Chasing Stars - Chapter 1

Story by gauness on SoFurry

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#2 of Chasing Stars

"Dev had fallen on tough times, but the help of friends and the introduction of Riley into his life have him thinking things might be getting better."

This is set a few years before the events of "Unexpected Results" and stars some of the characters introduced there. Something that came to mind while trying to flush out backstories for characters, and I decided to give it a shot.

Rain splattered against the grimy second story windows of the old brick building. It had once been a warehouse; storage for some long forgotten company. Now the bricks were flaking, some eroded beyond salvation, and the entire building had fallen into a state of disrepair. It had sat vacant for years before someone saw potential in it and turned it into a night club. 'Spurs' it had been called, complete with a country western theme and generally targeted towards a clientele that did not exist in Sun Harbor. It had been open less than a year before going under, the astronomical losses putting it out of business. Another club had moved in not long after, a top-40 and hip-hop club that had done well before being shut down after numerous underage drinking offenses. For the next few years, the only residents had been dust, the building growing more dilapidated until a young fox had seen the potential and purchased it.

'Coming Soon' fliers were plastered to the doors, heralding the arrival of an unknown business, but those those that frequented the area had seen new sound systems being moved in and a steady parade of construction workers filtering in and out. This morning, the building was silent save for the delivery truck parked behind it. The driver, a lanky timber wolf, impatiently buzzing the intercom beside the receiving door. Tugging on the hood of his sweatshirt in an attempt to fend off more of the rain, he huffed and pulled out his cell phone, scrolling through his contacts until he found the one he wanted and violently pressed the dial button.

On the second floor, in the shabby office, a cell phone began to ring. The screeching distortions that blared from the speaker made the only occupant stir. The slim red fox had been sleeping on the run down sofa centered in the small office, but as his phone continued to ring, he rolled over and off the edge, landing with a thud on the hard floor and jolting awake. Blinking stupidly through a shag of black hair, he looked around in confusion before noticing the offending device laying nearby, rattling against the scratched and stained wood of the floor. Grumbling incoherent obscenities, he picked it up and answered with a grunt.

"Dammit, Dev," came the angry voice from the other end. "I've got twelve more deliveries to make before lunch and I can't wait on your lazy ass any longer. If you ain't down here in the next five minutes, you'll have to wait until next week for your shit."

Before he could answer, the line went dead, and he set the phone aside with a heavy sigh. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he pushed himself off the floor and glanced at the windows, making note of the heavy rain this morning and only thinking that it might put a hamper on his plans to have lighting installed that day.

Rubbing the last remnants of sleep from his eyes, Dev snatched up his hoodie from the back of the couch and pulled it on before stepping out of the office. He was a slim fox bordering on scrawny, and the fact that he hadn't eaten or slept much the last few weeks showed on his thin face and bloodshot eyes. His fur was a pale, faded red, but inky black fur made up the traditional gloves and socks of his species. Descending the stairs clad only in his hoodie and boxers, he stepped across what would, one day, be the dance floor of the club. Right now, however, it was covered with various drop cloths; an assortment of ladders, paint buckets, brushes, rollers; and numerous other items any building under construction should have. Expertly navigating even in his sleep deprived state, he wove his way towards the back of the building until he finally arrived at the large roll-up door and took down a set of keys that hung beside it. Fumbling with them slightly, he found the right key and inserted it into the padlock that held the two sides of the chain together, freeing them and allowing him to open the door slowly.

As the door raised, the wolf outside muttered under his breath before opening the back of the truck, a variety of beer cases, kegs, and bar-ware were revealed to be inhabiting the compartment. He jumped up and began to shuffle through the cases, separating out the ones for this delivery as the door to the club opened fully with a clang. Looking back at the fox standing in the doorway, he huffed and started pushing cases towards the end of the truck.

"You really need to get your shit together, Dev," he said through clenched teeth. "You're lucky we're friends. Any other driver would've been gone twenty minutes ago."

Dev yawned widely, stepping to the truck and grabbing the first case. "Sorry Max," the fox said, hefting the case and carrying it inside.

"Dammit, it's Maximo, not Max!" The wolf shouted after him, making Dev smirk. It took the pair less than five minutes to unload the delivery, and both stood under the awning smoking once they were finished. Maximo fixed the fox with a look as he took a drag, exhaling the smoke in a long sigh. "Look, Dev," he began, his eyes fixed forward. "You're my friend. You've been a good friend, and it's time I paid that back." Turning to face him, he continued. "You're working yourself into a grave, man. How late were you up last night?"

Dev shrugged, keeping his own gaze averted from the taller wolf. "Dunno. Three, maybe? Four?"

Maximo just shook his head, flicking his cigarette butt into a puddle that had formed. "That's what I'm talking about. You can't keep doing this all yourself, you need to get a partner, hire a manager....something!"

"I had a partner," Dev replied, suddenly rigid, as his voice took on an edge that his friend rarely heard. "And that didn't pan out very well."

Maximo looked at him for a moment, but when the fox refused to meet his eyes, he merely shook his head again and pulled up the soaked hood of his sweatshirt. "Fine. Just do something before we need to pull you out in a pine box." He gave the smaller fox a look as he waited for a reply, but when Dev remained silent he shook his head before hurrying to his truck and climbing into the cab. The engine rumbled to life a moment later and then he was gone. Dev stood under the awning a while longer, finishing his own cigarette before returning inside and closing the roll-up door. Once the chain was locked, he padded out onto the dance floor and looked around.

The club wasn't much right now: the floor was a disaster area of construction equipment and materials, the bar area was only framed out, the DJ booth still just a sketch on paper. Dev would be the luckiest man in the world if the place would be ready to open in three months like he had hoped for, but the way things looked now, he would be lucky to open by the end of the year, nine months away. Running his hands over his face in agitation, he swept back his shaggy black hair and climbed the steps to his makeshift office again. The threadbare sofa, sagging towards the floor, looked comfortable and inviting, but Dev stepped past it to the small coffee pot he had plugged in on the far side of the small room and flicked it on. Directly across from the door was a glass slider that opened onto a narrow balcony, and past that the rain was coming down even harder. He opened the door anyways, pulling up his hood against the rain and stood there, looking out onto the city street below while he waited for his coffee to brew.

