Unexpected Results - Chapter 2

Story by gauness on SoFurry

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#2 of Unexpected Results

After an interesting night, Gabe recounts the story for friends, not knowing what was waiting for him just around the turn.

Yuni snatched the phone from Gabe's hand, scooting away as the rabbit tried to make a grab for it, and quickly keyed something into the phone. After a moment of watching the screen, the vixen handed it back to him with a smile, "Well, now you've got my number, and I've got yours." Reading the screen, he saw that she had entered her information on his phone, and then sent herself a text to get his. Looking up with a smile, he blinked as she gave him another quick kiss before her green eyes met his blue hues. "You better get in touch with me soon then, ok?"

Watching her for a second, Gabe made his decision. Setting his phone aside, he grabbed her hips gently and pulled her in for a deep kiss, an appreciative murr rolling from the vixen as she pressed snugly against him. Canting his head to the side, he deepened the kiss, felling her tongue brush against his lips before he parted them for her. Their passionate embraced seemed to last for hours when she finally separated from him, her breath panting slightly and emerald pools sparkling in the dim light. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, something soft, yet very solid, slammed into the side of Gabe's head.

"Wake up punk, it's time for pancakes!"

Jerking awake as the dream dissolved, Gabe blinked in the morning sunlight filtering through the blinds into his room, eyes lifting to the ring-tailed lemur standing above him with one of his couch cushions held in his grip. Eyes narrowed dangerously at his friend, who was still clothed in the same green plaid shirt and faded jeans from the night before. "Zane, you are the biggest ass I know..." Gabe muttered before burying his face in his pillow.

"Indeed I am, sir, but that's why you love me." Grabbing a hold of the rabbit's comforter, Zane yanked it off him, dragging it behind him as he marched out of the room, shouting "PAAANCAAAKES!" and leaving Gabe sprawled on his bed, mumbling obscenities into his pillow, before pushing himself up, sliding out of bed, and padding across his room in search of clothes.

Emerging from his room a few minutes later clad in a pair of jeans and an old Fratellis shirt, Gabe found his friend seated on his couch, watching TV. Walking over to the lemur, he smacked him in the back of the head, "Happy birthday, Jack-ass."

Rubbing the back of his head with a chuckle, Zane looked up at him and smirked. "Why thank you, kind sir, and what a lovely gift you have given me as well." He stood up and stretched before pushing the rabbit towards the front door. "Come, now, let us make haste on our quest for pancakes!"

Gabe could only laugh and go along with the lemur as they left the apartment and made their way down towards the beach area and a small diner that the rabbit liked to frequent. It was far removed from most tourist destinations, making it easier to get a table on a Saturday morning. A perky little corgi waitress seated them at a booth that looked out on the bay before taking their orders and leaving the two to wait for their food and drinks.

"So," the lemur began after the waitress set a cup of coffee down in front of each of them. "What happened to you last night? You said you couldn't get in, but what exactly happened?"

Taking a sip of his coffee, Gabe then launched into the story of the previous night's events, although he finished after telling him of running into his panther DJ friend, Micah, and entered Crymson, deciding to omit everything that occurred after that. It wasn't that he was embarrassed of what happened, it was simply the fact that those things didn't usually happen to him, and he wasn't sure how to broach the subject with Zane. The lemur listened intently through the story, shaking his head as he finished and laughing softly just as their waitress returned with their food. "Well, at least the night wasn't a huge bust for you. I'm gonna need to talk to Brent about his shenanigans last night, but I have a feeling that Tails is off the menu for a little while."

Gabe watched with an amused grin as the corgi fem gasped softly and blushed at the mention of the gentleman's club before bustling off to one of her other tables. Turning back to Zane, he shook his head, "Your legendary lack of brain-to-mouth filter never ceases to amaze me."

Zane simply offered a nonchalant shrug before assaulting the stack of pancakes before him, but before Gabe could begin on his veggie omelet, his phone went off, vibrating against the table where he had set it down. Glancing at the screen, he spotted Yuni's name and quickly grabbed it, fumbling it slightly as he hastened to read the message.

'Awwwww, don't tell me you forgot about me already!' =(

Smiling, he quickly keyed in a response before setting the phone back on the table:

'Now how could I forget such a sweet and innocent vixen? lol'

Looking up, he caught Zane watching him with a little smirk playing over his face and a malicious glint in his eyes. "Well now, what could have gotten you so flustered there?"

Eyes flicking back to his phone, Gabe made a grab for it, but the lemur was quicker, able to read the messages as the rabbit had forgotten to lock the phone again when he set it down. Slightly mortified, Gabe could only sit there while Zane perused the messages at his leisure. He tried to lose himself in his food again, but his stomach was knotting and making him nauseous, and he kept glancing up at Zane while he read. Soon enough, the lemur set the phone back down, eyes boring into Gabe's while a wide smile spread over his face. "So.....tell me about this 'sweet and innocent vixen'."

With a cringe and a sigh, Gabe launched into the rest of the story from the previous night, finishing with the lemur's untimely text message that had interrupted him and the vixen. Finishing with a shrug, Gabe picked up his cup of coffee and took a sip, "So that's what happened. I managed to meet a cute girl, only to get text blocked by you." He had meant it to be a joke, but there was an underlying truth to his comment; part of him was furious with Zane for cutting his evening short.

The lemur simply waved a hand dismissively. "Obviously she isn't too upset over it, or she wouldn't be texting you, asking if you've forgotten her. Who knows, maybe coming to the rescue of a stranded drunk friend endeared you to her." Zane turned back to his pancakes after that statement, while Gabe could only sit there, staring slack-jawed at his friend while he ate, and his own food forgotten. Zane made a valid argument. Yuni had seemed upset that he was leaving, but the look she had offered showed that she understood, and it was true that she had texted him the same night, not to mention the following day. Slowly, a large, goofy grin spread over his face, making Zane crack up when he finished destroying his stack of pancakes. "Dude, you look like someone just said you won the lottery."

Feeling his face blaze, Gabe shrugged and returned to his own breakfast, unable to rid himself of the smile, "Maybe someone did." Zane only chuckled at his friend, spreading jam over his toast as the two lapsed into silence while finishing their meals.

After breakfast, the two of them meandered back towards Gabe's apartment, moving to the parking garage and getting into Gabe's car. They continued to chat and catch up as Gabe drove the lemur back to the station so he could catch the quick train out to Aramos, where his parents lived. After vowing to pick him up later the next night, Gabe bid his friend another happy birthday before Zane boarded the train and set off. Returning back to his car, Gabe felt his phone go off again, smiling as he saw another text from Yuni.

'Yay, happy to hear that! =) Planning on hitting Crymson again tonight with a friend, chance of seeing you there?'

Gabe paused, car door wide open, one foot inside and the other planted on the asphalt of the parking lot, simply staring at the screen. It was a tough call to make: sure, he had done back to back nights years ago when he was still in school, and he was sure he could do it again, but work was in the back of his mind, and the damn project that had him stumped. The logic of his mind was battling against the biological, and the one thing that kept returning to him was the taste of the vixen's lip gloss. Settling into his car, he took a moment to think before typing out a reply.

'I think I can manage that, although I might be feeling it tomorrow, lol. Just let me know where to meet you.'

