Chapter III: Royally Fuchsed

Story by Simplified on SoFurry

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#3 of Love for the Birds: Home to Roost

This story may take a while, so you may want to get some snacks.

I looooove my long chapters!

In this chapter, a lot happens, a lot of character development, and a lot of sex.

Peter is shown to the village by a new sister he never knew he had and gets a chance to meet with his father.

Meanwhile, the Fuchs family has arrived in Wiesel Stadt and will soon begin their journey to the village.

There is this and so much more in this chapter, I hope it won't be too much. I love my dialogue scenes most of all.I'm not finished! You should have gotten a snack!

With this third chapter, I would like to hear from the people reading.

What do you all think of these characters?

What's something you would like to see more or less of as we progress?

I would really love to hear from all of you!

Royally Fuchsed

Peter had a sister now.

The ferret was at a loss for words while this otteress he just met was hugging him. They were two different types of weasel, but they were related through their stoat blood.

Iomer sat there watching the otter he'd known his whole life shedding tears for her new brother. He'd never seen her cry, not even when she lost her virginity, or when she'd scraped her knee. She always put herself out as one of the boys and she was accepted as such.

Peter smelled her lovely musk as the hug deepened then realized that the sister thing hadn't diminished how attractive she was.

She felt it, her hip was against his right now, "You've got a boner for your new sis, Peter?"

The ferret gulped.

Maureen smooched him, "Brother or no... I know a cute guy or girl when I see one and..." She kissed him while looking at Iomer who seemed nonplussed at her kissing a new male.

Peter remembered. He broke his first kiss ever and looked at the pine marten, "Are the two of you... Together? I saw you kiss her before, then I saw her kiss your... Brother?"

Iomer chuckled delightfully, "We've had sex, sure. Are we together like mates? We haven't really decided, we're not 18 yet and I definitely don't mind if she wants to be with other guys or girls. She puts on a great show." He winked at her before continuing, "And yes, Justin is my brother, I was adopted by his parents because they both were deeply in love with my mom, when she'd passed away when I was still a cub. I'm Iomer."

Peter was shocked a second time. "Iomer? Maureen? That's the name of the tavern where I grew up."

Iomer nodded, "I've never been to the city, but my adoptive father had gone there. He's seen the tavern, he knows the goat who owns the place. That's where my mom lived before she came to Volaria, and Iomer was my grandfather."

Peter was being given a whole lot in such a short time, "This is all very surreal. I didn't know I had a sister and I didn't know I was a Fuchs... They're the royal family. We have royal blood."

Maureen nodded, "We do... But my dad doesn't care about that stuff. His family has done things that he never agreed with."

Iomer nodded, "One of them, a stoat named Frederic was in love with my mom, and he murdered my father for taking her from him. Then, Governor Heinrich bribed a judge and jury to let him off with self defense."

Peter crestfallen, "I didn't know all of that."

Iomer saw how late it was getting, "We can talk more later, we have to get home before our parents wonder where we are. You can come with us."

Peter took Iomer's offered paw, "Thank you and again... I'm sorry for calling you all those mean things."

Iomer smiled, "It's only words, come on!"


It was sunset when the stagecoach pulled up in front of the tavern in Wiesel Stadt.

Gertrude was the first out after the coach driver opened the door. She rudely smacked him with her umbrella, "Fresh! I caught you staring at my cleavage."

Each member of the Family Fuchs stepped out of the carriage with Lydia and Walter being the last two.

Lydia stepped down first then offered a friendly paw to her cousin.

Walter blushed then took it, smiling when she held his paw.

Both Fritz and Frederic found it cute that they were showing such affection already to each other.

Gertrude found it disgusting, then again, she'd become a lesbian since men hadn't wanted to be with her because of her son. She took Clementine by her hand and practically dragged her along while George stayed behind to let his Uncle Fritz carry him into the big building.

Inside, the tavern was starting to empty already. It was a slow night, but there were still plenty of paying drinkers.

Jarlsberg stood when he heard customers coming in, then brightened up when he saw Fritz among them, "Fritz Fuchs! You old tub of lard, what a surprise!"

The short, chubby ambassador let the goat reach over the counter to hug him, "It's nice to see your cute queer ass is still running this place, Will!"

Jarlsberg laughed, "They could never get rid of me, Fritz!"