The city was busy at this time of the morning. Residents heading off to their respective jobs and errands, cars zipping in both directions while pedestrians huddled beneath umbrellas, hurrying towards their destinations. Dev envied them somewhat. They knew where they were going, what they were going to do. They had slept for hours last night in soft beds piled high with blankets and comforters against Sun Harbor's cool spring weather. Yet here he stood, still barely clothed as a chill raced through him as he turned back inside, closing the door behind him as the scent of freshly-brewed coffee called him back. He poured himself a cup before slumping back down onto the couch and picked up one of the many files that were haphazardly stacked on the floor nearby and flipped it open as he sipped at the dark, bitter drink.

The papers contained within the file were covered in numbers, telling the tales of various expenses; this much to update the wiring, that much for plumbing, twice that for structural work. The sums would have been enough to make most balk, others cringe, and the rest flee weeping for the horizon, but Dev had known that this project would be an investment and prepared himself fully for it. Still, he had hoped to be further along by now than where he currently was.

Tossing the file back onto the stack, he drank more of his coffee as he bent over the suitcase that lay open beside the couch. After shifting through the small selection of clothes, he pulled out a pair of jeans and gave them a sniff before judging them to be clean enough for him to wear for the day. Setting aside his unfinished coffee, he slipped into his pants and caught sight of the hoodie he had been wearing, frowning at the numerous stains and paint splatters that covered it before he whipped it off and let it fall to the floor and bent over the suitcase once more, rummaging for a cleaner one and succeeding. Once dressed, he went on a scavenger hunt for his keys, finally locating them in the pants he had worn the day before. Dev made his way downstairs once more, this time moving to the front doors and stepping out onto the street, locking the building behind him.

Pulling up his hood against the rain, he made his way down the street to the small, 24-hour diner on the corner to try and sate the rumbling in his stomach. It was only 8:30 in the morning, and the electricians weren't due to arrive until some point after 11, so he figured he had plenty of time to grab a bite to eat. It wasn't a long walk to the restaurant, but by the time Dev pulled open the door he was soaked to the bone. The tinkling bell above made the red panda hostess look up and sigh at the sight of the drenched fox.

"Really, Dev?" She asked, snatching a menu from the podium and beckoning for him to follow her. "Showing up like you just climbed out of a pool. I know you don't like driving, but haven't you heard of an umbrella?"

"Love you too, Cat," Dev replied with a grin that made her scowl at him. He knew she hated that nickname unless her boyfriend used it, much preferring her full name, Caitlyn. Dev had been friends with her and Ty, her tabby boyfriend, since high school, and she knew that no matter how much she protested that he would still call her Cat.

Slapping the menu down on the table, she stalked away for the coffee pot she knew he would be asking for. Dev slid into the booth with a sigh, not even bothering to pick up the laminated paper in front of him. He knew the menu front and back by now and had already decided on what he wanted on the walk over. Soon enough, Caitlyn returned with the coffee and a pair of mugs, setting them on the table and filling both before raising an eyebrow at him.

Shrugging, Dev simply said, "Lumberjack, scrambled, hold the hash browns, extra sourdough toast, if you'd be so kind." Rolling her eyes at him, the red panda marched away while Dev picked up one of the mugs and sipped at it, leaning back in the booth and glancing around while he waited. It took less than ten minutes for her to return with his food, setting it down in front of him before she sat down opposite him and picked up the other mug of coffee.

"Break," was the only response she gave to his questioning look. Dev merely shrugged as he began to attack his food. She scrutinized the fox sitting across from her, deep, chocolate brown eyes studying him before she sighed. "Dev, you sure you know what you're doing? It's been six months since you started this...project, and to be honest, you look like hell." Her voice had softened in tone, the underlying concern she had for her friend showing.

Dev paused and glanced up at her, his own blue eyes showing some of their usual alertness once again, before he looked back at his food. "I know its been a slower pace than what I originally thought, but we're making progress."

"Dev," Caitlyn said, reaching over to place a hand softly on his arm and making him look back up at her. "Ty and I are worried about you. You don't answer calls, you don't respond to texts, but you show up here damn near every day looking worse than the day before. Are you sure you're OK?"

He had the decency to look away once he had set down his cutlery, his gaze directed out the window, and he was silent for a moment before he finally answered. "It's been rough since....Paige..." he paused, taking a breath and looking back at her with a small smile. "But I'm alright, Cat. Honestly."

Frowning slightly, she studied him again. "You always had a shitty poker face, Dev. What's wrong?"

The fox's smile faded quickly as he looked down, picking up his coffee mug and staring into its depths. "You know what tomorrow's date is, right?"

"Yeah," she said slowly, unsure where he was going. "Tomorrow's the 18th...oh!" Her eyes widened as a look of sadness came over her face. "Oh, Dev, I'm sorry. I forgot..."

"Lucky you," he replied with an icy tone that made the red panda flinch. He caught it, however, and sighed heavily. "Sorry, Cat. It doesn't get any easier."

Nodding in understanding, she gave his arm a gentle pat. "It's OK, Dev. Why don't you come over for dinner tomorrow night? Ty's talking about grilling if the weather clears up."

Dev forced himself to smile up at her. "That sounds good. I'll text you guys tomorrow then." Offering the fox another sad smile, Caitlyn went back to work and left him to finish his breakfast by himself which only took him a few more minutes. Wrapping his toast in a napkin, he stuffed the small bundle into the pocket of his hoodie and went up front to pay. As Caitlyn made to hand him his change, she paused, pulling her hand back and glaring at him.

"You better call tomorrow," she said in an ominous tone. "No backing out on dinner with us. You need to get out of that gloomy building."

"And what better way than hanging out with his two best friends?" came a booming voice from behind Dev that had him looking over his shoulder at Ty. The heavyset feline stood a head taller than the fox, his black hair cropped short, and his hazel eyes always had a mischievous shine to them. Patting Dev on the back so hard that he knocked the wind from him, Ty leaned over the podium and gave his girlfriend a kiss. "Hey babe, got a break soon?"

"Hello sweetie," Caitlyn replied, returning the kiss with a smile before shaking her head sadly. "No, just had it with this bum a bit ago. Got lunch in about two hours though."

"Well damn," Ty said with a sigh, looking from her to Dev as the fox finally caught his breath. "Maybe I'll hang out with this punk until then."

"No work today, huh?" Dev asked, looking up at his friend as the tabby shrugged.

"Not much concrete is gonna be poured on a day like this," he said, leaning across the podium to give Caitlyn another kiss before looking down at Dev with a grin. "C'mon then, show me your 'project'."

The two of them said their farewells to Caitlyn and left, stepping out onto the street as Dev was pleased to see the the downpour had diminished to a mere drizzle. The fox fell into step behind Ty as the tabby led him around the the parking lot behind the diner and his old pick-up truck that was parked there. They clambered inside and pulled out onto the main road as Ty steered them in the direction of Dev's future club.