Pressing the send button, Gabe just simply watched the screen for a moment, his smile returning once more with no sign of going anywhere soon. Finally snapping out of his stupor, he set his phone on the passenger seat before starting his car and pulling out of the station, saying softly, "Could be another interesting night," as he made his way back home.

Gabe spent the remainder of the day as a nervous wreck. He paced his apartment over and over, occasionally turning on the TV or picking up his laptop, attempting to distract himself, only to give up after a few minutes. He took a long shower, scouring himself clean, before sprawling out on the couch. Half an hour later he took another one without knowing why. Later in the afternoon, he rummaged through his refrigerator for something to eat, settling on a slice of cold pizza from the night before, but only ate half as his stomach starting twisting into knots. The only time he had been this nervous in recent memory was when he had his interviews at Scion Industries, and this certainly shouldn't be that nerve-wracking.

With a sigh, he heaved himself off the couch and wandered out onto his balcony, the afternoon sun was shining brightly down on it, but a cool breeze was blowing in off the bay. Leaning against the railing, he fished out his phone to check the time: 3:19. About to slip the device back into his pocket, he paused before lifting it again. Keying in his code, he opened his messages, the last one he sent to Yuni still displayed, but he scrolled up slightly to open the picture she had sent him the night before.

There she was again, the mysterious vixen that had changed his disastrous night into an incredible, albeit short, one. Taking a closer look at the photo, he was able to see the russet tint to her red fur; the seamless way that it shifted to a cream color on her lower face and neck; and the mischievous glint that seemed to be ever-present in her dazzling emerald eyes. He was rapidly losing himself in the picture, and he was unsure exactly how long he had been mesmerized by that simple image, when it suddenly shifted to a picture of a ringing phone, accompanied by the familiar sound of the TARDIS and Micah's name in flashing letters. Blinking in surprise, Gabe pressed the answer button before lifting the device to his ear.

"Ny'ello?" he answered, waiting for the panther's familiar voice to speak back.

"Gabe! Hey, I feel bad about this, but I gotta flake out on tonight," his DJ friend answered, sounding downtrodden. "Crymson called me a bit ago 'cause one of the DJs tonight took a different booking, so they need me to fill in."

Stifling a groan, Gabe clenched his eyes together. He had forgotten that he was supposed to meet up with the panther that night, and having Yuni invite him for a night out again had driven it out of his mind entirely. "Oh, hey, no worries man. Maybe I'll utilize my pass and come down again tonight." Gabe responded, trying to save face with his old friend.

"Sweet!" Micah replied, "Dude, that would be awesome, and I know Dev and Riley would get a kick out of that. Most of the glow people do the gloves now, not enough people spin poi, so I'm sure they'd love that." Pausing for a moment, the panther spoke again, "Speaking of poi, what happened with you and that vixen last night?"

Gabe could almost hear the predatory smile over the phone, and his face flared in embarrassment. "Err, not....not a whole lot?"

The panther's chuckle rang back through the line, "Ah, more interested in the poi then your fluffy tail, huh? Eh, it happens more often than not at the clubs these days."

Shaking his head, despite Micah being unable to see it, Gabe said, "No, no, it wasn't that. My friend texted me, and I had to cut out before things could...er, continue."

Silence followed for a moment after that, and Gabe actually looked at his phone to make sure the call hadn't dropped, before Micah's voice came through again. "Dude...seriously?"

Gabe laughed at that, and had to fight back more as he said, "Yeah, drunken text-blocked from my friend, but she gave me her number. Actually, she messaged me earlier and told me her and a friend were going back to Crymson tonight, wanted to see if I was going to be there."

He heard Micah snort over the phone. "Well, it's a good thing I had to DJ tonight!" the panther said through his laughter. "Hmmm, might have to set some mooooooooood music."

Gabe only shook his head, fighting back a smile that threatened to spread over his face again. "Man, you can be such an ass sometimes. Besides, certainly didn't need it last night." The more he spoke about it, the easier it was, and he was beginning to feel proud of it, even though nothing more than some kissing had happened.

Snickering, Micah fired back, "Alright, alright, I'll let you bask in your glory, but I'll see you later tonight. If you can get there around 8, I can try to get you inside earlier, you could meet more of the staff."

"Sounds like a plan, I'll see if I can swing that. Shouldn't be a problem, I'm thinking." After a few words of farewell, the line went dead, and Gabe finally returned the phone to his pocket. His sight was drawn out across the bay once more as his mind wheeled through the events of the day, eagerly anticipating the night.

It was 7:45 when Gabe found himself out in front of the silent Crymson nightclub. He had spent a bit more time tonight on his appearance than he had the night before, taking the time to dig through his closet for his old pair of "rave pants", as he had named them. They were black denim cargo pants, but trimmed with stripes of reflective blue fabric that twisted and distorted the cacophony of rainbow lights that clubs generally employed. His poi rested in one of the deep pockets down his leg, while he doffed a blue t-shirt with a white audio wave pattern emblazoned on the front of it. His long ears were pulled back once more, and a black bandanna was tied around his neck. Shifting his weight from foot to foot, his eyesight swept up and down the street, keeping a keen eye open for Micah, but he had yet to spot the panther. Pulling out his phone, he checked the time again, and saw that only a minute had passed since he last checked. With a sigh, he padded over to the weathered brick wall of the club, and leaned back against it, eyes continuing to patrol side to side as he waited, but it wasn't long before a familiar old hatchback screeched to a halt in front of him, and a grin split his face.

Pushing himself off the wall, he padded over to the car as Micah slipped out of, what was usually, the passenger's side, but Micah loved his old import tuner too much to ever ditch the thing, even though rust was steadily creeping in around the wheel wells now. Catching sight of his rabbit friend, the panther let out a laugh, "What's up, fluff butt, a little eager to get here tonight, huh?" Gabe simply scoffed and flipped him off before helping him unload his gear for the night, taking the two cd cases and a tangle of cables from the panther before following him around the building to a side entrance, where the same grey wolf from the night before stood guard, looking around at them as they walked down the alley and giving them a nod.

"'Sup, Micah. Trina wrangle you into back-to-backs, huh?" the wolf asked, taking a drag off the clove perched between his lips, eyes wandering onto Gabe for a moment, scrutinizing the rabbit before a flash of recognition passed over his face. "Ah, the poi dude from last night. Had a good time, huh?" he said with a wink and a smirk.

Micah offered a shrug, "Eh, it's not a big deal. Was just gonna hang with my friend here anyways. Gabe, this is Taka, though he prefers Styx. Styx, this is an old college buddy of mine, Gabe." Shuffling the cases in his arms, Gabe offered a hand to the large wolf, who gave it a firm shake and another nod, before opening the side door for the two of them, allowing them admittance to the club.

It was another new experience for Gabe: being inside a club before hours, halogen lights illuminating the large room as various furs bustled about, getting everything ready for the night. Eyes flicked around the club, intrigued with this behind the scenes look into the club, when a voice cut across the din of employees' voices. "Hey, it's the Glow Bunny!" Gabe's head whipped around at the voice, and spotted Riley, the arctic fox manager, waving at him from the bar. Juggling the cases and cables again, he waved back to her as best he could while following Micah into the backstage area once again.

