The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Specimen 224

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stuff is Copyrighted now too so no plagiarism please. If you want to use it just ask, I don't mind sharing at all as long as I get credit for my stuff. I'm not selfish or egocentric.

The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War

Specimen No. 224

By William W. Kelso

Prior to invading the Karn first needed to run a series of experiments on the various animal life of the chosen planet in order to decide what types of hybrids to create for the intelligent livestock they would require to assist the colonists when they arrived to claim their new world. These experiments would take place over a period of several years as the Karn, if anything, were very patient.

This is where I come in, my name used to be Samuel, Sam for short. I was one of the very first human "specimens" collected by one of the probes assigned to collect higher life forms, including specimens of the dominant intelligent life form. I never even saw, or heard the probe, as it was so completely camouflaged it was undetectable. I was driving down an isolated country road when the engine to my car died for no apparent reason. When I got out to take a look to see if I could find the problem I suddenly felt like I'd been hit by and electric spark, there was a loud pop and I and passed out. After it stunned me the collection unit quickly extruded a clear bubble like capsule that swallowed me and then conformed to the shape of my body. It took me to the main probe and I was loaded onboard and placed inside a storage compartment for live specimens. After collecting me it also gathered an assortment of animals from a nearby farm which would turn out to have major consequences for me. Having filled its storage compartment the probe then proceeded back to the mother ship to unload its cargo of living creatures.

After I was stunned I didn't remember anything until I woke up on board the alien mother ship in one of their laboratories where I was to be "examined and evaluated" to see how I, and the rest of humanity, could be of use to our new masters. Of course I had no idea of what had happened, or even where I was when I woke up. I was in a small featureless room AND I was completely naked. Of course that was pretty unsettling to start with. The room was clean & spotless in an antiseptic kind of way and I was lying on a mattress or pad in a kind of alcove or large shelf recessed in one wall. The pad was soft, but wasn't made from cloth or any other material I could identify except maybe a kind of plastic. It seemed to be part of the shelf itself and so far as I could tell it had been extruded from the shelf, there was no seam or way of removing it. It had no underside, no way to move or flip it over. There were no light fixtures, or even a visible door. The light seemed to come from everywhere and was fairly dim. After poking around the room uselessly, I finally sat down on the "mattress" to think about what the HELL was going on! You can imagine the kind of thoughts going through my head. Being nude was pretty bad, but at least there didn't seem to be any cameras or anything looking at me. WHO had kidnapped me I worried, and WHY? I was certainly not worth much for ransom, I was just a part time mechanic at a second rate auto shop for Christ sake! Some sort of secret Govt. program, some sex pervert, aliens?? At that point I had no way of knowing anything. It was a truly unnerving feeling.


When Specimen 224 had woken the monitors in the "holding pen" had alerted the AI unit that controlled the laboratory. The AI unit in turn notified the scientist assigned to "evaluate" the specimen. The Narg scientist then turned on a monitor to observe the specimens actions. He watched as the specimen, a male, explored the cell as best it could until it finally sat down. His instruments recorded that the specimen's normal biological patterns were raised from distress and fear and also that it was thirsty. The scientist gave an order to the system, and watched to see what would the reaction would be.

The crew of the mother ship were five foot tall rat like creatures called the Narg. They stood upright on powerful hind legs, had four fingers on each hand, and large heads with four eyes. They had smooth bluish fur, and long prehensile tails. They were nude except for their equipment belts. Their nudity was of no notice though as they were neuters, neither male nor female as they were clones created solely to crew ships for their masters. Their own race had been conquered by the Karn thousands of years ago and they no longer even had any memory of having been anything other than servants of their masters. It had been found that neuter clones made more efficient crews for the long voyages. Without any physical distractions like mating, or even attractions between members of the same sex, they tended to perform their duties much more efficiently. For them sex was a concept only. They understood it, but could never imagine what it was like. They were merely clones, servants of their Masters. They lived their entire lives onboard the ship. They would not actually land on the planet. Their function was to prepare the way for the colonists. When this planet had been prepared they would move on to the next.


