to stand directly on the trapdoor in this manner unless they were being sentenced.

"You three will learn the penalty for traitors!" Jabba said, licking his chops in greedy anticipation of the entertainment to come, one hand hovering over the dreaded button on his armrest. "I condemn you to stew in the belly of the Rancor! Boscka!!"

And with that, his stubby fingers curled into a fist and slammed down. The button clicked. The trapdoor gave way, swinging down, his thick tail sliding its bulbous tip against Oola's thigh as he watched with pleased, lidded eyes as a surprised Blorg and a still confused Snerg fell through... and immediately became stuck due to both of their soft, flabby bellies jamming up the hole. They wriggled and squealed. Jabba groaned and palmed his face. Oola laughed. So did Salacious Crumb, as was his habit, cackling insanely.

Jortt had grunted in surprise and jerked back when he'd felt the trapdoor give way under one foot, but was kept where he stood by his fellow Gamorreans' spear points in his back. He was still too drunk to quite realize what was going on although his companions did. Blorg, most of all. He squealed and grunted as three other pigs came forward and started trying to use the blunt ends of their spears to stuff the condemned guards through. As they squirmed, both Gamorreans couldn't help but fart, the sound amplified by the shaft beneath them.

"No, no, no!" Jabba roared, rocking back and forth. This was hopeless. If they were getting stuck in the entrance together like this, there was no way they were going down the slide, much less out the far smaller exit into the pit at the other end. "They'll never fit through together like that! Pull Snerg out and we'll stuff them through one at a time!"

The Gamorrean guards grunted, sweated and struggled to extract their two drunken companions from the hole, until they finally came free like a cork from a bottle, and all of the hogs fell back in a tangled heap. Jabba again palmed his face, and began to wonder if he shouldn't feed all of his Gamorreans to the Rancor after this latest display of clumsiness and stupidity. The pigs got up, dragging Blorg and Snerg to their feet, Blorg slobbering and pleading for mercy in his native language of grunts and snorts as he was forced to the open trapdoor and shoved through without ceremony.

"Ho-ho-hoooo!" Jabba laughed as Snerg was forced up next.

Blorg tumbled through the slide leading down to the pit, his great weight helping him slip down so fast his feet hit the grate at the bottom before it'd had a chance to open to admit him. It slid open and the fat, sweating, sobbing mess of a hog was oozed out into the enormous chamber like a glob of toothpaste from a tube, finally slipping free to tumble down to the floor, sand sticking to his flesh due to the sweat. Hearing confused squealing, he turned and watched as Snerg flew through, followed by Jortt. The grate slid shut, and Blorg went and helped his two companions to his feet.

Overhead, the orgy had begun. Jabba crooned with satisfaction as he alternated between watching the three Gamorreans down below, and the sudden outpouring of lust that had swept through the courtiers, slaves and guards. Clothing was discarded. Positions were taken where the different creatures could fuck wildly while still having an unobstructed view of the pit below. Those who couldn't find a willing partner took them, and several violent rapes took place. Jabba licked his lips. Still others found simple satisfaction in either fingering their wet pussies or jerking their hard cocks as they stood behind the various couplings, jostling for a good view as they pleasured themselves.

This always seemed to happen whenever someone was fed to the Rancor. Soon, bodily fluids from all manner of species would drizzle down into the pit to coat the feasting monster and its victims. And, Jabba thought, since this time it was three victims, the amount of juices and jizz that was produced should be glorious. He noticed that only Oola wasn't participating. The green Twi'Lek was ignoring everything around here, staring down at Blorg and his doomed cronies through the viewing grate. Jabba considered yanking her over to him, but decided against it, letting her have her moment.

Snerg and Jortt were still drunk and confused, but the now sober Blorg tried to explain things to them between pitiful whimpers and sobbing grunts. Neither quite seemed to comprehend until with a groaning roar, the huge metal door at the opposite end of the huge, dimly-lit chamber and the huge form stepped through it. The Rancor. Blorg felt his courage falter. Before the door opened, he'd been in the middle of suggesting to the other two that if they teamed up, they could fight the beast. Actually seeing it up close for the first time and not from the safety of the audience chamber above made the pig rethink this strategy, and opt for blind terror instead.

