Pack Pride

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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This is a reward for a $10 level Patron who wishes to remain anonymous! It's got a bit of stuff in there I'm not usually a fan of, but it was a lot of fun to write and a great workout getting into the mindset of a character who enjoys something I do not, personally. Paws aren't something I plan on writing again for the foreseeable future. To see this and other stories and show your support, visit and pledge as little as $1 per story!


A wolf is on his last leg, lost in a blizzard hunting an elusive prey. Instead, he finds himself prey to a much larger predator. But she's not after food. Not the way he assumes she is. Instead, she offers him a proposal he cannot refuse. Pack up and survive a powerful blizzard that would surely consume them.

The snow howled, cutting at his vision and whipping his fur about. The wind bit at his flesh usually protected by a thick layer of fur. Now, it passed right through his coat and pierced into his very core. He grit his sharp teeth and dug his claws into the white beneath him. His toes burned with every step into the freezing layer blanketing the land.

He had been shadowing a skulk of foxes for some time, hoping and praying to the stars above that he would find one of them dead in the snow. In this blizzard, he could have walked over all of them and never even have known it. In that moment, he only hoped to find their cave they'd dug out in the snow. If it was even still there.

It had to be around there somewhere. He could catch faint whiffs of fox on the howling wind. They were fleeting, there one moment and gone the next. Half of them he was sure he imagined, his frozen brain playing tricks on him. It was one last practical joke before he froze out here in the-...

Something heavy collided with his side! He grunted and felt into the snow. The weights pressed down on his flank, hard and warm. Over the wind, he heard a deep growl and knew his life was over. Before he found the foxes' home or feasted on one of their frozen bodies, he was going to be the feast of something bigger and meaner than him.

"You've been wandering around in circles out here for hours!" a female voice called over the screaming blizzard. "You are obviously looking for something and you're going to take me to it!"

The wolf rolled his eyes. He'd rather she'd have been there to eat him. He lifted his head to glare at his attacker and said "Do you really think I'll take you there just so you can take it-..." His ears laid flat as his eyes fell on the more rounded face of a large, striped white feline. Her icy blue eyes chilled him more than the ice she held him against.

"I'm not going to take anything!" she yelled. "You obviously don't have a pack and my pride kicked me out, said I was bad luck!" He would have sworn she'd just grimaced if it weren't so cold. He was certain she'd merely bitten back a shiver. "If I'd wanted to take from you, I'd have killed you and eaten you before you ever knew I was here! Then somebody else would have killed me and eaten me, and neither of us wants those things!"

He licked his frozen lips and shifted beneath her weight. Her paws flexed and he felt pricks along his flesh beneath her toes. She was right. If she'd wanted, she could tear him to shreds with minimal effort. "What do you propose then?"

"You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours," she said and pulled her paws off of him one by one.

He leapt up and stared at her, ready to run. But he knew he'd never make it. She was nearly twice his size. Beneath her striped hide, the white tigress looked toned and fit. Her middle bulged outward, though. More than just a large meal's worth. For someone who played herself off as helpless, she seemed quite well off. But she was right. Alone, they'd be shuffled to the bottom of the food chain and picked off.

"Take me wherever it is you're searching for," she said, her icy hues unblinking as she stared him down, "And I'll pack up with you. I'll protect you and you protect me. We'll last longer this winter if we work together instead of competing for what few resources there are out here."

His golden hues narrowed and he glanced over his shoulder. He was painfully aware of his scrawny complexion. He hadn't had a decent meal in some time. He'd had a bunny rabbit a day or two ago, but that was it.

"So what are you looking for?" she asked, following his gaze. "Food or shelter?"

"There was a skulk of foxes out here last week. They had a cave somewhere around here and I was hoping to hide from the storm inside!" he stifled a shiver and looked back to the tigress. "Can't you smell fox out here?"

"It's all I smell anymore. I ate them all, yesterday and finished up the scraps this morning. I've been living in their cave for a few days now." The corners of her muzzle curled at the edges, flashing the briefest glimpse of sharp teeth. "Come on, it's this way."

She turned and began to retrace his steps through the snow. He glanced about, sure her pride would emerge from the snow any moment and tear him apart. But they never came.

"Hurry up, Wolf!" she called somewhere ahead of him.

His eyes snapped forward and he pranced after her, rushing to catch up. Her patterns was so hard to make out in the snow, though. He couldn't see her anywhere! He stopped, looking this way and that. Where had she gone?

"Hey! Over here!"

His head turned sharply to the side and spotted her head sticking up out of the snow only a few short paces to the side. He rushed toward her but the ground suddenly vanished. He tumbled and fell into the snow and scrambled back to his feet. As he righted himself, he saw her standing in the mouth of a dark earthen cave. An amused smirk played over her muzzle as she watched him.

He puffed his chest out and strode toward her, acting as though the entire thing had been a part of the plan to get down in front of the cave where she was.

As he strode past her, she said "Oh yeah," and lifted a paw to swat his rump. "You're a class act, aren't you?"

He scowled at her and danced into the cave. Once he was inside the relative warmth and out of the wind, he turned to face her. "I was going to find this place eventually, you know! I was getting close!"

"You walked by it six times yesterday and three times today." She winked at him as she strode in beside him. "Let's just wait out the storm as peacefully as possible, hm?" She huddled up against the back wall of the cave and pat the smooth stone beside her with a forepaw. "Come on, hunk. Cuddle for warmth."

Deep down, he knew it wasn't a question or a suggestion. This female absolutely screamed Alpha. Why her pride had dismissed her was beyond him. Bad luck indeed. She'd found the foxes he'd been stalking. He nodded and padded over to her form and laid himself out beside her.

