Chapter I: Sons of the Fathers

Story by Simplified on SoFurry

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#1 of Love for the Birds: Home to Roost

And we are back!

Home to Roost is the title, and that certainly pertains to what will be the main focus here. While the last one was about an epic quest, and adventure, this is more the stuff I love writing about, stuff about discovering family roots, about learning more about your relatives, and as an adopted person irl, I can definitely say that is more important than fighting some evil bad guys.

I love my punny titles! But anyway, like I've said this one won't focus so much on the main cast from last time, now, the focus changes over to the kids. Sequels are almost always about the kids, especially Disney sequels! These are the kids who were born last time, now grown into hot-blooded horny teenagers with their own lives and as I've already learned with Everyone Does It, teens are fascinating characters to write about. I can see why John Hughes made a whole career off of it!

So now, Irving's sister, Gertrude plans to find her brother and likely take him back home, meanwhile, one of Irving's illegitimate sons is especially interested in finding him, and in Volaria the kids of our previous heroes have no idea of the emotional storm headed their way! What will happen? Read and see for yourselves! takes a winged bow as the curtains draw open

Sons of the Fathers


A sturdy oak door opened as the gentle taps of toe claws could be heard on the hard wooden floor.

"Mister Frederic?" The soft voice of a ferretess in her early teens was heard.

The matured stoat called out, "I'm having my bath, Lydia."

The small jill blushed at the thought of that man naked in his tub. She asked the question she came to ask, "Have you seen Mom?"

Frederic suppressed a small shudder he felt just now. He looked at the adult ferretess perched on his malehood. She shook her head before he defied her and said, "She's right here with me, little girl..."

That made Lydia blush even harder, "Oh... Okay... Um... I'm just looking for George's toys. He's making a fuss for Uncle Fritz and... What's Mom doing there?"

The ferret glared at her mate before he defied her once again and made her moan from one well-placed thrust, "She's helping me make a new brother or sister for you right now, Lydia."

Clementine blushed at her husband's unrepentant teasing, but couldn't say more before he humped harder into her and made her squeak in her ecstasy.

Lydia gulped, "Well... I just need the toys for my baby brother right now."

Clementine had to answer, "Check around the bed, there should be some toys underneath." before Fred pulled her in for a deep kiss.

Lydia shouted from their bedroom, "Okay!" A second or two later they heard, "Found his favorite ducky! Bye Mom, Bye Freddy!"

Frederic hated being called Freddy, that name reminded him of the unruly youth he was, but he let Lydia and Clem get away with it.

The married weasels continued their passionate lovemaking after they heard their bedroom door close.

After hearing of Maureen's death a full 13 or 14 years ago, Fred had been able to put off his tireless search for her then do as his brothers had always urged him to do. Almost exactly, they all told him any other jill would fit him as a fine wife.

Fred chose Clementine.

The jill already had her daughter, by Fred's own nephew, Irving, but Fred hadn't minded. It was nice living with a pre-started family and having a bride who appreciated him, who cooked every meal for him and had a daughter who loved him even though they had told her long ago he wasn't her real father.

Lydia hadn't cared, she loved her stepfather, though she still chose to call him by his first name.

Fred and Clementine married, then they'd had a son of their own together, George who was now a rambunctious six year-old.

Now, Clementine was in heat and they were going for her third cub and his second with her.

Fred thrust triumphantly into his beautiful bride as his potent semen rushed through her.

The ferretess clawed her royal husband's wet backside as her own climax came over her.

14 year-old Lydia was in her room while Fred mated with her mother. The young ferretess had delivered the toy to Uncle Fritz as asked, then she'd run right back to her bedroom. She flustered that she had even thought of her father being naked. That was a bad thought and naughty jills got spanked for thinking like that. It sounded so good for her mother, though. It always sounded like something so amazing, how could it be wrong?

