[Comm] Raksha's Date

Story by akeroh on SoFurry

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#10 of Smut

A hung dragon and a lecherous, horsecock'd Rakshasa walk into a bar. The punchline to this one is smut, though! Gay smut with lots of cum.

Another commission, this time for [Anon]. 7.5k words-ish on it, so it's a little long which is nice. I finished it a week or so ago and am just now getting around to posting it. [Anon] got it as soon as it was finished, of course. So, this has a few bits that they really enjoy, though there are a few more strange things in there but they're implied this time around. Well, except for the irresponsibly large dicks and orgasms. Those are pretty blatant.

Tariq felt a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips when he pushed open the heavy wooden door. His eyes traced over the active tavern, lighting on various points of interest; The huge chunk of meat roasting above a heart behind the counter, the well-stocked barrels above pouring dark beer out into steins, the torches and lanterns illuminating the room and finally, various males through the room, with several dragons interspersed in groups or along the bar. The last was what brought the Rakshasa out on the prowl, his eyes flicking between the mingling dragons. He took his time, stepping up to the bar with the silent, prowling walk that was a specialty among those of the feline persuasion. He'd like to imagine that the flickering shadows from the lanterns highlighted his gray tiger-like stripes that broke up his midnight pelt, the large, tall male sweeping himself up to the bar with a finely practiced swagger; a walk with just enough hip swing to draw the eye but not enough to be overly flamboyant. He smiled, a warm, broad thing when one of the inn workers stepped up to greet him when he slid onto one of the stools. "Good evening, sir. What's your poison tonight?" He asked.

The rakshasa took a few moments to reply, letting his eyes take in the full view of the smartly dressed dragon. His eyes traced lecherously over the shirt wrapped tightly across the blue's chest, halfway unbuttoned of course, down to the tight, tailored breeches, plain but for the open button at the top and the large bulge filling out the front of those pants, complementing the towel hanging from the waiter's side. Tariq let out a soft feline purr, pointedly looking down the male, his eyes flicking back up to make full contact with the now-smirking drake. "Mn, I'll have a mug of mead, please, and whatever looks so..." He paused, giving a wink to the drake, "Delicious back there."

The hireling let out a light chuckle when the lecherous feline completed his order. He took a moment to run his hands down to his sides, pressing his hips forward as he stood to show off just a touch for the male as he nodded. "Mn, sweet mead and a nice, big hunk of meat from the spitroast..." He confirmed, giving the tall rakshasa a wink in return, before stepping off to begin the process of rectifying Tariq's sober state.

Tariq took the chance to turn on the stool, leaving his back to the bar with both his elbows propped back. He kept his legs spread as well, showing off his broad chest and his prodigious bulge, currently wrapped in a pair of loose breeches, the loose fabric sure to show off that he certainly didn't need a tight pair of pants to show off his maleness. He took his time looking around the room. Various creatures talked and drank and sang along with the musician to the side strumming a lute. Currently they were going through a rousing round of "What the Sailor Does in Port", a blatantly lewd rowing song with very obvious subject matter. He spotted various canines and felines, a handful wearing city guard tabards and more clad in the mismatched leathers and colors or mercenaries or adventurers. There was even a lizardman at a table with a handful of kobolds which gave Tariq a very explicit and more than interesting mental picture of what that group might be up to later. However, his interest laid with the same bunch that his eyes had been drawn to on the way in. There were precious few dragons in the tavern, and only a handful that weren't already involved with a group or partner already. Tariq even noticed a gold-scaled drake talking to a tall draft hoss, looking very embarrassed and uncomfortable with himself while he chatted.

He had all night, though. He was not going to rush for a drake, to show that he was desperate. He was Tariq, a Rakshasa. Dragons came to him. A tap on the shoulder brought his attention back behind him - getting a nice view of the lithe drake bending over the bar to catch his attention. "Your dinner, sir."

"Why thank you," He purred, his carefully crafted voice purring out the words, "I'll be sure to reward you tonight..."

The dragon couldn't help a bit of blush from his cheeks; not from the words, but from Tariq's intonation, bringing to mind a great many things of which only a handful would be anything remotely allowed here. He nodded quickly, the dragon trying not to let it show as he swept back up, turning around to pour a few more drinks while he tried to will his bulge back down into complacency. Tariq relaxed back again, lifting the mead to take a long, slow sip, relaxing himself back against the bar as he returned to his survey.

It didn't take too long. The Rakshasa had plenty of practice in making himself desireable to the sort of creatures he enjoyed. From his posture to his clothing and even the various little magical enhancements to his scent and the perfectly calculated motions and gestures he made, he'd never found a place where he'd end up sitting alone for any great length of time. Finally, with a wink, he tipped his head back, drawing down the last third of his mug with long gulps - lifting his chin to really show off his neck as he did so in a display that brought one of the drake's he'd been teasing in for the kill.