It was a bit more crowded than the night before, a wider variety of furs milling around or hustling back and forth, carrying cables, lights, coolers, and various other items from here to there. Gabe recognized Dev, the red fox owner, standing between a tall, female falcon and a scrawny, male snow leopard, the three of them leaning over a laptop and fully engrossed on whatever was on the screen; the tabby doorman was leaning against a wall, chatting with a scantily clad red panda; while a trio of canines were unloading and rummaging through a large selection of vinyl records. Micah nudged Gabe in the side, drawing his attention away from the crowd, motioning for the rabbit to follow him towards the DJ booth. Falling into step behind the panther once more, he climbed the steps and was offered a panoramic view of the club. Micah directed him where to stash the cases after relieving him of the cables, and went about hooking up his laptop and turntables, while Gabe lingered in the booth, watching the activity in the rest of the club.

Footsteps on the stairs drew his attention around, spotting the female falcon he had noticed earlier with Dev ascending to the booth. She stopped up short, offering Gabe a quizzical look, before she spotted Micah, and her face brightened immediately. "Micah! Oh my god, thank you so much for filling in tonight! Chris was a douche and passed us up to work Nexus tonight, just because there's supposed to be a huge crowd because of their headliner."

Micah looked over his shoulder at the falcon and shook his head before returning to his work. "That's the problem with some of these guys; they think that playing with a big name means big money, without thinking that the big names get their money first." Plugging in the last cable, he straightened up and turned to face her. "Ah well, gets me another chance on the decks tonight. Gabe, this is Trina, DJ manager and all around badass."

Gabe offered her a small wave as she tittered at Micah and returned the wave before lapsing into a conversation with the panther. She was maybe 5'11", Gabe guessed, with amber eyes, blond hair, and an upbeat personality, at least from what he could tell. Micah continued to fiddle with his equipment while the two chatted, and Gabe's attention shifted back onto the hustle and bustle that was slowing down as things were finished up. Minutes slipped by, and his phone vibrated in his deep pocket, making him fish it out and read the newest text from Yuni.

'We're outside, but I don't see you =( You're still coming, right?'

Laughing to himself, he keyed in a response:

'I'm already inside with Micah! I'll see you soon though, haha.'

Hitting the send button, he stiffened as Micah's voice sounded right beside his ear. "Oooooh, this little vixy likes you!"

Glaring at the panther over his shoulder, Gabe had to fight back an urge to deck him, and settled on simply shaking his head while his friend laughed mercilessly. Gabe hadn't noticed that Trina had left the two of them, or that Micah had been reading the texts over his shoulder. Still laughing, the panther led Gabe back down into the lounge area, now only populated by Dev, Riley, Trina, and the snow leopard he had noticed earlier, who was still leaning over his laptop. The two foxes greeted him warmly as they were curled up together on the sectional couch, inviting him to join them and offering a drink of his choice from the coolers, which he obliged, snagging a beer of himself and one for Micah as well. The two of them joined the two foxes on the couch, while Trina moved over to the snow leopard, leaning over to watch the screen while he continued to do his work.

"Well, we're really glad you came back again, Gabe," Dev said, before taking a swig of his own beer, Riley stirring her cocktail with a straw and nodding in agreement. "That really was an impressive show you did last night, although a little short. How come you cut out so early?"

Apologizing, Gabe launched into the events from the night before, explaining how he had to pick up the drunken Zane. Chuckling, Dev simply shook his head while Riley sniggered. "Well, um......Yuni! Yes, Yuni seemed down after you left. I saw her a couple more times that night, but she didn't seem as upbeat as she had been earlier." Her eyes narrowed at Gabe, although the smile on her face seemed more menacing than the look she gave him. He felt his face heat up at her words, and some of the anger he felt towards Zane last night came back, but he had to remind himself that she was going to be there again that night, which he shared with the others. Micah smirked, Riley's eyebrows lifted, and Dev chuckled, before adding, "Just so you know, we DO have some.....rules here," while waggling his eyebrows at him and making Gabe's face blaze and then quickly drain half his beer.

The four of them spent some time chatting, Dev and Riley asking how Gabe and Micah knew each other, and then what Gabe did for a living, the two foxes seeming surprised when he said that he was a programmer, but asked if he had done anything they might be familiar with. Time flowed on, and the drinks as well, and the four were joined by Trina and the snow leopard, who Introduced himself to Gabe as Niko, the man in charge of the lighting at the club. Niko, Trina, and Dev leaned over the laptop again while Niko went through some of the new effects he had added; Riley glanced at her watch, then announced she was going to go and make sure that everything was set for the night; and Micah ascended into the DJ booth once more, starting a long, down-tempo song. Gabe dug out his phone again, spotting a missed text from Yuni and quickly ready it.

'Lucky! We're about 10 deep in line, but we'll be in soon! =)'

Looking up as he felt a tap on his shoulder, he saw Dev smiling down at him. "Hey, just have fun tonight," he said, offering Gabe a wink before and handing his a fluorescent green wristband before wandering off into the club. Niko was ascending a spiral staircase to a loft above the DJ booth that was hidden by banks of lights, and Trina waved to him before climbing into the DJ booth with Micah. A low chatter was slowly filling the club as the lights dimmed down, making Gabe drain the rest of his beer. His pulse was quickening as he stood, fixing the wristband on his arm and making sure it wouldn't rip out any fur, before he pushed his way through the curtain and out onto the rapidly filling dance floor. Micah switched up the tracks in mid build, leading a massive bass drop as more and more people filtered into the club.

The crowd immediately lost it. Furs of all varieties were dancing and bouncing on the floor, and Gabe felt a large smile spread over his face. He felt at home once again, back into the environment he called his own through his years at college, and he lost himself in the beats from his friend until he heard someone shout his name. Turning around, he caught a brief flash of red lights in his face as someone practically tackled him, making him stagger under the force of it, and a newly familiar scent tickled his nose. He looked down at the form of Yuni clinging tightly to him, her tail swishing behind her as she hugged him. Once she pulled back, he noticed her hair was done up into a high ponytail tonight, and her outfit was quite different from the night before, but it still garnered looks from other club-goers, some appreciative and some envious. The black t-shirt she wore was cropped extremely short, and beneath it she wore a long-sleeved fishnet shirt that fell to her wrists, and a pair of pants similar to his hung loosely on her hips while the legs flared out, almost entirely concealing her foot paws. Gabe looked her over before meeting her eyes, and the smirk that was on her face, feeling his own heat up, he tried to stammer out a greeting only to have her shake her head, grab his hand, and drag him further onto the dance floor.

Following behind her as she led him along, he watched the way her hips shifted side to side, as her tail swayed opposite of them. She stopped up in front of a short, blond female lynx dancing with a tall, male jaguar with hair dyed a vivid, electric blue, and pushed him in front of her. The couple looked up at him with curious glances before Yuni poked her head around his side and their faces lit up with smiles. The three danced around him as he stood there stunned for a minute, completely caught off guard and unsure of what to do, before the vixen hooked her arms around his neck, encouraging him to dance with her. Gabe was thankful for the few beers he had downed earlier as the alcohol helped to loosen him up. Hands found the vixen's hips, making a smile curl her lips while the two of them moved to the beat. Gabe had a funny feeling that Micah might have spotted the two of them, as he changed the track into a more ambient one; the mellow tones sent a chill racing down his spine, which was exacerbated when Yuni leaned forward, nose nudging his cheek slightly before she spoke over the music. "I'm really glad you came tonight, Gabe. I was bummed when you had to cut last night."

