A Quick Web

Story by akeroh on SoFurry

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This is...Technically in the sunshine Scientist universe. The whole college thing has a lot of story behind it, but that part isn't entirely canon. However, the Spider's' Web being the operating base of the Bluesky Mercenaries group, along with Akeroh's involvement (technically retired) as well as Jamie and Jasper being mercs is entirely canon. This is just a bit more of a fun quick smut story, written for the sole purpose of getting the characters banging. This is probably the last of the the touched-up old writing that's probably going to go in. Some other old stuff might make a reappearance, but very little of it is remotely good and would probably need full rewrites.

As far as this goes, though, enjoy yourself some male/male/herm smut. There's dicks and stuff!

The car tires crunched on the cracking lot, the small rear lot of the bar housing little more than another two cars and the dumpster and plenty of gravel. It never got too much busier than it was now, excepting the times when Bluesky had to roll in some transport. He'd not been part of one of those convoys for a while. He was pretty sure he'd made a good decision, though there were a few reasons that he was debating moving out of the strange dorm he'd found himself in and hopping back in his plates, but he had a future to plan out...and plenty of gropeable reasons to stay in his dorm.

The sedan slipped nicely right into its spot. The dragon had hoped to return it yesterday, but had been caught up by a few other things through the day. Jamie had said that she didn't need it back until the end of the next week, but the dragon had finished moving in earlier in the week and he didn't need the car - everything in the town was pretty much within walking distance. Thankfully the bar was easily walkable, only about two miles off the campus. That was nice, he'd be walking back late tonight. It was already two in the morning and the bar had closed down for the night, but he knew that the pair would still be there for a while...and Jamie, at least, probably wouldn't let him leave quickly. It was a friday night, though. He could stand an all-nighter. Engine off, door locked, boots crunching on the gravel of the lot as he stood up, looking up into the sky, taking a breath of the quiet, secluded night. He didn't take long to get to the back door, though, he was excited to see his friends.

He was one of the few people with a key to the bar, and the only one of those that didn't officially work there in some capacity. So, as the key turned in the lock and disengaged the series of heavy-duty deadbolts, the pair inside knew who it was. The dragon didn't make any effort to hide his entrance as he stepped in, shutting and locking the door behind him. "Heyo." He called out into the bar, chuckling at the noises that replied.

"Don't even bother with the corset, honey! It's Akeroh." He heard Jamie mutter as he heard clothing going back on hastily.

"Well, yes, I know, but it's not proper to leave those tits hanging out." Jasper chided back.

"And it's not classy to leave that huge cock of yours on the table." Jamie wyly observed.

The dragon chuckled as he waited a few more seconds, counting in his head - he could have just burst in and gotten an eyeful, but if they were that horny it would certainly come up again and he knew how much the couple loved to tease. "Oh, the table's seen worse. But what's taking him, then. The hallway's not that long." Jasper called out to him.

The drake took the kindly-given clue to walk out around the corner, giving a wave to the bartending pair at one of the many tables. It had only been a handful of seconds and Jasper had already gotten entirely re-dressed, his suit and vest almost flawless. Jasper was another dragon, a light black, not quite grey, with white spots from the top of his muzzle, all the way down to his tailtip. The crimson and black attire matched that of the bar and his mate, the black vest giving a nice contrast to the crimson shirt. He was reclined back in his seat, legs crossed, showing off his pair of polished black shoes, giving the dragon his trademark smirk. Only a loose bow tie on the table gave his hint on what the pair had been up to.

Jamie, on the other hand, was far more blatant about their antics. The raptor's corset laid casually discarded over the table, the crimson strings left untied. Her skirt, the same black as most of the decor of the bar just barely hid her crimson thong underneath. Her shirt was nowhere to be seen, either, and her hefty breasts were on full display, large nipples topping each hefty blue mound. The raptor didn't let her heaving bust slow her down, hopping up from the table to give the dragon a tight, more-than-familiar hug, her breasts squishing against his still clothed chest as she pushed him tightly into her generous cleavage. Akeroh chuckled a bit, in time with Jasper as he returned the affectionate gesture, wrapping his arms around the raptor. "I may as well not have put my clothes back on." The charcoal drake pondered with a smirk.

The pair turned and both gave amorous rumbles to the buff male as if on cue. He laughed as he relaxed back in the booth, adopting a far less formal position as he shifted on the smooth leather of the booth's bench. Jamie gave a warm grind of her bust against the green dragon's front before they separated, sitting down in the crescent booth, strategically positioning herself next to her husband. Akeroh sat himself down as well, sliding in beside Jamie. He smiled a bit as the raptor made no move to put her corset back on. Her heavy breasts moved a bit with her breathing, the nipples topping the huge mounds nicely pert. "So, how were your first couple days?"