Before he'd even set down his mug, making a bit of a show of wiping his muzzle and sitting back, the red drake that he'd been teasing with his eyes from across the room was beside him, sliding into the stool beside him. He'd not even asked, calling over the blushy bartend to deliver a pair of drinks, sitting back as he pointedly made a show of not really acknowledging the other male, even as he ordered a drink for him. Oh, Tariq thought, this cutie was going to be fun.

Jevrath took his time, pointedly eyeing the ass of the waiter as he padded off to draw a pair of ales from the barrels. He didn't want to look over excited, or worse yet, desperate, in front of his potential quarry. He'd had his eye on the muscular Rakshasa since he'd walked in the door. He'd kept avoiding his eye, though, and he'd even directed off that other drake towards a friend before he strutted over to the bar. He made sure to keep himself politely disinterested until the tankards slid in front of both males at the same time; the waiter blushing brightly as both males made lecherous winks at him at the same time. He quickly scooted off, trying to hide the red tint on his cheeks before the dragon turned to the feline. "Mn, I do hope that the order is palatable." He said, his voice dripping with a bit too much pretension.

Tariq made sure to smirk on the other side of his face as he lifted the large wooden cup, showing off as he raised it to his lips. He let out a slow, soft purr before he took a quaff, swallowing slowly and audibly, showing off his throat in a manner perfectly calculated to put the faintest hint of a blush on the big male's cheeks. He certainly couldn't see the change of color underneath the drake's crimson scales but the pause in his breath told him everything he needed to know. It only took a moment for Jevrath to recover, though, and he sat back a bit, taking a large gulp from his own, though with significantly less teasing finesse. "Mn, I think it will do just fine. All the ales here are really quite good." Tariq answered just before the other male could make his play.

Jevrath smirked smugly himself, the finer points of the play lost on his youthful assumption of dominance. He shifted a bit in his seat with a nod. "Well, I'm glad I chose correctly." He said with a smile.

Tariq smiled warmly back, a nice, big thing. "Mn, I do hope you think that." He teased, adding a touch of lilt to his voice.

"Oh, whatever do you mean?" Jevrath leaned in just a bit with teasing curiosity.

Tariq licked his lip with a soft purr, slowly leaning himself back. "I mean, I do hope you'll enjoy your time with me, sir...?" He asked.

"Jevrath, or Jev." He replied, looking over the cat one more time, trying to keep his stares a little less obviously lecherous.

The Rakshasa nodded, taking another sip of his beer with a wry smirk, making sure to show himself off to the dragon. He returned the favor, the pair chatting and talking about simple, uninteresting things, as well as far, far more interesting things with leaned in whispers punctuated by gentle nips at ears. It took more teasing than either of them to stand before Tariq stood, drawing them both up to his room.


Jevrath stroe into the room like he owned the inn, his tail halfway lifted already as he led the rakshasa into the inn's roomy bedchamber. He made a show of stretching, slowly, flexing his back under his loose shirt. Tariq kept an eager smirk on his face, his eyes hungrily looking down over the dragon. He let the door close behind him with a sharp click and dropped his demeanor instantly when he turned the lock. The dragon was still stretching, and the lecherous feline made sure to get a nice, long look at his strong back and the sadly-clothed ass, only half covered by the dragon's long, dexterous tail. His own fuzzy limb gave a jealous twitch. He'd seen dragons do things with tails that nearly drove him into years of illusion magic study to try to make one on himself. He had his sorcery, sure, but nothing that would make that sort of modification real enough for him. So now, he had to live vicariously through others.

That suited him just fine. He stepped up quickly, pressing himself up against the dragon's back, his arms wrapping around that tail to hold it against his chest. The dragon grunted and glanced back, his eyes catching the grinning felines. "H-hey!" He said, the drake squirming a bit in the male's grip.

"Hey there." Tariq finished the drake's exclamation, pressing in with a powerful grind against that rump.

Jev was taken aback - not by the half-expected, sudden salacious motion, but by the sheer size of the bulge grinding up under his tail. Even through two pairs of breeches and the carefully chosen underwear on both of them, he could feel the rakshasa's prodigious size working against his rump. He was certainly expecting some size, especially from his lecherous ogling sessions in the bar, but his estimates felt like they'd been way off... and, from the feel of it, in the best way they could have been. Jevrath tried his damndest to keep himself under control - to not grind back against that huge bulge and to keep his own erection from instantly straining against his panties. Dammit, Jev thought to himself, just as soon as a teasing smirk lighted itself on Tariq's lips, he was a dragon, and a red one at that! He was the hunter, he had singled out the cat, he was in control! "Mnh, how about a little challenge, then, Tariq?"