Lydia stripped herself naked to see her teenaged body. Her breasts were growing fine, they were small like her mother's, but they would get bigger as she got bigger. That was what her mom said. Lydia held them, she'd seen boys touch the other girls at school. Boys who thought they were clever sneaking gropes of the girls there, before they were caught and promptly spanked in front of their peers.

Lydia moved her paws downward as she looked at herself in the daylight filtering through her curtain. She shivered when her inexperienced fingers brushed over her virgin slit. She touched it, nudged it and always felt a small tickle if she played with it. She'd felt her fingers go in sometimes when she would take her bath and she would have to scrub herself down there.

And while the little jill was touching herself, she failed to notice her bedroom door closing as an unseen peeping tom crept away.


While that was happening, Fritz was in his office with a wild ferret cub playing by his desk while the stoat was learning to use one of these marvelous new inventions called a telegraph. Now the middle-aged stoat could send his messages to anyone he knew, so long as the lines weren't down.

He giggled delightfully as he pressed on that button and the machine made a beeping sound.

His delight would end quickly though.

"Uncle Fritz!"

The door to his office had opened and there stood an adult female stoat in a pearly white dress with a ridiculously large hat that had a big feather sticking out of it.

Fritz cringed, "Gertrude... My favorite niece, to what do I owe you this unexpected visit?" Actually, he had received a telegraph from his brother, Governor Heinrich, that she may be coming.

Gertrude stepped forth, "You know why I am here. Mother and father have been very upset that you had allowed my brother to go gallivanting off with some birds and shirk his royal duties. So I have volunteered myself for the retrieval of my baby brother!"

Actually, Governor Heinrich had been perfectly fine when he heard his son had no interest in their social circle and had chosen a life of leisure with the natives. The governor sometimes wished he could have that freedom.

Fritz saw through her ruse, "Or really, you want to find him so you can dump his son on him, hmm?"

Gertrude was offended that he would say something like that to his own niece. "How dare you speak of Walter like that?"

Fritz grinned, "Like this, you're embarrassed because your boy is now at the same age Irving was when he'd gotten you pregnant. And let me guess, he's started sniffing after the girls now, right? It is that time of year, Gerti."

Gertrude was red in the face and embarrassed that he'd gotten so much right. She was embarrassed of her teenage boy starting to show his hob traits of being a horny male sniffing after females in their heat.

She was about to speak when she'd just noticed her boy was missing, "Oh god... That boy's gonna put me in an early grave! Walter!" She called out.

And right on cue, her boy had turned up.

The 16 year-old stoat was panting as he ran to his mother, "Yes, Mutter, I am here!"

It took Gertrude only a second to notice her boy's pants were unbuttoned, "Walter, were you pawing yourself again?"

Walter blushed as he buttoned himself before his mother grabbed his right paw then sniffed it.

Her face crinkled, "Nasty little boy, you'll never be a proper gentleman at this rate!" She smeared the schmutz on his muzzle to embarrass him, "Now wear that for the rest of today, dirty boy!"

Fritz had laughed until he saw his niece discipline him in such an unnecessarily mean fashion. He called to the boy, "Walter, come here."

Walter did, "Yes, Uncle Fritz?"

The older stoat kindly wiped the younger stoat's cum residue off of his face with a napkin, then discreetly sniffed the boy's musk. Fritz was still Fritz even if he'd put some of his old tendencies away. "What were you doing, Walter? You smelled a pretty girl, huh? It's perfectly natural, no matter what your mother says."

Gertrude blushed red that he was being so soft on the teenager.

Walter blushed, "Um... There was this ferret girl... She was naked and touching herself in this room."

Fritz's eyes flickered, "You were peeking on your cousin, Walter?"

The stoat blinked, "She's my cousin? But she's a ferret."

"And she's your Aunt Clementine's daughter. She had her from my own son, Irving, your mom's brother."

Walter was getting more confused, "Wait... So my cousin is my sister, then my uncle is my father and what does that make you?"

