Dungeon Diving

Story by akeroh on SoFurry

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#4 of Smut

The entirety of my notes for this story were "Rellen in fantasy world explores dungeon. Otter?".

This, somehow, turned into 5k words. Sooooo sergal boffage and bondage, I guess!

Rellen's staff dug into the barely-traveled grit of the small path. The summer sun beat down harder than it had any right to this high up in the mountains, filtering through the gaps in the pines to turn the aged granite blocks scattered over the overgrown trail into scalding obstacles. Rellen growled, scrambling over the collapsed field, picking his way around as many of the two ton, venerable stones as he could. Almost all marks on the stone had been sandblasted off from the inexorable passage of ages long ago, leaving only faint hints of the chisel and the glyphs that had previously marred the surface of the tremendous stones, leaving them scattered over the well-hidden smuggler's switchbacks on the side of the mountain like a handful of scattered bones. Rellen glances up at the cloudless sky, peering over the stones. He wasn't afraid of the ancient hand large enough to throw that handful of bones, nor the fortunes that that cast told. He had no pretensions of finding some mystical artifact that would let him stick around long enough to get caught up in that sort of long-lived fortune's scheme. He would be the last one to ever put any clout into the ancient prophecies of Galitha, the ancient goddess of ruins and fortunes.

After all, this sergal made his living robbing that old hag.


Finally, the tall sergal found his way to the end of the trail. The path had veered off abruptly a quarter mile ago, but the sergal had it in his head where he was going. An ancient map had told him the way, an artifact that deserved a place in a caring collector's showcase rather than the slob baron's rubbish pile of a room he'd filched it from. He'd known something was different about it the moment he'd pulled it off that desk. A few moments of memorization and a half year of searching had brought him here, and the few glyphs that remained on the sun-bleached bones of the ancient ruin hinted tantalizingly that he had guessed correctly.

He glanced up and back behind him, cocky in his confidence. He'd always been good at giving people the slip and he'd not notice anyone else making the trek anywhere near the cursed mountain. He chuckled to himself - but there was no sense in being careless. A few minutes was all it too for the nimble creature to tuck his pack away at the top of one of the thicker pines, covered in a dyed green burlap; he couldn't even see it from the ground. He checked his tools, stave, and all the various hidden implements of his trade, padding up to the large, ancient door caked with moss, built into the side of the hill. It didn't take him too long before the old locking mechanism gave way; he had plenty of experience cracking more advanced locks... but those tended to actually move. He glanced into the dark tunnel behind the door as the granite ground against itself as he shouldered it open, just enough for the hooded thief to slip his way inside.


Unnoticed behind him, a lithe river otter with his sword buckled to his side and the official brooch of the town of Gralik adorning his chest reached down to examine the broken stem of a tall purple flower, examining the sap carefully. He glanced up, towards the hidden trail as a grin slowly parted his muzzle.


Rellen took a moment to breathe as he slipped into the shadows on the other side of the door, gladly waiting in the shade as his eyes adjusted. The musty, dusty scent of a tomb long since buried greeted his sensitive snout with the age-old scent of rot that had left real unpleasantness behind many decades ago. The dim cavern stretched out in front of him, the walls here made of the same heavy granite blocks that had fallen outside. But here, they were free from the elements that had wiped out the various glyphs and patterns that covered them in here. Words of ages long past gilded nearly every surface of the walls and flaking murals covered the ceiling in muted colors, spelling out scenes from mythologies long past. He took another breath, slowly stripping down some of his clothing from the outdoors, leaving various wrappings back behind the door to help himself cool off from the hike; after all, he thought, there wouldn't be anyone that would recognize him in here.

The big orange sergal stretched as he stripped down. He knew enough about these ruins that being light on his feet was going to be much more of a boon than heavy clothing or even armor. So, his hood came off to reveal his large, tufted orange ears, the sergal stroking down his white front as he revealed his torso. His muscles showed off through his short fur, his abs, and belly defined even through the softening effects of his warm fur. He licked his lips, sliding his pants off as well, leaving himself in only a few wrappings and a belt that carried most of his tools. He stretched out, basking in the cooler air of the long-undisturbed shade of the ruin. He rumbled, reaching down to shift the tight wrapping across his crotch, his sheath plumped out slightly underneath it. He flexed his hands a bit to test his gloves. His toes splayed on the worn stone underfoot, protected by a few layers of soft wrapping that also had the benefit of muffling nearly all the noise he made. He wrapped a small coil of thief's rope across his shoulder and over his torso, setting off quickly into the ruins.