The striped, midnight feline didn't lose his teasing smile, especially as he gave a warm, slow grind against the dragon's hidden asscheeks. He could feel the red's heart skip a beat and barely heard the whisper of a moan he'd just barely managed to choke down. He let out a soft, warm purr, resting his chin on the dragon's shoulder while his hands reached around him, slowly rubbing up and down along his sides with tickling, soft touches. "I've never backed down from a wager..." He grinned, his fluffy tail flicking a bit behind him.

Jev took a moment to clench his teeth, nearly biting his tongue while the trained, warm hands of the Rakshasa nimbly teased over his front. He was breathing a bit more heavily, especially as those warm pawpads slowly traced up over his belly, reaching for the buttons on his shirt. Thankfully, he'd managed to keep his moaning under control. With a short, shivering breath he managed to press back a bit, trying to give a slight nip to one of the feline's flicking ears. "Yes, a wager. The bigger one of the two gets to hump the other one first." He managed to state.

A wide grin slowly spread across Tariq's lips with the dragon's words. He didn't reply right away, making sure that the cocky red drake had plenty of time to enjoy the feeling of one of his hands dropping down to fondle warmly over the dragon's bulging breeches, the fingers teasing and working over the constrained cock inside. His other hand gently slid up along his front, fingers gently popping a button on his shirt here and there while the rakshasa fondled over him, making a big show of evaluating the challenge. He could tell that the dragon was certainly far from small, but the Rakshasa has a few surprises in store for him...after a bit more teasing. God, he loved having big, cocky dragons wrapped around his pinky like this. "The one with the bigger what~?" He grinned, his voice breathy and teasing as he whispered right into the drake's ear, "Maybe you mean the one with the biggest, throbbing, drooling, messy penis..."

Jevrath had to bite his lip painfully as the kitten's hot breath poured over his earfrill in order to choke down a bright moan. He couldn't help himself pressing back against him though, his heavy shaft constrained tightly in a throbbing bulge underneath his breeches. He managed to take a hot, shuddering breath while the Rakshasa's hand drifted under his shirt to warmly fondle over his sensitive belly. The action sent him right back underneath every bit of bravado he'd managed to summon up again while the warm, soft paw pads rubbed and fondled over his warm belly scales. He chewed his lip again to prevent a soft mewl of pleasure from escaping his muzzle, suffering an amused chuckle from Tariq while he recovered his breath again. "Well, I guess that's what I, mmmnfff..." He started, cut off by the feline's hands.

Tariq let the dragon realize that his control was slipping just a bit with a few carefully placed fingers...Placed to pop the button on his breeches just so, letting the fly fall apart to reveal the dragon's tightly wrapped, straining package. The rakshasa's fingers reached down to fondle slowly over that tight bulge, grinning with another nibble along his chin. He let out a soft huff, slowly letting the warm pads of his finger tease over the tight silk fabric, the thin textile tight enough to show off every little detail of the dragon's straining erection. The cat let out a soft purr, taking careful notice of when the dragon was just about to talk before letting his wandering, warm fingers brush over that bulge expertly, his pads squeezing and playing with the drake's hidden cock. He kept up the dragon's moaned out silence for just a few more long moments; giving his other hand plenty of time to unbutton the drake's shirt, pulling it aside with only a touch of help from the dragon. "S-so, you're in?" Jev managed to ask, past the electric shiver running along his spine as the rakshasa's warm fingers fondled over one of his sensitive, pert nipples.Tariq grinned wide, his tail flicking a bit as he worked over the dragon's front.

He gave him plenty of time to ponder what his answer would be, focusing instead on cupping the straining cockbulge with his soft palm and rubbing his splayed hand slowly over the dragon's sensitive belly. Jevrath shuddered, trying not to betray his incredible enjoyment of the talented male's hands. His body spoke for him, though. The bellyrub and the fondling were nearly too much, forcing the red's tremendous cock to strain against the smooth, silken underwear he was wearing, already leaking thick shots of messy pre into the warmth of his bulge. Tariq grinned widely when he felt the sticky warmth soaking ihnto thepanties while his hand reached under to coddle and rub the big bulges the red's balls made under his straining erection. Tariq smirked, giving a soft purr into the male's ear, replying with a soft nibble along the drake's flicking, sensitive ear, eliciting another deep moan of pleasure while he purred out, "That sounds very fair to me, but I suppose I'll let the proud dragon back out if he really needs to..."

Jevrath's growl was lost in another whimper of pleasure while that warm hand slowly stroked up and down his belly. He was losing this battle quickly, especially as tariq's hand reached up, wrapping those fingers around the stretchy textile to grip the drake's penis through the fabric, forcing another large shot of pre right into those underwear. He ground his teeth slightly while he felt his orgasm quickly approaching when those warm pads slowly stroked up and down his thick cock and softly fondled along his blushing, hot tummy. "W-why would I have to back, mnfh, out?" The dragon asked, his offended, cocky tone lost between the unconscious chuffs of pleasure he was making.