Gertrude was already getting impatient, "Yes, yes, old gay men flirting, very cute, could you kindly give us some rooms already, Innkeeper!"

Jarlsberg heard the contempt in her voice, "William Jarlsberg, Fraulein Fuchs, and I'll have your room keys right away." He selected some from his wall of keys, "There's a room for the married couple and their kids." He gave that to Frederic, "One for you, Miss, with your... Boy toy?"

Gertrude held her son, "Walter is my son and he gets a separate room. He's a growing boy and should be more independent after all." She really had grown to dislike her son over the years. She didn't like males for how they'd neglected her because of him.

Jarlsberg exhaled, "Sure." He took another key then gave it to Walter, whispering to the 16 year-old, "You have my condolences."

Then he turned to Fritz, "And of course, I still have your special room, Fritz."

Fritz chuckled, "After all these years?"

Jarlsberg nodded proudly, "Never been touched by another soul, except for when we clean it for the event that you do drop by... Even if you do take 14 years to come back."

Fritz giggled as he took the room key from him, "I'd say someone's got a boner for his royal friend, hm?"

Jarlsberg laughed, "Oh of course... No one's got an ass as tight as yours, Fritz. And you are such fun when we can have you."

The chubby stoat winked, "You can have me tonight then, mein freund." He kissed the goat, before turning tail to head upstairs.

The whole Fuchs family followed including a gagging Gertrude who couldn't stand the blatant gaiety between them.


Upstairs, the family had cordoned each other off into their separate rooms.

Fritz went right to his room, still with the purple fringes as he liked.

Frederic, Clementine and their two kids took the family suite.

Gertrude went to her room while Walter stayed behind, not quite sleepy.

The young stoat instead roamed the hall of doors until he came to one on the left right at the top of the stairs. He could swear he heard crying inside.

Walter hated when a woman cried, he'd seen his mother cry plenty of times from loneliness. He knocked on the door, "Hello?"

Nadine had been upset after her son had left her, but in her heart, she did feel was for the best. He needed to see his father, she just wished he would have taken her with him. She stopped her crying when she heard the voice, "Who is it?" She called out again, "The door's unlocked."

Walter turned the knob, it wasn't. He opened the door and saw a pretty ferretess, closer to his mother's age, but still very pretty. "Hi..." He said nervously.

Nadine's eyes widened, he was the spitting image of his father, her Irving who loved her then left her for his true love. She sat up, "What's your name?" She wiped her tears.

He gulped, "I'm Walter."

She smiled as make up ran down her face, "Walter... Come here." She beckoned him closer.

The teenager let himself be drawn in.

Before he knew it, the stoat had been stripped naked then placed on his back while this older jill had her head in his lap. He shuddered like the untrained virgin he was when she started sucking on his uncut weasel cock.

Nadine purred happily with him in her mouth, enjoying the taste of an untouched young male. She could tell his father hadn't been a virgin all those years ago, but he still tasted quite nice when she'd sucked on him.

Walter, for his first time, didn't last long, but he made a lot when he had his first climax.

Nadine stroked him and licked his glans just as he'd started to shoot his virgin seed.

Walter squealed through his first orgasm, having never felt anything that good, not even from his own paw.

Nadine lapped what he gave, crawling over him until their muzzles touched.

He could see age lines in her cheeks, but the 38 year-old jill was still very beautiful.

Nadine kissed her old lover's oldest son while she ground herself against his groin, "You're cute, just like your daddy."

Walter looked up at her, "You know my dad?"

She flossed herself on Walter's erection, "I do... Your daddy gave me a baby too. My son, Peter, he's not home right now though. He's gone to see his father at the village."

Walter gasped when this jill kept touching him in such sexual ways, "Village? He lives in a village."

She picked up the boy's paws then put them on her breasts, she giggled when he instinctively began playing with them, "That bird village with all those pretty birdies in those woods."

Not much more was said then when she'd impaled herself on the boy's cock.

Walter gasped, now he'd been deflowered by this lovely jill.

Outside the room, a jealous Lydia listened in. She wanted him to herself. She would have to try harder next time she could get that stoat alone.


Peter gaped at his surroundings as he was led through the bird village by his new... Friends? Could he call them that? They were so nice, but then he'd heard so many bad things from his mom.

The friends meanwhile tried to decide what to do with their new guest.