He chuckled, "Your grandfather." He saw the boy's expression, "I'm assuming your mother has neglected to tell you all of these things."

Gertrude interrupted them, "He's not supposed to know! It's a shameful thing that I'd let my own brother put a baby in me! It's even worse this boy is turning into him! I'm going to find Irving, and I'm going to get that lazy ass to come be a real father for his kids!"

Fritz leaned back in his office chair, "Then you go do that, Gerti..." He was just stalling, "Oh, but you need me to tell you where he is... Unfortunately, I myself have never been to Volaria, that's the bird village, but, if you'll go to Wiesel Stadt, find a tavern there called Iomer's, there's an old goat there who could tell you."

Gertrude was still enraged at his casual attitude over all of this, she wanted to say something.

Fritz looked up, "You're still here? Go on!" He waved her off.

Gerti shook her head, "No... I want you to get off your ass and be a real father too. You are taking me to Wiesel Stadt and to this bird village, and you are going to help me find my brother, if you don't want to lose your cushy seat here in this embassy, Uncle!"

Fritz didn't care about losing his place here, anything would be better than sitting in this office all day. "Fine... Then if I'm going, then we are all going. Let's make this a whole family trip. Me, your Uncle Frederic and Aunt Clementine, let's all go to Wiesel Stadt!"


Elsewhere, in the bustling new city of Wiesel Stadt, things had grown exponentially over the last 14 years. Now the buildings were bigger, the population had exploded and the police force had gotten more efficient.

And right in the middle of all this progress was a humble tavern.

Iomer's Tavern had been renamed Iomer & Maureen's, but it was the same place with the famous spiced ale.

Inside, it was as busy as usual, several musky hobs and various other species enjoying the ale while barmaids served the drinks and bouncers dealt with the unrulier customers.

Old Jarlsberg was there drinking his tea while his bartenders served ale to the folks sitting at the bar counter.

Upstairs, in the first room on the left, immodest moans could be heard as a female ferret was being fucked from behind by a large male wolverine.

"Oi Gott, here it cums, missy!" He grunted as he erupted noisily into the ferret whore.

Nadine was still a barmaid here, but now that she was a mother and had to support a child, she'd been working double time as a prostitute, especially since those checks from the royal family had stopped coming.

The jill panted as the wolverine filled her. She'd thankfully had him put on a condom beforehand, so she was safe and wouldn't have any unwanted cubs, not when she was still trying hard to take care of one.

That son of hers stood outside his mother's room. The teenaged ferret had listened to his mother's illicit activities then shamelessly humped his own paw to the sounds of her john's hips smacking her rear. He'd erupted into his own paw just as the larger male erupted into his mom.

Nadine muttered as she felt that condom swell inside her, "Oh you beast!"

The wolverine chuckled smugly, "Ay, that's what they call me, missy. The beast who breaks backs!" He nibbled on her backside as he felt he was still erect, "I still got one more in me."

Nadine turned to him, "You got enough in your wallet?"

The wolverine made her look away from him, "Sure..." He pulled out of her and threw away the condom he'd just used, put on another then thrust himself back inside her.

The young male licked his cum off his paw before he started back up, stroking his uncut cock as his pants had begun to slide off his lithe hips.

The wolverine inside was having the time of his life while outside the young male was unintentionally exposing his bare ass to any who happened to walk by and see a young ferret jerking his meat. Most ignored him, others admired his sleek physique, while others showed their distaste in his blatant disregard for common decency. Those, he dutifully flipped off without stopping.

The wolverine growled loudly as he filled another condom inside Nadine.

The 14 year-old ferret hob filled his paw again at roughly the same time. The hob slid down still gripping himself as he recovered from two back-to-back orgasms.

The wolverine dressed himself while Nadine discarded his used condoms. When he was done the wolverine deposited some currency into the jill's pay jar. He buttoned himself up and was about to leave when Nadine checked how much he had given.