She shifted and her body shook a little. "Better," she said and gave his head a little lick. "Stop acting like a frightened pup, Wolf. I don't bite. Much. I'm a nibbler, but you'll enjoy it, I promise."

Was she coming on to him? His ears laid flat again and he opened his mouth to question her when her belly shifted against his side. His ears perked again and he turned to stare at the bulge there. It wasn't a healthy diet rounding her out.

"I thought you said you were alone out here," he said and looked into her blue eyes again.

She sighed heavily and her body shook a little more. "I am."

Worry washed over him and he leaned over to nuzzle into her neck. He nuzzled and trailed his tongue over her warm fur down along her shoulder to her flank. He nosed at her belly, gently caressing it with his snout. His tongue glided through her soft fur where he felt little limbs kick out at him. No wonder she was so eager to pack up with him.

"My pride is not unmerciful," she said softly. "They allowed me to live with them until recently. I was forced to wait for them to eat before I was allowed at the scraps. I was the lowest caste in the pack, but I was healthy and looked after. Then the winters hit and food became scarce. My pride barely held on. Some of them blamed me. Said the stars didn't favor our pride anymore. Said I was the cause. A white tigress among those of color was a bad omen.

"I stood up to the pride leader. I told him that it was hard on everyone. I'd seen bears with less girth than some of our pride members. I refused to leave. Tigers wanted to eat me. But he wouldn't do it." She scoffed and shook her head. "My pride is not unmerciful. The pride leader attacked me. He grabbed my scruff tight. I thought he was going to break my neck."

She paused and bowed her head. Wolf looked up at her for a moment, then nuzzled into her lower belly again, murring against the bulging flesh there as his tongue trailed over the hardened nub of one of her engorged nipples. She shivered again and his brow met. He had to warm her up, for her cubs' sake.

"As he bred me, he whispered a promise in my ear. I would be allowed to stay. He would protect me from the pride. But when I gave birth, they'd eat the cubs. Then he would put more in me and they would eat those too. They would use me to supply their food this winter just like the two-legs down south do with their yaks."

Wolf stopped and looked at her again. That was terrible. Not unmerciful to her, but merciless to her cubs. "I thought you said they made you leave."

She smirked and turned her eyes on him again. She rolled more onto her side, exposing her soft underbelly to him. She lifted a forepaw and rested it against her bulging middle. "It was an ultimatum. Either I stayed there and gave birth to supper every few months, or I left to fend for myself with a belly full of cubs. It was the worst and the best day of my life."

"Oh," he said and nuzzled into her belly again, much more mindful of her sensitive nipples this time. "I think you made the right choice."

"I think so too," she said. She let her head roll back and began to purr thunderously. "Lick my belly again. Lick my nipples. That felt... well I'm not going to lie, it felt fantastic."

He blinked, hesitating for a moment before he pressed his cool nose to the top of her belly. He drew his tongue out and dragged it through the soft fur of her tummy. He passed over each of her nipples slowly, his eyes always on her face. As each nub glided over the moist smoothness of his tongue, she shivered again and her purring increased.

He licked from stem to stern then repeated the process on the second row. By the end, she was quaking there on the cave floor. She lifted her head and chuckled breathlessly. "Nice and warm now. When they get cold... it's an agony I wouldn't wish on anybody! Like my feet!"

She lifted the forepaw that wasn't resting atop her tummy and wiggled her toes at him. "My poor pads are frozen!" She lifted her pink pads to her lips and dragged her rough tongue over each of them. She gave a soft little moan and stuck a toe into her muzzle to gently suckle for a moment before it popped free and another disappeared past her lips. She peered at him out of the corner of her eye and slowly dragged the little pink toe past her lips.

"It's so hard to reach my hind paws these days, what with..." She pat her tummy with the forepaw there and smiled at him expectantly. "Would you mind warming me up, Wolf? Please?" She extended a hind paw toward him and wiggled her toes enticingly. "It would go a long way toward persuading me not to kill you and feed you to my cubs."

His eyes widened and his jaw fell open. His tongue flopped over his pointed teeth, hanging limply out as plainly as the fear on his face.

Tigress laughed loudly and covered her eyes with her damp forepaw. "Oh stars, I'm only joking, Wolf! If we're going to be a back, we won't eat each other!"

His brow met and he shook his head. "I'll keep that in mind, then." He growled lightly and lowered his snout to her paw. Again she wiggled her toes and he glanced at her in his peripheral. She was really having fun with this, wasn't she?

Slowly, he pressed his cool nose to the large central pad and she gasped loudly. She pulled her foot away from him sharply and growled. "Alright! I'll be nice!"

As she held her paw out to him again, he smirked and lifted a forepaw of his own to hold her leg up and make it easier for her. He examined her paw again and was taken aback by how much smoother her pink pads were than his own dark ones. His were rough and cracked, but hers were as smooth as the freshly fallen snow. He held up his other forepaw and compared the two. She was easily twice his size in the foot department. Truly not a woman to be trifled with!

He extended his tongue and teased at the large pink pad in the middle of her paw, tickling her with the tip of his tongue until he heard a giggle muffled around the toe in her mouth. His tongue danced over the soft flesh for a moment more before pressing more fully to the cool underside of her foot. He dragged the warm dampness over the pad, generously caressing every inch of the soft pink there with his own soft flesh.

His tongue slipped away from the central pad, weaving between her bean-shaped toes to tease at the tufts of white fur separating them. His tongue explored the soft contours of each bean, caressing her sensitive flesh before he sucked each toe past his muzzle.