Tariq couldn't help his usual grin from widening until it nearly touched his ears. The dragon was too busy to see it, but as his fingers dropped from the dragon's bulge, the red opened one eye to look over. The motion was practiced, perfect. The moment that the red saw the feline's massive, evil grin was the same moment that Tariq's breeches fell to the floor, revealing his tremendous bulge. His hand redoubled his effort on the dragon's sensitive belly and before the drake could question the expression, he was cut off by another unconscious moan...when Tariq's huge bulge ground right up underneath the dragon's tail. "T-that can't be...r-real?" Jev weakly gasped.

Tariq enjoyed the sudden realization significantly more than he should. He'd never get tired of reducing a proud male drake to this point, then that delicious surprise when they really felt the cat's size... The feeling of massive hosscock grinding up under that tail was complemented with the delicious realization by the dragon. Even through his own tightly wrapped underwear, the head of his flare was very, very apparent as it worked against the other male's ass, and there was no dragon in the world that wouldn't recognize the incredibly taboo feeling of a horsecock grinding against them. Tariq managed a glance down from the drake's shoulder, judging the effect his massive cock had on the other male, and past his warm hand rubbing up and down the dragon's belly, he could see the red male's thick cock straining in front of him, at least a foot-and-a-half of throbbing dragondick, standing proudly out in front of him... And with one final, slow grind against his back along with a paired, slow stroke along his belly, the dragon couldn't control himself any longer.

With an eager, shuddering moan of pleasure, the dragon came, hard. He creamed those underwear, his thick cock shooting hot, powerful shots of cum into his silken panties. Heavy, white shots of cream splashes into the strong textile. Most was blocked by the fabric, thick seed dripping back to completely soak the panties, soaking the dragon's cock and sac. Thick drake cream drooled down his thighs, dripping from the completely sodden, bulging underwear while some of the spurts managed to force their way through, splashing out over the bed in front of him Tariq would have grinned even more widely if such a thing were possible, the cat giving a deep, hot purr right into the moaning dragon's ear. This was too perfect. He rode out that orgasm, slowly tapping over his belly with his fingertips, holding the drake's hips back to let his heavy bulge throb under that tail while the drake shot a prodigious load out in front of him.

Finally, the dragon's impressive orgasm tapered off. He was left in a state that he didn't think he'd end up being in - he was the predator, he was the top, he was a dragon, and here he was, with the kitten grinding powerfully up under his tail with a truly massive cock with a blushing belly and cumsoaked underwear, with his own seed dripping down his thighs. He huffed, his pleasure-addled brain trying to salvage his ego before it was distracted by a sudden coolness when Tariq simply let go all at once, removing all the heat from him with a simple step back. Jevrath glanced back to watch his current lover.

Tariq decided to do this one silently. He stepped back, the male standing in his tremendously bulged underwear and shirt, the tail of his shirt long enough to conceal the finer details of his huge, hidden cock, giving the dragon just a hint of a view as he raised his fingers...giving a quick snap as he suddenly dropped the illusion. His clothing disappeared into the aether, a clever party trick that instantly revealed him to the dragon. Toned muscles accompanied the rakshasa's trademark smirk, but the dragon's eyes were locked on something else. His huge, twenty-eight inch midnight hosscock flopped down unceremoniously between his legs, accompanied by his tremendous ebony sac. The head of his semi-soft member dangled below his knees, the obvious flare pulsing gently in front of the completely slack-jawed, stunned dragon.

Jevrath could not believe his eyes. Not only was the rakshasa an illusion mage, he was also incredibly endowed. He couldn't tear his eyes from that massive horsecock. He knew the stories about dragons and horsecocks, the taboos, the risks...but... He just couldn't look away and only narrowly avoided drooling over that massive, throbbing cock. "T-that's not real, is it?" He asked.

Tariq licked his lips, following the dragon's thought process in his head. Of course, a feline couldn't have a horsecock...and even if he did it probably wouldn't be the same as a real hoss. He'd made sure to take his clothing off with obvious illusion magic, too, adding another second guess to the dragon's risk analysis. It might not be all the way real, and if it was a very good illusion, his belly wouldn't have anything to worry about. But, as the dragon hungrily devoured and eyefucked Tariq, the rakshasa knew that he had this dragon in the bag, for all his bluster, the moment he'd soaked his panties. "Mn, it's real enough, Jevrath. But, about that bet..."