Nadine tilled around the gold coins he'd left in her jar, "This isn't even enough for the first one, you liar!"

The wolverine scoffed, "Didn't think a whore'd know how to count, lass."

Nadine got angry then, "Peter!"

The jill's son heard his name. He promptly waltzed right in, half-naked with his royal pope waving gallantly at the wolverine.

The wolverine rose his brows, "You've got sponges workin' for you too, missy?"

Peter shoved his cum-drenched paw right in the wolverine's face.

The heterosexual male was repulsed and promptly vomited when that foul musk of a male ferret infiltrated his nostrils.

And while the wolverine was bowled over trying to recover, Peter kicked the male right in his family jewels.

The wolverine cried out when his eggs were crushed by the male ferret's hard boot.

Nadine stood over the crying, puking male, "Now maybe next time, when a whore says lets fuck, think with your wallet first, fuckbrain!" She took exactly what she was owed for both rounds from his wallet.

The wolverine tried to get up, "I'll get ya for that, miss..."

Nadine rolled her eyes, "Sure... In the meantime, get the fuck out! Nick!"

Nick, one of the tavern's bouncers, a big brawny brown bear came up. He promptly collected the wolverine and dragged the fellow out leaving mother and son alone.

Nadine finally looked at her boy's dick, "Put yourself away, boy. You'll scare off the nice girls if you just waltz about with your snake spitting at them all the time."

Peter laughed, "Nice girls, in this city?"

Nadine laughed, "You realize that includes me, you scamp?"

Peter giggled, "But you're my mom, moms are automatically better!"

She punched his shoulder softly, "Oh you..." One awkward minute later, "But seriously, but that thing away before you poke someone's eye out with it."

The teenager pulled his pants back up then buttoned them. He saw his mother lie down on her bed. The boy climbed in with her and he hugged her.

They laid there a full minute before Peter said something, "Mom?"

She raised her head to look at him, "What is it, Peter?"

The ferret nuzzled his mother, "You never tell me what happened to my dad."

She'd wondered when that question would arise. She took a breath, "I suppose you are old enough to know." Nadine rolled and embraced her son as she searched for the words, "I met your father, roughly 14 years ago, you are 14 right?" She joked.

He laughed, "I should be, I just had my birthday!"

She giggled, "Right. Well, your father was a stoat, you're not all ferret, dear. You have his eyes in fact. That same lovely shade of green that had seduced me all those years ago." She sighed dreamily as she remembered him, "He was here precisely one day, one night, then the next he was gone. Just long enough for him to put you in me."

He heard that and didn't like it, "That's not right... He should have stayed with you."

She sighed, "I know, but unfortunately, he met another lovely lady, one younger than me. He's married to her now and has a child with her while I sit up here in this dinky old dorm with you."

Peter was upset now, "Do you know where he lives then?"

She looked at him, "Why? Want to go beat up your old man?"

Peter didn't know what he wanted to do, "No... But, I'd want to see him so I can ask why he doesn't care for you." He didn't even know if that was exactly why.

Nadine, in her heart, did want him to see his father, "If you must know... He's in Volaria."

The bird village? His father was there, but that's a day's walk from here.

"You mean to say, my father has lived this close and still doesn't come to see you?"

Nadine sighed, "Sure... But his little otter bitch was exactly what he wanted, so why would he even bother?"

That made Peter even more upset, "That... I hate that!" He slammed his fist on the mattress, "I'll go there right now! I'll punch him right in the nose for leaving you!"

Nadine tried to calm her son, "You will do nothing, Peter. Your father left and that was his choice. I don't want you to fight him, I don't want you to get hurt. That village may have advanced, but they have their city guard and they'd attack you just for trespassing there!" She, of course, lied. She'd been to the village, she knew they welcomed anyone, but she didn't want her boy to leave her too.

Peter groaned in anger, "But, I still think he should have stayed for you!"

