Kung Fu Panda- Serenity's Embrace

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#7 of Miscellaneous Fanfiction

These are based on some of my favorite drawings by leovictor.deviantart.com/

Based on, not written about. More than that,

Po, Master Tigress, Shifu, Tai Lung, Master Viper, and all of the rest are (c) Dreamworks Pictures. I do not in any way shape or form own the characters or names listed in this story.


I would like to thank everyone supporting me at www.Patreon.com/DragonValor ! If you would like to show your support, head on over and pledge as little as a dollar per story!

It was a beautiful day outside. Sunny. Warm. Just enough breeze to make her fur ripple along her body and gently blow the Avondale leaves from their branches once in a while so they could gently fall to the ground in a gentle snow. It was a fine day to climb the Mountain of a Thousand Voices where it was said if one was of a quiet mind, possessed of inner peace, one could hear the voices of their ancestors and kung fu masters long passed.

At the top of the mountain, there was a small shrine to these ancestors. Nothing extravagant, nothing like the Jade Palace. It was a flat peak with several stone tables and plagues where incense could burn. And in the middle of the shrine, there was a spring of pure water, the Spring of Serenity's Embrace.

She wished she was there already! Tigress had been walking much of the day and her ankles were killing her. And her back! She paused long enough to press a paw pad to her lower spine. She arched her back, trying to sooth the muscles there. Her other hand cradled her enormous belly, as if to lift the burden and grant her spine some relief.

Almost there. Her golden eyes opened and saw one of the robed monks, a wrinkled old peacock, offering a gentle smile. She would have returned the gesture if she had the energy. But it was depleted. All she had left was, she hoped, enough to get her to the spring. She stepped forward again and let her hand fall away from her back. She tugged at her much too small tunic, trying to get it to cover her gravid belly.

Even knowing there was no hope that the fabric, drawn tight around her laden breast, she growled in frustration as the red garment stretched over the crest of her tummy then snapped up under her breast again.

Her tail flicked this way and that behind her as she climbed higher and higher. Her nerves frayed with every step and the ache in, well every bone in her body, burned hotter than the stones beneath her paws. She tried tugging her shirt down and it snapped tight under her bust again, quickly sliding over one of the nipples hidden in the soft white fur there.

As the fabric rushed over the irritated nub, her hand balled into a fist while the other rubbed at the underside of her belly, trying to calm herself. More than that, she was trying to remind herself not to rush to one of the trees beside the path and kick it in two.

Her feet stopped and her heart fluttered in her chest.

She had reached the peak. One more step and she would be curling her toes in soft, damp grass instead of the unyielding firmness of the hot stones paving the path around the mountain. She looked from the gently burning incense to the tables of weathered stone where soft looking towels lay folded neatly for pilgrims like her.

She breathed a deep sigh of relief. The weight of her belly melted off of her shoulders and her back ached a little less. She stepped forward toward the circular spring of crystal clear water, her feet squishing in the grass pleasantly. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply the scent. There was nothing like wet grass untainted by foreign scents.

She lifted her paws from her heavy belly and unbuttoned her tunic. It popped open and she let it fall to the grass beside the spring. Next she slipped her thumbs into the waistband of her leggings and bent forward to push them down as far as she could. When her belly allowed her to bend no farther, she straightened up and shimmied out of the leggings, letting them puddle at her feet.

She stepped out of the dark linen and allowed the cool mountain breeze to wash over her naked body. She closed her eyes and inhaled the sweet mountain air as her arms spread to either side. The breeze tickled at her swelling breast, causing her nipples there to harden slightly. It washed over the expanse of her belly. It was met by a little kick from within.

A smile spread over the feline's muzzle and she gently pressed her hands to where she had felt the kick. "We've made it. We're here now," she cooed. "Go back to sleep, little one."

Another little kick pressed against her palm and she smiled. If she could bend far enough to kiss her tummy, she would.

Her eyes turned to the water of the spring. It was as still and clear as glass. She almost didn't want to disturb it. But serenity's embrace was exactly what she needed right now. There had been much to do in the Jade Palace and she couldn't handle it in her current state, be it farmers whose daughter had been lost or the drama associated with five strong minded, intelligent people living under the same roof.

Well, six.

Tigress stepped down into the cool water and quivered as it slowly enveloped her heavy body. She sat herself upon the smooth stones at the bottom and leaned back against the side of the spring. Only her head remained above the water. Relief washed over her. Her hands caressed her belly as peace seeped into every pore. She felt the stresses and frustration of being a part of the Furious Five bleed out of her, a negativity she didn't want or need in her condition.

