Right to Bear Arms Pt 1

Story by akeroh on SoFurry

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#2 of Sunshine Scientist

Here is some more old sunshine scientist stuff. This one has already gone through one rewrite...but it certainly needs another. That'll happen, just like #1, and this will get moved to scraps eventually.

Another exciting installment in the Sunshine Scientist series! See inside as our heroes battle a dastardly, thickly muscled hunk of bodybuilder bear calling himself Coleman Bradmere, the Master Beefcake. How will they overcome a horde of mutant musclebrutes...even with Akeroh in their midst? Will the city finally fall to an over-swole menace, or will our heroes be able to hold out under the barbells? Be sure to lift this action-packed episode of Sunshine Scientist, bro!

This one happens a bit later in the SS series canon - after Rachel and Akeroh are a bit more comfortable with each other and have saved each other's asses a few times. This one is all planned out, it just needs to be written. So, I'm mostly just posting up the backlog of already-done chunks that I've got... Shouldn't be way too long before this one is actually released.

"Right to bear arms"

Sunshine Science: Chapter/Episode ???

The alleyway lit up with the flash of gunshots. Two heroes came under attack by a roaring mob. Brick walls lined each side of the narrow walkway, the alleyway end leading to a fenced-off drop and overlooks the roof of a multistory parking lot - the jump too long to make, and the fall terminal with or without the rail blocking the path. The crisscrossed warning tape stabled under a heavy rectangular danger sign meant this was as far as they could go. The secluded alley had found years supply of action and the action is only going to be terminal for the two heroes caught in it's latest episodic bloodshed. Its concrete paving slick black from all the past violence. Feet pounded the concrete with the racing steps of the horde. The ill-wishing thugs charged into the alley, many bouncing pipes and the nails embedded into bats off the mortar walls in a trailing screech. A wolf-headed hybrid and her draconian sidekick were fighting hard as the mob charged, one step forward two steps back with every strike as they attempted to reclaim lost ground. Each returning swing an attempt to halt their advance.

The dragon slammed a broadly-built fox across his knee in a takedown. He groaned louder than the death knell of the fox's snapped spine, before his fist swung down to carry through the motion, flattening the surprisingly large vulpine's larynx. He couldn't waste the time that he had. His hand coming up in a block. The woven fist of a cheetah that swung down a pipe caught in the Dragon's grip. The She-Wolf taps into a modified glove, a stream of caustic fog hissed out into the face of a tusked boar, her foot kicking him away and lets the acid erode the facial protrusions. "Why can't I just shoot them?" the dragon roared to the wolf, throwing a rabbit against the wall to fall into an open dumpster with a crash. The corroded fire escape fallen onto of the bruised lapine.

Rachel's gauntlet spat another deadly mix onto a huge charging rhino. The massive male's charge veering off into a wall as he choked on the noxious fumes.

"Because we need to find out what their gang is!" she snarled.

"You could have just asked! You didn't have to-" The dragon got startled, had to pause as he broke another thug's neck and started another grapple, "-Walk into their damn gym, pistolwhip the biggest motherfucker you could find and take a piss contest on the guy's grave."

"Which-" The dragon gaining the upperhand in his latest foray "Was their own swimming pool!"

The technomantic screwball gave a giggle. A strange noise coming from the hybrid's sleek frame. Neurotoxins exhaled out into the faces of her assailants. The attackers fell at her feet. They clutched briefly at the coattails of her lab attire. The mixed breed in her scientist get-up, pressing their weakening hands away with the tip of her boot. Letting her watch them choke on their last breath. "Would things have gone better if I had just asked? This way is ... more needed, think of it like a free gym membership. On a thirty minute trial at least! Did you really want to pack on the pounds after the guy told you to suck a dick?"

The dragon groaned. He heaved his next attacker off the edge of the precipice and turned quickly to engage the next fighters as the scream of the falling muscle man lingered. The fight seemed to start to taper off, no more gang members flowing into the alleyway. A knife slid down into the dragon's palm, wavering the concealable blade and letting it approach a lion's throat. The movement quick enough to seem to appear there like a magician's trick. "We're killing them anyway!" He argued back, "How do you expect to get them to talk if everyone is doing their best stiff impersonation? Kick enough ass 'till the Devil hands you a personal sponsorship?"