Nadine spoke very frankly, "It's only common knowledge, darling. Most weasel marriages don't last long."

That frustrated him even more, "Damn..." He got up, "I need some fresh air." Then he walked out.

Nadine stayed, she had lied... Most of what she'd said was a lie. The truth was Irving had tried to come see her, to give her money to support her and his son, but she'd refused his charity, and said she was content with the letters his family had sent her. But that was before his family had apparently forgotten about her. She sighed, she didn't want to be someone's after thought.


Meanwhile, in Volaria...

The bird village was no longer a simple village.

In the 14 years since, she had grown into a full-fledged town with real roads, real houses, shops all over. The only thing that made her different from Wiesel Stadt was that instead of weasels, all her people were avians, as well as some reptiles and the occasional mammals.

A blue jay female stood outside her home, scantily dressed with the dangerous glare of a predatory vixen. She licked her black beak at a passing anole lizard.

The lithe lizard saw her looking at him, saw that seductive lick and right away, the proud huntress had snared herself a live one.

Justin was inside his cottage sleeping on a rug in front of a fireplace. His house had become so much more advanced, with real wood-burning stoves, bigger pots for boiling or even deep-frying, and a fireplace to warm their house.

The male blue jay stirred when he heard his wife come in. He stood then grinned when she had come in with more prey.

The sexual trade that Justin had disputed before stayed despite everything that had happened. Ultimately it was decided, that with all the other things advancing, there was still a need for sex trade, but proper guidelines were made restricting this activity only to adults. Justin would have preferred if they were gone completely, but... The bisexual birdy in him did love the handsome males his wife had been bringing in since she'd been working to support him and their home.

The 20 year-old anole was just old enough to be permitted with these lovely birds.

Justin greeted him, "Hey there! Welcome to our humble little nest, son."

The anole's neckflap expanded, his species' way of showing embarrassment. He gulped, "It's nice to be welcome, mr..."

The jay bird took him from his wife while she went into the kitchen to prepare a quick meal for her, her mate and their prey of the day.

And while they were feeding their catch, Caryn was at home with her husband, watching him take it in the rear from a buff, muscular male badger who nibbled vigorously on Orion's neck.

Since Caryn had chosen to devote more of her time to caring for the kids, especially their third and fourth child they've since had, Orion had made himself the 'hunter' for this household. It was a job he enjoyed immensely, even if he did wind up with mostly large males who wanted to skewer him like a roasting turkey.

Caryn often got off from watching her husband get fucked, then stuffed with cream from the other males, then she usually took the males afterwards while her husband recouped and took care of their two youngest.

She especially loved when the males sometimes used her husband's slit as a pussy and just fucked him in there, saying they were giving him their mutant bird babies. That always made her wet when the males would take her next.

This badger pulled out of her husband at the crucial moment, "I'm gonna cream your little birdy pussy, pretty bird!" And he penetrated Orion's slit, while his cock hung out, spurting pre across the blankets. The badger pressed his hips flush against Orion's male slit and flooded him just like a female.

The cardinal trilled and he erupted all over his own bed when he felt that badger's cum dripping down his length to mingle with his birdy cum.


Right outside their home stood some naughty teenagers who'd been peeking, watching Ruby's dad get fucked in the ass then his slit by that big mammal.

Ruby blushed from having seen her father like she'd never seen him before, and seeing her mother touch herself. She was even more embarrassed at the teenaged eagle standing with her.

Feroz was fifteen like most of the kids here, but he was an eagle so he was the tallest and had his cock out while he watched that badger move over to Ruby's mom then started fucking her while the same female licked her husband's slit clean.

Ruby blushed at seeing the eagle expose himself like that. She saw her 14 year-old brother on his opposite side, staring right at Feroz's thick birdhood.

Justin Jr put a stern paw on his eagle friend's shoulder, "Feroz! Come on, you're supposed to keep that in your house!"

The mute eagle only winked like, "You know you want this, Blue Boy."

