Sampson and Devilah #1
#1 of Sampson and Devilah
Starting a new story in Tails of the Khajiit universe. The INTENT at least is to be short and funny. Images will probably be less lewd than Sabhira's Daughter, though the actual text will probably be moreso. Probably around 10-20 posts to complete it, and I'm having a HELL of a good time writing it. Hope you have fun too!
| Author's Note: This one's going to be significantly different. It will be short, lighthearted and I'm having a hell of a good time writing it. In fact, I've probably already written 1/2 of the whole thing. Getting screenshots, unfortunately, takes more time. But I'm having such fun with it that I HAD to post what I have so far. Visually, it will likely be much less lewd than previous Tails. Textually (if that's a word) it will be worse. So it's closer to SFW to view, as long as they don't actually READ it. So consider this a taste of what's to come. Blatant references to ASOTIL and Evil Quill Weave from are blatant. Biblical references are also common, and yes, I think I'll probably be spending some quality time in hell for writing this.
...In those days there was no law in Skyrim; but every man did that which was right in his own eyes. Yet in those days arose a mighty hero, Sampson, who brought justice to the land. Riding down from the north he came, clad in shining armor and his mighty sword, Sword. Sampson, said to have the strength of ten men and the wisdom of Homer. | |
| Astride his trusty steed, Horse, he rode with his dark thoughts bent on a single quest. To rid the land of the guild known as the Dark Brotherhood. Beside him, his faithful companion, Devilah, her tail ever-twitching as she watched for danger with her keen cat-eyes. |
| Long had they striven to find the Lair of the accursed Brotherhood, until at last the hero had reached his quarry. All now lay dead within and the Brotherhood was defeated. At long last, justice had prevailed and the land would no more live in fear of the arrow in the night, the dagger in the back, the silent death of the Assassin. |
| "So, Sampson, now that you've killed all of the Brotherhood, I guess your vow of chastity is complete, right? What say we take Horse back to that river we crossed, tie her up and take a bath together?" asked the coyly undulating Khajiit.
"Indeed, the Brotherhood is vanquished. But the gore and charnel filth will take more than water to cleanse, I fear. For now, however, that must suffice. As to my vow... nay. Your virginity is safe from my earthly desires for yet a bit longer, good companion."
"WHAT? But dammit you said..." | |
| "Ah, Devilah, you still have much to learn. You did not comprehend the annals of the dread guild."
"I read them to you, you illiterate bastard," the furred one muttered under her breath.
"Nay, all have not yet been brought to my master, Justice. One remains, and that one the cleverest and most heinous of all. Her crimes must have reached the heavens, for even the vile Brotherhood rejected her. Of her it is said she was the most stealthy, the most cunning. She remains, oh devoted one. And while she takes breath in this world, my vow must remain. I must not lose an ounce of my manly strength to the temptations of the flesh, for all will be needed in the final battle." | |
| "Fucking hell."
"The Black Cat, as she was known to the Brotherhood. Khajiit born, as are you my dear servant. Yet while you have risen above your bestial nature to become pristine and virtuous, her path lay not upwards but down into the depths of depravity. Alas, the tome was unclear as to her dark destiny, hinting only at some mysterious document known as the Tails of the Khajiit. We must continue our quest, dear Devilah, until we rid the world of this final Evil."
"Goddammit, and I'd bought oil and toys and everything..." the Khajiit complained forlornly. | |