Maureen decided, "He's here for Dad... I think it would be easier if I got him home and we got this over as quickly, then the adults could decide what to do.

Iomer didn't like that plan, but he agreed, "Alright... I'll see you tomorrow then. Good night, Maureen!" He walked away with Justin.

The group of friends dispersed leaving Maureen with her new brother.

Peter smiled nervously before Maureen dragged him along, "Come on, Peter! I'm taking you right to Dad so we can clear this all up right now!"


Alice was up when Maureen got in. The otteress got up, upset that her daughter had come in so late, before she saw the strange ferret with her, "Maureen, who the hell is this with you?"

Maureen spoke up, "Mom, this is Peter, he's from the city."

The otteress looked at him then she noticed his unmistakable eye color, "Oh God... You're one of Irving's aren't you?"

Peter shrugged, "I guess I am."

Irving came out of their bedroom, "Did someone say my name?" The 31 year-old blinked when he saw the teenaged ferret standing in his den, and quickly recognized the shade of green in his eyes, "Oh shit."

Peter crossed his arms, "Hi, Dad."

Irving smiled nervously, "You're Nadine's aren't you?"

Peter tried to control his temper, "So you remember?"

Irving nodded.

Alice felt the tension so she kindly escorted Maureen out of the room to leave the men to talk.

Peter searched his brain for what he wanted to say, "So... She's pretty."

Irving looked after his wife, "Yeah, that she is... We'd actually been friends for two whole years when I was still at the embassy with my Uncle Fritz... Who I later learned was actually my dad."

Peter heard him, "Really? Because Mom says you found yourself some 'younger otter bitch' then you left her. But... You actually knew her before Mom?"

Irving nodded, "Yeah... We used to tease each other, I guess even then I knew I had a crush on her, but I'm five years younger than her. Your mom's got seven years on me... I guess I just attracted older women back then." He laughed nervously as he scratched his head.

Peter sighed, "I guess embellished a lot on things... But the matter doesn't change that you never stayed. She's still there in that old tavern having to sleep with guys for rent, and she tells me you just left her as soon as you met your otter..."

"Alice, and that's definitely a lie." Irving sighed, "I'd gone to see your mom, many times when she was pregnant with you. I gave her money, I helped pay for her rent, for things she needed, and my family had always sent her checks since well, you're a Fuchs and we do care for our sons, even our illegitimate. I asked her to come live with us... Here in Volaria, but she said it had to be her or Alice... I picked Alice, and I don't regret that decision, but I am sorry it's been so hard for you and for her. I've tried to take care of her, but she'd told me to stop coming back if I was just gonna be with my... Otter bitch."

Peter listened to everything he said, "It's hard... My mom has to degrade herself and be disrespected every night... And every night I'd wonder where you were... Then when I learned you were here only walking distance away... I wanted to come and punch you for leaving us... A part of me still does but... I don't blame you for picking Alice... She is beautiful, and my sister is beautiful."

Irving laughed, "Well, I'd tell you not to date your own sister but... I knocked up my own sister, so who gives a fuck?"

Peter blinked, "There's more?"

Irving nodded, "Oh yeah... You've got another brother and sister out there... I don't know what my sister's calling her boy now, but you have a sister who is also part ferret named Lydia... Her mom was a maid at the embassy... I couldn't help myself, I've had to say that a lot..." He chuckled. "Believe me, our whole family is all kinds of twisted and fucked. My dad's slept with his brothers' wives, obviously since Mom had me after a drunken night with him. He's also a raging queer and heartless sex hound, but with such a heart of gold you'd never believe. We've also got a murderer in our family and a court-buying governor at the head of it all... My other dad, the dad I thought was my dad, the brother my dad dislikes the most of his brothers."

Peter nodded, "Because of Maureen Jollenbeck?"

Irving nodded, "Because of her, our resilient ray of sunshine."


Back at the tavern...

Walter was just recovering from the great sexual awakening he'd just had courtesy of the lovely Nadine.

Nadine lay right beside him, awake and waiting for him to turn, then once he did, she kissed him deep on the muzzle.

After that, it didn't take much to get him climb back on top of her.

She guided his young cock back into her then he bred with her as instinct guided him from there.

Walter enjoyed her warmth, especially the remnants of his cum still leaving her slick walls very slippery for him.

