Sabhira's Daughter #34
#38 of Tails of the Khajiit
The Gates of Markarth
| "So this is Markarth. Impressive," Kitty said as they walked the steps up to the main gate of the city.
"They do love their stone!" Muz-Ra agreed.
"Have you been here before Uber?" Udaran asked.
The big Argonian shook her head, "No. Though I have heard stories. They say they sleep on stone beds here."
"That's just a myth I'm sure." | |
| "My pads are killing me. A stone slab sounds pretty good to me right now!" said Kitty, groaning slightly.
"Unfortunately we can't rest just yet Kitty. We've got to get some civilian clothes first, right?" Muz-Ra reminded her.
Udaran agreed, "She's right Kitty. It's too bad we didn't come across any merchants on the way, but I do think we should change as soon as possible."
Then, stepping up to the guard, she purred in supplication, "Sir, I'm afraid we're new to your great city. We are in need of a merchant. Can you advise us where we might find one?"
The guard removed his helmet and smiled at her, looking her up and down appreciatively. "You'll want Arnleif's. Just stay to your right as you enter, you can't miss it." | |
| "And, there's no restrictions for Khajiit and Argonians here?" she added hopefully.
"Naa, not for you. You're welcome anywhere in the city - but do change out of your working clothes. Some people might object."
"That's just what we're looking for. Thank you sir!" Udaran smiled her sweetest smile, trying not to reveal too much fang.
Kitty noticed the guard's eyes widen somewhat as Ubergard passed him before he donned his helmet again. | |
| "Hello Ma'am. Are you Arnleif? We have need of some more... standard shall we say... clothing," Udaran said in her sulkiest Nord voice.
"No cat, and you can turn off the heat. I'm not into your kind. I am Lisbet, the owner of Arnleif. He was my husband."
"Oh," Udaran said, reverting to her normal accent, "I'm sorry to hear that."
"Spare me. And this better not be on credit. Ash still hasn't paid me from her last visit!"
"Ash? Oh no, we have coin." Udaran said, revealing a small coin purse.
| |
| "Oh! I'm sorry. You're not from the Cathouse?" Lisbet lightened up considerably at the sight of the purse.
"The Cathouse?" Udaran asked, suddenly more interested.
"Yes, I'm sorry - it's your clothes. The only Khajiit around here that dress like that are from there. Please forgive me. Here, Imed will show you our clothing line. Though I'm afraid we'll have nothing that will fit your tall friend here."
"Kitty, would you mind checking out the clothes with Imed? I'd like to hear more about this Cathouse." | |
| Kitty chose what she considered to be conservative clothes and one with somewhat more elegant for Udaran as their leader, before returning to the counter where Udaran was speaking.
"I do thank you Lisbet. I will call on lady Ashasha at the Cathouse in the morning."
"That may be a bit too soon I'm afraid. They don't open till after dark." Lisbet warned, adding "...or so I hear."
Udaran smiled, "Oh, we're not patrons OR prospective employees. We're just looking for someone who may be there."
"Uh huh." Lisbet didn't sound convinced, but brightened as the purse was opened.
"Will that do? And do you mind if we change in here?" Udaran asked, leaving an abundant supply of gold on the table top.
"Oh yes! Thank you! Do come back again if you find yourself in need of anything. And good luck with Ashasha tomorrow. As for the inn, The Silver-Blood Inn is just across the road back towards the entrance." | |
| A few minute later found the group standing in front of the main Markarth Inn.
"Well THAT was lucky! And it certainly sounds like the brothel we're looking for," Kitty said happily.
"Definitely. There CAN'T be more than one around here. Where is it Udie?" asked Muz-Ra.
"She gave me some directions. It's not in Markarth proper, but it's not far outside, just across the river. Now let's go get a room and let me get out of this BLANKET!"
"Really! How Nords survive inside these clothes is beyond me. Can't feel a WISP of air!" Muz-Ra observed. | |
| "So, good sir," Udaran said to the bartender/manager of the Silver-Blood Inn, "No rooms at all for a few weary travellers?"
"Kleppr, miss. Please call me Kleppr. No, I'm sorry, but all our rooms are taken this night. It's those damned Forsaken. Everyone within miles comes into Markarth to avoid them at night. Unless you would consider sleeping out here for the night?"
"Oh, I don't think that would be wise Mr. Kleppr," Udaran purred, "You see, I can't sleep in clothing at all and I fear the sight of my naked, exposed body would offend your guests."
Kleppr raised an eyebrow at that. "Oh, well... hmm... Maybe there's something I could do for you..."
Udaran plopped a fat bag of coins on the counter, "and for my friends too of course."
"Of course. We've a nice room just up the stairs. Our cook and houseboy stay there, but they can sleep out here tonight. However, er... I'll need to drop in from time to time during the evening to get the food."
"Oh, that would be JUST fine Mr. Kleppr! I'm sure a man of your dignity wouldn't disturb four sleeping females under your roof. I just hope my lack of nocturnal dress doesn't disturb you too much."
"Yeah, um... I mean no! Right this way. | |
| After a somewhat disrespectful scene in which Kleppr evicted his employees from their room unceremoniously, the four were finally left alone.
"Oh my god, I didn't know how sore my pads were until I took my weight off them!" Udaran sighed.
"Red? Are you sleeping Au Naturel too?" Kitty asked, rubbing her own feet.
"Well, you got me thinking Udie. I think I'll leave my bikini off for tonight."
"Oh? Don't relish the thought of some mystic eyes watching you Red?"
"In fact, no. I don't. Kitty? Aren't you sleeping with me or Udie tonight?" | |
| "Not tonight. Besides, the fire feels awfully good."
"Well, you're not missing much sleeping on the floor I have to say. Too bad it wasn't a myth eh Udie?"
"I'll say! But at least it's warm in here. Goodnight everyone. With luck, we'll be on our way back home tomorrow."
Kitty noticed that during the night, Kleppr only sneaked inside a few times to take a peek. Lecher he may be, but he was a harmless lecher - which was well for him since Ubergard was not snoring. | |