Twilight Eros Chapter 42

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#42 of Twilight Eros

Warning: This chapter contains food play. A lot of food play...

Scotty and Luna finish their dessert in the room. In a rather creative way to say the least.

We see the return of Cindy's friend from the party, Estelle. Wonder what those two will be up to.

And What's that Angie? Something happened to Kit? But you ran away before you could tell anyone...

Thanks once again to the following peopleIB: ScottyKat for proof reading and use of ScottyIB: Spacestrawberry for use of EstelleIB: joshp1 for use of Angie. Check out his profile to read Fox in the City to find out what happened to Kit zenia for the TE thumbnail

Chapter 42

(Warning: See info box for list of kinks)

Scotty some how balanced his desserts on one arm as he got his key card to unlock the door. Luna quickly stepped in, still giggling while holding her two desserts. She placed her plates on the night stand before undoing the first few buttons on her shirt so she could slip it right off. Scotty did the same with his as he took his vest and shirt off. Before He had a chance to get to his pants, Luna pulled him in close and kissed him before pushing him onto the bed. He caused a small gust of air to shoot out from under him as he landed.

Luna, still in her bra, straddled the fox as she reached for her strawberry cake first. She used her hands to grab a good sized chunk and smeared it across the skunk's chest, taking care to make sure she covered his nipples. It wasn't long before chunks of cake, strawberries and whip cream were worked into his gray and black fur.

"I'm hoping this place has a lot of hot water Scotty. We are only going to get messier from here on out."

She grinned as she lowered her body and began licking around his chest. She payed close attention to his nipples but made sure all of his fur was as clean as possible before she stopped. Scotty was breathing rapidly from the sensation as he sat up once he got the chance. Luna was wiping her lips clean with her finger tips as their gazes met.

"What about you Luna?"

"I don't know Scotty, what about me?"

He smiled as he leaned in and started to kiss her neck. He reached for the slice of cake that she had previously taken a chunk from and tore off his own. He wedged it between her cleavage. The cold sensation made her shudder as Scotty buried his face into her chest and started to eat away at the dessert. He slowed down when most of it was gone to prevent a misplaced bite against her breasts.

The two licked what remained off each other as Luna removed her bra. She took care to make sure no crumbs fell off onto the bed sheets. As she tossed her bra over towards her bag, Scotty came from behind to caress her breasts once again while kissing the back of her neck. She moan as she tilted her head to the side, exposing more of her neck for him as she closed her eyes. Scotty's hands started to wander from her chest, down towards her waist. He fiddled with her pants button and zipper as he undid both . She stood up to and slid her pants and panties down before stepping out of them. She laid out on the bed and spread her legs slightly while bending one up towards her body.

"What now Scotty?"

He smiled as he lifted her legs up while taking a small palm full of chocolate pudding. He spread it across both of her thighs and just as quickly licked them clean. She shuddered at the sensation of cold pudding and his warm tongue against her skin. She closed her eyes to enhance her senses. She jumped slightly when he ran his tongue against her nerves in just the right way.

After several minutes she was licked clean once again. The look She gave him when she opened her eyes told Scotty that his turn was next. She slid off the bed to stretch a moment before taking the pudding bowl in her hand.

"Squat down for me Scotty."

He did as he was told, wondering what she had in mind. She lowered the pudding bowl so that it was under his ball sack. She lifted it to dip his sac in the pudding, coating it with a thick coating of chocolate. Although it was a bit warmer then when it was first brought out, it was still chilly enough to cause a little shrinkage. Scotty Shuddered as he bit his lower lit to control his body. Luna Thought it was cute as she put her back against the floor.

She slowly slid between his legs so that her lips were barely touching Scotty's chocolate covered sac. She opened her mouth and engulfed his privates . The sudden surprise almost made Scotty topple but he caught himself just in time. Once Luna was sure he could hold himself up, she closed her eyes and focused on his balls. She twirled them with in her mouth while licking away at the pudding.

She wanted him to cum as she reached up and started to play with his half erect shaft. She took a semi firm grip and started to stroke it. Scotty was a little dry at first but she quickly fixed that issue with another small palm full of pudding. It made an excellent make shift lube as her hand move smoothly around his shaft for the time being. The double attack on his genitals began to take its toll on the skunk as he could feel his cock throbbing. To seal the deal, Luna reached up with her free hand and started to finger his ass hole.