I didn't hear anything, but next time I looked up a bulge had extruded from the wall and formed a kind of basin or sink, and there was fresh water in it. I hadn't really realized how thirsty I had become, so I approached the "sink" for a closer look. It was full of clear water, but there was no faucet or drain, just the sink. There was no cup provided so I just used my hand to cup the water and drink it. It was sweet and pure. Of course it could have been poisoned, but I figured that whomever had grabbed me wasn't going to go to all that trouble just to poison me. The cool water helped to calm me down a little, but also made me mad about what had been done to me. "Hey, I yelled, what the FUCK is going on! What do you want, whoever you are?"


The Narg scientist noted the calming effect of the water, and also the loud noises of obvious irritation the specimen made shortly after. It knew the specimen was intelligent, so assumed the sounds were speech, but that was of no consequence. Next the scientist gave an order for the system to extrude a waste receptacle as since the specimen was intelligent it would most likely use it. Had it been an animal the cage floor would just have absorbed the waste. It also had the system extrude a feeding receptacle, which would fill with a nutritious paste at regular intervals. Then it set the system to monitor, and turned to other duties for awhile. It had several other specimens also requiring evaluation, but Specimen 224 would receive extra attention since it was a member of the planets only intelligent species.


Again I heard nothing at all, but next time I looked up there were two more protrusions that looked like sinks sticking out of the wall. I went over to take a look. One was obviously a toilet or something as water was swirling out of the sides, seemingly right out of the material, and it was shaped so it would be comfortable to sit on. The other one was filled with some sort of thick yucky looking goo, but it smelled pretty good. I ain't going to EAT that though, or so I thought. I also noticed the first "sink" was filled to the brim with water again. It took me a while to work up my courage, but eventually I DID eat the goo as I got hungry. It did smell good, and it really wasn't half bad tasting, kind of like some kind of fruit paste. I also, rather embarrassed, used the "toilet" and I had guessed right because all of the waste quickly disappeared, and the "toilet" remained clean with no odor.


The Narg scientist spent as much time as possible observing the specimen or checking recordings of its activities and reactions. The recordings not only included its physical reactions but also levels and types of mental activities. In addition to observing the specimen the scientist also had examined and reviewed the known history of its species, its relation to the rest of animals on the planet, and a million other important observations. In time the data was entered into the AI Unit along with the data on thousands of other species and other necessary data. After over an hour (our time), which was incredibly long for the laboratory AI Unit, it made its decisions and notified the Narg scientists of the recommended modifications or "hybridizations" to be made to various life forms in order to best aid in colonizing the planet.

These modifications included many different kinds of hybridizations for the one intelligent species. It was decided that certain species would be "melded" with others to produce new hybrids that would be much more beneficial to the requirements and needs of the Karn colonists then the original or "natural" animals. These changes would not only be physical but mental as well. The new hybrids would require a minimum of care, would not require any (or minimal) clothing or other coverings, would be strong and suited to hard work and other functions, and would not need special feed other than that readily available. In addition their life spans would be extended, the older ones would undergo revere aging to increase their period of usefulness, and their immune and healing systems would be improved so they would need a minimum of veterinary care. But most importantly their higher brain functions would be greatly reduced depending on the stage of hybridization. Most would become non-aggressive herbivores with the docile tendencies of the lesser animal donors. They would become easily domesticated intelligent livestock. The fewer carnivores would be used as watch guards, trackers, and for other assorted functions. Some would undergo further training to see if they would make good soldiers. They would all be much more useful and beneficial in their new forms. They would provide the colonist with available cheap disposable labor. They would breed true and their offspring would continue to serve their new masters forever.

The way this would be accomplished was through the use of special "mutagen" viruses, each one specially tailored to perform a certain hybrid transformation of the infected host. The artificial viruses would attach themselves to the DNA of the "infected" specimen and slowly and completely alter and reform the DNA into the new pattern and with it the physical form of the specimen. In this way the specimen would essentially become a whole new hybrid species. They would breed true. If the viruses worked as planned they would be manufactured in large enough quantities to infect the whole population of the same species on the planet with many different strains in order to produce a broad range of new hybrids with specialized functions.