He shifted himself against her, cuddling against her belly to better warm her while still facing her toes. This way, he had better access to each of the succulent pink nubs hidden beneath the powerful, quivering toes. He smiled against her toes and let the tip of his tongue dance over the last pad as he sucked it into his muzzle. As he slowly drew it out, he dragged his teeth against the soft bean gliding over his moist muscle.

She gasped and suddenly drew her paw back. It returned a split second later and thumped right against his snout.

He yelped and drew his head back. He turned to stare at her with fear in his eyes. Had he overstepped himself? Had that been enough to change her mind and turn him into supper?

She smiled and waggled a front toe at him. "Ah-ah-ah, no teeth! I nibble, but I don't like to be nibbled!"

To emphasize her point, her head dipped low and nosed his legs apart. He tried to pull his thighs back together, but her rough tongue dragged over his sheathe. He yelped again and his body tensed. Her tongue scraped along the full length of his sheath to his vulnerable balls. She swirled the rough appendage over his sack, making his hips involuntarily buck. She was ready for him.

She sucked his sack into her muzzle and suckled on his heavy orbs like a hungry kitten. She lifted her paw to his sheathe and ran his sheathe between her silky soft pads. As the soft fur lining the pink beans tickled at his thickening sheathe, she dragged her teeth over his testicles and let them fall away from her muzzle.

He yelped again and shuddered on the floor. What was she doing!? She'd just told him how she was raped by her pride leader and now she was shamelessly seducing him? He quivered again and lifted his head from where it had rested upon the warm pillows of her amply paw and stared at her.

She winked at him and looked intently at his thick sheathe. There, the faintest bit of pink emerged from the tip of his sheathe, testing the cool outside air. "I've always wondered what a wolf looks like." Her muzzle opened wide with a growling yawn and she leaned down to drag the full length of her rough tongue over his emerging tip. "Let me see before bed. Just a look, hm?"

He watched her for a moment and shook his head. "Oh no! You've worked yourself into quite the frenzy already!" He stood up and stared down at her. "What next, hm? Gonna ask for a taste next and when you're sucking, just bite it off?"

She snorted and shook her head. "You wound me!" She pressed the back of her paw to her forehead and fell onto her back, thrusting her swollen tummy upward. "Oh, what a monster he must think me be!" Suddenly she lifted her paw and winked at him. "All it would do is make me hungry. A wee little taste like that is nothing but a tease to an empty belly!"

His brow furrowed and he leaned down close. "A wee little taste?" he asked. "Honey, it'll fill you up for a week!"

She purred lightly and tilted her head. "Prove it."

He rolled his eyes then licked about her muzzle. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

She nodded and mewled very much as a kitten might.

"Fine," he said and held a paw up. "But don't cry to me if it gives you nightmares!"

He wheeled himself about so he stood over her head facing her belly. He reached his forepaws up and rested them against her chest where her ribs gave way to the curve of her heavy tummy. He gently nuzzled and licked at the squirming mass and closed his eyes.

Her hot breath washed over his sheathe followed by her rough tongue. He hissed again and his hips gave an involuntary buck forward. He heard her mewl again and started to gently rock his hips against empty air and the rhythmic current of her warm breathing.

His cock began to emerge from his sheathe. His sensitive flesh was treated to an alternating warm breath that comforted and aroused him and an immediate blast of cold air rushing to fill the void left by each passing breath of the tigress beneath him. He shuddered against her belly and laid his ear against the taut flesh.

As he came to full arousal, he yipped and yowled as Tigress's rough appendage wrapped around him and stroked slowly from his tip down to his unswollen knot. She hummed beneath him and lapped with agonizingly slow strokes against his knot, coaxing it to it's enormous, engorged size.

"Oh so that's what it looks like," she said beneath him and bathed him in another massive blast of hot air as she yawned again. "Might like to have that in me someday."

"Yeah, I'll bet you do. Stretch you wide open, wouldn't it?" he asked as he craned his head to stare down at her.

She smirked and dragged her tongue from the base of his knot to his tip then back down.

On the return trip, he quivered against her rough muscle and felt his knot begin to swell up to its full size. Before it even finished, his testicles began throbbing beneath his tail. Hot cum erupted out of his erection and splashed over Tigress's surprised tongue.

She drew her head back, staring in stunned fascination as he bathed her muzzle in thick wads of his seed. "Already?" she asked and purred lightly. "I am going to go out on a limb and guess I'm the first female that's ever touched you."

He groaned and sheepishly buried his face against the swell of her belly. "Yes..."

"At least," she said, licking the seed from her muzzle, "you don't taste half bad. Suppose you'll have a little bit of stamina built up for whatever lucky female you make your bitch."

He scowled and hopped down from where he had pseudo-mounted her. He turned and started to gently lick at her face. His tongue dragged over her features, licking up the mess he had made and cleaning her up again. "You wanted to pack up, who's to say it won't be you?"

She snorted and shook her head once he had finished cleaning her off. "I don't think you can handle me, Wolf. I'm a whole lot of female and not exactly bitch-quality. But you're welcome to try if you think you've got what it takes." Her muzzle parted in a wide yawn and she smiled up at him. "Thank you for cleaning me off."

He stared down at her and gave her one last little lick against her muzzle. "You are welcome. I'm sorry I made a mess on you to begin with. But you should get some rest. You look like you're ready to collapse."

"Goodnight, Wolf. If the storm lets up tomorrow, we'll go hunt together, yeah?"

He nodded and gently ran his tongue over the soft fur of her forehead and rounded ears. "Yeah, that sounds fun. Goodnight, Tigress."

* * * * *

The wind shrieked at them, whipping the snow outside the cave for the entire next day. The storm appeared to be getting worse rather than better. Tigress and Wolf stared out at the snow, their moods growing ever gloomier as the howling white turned into bemoaning darkness.