The wolf's hand sprayed a gout of flame, cut off the rest of her attackers from encouching. The thick oil ensnaring several already downed bodies and ignites them to form a fiery wall. "Talk? We just need to pick a calling card from one of the bodies!" She snaps her black-tinted goggles over her eyes. "Hopefully, that card will do more than what these do." Her goggle lenses click like a camera's aperture. The dragon snarled and pressed his weight over the last enemy bent down, arm cracking as the lion hissed incredulously, "Do you even lift, man?" He taunted, scraping the acquired prisoner against the floor. He let the lion's top soak in all the grime basking in the bonfire of charred bodies' heat, leaning down to search the lion's pockets, grumbling foul statements before turning back to look at the wolf "So, I could have just shot them all anyway?" the lion's head a worried glance from the side The hybrid smirked, picking up a steel pipe to prod the corpse of a carbonized rhino. "Don't deny it, you had fun doing this." She replied with a faint smile. "Mother...sumbitch...goddamn twatmuffin..." The dragon swore, spitting that venom as he angrily searched the squirming captive, coming up with a card.

The Wolf edged to prod the smoldering dragon's backside "So! Question Time. First up ... Who are they?" She asked, the poke eliciting another stream of annoyed curses from the dragon as her prods got lower.The dragon looked over the card, as soon as he finished cursing at the mentally distant heroine and from rolling his eyes. "The calling card" The Dragon started to speak, "depicts a massively muscled, ... huge stud of a bear. Wouldn't mind getting to know him had we not perhaps, ... fucked up one of his clubs." His nostrils flared as he caught whiff of the fire burning through deeper layers of grizzled flesh. "His Arms crossed in the focal point of the card and... He's holding a pair of submachine guns." The drake passed the card over to the Wolf, no longer grumbling as his demeanor starts to subside. "Well, it's pretty obvious what their schtick is. I've seen this card around a lot of the gyms in town. It's a protein shake thing"

"Protein shake? Like ... that side-business thing I tried doing a couple of months ago?" The wolf prying one eyepiece above her eye as she looks at the card. Her boot coming down on groaning feline's skull with a soft pat. She grinds her treadwear against his face insync to the cogs in her skull beginning to connect the dots "That bear was also on the bulk-up milkshake that drove mine out of business!"

The drake shook his head and chuckled as he remembered the fiasco. He stood, rubbing a new bruise as he moved through the carnage of the fight, leading the way out of the alleyway. "If I remember right, it was pulled from the shelf because all of the cancer."

The hybrid followed with an exasperated sigh. Her toes splayed out as she walked alongside the smaller dragon. "Just because 40% of uses spontaneously grew benign tumors the size of bowling balls doesn't mean..."

The police sirens cut the Maus off as the cruisers sped to up to the entrance of the alley. The dragon, already past the cordon, paused. The sheriff jumped out of his cruiser, hand on his gun as he surveyed the damage. The dragon gave a wave, the man of the law waving back, pointing to the alley. A nod from the dragon as the sheriff rolled his eyes, waving the two on with a visible sigh. "How many people did you have to get fucked by to get that out in the first place?"

The Maus grunted, moving on as the police moved into the alley to survey the damage that the heroes had caused. "Less than you had to to keep the police off our asses with just a wave." She shot back.

The dragon smirked as they walked down the street. "I'm sure it took more than my one." He bragged about his connections, giving the huge hybrid a smack on the ass.

She hmphed and smoldered, crossing her arms under her bust. The dragon chuckled, before his handgun came out of his holster to put a round through the head of a robber carrying a bag of cash and a shotgun out of a convenience store. As they walked past, the sheriff pulled up again - the dragon didn't even need to wave, instead receiving an exasperated middle finger from the cop.


"Alright, there's...six. Oh, seven inside. Only 5 guns through, 2 rifles. I've got a clear shot on four, we have a swat team breaching the roof and a police sniper on the other roof, he's got a shot on two, only one of mine. They've got hostages, but only one guy aiming at them. I'll take him first - if you want to make a move, now's the time." The dragon spelled out to the Maus, watching the bank robbery go awry from the scope of his powerful rifle.

The robbers were certainly from the same bear group. They'd very recently gotten very active, leaving their calling cards at several crime scenes. These robbers also had the body types to fit with the gang, their dress of thongs, boots and harnesses also very common for the gang members. The police had the building completely surrounded, flashing lights drawing their blues and reds over officers taking cover behind their cars. "Ha-ha!" Fuck you, meatheads!"

The drake heard the cry through his headset as a bright flash and plume of smoke inside the bank announced the arrival of the Maus. The dragon's sniper blared, sending round after round into the the glass of the building, the bullets traveling fast enough to only put holes and spiderwebs through the huge glass windows, slamming hard into the bodies of the the threatening robbers - two rounds apiece, the dragon making sure that the double tap round hit right where it needed to on the crumbling bodies of the targets. The police sniper took his shot, the rhino behind the pillar falling into view of the dragons sight. Now it was up to the Maus...and the swat team clearing the stairway.