The blue jay had learned to read his friend's expressions, "I know... And I do want that, but we keep that inside where Ruby doesn't have to see that."

The eagle sighed then silently apologized to Ruby before putting himself away.

Frey frowned when he saw the eagle cock go away.


And while those kids were being little intrusive nightmares, two other kids were playing out in forest by themselves.

One was a pretty female otter with small breasts like her mom, and wild green eyes like her father. She was 14, her breasts had developed nicely and she had a pretty petite waist and a long muscular tail to go with it. She stripped herself bare before sticking her toes gingerly into the pond she'd found a while back, that she and her friends had been playing in since. Right now, she was alone, well almost.

The pine marten male watching her blushed when he saw her get naked. They'd gone skinny dipping together in this pond, them and all their friends, but he rarely got to have her alone. He whistled wolfishly at Maureen as she bent over in front of him, knowingly let him see her bare butt and pink slit.

Maureen blushed but liked the attention she got from her male friends, it was all in good fun anyway.

Iomer undressed himself too, letting his uncut erection bob in front of him like a naughty trophy.

Maureen had seen her friends become erect around her, she knew it meant they found her pretty and she'd even helped them sometimes.

Iomer walked confidently up to his friend, cock swinging in front of him.

Neither were 18 yet, none of their friends were. They weren't allowed to explore their sexuality yet... But since when did teenagers ever listen to their parents?

Maureen purred as Iomer joined her and she felt his hands go around her, felt his erection grind against her butt. He was a weasel like her, so he especially found her charms very hard to ignore.

The pine marten leaned in then he and the otter joined in a loving kiss, one that transcended friendship.

She'd been kissed like that by him, and she loved how his tongue tickled her lips, none of their bird friends could kiss this good, and she'd tried. Ruby was maybe the closest since she had the smaller beak. Yeah, she'd kissed girls too.

Iomer loved every moment he got to spend with her, alone or with their friends, he just wanted to be with her.

She squeaked when she felt him press against her slit and that was her one big no-no for her friends. She pushed him gently, "Nah-ah-ah, you know you don't get that, naughty boy."

The young pine marten yelped as he fell back then landed on his butt on the bank of the pond. Then before he could raise a protest, Maureen was on his lap, with her mouth firmly around his tip. Iomer shuddered as the otter started sucking on his mushroom cap.

Maureen smiled naughtily at the only other weasel she knew in the whole village, aside from her own parents. She'd already heard the warnings, to especially not let herself be mated by another weasel if she didn't want to have babies. She definitely didn't want that, but she liked playing with her friends.

Iomer moaned, "Oh... Maurie... Oh yeah..."

Her ears flickered from his monosyllabic encouragements and she stepped up her game.

The teenaged boy felt his toes curl before he shot his load.

Maureen held her long hair as she swallowed his seed.

The marten churred while his friend sucked him clean.

When Maureen was finished, she straddled her friend and she kissed him, feeding Iomer his own sperm back.

The young lovers fell back and kept kissing and touching tongues while her breasts squished against his chest.

The pine marten and otteress couldn't say for sure they were in love, they were still pretty young to be saying that, but they certainly enjoyed every moment they had together, every little sexual thing they got to do. And they'd done everything so far but that one crucial thing that was supposed to be saved for when they turned 18.

Maureen let her friend keep kissing her and rubbing her as things progressed into deeper emotion for the pair.

Before either blinked, Iomer had Maureen on her back and his shaft was pushing again at her slit; this time she wasn't so quick to stop him.

His caramel brown eyes met her emerald green before she gave the subtlest of nods.

That was all Iomer needed.

The pine marten sank inside his closest friend.

She nipped her friend as he stretched her, but there was no hymen. The two had had sex already. She reminded him, "You can't finish in me..."

He understood then he pulled back, when Iomer had almost his full length out of her before he thrust in her deep.

Iomer and Maureen kept going as kisses were traded between the both of them.

