Croccy's Night Out (unfinished)

Story by akeroh on SoFurry

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#8 of Smut

Some of a little gift I put together for my friend Brutus quite a bit ago. It went for a bit, but never got finished - but there's a couple scenes in there. It'll probably get finished or moved to scraps at some point once the gallery starts getting filled out. There's still plenty of smut in there though, it is still more of my older work.

"Are you about ready, Akeroh?" The big crocodile asked.

The little dragon had tried to dress a little more formally for this trip to the mall, the small male having gotten on a pair of lacy black panites and one of his nicer collars; this one was purple with gold trim. It was quite a bit more than the jockstrap the tiny dragon usually wore to the mall, even as skimpy as the outfit was. The crocodile was dressed more modestly in a white button up shirt and tie above a set of velvet black boxers, teasing the smaller dragon with his lack of full pants. Akeroh hopped around the corner to flit up onto the croc's shoulder. The big male smirked, nuzzling his friend warmly. "Well, you're looking cute tonight." He complimented the small one.

"You are too, hon!" He replied, planting a warm kiss on the bigger male's lips.

The crocodile smiled as he kissed back, the pair taking a loving pause to make out with each other. The bigger croc carefully presses his lips against the more amorous ones of his small friend. Soon enough, the dragon's lips parted slowly as he turned his head, letting his tongue out against the crocodile's maw. Brutus let out a small chuckle as he turned his head a bit too, letting the smaller drake's tongue into his warm muzzle. The little one purred softly as the kiss deepened before giving a blush as the crocodile's hot, slick tongue returned the motion, pushing out along the dragon's to slide between his lips - easily filling his muzzle with that warm, slick muscle. Akeroh moaned out softly as he suckled on that warm tongue, his red cheeks deepening slightly as the tip of his friend's tongue prodded the back of his throat. The two stayed like this for a while, tongues muting their small noises of pleasure. Eventually, though, the kiss had to end. Brutus pulled back slowly, leaving his blushy friend panting softly, the small dragon's panties tented slightly with his excited erections. Brutus smirked a bit, his tail wagging slowly behind him. "We ought to get going, though...Should we stop at the sex shop to say hi to Maximus and pick up some lube?"

The small male nodded eagerly as he smiled, his tail wagging quickly against the croc's back. Neither of them would ever mind greeting the sexy dragon that ran the shop, and their reservations at the restaurant gave them plenty of time to mosey to it. Brutus smirked at the small male's excitement, keeping the dragon on his shoulder as they headed off to the bus stop.

The bus stop was relatively uneventful. It was still a bit early in the afternoon, but the two were the only ones at the stop. Soon the bus pulled up and it was similarly empty with only a handful of others on it. Brutus paid the fare and they took their seats near the middle of the bus. The small dragon hopped onto the seat to peer out over the edge of the window as the bus started to roll. Brutus smirked, watching as well as the scenery began to move by, relaxing back into his seat.

It wasn't a long time before the horny dragon's mind drifted to other things, however. He hopped down from his perch at the window to the crocodile's lap with a mischievous grin. Brutus kept stroking along him as he noticed the grin, smirking a bit himself. "Can I lick you until we get there?"

Brutus blushed brightly, glancing around the sparsely populated bus. He was still a bit bashful about doing such blatant things in public. Akeroh didn't mind too much, it just made him more fun to tease. The big croc took a few more moments to look around before nodding, his arousal getting the best of him. He reached down to fiddle with the fly of his boxers for a few moments before his tip poked out. The croccy's cockhead was large, slowly pulsing with his heartbeat as it stiffened up, bit by bit, with the thought of the exhibitionist play. The small one smiled, admiring his friend's thick seven inches as he let Brutus bring himself to a full erection. Eventually though, the croc's shaft stiffened up fully, the member nice and thick with a big knot at the base, nice veins complementing the deep red of the big shaft. The dragon blushed softly as he looked over that big cock, the crocodile bashfully looking around as he sat with his cock all the way out and hard, before giving a little gasp of pleasure as the dragon licked all the way up from the base of his vent to the very tip of that big shaft, his hands gently rubbing up and down the sides of it. His small tongue slowly worked all the way up to the top of that warm shaft, swiping a bead of warm pre off the croc's cumslit with his tongue. Brutus let out a soft sigh of pleasure as he looked back down as his friend warmly licked over his throbbing cock. He gently reached down to adjust his fly as that big cock poked out, the small dragon warmly lapping over the croc's big tip as warm pre drooled out of his messy member. He smiled, gently rubbing over the small dragon's back as they watched that big cock throb in the air. The male's large shaft was quite the looker - rather big at a touch over seven inches... as well as being rather unique. The croc had the same anatomy as his feral kin, with the strange, slightly pointed cockhead thickening out to a beefy pseudo-knot at the base of the big member, just before it swelled out his cloaca at his crotch. The little male purred softly, moving up to kiss at the very tip of the large shaft as a bead of precum formed on it. The big male let out a soft murr as he watched his small friend rear up. Akeroh's warm forepaws slowly stroked along that thick shaft as the small male lapped eagerly over his friend's tip. Akeroh always enjoyed exploring the croc's sexy, exotic shaft... And he was a sucker for oral. The small dragon looked up at his friend, making eye contact before opening his muzzle. He held that eye contact as he slowly pushed down. The small dragon had trained himself well, and even though the crocodile was massive compared to the small dragon, Akeroh seemed to have little trouble pushing that pulsing, thick cock down his muzzle and into his throat. His throat bulged out with the form of Brutus's thick shaft., blushing slightly as the bigger male gave a soft moan when Akeroh's lips touched his vent.