Jev bit his lip, his mind racing as he finally managed to glance up along the rakshasa's muscled abs and chest, trying to come up with a way to spin it. Maybe if he got to go first, the feline would be too swollen and satisfied to turn him around. As much as he wanted that hosscock, he couldn't get past the taboo. "Y-yeah, the one, uhm, with the bigger penis get mounted first?" Smooth. Jev thought to himself as he attempted to blatantly change the terms of the bet.

Tariq licked his lips slowly, reaching down to grip his huge cock at the base, giving it a few, lazy, pondering strokes while it stiffened up in front of the dragon. He made sure to pull it up, letting the flare rest nearly to his collarbone, throbbing gently against his pecs as he watched the dragon nearly drool, playfully considering the changed deal. He knew what the drake was planning, and he knew that the red had underestimated him again. "Mn, that sounds just a touch different...but it does sound fair."

The red managed a sight, relieved sigh as he managed to tear his eyes off of that huge cock for just a moment. He licked his lips a little bit, reaching down to hook his soaked thong with a thumb. He had this one in the bag now, for sure, and now it was his turn. His tail reached forward, lazily wrapping around the rakshasa's waist to pull him forward onto the bed. The feline went forward with very little hesitation, sliding onto his knees on the bed while the dragon drew him forward, positioning him over his hips. Jevrath narrowly managed to keep his composure, only letting a moan or three slip when Tariq's crawled over him, his warm tongue dragging up along the dragon's front while the cat stalked over him. The red drake let out a shiver when tariq's thick hosscock dragged all the way up his front, frotting with his own pointed, draconic cock... driving home the point that the rakshasa had more than a half foot on his size. That flare rested on his chest, drooling just a bit of clear precum onto his strong chest, sandwiched between them when Jevrath took the advantage, reaching up to rub over one of Tariq's warm, soft ears and pull his head down, pressing up to draw him into a deep, hot kiss. Their thick shafts throbbed against each other, grinding together between the male's muscular fronts while their lips and tongues met.

The pair gladly forgot their places for a few moments. Jevraths' hand cradled Tariq's head while their warm lips pressed together, his other hand slowly stroking up and down the male's side in an approximation of the motions that his prehensile tongue was making as it ran along the rakshasa's. They both let out soft chuffs and moans into each other's muzzles, Tariq even turning his head to the side to start to lock jaws. One warm hand supported him above the supine red drake, his other warmly resting on the male's shoulder, stroking gently while their shafts pulsed and ground against each other, frotting and mingling with slight motions while the pair made out above them. The two strong males eagerly kissed, their tongues exploring inside the other's muzzles, only paying enough mind to give a few warm, soft grinds against each other. Their heavy sacs rested together, loose, warm balls pressing warmly together, the soft heat and pressure from Tariq's heavy stones resting against the drew out soft pants of pleasure into the kiss, before Jevrath took his move, slowly breaking that kiss to gently push the feline into a sitting position above him. "Mmn, ready for this, kitty?"

Tariq's smirk took a few moments to return, his hands slowly stroking down the dragon's front, on either side of their frotting cocks as he sat up. "Of course, red. Let's get your big penis inside me~" He lilted, his experienced pads fondling along the big dragon's shaft, slowly pulling it back behind him.

Jevrath sat back, reaching forward to grip the rakshasa's hips, letting his shaft hrob and drool pre while the feline warmly worked over it, pressing it back behind him. Tariq rumbled, letting it throb against his back, the thick dragoncock reaching halfway up his back. Tariq flexed a bit, showing off his front for the reclining dragon while he gave a few long, experimental grinds back, working his rump back along the thick, stiff shaft of the pointed dragondick. Now this was more like it, Jevrath thought while the feline reached back, arching with a hot purr to grind the very tip of the red dragon's penis against his tight rump. This was the place for a dragon, watching their lover eagerly take their cock. Tariq was thinking the same thing - it was a perfect place for a dragon, playing right into his claws.

It was finally Tariq's time to moan. That thick cock started to press into him, the cat letting go to lean forward a bit, bracing himself with both hands on the bed. That huge, throbbing cock was plenty thick, and to give Jevrath his credit, he was one of the largest dragon's that the Rakshasa had yet seduced. That fact was certainly apparent while the feline made a big show of sinking all the way onto that cock, flexibly pressing down until his rump bumped the drake's balls. Jev was left moaning, his fingers rubbing and gripping at the feline's hips and rump while his thick cock sunk into the male's tight tunnel. "Mnf, there we go..." Tariq panted out.

Jevrath grinned widely as he panted, working his hips up just a bit to make sure every bit of himself was pressed into that hot, tight feline ass. He huffing, licking his lips as he examined the rakshasa's belly, his eyes locked onto the visible bulge his penis made in the male's gut. His hands moved up, reaching to warmly stroke over the feline's abs and fondle that throbbing cockbulge with a grin. "Mnh, not too bad I hope." He growled playfully to the feline.