Nadine kept kissing the young stoat as he mated with her, then she licked right under his neck to coax more fevered thrusts from this young man.

In the room down the hall, Fred did the same with Clementine, trying to make his second child with her.

Gertrude had begrudgingly let them dump George on her so they could have their privacy. The ferret cub went right to sleep thankfully so she didn't have to chase him down.

Fritz got a fun ride from Jarlsberg, the old goat happy to show how much pep he still had in his old step.

Walter gave a primal hiss as he erupted for the fourth consecutive time inside Nadine, this night.

The ferretess was getting her workout from this teenager, that was for sure. Nadine petted the stoat who still had bountiful energy in him, pent up after years of being repressed by his mother, "You should be feeling really special, Wally." She licked him.

He licked her tongue at the same time she'd licked his face, "Why is that?"

She bucked her hips against his, "No one's ever gotten to actually cum in me before, not since your daddy had his way with me." She kissed him again, inflating his ego and provoking a fifth go from the teenaged stoat.

And meanwhile Frederic bit his wife's nape as jets of his cum flowed into her. Clementine always loved it when her mate could lose control and just let himself be the primal beast who drove her through such great orgasms.

The young prince equally enjoyed pleasuring his wife as many times as he could when they got moments like this. And so after a brief respite, they were off to the races again.


In Volaria, things were similarly passionate for some.

After he'd given Peter a place to sleep in a small guest room they had, Irving and Alice went to bed with an intention to put that thing to good use.

So while one pair of mustelids was enjoying themselves, Peter was shamefully stroking himself as he listened for their immodest moans. They knew they probably had someone listening and they didn't care.

Alice gasped when Irving unloaded his first batch of the night into her and they delved into an impassioned kissing match.

Peter had also unloaded all over his naked belly and was licking his cum off of his palm, when he felt something hot and wet hit his cock. He looked down in a shock to find Maureen lapping up strands of his semen as she climbed over him.

The otteress crawled over her half-brother and she kissed him while she lay naked on top of him.

Peter was slow to stop, in fact, he didn't even try.

Maureen rolled onto her back, pulling Peter on top.

The ferret and otter kissed some before the ferret felt his sister's wet snatch. A minute later, he was in her, experiencing his first feel of a real female pussy.

She guided his paws so he would play with her breasts while they made love and then it was perfect, almost perfect.

Peter was close to Iomer in terms of size, but not with endurance. The ferret barely lasted more than five minutes before Maureen pushed him off of her. She was able to get him in her mouth before he shot off.

The two siblings laid together following their little moment.

Peter nuzzled her, "Are you sure Iomer won't be mad?"

Maureen shrugged, "He might be a little bit, but I'm my own person and if I wanna fuck my own brother, I'm gonna do it with no shame." She kissed him. "Iomer and me have talked about having more people anyway, and he's open with other guys, you should see how he is with his brother. Those two fuck more than rabbits."


Morning came.

Peter woke to an empty bedside, but before he could call out, he felt a warm mouth on his cock. He gasped then humped delightfully against the familiar otter head he held in his paws as she bobbed on his shaft. He looked down and saw Alice, not Maureen.

The adult otteress grinned playfully, "You thought we let our little girl have all the fun in this house?" She straddled him and rubbed herself against the younger male, "And before you ask, my husband's perfectly fine with it too. The Fuchs family has a very loose definition on what they consider right in a family structure... I know, they're all as horny and nasty as any commoners, but they have money so they can pretend they're better. It's their one philosophy I've enjoyed.

She lowered herself on his young cock then slowly began to pump herself over Peter, "Ooh... Our little girl made beautiful noises last night, now I can see why... Irvy, what do you think?"

The male stoat was there, naked with his cock in his paw watching his wife ride his son. He chuckled, "I'd say the boy definitely takes after his old man." He got up then, "Move over you two, I gotta get in this."

And from where he lay, Peter watched Irving pluck Alice off of his cock, then pull her down on his own as he knelt on the bed right in front and allowed Peter a first-person view of his father pumping into his wife.

And Irving gave a great show, pumping up hard, letting his sweating balls jingle with each thrust while Peter could see everything. Irv went hard until his balls jumped to his groin and he unloaded inside his lovely otteress.

And after a morning like that, Peter wondered where his day could go from there.


An hour later, Peter was standing half naked in the training grounds with Iomer, Justin Jr, Feroz and other young males.