The dragon couldn't hear what the Maus was yelling, but he could guess. Her needle pistol sent the dart into the neck of the wolf behind the counter before her gauntlet poured a gout of flame over the last robber in the room. The swat team burst into the room, a flurry of gunfire having cleared the rest of the building. The Maus started to amiably chat with the members as they started to pull hostages from the building - they knew who the eccentric scientist was, and that it was better to ignore her musings. The dragon chuckled and shook his head.

The sound of the reinforced wall crumbling even reached the dragon on his perch. The entire wall crumbled as the thing charged through it, smashing out of the vault. The massive lion seemed to be made of muscle - his head seemed glued to his torso, his neck disappeared in a scarf of foot thick muscles. His torso was built like a family sedan, and the dragon couldn't tell how the bones of the massive male weren't self destructing under the weight, not to mention the stress of the ridiculous amount of muscles on the creature. He growled, the dragon firing a shot down...and the massive round did nothing as it slammed into the thick skull of the tank. Jesus, *fuck* this was bad.

The swat team started to open up on the thing, bullets slamming hard into the torso of the huge male, the heavier rounds embedding in muscle and the lower calibers simply flattening against the thickly packed flesh and falling off. The dragon started to fire round after round back into the bank, each one landing true against the side of the brute's head. Spent brass began to collect next to him as he slammed another magazine into his rifle, watching the path of destruction the brute was causing inside the building. The thing charged through a counter, transforming the thing into nothing more than splinters as it charged the swat team. The Scientist inside huffed and walked after it, stomping huffily. The thing finally reached the swat squad, gripping one member and lifting him into the air, simply tearing him in half.

The dragon didn't hear the bear coming - he had been taking his steps with each trigger pull of the dragon's weapon, the sharp thuds of each shot masking the bear's steps. He didn't even notice until the bear was on top of him, a massive bicep wrapping around his neck to pull his head back and choke him as the sharp pain of a huge knife drove down through his shoulder, a good 6 inches in. The dragon tried to howl, his throat closed by the strong arm as he was lifted into the air, struggling as his vision rather quickly went black and spotted.

The huge bear grinned as the dragon went limp, glancing back at the carnage inside of the bank - the strange rat in that white lab coat was juking around the dumb brute, the huge thing chasing after the nimble mouse. Well, they probably weren't going to get the money from there today, but he had gotten what he had come for. He examined the form of the limp drake as he held him up in one hand, blood dripping down his torso off his foot from the wound. Hmm, he would do, once he woke up again.


The drake groaned as he came to, the hazy view of the gym ceiling coming slowly into view, the crossbars providing some sort of straight line to help orient himself. He groaned, starting to shift and try to stand, but each time he moved, his body wouldn't respond more than a slight roll to either side. He groaned, blinking a few times as he looked at himself, still trying to come to. His wrists and ankles were tied down, thick ropes lashed to...giant weights, nearly 200 pound barbells. He didn't even knew those existed, let alone were actually used. He let out a soft groan, the weight bench digging into his back as he was tied down. Suddenly, his vision was obscured by a bright light, swung over him.

He groaned, the light making him squint and turn his head before it swung away, revealing the chiseled jawline of the handsome bear. The drake growled a bit to himself as he looked over him - he was nearly 350 pounds and only a bit of it fat. This was a massive example of pure manliness, thick musculature flexing with every motion. He smirk as he looked over his prisoner among the clinks and grunts of the active gym. "So, you're that whore's sidekick?" The bear asked.

The drake knew he already knew the answer to this one. "Yeah, she's a slut most of the time." He shot back.

The bear chuckled, shaking his head. "A sense of humor? From the stoic sniper? Not that I don't agree, her cunt was the only reason that her fucking muscle shake got on the market!" He grinned, his hand coming down to cuff the dragon in the nuts, having stripped the male earlier.

The drake hissed out as that hand slammed into his fat balls, groaning out lightly in pain. The bear stood up, grinning as he looked over the form of his prisoner, his tremendous, throbbing red prick coming into view. The dragon had seen his share of massive dicks before, but this one was tremendous, the prick nearly two feet long. He rolled his head back and groaned, his tail having been tied down like the rest of his limbs to show ff his ass. "Oh, cuntcakes." He swore, defeated.

The bear grinned, setting himself down roughly on the dragon's chest, his ass slamming into his torso to wind him as the muscular male let his huge prick slap down on the dragon's chest and neck. "She's more of a slut than you, I'm sure she'd be begging to take this dick right now."

The drake grunted as the bear played out his fantasy. "Yeah, she's taken bigger. You need to get some better pills." He jabbed at the big male.