Of course I was completely unaware of all of this. I still had no idea where the heck I was, why, or what was going on. But I must admit I was starting to think maybe some aliens HAD abducted me, this place was just so weird. So far as I knew no one on Earth had any doorless rooms that could grow sinks and toilets from the wall. I'm glad that at the point I had no idea what was going to be done to me. Not that I could have done anything about it anyway. I wasn't sure how long I had been here but it was a long time, and the worst was the boredom as there was nothing to do! About this time I started getting very sleepy, so with a yawn I laid down on the "mattress" to get some sleep. I had no reason to suspect the next "day" would be any different from the others.


The scientist observed the specimen while the viral injections were being prepared. When he received word they were ready he had a mild sleeping gas pumped into the cell. As soon as the specimen had fallen asleep he initiated the first of a series of treatments. The Narg scientist then set the monitors and left to attend to other duties. He did not stay to watch the infusion procedure as he had seen it hundreds of times. If there were any unexpected problems the AI unit would inform him immediately.

As Specimen 224 lay sleeping on the "bed" a serious of probes, tubes, and monitoring attachments extruded from both the surface and roof of the sleeping chamber. Carefully and gently they attached themselves to various parts of the specimens body. The first one administered a combination of drugs which would keep the specimen unconscious and cooperative. Other probes then attached themselves to various parts of the specimens body, these would monitor any reactions and report any problems to the scientist and AI Unit. Finally a clear soft and malleable tube extruded from the roof and slid over the specimens penis, it then conformed to, and made an airtight seal around the organ. Another similar tube extended from the mattress and attached itself to the specimens anus and also made an airtight seal. These tubes would remove wastes during the first treatment which would last several days. A final clear tube lowered itself from the ceiling and gently penetrated the specimens mouth and slid down its throat, it would provide nutrients and additional air. The specimen slept soundly, totally unaware of what was happening to it.

When the scientist returned later he checked the recordings and observed the results of the procedure with satisfaction, it was flawless as always. Now that the specimen was totally incapacitated and had been prepared the scientist sent the final command to start the first of a series of injections. It watched as several tubes extruded and attached themselves to the males arms and legs at major veins and then pumped different fluids into its system. One was the mutagen virus, the others were proteins, enzymes, nutrients and other supplements my system would need during the transformation. When that was finished the Narg set the system to monitor again and turned its attention to other similar ongoing "projects". Every few hours it would make routine checks until the procedure was complete. If there were any complications the AI Unit would inform him.

For ten days the specimen lay on the "bed", the various probes and tubes attached to its body performing their functions perfectly. Periodically other tubes would emerge and inject it with more infusions. During this time the specimen mostly slept, but once it started to groggily awake and began to feel pain and discomfort. It had begun to thrash weakly and make sounds of pain. Immediately the AI had detected the specimen was starting to wake up so more drugs were injected and it had fallen back into a deep sleep. The AI realized the specimen was developing resistance to the sleeping drug so accordingly increased the dosage to prevent any similar premature awakening. This was not unusual so it did not bother to inform the scientist.

During the first ten day stage of its transformation the specimen was starting to undergo noticeable physical changes, fairly minor at this early stage but still noticeable. While some of these were visible others were taking place to the internal organs and other systems as well as the brain and nervous system. Finally after ten days had passed the monitors did a final scan and concluded the first treatment had been satisfactorily accomplished. Then the AI Unit sent a message to the scientist, "Specimen #224, First treatment completed, results successful. Scheduled for second treatment in one week unless different instructions received".

The scientist noticed the message right away and issued the proper command to the system to release the specimen from maintenance mode and allow it to awaken and have freedom of its cell. The scientist then watched as the various tubes and probes were removed from the specimen and absorbed back into the cells floor & ceiling. The specimen remained asleep, but would wake up naturally soon. The scientist did a final scan of the specimen, and noted with satisfaction that all the required physical changes had been successful, and scheduled the specimen for the next treatment. It also programmed the system to pump a calming agent gas into the cage if the specimen became agitated or violent as sometimes happened when an intelligent species realized what was happening to it.


