WindSwept: Chapter 10

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#11 of WindSwept Adventure

If you're under 18, go away nao.


(_Haha, gotcha didn't I? What, you really thought we were gonna die? C'mon, I was NARRATING that part, obviously I lived through it!

Lol...wait, did I just...nvm...AGH damn chatspeak! Oh well, I shall continue. I've turned off the annoying data tags at the beginning and end of my entries, let's see how that works out._ )

It was very scary to have all those weapons pointed at us, but apparently it was this town's custom. It seems Aznor had helped this town as well, just like Library City, in his early days before his fall to evil. The townsfolk pointed their weapons at us and suddenly fell to one knee. The elders had us let out of our cages and promptly began preparations for battle. Come to find out, our arrival was part of a prophecy for them; our presence here was the heralding of war and a new age. Corin and Lara's union as husband and wife was also part of this foretelling and they were more than happy to oblige to the occasion. Something about this felt too easy...but I didn't question it for the next few days as things went wild around us.

I stretched on the ground and rolled onto my side in the bright sunlight...oooooh gosh it felt good to be in open sun. For some reason the daily haze of the sky had cleared away, and everyone was outside to enjoy the warmth of unclouded sunlight. Corin yawned and sat down, reclining against me, his arms and legs sore from the last two weeks of training and skirmish combat. "Gonna be so glad to get outta here," he groaned, pushing his glasses up and rubbing his eyes.

"How're the arrangements?"

He grinned as he stared at the village; we were sitting on a small hill just outside the village walls. "Lara wants it to be next week...I kinda want to wait a bit though, maybe a month or so, but then again I did ask her if she'd marry me when we reached the next village."

I spread my wings out on the ground behind me to gather more sunlight. "Well, so far so good. I say you should just do it."

He fingered the pendant hanging from his neck. "I want to...but I'm nervous. I want to remember my past, but I also want to just dump it and start all over, just me and her..."

"Dunno what to suggest, just do what you want; it's ultimately your choice anyway."

"You're a big help..."

"Sorry, but I don't know what to say and I'm dead-tired. Good thing Flora's season is over."

Corin laughed. "I'll say. I've never seen Lara so frisky before, it was really weird."

I guess we both took a nap or something because I woke up not too long afterwards to find Lara walking up looking really tired. She saw me watching her and waved with a yawn. "Warm out here," she mumbled, lying down next to Corin against me.

"Where's Flora?"

"Still in the town square with the elders recounting stuff and getting armored."

Corin yawned and woke up, and Lara quickly slumped over onto his lap with a slight giggle. "Hey," he said, running his hand along her cheek softly.

"About time you woke up."

"Why's that?"

"I was feeling kinda lonely."

Corin ran his hand through her hair and sighed. "Gale, when are we leaving?"

"Soon as you two tie the knot. And I don't mean by fucking each other."

They laughed and fell quiet, just cuddling silently against me until Lara broke the silence. " you know why there's a brown haze every day? Dad told me it's only been happening for about fifteen years or so."

I thought back, trying to remember what I'd researched. "Recent geological activity at the planet's magnetic poles is apparently very slowly releasing a high-altitude poisonous gas that creates a brownish aerial microparticle dust cloud when it interacts with the ozone in the atmosphere and the heat and radiation of the sun's rays. It can't harm us easily because it's lighter than oxygen and nitrogen and other gases we breathe, and it fades at night because the chemical reaction breaks down when it loses the radiation from the sun's light."

"I was told it was a millenial thing; every thousand years or so. Someone told me it's something on Narcnos interacting with our planet, like some radiation spike or something."

"It could be, Narcnos' gravitational field does influence us so that may be causing the seismic activity. I don't know for sure though, that's not my field of expertise."

"What was this world like before humans?" Corin asked.

What a question... "Wellll...I don't know. Dragon historians have dated human appearances as far back as about half a million years ago, though they may have existed even farther back. Before Dragons and Humans came in contact, Dragons were the ruling race on this side of the planet. They cultivated the earth and tended to forests, and built temples and dwellings that hindered as little of the world's natural state as possible, many opting to live in caves already carved out instead of building homes. Apparently it was quite beautiful; the Dragons back then had a keen eye for natural flow of energy, light, water, wind, and sight, able to make very eye-pleasing and calming constructions...almost as if the planet itself had grown the buildings and carvings. Humans on the other hand built on the land and basically used it to survive, not giving anything back except their own dead bodies. When the two races met, the center of the Human half of the world was almost a wasteland, uninhabitable except by very cautious and hard-wearing individuals."

"Then why did the two get along if they were complete opposites?"

"Oh there was war upon war at first, but then Orcharis came into play. He was the head diplomat of the Dragon forces and he braved thousands of battles to reach the Human leaders. The Humans were very strategic and persistent, and very adaptable...also incredibly stubborn. Orcharis ended up losing half a foreleg trying to talk to them, but he never gave up. He finally convinced the Humans that Dragons weren't just great brutes bent on taking over the world...which was really the Humans' desire, they were projecting themselves on us, but anyway, he was the reason the two sides finally joined and began learning from each other. The Dragons taught the Humans how to be more responsible towards the land they lived on, while the Humans taught them how to use metal and offered protection from growing threats of dangerous creatures."

"Dangerous creatures?"