Retil licked his lips as he looked over the pile of clothing tossed into a heap against the back of the large door. He'd been surprised enough that he'd managed to find this place, but even more that the thief he'd been chasing was a nudist. He grinned to himself, licking his lips as he thought about the brightly colored sergal, his fingers rubbing slowly along the hilt of his sword as he quietly stalked into the ancient tomb.


Rellen hissed to himself, searing heat pressing down on his chest as he laid himself as flat as he could on the cool floor, a massive gout of flame blasting a few inches above him. What damn architect would build a trap like this, this place as brutal! At least he'd been the second to get here, he thought wryly as the flamethrower finally gave up, dropping a few flaming sputters of acrid chemicals over the singed hole on the far wall. Rellen reached up, pinching out a small flame on the tip of his ear with a grumble as he stood again. He felt pretty lucky with the last bit of the brutal run, though not as lucky as the next guy... it seemed like most of the traps would be less than functional after they'd smashed themselves to bits trying to get him.

That was no matter, though, he'd clean the place out. The final door ground open for him, the sergal hefting his newly re-lit torch, the light splashing over the well-protected treasure room. It would have been disappointing to most, only a handful of ancient coins and golden items scattered around the room, but Rellen's goal stood in the center of the stone table... A single, slightly glowing green gem reflected the light of the sergal's torch, glinting in the dusty room. His heart beat quickly as he rushed to grab it, fingers wrapping around the pounded as he carefully wrapped the glittering stone in canvas, slipping that into one of his pouches. An eager grin spread his lips, the sergal starting to quickly loot out the rest of the room with professional efficiency.

At least, until the sharp, cold point of a sword pricked him in the center of the back. "Well, well, looks like I've finally caught up with you, Thief." Retil rumbled from behind the previously-distracted sergal.

"Well, ah, hello there, guardsman. How's the town treating you?" Rellen replied cheekily, teasing a growl out from the otter behind him.

"Well, the duke wants my ass...Or yours, after that stunt you pulled back in Gralik. Running naked out of the duke's house, wrapped in their bedsheets was a hell of an escape plan. Don't think that the scandal kept the eyes off of you, though."

Rellen grinned to himself, slowly raising his hands above his head. "I was pretty proud of that one, honestly..." He admitted, the sergal pointedly knocking a small pouch from the stone table to the floor, landing with the clink of coins on the floor, "But we still ought to be able to come to some sort of deal. I've never met a duke who's embarrassment couldn't be assuaged with gold."

Retil licked his lips slowly as he couldn't help but admire the backside of the nearly naked sergal. He'd found more cloth wrapping on a spike trap earlier in the dungeon and the sergal's bare backside showed where it had come from. This one had no modesty, apparently, and had sacrificed his underwear without a second thought for a better handhold to climb that wall with. He honestly had no idea why he assumed that the orange thief had anything resembling modesty, considering the scandalous escape he'd made. He couldn't help himself, though, his mind drifting to various thoughts of payment. There was surely enough coin in this room for them to both walk out happy...But, Retil thought as his hand reached up to grab the strong coil of rope off the sergal's shoulder, he'd be even happier if the thief walked out bow-legged. "But, scandalous thief, there's still my embarrassment to think about," He growled, pushing the sergal's chest down onto the granite table.

Rellen laughed nervously, biting his lip as he managed to glance back at the strong otter. The male's arm flexed as he pushed the center of the sergal's back down, keeping him pinned under an elbow as he quickly tied the sergal's arms back behind him. He was quite the looker, of course, and if they'd met on any other set of circumstances it might have gone a little better for the sergal. Though, as he looked over the otter's abs and chiseled pecs, Rellen decided that it might not be as bad as he thought. He growled lightly as the otter ground up against him, pressing his bulge right in underneath the sergal's exposed tail, sheathing his sword after he'd decided that the sergal was pinned enough for the moment. Retil took the time to reach down, tugging the various blades from the sergal's belt to toss them across the room, making sure to grind his barely-clothed sheath in against the other male's ass. "So, what sort of deal are you planning on making?" Rellen growled back to the otter openly molesting him... Though, the sergal didn't seem to mind too badly, trying to hide his bulging sheath against the stone table.

Retil grinned widely, finishing up with his more administrate tasks of disarming the sergal and binding him more securely, lashing his ankles to the front of the table, holding his bound wrists tightly as he strode around the table to tie them in front of the sergal, leaving him bent over and stretched across the stone slab. Retil grinned widely, standing in front of the sergal proudly, eying over his quarry. "Well, we probably ought to start by seeing how good you are at begging me not to drag you back to town and throw you in a cell."