Dev felt the feline's eyes on him as they waited at a red light, and the silence was broken when his usually boisterous friend asked him quietly, "You doing alright?"

The fox shrugged, looking out the window of the truck. "Well enough, I guess."

Ty grunted slightly as the light turned green and they continued on in silence for the remainder of the short trip. The tabby pulled around to the back of the club and killed the engine before looking at Dev once more. "Look, if you want some company tomorrow-"

"No," Dev said harshly, cutting across Ty as his face hardened.

Ty looked as if he was going to say more, but Dev exited the truck and headed towards the building. Shaking his head, he muttered, "Stubborn ass..." before following his friend into the building. The fox showed him around the interior, and Ty was impressed with the ideas that he had, but less in awe of the work that had actually been accomplished.

"There's still a lot left to do," Dev said, looking around. "But I'm hoping the major things will be done in two months, if not sooner. Another month or so for final touches, paint, decor and the like, then we'll be ready to open." He had a small smile on his face, and Ty noticed the fiery spark in his friend's eyes that he always got when he spoke of things he was passionate about. A smile crossed his own face as he fell into pace behind the fox as he led him upstairs, but the smile faded quickly when he followed Dev into the office. The tabby balked on the threshold, his eyes taking in the sights before him.

"Dev..." Ty said, his eyes roaming over the sofa, the suitcase, and the scattered debris of take-out boxes and bags. "What's going on here?"

The fox had wandered over to the coffee maker and had bent over to turn it on again when he looked over his shoulder. "What do you mean?" he asked, looking around as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

"What do I mean?" Ty repeated, gesturing around with his hands. "I mean this! Dude, it looks like you've been living here!" Anger was bubbling to the surface inside the tall feline, and he looked at his friend for an explanation.

Dev shrugged and turned back to the coffee pot. "I am," he said simply, standing once more as the coffee warmed up. Ty stood in a shocked silence at the nonchalant way one of his best friends had told him he was currently living. Dev seemed unaffected, wandering to the slider and opened it before pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. As he lit the cigarette, the feline finally found his voice.

"The hell do you mean you are?" Ty's eyes narrowed as his friend turned his back towards him, exhaling smoke out the open doorway. "Dev....what the ever living fuck are you doing living here?! What happened to your apartment?!"

Dev had expected this reaction, he knew his friend too well to know that he would be rational about it, but he took another drag of his cigarette before he answered. "I let my lease expire," he said in a forced, calm voice he hoped would temper Ty's emotions. "It's easier for me to live here."

Ty stomped over to the fox and grabbed him by the shoulder roughly, turning him around. Dev looked up into his friend's face, now filled with rage. "You can't just fucking live here, Dev!" Ty said. "This place looks like it was in a war! Why would you leave your apartment?!"

Dev's patience was wearing thin, and it finally snapped as he pulled out of his friend's grip with a little growl. "Because I couldn't take it there anymore!" He shouted back at Ty, stunning the tabby into silence again as he took a step back from the enraged fox. It seemed like Dev had been waiting for this moment to finally vent the emotions that had built inside him. "Ever since Paige left me, I couldn't stand that place! Every single fucking thing there reminded me of her, and I had to get out! Oh, but you wouldn't understand that now, would you? No, you've been with Cat for fucking ever now, it must not even register!"

Ty was shocked again at the explosion of anger his friend fired at him. Dev was pacing before the slider, the dam of emotions broken now and he let them flow. "You can't even know what it's like to have the woman you love walk out on you without any explanation! We had plans! We had dreams! We bought this fucking place together, and now it's always going to remind me of her!" Dev grabbed the half full mug of coffee he had abandoned earlier off the floor and let it fly, the ceramic mug shattering against the far wall and the cold coffee running down the peeling wallpaper. The slim fox stood there seething in silence, his chest rising and falling rapidly with his heavy breathing as he glared at Ty.

"You...You don't....Know..." Dev said haltingly, and Ty immediately recognized something was wrong. Before the tabby could do so much as take a step, Dev had keeled over, hitting the floor with a resounding thud.

The first thing Dev remembered after was how heavy he felt.

The second was the massive headache he had.

His eyes flickered open slowly, gazing unfocused at the unfamiliar ceiling above him as his mind worked sluggishly. Overhead, a fluorescent lighting fixture hummed, the noise interrupted at regular intervals by a beep. A sharp pain in the crook of his elbow had him looking down at the needle inserted there and held in place with medical tape.

"I'm in a hospital?" Dev asked the room stupidly, his sleep- and drug-addled brain still trying to comprehend what had happened to him, when a voice answered from his side.

"Yeah, nice of you to join us again."

Turning his head slowly, Dev's eyes fell on Ty and Caitlyn seated at his bedside. The red panda looked more worried than he could ever remember seeing her, while Ty's face was an odd mixture of anger and relief.

"What happened?" Dev mumbled sleepily as he moved to sit up, but his body felt too heavy for him to manage more than an inch or so. His two friends glanced at each other before Caitlyn stepped out into the hallway, leaving Dev and Ty alone in the room. The tabby watched her exit before fixing the smaller fox with a glare.

"What happened was that you damn near killed yourself today," Ty said lowly through gritted teeth. He leaned towards Dev, elbows resting on his knees and hands clenched together before him. "Doctors' said that you're suffering from exhaustion and dehydration." He paused then, drawing in a deep breath and Dev, even in his addled state of mind, could tell that he was furious. "They also said that you need rest. Lots of it. And that's why you're coming home with us."

That statement struck Dev, and he shook his head slightly, trying to push himself out of the bed. "I can't do that," he muttered. "Electricians are coming today, gotta...gotta get things ready..."

The tabby placed a firm hand on his chest and pressed him back down onto the bed. "Relax," Ty said. "They've already come and gone. They showed up just after the ambulance left, so I stayed while they worked. Called Cat and told her what happened and she got the rest of her shift covered so she could come down here." He sat down again with a sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose for a moment before looking back at Dev, the anger gone from his gaze now. "You scared the hell out of us, y'know that? Cat was in tears when I got here 'cause no one had told her what was going on with you. We thought.....we thought we might lose you."

Dev let the shame from his friend's comments wash over him, closing his eyes as he fought against the emotions that welled up inside him, before he was able to choke out a soft, "M'sorry..." which Ty waved off. The two sat in silence for a few minutes before Caitlyn returned, followed by a raccoon who must have been his doctor.