The Furious Five. She still couldn't believe Po had shown himself as the Dragon Warrior. He'd opened the Dragon Scroll and bested Tai Lung with relatively little effort. After the Furious Five had banded together to stop the kung fu master from reaching the Jade Palace, Tai Lung had bested them.

Bested her.

And yet Po had defeated the master so easily. She was convinced it was an accident. Po truly did some amazing things, but it was through sheer luck that he didn't kill himself or anybody around him every time he stepped outside. How his father's noodle shot had survived for so long with him living in it was beyond Tigress.

But still, be it through luck or skill, what Po accomplished was amazing, though she would never tell him that. He was arrogant. Cocky. So eager to point out what he had done. He was always seeking approval.

But then so had she, when she was young. She had fought so hard for Shifu's approval. She had worked so hard to undermine everything her 'competitor' Tai Lung did... a lot like she sometimes felt Po did with her. Another smile blossomed on her muzzle and she closed her eyes. Her head rested back against the soft grass growing against the edge of the spring and she breathed a gentle sigh, exhaling more of the negativity.

Po was going to be a great kung fu master someday. He had such potential to be polished into fine jade. Ancestors give her patience. She certainly needed it. There were times she wanted to break the panda. She knew being hard on him was only driving him to improve, but much of the time, she genuinely wanted him to leave. She missed the original Furious Five. Before they were The Furious Five and the Dragon Warrior.


She tensed for a moment then relaxed and smiled. "Ancestors give me patience," she whispered softly.

Master Tigress.

They were right. She was a kung fu master, she-...

"Master Tigress!" the voice called a little louder. A little closer.

Her eyes shot wide. Po! What was he doing here!? She tried to scramble upward but her heavy belly made it so hard to move with any manner of speed. She tried lifting it with one paw while the other rested against the side of the spring. She hefted herself upward and with a greater effort than she would have liked, pulled herself up onto the grass.

"Master Tigress! Are you up here!?" Po called, much, much closer this time.

Damn! She would never pull her clothes on in time! Especially not her pants! She grabbed her shirt and shoved her arms through the sleeve holes quickly. She'd never make it to a towel for her lower body in time. So she sat down and bent her legs, covering her exposed femininity with her foot paws. She began buttoning it just as the big panda rushed around the corner to the mountain's summit.

"Tigress!" he called as he stopped before her. He hunched over, resting his hands on his knees as he panted in exhaustion.

Had he run all the way up here? She forced her same stoic, calm expression onto her face. She willed her breathing to normalize, as if he had simply caught her meditating. Despite her soaked fur.

"Master Tigress I-... whew!" He held up a finger for her, still heaving. After a moment, he took a deep breath and straightened up... then arched his spine backward exaggeratedly. "WHOA! That's a long climb!" he laughed nervously and started to pace in front of her, as he tended to when he was excited. "There are really a thousand steps! I counted them on the way up here! Well I didn't count, really. I stopped counting when I got really tired around fifteen." He laughed and pat his belly. "I need to lay off the dumplings, you know what I'm sayin'? I'm not nearly as fit as you! You probably ran all one thousand steps didn't you?"

She again quirked a brow and opened her mouth to inquire about his presence when his eyes suddenly widened and he rushed over to the edge of the spring. "WHOOOA! This is the Spring of Serenity's Embrace! It's said to be made up entirely of qi! The life force and essence of kung fu! So cool!" he leaned down and slurped rudely at the water.

Tigress cringed and shook her head. He knew just how to desecrate the most sacred moments and locations, didn't he?

"Mmmm," he moaned as he straightened up then fell back on his rump. His body jiggled with the impact and he turned to face her. "It tastes kung fu-y!"

Finally he stopped talking, just watching her with the innocent eyes of a child. Her heart softened instantly. For all intents and purposes, he was a child. He knew nothing of the world outside of his father's noodle shop. Not until after he had come to the Jade Palace in a most... interesting turn of events.

"What are you doing here?" she asked flatly. Her voice burned with more ire than she would have liked, but she was not happy about the interruption in her pilgrimage.

"Oh. I was just worried about Viper," he said, his entire gluttonous form drooping. "I'm just afraid something may have happened to her. She's been gone a month."