They spoke very little the second day. They sat in the cave, as frozen as the landscape beyond. Wolf was certain they were going to die in there. His joints ached and his muscles felt sore. Tigress shivered and he cuddled against her with a wordless shift. He wanted to lick over her face and bulging tummy, but he was afraid it would only freeze and chill her already cold body.

When the sun set and darkness fell, he laid himself against her as much as he could, blanketing her with what little warmth his smaller body would afford her. He slept fitfully against her, but tried not to jostle about too much and wake her, or throw his weight against the bulge pressing back against him.

When he woke up, it wasn't the howling wind that roused him but a thunderous purr rumbling against him. A rough, wet tongue stroked over his head and his face, bathing him in warmth as Tigress groomed him.

His ears perked and his lids slowly opened. He lifted his head and looked at his companion's smiling face. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and opened his muzzle in a wide yawn.

"Good morning," Tigress said and leaned over to nibble gently at his neck. "I thought you were never going to wake up." She murred lightly and leaned down to again nibble his neck and up toward his pointed ears. "The snow has stopped.

He turned his attention from the tiger showering him in affections and looked outward. Indeed, the sun was shining. The air was still. Somewhere, birds danced and sang on the gentle breeze. The earth was covered in an immaculate blanket of white powder and life had begun to return to the world.

"We should hunt," Wolf said, turning to look up at the icy blue eyes staring down at him. "You need food." He turned and stared back at the bulge pressed against his flank. "All of you."

"You're right, we do." She smirked lightly and tilted her head to the side. "You remember how don't you? It seems all you've done since we packed up is lay around and watch the weather. Not good behavior for someone as young as you!"

He growled and shook his head. "Thank the storm for my laziness, don't blame me." As he stood up, his muscles ached and his joints popped. He quivered and stretched wide. "Ooooh, that feels so nice. I can't wait to run!"

Beside him, Tigress stood up and stretched. He heard her own joints popping and she gave a deep moan. "I feel so heavy!" He turned and stared back at her belly as she stretched. It brushed against the ground and he shook his head.

"You are heavy."

She scowled and swatted at him. He danced away and laughed. It felt so good to move around! He danced and spun around, laughing all the while.

"Yeah, yeah, you keep it up!" she challenged. "I'll pounce and eat you before you even see me coming!"

He grinned at her winked. "If the ground doesn't shake when you're running and I don't hear it!"

She harrumphed. "I snuck up on you once already, don't make me regret packing up with you."

Wolf ignored her and darted out into the snow. He whooped and hollered as he bounced about in the soft white powder then sprinted back toward the cave. At the last moment, he dove and tucked his legs against his underbelly. He tumbled into the snow, then sprang to his feet again, sending cold flakes flying in every direction!

"I feel like a pup again!" he called. "I hate being cooked up for so long without any chance to run!" He stopped in the mouth of the cave as Tigress emerged and gave her a toothy grin.

"You look like a pup," she said, her tail gently swaying behind her as she stopped. She lifted her paw and made a show of examining her pads and claws. "Do you think that'll help you, or am I still going to get the first kill today?"

Wolf laughed gaily and shook his head. "If we were hunting separately, I'm sure I would still manage to eat before you even caught wind of some game, but I don't think that's a good idea." He licked his lips and tilted his head to the side. "You said it yourself. We stand a much better chance if we work together."

"True enough," she said and turned to look toward the rising sun. "We should search that direction first. If we find anything, our shadows won't give us away." Without waiting for him to respond, she turned and silently padded through the soft powder.

He saw logic in her suggestion. After all, their shadows were long and stretched out far along the blanket of white coating the frozen earth. If they tried to creep up on prey on the opposite horizon as the sun, their shadows would reach the herd of food long before they ever did. Stalking would become impossible.

He trotted up to her side and glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. "When wolf packs hunt," he said, "we circle the prey in opposite directions and attack one after the other to throw the beast off guard before we all rush at once."

She hummed thoughtfully and tilted her head at him. "Tigers hunt much the same way. We attack the herd with small probing strikes until we have singled out the slowest meal. Then we all lash out and bring them down."

Wolf nodded slowly and looked toward the horizon again. His nostrils flared and he squinted his eyes. The faintest whiff of... something danced over his nose, as fleeting as the smells he had been following in the blizzard. The gentle breeze carried it closer until it washed over them in ever increasing sniffs.

He turned his eyes upwind and licked his lips both in hunger and to taste the air. Something... musky. And earthy. He looked wordlessly to his companion and she gave a small nod in confirmation. Somewhere straight ahead there was animals. Edible ones, Wolf hoped.

Their stride increased as they rushed to catch up to whatever it was. Wolf's mouth salivated with every deep inhalation of the stronger, progressively more distinct scent. By the time they had reached the slow moving herd, Wolf had already correctly guessed that they were chasing yak.

There was a dozen of them trudging through the snow, talking loudly with one another. Sneaking up on the herd would not be hard. Especially downwind with the sun ahead of them. Tigress lowered herself against the white grown and was as still as the drifts around them. Wolf sunk into the snow beside her and she leaned over.

"Hear that? They're talking about how hungry they are. How weak they feel. We just need to separate one. If we can get it away from the herd, they'll leave it behind. You get in front of it and keep it from running and I'll rip its throat out."

Wolf scowled and shook his head slowly. "Are you sure that's wise? What if it kicks you, or stomps on you? Are you sure you want to put your cubs in danger?"

"I have sharper claws than you and much more weight," she whispered. "It'll be easier for me to bring one down, and much safer. They can whip you around even as they bleed to death. I won't flop around so easily."