Time passed enough that she'd felt her first orgasm.

Iomer pulled out and he ground himself against her belly until with a hiss, he unloaded on her belly in six strong shots before he tapered down to a dribble.

He fell next to Maureen following their sexual awakening and he caught one of her nipples in his mouth so he could suck on that fat nipple. Maureen had nipples like her mom, definitely. Big and succulent, he liked having them in his mouth and she liked when he played with her breasts.

The two of them took the time to wash themselves in the pond following that, they kissed again afterward.

Maureen whispered to him, "I'd better get home before Mom and Dad start to worry."

Iomer agreed, "Yeah... Me too."

"Same place tomorrow?"

Iomer nodded, "Yeah."


So they went back to the village.

Alice Fuchs was in the kitchen when Maureen got home, "Hey baby!"

Maureen cracked the vertebrae in her spine, "Hi, Mom."

Irving sat at the table eating fish that Alice had cooked for him, "I hadn't seen you all day, Maurie."

The otter blushed when her stoat father asked her, "I was just with my friends."

Irving chuckled, "And was one of those friends Iomer?"

The otteress blushed deeper.

The stoat chuckled again, "You wanna know how I can tell baby?"

She didn't say anything but she kept giving him that look like she'd been caught red-handed.

Irving got up, while his wife held back her laughs, then he walked around to his daughter. He leaned in and he smelled her mouth, "Yup... You still got dick breath, girl."

Maureen shrieked and hid her face in utter embarrassment, "Dad! Don't talk like that! That's so weird!"

Irving scruffed his daughter's hair, "Don't be bashful, Maurie... Your daddy's sucked his fair share in his time."

That only made her blush more, "Dad? Really?"

Irving chuckled, "Sure... I mean yeah, I'd rather have a pretty girl, or your mom, but I've turned tail a few times in the past."

Alice playfully punched him when he mentioned her, "Okay, that's enough, Pervy Irvy! You're gonna make our little girl have nightmares of you taking it up the butt."

Irv kissed his wife, "Jealous." He kissed her again while Maureen slipped off to her room while they were distracted.


Iomer made it home too. He found his adoptive brother, Justin standing outside. The pine marten tackled the blue jay, "Birdy! What're you waitin' for?"

Justin Jr was able to overpower his brother. They were both 15, only separated by a few days. They had similar build and liked to wrestle to show their brotherly bond to everyone around them. Justin gave his brother a more than brotherly peck on the muzzle, "Mom and Dad are busy tonight."

Iomer raised an eyebrow, "You mean, busy busy?"

Justin nodded, "With a cute lizzie, too."

Iomer almost laughed, "You saw them?"

Justin giggled, "They never lock that door when they're... Busy. I saw Dad's and Mom's... And the lizard's too. He was doing Mom while Dad had him in his tail end. You know lizards have two of them?"

The pine marten laughed, "Sounds sexy..." after a pause the pine marten kissed his avian brother, "So, do we lay here and touch our dicks, or do we go in and listen to them?"

Justin laughed, "I can stand hearing them as long as you're with me, Iomer."

"And you, Jay." He'd started calling his brother Jay along time ago.

Justin Jr liked it, so it stayed. Justin got up, "Let's go inside then." He helped Iomer up then the brothers both went inside.


Justin Sr was still humping that cute anole lizard when his sons came in.

Iomer felt himself grow erect immediately from the sight, "You didn't say they were doing it in the den!"

Justin Jr gulped as he watched his dad, "Yeah... I guess I did forget that."

Kali was smoking some tobacco as she watched her husband, then she saw her boys, "Justin, Iomer! Welcome home, boys!" She pointed to a pot that sat over the stove, "There's some food for you if you're hungry." Then she blew a cloud of smoke from her narrow beak.

The two boys got some food then quickly ran to their private room.

There they ate while they could still plainly here their Dad's grunts.

