Stud Farm Stallion

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#5 of Ametrine's Adventures

An okapi working at the stud farm says "hello" to a special four-legged friend...

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A quickie written up for you guys! I decided there were not enough okapis and a little Telegram group has given me a renewed love of all things hooved so...let us have more hoofers.

This is a feral X anthro piece, ye be warned, with lots of fun within. We'll see much more of Ametrine's stud farm, mark my words.


Story and characters (c) Arian Mabe / Amethyst Mare

Stud Farm Stallion

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

The okapi huffed as he lugged a dirty bucket across the stable yard, water slopping messily over the edge. Cold air chilled his short brown coat and he grumbled, thinking of how many stables he had left to muck out that day. Too cold for anything beside an ugly blue coat and winter jodhpurs, the okapi was barely visible beneath his multiple pieces of carefully layered clothing. Winter was a hard time for working outdoors and Saburo supposed he was lucky, where he was, that there were only ten loose boxes. He wouldn't have even been called in to work as a freelance hire if there had not been a sudden flurry of demand for the stud farm's services. It seemed that everyone wanted to stock up on AV collected stallion semen from their stock all of a sudden. He barked a laugh that echoed across the yard: who knew?

Cursing as yet more water slopped on to the frozen yard, Saburo hustled out of sight, pausing at the end of the loose boxes to catch his breath, which frosted in the air before his muzzle. Ametrine would have his head if he saw all the mess he was making! Though fair, the owner and manager of the stud farm would only have the very best for his horses and he wanted to see the yard in tip-top condition. It was a small yard in the grand scheme of things with extensive acreage where most of the native breeds with thicker coats, layered up in rugs, resided for the majority of the year. It allowed Ametrine to keep more stallions on his land and maximise his profits, though Saburo suspected sometimes that he simply liked having the horses around. It did not hurt that seed from his stud was in exceptionally high demand, shockingly so really.

Saburo blew warmer air into his gloved paws and slid back the top bolt with a screech of metal on metal. He winced and shuffled into the occupied stable with his bucket, dropping it on the floor just to the side of the half-door. A black and white equine lifted his head from the hay bar in the far corner, ears pricked inquisitively. Saburo smiled warmly and held out his paw for the horse to sniff, huffing warm air over his navy glove.

"Hey there, boy," he murmured. "You doing okay then?"

The larger equine flicked his tail against the wall and nipped hopefully at Saburo's palm, catching flesh through the fabric. Used to such treatment, the okapi only chuckled softly and patted the horse on the neck, one of his favourites that he had not seen since he was a gangly yearling. Now, Bruno, was coming into himself and starting to work, one of Ametrine's stock that he had bought back for breeding when others had scoffed. He recognised the talent in the horse and, while he could grow into his long legs, Ametrine could collect and freeze his semen before he started his career good and proper. As he reacquainted himself with the piebald equine, Saburo smiled to himself, relaxing for the first time that morning. Regardless of the hard work, he would always love the horses.

It seemed that Bruno remembered him some from his last visits to the yard, something stirring beneath his barrel belly. His cock, mostly pink with a splash of grey mottling, dropped from the dark-skinned sheath, hanging beneath the horse's belly as if on display. Flexing muscles one would not consider, Bruno slapped the needy length against his stomach and snorted, drawing the okapi's attention so directly that the anthro could not fail to notice his desires. Stomping a front hoof, the stallion tossed his head proudly and shoved his head into Saburo's stomach, knocking the breath briefly from his lungs.

"Fuck off, Bruno." The okapi's cheeks were red and not from the cold. "Not now, okay?"

The stallion didn't understand what 'not now' meant and turned side-on to Saburo, tail swishing. The okapi pushed him off with a grumbled curse, ears flipped back as he tried to tell the stallion in terms that he would understand that he just wasn't up for any fun today. He couldn't give Bruno pleasure all the time, even if the stallion was his favourite, and, besides, there was work to do! Ametrine was around. What if the yard owner caught him? He could not see that ending well in any scenario played out in his mind.

Turning as if to leave the stable, Saburo realised with a muffled curse that the water bucket was blocking the door in part; it would have to be moved. Bending over at the waist, Saburo dragged the bucket with an obnoxious scrape, struggling to move it into a better position where it would neither get in the horse's way or end up full with sodden hay, as was Bruno's favourite trick of late. His arse stuck out as he fought with his task - an easy target.