"Well, Mr. Embree," the raccoon said, smiling down at him. "You certainly gave your friends here a fright this morning, but it looks like you'll pull though." He chuckled softly at his attempt at humor, though no one else in the room joined in. "Now, we've had you on a saline drip to counteract your dehydration. Once this is finished in, oh," he examined the bag. "I'd say another five minutes or so, one of the nurses will come and get you cleaned up and ready to head home.

"You shouldn't need any medications," he continued, now examining the chart that he had brought in and making a few notations. "But I will recommend plenty of fluids and rest, and you'll be back to normal in a few days' time." The doctor looked at the three of them as though he expected to be inundated with questions, and when none came, he simply nodded and took his leave. The trio sat in silence, Caitlyn curling up in her chair and stifling a yawn while Ty briefly typed out a message on his cell phone before tucking it into his pocket.

It was closer to twenty minutes before the nurse finally arrived. The older, heavyset mouse removed the IV from Dev's arm, patched him up, and told him he was free to get dressed. "We'll have the discharge papers for you at the nursing station," she said as Ty helped Dev get out of bed. "Once you're set, come on down to fill them out."

Dev nodded in understanding as his friends helped him get back into his clothes. Once dressed, the three of them walked to the nurses' desk to fill out the forms, Caitlyn staying with him while Ty went outside to pull his truck around. Once he had finished, the red panda helped him outside and into Ty's truck before telling the two she would meet them back at the house, giving her boyfriend a quick kiss before hurrying off to her car. Ty pulled away from the curb, glancing over at Dev who was fast asleep with his head resting against the window. The feline simply shook his head, turning his eyes back to the road with a little grin as he guided the truck home.

"Hey," Ty said softly, giving the fox's shoulder a gentle shake. "Wake up, Dev. We're here."

Dev's eyes opened slowly, unfocused for a moment before he yawned and looked around. They were parked beneath the car port at Ty and Caitlyn's townhouse. Nodding he fumbled with the door handle for a moment before finally managing to open it. Ty had come around and helped him out, the night's cool air blissfully devoid of the rain from the morning, but the scent of petrichor still hung heavily in the air. Ty led the way up the side steps and into the cozy town home, directing Dev towards one of the plush recliners that inhabited the living room. He gratefully collapsed into one, letting out a long sigh as his eyes drifted closed again, making Ty chuckle.

"Cat'll be back in a while," he said, stepping into the attached kitchen and rummaging through one of the drawers. "She went over to the club to get some of your clothes, but she had to pick up our new roommate from the station, too."

Dev's ears perked at that, eyes opening once more, scrutinizing his friend as he stepped back in holding an advert from a local pizzeria. "Roommate? I didn't know you had someone moving in."

"Well, if you bothered to call every once in a while..." Ty replied icily, glaring at Dev as the fox winced at the words. "Just messing. It only happened the other day. One of Cat's old charges when she was an RA at SHU. Girl couldn't find work back home, so she's coming out here to look around and we offered to help her out. You like combos, right?" Ty held up the advert at the question as Dev nodded.

"Yeah, that's fine. Uh, where...where am I gonna crash?" The question came hesitantly, remembering that his friend had said he was going to be staying there, at least for the next few days.

Sighing softly, Ty plopped down on the sofa and gave it a pat. "Right here. It pulls out, and it's comfy as hell." Looking over at Dev, he cleared his throat before speaking again. "I called my boss earlier, told him that I had an emergency and that I wouldn't be in tomorrow. If you're feeling up to it, I'll give you a ride tomorrow."

Dev was about to argue that statement, but it died before he could even voice any competent reasons. After all that Ty and Caitlyn had done for him, on this day alone, now Ty was willing to help him with yet another hurdle, and had already made arrangements for it. He swallowed heavily and simply nodded again, averting his eyes from his feline friend, but Ty understood, reaching over and patting him on the knee before standing up and stepping back into the kitchen to order the pizzas.

Dev sat there in quiet contemplation while Ty bustled about, his mind turning over the events of the day. When the pizza finally arrived, the feline went so far as to fix Dev a plate, handing it over to the fox before settling down onto the sofa.

"Ty," Dev said softly, looking over at him while his friend paused before taking a bite. "Thanks for this."

Ty eyed him curiously before speaking. "Dude, it's just pizza, you don't need to thank me."

"No," he replied with a shake of his head. "I mean, thanks for all of this. The food, letting me stay here....earlier. Everything. means a lot to me, and I'm sorry for how I acted earlier, so thank you." He averted his eyes as he finished speaking, and the was silence for a moment before Ty replied.

"Dev, I've known you for damn near ten years now," he began. "I've been with you through some rough shit, and you've been with me through the same. You're like a brother to me, and I'm not just going to abandon you over some trivial shit like that, alright?"

Dev merely nodded again as the two of them lapsed into silence while they ate. The fox hadn't realized just how ravenous he was and quickly devoured the two slices that Ty had given him. Letting out a content sigh, he leaned back in his chair with a small smile on his face and, before he knew it, he was slipping back into the warm embrace of slumber once again. He wasn't sure how long he had been asleep, but he woke to the sounds of conversation coming from the kitchen, eyes blinking open slowly and his ears lifting to the sounds.

"...just wasn't working out," said a voice that Dev didn't recognize. "So I told him that I wasn't hired to do that kind of stuff, and the bastard had the gall to fire me!" Laughter followed before the voice continued. "So there I was, all ready to quit and he fired me. Been collecting unemployment for the last month or so and figured it was time for a change of scenery, so I called you."

"Well I'm glad you did," Caitlyn's voice replied. "It sounds like jobs out there just weren't for you. You'll find that the Harbor is a lot better for you."

"Oh, definitely," came the mystery voice again. "I've needed to get away from home for a long time now. My folks were killing me, always harping on me to find a better job, meet people, do this, do that. They were driving me crazy!" Laughter sounded again as Dev pushed himself out of the recliner and went to investigate. As he rounded the corner into the kitchen, both Ty and Caitlyn looked up, while the unknown person sat with her back to him.

"Hey, sleepy head!" Caitlyn said, smiling at him. "Have a good snooze?"

Dev smiled slightly at her comment and nodded. "Yeah, can't remember the last time I've slept this much. Thanks again for this."

"Don't worry about it," the red panda said, waving her hand before gesturing to the other fur seated at the table with them. "Dev, meet Riley. Riley, this is Dev, an old friend of ours who's gonna be staying here for a little while."