He couldn't deny that. She was much more critical about these things. She probably had many more hunts behind her than he did. He nodded and dug his claws into the snow beneath them. He looked forward again then nodded toward a pair of yaks to the right of the herd's main mass.

"There," he whispered. "A mother and her calf. If we can get them apart, I can keep the mother from doubling back and rejoining the herd."

"I'll rip her throat out as quick as I can then. With a calf of her own, she'll be much more dangerous than any of the others." Tigress's fur rippled along her body as her muscles tensed, ready to uncoil and launch her toward the herd. "Ready?"

Wolf nodded and before he could tell her yes, she bolted! He stood frozen for a moment, shocked a female so cub heavy could move so fast! His muscles uncoiled and he darted after her.

As they neared their prey, kicking up snow with every bound closer, a startled chorus erupted from the herd. The hungry yaks started to run. Their target started to urge the young calf back toward the rest of the herd.

Wolf's brow creased. He pushed himself, forcing his legs to move faster! He sprinted as quick as his legs would carry him toward the female yak. He pointed himself between her and the herd. She seemed to take notice as she glanced around her hairy brown flank at him.

Instinct took hold and he watched her start to drift away from his where his path would take him, away from the herd. She continually glanced worriedly at her calf as the young yak mingled with the rest of the rushing masses.

She realized only too late that the wolf wouldn't simply travel in a straight line. She tried to peel away and loop around in the opposite direction of the herd to come back and rejoin them, but Tigress was already running at her flank, keeping her from circling around too sharply.

Wolf leapt in front of the yak and bared his teeth. An ominous growl rumbled deep in his chest and he snarled.

The yak bleated fearfully and skidded to a halt. She craned her head back toward the herd and shifted her weight to try to return that direction. In doing so, all she accomplished was exposing her neck to Tigress.

The striped white feline took the opportunity by the horns, so to speak, and leapt forward. Her teeth sank into the hairy beast's neck and her claws dug in to whatever part of the yak's body she could get a hold of. Her muffled snarl was enough to signal Wolf that she was firmly latched on to their breakfast.

Blood sprayed out around Tigress's muzzle as she ripped and tore at the animal's thick hide. The yak staggered, nearly falling before it stumbled back to its hooves. She faltered again and Wolf was sure she would crush Tigress!

He darted forward and clamped his jaws on the yak's shoulder opposite of Tigress. He threw his weight into that leg and the beast fell. The weight landed heavily on him and forced the air out of his lungs with a painful yelp. The female yak stilled for a short moment then continued rolling, revealing him to the sun again and allowing him to pull air into his lungs.

He stumbled to his feet and shook his head to clear the colors that had begun dancing before his eyes. He spun about and snarled, ready to help attack the yak again. Instead, he saw Tigress atop the twitching animal as the last of its life left her in weak red spurts.

She didn't wait for the yak to finish dying before Tigress tore into the hairy beast's powerful neck muscles. The flesh ripped free and disappeared into the tiger's throat, barely chewed before it rushed to nourish the cubs in her belly.

Wolf admired her efficiency. He'd doubted she'd be able to bring the big yak down by herself, but Tigress had shown her experience. It made sense, though. She'd obviously been out away from her pride, hunting alone for many months. She had to feed herself and her unborn cubs somehow.

He staggered forward as his breathing began to grow more steady and tore into the yak's flank. One last pitiful whimper gurgled in the yak's exposed throat before she died. Wolf didn't waste a glance to the blood frothing around the creature's last breath. The warm blood washed over his tongue and the meat slid down his throat and it was the only thing that mattered to him in that moment.

With every bite of the juicy, warm flesh, Wolf felt energy rush through his shaking limbs. The vitality he had been so long absent in the blizzard returned to him and he gave an approving moan around a piece of succulent meat clinging stubbornly to the yak's exposed ribs.

He felt a brush against his flank and lifted his head from his meal long enough to acknowledge Tigress had stepped beside him. Her swollen belly grazed his flank as she ripped at the meat and entrails of their shared kill.

Her entire body was no longer an immaculate white, but instead an angry red broken by midnight stripes. The ferocity of his new pack mate's hunting prowess suddenly settled over him. She truly could have killed and eaten him at any moment and there wouldn't have been a damn thing he could have done to stop it.

He licked at his chops as his belly, bloated and gorged, finally urged him to stop. He stared at Tigress as she kept eating and eating. As he leaned over and nuzzled into the swell of her middle, she began to purr thunderously. Still she paid him no mind.

It wasn't until most of the animal was gone that she lifted her crimson muzzle from the tattered carcass. Her long, rough tongue snaked over her lips and she turned to stare at him. Her blue eyes twinkled with gratitude and affection as she stared at him.

"Thank you," she said and murred gently. "It has been getting hard to do this by myself, lately."

He nodded and nuzzled into her tummy again. "Because you're getting fat."

Her eyes narrowed and she started to pad leisurely back toward the cave she had taken from the foxes. "I'll get even more fat if you keep that up. I still have plenty of room in here for more." She turned her head back toward him and opened her muzzle wide for emphasis.

Wolf rolled his eyes and walked at her side. "I couldn't eat another bite. Lucky for the buzzards."

Tigress didn't respond with more than a smile over her crimson soaked muzzle. With every step, her heavy belly brushed against his flank but he didn't care. He welcomed it. Just being close to her was intoxicating. More than a belly full of yak meat.

When they finally came back to the shelter of their cave, Wolf turned and started to lick at the heavy tigress. "You're a mess," he muttered. "Let me clean you off."

"Let me clean you first, pup," she said and dragged her tough tongue over his own soaked face. She lapped slowly at his wet fur, grooming and caressing the sharp contours of his muzzle and head. If he could have purred, he would have.