A small churr escaped him as she nuzzled his cheek once more, and he returned the gesture, nose brushing lightly over the soft fur on her cheek before responding. "I feel bad about that, but such are the joys of having drunk, abandoned friends." She laughed at that, and he felt her shake against him as she did. His arms closed around her slightly, pressing her tighter against him. "But I'm glad I came tonight, too," he said, nuzzling at her ear slightly.

He heard her gasp slightly at the attention, arms looped around his neck tensing slightly before she pulled back, looking up at him with a little smile. "C'mon, meet my friends," she said, extricating herself from him and grabbing a hold of his wrist, leading him back to the lynx and jaguar. The two of them, tightly wrapped around each other, slowly separated as the lynx noticed them, blushing slightly under her fur. "Gabe, this is my roommate, Amber, and her boyfriend, Tommy," Yuni spoke over the music, gesturing to the lynx and jaguar in turn as they waved to him. He smiled and returned the waves before Amber motioned for them to follow, leading the way across the crowded dance floor towards the bar. The bar, surrounded with sound absorbing glass, was guarded by a large husky who was checking wristbands of those that entered to make sure they were legal. They all flashed their fluorescent bands at him and he waved the little group through.

The four of them wove their way through the furs milling about as they approached the bar, Gabe spotting the red panda from earlier behind it, tending to customers before she approached them to take their orders. Once their drinks were served, they moved off to a secluded corner, Yuni introducing him again where they could all hear a little better. Gabe smiled to the two again, this time shaking their hands as the introductions were done, and they all fell into conversations with Amber shooting him knowing glances every once in a while. Once their glasses were empty, they made their way back onto the dance floor where they, almost literally, bumped into Riley. The arctic fox welcomed them all, sparing a hug for Gabe and Yuni, before not-so-subtly hinting that the two of them would be welcome on stage again. Raising an eyebrow to Yuni, she nodded enthusiastically, producing a pair of glow sticks tied to strings from a pocket while Gabe fished out his poi. The two separated from Amber and Tommy, making their way up on stage to a smattering of cheers.

Switching on their respective toys, they both fell into the music, turning and twisting up on stage while the crowd went nuts. Occasionally, one or the other would pull back, stopping their actions and watching the other. Leaning against the front of the DJ booth, Gabe was entranced. He thought that Yuni's moves were good the night before, but she was something else using her own glow. Her timing was perfect as she appeared to anticipate each tempo change of the songs, her glow sticks less a tool then an extension of her own body; something else that Gabe was very attentive to. He watched her hips with each step she took, every sway of her tail, and the occasional glances she threw at him didn't go undetected, and when she stopped to watch, he could feel her gaze upon him the entire time. Minutes slipped by as time lost all meaning for the two of them, oblivious to anything but the swirling lights and the rhythm of the music. After an unknown length of time, both were worn out and exhausted, staggering off the stage to cheers that rose up from the crowd waving as they slipped through the curtain into the backstage area.

The few furs lounging about clapped for the two of them, save for Micah. The panther had apparently finished his set while the two were on stage, but was now thoroughly engrossed with the same female snow leopard Gabe had noticed the night before. Rather than interrupting his friend, Gabe and Yuni snagged bottles of water from a cooler before collapsing on the opposite side of the sectional. The vixen smiled at him, panting slightly from the dancing before she began to laugh uncontrollably. Taking a sip of his water, Gabe lofted a brow at her before a smile spread over his face as she continued to laugh, "What's so funny?"

It took her a few moments to regain her composure, but after taking a few steadying breaths, she looked back at him with a little sparkle in her eyes. "Just déjà vu, I guess. Us, sitting here, drinking waters after dancing, right?" she answered before a fit of giggles overcame her again.

Chuckling, Gabe took another swig off his water bottle before a shout from the side drew his attention. Micah was waving at them, motioning for them to come over, so Gabe helped Yuni up, the two of them padding over to join the panther and his friend. Flopping down on the sectional, Gabe blinked and flushed when Yuni settled herself in his lap. Micah smirked at him and Gabe averted his eyes, looking up to the vixen who only answered his questioning look with a smile and a wink before Micah's voice snapped him back to attention. "So, Gabe, gonna introduce me to your friend here?"

The rabbit tried to stammer out a reply, but Yuni simply laughed before introducing herself, reaching over and offering a hand to Micah and the snow leopard, who introduced herself as Lina. Caught out of his element, Gabe sat in silence while the other three chatted, body tense with the form of the vixen perched on his lap. Minutes slipped by before the vixen nudged him, snapping him back to attention and looking up into her smiling face. "Lina asked how we met, you wanna handle that?"

It took a moment for that to register with Gabe, during which the other three began laughing once more. "Well, we actually met last night when she grabbed my poi and almost yanked me offstage," he finally replied, although his voice cracked slightly at the last word as Yuni leaned gently against him. Glancing at her from the corner of his eye, she winked at him once more as her tail brushed lightly against his side, making him shiver and forcing her to stifle a giggle.

"Oh my, you certainly work fast then," Lina said, smiling at the two of them. Micah was shaking with pent up laughter, and Gabe looked back at Yuni, smirking as he noticed a bit of red staining the cream colored fur on her cheeks but otherwise remained silent on the matter. Lina said nothing else on the subject. Instead, after a few minutes, she took her leave of them, removing a camera and lighting instrument from a bag and wandering out onto the dance floor. Perplexed, Gabe looked at his panther friend with a raised eyebrow, to which Micah only shrugged.

"Lina's the resident photographer here. She takes pics of events, lets Dev and Riley choose the ones they like, and then they upload them to the website." Finishing off his drink, Micah pushed himself off the sectional and stretched. "Alright, gotta get everything packed up. Lina and I are heading down the coast after this for a few days." He ruffled Gabe's hair, much to the rabbit's dismay, and then shook Yuni's hand again before climbing back up into the DJ booth. Once he was gone, Gabe became acutely aware of how close the vixen was to him once more, eyes lifting to look at her and finding her watching him with a soft smile on her face before she lightly rested her head against his shoulder.

Smiling as well, his hand found the small of her back, fingers lightly scratching through the soft, silky fur there, coaxing a low murr from her. "Lina was right, you do move fast. That's gotta be the quickest anyone has found that particular spot..." Gabe chuckled softly, though he didn't relent in his actions, and the vixen's tail lashed against his side before she turned her head slightly, nuzzling into his neck, making his fur stand on end and causing a chill to race down his spine. He had to pull away after a minute, before he became completely inert, and looked down at her to find her watching him again. Instincts kicked in for the rabbit as he leaned over her, nose brushing against her own, before their lips met in a soft kiss.

Slowly, gradually, the minutes drew out, as did the intensity of their kiss; and when the two finally separated, the vixen was straddling his waist, pressed snugly against him with her arms looped about his neck while the rabbit's hands had a firm grip on her pert backside. Realizing this, he hastily pulled his hands away, making Yuni giggle softly and nose his cheek. "It's ok," she said, her voice low, yet still audible over the music. "I really don't mind..." Looking up at him with a little glimmer in her eye, she leaned in for another kiss before stopping with a gasp, her eyes snapping open and staring at him. "Oh gods, what time is it?!"