Peter had to ask, "What are we here for?"

Iomer quickly shushed him before Coram stepped out of his shrine where he liked to pray to the goddess before a full day of training young birds to defend themselves and others.

The great horned owl looked about his regimen of 21 young trainees... 21!? There was an extra in his ranks. He looked at the ferret who looked a bit young to be standing with them, "You... Small weasel... What's your name?"

The ferret stood up straight and answered, "I'm Peter... Fuchs, sir!"

Coram cocked a brow at him, "Fuchs, you are related to our Irving Fuchs who lives here?"

Peter nodded, "He's my father."

The owl smiled, "That horny bastard." He laughed before turning serious, "How old are you? You must be at least 15 to be in my class."

The ferret looked dejected now, "I'm 14. I only had my birthday last week."

Coram nodded, "Then I am sorry, but you must find somewhere else to be. My class gets pretty rough and I don't want to feel responsible, especially not for one of your prestigious family."

Peter nodded, "Okay..."

Iomer comforted him, "We can talk later, sorry."


Later, Peter was kicking the dirt as he walked around this big village. It was a fine town, nicer than he remembered with Wiesel Stadt.

He saw a blue jay female standing outside her house. She was dressed pretty sexy with a vest that only partially concealed her plumage and a skirt that flipped up whenever she turned against the wind. She saw him and beckoned him over.

Peter walked up to her and Kali put an arm around him, "You must be Irving's cute new son I just heard about. Hi, I'm Kali."

Peter blushed, "Yeah, I'm Peter."

Kali tickled his chin, "That's nice... It's a damn shame you're so young... I wouldn't mind taking you for a ride, just to see if you're anything like him."

He gulped, "You've had my dad?"

"Your dad is very popular around here, not just because his family is famous, but also because he draws in a lot of pay for the trade."

Peter looked at her, "Trade?"

"Sex trade, dear." She walked with him.

The ferret furrowed his brow, "You mean prostituting? Turning tricks?"

Kali saw he was upset, "I can tell you don't agree with that, I'll admit, I was against it too, my husband was one of its hardest opponents and now... It's just a part of life here. We still hunt and farm and do regular work around here, but if someone comes by and they're interested, we could invite them in for a meal, and a night of fun with one or both of us."

Peter looked at her, "No one ever hurts you or tries to leave without paying?"

Kali laughed, "If anyone tried to hurt me, my husband's retired now but still a trained warrior. And me..." She pulled out her hunting knife, "I can take care of myself."

They came up to the chief's cottage.

Javin was sitting outside staring at the sky when he heard them approaching. The cobra looked at them, "Kali... How pleasant of you to drop in, and is this Irving's lad?"

Peter blushed, "Everyone's heard of me already?"

The cobra chief stood showing his excess height over the ferret and blue jay, "Word spreads fast, especially among birds, they love to gossip."

Kali tittered, "That we do."

He turned to go inside, "It's a mess inside, but you can come in."

Kali pushed Peter ahead then followed him inside.

Inside, Javin had furnished the whole cottage to be more like his old home back in his old country. He had pelts hanging over windows to shield his home on bright days, he kept hollowed bones of ancient old creatures on his walls and everything was written in an ancient language not known to even the birds.

The cobra sat on his throne before Kali and Peter.

Javin leaned forward, "So... Irving's son... From Wiesel Stadt, yes?"

Peter nodded as he stood before the big serpent, "Yes sir."

The cobra nodded as a young viper came to his side to deliver Javin's smoking pipe.

Javin accepted the pipe and thanked the young female in snake tongue. He turned to Peter as he stuffed a strange brownish herb into the pipe, "So, what brought you out here to my little village?"

Peter explained, "My mother... She lives by herself in a little apartment at the tavern, she's lived in that room for years, more than she'd ever wanted just to take care of me. She's had to sleep with males for money and... When she'd told me my father was living out here, I thought I could come find him and somehow convince him to come back. I've seen him now and I realize there's no way he would do something like that but... I want to be able to help my mom... And I don't know what I can do."

Javin nodded, "Yes, it can be hard taking care of someone when they'd been taking care of you your whole life. Before you came here, I had a mate. His name was Keel. He was much older than me, but he was as fine a lover as one could hope for. He was handsome, he was fierce, but at times he'd have to struggle just to get himself out of bed, and if I tried to help him, he would always refuse. Just this past winter he... Well he's no longer with us now." He smoked on his pipe, "But he would have begged me to help you if he heard your story. Keel always loved helping the younger people with their problems no matter how great or small."