Riley turned around in her chair and smiled at him, and Dev felt his stomach twist. She was a fox like him, but her fur was a vibrant, snowy white instead of the faded red he sported. Her light brown hair fell to her shoulders, and her bright green eyes were filled with laughter. She reached a hand out him, ash gray fur covering her arm and disappearing under the sleeve of her shirt so that he was unable to see just how far it went. "Hi Dev. Caitlyn's told me a lot about you, and it's nice to finally meet you."

Dev took her hand and shook it lightly, hoping that the heat he felt on his face wouldn't be visible through his fur. "Nice to meet you too, although I wish I could say the same about Cat telling me about you," he said with a smile, looking at his friend while she scowled at him using her nickname.

"Dev's been quite the recluse lately, otherwise he might have known," she fired back with a challenging smirk. "Anyways, let me show you your room and you can start unpacking."

The two girls pushed away from the table, Riley smiling to Dev once more as they left the room. Dev stood there rooted for a moment before flopping down in the chair the femme fox had just abandoned. The kitchen was quiet for a moment, save for the muffled sounds of Caitlyn and Riley talking a few rooms over, before Ty chuckled.

"See something you like buddy?" the feline said with a knowing smile on his face as he picked up the plates from the table and making Dev fidget a bit.

"Don't know what you're talking about," he muttered, averting his face from Ty while the latter laughed again.

"Oh, I'm sure you don't," he said with mock condescension. "It's not like there's a good looking, single, female fox now staying under the same roof." Ty turned to dump the remnants of discarded pizza crusts into the trash and missed the glare that Dev threw at him.

"Is this some scheme that you and Cat are putting on?" he asked, a hint of accusation in his tone while Ty shrugged, putting the plates into the sink and turning back to look at his friend.

"Not gonna lie, we thought it might be good for you," he said, making his way back to the table and sitting once more. "Riley really is moving here to look for work, but we thought that you two might hit it off. Although you staying here was something we didn't plan. Consider it good fortune."

"I'm not looking to be set up," Dev said lowly while Ty put his hands up.

"Hey, we're not saying you two need to get together," the feline said defensively. "But we thought she might provide a pleasant distraction, maybe help you get over the hump. It's been a while since, well, you know..."

"Paige," Dev finished for him, a spark of the anger he felt earlier that morning rekindling in him. The thought of his ex making him bristle slightly. While he appreciated the thought, he wasn't sure about it. "Ty, I'm just...I'm not sure I'm ready to take that step yet."

"Dev, we're not saying that you two need to hook up or anything. Sure, we might be hoping for something like that, but you've been holding onto a lot of anger and hostility and we just think that you need to finally let it go."

Sighing, Dev slumped in his chair a bit, his gaze drifting towards the door the two females had left through not long before. He'd be lying to himself if he said that he didn't find Riley attractive, but it still made him hesitate whenever he thought of moving on. He voiced those thoughts to Ty, but the feline just shrugged.

"Try not to think about it," he said. "Like I said, we're not going to force it, just keep an open mind, alright?"

Dev nodded begrudgingly as voices sounded from the hallway, heralding the arrival of Caitlyn and Riley just a moment later as the two stepped back into the kitchen and joined the boys at the table. The four of them talked into the night before sleep began to call Dev once again. He and Ty left the kitchen to help set up the sofa bed, and the fox noticed that Caitlyn had brought his suitcase here from the club as it sat closed on the ground beside the sofa. Once they had it pulled out and opened, Ty wandered off down the hall, returning a minute later with bedding and a pillow under his arm and they set about making his a comfortable spot to sleep.

"Alright, this should be good for the next few days," Ty said as they finished, turning his attention to Dev with a serious look on his face. "But, seriously, you need to find yourself an apartment again. We don't want you staying in the club."

Dev should have known that this conversation was coming, but he was too tired to argue, so he simply nodded in agreement as he opened his suitcase and rifled through it for a pair of pajamas. Finding a suitably clean pair, he retreated to the bathroom to change and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror for the first time that day and he was stunned at what his saw. His shaggy black hair was a disheveled, unkempt mess, his fur was faded and dull, and his eyes were listless. He looked as though he hadn't slept in a month, and upon reflection, he assumed that was pretty close to accurate. Splashing some cold water on his face, he then dried himself off before making his way back to the living room and his bed. The voices of the other three still filtered from the kitchen, although they had lowered their voices.

Climbing into the bed, he finally felt himself relax for the first time in a long time. Once Dev's head hit the pillow, it wasn't long before sleep overcame him once more.

It was late in the morning when he finally awoke. The low sounds from the television bringing him out of his slumber and he opened his eyes to look around.

Ty sat in the recliner that he had claimed the night before, a steaming mug of coffee in hand as he watched the sport highlights from the night before, and the faint scent of waffles lingered in the air. The tabby turned his head as Dev rolled onto his back and grinned.

"Hey bud. Sleep alright last night?" he asked before taking a sip of his coffee.

Nodding in response, Dev let out a long, heavy yawn as he sat up. "Yeah, haven't slept like that in a while. What time is it?"

"Almost ten," came Ty's reply as he set his mug on the end table beside him and stood up. "Was gonna wake you up soon if you didn't on your own. There's some waffles left over in the kitchen, and I got a towel out for you afterward, cause you need a shower." The feline stepped into the kitchen as he spoke, emerging soon with a mug of coffee for the fox as well. Dev took it with a thanks as Ty spoke again. "Once you're all fed and watered, we'll head out, alright?"

"Sounds like a plan," the fox replied, taking a sip of the coffee before a smile spread over his face as the warmth seeped through him. "Thanks again for all this. Honestly, I don't think I'll be able to thank you and Cat enough."

"And I'll tell you again," Ty said. "You're like a brother, Dev. Not just to me, but to Cat as well, so don't think any more of it. Now, go eat, go shower, and we'll head out after that."

Dev nodded, taking another sip of his coffee before finally slipping out of bed. He couldn't remember the last time he had slept as well as he had the night before, but an inkling told him that it must have been before Paige had left, and that thought cast a shadow over his morning more than the importance of the day had. Stepping into the kitchen, he helped himself to the last two waffles that remained on the table. Devouring them in short order, he then pulled out some clean clothes for the day before retreating into the bathroom down the hall for a shower.

He emerged nearly thirty minutes later, still slightly damp but feeling refreshed for the day. As he was stowing his pajamas in his suitcase, Ty entered from the kitchen holding a dishtowel as he dried off his hands.

"Hey now, there's someone I haven't seen in a while," the tabby said with a smile, draping the towel over his shoulder. "You ready to head out?"