Taking advantage of his position, the stallion's head snaked out and he nipped the okapi's backside playfully with enough force to make the male jump with a startled yelp. Saburo spun about with anger flaring in his eyes, only to quail back as the stallion half-reared and pawed at the air with his front hooves. Though not usually aggressive, Saburo granted any equine in a scrap of a temper with due respect and grabbed the bucket with renewed determination, towing it away from the door and the hay bar resolutely.

"I'm busy," he muttered, back against the stable wall as he struggled with the heavy water bucket. "For fuck's sake, Bruno, lay off, would you?"

The piebald stallion snorted, shook his mane off his neck and pawed at the ground, kicking up clumps of straw. His eye was kind and it was clear that he had never meant to hurt or frighten Saburo - he was only excited, still a youngster. There was no harm in him and the okapi approached him again, running his paw down the arch of the stallion's neck as the feral huffed and snorted, cock slapping eagerly.

Saburo sighed and stroked his paw between the comically large ears atop his own head, smoothing the brown coat flat as he tried not to consider other options. Perhaps there was time and it had been too long since he had seen Bruno, after all. He was easily won over by a cutie with a big cock.

"Look..." Saburo stuck his head out the stable door, seeing no four wheel drive parked up outside the main gate or anywhere in sight, Ametrine not yet about. "Just a quickie, okay? For my special boy."

Bobbing his muzzle, the stallion unknowingly complied and Saburo chuckled, some of his usual humour returning to his tone. Despite feeling as if he had been somewhat bullied into the situation by the much larger equine, the okapi's chest rumbled with nervous desire and he licked his lips as he dropped to his knees in the straw, encouraging the stallion to a spot where there were no droppings to soil his jodhpurs. Lipping keenly at his jacket, the stallion walked over him and turning his head inquisitively, black ears pricked to attention. He threw his head up in the air as if to ask what on earth Saburo was doing taking so long about it and the okapi reached out compliantly for the stallion's hard length.

A familiar feel in his paw, the horse cock was cool in the open air and initially soft to the touch, harder as he squeezed. Experimentally, the okapi worked his paw lightly along the length of it, unsure how the stallion would react after so long without attention - he had only just been bought back from the trainer and had likely not had the pleasure of any intimate touch during that time. Lifting a back hoof, Bruno jigged it in the air, stretching forward as he peeled back his upper lip from his teeth, the head of his cock gleaming with slick, clear arousal.

More comfortable with how he felt the horse would behave, Saburo leaned in, paw squeezing gently behind Bruno's medial ring. His tongue lashed out over the tip, not yet flared, and Saburo groaned softly at the musky taste, sweat mixed with pre cum. The horse was surprisingly clean so the okapi wasted no time in lathering the shaft in saliva, moving it with his paw as he licked and sucked with half-lidded eyes. In his paw, the cock throbbed with need, swelling with blood as the stallion ducked his head, forelock falling over his eyes.

Kneeling with his legs apart - it would be embarrassing to topple over and Saburo would rather not get in better range of those hooves if he could at all avoid it - the okapi licked and slurped his way back to the head of the stallion's shaft. His heart skipped a beat just before he dove in and parted his lips wide to take the tip into his muzzle, tongue pressed to the underside. Above him, the stallion nickered and stomped, digging at the straw with one hoof as he gently rocked forward. Though he could not thrust as if he was mounting a mare or a breeding device, Bruno rocked his cock into the okapi's muzzle, easing it deeper and giving the anthro no choice in the matter as the tip nudged up to the back of Saburo's throat.

With one paw on the shaft and the other exploring Bruno's balls with light touches of his thumb and forefinger, the okapi moaned softly and lost himself in the moment, the heady, equine scent making his nostrils flare. His own salvia slickened the path of the cock into his muzzle and he strained to take the horse deeper, eyes watering. As an anthro, he still had a gag reflex, and Saburo convulsed as Bruno's hard length tried to push into his throat. It was something he had been able to do when he had last spent time with his favourite boy but would require some force this time.

Steadying himself, Saburo rubbed the stallion's heavy balls, reminding himself that they would soon be emptied down his throat, warm cum pouring down his oesophagus. His cock strained within his jodhpurs, protesting at the tight confinement, and he imagined having Bruno's cock under his ropey tail again, moaning as the stallion stretched him out right to his limit. But he was not there for his enjoyment: it was just a quickie for the sweet stud today.

Gulping, Saburo forced his muzzle down the length, relaxing his throat as much as he could. He knew he could do it and was determined to prove it to himself that he had not yet lost the talent. His long tongue, unnerving to some furs, pushed out between his lower lip and the stallion cock as the shaft nuzzled down his throat, allowing him to flick it out over the medial ring. Nickering, Bruno swayed and, mercifully, stayed still, allowing Saburo to take him deeper and deeper at his own pace. As nice as it was to feel a cock thrusting into his longer muzzle, Saburo needed time to practice again. And practice was all he was going to get if he stayed around the stud farm.