Javin blew smoke before continuing, "While you are here, you can consider yourself a citizen of our village, not just a guest, but you are young so you must stay with a guardian. As your father is here, you may be allowed to stay with him and his family."

Peter nodded, "Thank you."

Javin passed his pipe to Peter, "Smoke?"

The ferret took it, "How do I...?"

Javin directed him, "You put the tip in your mouth then you inhale from your lungs, not with your mouth, just a deep breath."

Peter followed Javin's instruction while Kali watched with an interested look.

Peter had a mouthful of smoke now. It burned his throat.

Javin said, "Okay... Hold it for 1... 2.. 3... And exhale."

Peter did and a big old cloud of herbal smoke left him. The room had filled with the minty essence.

Javin nodded, "You feel it... The tickles, your lungs opening up, it's an amazing feeling. This is an old remedy my grandfather taught me in my home country."

Kali took the pipe and she showed better mastery of the instrument and made a more impressive cloud of smoke than the teenager.

Javin laughed, "But Kali here is of course, the mistress of all things unique."

While Kali showed more of her innate expertise, Javin beckoned that same viper over to his throne.

She walked up then leaned in when he whispered something into her ear.

The viper's slitted pupils shrunk and her tongue flickered, then after a stern glare from her chief, she politely nodded. She went over to Peter and she led him away.

Kali knowingly looked at her old friend, "You pervy serpent! Sending the boy off to get laid, I'm starting to see some Nestor in you, Javin."

Javin laughed, "Oh, I'm sure the boy won't mind. Couldn't you smell him? He's clearly had himself a very entertaining morning."

Kali looked in surprise after Peter, "Really? The way he blushes so much, I took that boy for a virgin."

Javin's sense of smell was certainly stronger than Kali's, "He was last night... I smelled mustelid... Otter on him."

Now the blue jay was interested, "Alice or Maureen?"

He tasted the air again, "Both." He snickered.

Kali laughed, "Those horny bitches, and they didn't even ask if I wanted any." Then she decided to turn the conversation on Javin, "So who's the new girl?"

Javin knew she would ask, "Farrah? She's a new servant who started working for me after Keel died. She does my cooking for me, she cleans for me, does practically everything for me."

Kali teased him, "Everything?"

He caught her wink and would have done it back if he had eyelids, "Everything... She is a fantastic lover, it's been years since I even laid with another serpent. Anything I ask of her she'll do it for me, I can't tell if it's because she has to serve me, or because she has affection for me, but..."

Kali punched his shoulder, "Someone's got it bad... Are we going to have a joining anytime soon?" Joining was of course, the avian term for marriage.

Javin smiled, "I am almost 40... I'd say it's a good enough time for me to marry and have children. We reptiles we live for such a long time, it's unbearable without having someone by your side. My grandfather died at 140 years when I was still wild."


In the other room, Peter couldn't believe the amount of tail he'd gotten in such a short time. Last night, he lost his virginity to Maureen, then her mom got him, now here he was under a pretty viper while she rode and hissed wantingly upon his teenaged cock.

She wasn't a mammal like the last two, she didn't have breasts, but she felt no different inside. She was as tight, as wet, as warm as Maureen and Alice had been.

Peter held her hips as she'd directed him while she mated with him.

Farrah looked down at her young lover; on her experience, she could tell he wasn't the best at it, but his thrusts did feel nice when they hit her in the right spots. She leaned closer and she licked him, tasting his young musk on her sensitive tongue.

Peter caught her tongue with his lips and he drew her into a kiss.

Farrah let him have the kiss, hissing as their tongues intertwined.

Peter hit his orgasm before Farrah, making her moan as his young seed flowed through her.

She laid on top of him, placing her diamond-shaped head on his chest.

Peter looked at her as she lay there. The little sunlight showing through the pelts made her luminescent green scales glow. He gave her another kiss, thanking her for the moment they'd just shared.

Javin let the flap fall back into place as he turned to give them their privacy. Later tonight, he knew Farrah would appreciate his mastery more, but he was happy to provide that young ferret something to ease his troubled mind.