Rellen growled, the sergal huffing as he was stretched out over the table, legs spread as he eyed over the otter in front of him. He couldn't deny it, his eyes tracing over the muscular form of the otter standing proudly in front of him. His eyes looked over the male's muscled pecs and taught belly, the slick otter's form flexing in front of him as he pulled off his clothing slowly. Rellen couldn't help but bite his lip as the otter's breeches slid off, revealing a rather hefty bulge in the male's tight underwear. "Rgh, so now you want me to kiss your ass?" Rellen growled at the guard.

Retil grinned widely with the sergal's words, turning around to show off his ass. "You know, why don't you?"

The sergal opened his muzzle to protest, but his words were instantly muffled as the lithe otter sat himself right down on the sergal's muzzle. The male's pointed muzzle was instantly trapped between the otter's warm cheeks, the sergal struggling a bit against the bindings holding him down against the table. Rellen huffed and growled softly, his view taken up entirely by that rump as he squirmed fitfully against the table. "Mmnfffh..." he hissed out against the ass pressing down on him.

Retil grinned widely, his tail flicking lightly over the sergal's head, buffeting his ears from side to side as he relaxed back onto the sergal's head, rolling his hips back to press his warm rump over the bound criminal's face. Rellen huffed, squirming a bit, trying to growl and keep the otter occupied and looking away - his tail reaching back to his belt, carefully prodding and working at the leather latch that held one of the pouches. Retil began to glance back, reaching behind himself to warmly grope his own cheek, pulling his rump apart as he pressed himself down against the sergal. "What did I say, thief?" he rumbled.

Rellen squirmed slightly, his tail still struggling with his pouch as he glanced up, seeing the guard start to turn. He grumbled to himself, the sound making his act even more convincing as he nuzzled up against the warm cleft of the other male's rump, his blue tongue sneaking out to give a warm slurp right up against the otter's rump. Retil gasped slightly, unable to choke down the sound fast enough to prevent it from coming out before he gave a rumble and pushed himself back down against that tongue. The otter's pointed cock was already leaping from his own sheath as the sergal's tongue worked over his tight hole. That hot tongue instantly distracted him as the slick muscle worked against his tight hole, the otter panting out eagerly above the bound male. "That's better, you damn whore..." He panted, the sergal grunting slightly as the otter's attention returned to his front where his warm, webbed fingers wrapped around his hefty, throbbing cock.

Rellen squirmed a bit, nuzzling himself up against that ass while his nimble tongue lathered the tight rump in attention. He only needed a little bit more... Before he finally popped the latch on the pouch, his nimble tail coiling around the real treasure of the room, carefully pulling the canvas-wrapped gem out to slide it under the table. His glowing blue tongue worked quickly over the otter's rump, the tip of his prehensile muscle prodding and working against the otter's tight hole... almost virgin too, like the duke's overeager prince. He chuckled a bit under his breath, trying not to nose up against that ass too eagerly. This could be working out better, he thought as the otter stood quickly and turned around, his fingers gripped the base of a thick, pointed cock.

Or it could be working out just fine.

Rellen glanced up at the otter, trying to hide the smirk tugging at the corners of his muzzle as the lithe male reached down, gripping one of his pointed ears warmly to drag his head off the sacrificial table slightly. His other hand worked the base of his stiff shaft, bending the cock down a bit above the male's furred, loose sac to press his tip forward against the sergal's lips. Rellen grunted, trying to make the eager noise sound insolent as a playful tug on his sensitive ear drove his warm muzzle right around that thick cock. "Mngh, that's a good thief. As much as you don't seem to mind this, it gets me thinking that there might actually have been a scandal going on in the poor duke's home..." He rumbled, panting out as his shaft slid easily down the male's hot muzzle, the sergal's tongue coiling around the cock inside of his mouth.

Rellen couldn't help but grin around that shaft, though his teeth made the expression significantly more threatening than he'd intended, earning him a sharp tug on his ear. The otter mercilessly sunk his shaft down the long muzzle of the male, grinding his tip all the way along that warm tongue to press it right into the male's tight throat. Rellen gagged for just a moment before that tip slid into his throat, the male pushing himself forward over it; not that he minded, he simply wanted a little less pressure on his already aching ear. His actions were rewarded, the otter giving a hot grrf before he pushed into that muzzle, bumping his sheath against the male's lips as his fingers finally loosened up slightly over the sergal's warm ear, his fingers stroking over the fine, velvety fur there rather than the grip they'd have before. Retil gave a few more thrusts, enjoying the feeling of his tip pressing into that undulating throat before pulling back all the way. He licked his lips, the otter's tail flicking behind him while he drew his heavy dick out of the sergal's muzzle, settling the wet length on his face. He looked over his defeated quarry with a happy rumble, a few drops of glistening pre drooling out over Rellen's face fur. "So, thief..." He began.