Blinking up at her, Gabe watched as the vixen delved into her pockets, searching for her cell phone. Extracting it from her pants, her ears drooped once she saw the screen, looking back up at him, her mouth open slightly. Shoulders sagging, she leaned forward and gave him another kiss, "I'm so sorry, I have to go..." Before the rabbit could even say anything, she had slipped from his lap and scampered through the curtain, leaving Gabe sitting dazed on the sectional, wondering what the hell had just happened. A few minutes passed and Micah came down from the DJ booth, laden down with all his gear, and looked up in surprise to see Gabe sitting there alone.

"Dude, what happened? Where's Yuni?" Micah asked him, setting his things down beside Lina's camera bag and sitting next to the rabbit. Looking up at his friend, Gabe shrugged before explaining what had happened. The panther listened as he recalled the events before looking around, almost as if making sure Gabe wasn't simply hiding her somewhere. "And she didn't give a reason? That's.....weird."

"It's whatever. Just one of those things, I guess," Gabe replied, letting out a heavy sigh. "I dunno, maybe I'll just head home. You need a hand with that?" The rabbit indicated Micah's gear, to which the panther nodded. The two of them gathered it all up before making their way across the club to the side entrance where they had entered, pushing open the door that lead to the alley and then walked to Micah's car. After Gabe helped him load everything, the panther turned to look at him, clapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey, try not to dwell on things too much, alright?" Gabe nodded in affirmation before saying goodbye, turning around to walk towards the parking garage where his car was while Micah slipped back into the club. However, Gabe had barely made it ten feet before a shout behind him made him stop and look back.

"GABE! WAIT!" Eyes widened as he saw Yuni hurrying towards him, skidding to a halt a foot away and panting slightly as she looked up at him with worry written on her face. "Gabe, can...can you help me out? Amber and Tommy left, and now I've no way back to the dorms, and they're locked at midnight tonight!"

Blinking in surprise at her sudden reappearance, he smiled before nodding. "Yeah, not a problem, was just heading to my car now," he said, motioning over his shoulder in the direction of the garage.

Relief washed over the vixen, and she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "Thank you sooo much, Gabe. I really appreciate this." Laughing, he hugged her back before she pulled away and he led the way to his car. Moving at a brisk pace, they reached his car after a couple of minutes, the rabbit taking the time to open the door for her and earning him a warm smile from Yuni as she slipped into the passenger seat. Moving around the car, he climbed in behind the wheel, cranked the engine, and pulled out of the garage.

"So, I'm assuming SHU?" Gabe asked, glancing at her as he steered his car towards the expressway. Sun Harbor University was a couple of miles from his apartment building, so he knew how to get there fairly quickly.

Yuni sighed and nodded. "Yeah, senior year starts Monday." Relaxing back into the seat, she smiled towards him, even though he missed it as he paid attention to the roads. Glancing at the clock on his stereo, he saw that he only had 12 minutes left to get her back to the campus. Pulling onto the expressway, he gunned the engine, making her eep and then giggle. "Geez, you in a hurry to get rid of me or something?"

Smirking, he spared her a glance before shaking his head. "Not in the slightest, but I want to make sure we can get you back in time," he said, pointing at the clock as she let out a little whine.

"I know. Gods, I can't BELIEVE those two just left me!" she said, huffing as she crossed her arms, slipping into a sullen silence for the remainder of the ride. Minutes ticked by as Gabe drove as fast as he possibly could, but he began to chew on his bottom lip at the clock moved close and closer to midnight. He could hear Yuni's leg bouncing in anxiety as he saw he only had 5 minutes now. Then 3 minutes. Shit, one minute!

His car screeched to a halt in front of the closed gate for her dormitory just as the time switched to 12:00, Yuni jumping out of the car and hurrying towards the gate where she keyed in a code on the number pad and...nothing. She stared at the gate in disbelief before trying her code once more with the same result. Ears drooping, she tried once more, but the gate remained steadfastly closed and the clock showed 1 minute after midnight. Slowly, she sank down to her knees in front of the gate, before feeling a hand on her shoulder, looking up at Gabe and the concern on his face. "Could you try calling your roommates, see if they can come let you in?"

Shaking her head, she stood, brushing off her pants. "It's only Amber and me right now, the other two aren't here. One's spending the weekend with her girlfriend, and the other won't get here until tomorrow." Letting out a long, heavy sigh, she looked up at the dorm building, muttering slightly.

"You can stay at my place."

Turning slowly, she looked at Gabe, the rabbit wearing a surprised look on his face, almost in disbelief that he had just said that, and slowly his face turned red. Raising an eyebrow at him, she smiled slightly, "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to impose."

Blushing furiously, Gabe averted his gaze, looking over the top of the vixen's head. "Well, it's not like I'm just going to leave you to sleep in front of the gate or anything." Trailing off, he was unsure what else to say, only to be broken from his silence as she hugged him tightly, planting a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you, Gabe. You're a real sweetheart." Stepping past him, she slipped back into the passenger seat and closed the door. Looking out the window, she saw him, standing rooted to the spot. Laughing, she rolled the window down and shouted at him, "What're you waiting for, Glow Bunny? Let's roll!"

Shocked out of his stupor, he hustled back to the car and climbed in behind the wheel. Swallowing heavily, he put the car back into gear, pulling out of the campus and back onto the street, turning in the direction of his apartment building. They rode in silence, Gabe's pulse pounding in his ears as he kept his eyes locked on the road ahead of him, afraid to even look at Yuni and trying to will away the red still staining his cheeks. Meanwhile, Yuni sat there watching him, eyes scrutinizing everything she could about this rabbit she had just happened upon the night before. He certainly seemed to be a nice guy, even if he got flustered easily, but she found that quite endearing. She sat in contemplative silence the duration of the ride, simply studying him.

It only lasted a few minutes, however, as Gabe turned his car into the underground garage of his complex, navigating it into his assigned spot, and killed the engine. The two sat there for a moment, Gabe still trying to calm his racing pulse, and Yuni waiting for him to make any sort of move. Finally, the rabbit opened the door, looking at her with a shaky smile. "Well, here we are."

Returning the smile, she slid out of the car, closing the door behind her before it chirped, signaling that the alarm was on. Following behind Gabe, the two entered the elevator, riding up in a silence broken only by the stereotypical soft music that was barely audible over the hum of machinery. Exiting on the sixth floor, he led her to his apartment, hand shaking slightly as he fumbled the keys in the lock before managing it and opening the door, ushering her through. Entering, she couldn't stop her gaze from roaming over the accommodations. It was a nice apartment; in front of her was a comfortable looking couch and recliner sat with a glass coffee table in front of them, facing the entertainment center and the flat-screen TV that sat on top. Just to her right was a small dining table with four chairs seated around it, while to her left was the kitchen area. On the opposite wall from the front door was a glass wall with a sliding door in the middle, which opened onto a balcony with a view of the bay where the light of the half moon was reflecting off the rippling waves. Turning to look back at the rabbit, she giggled, seeing him still standing in the doorway, his gaze averted and looking completely unsure of what he should do. Padding over to him, she grabbed his hand and pulled him inside as he let go of the door handle, allowing it to close behind them. "Come on then, you invite me over and stand in the doorway? Let's....let's talk," she said, leading him into his own apartment. He let her lead him, enjoying the simple contact as she pulled him towards the couch, pushing him back onto it before sitting beside him, tucking a leg beneath her so she could face him. Mirroring her, he turned as well, eyes dancing over her again as she spoke, "So, tell me about yourself, mister Glow Bunny."