Tigress nodded slowly. She said nothing. She knew Viper. She could be a little firecracker sometimes. But she was wiser than she seemed. If she had left, it was with good reason. It wasn't the first time. When she returned, she often jested that it was to keep her from killing the other four members of the Furious Five. The sad truth of it was that it was probably true.

"Viper's never left the Jade Palace before," Po said and shrugged his shoulders. He held his hands palm up and uncurled his fists. "If she doesn't come back, then what? Will we be the Dragon Warrior and the Fantastic Four? That's a stupid name! Who calls themselves the Fantastic Four? That's ridiculous! And what if she gets hurt out... where ever she went? What if something has happened to her? I want to go look for her, but the others don't and-..."

"Po," Tigress interrupted. For once, he didn't keep going. Instead he clapped his mouth shut and waited for her to go on. She glanced to the water he had drank from and quirked her brow. Maybe it had actually calmed him down, despite his sacrilegious drink?

"Viper has left before, Po," she said. "Many times. We all make pilgrimages when we need to. Some of us go to train, to get all of that energy out in a positive manner." She lifted a paw from where it rested on her knee and pointed at him. "Some of us eat." Her hand slowly drifted to her knee again. "Some of us go to the Spring of Serenity's Embrace to meditate alone and find our inner peace."

"Oh. Is that what you do? I hear it's one of the biggest spiritual crimes to interrupt someone when they were meditating in the Spring of Serenity's-..." His eyes widened and his jaw dropped open. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" He scrambled to his feet and started pacing again, this time much more frantically.

"Po," she said calmly.

"I just committed the biggest spiritual crime just coming here! Because I'm selfish and you're awesome, I came all the way up here and interrupted you in the spring and now I'm going to kung fu hell!"


"There aren't even any ways to erase that kind of thing! It goes on your permanent kung fu record! Qi never forgets what goes on your permanent kung fu record!


He stopped, turning wide eyes at her mid stride.

She smiled and shook her head. "Forgiveness erases that sort of thing." She reached down and pat the grass beside herself. "Come. Sit. Meditate with me."

He set his foot down as if trying to decide whether or not it was a trick. Finally, he seemed to realize she was in no condition to throw or pin him and waddled over. He tapped his fingertips on both hands together nervously and dropped heavily to her side. His fingertips were still tap-tap-tapping when Tigress closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She focused on her breathing and imagined all of her thoughts and worries as lights in the expanse of her mind. She imagined gathering all of the lights into a small, bright ball deep in her mind. It was a ball that symbolized all of the weights of her soul. Every negative energy, every worry, it was all-...

Po cleared his throat.

Tigress split one of her eye lids ever so slightly to peer at him without being noticed. He was there, tapping his fingers with that same big dumb smile he had when he was trying very hard to contain his seemingly endless energy.

"What is it, Po?" she asked.

"Can I touch your belly?" he asked innocently.

Touch her belly? She was trying to get him to meditate, to let go of everything bothering him. Then again, she knew full well that petting a cat, or pet of any kind really, was soothing for a child. If his mental maturity was that of an innocent, perhaps rubbing her belly would have the same effect.

"Yes, you may touch my belly."

He almost giggled, but bit it back and slowly extended a paw. As his big, warm hand pressed gently to the taut flesh and fur of her tummy, Tigress closed her eye and took another deep breath. She regathered her thoughts, formed them into a tight ball. Her worry. Her troubles. Her negative emotions. Everything was there. In one place. She took the ball and pushed it out of her mind-...

Po's hand started to wonder, rubbing all over her belly just as she had assumed it would. His soft paw pads glided smoothly all over. He rubbed over the top of her tummy and the top of his hand brushed the underside of her covered breast. She lost her concentration and had to start all over again with her thoughts, her troubles, her-...

His hand descended low, grazing over her unswollen nipples she knew Po had no idea were there. His soft pads brushed each nub, causing them to harden all along her right side, the side he sat on. She quivered lightly every time his pad brushed one of the sensitive nubs. His hand glided down to where the swell of her tummy met her taut, flat flesh just above her groin.

He rubbed her lower belly for several moments then ran his hand upward against her fur. It bristled behind his palm and again he ran his pads over her nipples on the left side this time. Like before, they hardened at the alien touch, protruding lightly through her white fur.

She took a deep breath, trying desperately to center herself, to gather her thoughts.

His hand descended again. As his palm passed over her topmost nipple, he paused. There was no way he didn't feel that! His hand descended again, straight over each of them! Then it was running along the bottom of her belly again, stroking and caressing her under-tummy before moving up over the other pair. His movement was slower this time, as if he were purposefully looking for her nipples. And he found each of them.