"Yes. I've already seen how superior Corin is at fighting smaller creatures compared to myself; the Humans back then were the same. Strange creatures began revealing themselves in droves, attacking villages and wildlife alike with no notice of the effects of their actions. There were also very sly creatures that would integrate themselves 'harmlessly' into their environments, then steal resources...vines would blend in and then slowly sink their roots into trees and suck the trees dry. Certain breeds of moles would act like they only ate grass roots, then would poison entire fields and reap their own harvest, able to consume the poisoned plants. Strange birds would settle into areas and live on their own, then once in a while raid vast numbers of nests and replace the eggs with their own. There were other creatures, as I've mentioned, that were more extroverted in their aggression. These were the ancestors of the 'ferals' and Ochres and demons and other creatures. They would create colonies and then spread in waves, using their sheer numbers to overwhelm the local flora and fauna and then regroup into new colonies for the next wave."

"What exactly are demons? They're not the supernatural kind we hear about from exorcists?"

"No they're not, although they come close. No one really knows what they are, but I think they're earthbound malevolent spirits trapped between the material and spiritual worlds. Either that or they're some strange psychic being, which is the only way I can explain their unreal strength and shapeshifting abilities."

"What happened to Orcharis though?"

"I don't know. I looked him up in the 'Library City', which was where we were just before we arrived near your village. Apparently after a century of peace between the Humans and Dragons, he went to locate the source of these infestations of creatures...and then from there the trail goes screwy. Some reports say he returned, but had changed...he'd gone mad or something. Others say he never returned until his self-revelation as a fiend. Whatever happened to him, he ended up going insane and became hyper-powerful. I think he struck a deal with the devil...shortly before he revealed himself, the floods of creatures just stopped. Cold. The creatures still remained and bred, but they suddenly completely dropped their colonization skills and became wild creatures themselves, still retaining their ferocity but also gaining an animalistic timidity. I think that if this was the case, Orcharis bargained with the devil or whatever was controlling these monsters, offering himself in exchange for a 'cease and desist' regarding the hordes that constantly ravaged the lands. If this is so, he probably thought the risk would diminish and that peace could be restored...but he ended up becoming a force far more dangerous than these creatures could ever be."


" don't mess around with evil."

Later that night I met Flora in the underground caverns we had been assigned to, and stopped when I saw her. She giggled and stood up, showing off her new armor pieces. "Whaddaya think?" she asked, walking around me with a sly grin. To humans she must have looked cool, but to me she looked damn hot! They did a great job with her armor! "I'll take the hanging jaw as an 'I like what I see'," she said, licking my cheek and making me pull my jaw shut.

"I like it a lot," I said, watching her lie down again. The leather armor was hard on the outside, but very softly padded underneath; she could lie down without it digging into her. Something caught my eye and I couldn't help laughing when I saw a conveniently placed gap along her tailbase right over her pretty vaginal slit. "All you ever think about is sex it seems."

"Nah...I think about you and others too," she purred, flicking her tail invitingly. "But sex sounds good right now, don'tcha think?"

I let my penis drop and walked over to her, watching her eyes follow my phallus swaying with each step. "I think it sounds great," I whispered in her ear, making her shiver. She rolled onto her back and moaned cutely as I stepped over her and slid my hardening length into her, pushing deep past her cervix into her tight little womb like I always did lately when I hilted myself in her. It felt like I was getting longer...which Flora enjoyed quite a bit.

"Oh yeah, nice and deep," she whispered with a warm smile. "Just like my love for you..." she added, licking my neck. I lay down on her and hugged her, purring to her and getting an affectionate returning purr while my hips went into autopilot against hers, driving my cock in and out of her. She was so soft and warm...amid the pleasure slowly gathering between my legs, I started to ask myself how I had managed to become mated to such a wonderful dragoness. Before I met her she was really quite a bitch, but now she was so loving and caring...had my presence in her life really changed her that much? I kissed her and played with her tongue while she lay under me, enjoying the pleasure I was giving her. She pushed me up a bit, wanting me to really go at her, and I obliged and started humping her hard and fast, slamming my cock deep inside her over and over.

" warm..." I purred, loving how warm her inner tunnel was.

"I'm gonna cum," she whimpered, then arched her back with an ecstatic squeal, her soft pussy squeezing me hard and suckling on my length while bathing my sheath in her sweet juices. "Gale...fuck me in the butt," she panted. I pulled out of her and pushed hard into her tailhole, making her yelp in pain and pleasure. I started thrusting gently into her and watched her paws shoot down to play with her clit. "Harder!" she pleaded.

"Not my fault if you can't sit down tomorrow," I said with a joking grin before I started rapidly fucking her rear. She stretched on the ground with a low, rising moan of pleasure and then shrieked and started bucking against me off the floor, her pussy covering my chest in her juices as she climaxed again, my penis still deep inside her butt. I was seeing stars by the time I finally came, all I could feel was my member pulsing inside her and her insides constantly gripping me in her climax. I pulled out of her, still ejaculating, and shoved my length into her pussy again to give her womb some attention too. She squealed and hugged me when pleasure shot through her.

"Still messing around?" We both looked up sharply to see Corin and Lara watching us. Flora just shot them a lusty glance and licked my cheek with a soft purr.

"I can't help it if I love this big guy."

"Why're you guys down here?" I asked, a bit upset they'd caught us making out. I pulled out of Flora and she moaned softly. I didn't bother trying to sheath myself; Corin and Lara had seen my penis so often by now it didn't really matter. Lara, however, seemed pretty turned on when she saw my member dripping with cum and vaginal juices.

Corin glanced at Lara. "She was looking for some 'fun' and was wondering if you guys wanted to join in."

"Hey!" she barked, punching him in the shoulder. "Don't pin the blame on me, you wanted it too."

