Sabhira's Daughter #33
#37 of Tails of the Khajiit
Words of Wisdom from an Unlikely Source
| "What do you suppose happened?" Muz-Ra asked quietly to Udaran as they turned onto the road to Markarth.
"No idea, Red. Something serious. But we should let her decide if she wants to talk about it."
"Did she go out last night?"
"Not that I know of. But I don't think it was just a bad dream either."
Muz-Ra nodded, "Me neither." | |
| After hours of walking, Kitty's mood had finally lightened enough to consider the future. "So, Udie, what's your plan once we get to Markarth?"
"Well, we're probably going to get there pretty late, so we'll need to stay at an inn. If Markarth is like most large cities, it will have a combination tavern/inn somewhere near the entrance. I'm hoping the barkeep or maybe some locals will know about a whorehouse that offers Khajiits."
Kitty considered this for a minute. | |
| "You know, they won't be used to us there, like they are in Whiterun. Maybe we should buy some 'normal' clothing. Otherwise they might think we're looking for jobs there!"
"Good point. Ubergard, do you think there will be any traders along this road before we get there?"
"It's always possible. It's even possible that we might meet Ri'saad and Atahbah's caravan."
"Well, if so I think Kitty's right. Let's try and see if we can get some more conservative clothing before we get there." | |
| Ubergard turned with a raised eyeridge, "I hope you aren't suggesting I change?! This armor is worth more than half of Blue's treasure. I'll not leave it in some inn's room to be stolen by a Markarth burglar."
"Ok, ok! You can keep yours on. I doubt anyone would ever mistake YOU for a prostitute anyway."
"I should hope not!" | |
| "What about after," Kitty continued. "I mean, what if we find this place? We don't even know what her name is."
Udaran shrugged. "I've no idea. I'm open to suggestions."
Muz-Ra offered, "Well, we could ask the owner if anyone was sold to them from a Khajiit matching Hasskir's description."
"If the owner is still even the same. And we're assuming she's still there. That's a lot of assumptions," Kitty pointed out. | |
| "I just thought, even if we find her, she's going to have some hard news. Her mother was murdered and..." Udaran mused.
"And I killed her father," Kitty concluded. "She's probably not going to be overjoyed to hear that news."
"No, I suppose not. But my duty is clear. I just have to find her and tell her what happened."
"And give her the gold."
"Yes, and give her the gold that her mother died for," Udaran elaborated.
Kitty nodded and sighed once again. | |
| "Kitty?" Muz-Ra ventured as the overcast sky began to darken into late afternoon some hours later.
"Yes Red?"
"What happened back there? At FarSeer's place? It's ok if you don't want to talk about it, but sometimes it helps. We're all friends here."
Kitty walked on without replying.
"Ok," Muz-Ra accepted Kitty's reluctance. | |
| A few minutes later Kitty relented, "I saw him... I went out in the morning to the outhouse, and on the way back, I saw him in werewolf form."
"Did he see you?" Udaran asked quietly.
"Oh yes. He came up to me. But I... <sniff> Oh Udie, I couldn't accept it. It was too terrible. All claws and teeth and the stink of blood. I knew he was FarSeer, he was my... friend. But I couldn't see him. All I could see was a thing. A monster. To choose to BE that. I'll never be able to understand it." | |
| At that, Ubergard turned to her.
"Nor I, Kitty. He always was a hunter though. We talked last night about it. He saw it as a way to become the ultimate hunter, without tools or weapons. It was always his dream to live that way, alone and needing no one's help. He's living his dream, and I do believe him when he says that he's not a danger to anyone now. I too have seen his other form though. It seems to be designed to elicit fear and loathing. Hircine is a terrible Prince to worship, but perhaps not the worst of the lot. My brother was drawn to him years before he became what he is now. He loves the hunt, and always will. You were right to understand your limits. I fear he has lost all chance of any lasting relationship for that love, but you mustn't think it a weakness within you. Your reaction is ingrained into any civilized being." | |
| "Thank you Ubergard. I think you're right. I have to believe it really. When he came close to me, I was overwhelmed with fear. Like I had no control over my own body. That's a feeling I hope never to have again. But I learned something about myself. I'm not as strong as I thought I was."
"You tried, Kitty. FarSeer appreciated that, I'm sure. You tried, and that's more than I can say for myself. I've fought werewolves before, and when I learned he had become one, I rejected him outright. I don't understand the lure of the hunt, to go to that extreme for it. But I have learned something too. That even someone who would willingly accept - seek out - that disease may still be sane." | |