"Yeah. Mind if we swing by the store first? I need to grab a few things."

"Shouldn't be a problem," Ty replied. "We'll need to make a couple trips though, there's some things I need to pick up for tonight." Seeing the questioning look on Dev's face, the feline let out a melodramatic sigh. "Barbecuing, remember? Honestly, Dev, it's like you had a major, traumatic event yesterday or something."

"Ass," was the fox's only retort, but a smile pulled at the corners of his mouth as he fished out his wallet from the pants he wore the day before. "Alright, all set."

The pair left the house, climbing into Ty's pick-up, and pulled out of the drive. The weather that day couldn't have been more different. The rain and chill from the previous day were gone. The sky was a clear, clean blue interspersed with clouds that the sun vanished behind at random intervals. And even though it was only in the low 70's, it seemed like a tropical paradise compared to the high 50's the day before. Ty rolled down the truck's windows as they drove, letting the crisp air flow through the cabin.

They drove through the suburban area that Caitlyn and Ty called home, weaving their way towards the foothills that surrounded Sun Harbor, pulling into a small convenience store just before the streets began to climb.

"I'll just be a sec," Dev said as he hopped out once Ty guided the truck into a parking space, and he was true to his word. He exited the store just a few minutes later with a pair of bouquets in hand and wearing a somber expression. "Alright, let's go," he said once he had slid back into the truck.

Ty simply pulled out of the parking lot, guiding the truck up into the hills. The two rode in silence, only the wind and the rumbling of the old truck's engine filling the air as they drove on. The trip took only another twenty five minutes, and Ty slowed the truck to pull through the entranceway, the wrought iron gates hanging wide open. They crept slowly down the narrow lane, turning left, and then a quick right. The sun was creeping closer and closer to its apex as Ty finally pulled to a stop, steering the truck off to the side of the lane and killed the engine. Turning to look at his friend, he asked softly, "You want me to go with you?"

Dev merely shook his head. "No, I'll be fine," he lied as he exited the truck, flowers in hand, and walked across the grass. They had watered that morning, the lush greens felt springy underfoot as he wove his way up the gentle incline until he came to a stop. He stood there, silent for a while before he finally worked up the courage to speak.

"Hi, mom," the fox spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "Hi, Nikki." The two markers were set in the grass, both made from the same shade of carved granite, but each as unique as those that lay beneath them.

The two lay side-by-side with the headstones bearing their names; "Darcie Elizabeth Embree" lay to the left, beside her daughter "Nicole Allison Embree". The dates carved on them were identical, that day's date but five years prior. Dev knelt between them, placing a bouquet on each grave as he read the headstones. His mother's bore the simple words "Beloved mother, daughter, and friend", accompanied by the date of her birth and death. Beneath that, smaller, was carved the phrase "Psalm 23". Dev's eyes lingered on those words, etching them into his memory once again before turning to look at where his sister lie.

The dates etched there still made his heart clench. 'Nineteen,' Dev thought to himself. 'She had her entire life still ahead of her.' Forcing himself to look away from the dates, he read the words that followed, similar to their mother's, as they said "Beloved daughter, sister, and friend". But where Darcie's had a biblical verse, Dev had left instructions for Nikki's to have her favorite quote inscribed. He reached out a hand, tracing the words. "I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars".

A sad smile pulled at the corner of his mouth as he read, remembering the wooden sign that bore those words. A friend of hers had given it to her after Nikki's boyfriend had dumped her, and those words had turned her mood completely around. She had hung that sign above her bedroom door, she said it was so she could read them everyday and have them in her head for the day to come.

The tears came then, unbidden and hot as they fell from his eyes, matting the fur on his cheeks as he shifted to sit between the two graves. The minutes passed by as he sobbed quietly, letting the tears flow until they had spent themselves. Then, after taking a shaky breath, he began his ritual of talking to the two of them. He told them of the past year, of everything he could remember happening, and of all the things that had changed until he finally lapsed into silence once more, his eyes fixed on the ground while he then listened to the sound of the gentle breeze rustling the grass and trees around him.

"I miss you two," he said softly. "More than I can even say. I'm...alone, and I really wish I had you two here to talk to." He took another breath before smiling slightly as he lifted a hand, kissing his fingers before pressing them gently to each headstone in turn. "I love you, mom," he said, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to fall again. "Love you, Nikki. I'll talk to you two soon." And with that, he pushed himself up into a standing position, dusted himself off, and made his way back to the truck. Ty looked up from his phone as Dev approached, stowing the device in his pocket while the fox climbed back into the cab and seated himself.

"You OK?" the feline asked, a worried look on his face, but Dev just gave him a little smile.

"Not particularly," came the reply, followed by a deep breath. "But I will be."

Ty watched him for another second before starting the engine and pulled away from the curb and navigated them out of the cemetery. It seemed like no time at all before he was pulling into the parking lot of the local grocery store. The two clambered out of the truck and made their way inside before Ty finally spoke.

"So, thinking of doing just some burgers tonight, unless you've got any requests," the tabby said as the doors opened in front of them and they stepped into the cool interior of the store. It was one of those retro styled, specialty store. The employees all wore t-shirts bearing the company's name and logo, and a slim ferret with long dreadlocks turned his head from the sign he was hanging above the flower display to greet them. Both offered him a smile before Dev turned back to Ty.

"Burgers sound great," was his reply. "What kind of drinks you want? This is all on me, figure it's the least I can do."

Ty let out a chuckle, looking at him with a little smirk. "Careful now, that could be a dangerous statement."

Dev merely shook his head while his feline friend grabbed a cart and they wove their way through the store, steadily filling the shopping cart with all the essentials for a barbecue before finally topping with off with a 12-pack of Ty's favorite beer. They made their way towards a check stand, waiting just a few minutes before a lop-eared rabbit checked them out. Dev handed his card over while a lemur stepped up to help bag all the groceries, and soon they were on their way once more.

Once back at the house, the two of them set about putting away everything they had purchased before retiring to the back patio, each with a cold beer in hand. Dev was feeling a little drained by this time, so it felt good to simply sit and relax while a cool breeze blew through the small back yard. They talked for a while, trading speculations on how the local baseball team would do that year, mentioning a few friends they had kept in contact with from their shared days at Sun Harbor University, and random other topics. But after an hour or so, Ty finally broached the topic that Dev didn't want to face.

"Hey, I know I mentioned it a bit last night," the feline began, turning the bottle of beer in his hands and watching it. "But you really should look into apartments. There's a place not far that has a 'Now Leasing' sign up, and it seems pretty nice."

