Sabhira's Daughter #52

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#60 of Tails of the Khajiit

Acceptable Resolution.

| The night passed slowly for Kitty. While it was obvious that Muz-Ra and Udaran were sleeping fitfully after their first close-encounter with an active werewolf, she wasn't sleeping at all. Fright was not her problem. Though it was every bit as traumatic as the first time, the sight of FarSeer in his altered form was no longer a new experience. She'd already been through that days ago. The first of the morning birds had begun their annoying trill outside in the pre-dawn trees when Shabhira crept back in, as silently as possible, and reeking of love to a Khajiit nose. | image | | Their eyes locked then when Shabhira realized that Kitty was still awake. Shabhira looked away somewhat shamefully, then with a sigh she gestured for Kitty to follow her back outside. This was bound to happen, and even Kitty had no idea how she felt about it herself. But she rose and followed Shabhira out quietly. On the porch, Ubergard had begun snoring again after Shabhira's return so they walked farther away before they spoke. Kitty was embarrassed to find herself shaking with emotion. She'd intended to be cool about this, but her body was betraying her. | image | | Shabhira was the first to break the silence. "So... I guess we need to talk."

Kitty nodded. "Sometimes I wish I were human. These Khajiit noses sense too much."

"I know it. Yes, FarSeer and I... well. Just yes. We did."

Kitty didn't need the confirmation, but it helped to know where she stood. "He didn't take long to get over me I guess!" | image | | Shabhira knew better than to point out that Kitty had, in effect, dumped FarSeer. It didn't matter. Instead, she remained silent.

"Not as a werewolf surely?" Kitty looked at her rival.

"Oh no. In fact, that was one of my discoveries tonight. The beast form has no genitalia. I suppose it wouldn't need it. The host form provides that function."

Kitty nodded, not really caring. | image | | "Can you forgive me, Kitty? I'd really like to remain friends if that were possible."

"I forgive you, but I'll never be your friend. I can NOT be your enemy though. If I were thinking dispassionately, I'd be glad he found someone... compatible. I'd be happy for you too. You're practically made for each other. But I'm not dispassionate. Right now I hate you. I hate you both. Passionately," Kitty said, trembling visibly as she said it and hating herself for doing so.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean..." | image | | "The hell you didn't!" Kitty shouted. "THE HELL YOU DIDN'T! I'm a female too you know. You knew damn well what you were doing!"

Shabhira backed down. "Ok. I did. I won't lie and say I'm sorry it happened, because I'm not. But I am sorry to have hurt you. I wish I could have avoided that."

Kitty looked away, trying to calm her anger. Justified or not, it wouldn't help this situation.

"I'm sorry too Shabhira. You're a good person, I know. I'm just hurting right now and you're the only target around for me to scratch." | image | | Some time passed before Kitty spoke up again. "It helps to know it was you, Shabhira. Really it does. It's like a sharp needle through my heart instead of a jagged saw. It still hurts like hell, but I know it could be a lot worse."

"Can I hug you, Kitty?"

"I know you mean well, but no. Your arms have held him. It would remind me too much. But don't worry. I'm not your friend, and never will be. But I don't hate you. I just wish I were you. How do you stand it? The wolf form I mean? You didn't even flinch! Dammit, you fucking plucked it's FUR out!" | image | | Shabhira smiled weakly. "'His'," she corrected. "'HIS fur out.' You know, I've seen a lot. A lot of very ugly things, bad things... even dead things. It's part of what I do. The werewolf form, it's pretty scary. But scary is a relative thing. I've seen worse. When you've seen people you know wracked by disease... death. You learn to see beyond the form to what lies within. FarSeer was within. The form doesn't matter."

"Sure as hell mattered to me!"

"Again, it's experience."

Kitty sighed, "Well, I guess we'd better get back. Dawn's coming and it's going to be a long walk tomorrow... TODAY I guess." | image | | "Kitty, that's another thing..."

Kitty looked back at Shabhira. "What?"

"I'm not going with you."


"I'm staying... with FarSeer."

"And he's good with this?"

Shabhira nodded, not looking at Kitty.

"Damn, you two really DO move fast! And the gold?" | image | | Shabhira stepped close to Kitty. "Kitty... it's yours."

Kitty looked up uncomprehending.

"I'm giving it all to you, Kitty. You gave up FarSeer because you knew you wouldn't be happy together. Before he even met me. You risked your life to find me, and you didn't even know my mother! You've gone through hell for others, Kitty. I don't need it - you've given me a new life with FarSeer, and that's worth far more than gold. Besides, we're people of the wild. We have no use for gold."

Kitty's eyes grew wide. "Really? You mean it?"

"Yes Kitty. ALL of it."

"Damn Shabhira, you do make it hard to not be friends," Kitty choked out. "I'm not immune to gold, I'm afraid. Oh dammit, give me that hug." | image | | The two hugged then and, if all wasn't right with the world, at least it was reasonably acceptable.

On the other side of the valley, a pair of eyes glittered. A distance that would have suggested only two vague shapes to anyone else, was like nothing to those eyes. The brain behind them couldn't have been happier as it watched them walk back into the cabin. Not hand-in-hand, but close enough. Acceptable. | image |

Sabhira's Daughter #51

| "Ubergard! Glad to see you, we were getting worried about you!" Udaran said when the big Argonian entered. "FarSeer? What on earth are you doing here? And what are you wearing?!" "Hi Sis! Long story. But we're starving! Catch anything?" "No....

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Sabhira's Daughter #50

| "Whoever the owner is, he's awfully small. I can't wear anything but his underwear!" FarSeer commented after rifling through the wardrobe. "But then I guess thieves can't be choosers, right?" "Oh don't worry about that," Udaran replied. "I'll make...

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Sabhira's Daughter #49

| "Shabhira? Is that..." FarSeer asked. "Yup, that's her. Sabhira's daughter," answered Kitty distractedly. "She's quite unexpectedly resourceful for a prostitute!" "She wasn't. She sort of functioned as their doctor of sorts though." |...

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