Unexpected Results - Chapter 5

Story by gauness on SoFurry

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#5 of Unexpected Results

?The continuing story of Gabe and Yuni.

Time for me has been a little constrained lately with my new semester, but I wanted to get something up and posted while on spring break. Here's hoping you enjoy the story!

"Phew, alright, that's the last of it."

Yuni wandered out of the master bedroom as Gabe, Micah, and Zane set down the last few boxes. The three of them looked a little winded from the exertions of moving day, much more than Yuni and the other girls. Lina was helping unpack things in the kitchen while Angie, Zane's new girlfriend, was transferring a load of towels from the washer into the drier.

The planning had begun just after the new year. With Yuni's tenure at Sun Harbor University drawing to a close and her time at St. Reya's looming on the horizon, she had begun to fret over finding a place to stay. St Reya's didn't offer dormitories to their students, and the vixen had begun to worry.

However, Gabe solved that issue for her. One night, the rabbit had gotten off the phone with his parents and turned to his girlfriend with a questioning look on his face.

"Hey babe?" he started, padding over to the couch where she was perched, hunched over her laptop as she browsed through apartment listings near the medical school.

"Hmm?" was all she said, chewing on the pencil she clenched between her teeth as she clicked on another listing.

"Not sure if I ever mentioned it, but my brother TJ is starting at SHU this coming year," Gabe said, but received no comment from his girlfriend so he moved forward. "Well, I was thinking it would probably be good for him if he just moved in with us."

"And what, sleep on the couch?" Yuni said, finally lifting her eyes from her laptop and scrutinizing the rabbit who was wearing a little grin. She lofted a brow, wondering what was going on before something in her mind finally clicked. Her mouth hung open, pencil dropping onto the keyboard as she gaped at him. "Wait, move in with us?"

Gabe smile grew a little wider. "Well, yeah. It would save him and my folks some cash, and I don't see why-"

"Us?" Yuni said again. "Gabe, what are you...?"

"Oh, that? Well, I was thinking, why bother looking for an apartment on your own?" Gabe sat next beside the vixen, nudging her gently with his shoulder. "You saying you don't want to?"

"You....you want to move in together?" she said, her voice barely above a whisper as she stared at the rabbit, who nodded in response.

"I do. You're practically living here already, why not just make it official?"

"But...but you love this place, Gabe," Yuni said, her heart racing at the proposition he had put forth, but uncertain.

"Yup, that's why I've been looking to see if any larger places were opening up here. There's a two bedroom place opening on the twelfth floor in a couple months. I talked to management earlier and put down a deposit on it..."

Yuni sat there, staring incredulously at the rabbit as he watched her. Silence drew out for a moment before he lowered his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I just thought it would be easi-"

His words were cut off as Yuni pounced him, lips pressing to his in a fervent kiss before she pulled back, beaming down at the rabbit under her.

"You're amazing, you know that?" she said, her words laced with the hint off a laugh before she kissed him once again.

Gabe chuckled softly as she pulled away and curled against his chest, his hands lightly rubbing her back while her bushy tail swayed happily behind her. "It just seemed...right, I guess? I dunno, the though of you having to find a place and possibly roommates just didn't sit well with me."

Yuni looked up at him again with a wide smile on her face. "I love you, Gabe, you know that?"

He did. They had first said those words to each other on Christmas, but he still felt a surge of happiness race through him whenever he heard her say it. "I love you too, Yuni."

All of that brought the couple to the first days of spring. They had enlisted the help of Gabe's friends in the move, and had managed to get everything transferred in only a few hours. The three males all flopped down on the couch, breathing a little heavy after their final trip, but all seemed pleased with the results. Yuni settled herself beside the rabbit and gave him a peck on the cheek before looking at the others.

"Pizzas should be here soon," she said as Gabe looped an arm around her waist. "And there's cold drinks in the fridge, so help yourselves."

Lina joined Micah, the snow leopardess bringing the panther a beer as she sipped on her own, while Angie padded back out into the living room and joined her lemur boyfriend on the other side of the couch. Zane and the corgi female had been dating for a little over a month, but things seemed to be going well for the new couple. Gabe noticed that Zane seemed happier than he had seen him in a long time.

"So, whens your brother moving in?" came Micah's voice from his spot in the recliner while Lina perched on the arm.

"Not for a few months yet," was Gabe's reply. "He's still finishing up at high school, but he's been packing. Seems like he's excited for this, gods know my folks are."

That brought a chorus of laughter from the others before a knock at the door had Yuni standing up again. She opened the door to reveal the delivery girl standing there, bag in hand as she gave the vixen the total. They swapped cash for food, Yuni thanking the smaller mouse girl, before turning back around to see the ravenous look on the others' faces.

"Grub's on, then," she said, setting the three boxes down on the table, along with paper plates before the six of them began to attack the pizzas.