The older feline let out a soft, comfortable purr as his partner fondled the bulge, working the dragon's cocktip as the whole thick length throbbed in his rump. He purred deeply, stroking a bit along the dragon's chest while his throbbing hosscock dripped and spurting pre warmly onto the male. "You're quite well-endowed, aren't you," He panted a bit, slowly starting to raise up with the first motion of his rhythm, "I'm sure you can't stop other dragons from begging to suck on your heavy penis."

Jevrath panted, relying mostly with a bright blush as he ground up in opposition to the male's motion, trying to force him back down until the feline nearly let the dragon's tip slip from his rump...before he slammed himself back down, pressing the drake's hips into the bed. A hot, bright moan slipped from the dragon and the feline couldn't help as a thick spurt of precum splashed from his throbbing hosscock to splash over the red male's face and chest. They were both taken off their game by their synchronized moans. Tariq left himself at the full hilt again, running his fingers warmly over the bulge in his belly, before he started to pull up and start a rather fast rhythm, betraying his own usually well-constrained eagerness. Jevrath was a catch, though, especially with a cock that big and it was obvious that the feline was eager to enjoy his quarry. "Oooh, yeah, it is fairly large. Plenty of dragons love to play with my huge penis, eager to milk or suck on it..." Jevrath bragged.

Tariq nodded, taking a few moments to recover his breath and adjust his breathing so that he could reply with that huge cock pushing into his abdomen. He did take his time to really enjoy the feeling of that thick cock reaching inside of him, the male panting while he felt the dragon start to spurt hot pre inside of him,, already starting to lose just a bit of definition on his abs as he was flooded with thick, hot precum. "Oh, and they probably get plenty of ilk out of this huge dragon, too, don't they...." Tariq huffed, arching his hips forward, teasingly pressing his throbbing flare forward.

Jevrath nodded, his eyes drawn back down to the motion as the feline's huge cock thrust forward, catching his chest with another spurt of pre. He knew he shouldn't, but he just couldn't help himself any longer. He pressed his muzzle forward, glancing nervously up at the feline before he just took a little taste...a lick or two wouldn't hurt. As his warm tongue slid out to work over the male's thick flare, laying warm attention over the hot, slick flesh of the feline's cockhead, Tariq began to speed up in return. Jev let out a hot, eager moan, before bending forward, slowly starting to lap over that thick, heavy cock, exploring it with his tongue. As long as he didn't really take a full orgasm it would probably be ok. However, for every motion that hot tongue made over the rakshasa's deep black cock, for each fold and texture it ran over, Tariq rewarded him. His thrusts were faster and deeper, speeding up while Jevrath's oral strokes did, leaving the pair unable to continue their dirty talk as they were too caught up moaning and panting. Tariq grunted, working that cock in its entirety, each thrust nearly drawing it out before his rump slammed down to grind every inch of that cock into his tight ass. Jevrath couldn't help himself either, working along that exotic horsecock eagerly, his hands fondling over every bit of the taboo as his tongue dragged and worked over the pliable, hot flesh.

Both of the overly large males were incredibly productive as well, a fact that was becoming increasingly apparent as the thick, throbbing hosscock in Jevrath's grip splashed sticky, slick precum out in long, powerful spurts. His own throbbing shaft was busy pouring copious bursts of precum into the eager feline on top of him, the dragon watching hungrily as the bulge his cockhead made in the rakshasa's gut was eclipsed more and more on each bottomed-out thrust by the swelling of his gut from the drake's precum alone. Jevrath panted along the thick hosscock grinding against him, unable to continue his ministrations as he glanced up to Tariq, his toes clenching as he moaned eagerly. "I-I'm gonna..." He moaned out.

Tariq huffed and nodded eagerly, the feline growling eagerly as he slammed himself down, grinding that cock all the way inside of him. His tunnel clenched and worked powerfully along that thick cock, the shaft obviously a tight fit inside of the tight tunnel of the rakshasa. The feline's warm ass ground down against the male's thighs, pressing warmly against those balls as he purred, reaching down to rub over the dragon's chest, trying to force that climax out of his with fast, short thrusts, only working an inch or two of that thick cock back and forth inside of him.

That was all it took. Jevrath roared out, loudly as he thrust up, his hands darting to the feline's hips to hold him in place as his huge orgasm started to pour out. The entirety of his thick cock flexed, the heavy penis spurting shot after shot of hot, thick seed deep into the male's partner. Sticky seed poured out by the cup while the red drake snarled ferally, groping over the rump he was holding down while he poured a tremendous load into the feline. Tariq growled eagerly in return, watching the dragon below him as his belly swelled. Thick cum flooded him, his tunnel clenching down on the pulsing, throbbing cock as it flexed inside of him, his gut bulging out with the sheer volume of cum that poured into him. It seemed that the dragon's first orgasm only had an inconsequential effect on the dragon's load. Gallons pumped up into the rakshasa. Tariq rode out that orgasm like a champ, the male huffing eagerly as Jev finished pouring his load into that tight, eager rump.