Again, his hand brushed against the underside of her breast, separated from the soft globes by only the tight red fabric of her tunic. Then he was descending again, this time between her two rows of nipples and over her protruding belly button.

She was sure he would start giggling, but he didn't. His hand just went back to her under-tummy and caressed gently for several minutes more.

Her eyes opened slightly at first, then all the way as she realized all of his attention was on her belly. She licked her lips lightly and quivered as his thumb 'accidentally' brushed over her bottom most nipple. Her body had begun to tingle, a spark kindled deep in her groin.

"Enjoying yourself?" she asked evenly.

His hand paused for the faintest moment then glided up into a safer area, slowly rubbing circles around the front.

"Your belly is bigger than mine now!" he exclaimed. "Except mine's filled with food and yours is filled with babies!"

She quivered again and let her head roll back as his pads rubbed over one of her protruding nipples. She licked her lips and gave a gentle moan. "Po, just cut to the chase..."

"What?" He asked, his eyes darting up to her own. He looked like a child with his hand caught in the cookie jar.

She extended her legs outward, exposing her damp pussy to him. She leaned back slightly and rested her palms on the soft grass behind her to allow him more access to her nethers. "Just touch my crotch already."

"Tigress!" he said and stopped rubbing her belly, but he didn't pull his hand away. "What are you saying!? I can't... I'm not..."

"Po, you've been focusing most of your attention on the bottom of my belly. I know you want to touch my crotch, so here's your chance. Put your hand on my pussy before I bite it off." Her voice was calm, even, but the fear in Po's eyes told her that he believed her empty threat.

As his hand slid along her soft belly fur to her crotch and the waiting heat of her feminine slit, she leaned forward enough to unbutton her shirt and pull it off.

Po's eyes instantly snapped to her breast. She smiled inwardly and tossed the garment aside. She leaned back on one hand while the other lifted to rub over her belly. She purposefully ran her rough paw pads over her rows of hard nipples, but it didn't feel as good as when Po did it.

But what he was doing now as far more interesting. She moaned gently as she felt his fingertips trace around the outside of her pussy. He circled her hole for several minutes before slowly, experimentally tracing a finger down its length from bottom to top.

As his finger brushed over her engorged clit, she mewled and arched her back.

He pulled his hand away sharply and asked "Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean-...!"

"Rub it again," she said. "The top. That nub. Rub it again." She lifted her hand away from her belly and closed her paw over one of her breasts to caress and squeeze herself.

Po's finger returned to her clit, rubbing back and forth over it slowly. She moaned lewdly and let her head roll back. For a novice, he was quite good at this. Or maybe she just had so much pent up need and not enough experience to know otherwise.

"Rub my belly with your other hand," she said. "Rub my nipples like you were."

His other hand rested on the bottom of her tummy then glided upward and down again, rubbing both rows of nipples slowly, just like he had been.

She shook beneath his touch every time his palm brushed over one of the sensitive peaks. "Oh yes! Po, that feels fantastic... Please don't stop," she pled.

He didn't stop. But in true Po fashion, he found a way to ruin the moment. "How did they get in there, anyway?" He asked. "You obviously didn't swallow them. Or did you? I eat eggs for breakfast sometimes, does that mean I'll have baby chickens some day?"

Tigress rolled her eyes and parted her lips to tell him to shut up... but instead she licked her lips. Maybe there was a way to salvage the nearly ruined mood. She lifted her sultry eyes to his own and purred deeply. "It happens after mating."

"Okay, but how?" he asked, looking away in embarrassment. His hands left her body and she wanted to scream at him!

Instead she took a calming breath and leaned forward. "I'll show you." She reached toward his crotch and unlaced his shorts. Once they were slack, she reached a paw into his trousers and-...

"Oh my gods, Po, you're huge!" He was mostly flaccid, but she could only just touch her fingertips and her thumb together. She tugged his manhood free of his shorts and gawked at the thick meat slowly hardening in her palm.

"Is that bad? Do I need to get it looked at? Dad knows a poultice to reduce swelling and-..."

"Take your shorts off," She ordered.

Po hesitated for a moment then jumped up and kicked his only article of clothes away. Standing naked before her, the panda wrung his hands and stammered... something. Tigress wasn't paying attention to him anymore.

She scooted forward and curled her paw around his dick and gently rubbed it from tip to balls. Her other hand lifted and caressed his equally impressive sack. How did he hide these things in his shorts? They were like oranges!