With a deep gasping breath of air I suddenly woke up, and for some reason I felt like I had bugs or cobwebs all over me, and flailed around trying to brush them off. But there was nothing, just vague disturbing memories. With a moan because I felt sore all over, I sat up and held my head in my hands. God, I have a headache from hell I thought. I also realized I was very thirsty and hungry, and I could smell the "goo" that my unknown jailers had been feeding me for the whole time I had been here. I had no idea it had been ten days since I was last awake. I stood up and stumbled a little as I felt kind of off balance, and walked over to the "sinks". I reached down to cup some water and froze, looking at my arms and hands in puzzlement, then disbelief, and then in growing horror. My arms were completely covered with dark brown hair, or fur, or something, and the palms of my hands had turned a dark brown color! What in the HELL! I thought. Then I started noticing the rest of "my" body! Omigod Ohmigod I thought, what what what??? Not only my arms, but my whole body was covered with the "hair", it was dark brown everywhere except on my chest and lower abdomen where it was thinner and a lighter brown/tan color instead. And I also quicklynoticed what was making me wobbly and unsteady on my feet, my toes had partially grown together! My three small toes had grown into single lumps, as had my two bigger toes, and my toenails had grown together over them. With growing horror I ran my hands over the parts of my body I couldn't see and was shocked to find that my ears had grown out and become pointed and were covered in "hair" too, and that my upper and lower jaws now bulged noticeably out from my face. And most disturbing of all, my genitals were much larger then before. Embarrassingly so! "Oohhh GOD!" I moaned, what the HELL was going on, what was happening to me? I let out a scream and kicked at the walls of the cell, it was the only thing I could do, there wasn't even a door to kick at! "God Damn you I screamed, what have you DONE to me you mother fuckers!! What have you DONE to me!!" By then the system monitors noted by unrest & agitated state and pumped in the calming gas. Of course I didn't know why, but I quickly calmed down and it didn't seem to bother me as much for some reason even though I was still sick to my soul at what I had become. A monster, a freak! With a final loud sobbing moan I realized again how hungry and thirsty I was and

moved to the sinks and satisfied my appetite and thirst. After that, feeling sore and worn out I went back to the "bed" and laid down and went to sleep. For several days after that I did little more than eat, sleep, and relieve myself in a kind of daze. There was nothing else to do! Every time I woke up I would remember and see what had happened and freak out again but quickly calm down as it just didn't seem to matter that much anymore. To say I got used to it is a lie, but at least I came to accept it as fact. But most of all I wondered Why? WHY?


The scientist came back to check the monitors at regular intervals to ascertain the specimens current status and found everything to be satisfactory. As had been expected there had been some adverse mental reactions by the specimen from its initial awareness of the changes, but nothing out of the ordinary. The monitors ahd pumped a calming agent into the cell and the specimen had quickly became calm. Already the initial mental conditioning was starting to take effect. Had anything unexpected occurred the AI would have informed the scientist immediately. Needing to move on to other projects, the Narg authorized the second treatment and left.

Shortly after Specimen 224 went to sleep a few days later the various probes and tubes emerged and connected themselves to him again, and again the specimen fell into a deep chemically induced sleep. This time the system kept the dose correct and the specimen never started to wake up again. Then the next series of infusions was started. Over a period of several days the specimens body continued to change and transform, this time the changes becoming were much more noticeable and pronounced. As the specimen slept its body slowly contorted and forced itself into new shapes. When the second treatment was over the tubes and probes detached again and the specimen was allowed to wake up.

The scientist checked the monitor readouts with a cursory glance and as it had expected everything was proceeding as planned with no problems. He had received notification from the AI Unit that the second treatment on Specimen #224 had been completed and was successful. After a few routine checks the scientist authorized the third treatment to begin as scheduled in several days. Then it set the system to monitor and left to pursue other duties. It was a busy time. Even when things were going smoothly that didn't mean you could take a break. The Narg served their masters well.


