Sampson and Devilah #6
#7 of Sampson and Devilah
A Facefull of Sampson
In which Shabhira gets up close and personal with Sampson accidentally and leads the pair on a wild goose chase.
| "What about your husband?" asked the brave vigilante, shivering not from cold but embarrassment before the fire in nature's finest attire after his Ointment ordeal.
"Oh, he won't mind. He's been through that before. You're lucky though, he got the full dose! That trap you sprang just releases a focused spray. Your armor should even be fine after another hour's soak. Now you just sit there and let that ointment do it's job."
"Traps. I'm... not very good at traps."
"So I saw. You know, you're quite a specimen for a human, Mr. Sampson."
"Hey!" Sampson shouted and closed his legs. | |
| "Thickheaded, but in more ways than one," suggested Devilah in a whisper.
"So I also saw," smiled Shabhira. "You're a lucky girl!"
"Someday," said Devilah with a wistful glance at her man, "...someday".
"Oh, it's like that is it?"
Devilah nodded. | |
| "Well, so tell me, what's this quest you're on. Who is this Black Cat?"
"Ah, my nemesis. She is a demon, rejected even by the Dark Brotherhood. A purveyor of evil. Who knows how many lives she has snuffed out? I seek to rid the earth of her foul life!"
"I see... and where are you going to find her?"
"A haunt known as the Tails of the Khajiit, where she hides in plain sight. She now goes by the appellation 'Kitty'." | |
| "We met a man who has seen her," Sampson went on, "and lucky he is that he escaped with his life. She even had the audacity to pose for the smut rag openly! Oh her countenance and pride in her misdeeds will soon see an end!"
"I seem to recall you were particularly affronted by that picture of her rear. You seemed to study it quite closely," Devilah noted.
"I've committed that heinous image to memory. When I find her, no disguise shall deceive me."
"Not if you see her from behind I guess." | |
| Meanwhile Shabhira's mind was racing furiously behind her calm exterior.
"Ah, yes. Perhaps I can help you! This... Kitty. She left the Tails some time ago as I understand. My poor husband had the misfortune of meeting her before he met me. I understand she now lives in a castle near Markarth. I'm sure if you go there, they'll know how to direct you to her. She only just arrived recently and the new owner of a castle isn't likely to go unnoticed!" | |
| "Ma'am, you are a delight! But now I must be off! Come Devilah, there's no time to waste! Oh, but I have no coin to pay you with for your helpful information. Perhaps, Devilah, you would like to do her a favor as you have_so_ many others?"
Devilah looked to her fellow female Khajiit, "I... don't think she'd be interested."
"Then let us be off!" said the hero, striking his best heroic pose. The Black Cat awaits!" | |
| "Um..." Sabhira said as she found herself staring a bit too close at Sampson's manhood.
"Sampson... your armor?" Devilah pointed out.
"Oh!!! Sorry!!! Ma'am? Can I get my armor back?" | |
| Shabhira retrieved the metalwork from a tub of greenish water. "That should be sufficient. The leather bits will still have some lingering odor, but when you replace them they'll be fine. And you will replace them. I guarantee it."
And with that, the hero and his companion took leave of Shabhira. | |
| Three hours later FarSeer came home to an empty cabin. He soon found a note left on the table from his wife however that read:
Dear Lover,
That warrior and his 'supposed' servant are looking for Kitty and aim to kill her! I've GOT to go warn her. I'm worried about him, but I think Ubergard can handle him. But that Devilah worries me, there's something not right about her. I've pointed them to Markarth but at best that will only buy her a couple of days. Please don't follow me, you know Kitty still has feelings for you and I don't want to bring all that up again.
I've made you dinner, it's in the icebox. Don't bring your buddies in the house. I have traps set if more than two feet tread the floorboards. I'll be back in a few days. And don't forget to drink your vegetable puree. It's good for you.
Love, Kisses and that other thing I do...
Shabhira | |
| The werewolf sniffed the air and considered following, but decided his wife was usually right, and instead went to check the icebox. |