Justin's feathers ruffled especially when he heard his dad's grunting orgasm.

Iomer had fish in his mouth when he saw his brother's reaction. He leaned closer, "You know a good way to get back at them, Jay?"

Justin had an idea of what the pine marten was about to say, "What's that?"

Iomer answered by pouncing on his avian brother and kissing him right on his beak.

Jay returned the kiss as he felt Iomer grinding his hips against his own.

Their clothes quickly came off then Iomer had placed himself over his brother.

Justin lay flat on his back while he watched Iomer's erect cock sliding between the lips of his avian slit.

Iomer licked his brother as he nudged harder against the blue jay's avian pussy. Then, Iomer sank himself inside the jay bird.

Justin Jr gasped then gripped Iomer with his legs so the pine marten could keep pumping into him.

In the other room, Justin, Kali and the anole listened to the boys as they had sex. Justin laughed, "It's like they forget there are other people living here."


Meanwhile, at Iomer's Tavern in Wiesel Stadt, the tavern had closed for the night and Jarlsberg had just gone to sleep in his office.

Upstairs, Peter was packing bags while his mom slept. He wasn't packing too much, just enough for him to get to Volaria. His mom had already forbade him, but Peter was going anyway. He needed to see his father, he needed to know why he never came back, why he never took care of them.

He was packed and ready.

Peter left a note by his mother's bed so she would know. "I'm sorry, Mom... But I need this." He whispered before stepping out of the room, then out of the tavern that had been his home for his whole young life.


And outside the Fuchs embassy, the entire Fuchs family had gathered at the travel station where handlers took their bags and loaded them onto the large stagecoach.

Frederic stood with Fritz while Gertrude pestered the handlers about handling her things.

The younger Fuchs leaned towards his chubby older brother, "Why are we all going again? It all seems a bit excessive that we all move because Gerti says so."

Fritz nodded, "It seems foolish, I know, but... I think Gertrude really just wants to see her brother again. It's been years since they've last spoken, I think she just wants that closure."

Frederic was still perturbed, "I understand that, so why does my family have to get involved in all this?"

Fritz repeated his last word, "Closure."

Fred hesitated.

Fritz looked up at him, "Clementine talks to me, Fred. I know you're not completely over Maureen. She says you have nightmares about her when you sleep together. That you've called her Maureen sometimes, and you don't even notice."

Fred looked down as his brother spoke, "So... Closure?"

Fritz petted his favorite brother, "I remember you'd once asked about her cub... I don't know much, but I know she had a son... He'll be around the same age as Lydia. She'll get to see her father and you'll get to see Maureen's son."

Fred felt his temper rising, "And how is that supposed to help me? Just to remind me of the female I'd let slip away from me? To remind me of what I did to her? "

Fritz nuzzled his troubled brother, "So Clementine doesn't have to worry about you anymore, so you can be alive to give away your daughter to her first husband, so you can see grandchildren of your own, little brother."

Fred sighed, "I still don't know if this is right."

"All aboard!" one of the stage drivers shouted.

Fritz fixed his brother's collar, "We'll just found out, now won't we?"

Then the Fuchs family was on their way to Wiesel Stadt, then to Volaria!

Chapter XVII: Maureen the Resilient

Maureen the Resilient Justin wasn't hit, but someone's blood fell upon both him and Sky as the commotion around them quickly died down. The hawk stared in disbelief. Justin looked in despair. Maureen stood over them. She'd been pierced by Captain...

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Chapter XVI: The Scars of His Transgressions

The Scars of his Transgressions The meeting had gone through better than anyone had expected. Nestor was going to face the consequences of his actions, Justin would finally be able to rest at home with his family and Javin would be crowned the chief...

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Chapter XV: A New Side

A New Side Justin woke the next morning before his overzealous hawk friend. Sky, thankfully, was not a fan of snuggling after sex. He lay faced away from Justin while the other men slept around them. Justin sat up in the center of plush, scented...

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