Akeroh chuckled, his tail wagging as he slumped back a bit on the bench, his eyes tracing over those breasts almost as much as they looked back up at the raptor; He usually tried to be more polite, but he knew Jamie well enough to know how much she loved the attention. "Well, most of the profs seem nice and I did get a pair of, ah, interesting roommates, kinda the whole adolescent college fantasy sort of dorm assignment." He started.

Jamie grinned, listening eagerly as Akeroh went over the events of the last two days and the descriptions of his roommates. She only interrupted to force out a few more sordid descriptions of events he had planned on glossing over and forcing him to compare her bust to his roommates. Jasper chuckled, standing up as Jamie pressed her chest forward, leaning over the table to nearly grind her breasts up against the trapped drake. He returned with a round or three of drinks for the group. It only took a bit to get a nice buzz going for each of them as Akeroh finished his recap. "But it seemed like the two of you were in the middle of, ah, cleaning when I got here. Should I leave you to it?" He asked, motioning to the raptor's bust and the bartender's tie, still discarded over the table.

Jasper opened his mouth, but Jamie, eager as always, beat him to it. "We wouldn't dream of having you leave, honey!" She said, reaching under her heavy breasts to heft them up.

The dragon chuckled. He knew what the answer would be. They were always more than happy to have him join in. Jamie would probably even take it as an insult if he left without at least a blowjob if he didn't have anything more pressing to do. Jasper chuckled, smirking as he shook his head slightly. "Oh, he's just being polite, Jamie. Just take your pants off and let him play with your tits already, you've already spent this whole time teasing us with them."

Jamie shot back a face of mocked offense back at her husband, then a grin at the green dragon, lifting up off the booth slightly to slip her short skirt off to reveal a well-stuffed pair of crimson panties. The tight, vibrant fabric was bulged out rather nicely in front ith the raptor's hefty endowment. The throbbing bulge was tightly wrapped by the thong, the underwear just barely too small for her, worn the same way the rest of her clothing often was. Jasper didn't take more than a second to slide a hand between her legs as she lifted up, the strong dragon's grope teasing a slight yelp out of her as he simply hefted the raptor up onto the tabletop.

She didn't resist, landing on all fours between the two males, facing Akeroh with both of jasper's hands on her rump. She always made sure her underwear fit properly, perhaps even more so than the rest of her often-teasing outfits. The tight fabric highlighted a tight cameltoe behind the bulge her maleness made in the tight fabric and sat between her broad cheeks to make sure that she gave the best upskirts. In her view, sexual harassment wasn't a problem if she was trying to get it... And if she had not been, the drake knew full well that the mercenary/barmaid would have no trouble defending herself. Her lips pressed forward, a hand coming up to pull Akeroh's muzzle against hers as their lips locked together.

The green drake didn't put up any resistance, noticing that even though Jasper had both hands on his wife the entire time his vest and shirt were on the seat next to him, neatly folded. He had a whole repertoire of these 'party tricks'. Akeroh felt the next one as he reaches up, his hands starting to massage Jamie's hanging, heavy tits, his fingers nimbly working over her large areola and her warm, stiff nipples while Jasper's feet worked along the insides of his thighs. It didn't take long before his jeans dropped around his ankles, Jasper's dexterous feet having been able to skillfully work his belt buckle.

The pair suddenly let out a bright, synchronized moan into their deepening kiss, the sound teased out of the pair by the talented dragon behind them. In this case it was a few fingers that were barely brushing along Jamie's swollen netherlips, carefully tickling the oversensitive nub with her thong pushed to the side and a pair of soft, over-lotioned soles that clasped tightly around the green dragon's newly exposed erections. Akeroh took the initiative as Jamie's eyes lidded just a bit to the teasing fingertips, turning his muzzle to lock jaws with the raptor. Jamie was not one to be outdone, however, as she thrust her hot, slick tongue into his maw to wrestle. Akeroh let out a hot moan as Jasper's soft toepads worked over his pair of throbbing tips, his body tensing up just a bit with the nimble digit's tight squeeze over his sensitive, soft cockheads. Jamie was enjoying herself, too. Her huge cock was throbbing, the shaft bending out as her tip was stuck just under her waistband. The heavy member strained against the tight textile prison, flexing with arousal as the pair of reptile's prehensile tongues twined around each other. Jasper caught Akeroh's eye, giving a mischievous wink, before his fingers dove deep into the raptor's hot slit, pumping fiercely a few times. Jamie gave out a deep moan into Akeroh's muzzle, her tongue loosening as she lost focus on the slick tongue wrestling match before she shuddered as Jasper's tongue replaced his fingers, the thick, slick muscle slamming deep into her tight slit. Akeroh shifted his grip, his hands stroking down over those large, soft, hanging melons to pinch her nipples warmly, tugging on them softly and receiving a few spine-quiveringly pleasurable strokes from Jasper's feet in return.