Dev was quiet for a moment before finally speaking. "I know. Like I said, ever since Paige left, I just couldn't stand being in that place anymore."

Ty let out a sigh, leaning back in his chair as he watched his friend. "What happened with you two anyways?"

Dev's shoulders lifted in a shrug. "I dunno. I just got home one day and all her stuff was gone. Just the keys and a note on the counter saying she couldn't do it anymore, and that was it."

"Have you heard from her at all since?"

"Not a word," Dev replied with a shake of his head. "Tried calling her after I saw the note and her number was disconnected. Her Facebook page was deleted, no responses from emails, nothing. One minute, everything seemed great, the next it's like she just dropped off the face of the planet." He drained the last few swallows of his beer and set the bottle on the small table that sat between the two of them. Ty watched him for a moment before shaking his head.

"You might not want to hear it," the feline started. "But, if that's the way she's going to treat you after being together for five years, then you're better off without her." He stood up, grabbing the two empty bottles. "You want another one?"

Dev nodded in reply before Ty disappeared back into the house, leaving the fox alone with his thoughts. He knew that his friend was right, that anyone willing to simply throw away a five year relationship without any explanation was someone that he could happily live without. But it was much easier said than done to banish the feelings he still had. Five years was a long time to spend with someone, even longer considering that he and Paige had first met at their freshman orientation, nearly seven years ago. Rummaging through his pockets, he extracted his pack of cigarettes, placed one between his lips, and lit it, taking a long pull off it before Ty returned with two fresh beers.

Dev accepted the offered bottle as the feline settled back into his seat, in turn offering Ty a cigarette from his pack, but he waved it off. "Nah, been trying to quit. Thanks though."

The fox shrugged, taking a sip of his beer before letting out a heavy sigh that earned him a questioning look from his friend. Chuckling, he shook his head slightly. "Sorry," he said. "It's been some long, long days and it feels great to just relax."

Ty laughed. "True facts. I'll drink to that," he said, lifting his beer towards Dev. The fox grinned, lifting his beer as well, tapping it against Ty's before both took a sip. The two talked thought the afternoon and into the early evening, joined by Caitlyn just after 5. She paused long enough to say hi to the two of them before stomping off grumpily to take a long, hot shower. While she was away, Ty started the charcoal for the grill and Dev tried to fend off another wave of drowsiness.

The sun had begun to dip towards the horizon by the time the red panda rejoined them, regaling the two of them with the story of how, with only a half hour left in her shift, a customer's child had poured half a bottle of syrup down her back while she was taking another tables' order. Dev and Ty fought hard not to laugh, but failed miserably, earning the two of them death stares from and irate Caitlyn. Ty was in the process of apologizing, while simultaneously placing the patties on the grill, when Riley appeared in the back yard.

The snowy vixen looked as tired as her friend as she joined the other three on the patio. Slumping into the chair beside Caitlyn, she heaved out a sigh, closing her eyes as the three looked at her.

"Riles," said the red panda. "Everything alright?"

"Not really," came her reply, giving a shake of her head. "The editor of the magazine basically said the job was mine..."

"But that's great news!" Caitlyn said excitedly.

" long as I climbed into bed with him," Riley finished. Caitlyn gasped, Ty scowled, and Dev spit out the swig of beer he was taking.

"Are you serious?!" Caitlyn asked incredulously as Riley nodded. "What a total piece of shit! Report that asshole!"

"No, it's pointless," the vixen said with a frown. "He's not just the editor, he owns the magazine. He's not going anywhere." Sighing again, she spotted the beer in Dev's hand and motioned to it. "Any more of those? I could use a drink."

Dev, still coughing from almost choking on his drink nodded, motioning towards the interior as Ty leaned over to thump him on the back. "Yeah, help yourself."

"Thanks," she replied with a small smile, pulling herself out of her seat and disappearing into the house with a swish of her tail. Dev watched her go, managing to catch his breath, only to be snapped out of his stupor by Caitlyn's sharp voice.

"Oi, eyes front, foxy," she snapped at him, making the fox start and look at her, but the red panda was wearing a smirk on her face. Ty chuckled at the two's exchange.

"Careful, buddy. Cat's quite protective of her girls," the tabby said, pointing at him with his spatula before turning back to the grill and checking on the burgers. Dev huffed at the comments, about to refute the two of them, but Riley stepped back out into the yard and his retort died on his lips.

The four of them chatted for a while, Dev a little more involved this time around as he was actually wake for it. The scent of the gilling burgers had all four of them feeling ravenous, and Caitlyn decided that she was going to go get the condiments ready, slipping into the house.

Riley turned to Dev after that, switching seat to be beside him and smiled. "So Dev, how do you know Caitlyn and Ty?" she asked, sipping her beer.

Chuckling, Dev spared a glance at the feline manning the grill. "Oh, I've known Ty forever, it seems," he said with a grin. "He and I go back to high school days. He moved onto our street in our sophomore year, and we've been friends pretty much ever since. We met Cat a year later, and the three of us just really bonded." He smiled fondly, remembering their old high school days.

Riley mirrored his smile, looking at Ty as well. "That's awesome. I kinda wish I had known them back then, I bet they were a riot."

Dev laughed, earning him a questioning look from the tabby which he waved off. "Oh, they were. Still are, matter of fact." Taking a sip of his own beer, he stole a glance at the vixen.

He had to admit, she was stunning. Her white fur was pristine, and her green eyes seemed to sparkle with a drive and desire that Dev found envious and enticing. She was still a mystery to him, but more and more he was wanting to solve it. The fox was brought out of his reverie by Caitlyn, throwing open the slider and emerging with a platter piled high with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and pickles.

"Dev, Riles?" she asked, carrying the platter over to the circular patio table. "Can you two grab the buns and spreads for me? They're on the counter with the chips."

The two foxes made sounds in the positive and pulled themselves from their seats before Dev followed the vixen into the house. Dev went about collecting the ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise while Riley grabbed the buns and chips. On their way back outside, Riley gasped on the threshold as the buns slipped through her fingers and plopped to the ground. Muttering under her breath, she stooped to pick them up, flicking her tail up into the red fox's face and made him stop in his tracks.

Dev would have been lying if he said he didn't look. His eyes dipped down as the snowy vixen flaunted her clothed backside at him briefly, but he couldn't stop the small grin that spread over his face as he then followed her back onto the patio. Setting the spreads on the table, Caitlyn scrutinized him before whispering.