Flora cleaned us off with water and rolled over so she was sitting up. "Gale, can you help me outta my armor? It's comfy but hot." I turned to her and started unbuckling her armor pieces while she spoke to them. "It's a tempting offer guys, but...well, we can't be having sex all the time, especially when we're getting ready to head out."

They argued for a bit...I don't remember much of it, my mind suddenly went hazy and the next thing I remember is waking up next to Flora in the middle of the night. Next week was the wedding...somehow I felt sick and anxious. I felt like something horrible was coming...

(Sorry guys, I'm feeling a little queasy, gonna skip ahead a bit)

The wedding went along without a hitch. Well...check that, Corin and Lara got hitched, but nothing else hitched. I mean, went wrong. Whatever. Flora and I stood on either side of the "stage", decked out in silky garments and wearing strange, festive armor with curly projections that looked like bird wings. I felt like an idiot but Flora said I looked "damn sexy". Afterwards there was a lot of celebrating and by nightfall Corin and Lara had disappeared, no doubt to consummate their new mateship. I felt kinda bad; they should have saved their sex for this night so it would be absolutely special, like me and Flora, but maybe Corin had something in mind to make it hard to forget. Then again Lara had pretty much devoted herself to Corin on that wild afternoon of hard fucking when Flora was in heat, so I guess it was all good. The next week or so was rather quiet as Corin and Lara spent a lot of time together. I ended up introducing Aznor to several of the town elders and a lot of information was tossed back and forth. Apparently the Humans far south of our location had set up a research station but it had been evacuated several months ago, and it had become a source of interest for the malevolent creatures, especially the demons and more intelligent ferals. There was a powerful gem being held there; they didn't know if it was the gem we were seeking or not, but we had to give it a shot, which meant a good few days of flight if we were to reach the place. However, I was still nervous about Gormath still being on the loose. We had taken him out before, but he seemed to be holding back when we encountered him...he seemed scared of me almost, as if hitting me with full power would kill him or something.

I might as well skip ahead, because the departure and most of the trip south was not really noteworthy and I'm getting tired. We found the place after some searching; a thunderstorm had steered us a few miles off-course but we eventually found the place without much challenge, which caught my attention like a big red light. Gormath should have stopped us, or something...but it was very quiet. For being the hub of enemy activity, the lab grounds were completely vacant. It felt like a graveyard. you feel that?

"Yeah...I don't like it. Is Aznor there?" The others had gotten used to my "senile" chats with my hitchhikers.

Present. I don't like this either. It's far too quiet. I have a terrible feeling this may be a trap. Gale, if you need any strength other than your own, I'm here, just remember that.

"How can I forget after that other lab?"

_Shut it. Be wary.

He's getting moodier...I don't know what to make of it Gale. He's got something planned but I can't tell what. After having absorbed that other Negative Lord, he's been rather introverted._

"Dunno..." I followed the others into the lab, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. Right off the bat I could tell this was no Human-built place...for one thing the corridors would be smaller. This place was built for Dragons. Earth Dragons at that, given the copious ceiling distance as the corridor quickly wound down into the ground. This was another detention facility, there were cell shutoffs and security pads all over the damn place. Corin and Lara had their gear ready for action. I wished I had brought that sniper vambrace, something felt dark here.

"Gale..." Flora whimpered. I snapped out of my thoughts and saw a dead Human draped over a handrail running the edge of a platform over the next floor down. He looked battered; there had been a vicious fight here. There were more corpses here and there as we continued deeper into the lab. They were beaten and bruised, but when I examined them, even with my X-ray sight I couldn't detect any fatal blows. There had been a widespread fistfight it seemed, but something else had finished them off... Flora lowered her head by one and smelled his open mouth, cringing a bit. " smell that?"

I smelled him too. There was no hint of decay...but that smell... "..They were gassed in here." I looked up at the piping along the ceiling and stood up, wafting it a bit with my paw to get the scent. "Shit...methane. They died from suffocation...but these injuries are really recent and methane should start decaying the bodies faster...I don't get this."

"We should go down another level probably, there may be some computer logs," Flora suggested.

"Yeah..." Corin and Lara climbed onto our backs and we jumped over the handrail to the next floor down, which was quite a fall. We kept going for a while and eventually reached the main computer terminals. The others stood back and watched idly while I tapped out various commands to see if I could figure out what had happened.

"What's it say?" Corin asked, looking over my shoulder.

"Nothing just yet..." I mumbled, watching words fly by. Boy these things were tightly locked... "Shit..."

"What's wrong?" Lara asked, with a bit of fear in her voice.

"Good news is that this place was labelled as quarantine, so we should be safe for a while due to the sterilization procedures. However, the whole place is in emergency lockdown, so the rooms we're heading for are essentially permanently locked until morning. So...we gotta wait it out here. The sleep rooms aren't too far from here, we can camp out there for the night while we wait."

"What about the gas though?" Flora asked.

I typed out a few more commands, then growled as I encountered tree after tree of command actions. Holy shit, human technology is terribly kept asking me the same things over and over again. " seems there was a fight about money divisions for their research project and someone ruptured the methane line."

"What's this line of red text?" Corin asked, pointing. That...was not good.

"An unauthorized entry about half an hour before the fight...well, let's go get situated in the rooms, we might as well hang out there for a while."

"What about food?"

"The sleep rooms have vending machines."