Turning, he ran as fast as his fat legs would allow to stand directly underneath the viewing grate. He fell to his knees and pleaded desperately with his master. He'd do anything, he snorted in Gamorrean, if Jabba would show mercy upon him. Jabba merely replied that he was already doing him a wonderful service, and Blorg knew he was doomed. Behind him, the Rancor's beady eyes narrowed as it beheld its gift. It'd been a long time since it had had more than one thing to eat at a time. Lifting its boxy head, it roared at the ceiling, then slowly stomped towards Snerg and Jortt, who still stood dazed and drunk. A wide-eyed Blorg pressed his overweight form as far back against the wall as it'd go, and tried to keep himself from squealing, hoping the monster would ignore him and be satisfied with Snerg and Jortt. Despite his fear, he got an erection. After all, like those above, he found the Rancor and what it did inensely arousing. The enormous body came closer and closer.

It grabbed Snerg first. The fat hog farted as he was whipped up off of his feet as though he weighed nothing, the tips of the claws sinking into his soft flesh. The grab happened so quickly that, to Jortt, it seemed as if his fellow guard were standing there one minute and gone the next. He blinked drunkenly. Being seized this way sobered Snerg up quickly and he squealed as he watched the fanged maw open with a ravenous hunger only the Exalted One above could match. He struggled, his fat form wriggling like a green jelly bean with limbs in the clawed hand, but he couldn't free himself. In he went, his sweating, squealing form filling the mouth, and the unforgiving jaws closed.

Blorg panted as he watched his friend being eaten, the Rancor biting down hard enough to break bone, but otherwise swallowing him whole. Snerg made an obscene bulge in the beast's throat, and was gone. The Rancor was still not satisfied, for its hunger was eternal, and it bent down for Jortt now. Blorg's eyes followed the grasping hand as it seized the other fat Gamorrean pig and yanked him up, squealing and kicking, the Rancor's claws digging into his skin. The scene from earlier was repeated. As he wiggled in the powerful grip of the beast, Blorg heard the distinct sound of a terrified fart roiling forth from Jortt's backside. With a cheer from the audience above, the jaws opened, the Rancor drooling copiously now, and in went Jortt, his final, terrified squeals silenced as the teeth bit down into his slobby fat form and devoured him alive. Gulp. Belch.

The burp sent some of the watchers above over the edge. Cries of pleasure filtered down to Blorg. The sounds of orgasm. Sure enough, soon, some smatterings of liquid, jizz mostly, dripped down to splattered upon the hide of the Rancor. It didn't seem to notice. Then with a grumble, it tossed its great boxy head back and swallowed a final time, issuing forth another rumbling bellow of a burp, and lowered its head to stare down at Blorg. He was so terrified that he felt his bowels loosen. Terrified of fouling himself, he clenched, and it just came out as a long, loud fart, which earned further jeers and laughter from the onlookers. With a terrified squeal, the hog turned and fled, all courage leaving him now as he scrambled and clawed at the wall. The roaring beast lunged, grasping at him, missing, its claws leaving deep groves in the stone. Blorg yelped and pushed off of the wall and attempted to run between the Rancor's slightly spread legs, but was knocked back by the swishing tail. He sprawled, stunned, in the dirt, and as he slowly came to his senses, he looked up, and watched the all-consuming maw lowering down towards him.

Jabba bellowed with laughter and rocked on his dais as he watched the unfortunate Gamorrean get seized in the fearsome jaws and lifted up, flabby legs kicking in the air.


His fat, disgusting tongue did a slow circuit of his chops as the head was again thrown back, Blorg's sandals flying off of his feet. The mouth opened and sucked the struggling form inside, biting down and crunching happily on the third and final fat pig for the evening. The orgy continued unabated. Rather than satisfying their lust, it seemed Blorg's death had only whetted the courtiers' appetites, and they writhed and fucked with more enthusiasm than ever. Beside her master, Oola grinned, satisfied at seeing the last of her three tormentors devoured.

The Rancor swallowed a final time, sending the bulge that used to be Blorg down to stew in its belly with Jortt and Snerg as more jizz dripped down upon its reptilian hide. Then with a satisfied grumble, it turned and went back into its den, the door slowly grinding shut behind it. Jabba ate a frog, gulping the wriggling thing down alive in an imitation of his ferocious pet, and turned to eye Oola. The Twi'Lek slave seemed quite pleased with herself, but her master knew it would be short-lived. He intended to see to it personally. Oola was well aware of this, but took what pleasure she could.

The End.

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