Rellen squirmed slightly against his bindings, nuzzling up a bit as he stared down the thick, pointed dick in front of him, "Mn?" He replied.

"I'm going to fuck you."

Rellen tried not to nod too giddily against the cock grinding on his muzzle.

Retil ground down against his muzzle one more time, leaving a long trail of glistening precum drooling down his muzzle before he straightened up to pad around the sergal. One hand reached down, easily yanking the base of the sergal's thick tail up, his other teasing a yelp out of the sergal as it came down with a sharp smack onto the sergal's plush ass. He growled, fingers digging in to grope that ass roughly, the male settling his thick cock in between the other male's cheeks to grind warmly along his ass. He pushed the male forward on the table, working his hips dominantly under the sergal's tail. More smacks stung his ass, the otter taking his time to work over the orange and white cheeks of the thief with sharp, stinging blows, each one teasing out a yelp and a suppressed, muttered moan from the sergal. "There we go, bitch... This oughtta learn ya." Retil growled, finally pulling back to tease the sergal's tight hole with the tip of his pointed cock, the productive member drooling thick pre to lube the way as he began to lean himself in.

Rellen hissed, grunting out as he opened his muzzle to talk; a sound quickly drowned out as the otter reached around to press two fingers into his maw, pinning his muzzle open by the molars and working his pads against the male's nimble tongue as he sunk into his tight ass. The sergal huffed and moaned out around those fingers in reply, closing his lips submissively around them. Retil made plenty of pre to lubricate the way as he stretched the sergal's rarely-used tail hole, grinning wickedly to himself as he took his quarry. Finally, he gave a hot huff as his hips finally bumped against the lithe male's rump, his heavy nuts resting against Rellen's furred, loose sac to give a huff, taking a moment to pause.

His hand released the sergal's tail, stroking down towards his belt... as he began to slowly go through his pouches, pulling out clinking bags of coins and wrapped artifacts that the sergal had already looted. "Now, as a responsible, mngh, lawman..." He began, punctuating the words with a short thrust of his base into the tight backside of the sergal, "I am going to have to confiscate these artifacts..." He growled, setting each heavy bag of loot out on the table beside the sergal until all his pouches were empty; of course, except for the various tools and concealed blades that the sergal was confident that no one would find.

Rellen was only able to reply with an insolent grumble as his shiny prize was stacked up teasingly beside him though he couldn't help but clench around the otter's thick shaft. He huffed around the male's finger... giving a sudden, eager whimper as the otter's free hand drifted down around his hips, those warm fingers fondling over the sergal's heavy, glowing blue cock. That knotted canine-like shaft pulsed underneath him, having spilled out of his white sheath to throb against the cold table as soon as that fist smack had been laid across his ass. The otter's warm fingers were a welcome respite from the frigid stone, the sergal giving an appreciative grunt while his knot pulsed against the otter's fingerpads.

The guard growled out, slowly fondling along the stiff dick of the sergal underneath him, working a pair of fingers against the sergal's similarly luminescent tongue. He huffed, spreading his legs a bit to get a better angle before he suddenly growled and began to start up a powerful rhythm. He worked the sergal's thick shaft in a close fist while he thrusts, drawing himself back slowly to let the back of his pointed tip tug lightly on the male's entrance before he forced himself right back in. Each thrust into the sergal teased a choked, eager moan from the bound male and another spurt of precum over his toned belly and the table underneath him.

Both of them lost track of time as their motions devolved into long, panting thrusts and gasps. The pair forgot their professional places rather quickly while they humped, losing their thoughts in a mess of hot, eager thrusting. Rellen's moans were entirely pleasured, all semblance of the act he'd been trying to play thrown out with the feeling of the otter's thick cock dragging over his prostate with each luxuriously long thrust. Retil lost his professionalism quickly in the sticky pounding, hissing and growling out in pleasure each time the sergal's tight tunnel clenched around his quivering cock. His hips worked quickly, his motions beginning to slow slightly after at least a half hour as his thrusts began to send shivers up his spine. Rellen shuddered under him, his rump starting to clench firmly and spastically, his cock pulsing eagerly in the otter's grip. Precum drooled liberally from his tip, a few shots having reached up to mat the fur on his belly, though most laid in pearlescent strands from his stiff cocktip, connecting his tip to the cool table beneath him.