Upon feeling her finger enter him, he lost control. He grunted as he shot his load out. It landed across her chest and stomach as she milked every last drop from him. It took all of Scotty's concentration to keep from buckling over onto Luna. When he was finally finished, Luna slid out from under him so he could have a proper seat. She looked at him while licking the pudding from her fingers with a smile.

"You seemed like you enjoyed that."

"You'd have to be a dead man without a pulse to not enjoy that."

"That's true but I think you need to be cleaned up a little more."

She lowered her body again to lay flat on her stomach and began to give the skunk a blow job. She licked the remaining chocolate off of his cock. The sweetness of the chocolate mixed well with the saltiness of his cum. It wasn't long before his cock was nearly spotless. The two sat next to each other, holding hands as they ate the rest of their desserts in the proper manner.

"Hey Luna, do you think we can do this again some time?"

"So long as there is a nearby shower so we can clean up, we sure can."

He smiled as he finished off his pudding. Luna had the last of her cake before she gathered the plates, bowls, and silver ware together. Both of them were sweaty and sticky as they made their way into the shower. There wasn't any soap in the shower since Scotty didn't use the room all the time. They brought their own towels and soap, which they used to wash each other. After a good ten to fifteen minute shower, they laid on the bed still in their bath towels.

"It would be great if we still had our robes wouldn't it?"

"What's the matter Scotty? You tired of looking at these hot, naked, lady wolf bits?"

She cupped her breast and played with them much to his amusement.

"Don't worry about the robes Scotty. If I know Spec and Zenia, he'll have dropped them off already and she'll have them clean in a couple of days at most."

He smiled as he put his hands behind his head while resting it on the pillow. He closed his eyes and started to nod as if he was remembering something.

"What's on your mind Scotty?"

"I was just thinking about the last time I had a family reunion here."

"You really like to spend time with your family, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do. They might not be as crazy as yours but we have our own stories. It's been forever since I've seen my older and twin sister."

Luna's ears perked up as she heard the last part of his sentence. She quickly pinned him down and looked directly into his eyes. He was starting to worry as she was silent.

"What is it Luna?"

"You have an older and Twin sister and you never told me?"

She inched closer to him with a low growl. He let out a soft whimper as he wasn't sure if he was in trouble or not.

"Start talking Scotty. If you don't tell me about these siblings of yours I swear, I'm gonna bite your butt."

"But I might like that love."

She sighed and rolled her eyes as she couldn't help but love his response. She kissed him on his nose and smiled at him.

"Well if you tell me what I want to know I might bite your butt in a good way."

** ** ** ** **

Monday was the typical slow day for the store as usual. Cindy wanted to spend another night with Spec but she hadn't been to her apartment for a couple of days. She gave Spec a good bye kiss before making her way back home. Upon entering her apartment she was met with the sight of a familiar red fox laid out across her couch with her face buried in a pillow.

"Rough day at work Estelle?"


Cindy chuckled as she put her things down.

"Let me go change and we can talk about it. You want some wine?"


"Okay, be right back."

Cindy changed out of her work cloths and slipped into a tank top and shorts but left her bra on. She went to the fridge and got two bottles before returning to the couch. She tapped one of bottles against Estelle's arm. She took it with a "thank you" and sat up, pulling her face away from the pillow as she straightened her glasses. Cindy patted her friends thigh as she took a sip of her beer.

"Tell me what happened today star fox."

"All I can say is you were right when you told me to not go out with Orion. One date and that guy thinks we are a couple. I keep telling him no but..."

Both of them take a drink as Estelle sighs.

"Well I warned you he was a creep. You are just too nice for your own good."

She poked the fox in the side playfully. Estelle pushed Cindy back while laughing before she took another drink from her bottle. She slowly slid down side ways so that her head was now resting in the skunk's lap.

"If I may return the favor and give you some advice Cindy, don't date guys you work with. I will end badly."

"Oh, I don't know about that. I mean things with me and Spec have been pretty good. You still need to meet him."