I woke up with the same strange feeling of being wrapped in cobwebs or something, and again flailed about mindlessly for a few moments. Ohh God I thought, another day as a freak! I was ravenous, so I stood up to move over to the sinks to drink and eat and then realized I no longer felt wobbly or unsteady. I looked down at my "feet", and sat down again in disbelief. NO! My feet were gone! No, not gone, they had become HOOVES! And my legs were different too, shaped differently and more muscular. My knees bent the wrong way now and it looked like was standing on the balls of my feet, no, hooves! Oh God! I thought, and looked at the rest of myself in horror. The "hair" or fur had become much thicker and I could no longer see any bare skin anywhere, and I suddenly realized I was sitting on something, and with a shaking hand I reached back behind me, and found a short TAIL protruding from the base of my spine!

I jumped up a scream that sounded strange and garbled, and started feeling my head and face "Noooo", I whimpered! My ears were longer and hairier, and the bulge to my jaws was much more pronounced and had spread to my whole FACE! Next I looked down in horror between my legs and my genitals were not really human anymore. My testicles were again larger, and my penis hung limp and flaccid and at least seven or eight inches long! I ran my hands over myself and found that a ridge of long coarse hair had sprouted on the back of my head and ran part way down the back of my neck. It itched! "Nooo" I moaned, this CAN'T be real! I must be going insane! They're giving me some sort of drug to make me hallucinate. I tried to scream again, but it came out as more of a guttural grunting noise. What's wrong with me? I tried to say something again but my tongue seemed to be too big for my mouth, and the words came out mangled & slurred and I could hardly even understand myself. What I tried to say was, "NO this can't be happening", but it sounded more like "NU, thus kant bae huppuning!" In horror I put my hands over my MUZZLE and felt my large sensitive nose with large flaring nostrils and realized I could see the end of my "face" now. With a grunting sob I crammed my fingers inside my mouth and found that my teeth had become large & square on both jaws with no signs of canine teeth, and my tongue felt too large and thick for my mouth. "NUUUUH!" I said. "NUUUUH!" with tears rolling down my "face". I sat down on the bed again being careful not to sit on my, oh God, tail! I stared at the wall for awhile and sobbed in self pity and loathing. Finally intense hunger and thirst made me get up and go over to the sinks to feed myself. I tried to scoop up water and "goo" with my hands, but couldn't seem to get much into my mouth that way. I licked at my hands, but most of the water just splashed out. I finally realized I could drink, and eat better by just sticking my muzzle into the sinks and sucking and scooping the food and water out with my tongue. Oh God, just like an animal I realized.

After I had calmed down a little I took another shuddering, but closer, look at what I had become. Omigod I realized, I'm part Horse, or Pony, or something. There's no doubt about it. The hoofs, the large blunt muzzle, the mane on the back of head and neck. And, Oh God, my genitals are equine too! I thought, WHY the hell would anyone, or anything, want to do this horrible thing to me! Turn me into an unnatural freak? Neither one animal or another! And, I also suddenly thought in terror, is it OVER? Are they going to change me all the way into a horse, a human mind stuck in an animal's body?

Over the next several days I struggled with what had happened to me, what I had become. I had a couple of more tantrums, but they didn't last long. As soon as I had one I calmed down very quickly for some reason and went to eat as I was ravenous all the time now. I enjoyed sticking my muzzle in the trough and scooping the "goo" into my mouth and chewing and swallowing it. It tasted so good! It had gotten thicker and how had crunchy bits in it. I was still horribly aware of what had happened to me, but also part of me had come to accept it. But I still didn't understand WHY?? I wanted to ask someone that question so badly, anyone!


The Narg checked the readouts and was pleased to see the specimen had accepted his new condition much sooner, and with less fuss, then the previous treatments results. He seemed content to rest and eat and no longer paced the cell in an agitated mood or had violent reactions as he had at first. It was obvious the lesser animals donor genes were having an effect as he was much more docile now. Very pleased with the results the scientist checked the readouts one final time and left to pursue other duties. The third and final treatment was designed to start in a few hours and he would not return until it was complete. After the final change some more tests would be administered and if successful, as he felt sure they would be, the viral strain used on Specimen #224 would be authorized for mass production.