I had to lead them to the rooms and show them what I meant. The vending machines were for humans though, so while Corin and Lara were pretty much set for the night, Flora and I would have to suck it up and deal with snacks unless we could find a food synthesizer (a machine that generates large meals in bulk). We did find one though, but Flora had to strain her electric powers to run it just long enough to get us some food. There was plenty of water in the rest area; they had water coolers with huge barrels of purified water, so we were pretty much set with that. One thing we hadn't counted on was the methane shortage shutting down the air conditioning... it was a bit warm in there but not boiling, but nonetheless Corin and Lara stripped bare. Flora giggled when Corin's penis went stiff as the two cuddled against the wall. Lara laughed and bent down, licking her mate's member and rubbing his balls. I was already lying on my side with my cock in full view, trying to figure out what might be going on here. What was that disturbance that had been recorded? Flora's tongue on my penis snapped me back to reality to find I had a raging hard-on. Lara was standing over Corin and moaning softly while his fingers gently plied her lower lips.

"What do we do now?" he asked, knowing Flora and Lara were raring for a fuck or three. Lara blushed.

"I kinda think it'd be hot to have Gale take me," she said, going red in the face. "Or to watch you and Flora go at it...I mean, we're completely different species so...what's the harm?"

I came up behind her on my hind legs and playfully thrust my penis between her thighs, my paws resting on her shoulders. "Lara, you already know this penis here is too big for you."

She looked up at me, her hands rubbing my length. "You're not much wider than a big horse, just really long, I could probably take it deep..."

Corin held his arm up against my shaft for comparison. "Lara, look; if you wanted Gale to do you, I'd need to be able to fist you first, his penis is a bit thicker than my arm."

"Ouch...didn't think of it that way..."

I'm not gonna go into much detail but Flora and Lara got so horny that we ended up in another orgy with Lara fondling my cock and Flora sucking Corin off, then me fucking Flora and both the humans toying with us (Lara paid extra attention to my balls). Then I ended up doing her in the tailhole while Corin lay under her, his penis in her vagina, Lara lying on her back with my tongue deep inside her. By the time we were done Corin and Lara were both sweaty and exhausted. I hadn't climaxed from the last round so Flora cleaned off my cock and I penetrated her pussy again, much to her delight.

"Let's go get cleaned up," Corin said, picking Lara up in his arms and carrying her to the showers. By the time they came back, Flora's womb was nicely stuffed with cum and she was busily sucking me off, trying to get one last snack in before I was spent. My balls hurt a bit, but for Flora it was more than worth it.

"C'mon Gale, cum for me," Flora whimpered. "You taste so good..."

"Three orgasms in an hour are a bit draining," I groaned. I wanted to cum so badly, but I just couldn't. Something suddenly shot through my tailbase and the next thing I knew I was ejaculating hard into Flora's mouth, her happy purring coaxing more from me as she swallowed my semen.

"Hehe, looks like those books were rather useful," she said when I finally stopped.


"She electrocuted your crotch," Lara said with a slight laugh. I jsut groaned and sat up a bit shakily.

"Let's get some sleep."

Flora giggled and nuzzled me, still licking cum off her mouth. "Tired after all that?"

"I'm gonna have sore balls tomorrow..." I lay down and she nuzzled my sheath as she lay down by me.

"I sowwy..." she said in a baby tone, then shrieked and laughed when I grabbed her and hugged her tight. Behind us Corin and Lara were getting comfortable on the cots, cuddled together. I had a bad feeling tomorrow was gonna be a very trying day...

(It's morning now...they're calling me, so I'd better go. So far this journal entry has been made through a telepathic quantum link to the journal, but now I can't do first person. This will hopefully record what happens after this...anyway, gotta go. Something's waiting for me, I just know it...)

As the sun rose the group headed deeper into the complex, still trying to determine what had happened here. Gale located a master computer terminal and found that the gem they were after was indeed in these labs, but its exact location was not known.

"Means we'll hafta search the whole damn place..." Lara groaned.

"Can't be helped I guess...c'mon, let's get going," Flora sighed, walking forward into the next room. For some reason the lgiths didn't turn on automatically with her presence like in previous rooms. "No lights?" she asked, then suddenly screamed and darted out. "ARMORED UMBROK!!" she yelped.

Metal rang as Corin drew his sword and a bowstring tensed as Lara readied an arrow. Flora hid behind Gale as he strode forward. The eyes of hundreds of armored Umbrok glittered at him, their small lithe lizard forms skittering around in the dark. Why weren't they attacking? "Guys...get ready, I bet Gormath is here waiting for us. Cowardly bastard, always hiding..."

An angry roar came from inside the room. "DO NOT MOCK ME!!!" came Gormath's voice. "I stand between you and your goal, upsetting me is the last thing you want!"

Gale walked into the room, hearing hundreds of eager growls from the lizards ready to tear him apart. In the gloom he saw two glowing eyes filled with malice and rage. "Gormath, I don't know what you have against me, but it ends now. Stop hunting me in such a cowardly fashion. You're always shadowing me, dogging my footsteps and attacking indirectly. You're no male at all if you act like this."

The earth dragon growled viciously, making the others hesitate as they walked into the room behind Gale. "You don't remember at all, do you? We were best friends in our youth! And you betrayed me!"

"How so?"

"What does it matter now?" Gormath stepped forward, the outline of his body starting to glow with savage energy. "Because of your treachery to my trust, I lost my family! I could have exacted full revenge but no, I stopped when it came down to you until a few months ago."

"Exacted full..." Gale's eyes suddenly contracted. "You..."

The earth dragon sneered. "That's right, I killed your family too, as payback. Your father was the last, and it was thanks to him that I learned the truth about you. You're no dragon, you're a demon!"