Working down the shaft, Saburo nearly brushed the stallion's balls with his nose before he was forced to pull back for breath, sliding his muzzle back as if it was just another breeding hole for the stallion. Coughing, he took the quickest, deepest breath he could manage and dove back down, bobbing his muzzle on the throbbing length in mimicry of the stallion thrusting into a mare. He suspected that mares would be a lot hotter than his muzzle but his throat wrapped tightly around Bruno's cock, providing a nice sleeve for him to roll his cock into, power thrumming through his hindquarters. Jabbing his cock deep in a sharp jerk of his hindquarters, Bruno shivered though Saburo knew it was not from the cold. The stallion always did that when he was receiving a blowjob and was about to cum.

Holding his breath for as long as he was able between snatched gasps, nostrils flared, Saburo stroked his free paw down the shaft as he shoved his muzzle down, stifling his gag reflex every time. It was not entirely comfortable but the cock in his jodhpurs leaking pre cum told him it was worth it, alongside the feral snorts of the stallion enjoying every second of his attention. Straw scratched his knees through the jodhpurs but the okapi could not find it in himself to care as he rammed his muzzle down to the stallion's balls again and again, feeling him tense and jiggle a hind hoof for a second time. The balls in his paw tightened up just a fraction closer to the stallion's stomach and Saburo pulled back so just the tip of the stallion's cock stretched his lips into a strained O-shape, heart pounding. This time, he wanted a good taste of cum.

Cock throbbing, the stallion neighed as he ejaculated, cum shooting up the length of his shaft in thick spurts that Saburo could feel pushing up the cum tube pressed to his tongue. The first rope of seed caught him off guard and he coughed, swallowing too late to get it all down as some of the virile concoction drooled out of the side of his mouth over his lips. Better prepared for what was to come, he jerked off the length of the cock as the stallion stomped and fed him spurt after spurt, the okapi gulping to swallow down every drop he was able. It was too much all at once, however, and, even as he struggled to swallow the load, it dripped down on to his jacket in stark contrast to the blue.

The stream of cum eventually came to a stop after what seemed like an age and the okapi was left with a drooling cock slipping from his lips, dropping to hang beneath the stallion's belly in a studly curve of flesh. Gasping for breath, Saburo half sat back on his hooves, shifting into a crouch as his knees and throat ached. With a half-smile, he leaned in to lap a drizzle of cum from the flared cock head, which was sadly softening all too swiftly for his liking. But Bruno was a feral and his desires had to come first, whether it was eating, fucking or cuddles. Saburo would never push his wants on an equine that denied his advances. At least Bruno enjoyed them even if he was demanding!

"Well, now this is a surprise."

Licking cum off his lips, Saburo jerked his head up and gaped to see Ametrine leaning over the stable door, a wicked glimmer in his eyes. The okapi forgot to breath, knelt beneath the stallion with all the evidence of his recent activities marking his muzzle and jacket. When had he pulled up? He hadn't even heard the bloody car! Saburo's stomach rolled and he scrambled away from the stallion as if he had been burned, back pressed to the wall of the stable a hair's breadth from the hay bar, as if it would offer him any protection or anything to hide behind.

He was fucked.

Ametrine rolled his eyes and entered the stable with a light clip-clop of bare hooves, bolting it behind him to ensure the stallion did not make an untimely escape. He said something, lips moving without sound that the okapi could comprehend, blood roaring in his ears. Frowning when he realised that the okapi was too out of it to understand him, Ametrine snapped his fingers, tail lashing his calves in a whippy, impatient swipe.

"Oi! Listen." He snapped, tone firm. "If you're going to deal with this kind of stallion," he said with a raised eyebrow, "you should at least do it right. Bruno has bigger needs than what you have oh so kindly delivered today."

He tossed a small bottle at Saburo, which he caught reflexively in two paws, turning it over to read the label. His cheeks seared crimson and he shook his head: lubricant. Exactly what did the horse think he was going to do with...oh. Ametrine smirked and patted Bruno's neck, his other palm flat for the stallion to snatch up the treat of a pink, cock slapping his belly wantonly. Even after just cumming, he was raring to go for a second round. Saburo gulped and Ametrine snapped his fingers in unspoken command.

"Bend over. You've got work to do."

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