Sabhira's Daughter #41
#46 of Tails of the Khajiit
The Dangers of Basic Biological Differences between Khajiits and Nords
| Kitty was taking another break from her dancing and chatting with Cheetah, who had returned from her business when they were interrupted by a scream that came from upstairs. Both immediately raced to the source. | |
| A large naked man Kitty had noticed earlier was crouched just outside the doorway and looked up at her and Cheetah.
"I'm sorry!" he kept saying as they looked in at the Khajiit within. | |
| Kitty was relieved to see that she seemed to be OK, though something seemed wrong with her tail.
"S'uzi! What's wrong? What happened?" asked Cheetah.
"OW! Goddammit, that HURTS!" the Khajiit apparently known as S'uzi responded, tenderly touching the base of her tail.
Oh no. Anal?" Cheetah asked kneeling beside S'uzi.
OOOOWWW! Crap. Yeah. My fault. Ashasha's gonna kill me." | |
| Ashasha and Bahriba appeared in the doorway as if on cue.
"Damn straight I am! Bahriba, take this guy away would you?"
"Sure," the bard replied. "Come on lover boy. What's your name?"
Kitty didn't catch the rest as they moved away from the room. | |
| "OOOOOoooO!" the stricken Khajiit howled as Ashasha assessed the damage quickly.
"Damn it S'uzi, you KNOW better than to allow that! I know you do. Cheetah, go fetch the witch."
"But you sent her and K'rris to Markarth this morning."
"GODdammit! Then go find Ja'ra. She hangs out with Shabhira all the time. She's got to have learned SOMETHING." | |
| "Will do," Cheetah replied and was gone.
Suddenly Ashasha realized what she'd said and looked at Kitty wide eyed. Kitty stared straight back at her with dawning comprehension. Shabhira. | |
| "Dammit it hurts Ashasha!"
"I bet it does," Ashasha said distractedly, "Just lay still and try not to move. I suppose he was just 'too nice' to deny?"
"Yeah... did you see the six-pack on that hunk? OW!" S'uzi cried.
"You could have at least done it missionary, but no. He HAD to take you from behind I suppose."
"I won't do it again Ashasha. He was so gentle, I didn't think he would..." | |
| "No, you won't do ANYTHING again for a month! I keep telling you girls, they have no control! YOU have to have control! But don't worry about that now. Ah, here's Ja'ra."
"I've got some salve Shabhira made before she left," said a Khajiit that Kitty didn't recognize. "And a potion to remove the pain. It's quite effective. She says it's normally used with birthing."
"GIMME!" S'uzi cried and she took the potion from Ja'ra.
"It... has some side effects," the new Khajiit added. | |
| "Like whud? I meen whuffffff," S'uzi said before she passed out cold.
Ja'ra took over the care of the now-sleeping Khajiit, daubing some sort of goop around the base of the tail then wrapped the base of the tail in bandages she'd brought along with her. | |
| Ashasha looked back to Kitty. "I think we need to talk."
Kitty agreed. "Yes. Shall we perhaps go talk in Udaran's room then?"