"Oh! Why must we walk, Uncle?" Gertrude asked Fritz for the umpteenth time as they'd begun their trek down the dirt road towards Volaria.

The stoat had grown tired of her whining but kept his pleasant smile, "I've told you already, Gerti, because they do not allow carriages to go through Volaria, their roads are not wide enough to accommodate our vehicles, so we must get to there by foot."

The stoatess groaned, "And I thought these primitive birds had modernized... Oh... I need a bath, a massage, and shade from this fucking sun!"

Walter held up a parasol to shield his mother.

Gertrude was surprised he had remembered to pack that. They came straight from the capital city to her uncle's embassy. Maybe he wasn't totally useless then. "Thank you, Walter."

That was the first time he'd heard those words from her mouth.

Gertrude gave a rare smile but didn't let him see it. She sniffed him as he walked with her, "I still smell your ferret from last night, Walter."

The teenager blushed when she brought it up.

A part of her was kind of happy to see her only child growing up, "My little boy can fuck like a real man, eh?" He was taller than her, but she still had a mother's unspoken right to keep calling him her little boy.

Walter blushed after hearing her curse at him, before he realized it wasn't in her normal vindictive way.

Gertrude put her head on her son's shoulder.

That made Walter smile.

And it made Fritz smile to see them being a real mother and son for the moment.

Frederic walked up to his brother, "We're going to have to stop somewhere."

Fritz nodded, "I know of a place we could stop at, if it's still there, we would have to get off of this path. Will that be fine with you, Gertrude?"

The stoatess straightened up, "Hmm? Oh, oh yes... That'd be fine."

Fritz nodded, "Right... Follow me. Lydia, you stay with your mother and your brother."


A small moment later, the Fuchs family had come up to an old abandoned cottage in the middle of the woods.

Frederic saw the little house, "This looks like it hasn't had anyone living in it for years."

Fritz mm-hmmed his confirmation, "Not for 15 years in fact." He pushed on the door and it fell off of its rusted hinges.

Gertrude didn't like it, "I think I would rather take my chances out here."

Fritz shrugged, "It just needs a touch of sprucing up."

Fred looked around the dusty old cabin as he walked through it, "Did you know this place?"

Fritz checked an empty pot left out collecting dust, "An old friend lived here before... Did you ever hear of a fox named Charles Velasquez?"

The younger stoat shook his head, "No."

Fritz kept looking around, "I was a guest of his a number of times, he lived here with his wife... Before the both of them had died. I liked him, but we didn't always see things eye to eye."

He found the dead captain's old bedroom. It was dirty and the ceiling had caved in. "I thought this would at least have been taken care of, but none of his sons or daughters have cared it seems." He turned to his brother, "There is a barracks behind this building, if you all don't mind sleeping in one room.

Gertrude heard him, "A barracks? Like for soldiers?" She shuddered, "I'm definitely camping outside."

They found the barracks and it was in better shape.

It had never been locked, and it stunk of the wildlife, but they could still use it for the night.

Fred and Clementine chose one of the middle beds, coincidentally the same bed Justin had slept in.

Lydia and George had to share a bed while Fritz took another.

Gertrude, true to her word, had Walter set up her tent outside then made him stay with her because she needed to feel safe.

Later, a campfire was set and the family of seven sat around eating a vegetable stew that Clementine made with Lydia's help.

Gertrude ate quietly before a nagging question came to her, "Uncle Fritz..."

The chubby stoat looked to her, "Ja, Gertrude?"

She sighed before letting it out, "Why don't you ever come see us?"

Fritz smiled, "I would if I were welcome... But your dad doesn't like me very much. It's just as well, I'm not too fond of big brother Heinrich either."

Gertrude looked down before speaking, "Because Irving?"

He chuckled, "Because I gave his wife a bigger thrill than she'd ever felt with him and she gave me a son for it? Of course... Heinrich doesn't like anyone or anything getting in the way of his perfect little world. So of course... Once my son knocked you up, he was only too happy to shove him off on me!"

Gerti chafed at being reminded of that, "We both know what happened with Irving... Wasn't totally his fault... I wanted Deitrich... My beautiful big brother, but he was out fishing and Irving was just there... And I hate what I did to him, but it gave me Walter."

Her son looked up after hearing his name.

Gertrude asked another question, "What did Dad do, Fritz?"