* * * * *

"Alright, you guys drive safe," Gabe said as he saw Micah and Lina out, the two felines nodding and waving before padding their way down the hallway. Closing the door, he let out a heavy sigh before rejoining Yuni on the couch. "Phew, what a day."

"Yeah, but we got it all done pretty quickly," Yuni replied as she leaned against the rabbit. "You guys did a good job, all that's left is just the unpacking."

"That, and finding out if I need to get anything for TJ," Gabe said with a frown. "Mom's not sure she wants to pay to have his furniture shipped here. Besides, buying furniture for the room wouldn't be too bad."

Yuni nodded before her nose twitched and she sniffed lightly at the air. Scowling, she glared at the rabbit. "You, sir, need a shower."

Gabe blinked down at her before he gave himself a sniff and shuddered. "Oof, I think you're right. Well, time to break in the new digs, I suppose." Pushing himself off the couch, he began to pad his way towards the master bedroom before he stopped and turned back to Yuni with a grin.

"You know, the new shower's big enough for two," he said, giving the vixen a wink before continuing on his way to go get clean.

Yuni sat there stunned for a minute before she too grinned and leapt up, hustling after the rabbit and into their new master bathroom. A pair of sinks sat beneath the mirror that occupied the entirety of a wall. Opposite that sat the toilet, but on the far wall was the large, glass doored shower that Gabe stood in front of, fiddling with the temperature controls. One of the rabbit's long ears lifted slightly and he glanced over his shoulder with a grin.

"Glad to see you decided to join me," he said as he stood an turned around, the sound of running water filling the bathroom as Yuni stepped up to him.

"Well, when you give me such a tempting invitation, it's hard to say no," the vixen replied, hands on her her boyfriend's chest while emerald eyes gazed up at him, a challenge in their depths.

Not one to back down, Gabe did just the opposite, dipping his head down to kiss the lithe vixen while his hands met her hips, fingers dancing along the waistband of the tight yoga pants she wore.

Yuni pressed herself closer to the rabbit, giving her hips a little wiggle beneath his touch before she broke the kiss with a grin, her own finger tugging on the hem of Gabe's shirt before lifting it up and over his head, leaving him there in only his shorts. Gabe mimicked her actions, lifting her thin tank-top slowly up her body, fingers gliding through her soft fur before she took the rid and pulled it off, standing in front of him in her yoga pants and black bra.

Gabe pulled her close again, burying his face in the crook of her neck and nipping lightly at the flesh hidden beneath her soft fur, making the vixen giggle and squirm in his grip. A tug at his shorts and the sounds of his zipper preceded the garment falling to floor to pool around his feet and his spade shaped tail wiggled. The rabbit's fingers dipped beneath the waistband of her pants, hooking her her underwear as well before he began to peel both down her legs. Yuni shimmied her hips as Gabe slowly undressed her, fingers trailing into his chocolate brown hair as he fell to his knees in front of her, a small smile playing over her as she stepped out of her clothes, gasping as the rabbit placed a light kiss just above her entrance and making her tremble. The vixen had to push him away gently, making Gabe look up at her curiously.

"You know, bunny, we're gonna have to get clean," she said, shaking her head as she reached behind her and unhooked her bra, letting her final piece of clothing fall away from her body as she stepped towards the shower.

"I believe that's what a shower is for, right?" Gabe asked, regaining his feet and removing himself of his boxers. Yuni received a good look at his thickening manhood as he finished undressing as she glanced back over her shoulder. Eyes lifted to meet his own as she offered him a predatory smile.

"We'll see, fluff butt," Yuni said, flicking her tail up in his face as she pulled open the door to the shower and stepped into the steamy enclosure. The rabbit followed after her quickly, pulling the frosted glass door shut behind him as his eyes fixed on his girlfriend.

Yuni was already beneath the spray of hot water, head tilted back as the water cascaded down her front, soaking her fur and making the curves of her body more pronounced. One of her ash tipped ears swiveled as the door closed with a snap, making her look back at the rabbit that stepped up to her, turning to face him as she craned her head back further, letting her hair soak in the jets of hot water. Gabe nuzzled into her neck again, soft kisses peppering her drenched fur while she looped her arms around his back, claws biting lightly at his skin while she let out a gentle, rumbling murr.

The rabbit's paws slid around behind her as well, dipping to grip the firm cheeks of the vixen's backside, long ears hearing her breath hitch as he kneaded gently. Gabe heard her coo softly as he teased her, but a nip at his ear made him lose his focus.

"Clean first, bunny," Yuni said over the sound of running water, her voice a bit unsteady as she gently untangled herself from the rabbit, turning her back to him again and grabbing the bottle of body wash/shampoo down from the basket that hung from the shower head. She squeezed some of the floral and spice scented liquid into her hand before passing the bottle back to Gabe, who took it begrudgingly only to have Yuni laugh at him.

"Get my back for me?" she asked, shaking her tail at him while the water coursed over them. Gabe nodded, pouring the wash into his hands as well before setting the bottle back in its basket. Rubbing it between his hands, he worked up a lather before spreading it into the soaked, russet fur of the vixen.