Estelle moaned as she sat up a bit, now slouching against her friend.

"You know how I am around new people."

"Well if you get to know him that wont be the case anymore will it?"

Estelle sighed as she drank some more.

"I guess, but I just need some time okay? Gotta work up the nerves before we meet."

"Okay sweetie." Replied Cindy before she gave Estelle a kiss on the head. She started to pet Estelle on the top of her head which caused the fox to let out a low, content hum.

"So tell me the truth, did you leave the party early because there were too many people and you felt like you were going to have a panic attack?"

"Will you be mad if I say yes?"


"Then no."

"Right.." replied Cindy as she finished the rest of her beer while shaking her head as she knew the truth. Estelle also took another drink before settling in a bit more.

"Well you were lucky you caught me here today Estelle. I've been spending the last couple of nights at Spec's place."

"I figured. How was that party of yours anyway?"

"It was fun. Everyone had a good time and there were no issues."

"Still can't believe you got your boyfriend to hold a book fetish part at his store of all places."

"I can be very convincing when I want to be."

"I bet. Do I dare ask how you convinced him?"

"I gave him the puppy dog eyes and asked really nicely."

"Hey, the cute thing is mine. You can't take that from me."

"Well you want to know what I can do? Boob hat!"

Cindy Jumped up a bit and lifted her breast above Estelle's head and lowered them down on top of the fox. Estelle started to freak out a bit as Cindy hugged her to keep her from escaping.

"Gah, it's weird!... Wait, are you still wearing your bra Cindy?"

"Yeah, I didn't feel like taking it off yet."

"That's weird Cindy."

Cindy grinned at Estelle who was looking up from under her cleavage. She reached around her back and unhooked her bra. She lifted her breasts off of the still dazed fox and removed her bra, tossing it to the side of the couch.

"There, is that better?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"Good, I'm glad you are happy... Boob hat!"

Cindy caught Estelle in another hug as she placed her breast on top of the foxes head while hugging her tight. Estelle once again began to panic as she tried to keep her beer from spilling.

"Why do you do this to me Cindy?!"

"Cause it's fun!"

** ** ** ** **

It was the day before the new books and magazines came out. Spec was going over the shipment list as Cindy got the register ready.

"How was your night Cindy?"

"Not bad, my best friend came by to visit me. Well, rather she was waiting for me in my apartment. She has a key so sometimes she'll just stop by."

"That sounds like a fun time. Wasn't she at the party?"

"She was but she left early because she wasn't feeling comfortable. I'm sure the two of you will meet up soon."

Before Spec could say anything else Angie burst into the store in a panic. She rushed to the check out counter gasping for air.

"Are you okay Angie? Wait, where is Kit?"

"Spec, Cindy, Kit has been kidnapped! I've gotta go tell her brother and sister! He might know where she is! I'm sorry but I have to go!"

Angie turned around and ran out of the store before either of them could say anything.


It was too late as she was already out the door. Cindy stood there dumbfound as she tried to process what she just heard.

"Do you think she was serious? What should we do Spec?"

The wolf shook his head as he looked down trying to make sense of what just happened.

"Call Kit's cell and see if you can get a hold of her."

Cindy took out her phone and called. She waited for several rings before finally getting her voice mail.

"Kit, it's Cindy from work. We don't know what's going on but Angie said you were kidnapped. Call us back A.S.A.P please."

Cindy looked at Spec who took a deep breath. He didn't know what to do as he ran his hand over his head.

Twilight Eros Chapter 43

Chapter 43 Spec and Cindy worked through the day as if everything was normal but they were worried about Kit. Angie ran out too fast for them to get any details about Kit being kidnapped. It wasn't until the end of the day, after the shop was closed,...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 41

Chapter 41 The morning after the party was spent sleeping in. Fortunately for Spec and Cindy the shop was closed and the only clean up needed was to remove the trash bags from the basement. Spec laid in his bed between Cindy and Scotty, much to his...

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Twilight Eros chapter 40

Chapter 40 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) Scotty walked about the basement floor as he sipped from his cup. He spotted Spec sitting on a couch with a can of Crimson Ram in hand. He took a seat next to him as the wolf took a sip from the...

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