The red drake collapsed back as his shaft gave the last few throbs and spurts of his orgasm as it tapered off. He only shifted up to admire his work and the swollen, pregnant-looking belly of the rakshasa. Ha, he thought, there's no way a male would want to pound me with a belly that big. Tariq let the drake watch, relaxing a bit on top of the male before slowly starting to pull free, giving his large belly a grope. Jevrath panted, relaxing in his victorious afterglow while he watched the male pull off him. Finally, with a moan, the feline separated himself completely, letting Jevrath's thick cock flop back over his belly. The red drake gave a happy, relaxed sigh, watching the feline through one half-closed eye. He was obviously confident in his victory...but Tariq knew that dragons always underestimate.

And so, Tariq stood, the big male grinning as he carried himself. Jevrath's eyes opened a bit more...The feline wasn't letting his swollen belly slow him down at all. In fact, even though he could clearly see the swollen belly sloshing on the rakshasa, the other male was not slowed down at all. Tariq watched the male's realization come to him slowly, reaching down to slowly stroke up and down his heavy hosscock. Just as soon as Jevrath bit his lip while the realization sunk in, Tariq let a wide grin spread across his lips. "Now, I suppose it's my turn." He teased.

Jevrath gasped, squirming a bit on the bed as he glanced around. "But... You've got a horse penis..." He trailed off.

The rakshasa smirked and posed, showing off every bit of that huge, throbbing, veiny shaft. The flare was fully engorged, that flat head dripping a bit of pre down along the underside of the huge cock. "Oh, I've heard the stories too, Jevrath. But don't tell me that a proud male red dragon would tuck his tail between his legs...Your belly is plenty strong, I'm sure, ands we both know how much you want to feel a thick, hot horse penis pressing deep inside of you..."

There was no way that the red drake could swallow his desire now. Every little pretense of the proud, commanding drake left him as he stared at that huge, throbbing cock, his ears tickled by the feline's purred, musical words. He swallowed with a deep blush...finally giving a slow nod. Tariq grinned wide, kneeling as he slid onto the bed again, gently guiding the dragon to roll over with a warm hand. "Mmngh, you ready for this? I'm sure you can't wait to feel this huge, throbbing horse shaft inside of you, swelling out your belly..."

Jevrath squirmed. He chewed his lip while he slowly rolled over for the feline, huffing with a deep blush; the red even visible past his scale coloration. He was a bit hesitant as every bit of good sense yelled at him to refuse, but deep inside him, he'd wanted to feel a horse shaft, especially a huge one, for his whole life... And the rakshasa was an illusionist, it probably wasn't real enough to be a worry. He finally did the work of rationalizing and convincing himself as he shifted into position, on all fours in front of the big feline. "That's a good dragon..."

Every little bit of resistance on the dragon evaporated with a loud, eager moan while the entire length of the rakshasa's 28 inch shaft ground between his cheeks. Tariq made sure to work that slick, swollen flare through first before slowly showing off every inch of his huge cock, hotdogging the male until his cocktip was dripping pre far up the dragon's back. Jevrath couldn't hold back and eager, shuddering moan when Tariq's balls pressed against his, the dragon's cock throbbing back to another stiff, full erection underneath him. "Oh god... I need that huge horse penis, Tariq... Please, please..." He begged, his voice nearly a whisper.

There was no way that such a delicious admittance would escape the rakshasa's ears. Tariq couldn't keep the gleeful, evil smile off his face as he pulled back, letting his huge, throbbing cockhead press against the male's tailhole. With a single, teasing claw, Tariq brought the shivering chin of the dragon up, leaning down over his head to press his lips against the other male's, drawing him into a warm kiss while he slid his hips slowly forward. "Uh ah oh..." Jevrath managed to squeak out.

Tariq's deep, warm purrs complimented Jevrath's squeaks of pleasure while the rakshasa made sure to press in slowly, giving every inch of his cock time to shine as it slowly sunk deep into the dragon, deeper than any male had ever been before. So many secret fetishes that the proud red drake would never tell anyone culminated with the huge male atop him. Even as the other male's cum-swollen gut pressed against his back, his blush deepened even more with the feeling of taboo and secret need burning inside of him. He panted into his deep kiss with the feline above him, shivering eagerly when the feline's heavy, smooth balls finally came to a rest against him. He reached up, holding onto the feline's shoulder when Tariq tried to pull back, keeping him firmly in place, every inch of that huge shaft sunk into him. "Oh, Tariq... Just..a couple seconds like this... Let me enjoy that huge horse penis." He begged.