"W-wow, hon..." He moaned out softly, blushing deeply as he glanced around to be sure that they still had some semblance of privacy. It seemed that they had not been noticed yet; though the crocodile blushed as he noticed a lizard near the front watching porn on his tablet.

His observations were interrupted by Akeroh giving a slow bob up and down his shaft, the males' tight throat gulping powerfully over his friend's large member. The crocodile looked down, spreading his legs slightly to press his hips up, blushing a bit to give the smaller dragon more room to work.The diminutive male gave a few more long, lsow bobs on the crocodiles big erection before he pulled back.

The pair were left panting for a few moments, Akeroh from needing air and Brutus from pleasure. They took the time to admire Brutus's thick spire, the large cock throbbing gently in the air, bright red with a few visible veins, and to the dragon's delight, a nice, thick trail of pre drooling down the underside of the shaft. The crocodile was very productive with the slick, sticky fluid. The dragon loved to be able to tell if the male was horny bt the size of the wet spot in his boxers or on his pants.

It didn't take long for the smaller dragon to succumb to his horniness; leaning forward to lick all the way along the underside of that shaft, his warm tongue sliding all the way up along the bulge that the crocodile's urethra made. He collected the messy dribble of thick sex fluid with his tongue and his snout as he did so, his tail wagging eagerly. Brutus gave another gentle moan , huffing gently while Akeroh gave another long, slow work-over of his tip with his smooth, prehensile tongue. The crocodile eeped softly as the action made him lose a bit of control, his thick cock flexing as a soft spurt of pre splashed up over his friend's face. Akeroh gave a throaty murr as the warm pre dripped down his muzzle.

Akeroh's shafts were pushing his thong out, the male's penises hard with the attention to his friend. Brutus sighed softly in pleasure as the dragon moved his muzzle down, starting to tongue bathe over the meat of his friend's pulsing cock. The crocodile looked up again with a blush as he tried to spot the lizard again, blushing deeply as he picked him out. The lizard was sprawled out on his seat as he had begun to masturbate to the porn he was watching. Brutus gave a gentle man as he looked back to his friend after perving on the exhibiting lizard for a bit. The small one seemed to be very content, rubbing gently along the sides of Brutus's thick shaft as his warm tongue lapped over the warm member. Brutus let out a soft purr, reaching down to stroke over the smaller dragon's back, blushing and squirming whenever the small one hit a particularly sensitive spot.

It was not too long before the crocodile realized he was getting close. The bus, however, was still several minutes away from the mall. He blushed gently as he looked down to tell the small dragon, his words stifled for a few moments as the drake's tongue worked just under his tip. "Oh...Akeroh...I'm....I'm gonna cum soon..."

The dragon replied with a warm murr, the small male not backing off like Brutus had expected. Akeroh was quite greedy it seemed as he redoubled his efforts. His hands worked each side of the crocodile's throbbing base. His tongue worked even harder, hitting every spot that the dragon knew on the crocodile. Brutus gave a gasp, panting gently as he watched his big cock, slick with warm precum and saliva, throb in time to his quickening heartbeat. "H-hon..." He stuttered out.

The small dragon worked hard over that lovely dick as his friend moaned out and the small dragon was quickly rewarded. The big male tensed up with a soft moan as his large cock flexed, shooting a huge load out in strong, thick pumps. He spurted out a generous load out while the smaller dragon licked and stroked over Brutus's magnificent cock. Thick, white cum spurted up, most loading on the small drake, plenty splashing back over the big croccy cock and more still landing on Brutus's legs and boxers.

Brutus flopped back in the seat, panting hotly as he enjoyed the strong orgasms's afterglow. The smaller drake purred, teasing a few twitches out from the big male as he started to clean off his friends' cock, warm cum dripping down his muzzle, collar and neck. He alternated between licking his friend's red rocket and licking his own lips clean... Though it didn't help too much as more dripped down onto him. Brutus blushed deeply as his friend worked him over, moving a leg to let him clean the cum off his thigh too. He blushed gently as he looked up to watch the lizard cum as the bus rolled to a stop. He reached down to pick up his messy friend, letting him sit on his shoulder. He tucked his still half-engorged cock back into his boxers. They still tented out a bit, a few wet spots apparent where cum had soaked in, but he was at least decent enough to head inside. "Mnn...That was nice, honey."