He closed his eyes and tilted his head this way and that, allowing her the easiest access to his mussed fur. He'd only just met her, but already he hoped to the stars that they would be together for the rest of their lives. She was a kind soul, a skilled hunter, and a caring pack mate.

She nipped gently at his neck and murred again. "All clean."

He opened his eyes and started to lap eagerly at the red fur of her face. She too closed her eyes and purred even more loudly for him. His smooth tongue dragged over her fur, cleaning the red from her beautiful white coat one lick at a time.

He didn't know how many long minutes, or hours it took to clean her face and her chin, but soon he was working down the muscled curve of her chest and along the expanse of her heavy belly. She sucked the blood from her forepaws and as he drew over the swell of her belly, she presented him with her hind paws.

He was not about to deny her that. The sounds she had made, the arousal he had smelled wafting off of her the night before as he warmed her paws was something he wanted to experience again. His smooth tongue made short work of her paw pads. The trek home had cleaned most of the blood from the large pink beans. The fur between her toes was similarly clean, but he lingered there, caressing the supple skin with long, gently strokes.

She moaned around her front paws and arched her back a little. With every lick, her legs quivered and shook. He nuzzled into the freshly cleaned tops of her feet and continued up along the outer thigh of her top leg. His wet nose and soft tongue groomed her mostly clean hind leg, slowly traveling closer and closer toward the source of a gradually thickening aroma far more alluring than the promise of breakfast had been.

He nosed at her rump, licking along the base of her nimble tail when he felt her nimble toes graze against his sheathe and full testicles. He arched his back, involuntarily bucking against her skilled toes and soft pads of her feet.

As the sensitive flesh of his rod emerged from his sheathe and brushed against the smooth skin of her paw pads, he whimpered a little and nosed beneath her tail. As she lifted it aside, the heat of her nethers washed over his muzzle. He exhaled deeply and bathed her soft petals with his hot breath.

Another moan gilded her muzzle now unencumbered by her paws. "Find anything new back there?" she asked as her paws stroked his engorged phallus from tip to unswollen knot.

He wouldn't give her the satisfaction of an answer. He just rolled his eyes and extended his tongue again the brush against her lips. Her belly quivered as her body quaked beneath the assault of his hungry licks. He lapped at her pussy, tasting the sweetness seeping out between her lips.

He wanted more.

As his hips bucked against the soft flesh and fur stroking over his cock, his tongue darted deep into the tiger's waiting heat. She sucked in a hissing breath then moaned deeply. "Fuck, that's so good..." she said breathlessly and moaned again. "Gonna cum before you get there again, pup? I bet you are."

Wolf grinned against her nethers and explored the soft, constricting flesh milking at his lapping tongue. He knew she meant no harm in her quips. In fact, he felt the fiery call of her challenge swelling in his chest.

"Gonna fuck you silly before I cum," he promised.

She snorted and dropped her paw away from his cock. "I bet you won't last long. One stroke and you're done." She rolled beneath him, effortlessly pitching him to the side. Once she got her paws beneath her, she rested her chest against the cool floor and lifted her hips into the air for him. She stared at him wantonly and pulled her tail out of the way.

Wolf felt a spurt of pre- rush out of his throbbing cock as he realized what she was doing. She wasn't just teasing him or sating their curiosities. This was more. She was presenting. She was giving herself to him. She was submitting, offering him the place of the alpha and making herself his beta.

He licked his lips and strode up behind her. As her face disappeared from his view behind the eclipse of her belly, he heard her say "Don't keep me waiting. Fill the empty space up in there or I will."

He chuckled lightly and dragged his tongue over her cunt again. She quivered and flexed her claws against the stone beneath them. He pushed his nose against her pussy and delved into her again. At this new angle, he was able to lick deep into her canal. Every time he pushed his tongue past her lips, her body squeezed at it, trying to pull him deeper into her. Every contraction around his smooth muscle was joined by a deep, needy moan and rumbling purr.

"Stars, I said fuck me!" she pled. "I got to see what you look like unsheathed, don't tease me with the memory!"

He ignored her, lapping at her increasingly quivering folds. His hips rocked uselessly against empty air beneath himself as her scent, her taste wafted over him, consumed his every sense. He needed her, but he needed to put her in her place even more.

He didn't have to wait too long. Her juices washed over his tongue and he lapped eagerly at her deafening roar reverberated throughout their small enclosure. His ears were ringing, but he drank eagerly at every drop she had to give him.

As the flow slowed, her hips shook and her legs were struggling to hold up her weight. Good. She was ready. He stepped back then leapt up onto her back. She gasped as if she hadn't expected him to actually mount her, but there he was. He grabbed at her hide between her shoulder blades and humped eagerly at her.

He jabbed against her thighs and her lower belly, struggling to find purchase. She chuckled between eager moans and said "You're gonna nut before you ever get inside me, pup!"

He growled deeply against her striped hide and forced his hips to slow. She was right. If he didn't take his time and take more effort to find her, he'd cum all over her backside and resheathe himself.

He prodded more gently against her backside, poking at her damp fur until he felt hot flesh press against the sensitive tip of his erection. He prodded the same place more carefully a few more times then felt her petals part around his cock.

Instinct took over and he lurched forward. His dick speared into her, spreading her wide open as he plunged deep into her heavy belly.

She gasped and mewled pathetically. It was a sound he wanted to hear again. And again. As many times as she'd let him mount her. His hips started to rock against her, pulling his cock out of her before plunging back into the hilt. His balls slapped against the underside of her swollen belly and his tip pounded against the opening of her womb.