Smiling, he took a steadying breath before he answered. "Well, my name is Gabe Andrews. I'm 26, been living here in Sun Harbor for 8 years. Went to SHU and got a bachelor's in computer programming, which led me to a job at Scion Industries, just a few blocks away." Pausing for a moment, he tried to spin his brain into gear and keep going, but it was being uncooperative, so he simply chuckled and shook his head. "And that's all I've got right now, how about you?"

Laughing, she pushed a few strands of her midnight colored hair out of her face. "I'm Yuni Reynolds, 22, currently attending SHU to be a doctor." Smiling at him again for a moment, she looked away and shrugged slightly before continuing. "This'll be my senior year there, but I'm hoping to get into St. Reya's for med school and keep going."

The two of them continued to talk into the night; each recounted their families: Gabe telling her about his parents, his father being a prominent lawyer, his mother a stay-at-home mom who took care of his 5 younger siblings, all of whom lived a few states away; and she told him about growing up in the military, her dad being a former Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps and her mother a nurse who he met while stationed overseas, and how she was the middle child in her family with an older brother and younger sister. Gradually, Gabe grew more relaxed around her, and she around him, as they got to learn more about each other.

After a few hours, both were having trouble keeping their eyes open. As Yuni let out a long yawn, Gabe took out his phone to check the time and saw that it was nearly 3 in the morning. As he voiced that fact, she laughed sleepily, "Well, no wonder I'm so sleepy. How's the couch to sleep on?"

Sliding his phone back into his pocket, he shook his head, "Nah, you'll sleep in my bed." Looking back up, he saw her staring at him, wide eyed with a blush spreading over her cheeks. Realizing how that sounded, he shook his head hastily, "No! No, no, no! Not....not like that. You can have my bed, I'll crash on the couch!"

Laughing, she waved her hand, "Sorry, sleepy mind went somewhere else there. Um...thanks for that, really. Do you, maybe, have something I could sleep in other than this?" she asked, gesturing to her outfit.

Thinking for a moment, he considered the difference in size between the two of them. "Hmm, I don't think any of my pj's will fit, but I've got some shirts that might work, if that's ok?" he offered, raising a brow at her.

Smiling, she nodded, "Sounds like a plan. Lead the way." Standing, he led her down the small hallway that separated the kitchen from the living room and made a right turn into his bedroom. Standing just inside the doorway, she fidgeted slightly as he rummaged about in his closet for a moment before emerging, a pair of pajama pants and a couple of shirts tucked under his arm and offered one of them to her.

"Hope this works?" he asked as she unfolded it, noticing first that it was a rather worn Daft Punk shirt, and saw that it would fall down to about her mid-thigh. Nodding, she held it up against her body for him to look at, arching an eyebrow at him and making him smile. "Looks like it'll fit fine. You can change in here, I'll change in the bathroom." The vixen's mouth opened like she was about to say something, but she closed it quickly and just nodded again as Gabe took his leave, pulling the bedroom door closed behind him and stepped into the bathroom just across the hall.

Closing the door, he caught sight of himself in the mirror, realizing how he looked after the night dancing. The fur on his face was matted slightly along his jaw, and the black bandana was still tied around his neck and his ears still held back behind his head. Removing the hair tie first, he let his ears hang free before removing the bandana from around his neck. He then proceeded to shed his t-shirt and pants, kicking them into a corner before slipping into his pajamas. Pulling on his faded Crystal Method shirt, he then went about brushing his teeth, spending a little longer than he usually would as he tried to stall exiting the bathroom. His nerves were back, making his body tense, and he had to keep telling himself that he was just letting her spend the night and that there was nothing to be nervous about. Splashing some water on his face, he scrubbed out his matted fur, then picked up the pile of clothes and opened the door, only to find Yuni standing right outside, the vixen jumping slightly as he opened the door and he almost dropped his clothes again.

"Oh! S-sorry about that, just needed to use the facilities before bed," she explained, tugging on the hem of the shirt he had loaned her. He nodded, his mouth open slightly as he drank in the sight of her standing there, eyes wandering over the large shirt that she was practically swimming in, before they shuffled around each other, her closing the door with a swish of her tail. Gabe stood there stunned for a moment, then shook his head to get his senses back. Turning around, he entered his bedroom again, spotting her clothes folded neatly on his dresser as he walked back to his closet, dropping his own dirty laundry into his hamper before grabbing one of his winter blankets from the shelf and one of the pillows off his bed. Heading back out into the living room, he made up his bed for the night, stuffing the pillow against an arm of the couch and setting the blanket on top of the cushions. Wandering over to the front door, he locked the deadbolt and fastened the chain, making a pit stop to grabble a bottle of water from the fridge, he then turned out the lights, sprawling out on the couch and covering himself with the blanket.

Even though his body felt drained, his mind was on high alert, painfully aware of the gorgeous vixen currently in his apartment. The bathroom door opened, bathing the wall across from him in light and showing off Yuni's silhouette before it clicked off, leaving the apartment in semi-darkness. He heard a few tentative steps towards the bedroom before pausing, as though she might say something, but then they resumed and, a second later, he heard his bedroom door shut. Letting out the breath he hadn't realized he was holding, eyes wandering to the windowed wall, as he watched a sliver of the moon appear beneath the balcony of the apartment above his.

Steadily, more and more of the moon became visible, telling the story of how long he remained awake, making him give up on trying to fall asleep for the moment. Reaching out to the coffee table, he grabbed a hold of the TV remote and turned it on, illuminating the living room as he dialed down the volume to almost silent. Flicking through the channels, he finally landed on the NHL network, catching the tail end of the nightly broadcast that repeated every hour and began to watch the next airing of it. Becoming so engrossed in the preseason rumors and news, he hadn't heard the bedroom door open, which is why he nearly jumped out of his fur as Yuni's voice said softly, "Hockey fan, huh?"

Head whipping around so quickly that he almost sprained a muscle, he saw her leaning against the wall, arms wrapped about herself as she smiled down at him. Nodding, he tried to calm down his racing heart. "Yeah, ever since I was a little kid. Everything ok?" he asked, watching her carefully.

"Yeah, just always have trouble falling asleep somewhere new. Budge up," she replied, moving around the front of the couch. Shifting, he sat up slightly and turned to give her some room as she sat down, leaning back against him as her eyes turned to the TV. "Hmm, I never really got into hockey, but my dad and brother are pretty big fans." Smiling, he shifted again, trying to give her more room, but she moved as well, keeping herself pressed back against him, leaning even further to rest her head back against his chest. Taking the hint, he looped an arm casually around her waist, and was surprised when the vixen's hand found his and linked their fingers together. Smiling, he let out a soft churr and relaxed back against his pillow while Yuni let out a little giggle. "I like that sound."