As his flaccid cock grew hard and long in response to her stroking, she moaned gently. Her fingers no longer touched her thumb. It was also easily the length of her forearm. "Gods you're huge," she moaned gently and stared up over the expanse of his belly at him. "You're going to make some panda girl very happy someday-..." She grimaced and looked away.

"There are no other pandas."

"I know..." She whispered in a soft apology. Her eyes lifted and she smiled up at him. "I guess that means you'll just have to make me very happy instead."

He brightened considerably at that and clapped his hands... then stopped. "Wait, weren't you gonna show me how your babies got in there?"

"I was, wasn't I?" she asked with a twinkle in her golden eyes. "Lay down, Po."

He stepped away from her and laid on his belly. After some maneuvering, of course.

She pressed her face into her palm and sighed. "On your back."

He rolled over quickly and stared up at her for approval. She gave it quickly. She smirked and carefully stood up. With one hand cradling her heavy tummy, she straddled the Dragon Warrior and lowered herself onto her hands.

She was suddenly quite thankful for his enormous, soft belly. She gently rested her own belly on top of his own where she knelt and tilted her head down at him. "Is that uncomfortable?"

He shook his head and lifted his big hands to her round tummy. "Nope! Feels kinda good, actually!" His hands rubbed over her tummy, paying special attention to her hidden nipples barely poking through her fur. Good. If there was one thing for him to learn quickly, Tigress was glad it was that.

"This is how babies get put in a woman's belly," she said and reached beneath herself to his cock. She gripped it and pressed it against her dripping folds.

When his tip slipped into her velvety cleft, he groaned deeply and laid his head back against the grass. She smiled down at him and pressed her hands over his own. "Don't buck. You are going to want to move, but try not to. Not yet. You are very big and I want to know how far I can take you."

Before he could even respond, she lowered herself along his length. He stretched her so wide, she thought she was going to split in half! But it didn't hurt. Quite the opposite, in fact. His cock was smooth and warm. He lacked any kind of barbs or anything like that.

She moaned deeply as she sank lower and lower. Where was she putting it all!? She hadn't hit bottom yet and she was still going! When she felt her hips pressing firmly against Po's own, she felt a bit of pressure deep inside of her. The entrance to her sanctuary, she knew. With as big as he was, she was genuinely surprised he wasn't spreading her cervix wide open, much less spearing deep into it!

She moaned deeply and began to gently rock her hips, grinding their groins together gently as she stared down at him. "You're inside of me, Po." She lifted one of his hands to her laden breast and showed him how she liked to be touched. The other she guided down to where they were joined. She lifted her heavy body up just enough for his fingertips to trace her stretched pussy.

His eyes widened and he stared down as if to peer through their round middles at where he spread her open. It was like a little boy seeing fireworks for the first time!

She giggled lightly and nodded slowly. She pressed herself against him again, forcing his tip firmly against her cervix. She moaned as his cock pressed and kneaded the spongey barrier. "Do you feel that against you?" She asked. "What you're pushing against is my womb. It's where the babies are." She pressed both of his hands against her tummy and purred.

"So... they come out of me and go into you?" he asked in confusion.

"Well," she smirked, "That's partly correct." Slowly, she lifted her weight off of him, parting enough space between their bellies for him to see his cock sliding out of her body. When she felt his head nearing her opening, she descended again, slow and gentle. She wouldn't risk hurting the babies.

Every time she slid down his pole, she arched her back and moaned deeply. His hands roamed her tummy without needing to be directed. Her own hands rested on his fat gut, using him for leverage to help lift and lower herself over his massive dick.

She moaned deeply, gasping his name as he rubbed a spot somewhere deep inside that sent a bolt of electricity through her. She quaked and quivered. Her pussy squeezed him tightly for that instant and she felt herself growing much, much closer to her peak.

Her chest rumbled in a deep, constant purr and Po groaned beneath her. He was writhing and his hips twitched, but he was doing a fantastic job of keeping himself still. But her back was beginning to hurt and her legs were growing tired.

This was too much for her.

She lifted herself off of him and gasped as he slid free of her with an audible pop! She sat in the grass beside him and giggled once more, this time because of his crestfallen plea written clearly on his face.

"We aren't done," she whispered breathlessly. "I'm just very tired." She wanted to lay on her back, spread her legs wide for him. But she didn't trust his weight on top of her tummy. And she couldn't very well lay flat on her belly like she had when she had conceived. Not that it had been much fun that way. But maybe she could have the next best thing, Ease of entry for Po and a way to share the load for her, as it were.