The AI monitoring the procedures on the specimens initiated the last treatment for Specimen 224 as scheduled. The sleeping agent was administered and once the specimen was asleep the various tubes, monitors, and probes attached themselves once again and began to administer the final infusion. And again the specimen writhed helplessly as its body underwent more changes, both external and internal. But one major difference was an increased flow of special nutrients increasing its size and mass considerably. The body became much more muscular and powerful, the head much larger and the neck thicker and longer. The tail lengthened as did the mane. The reproductive organs also enlarged and a sheath formed which would contain most of the length of the enlarged penis when it was flaccid. After the mass and body size had increased to approx 1200lbs the AI unit made a final scan and determined the third, and final, treatment had been a complete success. It terminated the treatment and ended the maintenance mode on Specimen #224 and notified the scientist the specimen was ready for final evaluation and testing. The various attachments removed themselves from the still sleeping body of the specimen and withdrew. The specimen was left to its own devices for several days.


I woke with a snort and realizing I was uncomfortable I sat up and hit my head on the top of the sleeping cubicles ceiling. With a surprised squeal I stood up and rubbed my head. I was hungry so went over to the feeding stations and was happy to find some oats and bundles of what smelled like hay but looked funny. Happily I gorged on the delicious feed as I had never been so hungry before, grunting in pleasure as I shoveled the food into my mouth with my tongue. I knew something had happened to me, but couldn't understand what it was anymore so just ignored it. It was easier than trying to think. I couldn't concentrate on anything anyway. After the feed was all gone I drank most of the cool water and then looked around. There wasn't anything to do so I just locked my legs and dozed standing up. It never even occurred to me to try and lay down in the sleeping alcove again, and anyway it would have been very uncomfortable due to my size and body shape.


The Narg scientist checked the readouts on Specimen #224 over the next several days. After the final treatment there had been no more incidents of agitation or violence. The specimen was quite docile and seemed perfectly content to sleep and eat. It was apparent the destruction of most of the higher brain functions had been successful and the specimen's mind was largely that of the donor animals now. It would always be smarter than the "natural" animal, but not by much. Just enough to make it a better performing draft animal. The monitors and probes had already determined the hybrid would be capable of easily performing the function for which it had been created. However there was one final test the system could not perform without the assistance of another specimen, or in this case, specimens. The Narg ordered the AI to perform the final test in a few days time.


It was another "day" like the last several and I had just eaten a lovely meal of hay and mash, washed down by cool water. It made me sleepy and I was leaning against the wall dozing. Suddenly I heard a new sound and felt a change in the room's air pressure. Coming alertly awake I looked and pointed my ears in the direction of the noise. There was hole forming in the middle of the wall, it was slowly getting larger, from the middle outwards. This was new! With an unsure snort I backed away nervously, spooked and skittish. The hole kept getting larger and when the edge finally met the floor the hole flattened out and became a door.

The air pressure equalized and air started to flow into my cell instead of leaving it. I caught a scent I had never smelled before, and instantly every nerve and sense in my body and mind were at full awareness! The scent was spicy and musky, intense and concentrated and it was the most delicious thing I had ever smelled! I was so entrapped and enthralled by the heavenly scent that I didn't even notice I was becoming aroused until I felt my penis start sliding out of its sheath. " Uhuhuh uhhuhhh" I grunted, and looked down at myself. My penis was fully extended and rigid and my loins were throbbing with need! My cock was at least a good twenty four inches long where it emerged from my sheath, and thick and massive. As I watched a thick pre began to dribble from the head. I threw my head back and snuffled at the air as I stamped one of my hooves. Then another puff of air from the new corridor brought a fresh whiff of the scent, and without any more hesitation I squealed and left my cell and began to trot down the corridor, my head thrown back with my flared nostrils drinking in that lovely enticing scent as much as they could. "Urrrr huhhuhhuh" I grunted as I moved down the corridor. The corridor was not very long and soon I entered another plain, but larger room. The source of the heavenly scent was immediately apparent to me. It was a female mule, a Jenny, in full blown estrus. I stood frozen and snuffled the air, then gave a deep grunt and approached her. I could not refuse that need, both her own and mine. I slipped into full blown rut without even realizing what was happening. By now my penis was dribbling a constant flow of semen and my shaft was wet and slick. The Jenny had known I was coming as she had smelled my male musk and had become more excited as she scented my own rising heat as I went into rut. I began to court her to let her know my interest and intentions. I stamped my hooves and gave deep soft grunts and knickers of lust. If she was bothered by the fact that I was walking upright and had arms instead of forelegs she didn't show any sign of it at all. She let out a guttural squeal of lust and need of her own and lifted her tail for me. I could not have hesitated another second if my life depended on it. I approached her and realized just how much larger I was now. My waist was almost on the same level as her rump, so compatibility would be NO problem. As I got closer I put my muzzle a few inches from her hot swollen dripping vagina, it was wet and soaked in her pheromone laced sexual fluids. I sucked in a final lungful of her marvelous musk and with a deep guttural Whinny I mounted her, guiding my aching cock into her ready willing sex. In a lust induced daze I watched as the head of my penis penetrated her lips and then let out another Whinny of equine ecstasy as I penetrated and slid into her embrace! With a few powerful thrusts I achieved full penetration and pinned her rump between my powerful thighs gripping her in front of her hind legs with my clumsy three fingered hands.