He kept his jaws firmly clamped onto her hide, holding on for dear life as her body quaked beneath him, milking him desperately as more of her heat rushed over him. Beneath his chest, Tigress rumbled and vibrated with her moaning purrs and echoing snarls.

He felt his knot starting to swell and it grew harder to push it into her body and pull it back out again. Before long, it didn't go into her at all. But he was getting close, so close to his delicious climax. He had to knot her! He hammered his knot against her sensitive folds and her hips bucked violently every time it smashed against her.

He pressed his hips against her own, forcing them forward tightly until he felt his knot pop into her one more time! His hips were a blur of motion as they pistonned into her rapidly. He growled against her back as heat erupted in his groin. It rushed throughout his body and he howled, muffled only by her hide as he filled her with his hot seed.

She mewled again and arched her back against him. "FUCK! Fill me up! Cum in me, Wolf!" she pled as she convulsed beneath him. "Cum in meeeee!"

Another wave of heat flooded her sealed canal as she came with him. Colors danced before his eyes and he felt himself collapse against her. After an innumerable amount of time, consciousness seeped back into him and he blinked sense back into himself.

Beneath him, Tigress purred deeply and stared over her shoulder at him with a new affection in her icy hues. He stretched and licked at her muzzle and she returned the gesture.

"You actually managed to last for more than a hump or two," she teased then murred. "I knew I chose right. You aren't half bad, Wolf."

He merely smiled and stared at her for several moments, their eyes unblinking as they got lost in each other. Finally, he stretched forward to lick at her muzzle again then started to back off of her.

When his knot popped free of her, she gasped and quivered again. Heat and their fluids rushed out of her, coating their thighs and spattering audibly against the stone beneath them. Wolf's muzzle again curled into a smile as he started gently rocking his hips against her again.

"I'm not done with you yet," he promised with a toothy grin. "I said I'd fuck you silly, didn't I?"

"Ready for more?" she asked and winked. "Fill my pussy again, Wolf. Practice all you want. When I go into heat next, I want you to put your cubs in me."

"Well," he said and prodded at her back side. "That wasn't exactly what I'd had in mind."

She scowled and tilted her head to the side. She opened her muzzle to question him, but instead her eyes grew wide and she gasped. Wolf pressed the tip of his still engorged prick against her tail hole and pushed forward.

She yowled and clamped her eyes shut as her pucker spread around him. He was starting to have second thoughts as the sounds she was making filled his pointed ears, but he felt her pushing back against him and knew he couldn't stop now. He plunged into her tail hole, pressing himself deeper into her until he felt his hips press tightly to hers. His balls rested against her throbbing pussy and he grinned.

"You always wanted to see a wolf dick," he teased, "I've always wondered what it would be like fucking both holes back here."

"Seriously!?" she asked, dragging her claws over the stone. "Who wonders about that!?"

He blinked, not sure if she was serious or if this was another of her jabs. Was she really put off by it? He slowly drew his hips back, dragging his cock out of her squeezing sphincter little by little.

Just as he was about to pop free of her, the tiger beneath him hissed again and rocked back. "Don't go slow! If you're going to fuck me, fuck me like an alpha! Don't you dare back out on me now!"

He blinked, taken aback by her demand. So she was jabbing at him. Good! He grinned wickedly and forced his hips forward again. As his meat rushed into her belly, she yowled again and her muscles constricted tightly around him, almost painfully.

He yelped and dragged his hips back only to drive into her again. Every time he thrust his cock deep into her hot belly, she yowled and pushed back to meet him.

"FUUUUCK! You're fucking huge, Wolf! Fucking knot is going to tear me open!"

"Do you want me to pull-...."

"PUT IT IN ME!" she screamed.

Admittedly afraid of her, he forced his hips against her own, rocking only slightly into her belly as his knot began to swell again. As her bowels suddenly convulsed, milking him with as much vigor as her pussy had, his knot swelled to its full size, locking him inside her.

The vice grip she had on him, squeezing him tightly enough he was sure she'd crush his knot was a little painful, but her deafening yowl was exhilarating! He slammed his hips against her fast and hard, rutting her without mercy as she cried and screamed out.

It was hard to focus on anything, but all that mattered in that moment was her body milking his cock, begging him without words for more of what he was most eager to fill her with. Her words began to bounce around in his head. He wasn't even sure he could put his pups in her belly, but the idea that someday their pack would be an adult wolf, litter of kittens, and a horny tigress in heat propelled him quickly toward another climax.

He leaned forward and nibbled at her shoulders. "Gonna fill you up!" he promised. "Gonna put so many pups inside you that you're gonna be twice this big!"

"YES!" she screamed. "Put cubs in me! Please, Wolf! Fuck your cubs into me when I go into heat!"

Her voice, her words, the image of her belly swollen with pups as her kittens played nearby filled his mind. He couldn't wait to mount his beta... His beta, the second in charge of their pack. And when her cubs went into heat-...

He threw his head back and howled loudly! Their impassioned sounds mingled, intertwining as much as they did on the cold stone floor. His balls pressed against her pussy and tightened up. Load after hot load of his seed rushed into her bowels, panting her insides white as he came torrents inside of her!

They collapsed forward, panting and exhausted. Tigress craned her head around and he stretched forward to lick tiredly at each other's faces. The feline purred deeply and Wolf murred under her affections.

"I love you, Wolf," Tigress whispered. "I love you, my alpha. I never want to be apart from you."

The canine's heart swelled and for the first time in his entire life, he knew where he belonged. He sighed gently and nuzzled his cheek against her own. "I love you, Tigress. My beta. My mate. I will never leave you. I will never leave our pups. You are my everything."