Flora whimpered as she watched her mate, seeing him shaking with pure rage. "Gale..."

"You've kept it a secret for so long, even from your mate, that your whole family disappeared and was slain, one by one. I know you keep a journal too, and you've probably hidden the fact from that as well. But it's why you have so much rage now as compared to I planned." He grinned and hunkered into a fighting stance in front of Gale, daring him to strike. "My lack of forwardness, the cowardliness, it was a ruse. I wanted you to feel my rage at what you'd done, but thanks to Aznor's presence in you, I could make you even more miserable. Which would anger someone more, fighting a true opponent, or fighting a coward who was really playing them for a fool? Your eyes tell it all, you're far more angry at me than I could hope for!"

He used me...but how did he know I chose you for a host?! Aznor demanded. There's no way he could have found it out from another dragon!

He said something about your father didn't he? Flora's father asked. Did your something to you that made you receive Aznor?

Wha...I can hear you?

You can?

Yes! Get over here, we need to talk... Their voices died off in Gale's mind and he felt both of them retreat. He hardly paid any attention though; his whole focus was rooted on this asshole grinning in a taunting manner at him.

"Yes, hate me, focus your anger on me..." Behind Gale he heard a bow tense. "I think you children shouldn't witness such cruelty that's bound to happen." Corin and Lara screamed as they were suddenly flung to the side, a door in the wall opening up to receive them into the storage room beyond and then quickly closing and locking itself tight. Flora yelped in fright when something pulled at her, but she fought against it and came up beside Gale, glaring at the monster tempting her mate.

"So even all that hitting on me and trying to kill me was just trying to get Gale pissed off at you?"

"Oh no, that was all me there," Gormath laughed snidely, his eyes wandering over her form lustfully. "Mmmm you've grown deliciously little one, but if I can't have you, no one can." He side-glanced at Gale and his evil grin went wider. "I'll relieve you of her burden by force if I must!"

Gale's limbs were quaking with rage, he could barely breathe through the tension in his throat. All at once, every Umbrok in the room shrieked and fell to the floor, robbed of their consciousness as Gale's body started to smoke with black energy. "You toy with me...kill my family...torment my best friend to the point of suicide...threaten my mate..."

"Yes, isn't it just evil?" Gormath laughed. He was out of his mind. Gale snapped.

What followed was a spectacle of rage Flora had never dreamed possible even for nightmares. Gale's entire body went black, his claws lengthened and grew blood-red, and his eyes...those eyes that showed so much compassion and love to her now visibly shone with pure anger...bloodthirsty anger... this monster suddenly flew at Gormath with an air-quaking roar that almost made her ears ring. Gale came at Gormath with such ferocity that Flora couldn't even see his paws move, they were so fast and strong that at one point the wall suddenly creaked behind one of Gale's blows, huge, deep claw-marks quickly splitting open in the steel plating. Gormath was laughing like a proud maniac watching his own invention.

"YES!! YES!!! ANGER!!!" he cackled, avoiding and blocking all of Gale's attacks. Flora just stood in the middle of the room, watching in horror as her beloved ice dragon became a killing machine with only one setting: kill. "LET IT CONSUME YOU!!!"

"Gale!!" Flora cried, drawing his attention to her. He snarled; who dared intrude on his revenge?! His red vision narrowed on Flora...and he froze. Those eyes...she looked completely was just like his dream that first night of the rage-filled dreams...

"Silence, bitch!" Gormath yelled, and Flora screamed and fell to floor when something suddenly raced through her and overrode her motor control. "You will not-GHK!" He choked as Gale's jaws clamped down hard on his neck, his teeth going so far as to pierce his hide and draw blood.

"How dare you..." Gale growled, his voice echoing. "Revenge is the bitch you should be worrying about you BASTARD!!!"

Gormath suddenly disappeared, fading in a wave of darkness and reappearing nearby. Gale's evil field died off, giving way to his white scales. "Not bad," Gormath said with another wild grin. He had gone totally insane now. "There is no way to kill me, Gale, I am immortal now against mortal means of death! If you were to deliver a deathblow on me, it wouldn't do any real damage!"

Go at him, I've got a score to settle, came Aznor's voice. You can't hurt him, but I sure as hell can!

A vicious brawl ensued as the two traded swift punches, kicks, claws and bites. Flora's father exuded a defensive barrier of ethereal energy that kept Gormath's scratches from going too deep or his attacks from hitting too hard, and Aznor attacked through Gale's physical attacks. Gale froze Gormath's paws to the floor and bit his neck again. Gormath screamed and flailed helplessly as Aznor kept him from teleporting and fed him a huge dose of pain through Gale's teeth. A sudden blast blew Gale back and Gormath stood up, still grinning like a maniac even though his neck was dripping with blood.

( stopped here? Stupid thing...I'm back, I'll narrate.)

"I'll be taking her now," Gormath smirked evilly, stepping towards Flora.

No you will not came an echoing voice that Flora and I instantly recognized.

"Who's there?!" Gormath screamed, scared witless.

You have served pathetically, Gormath, you self-gratifying ingrate. You chose a side but ultimately failed even yourself for your own ambitions. You have failed to heed your warnings, now your price is upon you.

Gormath looked around frantically and screamed at the top of his lungs, seeing something we couldn't see. Gale! Cover Flora's eyes and don't look!! her father shouted at me. I grabbed Flora and covered her eyes not a moment too soon; there was a series of sounds so horrifying I won't even begin to try to describe them, the memory still shakes me badly...I am so fucking glad he warned us beforehand, it must have been horrifying...because when we looked back up when things were quiet, Gormath was completely gone except a few spots of blood and his charred skull.