It didn't take long in this first position. Jamie swore her husband's tongue was magic and Akeroh certainly agreed. It was also no secret between the three as to how much Akeroh and Jamie enjoyed the speckled dragon's feet, either. Jamie was the first to cum, grabbing Akeroh's wrists to force them to work into her teats, kneading deep into the soft flesh. With a series of hot, trembling pants into the dragon's muzzle, her body seized up. Her slit tightly clenched down on Jasper's squirming tongue, her engorged, tight slit splattering his muzzle with her honey. Her thick, trapped shaft pumped thick cum into her tight thong as well, the bright crimson darkening as her seed soaked into it, some of the white fluid forcing through the thin garment, splattering onto the polished, black surface of the table. Akeroh only took a few more seconds as Jasper's hot, plush soles clamped down on his throbbing erections, pumping the pair of lengths against his soles and against each other tightly. With a full body clench, Akeroh let out a deep, heavy groan as his thick shafts poured his orgasm through the tight grip of the speckled dragon's soft soles, his plush toes gripping down on his tips as they milked that orgasm out of him.

The pair rested for only a few moments as they rode out their body's pleasure, their entwined tongues quivering and squeezing against each other as they let out hot, short pants and groans of pleasure into each other. They rested in their afterglow for just a touch longer before Akeroh slowly broke the kiss, extricating his tongue from the raptors. Jamie was left panting just a bit, huffing softly in pleasure as Akeroh gave her nipples a flick before she turned around, meeting her husband's lips with a grateful, passionate kiss. Their tongues worked against each other, cheeks swelling out a bit as they worked each other. Akeroh was forced to grip the edge of the table as she shifted, Jasper's teasing toes gripping down again on his oversensitive shafts. He squirmed as the cumslick soles let off just enough for the drake to pull his shirt off, his eyes greeted with a lovely view of Jamie's backside as her hips wagged slowly in front of him. Akeroh rumbles softly, his hands cupping around the warm cheeks as he gave warm kisses over the bodacious expanse, framed by the tight crimson thong. Jasper broke the powerful tongue wrestle with a nuzzle as he stood up, pulling his foot from Akeroh's hand. "I suppose it's my turn, then." He grinned.

His pants had disappeared sometime recently between the positions as he brought himself up in front of the two, revealing himself. And by god - that cock of his. Akeroh couldn't stop himself from drooling as he admired the thick rod. Jamie was not spared, either, giving a low, predatory rumble as her eyes locked onto that throbbing spear, her tongue slowly running over her plump lips. The adoration did not go unnoticed. Jasper, the showman as always, turned a leg outward to push his huge member even more into view, making sure to catch the light on the smooth, thick flesh.

Sixteen inches of shaft jutted out from the dragon's hips. The thick, throbbing erection stood proudly out in front of the male's hips. It shared its coloration with the rest of its owner, the shaft a deep, shadowy black with with white, milky spots travelling up both the underside and top of the broad dick to provide some measure of contrast to the ebony member. The tip of the shaft was a nice, pointed arrowhead, much softer and spongier than the rest of the stiff shaft. It bloomed out, flaring at the base before dipping back to start the long shaft and the first set of ridges. He had three sets of three of those, as Akeroh and Jamie would certainly attest, amazing rims around his cock. Just before the base was the subtle hint of a thick, luscious knot. Each beat of the dragon's heart swelled out that bulge more and more, adding thickness bit by bit. As the pair watched, the showy bartend reached down, slowly wrapping his fingers around the beefy base of his shaft, giving a slow, teasing squeeze as a warm drop of pre started to form on the slightly curled, very tip of his shaft. "I don't suppose you'd mind sucking on this, would you, Akeroh?" He asked, significantly more formally than he needed to.

The green male grinned, licking his lips as he nearly jumped the table, slipping on all fours next to Jamie as he eagerly dived to answer, leaning in with a rumble. "You know you don't even need to ask..."