I grunted and squealed in agonizing ecstasy as I covered and serviced the Jenny. The animal mind was in total control, but my strangely subdued human mind was enjoying it just as much. I energetically humped her with powerful thrusts giving guttural snorts and moans every time I thrust back into her. She answered with brays and squeals of her own. I had never imagined that sex could be like this! I had NEVER been so aroused before, it was a new state of existence I couldn't began to describe. Deep down in my mind a small part of me was concerned by what was happening, that this was wrong somehow. But more important was the part of me that was buried to the hilt in a hot slick juicy vagina that didn't want to let me go! Even as a massive orgasm racked my body and I bellowed in release and pleasure I realized I wasn't finished yet, and I knew she wanted more too. An animal would have finished now, but there was enough human left in me to want to prolong this unbelievably intense sexual pleasure. I leaned further over and gently bit her on her mane to help pin her. I don't know how long I copulated with the Jenny, but I know each orgasm was as pleasurable as the last. From her own squeals of sexual ecstasy I knew she had enjoyed it as much as I had. Finally with a deep grunt of satisfaction I came for the fourth time then dismounted from her, my huge cock sliding free of her vagina with a loud "slucking" sound and followed by a flow of both our sexual fluids. I stood leaning against her side gently nibbling at her ears and mane while we made made soft contented grunting noises. I was allowed to stay with her for another day and we mated several more times and each time was just as good as the first. Then the next day when I woke up she was gone and I was alone again.

For several more days this routine repeated itself. A hole would open in the wall of my cell and I would become aware of the scent of a new female in estrus and would join her in larger room and we would mate repeatedly. My mates were Jenny's, mares, or even Donkeys. Each time it was a heady combination of equine and human, the frantic energetic coupling of a stallion in rut tempered by the human desire to increase and lengthen the act of servicing the female. I could ride a mare or Jenny for up to an hour bringing her and myself to several gut-wrenching orgasms of agonizing ecstasy. I no longer worried or cared about what I had become, as long as I had this it was all that mattered to me. I went on until within a very short period of time I have been mated with ten mares or Jennies and achieved multiple matings with each. Had my intelligence been intact I might have realized that was not normal for even an equine stud. But I didn't realize, and would no longer have even understood, that the main function my masters had created me for was a breeding stud, and they had increased my capability and desire for sex many times over the norm for man or horse.


The Narg supervisor finished watching the recording of Specimen #224's sexual performance and turned to the scientist in charge of the experiment.

"I'm no expert on the larger animals of this planet, but that was very um, impressive."

"Oh yes, said the scientist, one of the major modifications was an increase in the males capability, and desire, to service as many females as possible in the shortest period of time. He is quite capable of servicing many more females before becoming sexually fatigued but we did not want to strain him. His performance will improve greatly over time. At his peak he should be capable of servicing up to one female an hour for up to fourteen hours a day. He will always be ready to respond instantly to, and service, any female presented to him. His loins produce many times the normal amounts of sperm and other sexual fluids and he will not suffer from post-coupling fatigue like most males. He is quite insatiable. He is actually addicted to the sexual pleasure and experiences levels of pleasure many times that of the animal donor. This modification was made so the number of breeding studs could be reduced, which would be more cost effective. He is meant to breed mainly draft animals. The majority of his male off-spring will be gelded, only the best colts will kept for breeding. From our post mating tests all the females are pregnant, so the experiment is a complete success!"