* * * * *

Stars, she was insatiable! Wolf awoke to the feeling of a rough tongue licking eagerly at his arousal, dragging her tough texture from his knot to his tip and back again and again! His hips instinctively bucked against her muzzle until he lifted his head. "Already?" he questioned.

Tigress, realizing her mate had awoken, lifted her head away from his groin and gave him a toothy grin. "I've been trying to be patient! It's so hard when I've got a nice male here... If I could get you in me without waking you up, I would have!"

Wolf rolled his eyes and shook his head. "As much as I want you to be the one doing all the work for a change, I don't think that's going to happen." He stood up slowly and stretched, popping his stiff joints. He glanced to the back of the cave where six little tiger cubs laid curled against one another. All there and accounted for. Good.

When he looked back, his heat-addled tigress had turned away from him and lowered her chest to the cold stone floor of their cave. Her tail was impatiently pulled to the side and her pussy was already soaked and waiting for him.

Who was he to deny such a beautiful creature? He strode forward and slowly dragged his tongue over her slit from bottom to top. She mewled and shuffled back against his muzzle.

"Don't tease!" she pled desperately.

He rolled his eyes and dragged his tongue over her needy folds one more time, slower than before.

"Stoooooooop!" she whined. "Fuck me already, damn you!"

"Why?" he asked. He wanted desperately to mount her, to knot her and plant his seed deep inside of her like he'd been doing for the past two days. But he had some self-control. Even if it was fading fast.

"I'll fucking bite it off and go find someone else who'll fuck me!" she snapped.

"Fair point," he said and lifted himself up onto her back. He wrapped his forelegs around her slim waist and dragged himself against her. With practiced ease, he pressed his engorged cock past her dripping folds. He hilted her on the first try and felt his tip bottom out inside of her. Like every time before, she threw her head back and mewled like a kitten for him.

He licked at her back and growled pleasantly. "When do you think your heat is going to end?" he asked and started to slowly rock his hips against her, dragging his cock slowly out of her before easing back in. He had to wield what control he had to drive her crazy. It was one of the few ways he could truly get back at her for her constant quips.

"I don't care, just knot me already!" she said, rocking her hips against him in an effort to quicken his pace.

"You're already pregnant, think it'll stop tomorrow?"

"Knot me!"

"Why do you suppose it hasn't stopped yet? Usually females come out of their heat after they've been knocked up."

"FUCK ME, WOLF!" she snarled.

"Not that I don't want to put more pups in your belly. I am just curious how much longer you're going to let me fuck you day in and day out."

"You're not fucking me now!"

"Well, that's not true," he said and nuzzled between her shoulder blades. "I'm balls deep in a pussy's pussy and you think I'm not fucking you? Ungrateful..."

"WOOOOOLF!" she mewled.

He grinned and slammed his hips into her sharply. She gasped and pushed back against him. He drew back and slammed into her again without mercy. She nodded and flexed her claws against the stone.

"About time!" she said and curled her tail around beneath his own. The soft white fur at the tip of the appendage brushed over his swinging testicles, caressing his orbs and dragging him rapidly toward his end.

He had thought he'd had more control, he'd though he could have prolonged their morning fuck, but she knew just what he liked. She'd better after so many months together as a pack, as mates and lovers. The gentle tickle of her fur against his balls made his knot swell up.

He hammered against her sopping labia for a moment before her body finally gave way and spread wide around him. He forced his knot into her and grabbed a muzzle full of her white hide. He bit tightly against her back and seated the tip of his cock against the entrance of her womb, ever ready to accept more of his potent seed.

She'd started smelling pregnant the morning before, but her body seemed most eager to lock away as much of his cum as possible. He'd fucked her at least a dozen times since they had come to the realization that she was in fact pregnant. Perhaps, Wolf mused as his cum rushed into her womb, he was going to make good on his promise to make her twice as big as she was when she gave birth to the cubs.

"Gonna fuck you in the ass after my knot goes down," he said as they rode into sweet afterglow. He licked and nuzzled against her muscled back and hummed thoughtfully. "Gonna fill both holes with my cum before you nurse our cubs and I nurse you."

"Like hell you are!" she said, glaring over her shoulder at him. "You're going to fill me with as many cubs as you can!" she ordered. "There aren't any cubs in my ass!"

"No," he agreed as he gently rocked his hips against her own. He felt his knot starting to deflate, but he had no intention of pulling himself out of her, not until she was sated enough to hunt. Then it would start all over again. "Doesn't mean I don't want to do it, though."

"Well, I don't want to do it. I'm in heat and I want you to fuck my pussy until you're blue in the face." Her icy eyes narrowed at him and she growled. "You know, most males would kill for the chance at a female like that. Not everyone is so eager to just let you fuck them all day, every day!"

He winked at her slyly and stretched his neck to lick gently at her muzzle. "I'm the luckiest wolf in the world then, aren't I?"

"Yeah, yeah, I can feel your knot getting small," she said and laid her chin atop the soft white fur of her fore paws. "That is unacceptable."

Wolf smirked and rolled his eyes lightly. "One more swollen knot, coming right up!"

Pack Pride - Preview

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Kung Fu Panda- Serenity's Embrace

It was a beautiful day outside. Sunny. Warm. Just enough breeze to make her fur ripple along her body and gently blow the Avondale leaves from their branches once in a while so they could gently fall to the ground in a gentle snow. It was a fine day to...

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Kung Fu Panda- Serenity's Embrace - PREVIEW

It was a beautiful day outside. Sunny. Warm. Just enough breeze to make her fur ripple along her body and gently blow the Avondale leaves from their branches once in a while so they could gently fall to the ground in a gentle snow. It was a fine day to...

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