She slowly rolled over onto her hands and knees. She was about to half second thoughts as she felt the grass tickling her tummy, but as the damp blades grazed over her nipple, her doubts vanished. She shook violently and threw her head back to moan loudly. She rocked slowly, making the grass rub her nipples again and again.

Then she remembered Po. She looked over at him and nodded. "Kneel behind me. Put it in me, Po. Please. Just fuck me. You aren't going to hurt them. Just fuck me."

The big panda moved around behind her and set a hand on her rump. She held her tail up and to the side for him as her head hung low so she could stare at her belly just kissing the tips of the cool grass.

"How?" Po finally asked behind her.

"Just do what feels right," she said impatiently.

A moment later, she felt Po press his dick head against her nethers. With a little effort, he popped back into her abused pussy. Tigress felt both of Po's hands grip her hips in an instant and drag her back to meet a quick thrust.

Lightning shot through her again as he plunged into her and dragged her tummy over the grass. She threw her head back and cried out as a heat and pleasure erupted deep in her belly. It rushed over her like a tidal wave and she screamed again!

Po wasted no time. He slammed his hips against her with wild abandon. The sound of their hips slapping filled the shrine as much as Tigress's cries of passion. Po groaned and growled as he pushed her from one orgasm into the next and the next. Waves crashed against her in endless, rapid succession.

Then she felt herself being dragged back to press tightly against Po and his throbbing cock! It swelled and twitched inside of him. She screamed out again as another rush of heat flooded her body. This time, it was Po's heat! She felt ropes of his thick seed flood into her body and rush out along his length. With nowhere else to go, it somehow forced its way out of her.

The heat rushed through her pussy and erupted lewdly from her body. It splashed against Po's groin and liberally coated Tigress's legs and the bottom of her tummy. By the time reality began to materialize in front of her eyes, Tigress was exhausted and shaking. Violently.

"Po..." she whispered weakly. "Please get off me." It wasn't the same firm order she usually gave him. It was a gentle plea.

Po pulled himself out of her with lewd, wet noises and slumped back in the grass.

Like him, Tigress nearly fell over and rolled onto her back. Together they laid in the sun, panting and regaining their strength. After several long minutes, Tigress finally rolled her round belly forward and sat up. She moaned gently and stared at the puddle of his seed beside her.

Then her eyes fell on her thighs. What she could see of her legs, she was soaked with his essence! Even most of her belly was covered! She looked up at Po as he crawled forward and smiled. "I get it now. My stuff makes babies, yes?"

She nodded, still too exhausted to speak. But her strength was returning quickly. More so than she would have expected.

"How do they get out of there, then?" he asked, poking her belly where a little foot kept kicking outward.

Tigress smiled and rested her palm over where one of the babies kicked away, no doubt unhappy at being shaken so much! She hefted herself to her feet and spread her legs wide. "When babies are ready to be born-..."

"Newborns are so CUTE!" Po said, hugging himself as if to hug the cuteness he imaged into himself.

"Yes, when they're ready to be born.... They will come out of..." She reached down and spread her pussy open. Her body quaked as another thick gob of Po's cum oozed out of her.

Po stared at her, his eyes slowly widening before they rolled upward into his skull. He collapsed onto the grass, his body contorted in a weird way.

"Error! Emergency overload! Shut down imminent!" Then he started making strange, high pitched whirring noises through a gaping muzzle.

Tigress smiled and caressed the globe of her heavy belly. "Well you asked." She hummed and dipped a hand low to her gooey slit. "As worth it as it is to see you like this... I'm kind of wishing I hadn't said it."

Kung Fu Panda- Serenity's Embrace - PREVIEW

It was a beautiful day outside. Sunny. Warm. Just enough breeze to make her fur ripple along her body and gently blow the Avondale leaves from their branches once in a while so they could gently fall to the ground in a gentle snow. It was a fine day to...

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The snow was falling, but not as bad as it had been. Last week, Jason hadn't been able to see past his snout! When it was all over, his little cardboard house had collapsed, freezing him to his core despite the thick winter coat he wore. But now, the...

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Star Wars - The Inner Light

"How can you preach patience when he is out there now!?" She turned, pacing back along the damp grass atop the stony island. The wind whipped the loose strands of hair about her face and the bottom of her rather long tunic lashed out angrily behind...

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