Sabhira's Daughter #39
#44 of Tails of the Khajiit
Prostitute Philosophy or
More Bathing Khajiits.
| "So, do you all, like, sit around and wait for a customer to pick you or what?"
"Hah! No, not at all. We sort of have a party where we mingle with them a bit. Heck, sometimes they just come for that. Lets them get to know us better as people instead of just meat, and that's good for everybody. Us too. Once you have a few drinks with someone, you get to know them a bit at least."
"And if someone likes you but you don't want to?"
"Well, it depends on how MUCH you don't want to. Ashasha would never ask us to do something or someone we didn't feel comfortable with, but this IS our job after all. If we didn't like the job, we wouldn't be here." | |
| "Hmm... and do you like the job?"
"Pardon the pun but, it has it's ups and downs. The money's pretty good, and the customers are usually fine. But in any group of people who live together, cliques form and grievances come up. Ashasha's pretty good at keeping tension under control, but if there's anything I DON'T like here, that's it."
"Yeah, I can see that at the Tails too from time to time."
"So, wanna be a hooker for a night?" | |
| "Me? No. Not me."
"Oh you don't have to DO anything. Just hang out at the party with the girls and the customers and pretend. If someone comes on too much, just be honest and tell him you don't work here. It'll be fine. And you'll never know what it's like unless you try. Afraid?"
"AFRAID? I'm NOT afraid of anything. Well, not much. And Ashasha wouldn't mind?"
"With your looks? She'd be thrilled! And if you find a customer particularly interesting, well, Ashasha will be even MORE thrilled." | |
| "THAT is NOT going to happen!"
"Maybe not, but you've got to keep in mind - the customers are just people. Maybe unusually horny people, but they're still just people. They have lives outside of the Cathouse. Some are regulars too for that matter. Once you get to know them, sometimes they're people you'd not mind hanging out with."
Ashasha had walked in while Cheetah was talking and added her own thoughts on the subject. | |
| "But there IS a wall between the girls and the customers, Kitty. As long as they work here, they have to maintain that wall. Sometimes the regulars, they get TOO close and they start fantasizing about 'taking you away from all this'. Those are the most dangerous, seriously. The next step after infatuation is possessiveness, and if they think you're theirs, trouble starts. I've seen it happen, and it can get very serious. I've got a lot of guards here. They're not needed often, but when they ARE needed, they're needed quick and desperately."
"Sounds kinda dangerous. Speaking of guards, where's K'rris? I haven't seen him since this morning."
"Oh, he took our Herb witch into town to pick up some stuff she needed. He won't be back until tomorrow," she said.
"Now Cheetah, you'd best get ready. We're opening in just a few minutes." | |
| Ashasha left and went downstairs to open the business.
Kitty then turned back to Cheetah, "So how do you keep that 'wall' up?"
"Basically you have to shut them down cold when you see that happening. Even better, let them see you flirting with someone else. Usually they get the hint."
"Sounds complicated."
"It is. 49% of this job is physical, 51% is psychology. It's not an easy job." | |
| After drying off, Cheetah began to dress.
"So, besides the money, why do you do it?" Kitty asked.
"I like the sex!" Cheetah shot back instantly. | |
| "Really? I'd have thought if it was your JOB, it would... well... be WORK."
"I dunno, maybe for some of the girls. But you really can't separate the mind from the body. Sure, I fake orgasms a lot - but not all the time! Males are just fascinating in their variety, don't you think? Burly, lean, cuddly and aloof. So many types, so many WAYS. But after they're satiated, they all become little boys again. I suppose some day I'll leave here, but right now I just can't imagine a better job - strange as that might seem to you." | |
| "Well YOU are obviously hetero! I always imagined there would be a lot of girl/girl relationships in a place like this."
"And there are. It's that wall Ashasha was talking about. There's a limit on how well you can get to know a customer personally. You can get to know the other girls though. And with that comes bonding, relationships, intimacy. For some, it's the only release. But not for me. I like the males too much. They say some people are made to like the same sex. I suppose that must be so, because I'm pre-wired to get pounded!" | |
| "Oh! You REALLY aren't shy are you!"
"Around here, that's NOT a job asset. Especially when our rooms are left open!"
"For security purposes I assume?"
"Yeah - you never know when someone will go too far. Sex is inherently a loss of control after all."
Suddenly a bell rang from somewhere downstairs and Cheetah took Kitty's hand. "Time to go to work!" she sang happily. | |