Sampson and Devilah #8
#11 of Sampson and Devilah
Confession of The Black Cat
| Ubergard was standing over her when Kitty's eyes opened the next morning.
"Yes? What is it Uber?"
"You have a visitor."
"This early?"
"It's Mrs. FarSeer. She seems to have something urgent to tell you."
"Shabhira? I haven't seen her since... Oh for god's sake Ubergard, I'm no princess that needs you to guard her bedroom door. Send her in!" | |
| "What is it Shabhira, is something wrong with FarSeer?"
"No Kitty, nothing like that. But last night two strangers came to the cabin. One a huge human warrior in steel plate armor. His servant was a Khajiit female. They're looking for you Kitty. They mean to kill you!"
"WHAT? For heaven's sake, WHY?"
"They mentioned the Dark Brotherhood. They think you're one of them. Apparently they think you're WORSE than them. The big one, Sampson, says he killed the whole lot and he found something that mentioned you and the Tails there. I think I may have bought you a day or two; I sent them to Markarth. But he'll figure it out soon enough. Actually, he probably won't, but SHE will. His partner looks... sharp. And he thinks you're the last one.
Kitty, what is he talking about? I've never asked you anything about your past, but... the Dark Brotherhood?" | |
| Kitty looked away, thinking for a moment. Then turned back to the messenger. "Ubergard, can you round up Red for me? I think we all need to talk. We'll be in the dining area off the main hall."
"Certainly. We'll be there in 10 minutes," Ubergard replied and left the room with a worried expression.
"Damn. I guess it couldn't stay secret forever," Kitty sighed as she got her clothes out of the drawer. | |
| All were gathered around the table shortly afterwards.
"Girls, I have to tell you a story. Don't worry, I'll keep it short. But it seems my past is coming back to haunt me. Actually to be precise, coming back to kill me."
"What? YOU? Why?" asked Muz-Ra.
"Shabhira, tell them what you told me."
| |
| When she had finished, Kitty continued, "So it looks like some sort of Hero has decided to go on the warpath against the Dark Brotherhood. If his story is to be believed, he's alrady wiped them out. For my part, I say 'good riddance!'. But he's apparently linked me to them and thinks I'm the worst of the lot. He's on his way here, and if he really killed all the Dark Brotherhood, he's formidable."
"But Kitty, surely you weren't..."
"I was, Red." | |
| "An assassin? Kitty, I'm sorry, but if that is so I must tender my resignation immediately. I cannot abide any association with assassins," Ubergard responded with a resolute stance. |
| "I understand, and will accept Uber. But at least let me finish first. I was a member of the Dark Brotherhood. For about a month. I've always been very good at stealth and I was hoping they could teach me more. I lied to get into the group, but no one leaves the Dark Brotherhood. I did learn a bit more, but I was already better than they were anyway. Then they wanted me to go on an assignment. They sent me out with another assassin as training, but I knew I'd never murder anyone like that. Instead, I foiled the planned assassination and ran away. I've been running ever since. Fat lot of good it did, their target was killed the next night anyway."
"So, you never actually..."
"No. And it was stupid. But I was young and going through a Goth phase. I thought it would be cool. I was very, very wrong." | |
| "But how would the Brotherhood have connected you with the Tails?" Muz-Ra asked.
"I have no idea. But it doesn't matter how or why, the fact is that these two are coming, and they're not going to stop."
"What are you going to do?"
"I could run, I suppose. But it was so much easier to do when I didn't have any friends. Now... I don't think I want to do that." | |
| "You could appeal to the Jarl. Have him send guards?" suggested Ubergard.
"And have him fight the man who eliminated the Dark Brotherhood? Against a Khajiit who admittedly was a member? If he knew that, the Jarl would probably send guards to protect HIM!"
"Good point. And you're probably right. H has made serious inroads into the bigotry here in Whiterun, but THIS would turn that all around. H can't help either or his whole operation would be at risk." | |
| "No, I've either got to run, or stand my ground and hope I can reason with him."
"I'll stand with you, Kitty. I've known you long enough, I know you're no assassin," Muz-Ra said with a determined smile.
"Me too Kitty. After all you did for me, I will do what I can. I'm going to spend the day gathering some ingredients. I have some... interesting things to make," Shabhira decided.
"And what about you, Ubergard? I'll understand if you want to resign."
"I'm leaving," said the giantess, turning and walking away. | |