Finally, both the guard and the thief roared out simultaneously.

Retil was the first to pulse, his first thick shot pouring out into the bound sergal's ass. His thick cock pulsed against the male's prostate, the sergal shuddering as he tried his damnedest to not bite down on the otter's fingers too much, his own shaft flexing powerfully in the otter's fingers as he began to cum. Thick shots of seed splashed out over the sacrificial table, staining the artifact underneath the bound sergal while the guard pumped thick shots deep into Rellen's clenching rump. His nuts rested warmly against the sergal's own set as the pair emptied them in a long, drawn out orgasm.

Finally, it was over. Seed drooled out from under Retil's cock, dripping down over his sac and down one side of the sergal's thighs as he relaxed, slowly letting himself pant and recover himself, even as his oversensitive cock throbbed inside of Rellen's gently clenching tunnel. The sergal shivered a bit, flopping forward as far as the ropes would allow, resting his front down in the messy splatter of cum that his still-throbbing dick had splashed over the table. They both relaxed, enjoying the afterglow for several long moments before Retil finally recovered enough. He grinned, looking over the muscular back of the pinned thief below him.

He slowly began to draw back, teasing a few shuddering gasps from the sergal underneath him as he slid his thick cock from the sergal's rump. Seed followed it out, the hot, white mark dripping slowly down the used male. He grinned as his cock came free, releasing the sergal suddenly to give him another hard smack across that cum-soaked, firm ass, teasing another jump and yelp out from the bound creature. He smirked, admiring his handiwork as he wiped his shaft clean on the sergal's stinging rump, his tail flicking lightly from side to side as he licked his lips. He grinned, slowly starting to dress in front of the thief. "Mnh, well, I suppose that should do nicely for myself... And the duke." He grinned, buckling his sword back on as he hefted the various heavy pouches of coin and gold.

Rellen huffed heavily as he slowly recovered, gently tugging at the bindings. "And what about me?" He rumbled back up at the guard, trying to give his best pleading glance back up.

Retil smirked, wickedly, "Well, you're a fine lay, but your prize is to never show your hide in Gralik again or I'll be forced to actually tan it, and not in the fun way you got slapped today."

The sergal nodded slightly, tail flicking a bit as he squirmed, trying to loosen his bindings a bit. "That sounds fair enough, but I meant more about these..." He started, gesturing to the ropes with his muzzle.

The otter's smirk split into a grin as he settled his shirt back on, following it up with his leather armor, prominently displaying the mark of the town's head guardsman. "Well, you're a master thief, aren't you? A few piddly little knots shouldn't be a problem for you."

Rellen gave a whine as he tugged at the ropes, his tail reaching down to carefully begin to work at the knot holding one of his ankles. "You don't want to leave me here, right? If I can't get out I might starve down here."

Retil grinned, tossing a heavy pouch of clinking coins into the air, catching it with a grin and an overly-satisfying jingle. "You know how badly the Duke wanted me to bring him back your head, right? If you can't figure out a couple knots the same way you figured out my window's locks before your infamous escapade, I couldn't really care less." He said, gathering up the rest of his belongings and several of the sergal's before he walked out of the room. "Now remember, thief. Keep your damnable hide out of Gralik. This kinda chance won't happen twice." He called out over his shoulder.

Rellen swore a few times, the sergal making a show of his plight as the guard padded out of the room. He'd already managed an ankle to near freedom before the otter had left. It was true, he wouldn't be defeated by any of the inexpertly-tied knots in his own rope. He had always made a habit of playing down his skill, a technique that had always born plenty of fruit. He was already mostly out of the rope by the time that the otter's footsteps quit echoing down the hall way, leaving the sergal to sit up on the table, huffing to himself while he rubbed his chafed wrists. His cock was still throbbing, though the glowing blue cock was softening somewhat, the sergal relaxing back to enjoy the afterglow of the day, settling into a warm fugue as he planned out his next few moves.

First, there was probably a few more coins or valuables scattered over the tomb, enough to get him to the capital. Second, he'd have to find him again. His mind instantly discarded the intrusive thoughts that he might be too late, that the bear might have moved on, that he'd never be able to... Third, third. Third, he thought, his tail tip reaching down under the table to draw the glimmering, magical emerald out from underneath. Third, he would fix everything.

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