That was a mistake. The bear howled out, a fist slamming hard into the jaw of the dragon. "This is all fucking natural, you bitch! Every bit of me you see: no steroids, just eggs and protein shakes and a fuckton of work! I am Coleman Bradmere, master beefcake!"

The dragon grunted softly, his jaw painfully numb as he spat out a tooth, groaning lightly as the bear growled, giving another hard punch across his muzzle. "I used to be just fine, hanging out in gyms, making friends and pumping the biggest iron I could find until your whore came along and put that cancer shake on the market!"

The drake blinked a few times and groaned lightly, his head spinning as he looked up at the bear, a hand reaching down to grip all the way around his neck and start to squeeze as that tremendous, throbbing cock pressed up against his tight ass. The dragon let out a groan and a hiss as the bear started to lean in, clenching tighter around his throat. "But after that fuckin' fiasco, everybody lost faith in my shake and it stopped selling! I had to turn to a life of crime to live!"

The drake hissed and gurgles, his air completely cut off as that massive dick started to sink into his tight ass, the drake squirming and groaning, his own shafts unable to help but throb as he was spread wide by that dick. "So I gathered a bunch of my old gym buddies and a ton of new blood...and we've finally formulated something that will take over the city, and then, the WORLD!"

The bear yowled out, slamming himself hard into the tight ass of the dragon, forming a visible bulge in his gut as the bear gave a moan, waving his hand to have a massive raptor drop a bottle of water into his hand, draping a towel over the sweaty bear's neck as he fucked the prisoner, hard. That massive prick drove in and out, the simple size of the turgid cockhead letting the bear slam into the smaller dragon's form, his tight hole would make quite the ordeal to actually let the bear remove that huge cock. The dragon squirmed, the naked prisoner groaning with each thrust that drove that massive prick deep into his tight hole, bulging out his gut. The dragon was no stranger to larger insertions but he was restored to tightness after every death and he'd not had a chance to warm up. He groaned out, hissing as that bear drove deep into him before suddenly slamming in, balls deep, the dragon hissing as he laid his head back, grunting as that warmth spread through his gut. The bear smacked him on the belly before pulling out with a lewd slurp, having casually fucked the dragon as easily as he had talked to him. "You have seen the field test of the shot first hand. There's still a few bugs we need to work out - the aggression, mainly. It just wouldn't do to have an entire city of buffs that know not who their leader is."

The dragon grunted, squirming a bit, managing to scoot his right arm weight an inch or so out. The leader held out his arm as a lackey rushed to his side with a folded pair of immaculately pressed clothes. The bear turned his back to his captive as he dressed, sliding on heart-patterned boxers to be topped with straight-legged black pants, a black dress shirt and a crimson tie. The bear turned, straightening the knot as he looked down at his captive, scooting that binding weight back to where it was with a nudge of his foot. "You're as bad as the new year's lifters." The huge bear smirked.

The dragon just growled, the huge bear clapping his hands once as he looked over the captive. A large tiger stepped out of the back with a huge needle-the thing held a huge amount of serum, the tiger carrying it carefully in both hands. "So, now that you're in our...care, you will have the prestigious honor of testing the first of a new batch." the bear grinned wide as that massive needle started to line up with his arm.

"Now, mon, hold still." Grinned the tiger.

The drake grunted as he tried to struggle, the needle skipping around a bit across his scales as the tiger lined up the shot. "Dammit, mon, cool your mojo! Keep up wid da squirming and I'll be working dis through your chest inta your heart!" The tiger growled out a bit.

The bear chuckled, his arms crossed. "He will. Once it takes effect, a hole in your heart will heal right up." The bear chuckled, though he didn't give the dragon much of a choice as his foot came up to step right on the drake's shoulder, pinning it to the table.

The dragon hissed out as the needle finally found its way under a scale and into one of the larger veins near the top of the joint. The tiger began to slowly press the plunger down, injecting the huge shot slowly. The dragon groaned as he felt his veins start to expand slightly. The shot was far more than should have been injected into a dragon his size. "Dere we go, mon."

Croccy's Night Out (unfinished)

"Are you about ready, Akeroh?" The big crocodile asked. The little dragon had tried to dress a little more formally for this trip to the mall, the small male having gotten on a pair of lacy black panites and one of his nicer collars; this one was...

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Spyro's day out (unfinished)

The dragon purred warmly as he made breakfast, the little dragon sure to make enough eggs for Spyro and himself. They both had plenty to do today. A nice trip to the mall was always fun for the two little males, especially since they would always be...

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Movie Night

The huge, slinky eastern dragon's coils made for an excellent resting place for the two smaller drakes. The large screen in front of the triad lit the group, flickering colors over the fur of the huge eastern, and the green and blue scales of the two...

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