Tariq smirked, the male leaning down to focus on the deep kiss as he complied with the humble request. Their lips parted, letting Jev moan softly into his muzzle before they locked jaws again. The dragon huffed hotly, reaching up to slowly fondle over the apparent bulge of the horse's cockhead in his belly, His fingers rubbed slowly over it, his pads gently working over the bulge. He could feel every bit of that lat cockhead, even the slight bulge on the front around the urethra through the soft flesh of his sensitive gut. Every bit of rational thought told him to pull out, it wasn't too late...but it was quased by one thought. He needed this cock. Finally, his hand dropped back down to the bed, the dragon's tongue mingling warmly with the rakshasa's, before he gave a soft buck back against that embedded shaft, working the heavy stones of the pair together just a bit.

The simple hint was more than enough for the pent-up feline. Tariq huffed softly, carefully drawing the dragon's head up to keep the kiss unbroken with a gentle touch along his jawline. Jev was eager now, and even with the gentle draw he gave another, impatient thrust back onto that huge cock. Tariq gave a slight chuckle, gaining his smirk back as he slowly broke the kiss with the dragon. He straightened up slowly, teasingly, keeping his huge cock throbbing deep inside the dragon for a few more moments before he began to slowly draw his hips back. That tremendous, throbbing shaft slowly pulled back, drawing a long, soft moan out from the drake that lasted just as long as the motion. Jev bit his lip, his draconic side forcing him to buck back against that shaft shaft the flare tugged his tight hole. Tariq couldn't get himself from cloud 9 with the needy drake underneath him, the feline growling possessively as he leaned back down, starting to position himself into that rump with the dragon's begging motion.

Jevrath moaned out deeply, gasping in pleasure as his new lover's hosscock slammed deep inside of him. He felt that tremendous shaft reaming every inch of him inside, even as it bulged his gut out, the drake shivered and moaned out deeply underneath the other male. Tariq panted eagerly, throwing his entire strong body into the powerful thrusting. His belly sloshed against the dragon's back, their heavy nuts slapping lewdly together between the male's hind legs. The rakshasa made sure to grind in at the end of each thrust, making sure that the dragon knew he was taking every bit of that huge cock and partially to make sure to work their heavy stones against each other. Jev panted and moaned out eagerly, his tail pressed up against the rakshasa's cum-swollen belly while that thick horse penis reamed into him. "Oh, Tariq...You're so huge..."

The feline grinned widely, taking his time to grind forward, following his first real spurt of pre with a powerful press of his heavy, hot, full orbs against the dragon's. Jev answered with a hot moan as he felt that first blast of thick precum, biting his lip as he had already started to swell out a bit with the powerful spurt. Tariq grinned widely, panting softly above the male as he began to pound him faster. "Mmngh, you're rather tight... Enjoying that horse penis?" He teased, tail flicking, "It's going to blow soon...""

Jevrath gasped, squirming and panting as the feline sped up. He lost his breath to talk as that huge shaft slammed into him, pounding fast into his tight rump. Thick shots of pre began to fill his gut already, and the feeling of the rakshasa's large, full balls grinding and slapping lewdly against him was almost too much to take. "C-come on, Tariq, breed me, please!" He called out, finally losing the last of his proud dragon stature to eager, base desire, the drake's thick cock pulsing eagerly, spurting pre between his front legs.

Tariq growled eagerly in return, panting as he watched the dragon below him, unable to control himself as the male said the magic words. He panted, his thrust speeding up as that huge cock slammed and pistoned into him over and over, smacking and breeding the dragon powerfully. The red could do nothing but whine in pleasure and slam himself back in time...and he could certainly not prevent himself from orgasming.

As the dragon's seed began to splash over the bed below him, Tariq shuddered and finally slammed all the way in, his heavy sac pressed up against Jevrath's as the pair began to empty them. Thick, powerful pulses pushed through that horsecock in powerful throbs, pouring a tremendous, powerful, fertile load into the dragon. The red's belly began to swell out, Tariq's swollen flare lost as the dragon's gut swelled with a tremendous load.

Finally, it was over. The pair rolled to the side, the red unable to muster up the energy, or the desire, to attempt to remove Tariq's huge shaft, the pair more than happy to snuggle against each other, cum leaking back over their balls as they pressed against each other, gently panting. Tariq grew his smirk, his tail flicking as he reached up to rub over the dragon's belly, pulling a shiver from his lover. "Mnh, how'd it feel to take a real, genuine horse penis?" He teased.

"G-genuine?" The red asked, glancing down over his swollen belly, "You mean..." He said, finally realizing what he'd done.

Tariq simply purred, admiring that swollen belly with a few warm, soft rubs and a wide, satisfied grin.

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