"Oh g-" Flora choked, getting cut off by her own throat as she suddenly choked back vomit.

He refused the warnings he pleaded for.

"Who are you?!" I demanded. I was pissed, who was this voice?!

I am nothing and everything, the omega of life. I saved you once, I saved you twice, but thrice shall be the fall of my claws upon your life threads.

"I said who are you?"

And I answered. Ask a question, receive an answer. I am on your side, Froststar Mortsleam, so long as you allow it. You have, however, made me save you twice already, the third time shall be saving your soul from its material bonds to put it lightly.

Flora growled. "He made you save him? He hasn't made anyone do anything with this! Gormath came after us and we had no clue he was here, how could Gale make you save him if he didn't even know you were here?"

By not taking advantage of the power that he was granted, that same power that allowed him to defeat all your foes back in that cavern.

The memory hit me hard and brought back that pain in my stomach. "What was that?"

You should know already. There was a sharp blast of air and a feeling like something was passing by; when it died off, the far wall opened up and Corin and Lara rushed out.

"What happened out here??" Lara demanded, looking very scared.

"What was that weird voice?"

"Some strange being...but I feel like I know him somehow..." I was confused, what the hell was this nostalgic feeling? "C'mon, Gormath's dead, we need to find that gem or whatever's down here, and fast."

(Well we're sitting here resting, it's only been ten or so minutes since we left the room. Nothing really new to report, we're just sitting here for the next half an hour while the broken depressurizer in this chamber filters the air so we can progress. I'm gonna see if there's something else I can tap into...ooooohhhh, that's right, Charos has a journal now too, wonder what he's up to?)

"That was a good meal," Charos said with a smile. Glairn blushed and smiled back.


He curled himself around her. "What you got to be shy about?"

Glairn cleared hir throat nervously and rubbed against him. " you, you wanna...advance some more? With our relationship?"

"What're you saying?" he asked as he hugged hir with his wing and nuzzled hir, getting a cute purr from hir. "We can't formalize it for a few more years now, we're still too young."

"I mean...uhhh..." Shi sighed nervously and pressed hir head against his chest, lowering hir voice to a small whisper. "Charos...I wanna mate with you."

Charos paused, his mind racing...were they ready? "Glairn...I wanna mate with you too but...shouldn't we save that for when our mateship is formal?"

"But that's just an outside sign of committment...I don't want anyone other than you." Shi cuddled against him. "Besides, how many other dragons would want a tomboy herm like me?"

Charos chuckled and kissed hir on the cheek. "I guess we really are made for each other aren't we?" Glairn nodded and licked his nose, but his face went stern. "Glairn, if you're dead-set on having my penis inside you, I just wanna say this now; for me, mating is a bond, so if we have sex, it's a sign of true commitment. I don't want you to hurt yourself by having sex with me and losing the bond it's supposed to be. If we do it-"

Shi cut him off by planting hir lips on his. After suckling on each others' mouths briefly she broke off with a small smile. "Charos, I wouldn't be asking you to mate with me if I was simply lusting for you. I want you to make me yours. I've been thinking about it ever since we confessed to each other...and even with our disagreements, I know you're the one for me. I'd be stupid to leave you for another." Shi nuzzled him softly and hid hir face against his shoulder with a grin. "I told myself I'd give my virginity to the one I knew was right. You're the one deserving to take it."

Charos sighed and wrapped his forelegs around hir. "I wish I could do the same for you..."

"We've been over this, Charos...I don't mind. You did what you had to to survive." Shi pulled back and looked into his eyes. "You did it to save Flora, and that's why I love you; you're so caring."

He smiled and kissed hir, whispering "I love you too Glairn..." as they touched wingtips and hooked their wing-thumbs together. They fell deeper into that loving kiss, playing tongue war with each other before Charos wrapped his tongue around hirs, feeling his pulse quicken as his penis stiffened. Glairn purred, feeling very excited and out of breath. Shi broke the kiss to look down at hirself to see hir penis at full length, throbbing like his.

"H-how do we..."

"Here," he said softly, stepping beside hir and lowering hir onto hir back. His mind was racing frantically as he tried to recall what Flora had told him...he wanted to make this absolutely special for Glairn. "We're not gonna start off with just straight sex; I'm gonna get you ready for that."

"How?" shi asked, watching as he stood over hir tail.

"Trust me, you'll enjoy this." He gazed at hir penis briefly before looking down at his real objective, licking his lips and lowering his mouth to hir swelling netherlips. Glairn stifled a pleasured gasp as he nuzzled hir puss, spreading hir lips with his nose, and shi squealed as he started exhaling through his nose, his warm breath exciting hir.