"Mmmm, thanks bunny," Yuni cooed as the rabbit worked the wash into her, short, blunted claws sinking through her fur as he massaged it down to her skin. She let her eyes close, enjoying the feel of his fingers and claws at work as she spread the wash in her hands over herself, rubbing it into the fur of her stomach while Gabe continued to work at her back.

The rabbit was needing to fight against himself to remain chaste, and the small noises that Yuni let slip were certainly not helping. His hands worked down from her shoulder blades, over the small of her back and making the vixen arch at his actions, hey tail sway slowly as it brushed over his legs. Yuni was having her own difficulties, as Gabe's fingers were igniting a fire deep in the pit of her stomach. Her hands trailed slowly upwards, gliding over her breasts as she worked the cleanser into the fine fur that covered her orbs.

Gabe heard her breathing change as he worked his hands lower still, working over her hips before trailing down onto her thighs. A soft whine spilled from Yuni as he teased at the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, fingers deftly working through the cream colored fur there as she spread her legs for him. Her nipples had hardened beneath her palms as she continued to massage her breasts, thoughts of cleaning herself dwindling away slowly, and she let out a soft moan as Gabe grazed lightly over her sex. Her legs parted more, and she looked back at the rabbit over her shoulder. "Gabe," she said, with a hint of pleading in her voice.

That was all it took for him, as he knew that tone well. Placing a hand on her back, he gently pushed her forward, the vixen obliging and bracing herself against the shower wall, hiking her tail up and to the side and presenting herself to him. Yuni watched over her shoulder, eyes half lidded as Gabe lined himself against her, rubbing the head of his swollen manhood over her damp lips and making her shiver in anticipation. The rabbit's hands gripped her hips snugly as he pushed slowly into her, the vixen's mouth hanging open in a low, throaty moan as her eyes clenched shut. Gabe's eyes fell shut as well, pressing further into her depths when, with a sharp thrust, he hilted himself inside.

Yuni's eyes snapped open as she yelp at that, glaring back at her boyfriend, but any admonishment died before she could voice them as he began to thrust. There was none of the usual gentleness in the rabbit tonight, his hips slapping against her backside with every thrust he made, and she found the fire within her burning hotter than ever. The vixen's tongue lolled out of her open mouth as she panted and whimpered each time he sank roughly into her depths. Her legs spread wider, back arching while her claws scrabbled at the wet tile wall of the shower.

Gabe's eyes were clenched shut, rational thought giving away to his baser instincts while he pumped into her with wild abandon. Each cry she let slip drove him further on, his passion mounting with each passing second as their sounds and scents filled the shower. Hunched over, the rabbit rutted against her, nose against the damp fur on her back as she turned her head to watch him, hips rolling and bucking back against him.

"Gabe...." She panted out. "Ohhhh, fffuck baby.....close. So close.......please bunny...."

Her words were met only with primal grunts, the rabbit increasing his pace as she shriek at their frenetic mating. Yuni hung her head forward, hair cascading down as she dipped a hand low, fingers feeling over his plunging length before they made contact with her clit, rubbing as she felt her climax building to a crescendo. Gabe's teeth met one of her ears, nipping and tugging on it as she screamed when she peaked, her sex rippling and gripping at him and he let go of her ear with a gasp. His hips slammed home one final time and a yip ripped from him as he came with her, thick ropes of his seed flooding her even as her own climax washed over his buried length.

The vixen had never felt so full, so warm, as the rabbit pumped himself empty within her, her dexterous fingers still working at herself as she rode out her high. Her legs shaking, she was glad of the rabbit's firm grip on her hips as he held her aloft. Her heart was racing, head still held forward as she fought to control her breathing, feeling Gabe still twitching and trembling over and inside her. Gently, his hands slid around to her tummy, holding her gently as he helped her stand once more. The rabbit's face nuzzled against her neck while she reached back, fingers tangling in his soaked hair as a smile spread over her face.

"Mmmm, that was certainly something bunny," Yuni said, voice barely audible above the spray of water still coursing over the two of them. Gabe chuckled and pressed a kiss to her neck.

"Always fun to try something new, hmm?" he replied, answered only by a giggle from the vixen as she turned to kiss him.

Soon enough, the two managed to finally finish their shower and dry themselves off. While Yuni remained in the bathroom, brushing out her still damp hair, Gabe wandered off to the kitchen to fetch the two of them bottles of water from the fridge. When she finally joined him in the bedroom it was to find the rabbit red faced and staring at a piece of paper.

"What's wrong hun?" she asked, stepping over and reading the note as he handed it to her.

Hi, neighbors!

Welcome to the building!

We hope you enjoy your new apartment, but could you please keep it down while in the shower next time?


Yuni's face flared with heat as she read and reread the note, finally looking sheepishly up at Gabe while the rabbit just shrugged.

"So much for first impressions, huh?"

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