"What's got you all smiley?" she inquired with a steely edge to her voice.

Dev merely shrugged, to which the red panda narrowed her eyes at him, but he quickly retreated to his seat before she could question him further. Plopping back down in his seat, he caught up his beer and was quickly joined by Riley once more, and he favored her with a smile that she returned.

"So, what do you do for a living?" she asked, picking up her own bottle of beer and lifting it, fixing him with a look.

He paused, just about to take a sip, and thought about the question before he answered. "I suppose you could say I'm a business owner," he said, hesitantly, averting his gaze from her.

"Oh? What kind of business do you own?"

"Well..." he began, almost embarrassed, but he trudged on. "I bought a building at the start of the year, and I'm gradually turning it into a dance club."

She was silent for a moment, and he stole a glance at her, surprised to see an intrigued look on her face. "That's awesome!" she finally exclaimed, earning the two of them an odd look from Caitlyn and Ty by the grill. "Where is it? When do you open? What's it called?" Riley fired off the questions at a rapid pace, not giving Dev a chance to answer until he finally held up a hand, laughing.

"Whoa, whoa, hang on," he chuckled. "It's downtown, not for a few months, and...I'm not sure yet." He paused to take a sip of his beer before continuing. "There's still a lot of work to do around the club, but I'm hoping to be open in three months."

"Oh my god, you HAVE to let me know when you open! I haven't been dancing in years!" She said, sitting back in her seat and tucking up her feet beneath her.

Dev merely nodded and offered her a smile. "Definitely. But what about you? Cat said you moved out here looking for work, what kind of work do you do?"

The vixen heaved a sigh, rolled her eyes, and slumped back in her seat. "Well, I majored in journalism and business, so I've been looking for work with magazines or newspapers," she said as a scowl came across her face. "But the ass hat from earlier sums up my luck right now."

Dev sighed as well, his heart going out to her. He remembered the days where he had tried his luck at various different businesses trying to find employment. A brief, fleeting, insane thought filtered through his mind before he brushed it aside, finishing off his beer and setting the empty bottle aside. "Sorry to hear that. What are you looking to do?"

"Well, I'm hoping to be an editor someday," Riley replied. "But right now I'd be happy as just a beat reporter or columnist." She finished with a little smile, but Dev had a feeling that neither sounded particularly appetizing to her. Before he could continue, however, Ty's voice called out.

"Alright you bums, grab 'em while they're hot!" the tabby shouted from across the patio, setting the platter of cheeseburgers on the table. The two foxes pulled themselves out of their seats and hustled over to the table where the four of them set about assembling and eating their ways through Ty's cooking.

The night wore on, the sky fading from deep blue to indigo as the first stars began to flicker into view. Before long, the food was devoured and all four of them were sitting with content, lazy smiles on their faces, chatting amicably. As it was, Dev was the first to succumb to sleepiness. The red fox let out a heavy yawn as a wave of exhaustion swept over him, and he made his excuses from the others, bid them goodnight, and plodded into the house. Changing into his pajamas, he climbed into bed and quickly drifted off to sleep.

He was unsure just how long he had been asleep, but soft voices pulled him from his slumber, eyes opening slowly in the darkness as his ears flicked to the sounds.

" and complete asshole," sounded Caitlyn's voice from the kitchen, followed by laughter that he assumed belonged to Riley. "Seriously, the next tool that tries that, just....urgh!"

Riley laughed again at that. "Well, I'm hoping it doesn't, but I'll take that under advisement." A pause followed before the vixen spoke again. "So...what's Dev's story?" she asked, hesitantly.

His eyes shot open at that question, ears perking up as he listened intently to Caitlyn's reply. "Ooooh, someone catch your interest?"

"No!" came Riley's hurried retort, answered by a trill of laughter from the red panda. "Just....just kinda...curious."

Dev felt his pulse race and fought against the urge to make his presence known to the two of them. Shifting slightly, he made sure the hide-a-bed made no noise as he positioned himself to hear better.

"Well, he's a good one to be curious about," came Caitlyn's voice, and he could almost hear the grin behind it. "Dev's a really great guy. If you're interested, I'd say jump on it. Or, y'know, him."

"Caitlyn!" sounded Riley's shocked voice, but it was followed by a little giggle. "I'm not....I just....ugh, you're such a brat."

"Hey now, you're the one that asked, I'm just telling," Caitlyn said, a pause followed before he heard the tinkling of a cup being set down. "In all honesty, Dev is awesome. It's hard to find a more trustworthy and loyal guy than him. He's...had some rough spots recently, but really Riles, you'd be hard pressed to do better than him."

A long silence followed, Dev waiting impatiently for Riley to talk again. Finally, she let out a soft sigh. "I don't know. Things with Trevor were...complicated, and I'm in no rush to get into something like that again. Ugh, I need to take care of me first." Another pause before she spoke again. "I think I'm going to head to bed, got another interview tomorrow."

"Good luck with that. Just remember what I said if this one tries anything," Caitlyn replied, followed by laughter from the two of them, and the scrape of a chair being pushed back.

"I'll keep that in mind. G'night," Riley said, her footsteps padding down the hallway as the sound of Caitlyn standing up sounded a moment later. A rush of water in the sink and then the kitchen lights clicked off. Her footsteps padded towards him and she leaned over the back of the couch, looking down at him with a smile.

"You owe me, foxy," she said, giving him a wink before heading off to her bedroom as well.

Dev watched her go, wondering how she knew he was awake. The click of the door closing snapped him out of his stupor, and he offered a smirk to the darkness.

"We'll see," he said, laying back on the bed and crossing his arms behind his head. "We will see." It was a while before he finally drifted off again, but before sleep took him once more, he couldn't help feeling that his life might just be like the weather; the storms from days past passing for clear skies in the days ahead.

Unexpected Results - Chapter 3

Gold-flecked azure eyes slowly opened, blinking in the late morning light and trying to banish the last remnants of sleep from them. Gabe stirred from his slumber, and turned onto his back, letting out a long yawn before stretching his arms above his...

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Unexpected Results - Chapter 2

Yuni snatched the phone from Gabe's hand, scooting away as the rabbit tried to make a grab for it, and quickly keyed something into the phone. After a moment of watching the screen, the vixen handed it back to him with a smile, "Well, now you've got my...

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Unexpected Results - Chapter 1

Sun Harbor was considered the jewel of the west coast. Situated on its own crescent shaped bay, the tightly packed city measured only a few square miles, but it was a tourist attraction at any time of the year, and a regular getaway spot for...

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