"Oh Charos...that feels...AH!! THAT FEELS SOOOO GOOOOD!!!!" shi squealed as his tongue slipped into hir and ran up to hir clitoris, flicking over it before slowly sliding back into hir depths. He glanced up with his eyes as hir sheath parted a bit behind hir erection and hir testicles were revealed. Glairn gasped and moaned as he licked hir sack, ran his tongue up along hir throbbing length, and then quickly nibbled down hir belly to hir thighs, his paws kneading hir dripping vagina as he tenderly nibbled hir legs. Shi was in paradise---nothing had ever felt this good before, and it only kept getting better as Charos tended to hir. "Oh...oh Charos...m-more!" shi shrieked, writhing on the ground in bliss. Charos very lightly ran his upper teeth back and forth over hir clit as his tongue worked hir pussy, hir paws pressing his head against hir tailbase as shi groaned and twitched. As he pushed his tongue deeper he felt something hinder him; something elastic, like a piece of skin or something stretched across hir tunnel. Glairn felt a strange fire growing and spreading from hir vagina, and as it grew every one of Charos's intimate actions felt even more pleasurable. Shi wanted that fire to never stop! "OOOOOOOOOOOHHH!" shi screamed as shi realized Charos was sucking on hir penis while his paws continued to work hir vent. He'd tasted his own cum before, from cleaning off Flora in the dungeon and from hurriedly cleaning his paws after masturbating, but Glairn's juices and pre-cum were sweeter than his and he was loving it. Charos had no idea what he was doing with hir member, but shi was bucking hir hips and pleading for more so he must have been doing something right. Glairn shivered wildly and moaned hoarsely, grabbing his head as hir body started to take over.

"I think you're ready now," Charos said as he licked hir juices off his muzzle. He was dying to take hir, but he still needed to go slowly and take his time. He stood over hir and kissed hir, giving and getting an affectionate purr. Glairn felt the wild rise in hir body begin to calm down as shi became less fiesty, but hir penis and vagina were begging for release now that he'd gotten hir worked up. As they played with each other's mouths, panting and suckling on each other passionately, Charos realized he really was bigger than Glairn; the difference in their ages was maybe only 3 years, but with their heads at the same level his penis would only be maybe a third of its length inside hir standing this way. He pulled away from hir mouth and pressed his nose against hirs, running his paw along hir cheek. "I love you Glairn."

Shi smiled and wrapped hir forelegs around his neck. "And I love you too Charos."

He stood up higher and they both watched as he aligned himself with hir entry. Glairn shivered with anticipation, excitement and nervousness as shi watched his large dragonhood inch towards hir most protected and private area...shi wanted to watch him slide into hir, but the moment he parted hir lips shi threw hir head back with a cute squeal of pleasure as ecstasy shot through hir and continued to flow as he slowly pushed his way in. Charos smiled as he watched hir face contort with pleasure, but in the back of his mind he kept remembering Flora's words of warning; ~"Dragonesses have a small piece of tissue inside them that tears on the first mating, but don't worry, the pain is very brief."~ Sure enough he felt resistance and Glairn tensed. He bent forward and kissed hir gently, whispering "Do you want me to keep going?" Glairn nodded and he added "Okay, this might hurt briefly," as he pulled his hips back. Gritting his teeth he plunged into hir. Hir eyes flared and shi shrieked as a searing pain suddenly shot through hir, and Charos immediately lowered himself onto hir and hugged hir when he saw tears run down hir face. "Does it hurt too much to keep going?"

Glairn couldn't answer for a few seconds, but suddenly the pain went away, a strange, pleasurable fullness taking its place. Shi smiled as Charos wiped hir eyes. "I-I'm fine now...I can keep going..."

He smiled and kissed hir softly, then stood back up and slowly began pumping his hips. Glairn moaned in surprise and bliss as she felt his endowment stretching her tunnel every time he pushed in. Already incredibly aroused from their foreplay it only took maybe five thrusts before Glairn grabbed his neck with a loud roar of pleasure as shi flew over hir edge for the first time in hir life. Charos murred to hir as he felt hir vaginal juices spray everywhere as her insides rapidly pulsated around his penis, but started in surprise when something hot, wet and sticky shot between them. He looked down quickly as Glairn thrust hir hips involuntarily off the ground as hir penis ejaculated, coating his chest and hir neck in hir first cum. Shi fell to the ground, whimpering cutely in hir afterglow as Charos continued to mate hir slowly. He chuckled to himself and bent his head down to nibble on hir neck, making hir moan and give begging whimpers. "'re so tight and warm," he whispered. Glairn gasped in bliss as he suddenly hilted himself inside hir and lifted hir rear off the ground a bit, rapidly thrusting into hir as shi was suspended on his erection. She gasped with pain as he suddenly pushed past a barrier deep inside hir, but once he was in they both yelled with increased pleasure; hir cervix was gripping his shaft as the head of his penis pleasurably invaded hir young womb.

"Ooooh Charos..." shi pleaded, "harder...please, harder!" Shi squealed and started thrusting against him as he pounded his dragon meat into hir virgin tunnel harder and faster with each thrust. His penis seemed to be made for hir, it stretched hir so fully yet not to the point of pain... Several times he hit a certain spot inside hir that made hir shiver uncontrollably as spasms of ecstasy wracked hir little body. Their small cave was filled with mating growls and moans and her adorable pleading for more as his member's motions in hir puss made arousing fluid sounds, the entwined loop of their tails constantly smacking the floor as he made hir feel pleasured and loved. Charos' wings took on a mind of their own and began flapping to cool them both off as the two panted into the other's mouth, tongues dancing, paws intimately exploring each other, hips grinding in pure bliss against each other, hir vagina quivering around his throbbing erection as his pre-cum started flowing into hir innermost chamber while hir erection lay sandwiched between their bellies and was pleasured as his motions made his belly rub up and down hir length.