Chuckling, he shrugged slightly. "A little uncontrollable, but glad to know that," he said, his thumb lightly brushing over hers while she giggled again. The two of them continued to watch the latest goings on around the hockey world until she turned her head slightly, nuzzling into his chest and giving his fingers a gentle squeeze.

"Thank you again, Gabe. You're a really great guy for all of this, you know," she softly said, looking up at him for a brief moment before she leaned up and kissed him lightly. He returned the kiss gladly, and a smile pulled at the corners of his mouth as she hummed lightly into his lips, gripping his fingers a little tighter. Pulling away for a moment, she shifted upon the couch, turning fully to face him before her lips met his again with greater fervor while her hands rested on his shoulders, pushing him back gently to lay down.

Her forwardness took him by surprise, but Gabe certainly wasn't complaining. One hand found her hip, giving her a gentle squeeze that made the vixen tense and then press even closer against him. A shapely leg shifted over his lap, making him shuffle on the couch until she was able to straddle him, his free hand coming to rest on Yuni's other hip and he shivered as she let loose a soft moan against his lips. Emboldened, he parted them and teased hers with the tip of his tongue, feeling them open at the slight touch before her own tongue slithered to toy with his. They tasted each other as their passionate embrace drew out, Gabe's spade of a tail wiggling beneath him as his body reacted.

Yuni's breath hitched for a moment, feeling him stir beneath her as his swelling manhood pressed against her through their clothes, her hips pressing tighter against him as a small whimper escaped, answered by a throaty moan from the rabbit beneath her. Pulling back slowly from the kiss, Yuni looked down at him, her mind foggy and emerald hues slightly glazed, watching as Gabe's blue eyes slowly fluttered open and met her gaze. Both were panting slightly, and the vixen chewed lightly on her bottom lip as her mind worked sluggishly. Coming to a decision, she leaned down, nosing gently at his soft furred cheek before whispering, "You don't have to sleep out here....if you don't want to..."

She felt the chill race through the rabbit as he turned to look at her, eyes wide and searching hers while a blush blossomed over her cheeks. Swallowing heavily, he stammered out, "Are...are you....yeah?"

Stifling a giggle, she nosed up underneath his chin as she steeled her resolve. "If you want to. It's up to you, Gabe."

A churr slipped from him as she nuzzled into his neck, before he gave her a small nod. Hearing her inhale deeply, she then pushed herself up, looking down at him again while her eyes searched his own once more. Slowly, a smile spread over her face, and then she was slipping off him, adjusting the large shirt she wore, but not before he was given a brief flash of the baby blue panties she wore, and then sauntered towards his bedroom with her tail swaying enticingly behind her. Following behind, he sat up but grimaced slightly, looking down and noticing the tent in his pajama pants as his face turned a bright red. Shaking his head slightly, he pushed himself off the couch, feeling his pulse quicken as he walked slowly to the doorway of his bedroom, looking in around the corner and swallowing heavily again at what he saw.

On his bed was Yuni, perched on her knees and watching the door while she chewed on her lip again. When she saw him come around the corner, her ears perked up slightly, tail swaying once more behind her and coaxed him further into the room. Upon reaching the bed, her hands found the front of his shirt, grabbing a hold and tugging him down to join her upon the mattress. Wasting no time, her lips sought out his once more, engaging him in a deep, passionate kiss and let loose a long, rolling murr. Gabe's hands landed on her hips, losing himself into their kiss for a moment while their tongues danced, before he eased her gently back onto the bed, making her whimper again when their lips separated, looking up at him in anticipation as she stretched her legs out.

Moving over her, Gabe leaned in to nuzzle at her neck, the vixen canting it to the side to give him better access as he began to nip softly, teeth sinking through the silky fur to bite lightly at the flesh beneath. The vixen cooed and squirmed beneath his as he teased at her neck while his hands trailed up and down her sides, making her fidget more and giggle lightly, "Hee, that tickles!" A small chuckle escaped him before she gently pushed him away. Looking down at her with a raised eyebrow, she winked at him before sitting up slightly, her hands falling to the hem of her shirt as she paused, glancing up at him again for a brief moment and then slipped it up and off her body, letting the garment fall off the side of the bed to land on the floor.

Once more surprised by the boldness of her actions, it took him a minute to recover and let his gaze roam over her. Silky, cream colored fur covered her front, broken only on the sides where it blended smoothly into her russet red coat. Trembling fingers found her sides again, making her inhale slowly as they moved languidly up her body, their eyes meeting and mirroring the fires that were kindling inside. Yuni's hands gripped the front of his shirt, pulling him back to into another heated kiss as his own hands continued to trek slowly upwards before fingers fanned out over her pert breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze and making the little vixen moan into his lips.

Her dainty hands began to claw at his shirt at the minutes passed, tugging incessantly at it and pulling it up his body, forcing him to break the kiss and pull away from her as she whipped it off over his head, tossing it aside. Gabe wasn't the slimmest guy in the world, but she didn't seem to care, her hands returning to him with fingers drawing down his chest, murring lowly as she traced out patches of his gray fur. Emerald eyes looked up at him and a playful smirk spread over her face, and his eyes widened in surprise when he felt a tug on his pajama pants that made him look down, seeing she had hooked a toe into the waistband. Looking back to her, she simply smiled and nodded, and he slipped from her grip to climb down from the bed. With a steadying breath, the rabbit pushed off his pajama pants and the boxers he wore beneath, glancing up to see her back arched off the bed, sliding her panties down her shapely legs and kicking them off her feet.

A groan slipped from him at the sight of her sprawled out nude on his bed, but she stopped him as he made to climb back up with her. Yuni's hand planted gently on his chest while she looked up at him, nibbling on her bottom lips for a moment before asking him softly, "You've got, umm....protection, right?" Mentally berating himself, he nodded before making a quick dash towards the bathroom, her laughter following him and carrying on when he reappeared a second later with a condom in hand. Pausing near the bed, he caught her looking at him with a hungry gaze, bright green pools fixed on his hardened member, and he got a little self-conscious, covering himself with his hands and making her giggled again.

Moving back onto her knees, she reached out and took hold of his wrists, pulling him closer to the bed and revealing his arousal to her again. Taking the condom from him, she tore the package open and pulled out the rubber before taking a hold of his length and making him inhale sharply. Looking up at him, her dainty hand stroked him lightly, the soft fur arousing him further and making him swell in her grip and a rumbling murr came from the vixen. When she ceased her actions, Gabe looked down again, watching in fascination as she rolled the condom onto him, pulling a low groan from him, before eyes flicked upwards to meet his once more and smiling. "Now, come here glow bunny..." she said, fingers curling around his length again and pulling him towards her.

Gabe moved as she guided him, moving over her as she settled back down on the bed and he came to a rest between her spread thighs. Both let out small gasps as he pressed against her entrance, the warmth from her making a chill course through him, and once more as her legs hooked around his hips, urging him forward. Guiding him against her with one hand, Yuni slipped her other around his neck, pulling the rabbit down as her tongue licked softly at his cheek while he pushed forward, the flared head of his manhood spreading her damp lips open as he sank slowly inside.