Fritz turned to Frederic, "You wanna take this one?"

Fred sighed with vegetable broth in his whiskers, "Alright... Gertrude, do you know a while back I'd been on trial for a murder?"

Gertrude blinked, "You, Uncle Frederic?"

He nodded as he held hands with Clementine, "When I was young... And stupid, there was a pine marten named Maureen... And I loved her. I loved her for so long... We'd met when we were children, we grew up together... Lost our virginities together... Then was when Mom and Dad were still alive. When Heinrich was still one of us, normal, or as normal as this family could hope to be." He joked, "Then I'd gone away to college like Fritz, like Heinrich, like all of my brothers. I never forgot her. When I came back, I wanted to propose, I wanted to marry her.

He felt Clementine hug him tight, he nuzzled her back as he grew sadder, "But... When I came back to her, she was pregnant with another male's cub. I..." He sniffed, "I lost my temper... Another day, I came to make her leave with me, then he was there to stop me... Caleb Wald... I had a pistol I'd brought home from overseas. I had a bodyguard with a rifle to protect me. There was a fight, my guard was killed, then I took his rifle and I shot him. I had killed the male who took Maureen from me... I was tried for his murder... If I'd been convicted, I would have hanged for it. But I was acquitted on self defense, Heinrich had bribed the judge and I was let free."

Gertrude listened to everything.

"And when it was all done, I came to the tavern... And she'd gone. I had taken from her, then she left home to get away from me. I never saw her again, I never had the chance to tell her how sorry I was. She came out here to the same village we're going to and she died there... Because I drove her here." He was in tears when he'd finished.

Gertrude took the time to think on everything she'd just heard, "So... My father saved you from hanging."

Frederic scoffed, "Saved me... He only stopped me from dying. Like Fritz, I'm not allowed back there. We all grew up in that palace, it was our home and now Heinrich gets his pretty little castle all to himself while we wallow. I don't like Heinrich either... I'd have let myself die... But then, I would have never met you, Clementine."

The ferretess kissed him, "You're a good person..."

Fred sniffed, "I'm only better because I know you need me, you and Lydia and George."

George was already asleep.

Lydia sniffed, "That was such a sad story, Dad."

Fred nodded, "It is sad... But it's not over... As long as we're all here... Our stories never stop, even when we've passed on, our stories outlive us."

Fritz nodded, "Yes, but now I say we put an end to this chapter, eh? We'll have a full day of walking to look forward to tomorrow."


Half an hour later, the family had turned in.

Gertrude sat in her tent brushing her long brown hair before going to bed.

Walter was outside emptying his bladder on the ashes of their fire. When he was finished, the stoat took off his shirt before going into the tent. He blushed when he saw his mother.

Gertrude had also decided to go without a top, despite knowing her son would share the tent with her.

Walter wanted to look away but his mother didn't try to cover herself up and he kept staring.

Gerti giggled, "You act like you've never seen them before. You used to drink from them once."

Walter gulped, "When I was a cub..."

Gertrude bumped her son's nose with her brush, "Silly boy..." She jiggled her boobs more to tease her boy, "I know..." She became serious for a moment, "I know I haven't been the best mother to you, Walt. I say things, I do things and I never really mean it. I'm often times only mad at me. I got myself pregnant; I let my brother get sent away; and now I'm about to do something a mother should never do..."

Before Walter could register what she'd just said, Gertrude had caught him in her arms, pressed him to her body, then kissed him in a very un-motherly fashion.

Chapter II: Peter the Not-So Resilient

Peter the Not-So Resilient Iomer woke first the next morning. He saw his brother sleeping next to him. The pine marten nuzzled his brother and Justin nuzzled back. The young mammal crawled out of bed to use the chamber pot in the corner. He hissed...

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Chapter I: Sons of the Fathers

Sons of the Fathers CREAK! A sturdy oak door opened as the gentle taps of toe claws could be heard on the hard wooden floor. "Mister Frederic?" The soft voice of a ferretess in her early teens was heard. The matured stoat called out, "I'm having my...

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Chapter XVII: Maureen the Resilient

Maureen the Resilient Justin wasn't hit, but someone's blood fell upon both him and Sky as the commotion around them quickly died down. The hawk stared in disbelief. Justin looked in despair. Maureen stood over them. She'd been pierced by Captain...

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