"Mmmooooh're so wonderful..." he whimpered as he felt his climax approaching. Shi couldn't speak; hir voice was lost to pleasure as hir inner fire consumed hir nerves, only allowing hir to think of how wonderful this was. Charos murred to her as he slowed down, wanting to keep this going as long as he could since it was their first time together. Glairn moaned and grabbed his forelegs in a vice-like grip, hir back arching as he pulled up and snaked his head between them to lick hir erection. I don't care if this is gay, I just want hir satisfied, he said to himself as he wrapped his mouth around the head of hir penis and began sucking. Glairn cooed softly, hir mind totally enveloped in pleasure as hir lover and soon-to-be mate started orally pleasuring hir while his wonderful penis continued to gently caress hir vagina. He grinned and took hir a bit deeper, having to crane his neck to reach hir member, listening to hir pleased moaning as his tongue explored hir pole. Shi's so cute, he thought to himself as hir paws scrabbled over his neck in hir ecstasy. Hir penis throbbed and jumped with hir pulse in his mouth, straining with pleasure and need every time his sheath slapped against hir labia and his penis pleasured hir womb.

"Ah...aahh...oh...mmm...oh yes...more...m-more...hardeeeer..." shi panted with each heavenly thrust. Shi started thrashing slightly under him, hir limbs jerking as shi lost control while hir arousal continued to rise swiftly. Glain whimpered and held his head to hir erection as he started suckling more eagerly, pleasure shooting through hir with every caress of his tongue around hir tip and shaft. Shi trembled under him with a low, hoarse moan of pleasure, then roared and spewed fire as shi threw hir head back and arched hir back off the ground, hir hips jerking again as shi shot hir load into Charos' waiting mouth. Charos gasped in surprise at the power behind hir ejaculation as shi quickly filled his mouth with hir sweet seed. Without thinking twice about it he gulped it all down and licked hir penis clean as she lay on the ground, panting in bliss, their tailbases drenched in hir vaginal juices. After tending to hir erection he softly nibbled it, then pulled off and slowly nibbled his way up hir belly and neck, getting a slight giggle from hir as his teeth tickled hir chin. Shi wrapped hir arms around him as he kissed hir, moaning again as his hips again began driving his penis deep inside her. Shi felt some of hir love-juices run quickly down from hir puss and slip into hir tailhole as he pulled out and paused.

" you want cum in you?" he asked. Shi panted and grabbed his neck, pulling him into a lustful kiss.

"All the way," shi breathed, hooking hir hind legs around his waist. Charos grinned and they both fell into a passion-filled kiss as he planted his paws on the floor and started rapidly mating hir, hir penis slapping repeatedly against his belly every time his member slid deep inside hir womb. Charos moaned as hir velvet tunnel clenched around his dragonhood as his girth stretched hir and pleasured all those lusting nerves in hir passage. Glairn clung tight to him, whimpering with need as that fire of passion swiftly rose again inside hir and skyrocketed past its previous levels, leaving hir lost in ecstasy.

"Oooohhh...almost...AAAAAAAHHHH!" Charos roared, thrusting fast and hard into Glairn and making hir swing under him as he lifted hir off the floor, her limbs clinging tightly to him as hir head fell back and she let loose a long, pleasure-saturated scream. They both felt his penis jumping inside hir, filling hir virgin womb with hot, thick ropes of delicious semen. He collapsed on top of hir and they both purred loudly, paws rubbing intimately all over each other as his erection continued to shoot his load deep inside hir. Shi murred as he lifted himself up weakly and his paw trailed down hir front to hir stuffed pussy, and shi suddenly screamed again as hir most powerful orgasm yet swept over hir as he pushed his paw behind hir testicles and rubbed hir clitoris. Charos was still ejaculating inside hir, but when he felt hir vagina suddenly grip his penis in tight waves of muscular contractions begging for his seed and hir juices squirting from hir tight grip on him, he gave another roar and hilted himself inside hir again, his sheath pressed tight against hir stretched slit as he unloaded inside hir for a second time, stretching hir little womb with wave after heavenly wave of warm, rich cum. He fell back down on hir and they quietly cuddled in their afterglow, enjoying the pleasure and warmth of his seed filling hir innermost sanctuary and claiming hir as his mate. They didn't care about the mess of Glairn's semen all over their bellies or hir vaginal juices dripping off their tailbases and thighs; all that mattered now was that they were mates. Eventually Charos forced himself up a bit and softly stroked hir cheek, admiring how cute shi looked with hir sleepy eyes and hazy smile of satisfaction. Shi hugged him again with a tired purr.

"That was awesome..." shi whispered, fighting to stay awake.

"Just for you," he whispered back, bending down and pecking hir on the mouth. Glairn nuzzled him happily and lay on the floor, relaxing under his weight. He folded his wings around them both and twisted his tail a bit tighter around hirs. "I love you Glairn."

"I love you so much, Charos," shi yawned. Their eyes met and they lost themselves in bliss, just staring at each other until Glairn drifted off to sleep, hir body finally surrendering to hir exhaustion. Charos lay his head by hirs and closed his eyes with a content smile, losing his fight for consciousness as well as he cuddled hir smaller form closer to his.



Spyro and Cynder, chapter 23

Again, sorry if it seems rushed, I just don't have the time anymore to invest in writing X\_X if you're under 18, get lost nao plz kthnxbai. CHAPTER 23 "I tire of this..." Vale said, rolling a stone around on the floor. "Just...

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Spyro and Cynder, chapter 22

The "No Yiff" rating is a bit misleading, as there is explanation of sex and pregnancy. Sorry for the minor spoiler of the chapter content. If you're under 18, gtfo NAO, rawr. I'm not dead, yet xD;;; gonna explain my slowness soon here, I'm...

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Spyro and Cynder, ch 21

If you're under 18 and/or do not like the idea of videogame characters having sex, leave now. Go. For those of you keeping up with this, I'm still going at it. Series is starting to draw to its close, so stay tuned. This time I'm not gonna tell...

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