A throat moan ripped from the little vixen as he entered, her back arching off the bed and her fingers curled against his neck, nails biting through his fur to mark crescents on the back of his neck and making the rabbit moan. Gabe's hips bucked forward roughly when she gripped him, tearing another moan from her as she cried out, her snug pussy stretching around him as he buried himself fully into her. Both were panting slightly already as he held his position there, occasional gasps escaping him as her walls gripped him while Yuni squirmed beneath the rabbit, little whimpers reaching his ears before she lifted her hips to him, teeth raking over his cheek and legs tugging him inwards again. Nuzzling into her neck, Gabe drew his hips back slowly, his length withdrawing from her briefly before he plunged it back in, he vixen giving a little squeal as they fell into a steady rhythm. Soon, the air of the bedroom was filled with the lewd sound of their hips crashing together; their heavy, panting breaths; and the increasingly common groan, grunt, or whimper.

Yuni was in heaven. Gabe might not have been the most endowed partner she had had, but he certainly knew what he was doing. The rabbit's driving length penetrated her deeply with each thrust, making her clamp down around him every time he sank in, and he would grind against her occasionally, stimulating her even further as her inner fire climbed to greater heights. Both of the vixen's arms were wrapped around his neck, but they soon trailed down, nails scratching furrows down his back and making him arch and rub over different areas within her. Gasps and moans felt hotly from her as he pushed the pace, primal grunts coming from deep in the rabbit's throat and making Yuni's toes curl. Tilting her head up, she captured one of his long ears with her teeth, biting down gently on it and tugging while offering up a low growl, all combining to make him pump rougher into her gripping sex.

Gabe, on the other hand, was simply trying to hold on, but she was making that very difficult to do. He had almost lost it when her teeth found his ear, but the rabbit was able to reign himself in and continue. His teeth found her neck when he buried his face there, closing on her flesh while his tongue teased through her fur while she released his ear with a gasp. Pushing himself up, he perched on his knees and grasped her hips snugly, pulling her body up to push in deeper. The vixen beneath him responded wonderfully, hands gripping the comforter and digging her nails into it, and her guttural sounds became more coherent.

"Gods, Gabe.....yes....right-OOOOHHHH! Right there!" she panted out, Gabe feeling her body tighten under him while her eyes clenched shut. "Close baby...close....yes...Yes....YES!" Screaming out, her body made a perfect arch, her breasts jutting into the air as her pussy grasped him like a velvety vice, refusing to let him go and pushing him to the edge. Rutting against her, he plunged inside with rough, short thrusts, and it was less than a minute before his teeth clenched together, his body thrumming like a plucked guitar string as he finally came, filling the condom that covered his twitching manhood.

The silence in the room was broken only by their panting breaths for minutes afterward, Gabe's legs shaking like mad and forcing him to lower himself above her, resting on his elbows and making Yuni whine slightly as he shifted within her. Slowly, her emerald eyes opened, looking up at the rabbit looming above her and smiled while her face flushed crimson. Trembling arms looped around his neck, the vixen pulled him down and kissed him tenderly, nibbling lightly on his bottom lip and drawing out a soft churr from him as he returned the kiss just as softly.

Pulling away after a minute, Yuni nuzzled softly against his cheek with a gentle murr. "That was....wow...." she said lowly, before trailing off into a giggle. Arms tightened around him, pulling him closer to her body and giving his cheek another small lick.

Gabe was at a loss for words on his side, and all he could think to say was, "My pleasure." He immediately realized just how corny that sounded, clenching his eyes closed and blushing furiously while she laughed.

"Smooth, bunny, real smooth," she chided before she shifted under him, letting out a small moan as she did and bumped her nose to his. "Plenty of it was mine, I can assure you."

The rabbit chuckled in response before a sudden urge hit him. Trying to fight it was a losing battle, and he regrettably pulled his softening manhood from her, making the vixen let out a whimper. "Sorry. Just gotta...sorry," he mumbled and practically fled the room, Yuni sitting up in surprise until she heard the bathroom door snap closed. Laughing at the comical situation, she sprawled back out on the bed.

A few minutes later she heard the toilet flush and the sound of the faucet running before the door opened again, but the rabbit didn't reappear until a minute later, carrying two bottles of Powerade. Smiling, she sat up before realizing her state of dress and pulled a pillow around her modestly as she took the offered drink from Gabe while the rabbit looked at her curiously before looking down at himself, still standing there in his bare fur. Dropping his own bottle with a curse, he scrambled to find his pants, slipping them on in such haste that he managed to get them on backwards. The vixen was doubled up in silent laughter, clutching the pillow to her body as she watched him struggle to get his bottoms turned back around.

Catching her breath, Yuni picked up the bottle he had dropped on the bed while he sat on the edge in embarrassment. Scooting over to sit beside him, she lifted her head to give him a peck on the cheek. "You're adorable, you know that?" Yuni asked while nudging him in the side and making the rabbit smile.

"I don't know about that, but I'm glad you think so," he replied, turning to watch her as she opened the drink he had given her, lifting it to take several large gulps. Sighing happily, she looked around before setting the bottle down on the nightstand. Turning back, she caught him watching her with an odd look, and her face heated up again while she raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Everything alright?" she asked, fidgeting slightly underneath his gaze. Snapping out of his trance, the rabbit nodded and picked up his own drink, draining half of it quickly before looking down at the floor. Bending over, Gabe reached down, and when he straightened up he was holding the shirt that he had loaned her. Taking it from him, she smiled as he turned away and offered her a little privacy, despite what they had done, as she pulled it over herself. Covered once more, Yuni reached out and gently grabbed his arm, making him turn back around and look before she was crawling towards the center of the bed, pulling him along with her. Lying down, she rolled onto her side and baring her back to him while her tail draped over her hip. Gabe too the hint and slid in behind her, squeezing an arm beneath her, he hooked his other around her waist where her own arms held in against her body. The vixen wiggled backwards until they were flush against each other, her bushy tail shifting and covering his leg as she murred happily. Resting his head on her shoulder, he nuzzled into her ear and was rewarded with a trilling giggle before she turned and kissed him softly. "Thank you, Gabe. For...numerous things now..."

A yawn escaped him as he shook his head. "No need to thank me. Err, I think you've done that enough, and then some," he replied, Yuni answering with a sleepy laugh before they both lapsed into silence. Neither of them had noticed the room beginning to lighten as dawn slowly broke up, casting the sky and bay outside his windows with a rosy hue, and by the time the first sliver of the sun had risen, the two were fast asleep in each other's arms with matching smiles painted on their faces.

Unexpected Results - Chapter 3

Gold-flecked azure eyes slowly opened, blinking in the late morning light and trying to banish the last remnants of sleep from them. Gabe stirred from his slumber, and turned onto his back, letting out a long yawn before stretching his arms above his...

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Unexpected Results - Chapter 1

Sun Harbor was considered the jewel of the west coast. Situated on its own crescent shaped bay, the tightly packed city measured only a few square miles, but it was a tourist attraction at any time of the year, and a regular getaway spot for...

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One Good Deed Deserves Another - Part 1

I cursed under my breath as I pulled my car into the gas station's parking lot, easing it into a stall before killing the engine. I sat there for a minute, finishing the cigarette that hung from my mouth, cursing again. "Damn bitch," I muttered....

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