Jamie was close behind him, ducking her head under the dragon's as she seemed just as eager as him. Jasper chuckle, watching the pair on the table with a warm smile as he pushed his hips forward - smoothly sliding his throbbing, hot tip against Akeroh's lips. He spread that bead of pre over them before they opened, smoothly sliding in several inches of his thick shaft into the warm, welcoming muzzle of his squadmate. Jamie's muzzle pushed under his, supporting the dragon's as her lips pressed warmly against the speckled male's heavy, loose sac, letting one of the hefty stones press into her muzzle. Her tongue worked powerfully against the warm, slick flesh as the pair returned the favor. Akeroh wasted no time, pressing that hot tip deep into the hot, slick confines of his muzzle. His talented tongue reached up, the flexible muscle coiling around the thick shaft of the dragon's cock as he began to slowly bob his head back and forth. Jamie shifted again, reaching down to pull one of Akeroh's hands up, working the green drake's palm back against the meat of one of her huge, warm breasts. Jasper simply stood with an amused smirk on his face as he watched the pair go down on him, at least until the feeling of his his thick head running along the ridges on the roof of the other drake's muzzle drew out a hot, warm moan from him. Thick pre leaked from both productive dragons, drooling the salty flavor into the sucking male's maw and drizzling thick, white fluid over Jamie's rump. Akeroh spread his legs a bit, shifting to press his throbbing erections up against Jamie's large rump. The raptoress chuffed, barely able to take one of Jasper's fat orbs into her muzzle at a time, switching every so often between them to leave one of the warm stones resting against her muzzle, shimmering and glistening with saliva while her tongue worked over the the other.

Akeroh began to rock his body back and forth, pressing that thick shaft down past his tongue to work it against the tight entrance to his throat. His face flashed a bit of discomfort as he nearly triggered his gag reflex, but a little push forward let that huge cockhead slip into his tight, eager throat. Jasper wasn't going to last long in this position, some of his dapper disposition taken from him by heavy pants and low, hot rumbles of pleasure as the pair so eagerly worked him. As much as he'd prevented the teasing of the pair from outwardly affecting him, he'd been nearly ready to blow for a while now. With a soft huff leading into a hotter moan, the smaller green took his cue to push himself forward, grinding his throbbing erections hard over the soft rump of the raptoress and spearing the friendly dragon's cock deep inside of his tight throat. Heavy pulses of that shaft started the flood. Thick blasts of jizz began to pour directly into the slutty squaddies throat, the visible bulge that Jasper's pulsing erection made flexing as it displayed each blast of thick cum that poured into the other male.

Akeroh rode out the other male's orgasm with a series of hot pants. He managed to gulp down over that cumming cock enough to catch most of the dragon's pent up load, though some still splashed back into his muzzle and down his face. Jasper panted out above them, his abs flexing while his powerful orgasm pumped out over both faces below him. His wry smirk slowly returned as his orgasm tapered off, the bartend recovering a bit of his calm composure while his huge cock finished splattering thick, white seed over the face of his friend and his wife. A sharp, electric shiver shot up his spine when the pair leaned right back forward, the pair of talented tongues working over the drake's throbbing, oversensitive cock. The pair made a show of making out as much as they could from either side of the dragon's thick shaft, tongues cleaning and slathering the post-orgasmic shaft from either side, keeping Jasper tense for a few more minutes.

Soon though, they sat themselves back, slowly tearing their muzzles away from that hot shaft to relax nakedly back in the booth. Akeroh panted slightly as he slumped back, slowly recovering; not helped when jamie leaned over to start lapping Jasper's orgasm off his face. The speckled dragon smirked, standing with a rumble, to return in a handful of seconds with another round of drinks, along with a set of three shot glasses filled with a thick white drink. He'd been gone for just long enough for Jamie to tug Akeroh's head down to her breasts, driving him along with a horn to guide his tongue on her tits. Jasper chuckled, setting down the tray at the table, picking up one of the shots. "Jamie, let the poor pointman up. He needs his mouth to toast and talk."

The raptoress chuckled, pressing the drake's head down between that cleavage for a few more seconds to challenge her mate, before letting go of him. Akeroh gained the same smirk that Jasper was wearing as their eyes met with a shared chuckle, the other two picking up their own shots. "Mn, to you Akeroh." Jasper rumbled, lifting his shot.

They all met with a clink in the middle, the three knocking them back. They spent the rest of the night talking, laughing and drinking, with more than a smattering of casual sex mixed in, the three catching up long into the morning.

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