Brutus blushed a bit as Akeroh whispered into his ear and gave it a soft nibble. "Yeah...It was very nice, hon."

Akeroh nodded and murred, licking some cum off a forepaw as Brutus stood to lead them off the bus. A few more got off with them, though the lizard stayed behind.

They entered the mall without too much fuss. It was a little slow inside the mall for this time of day, but there were still plenty of furs walking around in various states of dress, though underwear was about the dressiest most creatures got. Brutus nuzzled Akeroh with a murr as he admired a cute orca walking a husky along. Akeroh purred back and replied with a kiss to his friend's cheek. Brutus didn't let himself get too distracted, though, setting off towards the sex shop. They weren't in too much of a hurry, though, they still had quite a while before their dinner reservations.

It still didn't take the pair too long to get there. The sex shop was slow as well. They only spotted a few others perusing through the short aisles of the shop as they entered, as well as a purple dragoness and a fox humping in the only occupied exhibition booth. Maximus was back at the counter, looking a bit bored before the pair entered. The big dragon gave them a wave. They were good friends with the gold dragon. "Hi guys, How're you?"

The crocodile smiled, padding over to the counter. Akeroh took flight to land on Maximus's shoulder, giving him a warm kiss. He returned it with a smirk, looking over the messy dragon. "Well... He's obviously horny."

Brutus chuckled and nodded, "He always is. But I am good. Are you being cute today?"

Maximus smirked and nodded while the small male hopped down onto the counter. Maximus nodded, stroking over the purring dragon lightly. "Of course. You two are dressed up, I see, Akeroh's got one of his nice collars on.

The small green drake answered while warmly nuzzling the dragon's hand. "Mhm, he's taking me out to dinner at Julien's."

Maximus nodded with a smirk, gently rubbing over the smaller dragon's muzzle as he looked over the pair. "Oh, swanky! Were you here for something fun for afterward or did you just need some condoms and lube?"

Brutus blushed deeply as Maximus offered them sex gear so casually. Akeroh had shifted a bit to lick and suck on the end of one of Maximus's fingers. "We have enough toys for now, I think, but we probably need some more lube."He admitted bashfully.

Maximus chuckled and nodded, murring as Akeroh sucked and bobbed on his finger. f course....Akeroh hasn't cum yet, has he? And I'm assuming you painted his face?"He grinned, his other hand picking out a bottle of the pair's favorite lubricant from behind the counter.

Brutus blushed a bit more as he nodded. "Y-yeah, he licked me off on the bus...

Maximus nodded with a big smile, slowly working his finger back and forth in the smaller dragon's muzzle. "Well then, would you like to try out the lube before you go? I haven't felt your shaft in too long, cutie, and I'm sure I could give Akeroh a nice filling."

Brutus blushed brightly, looking around the shop bashfully. It was still rather slow, slow enough that they would probably have plenty of time to play. Akeroh answered for the shyer crocodile, pulling his muzzle back from Maximus's finger for a moment. "Mn, of course, Max.

Brutus squirmed even more as the small dragon answered. The gold dragon chuckled, pulling a hand towel out to spread on the countertop, stepping out around it to the front. Brutus blushed heavily, holding his forepaws over his crotch while the bigger dragon smiled, reaching over to gently hold both sides of the crocodile's hips, pressing the crocodile to his front warmly to give him a nice, deep kiss. The owner smiled as Brutus began to relax, gently nibbling on the crocodile's lower lip with his own as his fingers gently fondled over the crocodile's waistband, gently sliding his underwear down past the curve of his hips. The croc's blushed again as his large erection bobbed up as his boxers slid down, his warm cock flexed, naked in the air. A small bead of pre was already forming on his tip. The crocodiles was quite productive. It was always easy for the dragon to guess if he was horny by the wet spot that would develop in his pants or boxers.

Maximus broke the kiss as Brutus's underwear dropped down the floor, taking a half step back to admire the sexy reptile. "Mn, hot as ever, Brutus."

The croc gave a purr as he was complimented, stepping out of his boxers as he watched the other two undress. Maximus smirked as he slowly slid off his tight thong, his hard, draconic cock throbbing gently as the hung mae revealed it, turning to help Akeroh out of his jock.

Soon, all three were bottomless. Maximus smiled as he popped open the cap of the big bottle of lube. Brutus murred softly, reaching down to gently touch his erection, spreading pre down his shaft. "Mn, alright... We should probably have you get lubed up first, Brutus."

Spyro's day out (unfinished)

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Movie Night

The huge, slinky eastern dragon's coils made for an excellent resting place for the two smaller drakes. The large screen in front of the triad lit the group, flickering colors over the fur of the huge eastern, and the green and blue scales of the two...

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Sunshine Scientist Issue #1 Pt 1

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