"Excellent, said the supervisor, our Masters will be pleased. Initiate the immediate production of this strain of the mutagen virus. It will be deployed with the other mutagens we have chosen in two weeks time. Then in six weeks time after the viruses have run their course the colonists can land and start the colonization process to prepare the planet for our Masters. We already have another assignment to prepare another planet for colonization so must leave as soon as we are finished here.


It's been several years now, since the "Invasion", and I was returned to the Earth after several months. I live on an old race horse ranch that the colonizers are using for the original purpose it was intended, to breed prime live stock. The only other hybrids on the ranch are other equines. I know my kind are bred mainly for manual labor, but it doesn't bother me. The Karn keep science to a minimum, and so use manual labor whenever possible instead of machines. Many of the nautral equines pull wagons and do pretty much what they've always done. The biped hybrids like myself also pull wagons, but they also do more skilled manual labor and perform other easy routine tasks. The drafts pull the heavy wagons, Ponies are mainly limited to hacks and other light carts, and the Donkeys are our handlers and teamsters. They care for and supervise us and drive the wagons. I have seen female hybrids, mares and Jennies, but I am bred exclusively with natural equines to produce the large draft hybrids. I am classified as a Stage 4 Human/Equine Hybrid, Male, Function: breeding stud.

There are many kinds of different hybrids that have replaced the human race with the exception of very few rare survivors. The vast majority accepted their new lives as intelligent animals, more than animals but less then slaves. Well, that's not entirely true. Some humans proved to be resistant to the mutagen viruses or were protected until the viruses died out, and are conducting limited guerrilla warfare with the help of some hybrids, or they are just hiding, but it is only a matter of time until they are all captured or killed. The Karn and their slave races are very good at what they do.

But I don't care about that, or that my planet was invaded and colonized without one shot being fired in its defense. I'm one of the prime studs on the ranch and have my own stall and Donkey attendant to take care of me. Every day I'm taken to the breeding barn to service the mares and Jenny's brought here for that purpose, and occasionally a Donkey too. My normal quota is twelve or more a day, but I wish it was more. I live for the sex and agonizing ecstasy of copulating with my mates. I service each one for forty-five minutes to an hour, and have four to six orgasms before I'm temporarily satisfied. Then a short time later it's on to the next impatient female. Sometimes I feel a small itch in the back of my mind, mainly when I'm sleeping or dozing, that says I was once something different, but I don't care anymore as I'm perfectly happy with where, and what, I am now.

I am a Stage 4 hybrid, the Karn took my higher brain functions and most of my human intelligence when they transformed me into an animal. Stage 4's can no longer read or write, cannot read a clock, and have no concept of time. Of all the hybrids we are the closest to pure animals. My attention span is concentrated solely on the females brought to me for my services. By equine standards I'm average, by human I'm retarded with only the mind of a dull five year old. All Stage 4's are like this, they are meant to be only draft animals and have no need of intelligence to perform that function. I am lucky in that I was chosen to be a stud and my life is easy, but I'm not even aware of that, and the unending sexual ecstasy keeps me from ever wondering about anything else just as my Masters intended.



The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Robert the Pony

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War Robert the Pony By William W. Kelso My name is Robert and I was a premed student at Baylor University when the Karn invaded. Like most other people who survived...

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The Reluctant Incubus, #4

This is another adventure of our unfortunate little friend since the Demoness had gotten a hold of him and changed him into the very wretched, but still basically good, creature he is now. Its Yiffy so be warned, NO kiddies! My stuff is Copyrighted now...

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The Reluctant Incubus, Part #3.

This is another adventure of our unfortunate little friend since the Demoness got a hold of him and changed him into the very wretched, but still basically good, creature he is now. It's Yiffy so be warned, NO kiddies! My stuff is Copyrighted now too...

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