18: That Hurt

Story by krisprowler on SoFurry

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Applejack couldn't move. Well, she could move, but she was afraid to. She had woken up at her normal time, just before sunrise, but she found herself in possibly the most uncomfortable situation she could remember. Sometime during the night Starshadow had moved so she was now laying with her head on top of Applejack's chest. That part wasn't too bad; Winona and Applebloom had fallen asleep with their heads on AJ's chest plenty of times. No, what was bothering the earth pony was Starshadow's hoof that had somehow strayed down and was now resting directly against her crotch. To make matters worse, Starshadow seemed to be having some sort of dream that involved moving her hoof, and from the amount of arousal that Applejack now felt she could only guess that this had been going on for most of the night.

Applejack wasn't sure how to get out of her current situation. On one hoof she was still uncomfortable sharing a bed with another mare, but being this close was almost throwing her into a panic. But on the other hoof the stimulation was beginning to once again spark AJ's curiosity, not to mention it felt really good. Applejack's mind told her to somehow wriggle free and put a stop to everything before things went too far, but after some hard thinking Applejack hesitantly gave in to her more basic desires and decided not to move, wanting to see just how far things would go.

As soon as Starshadow's hoof began to move again, Applejack closed her eyes and allowed herself to be touched by her sleeping partner. Still uncomfortable that it was a mare that was touching her, AJ tried to picture a stallion she found attractive in her head but was having trouble thinking of a suitable partner. Soon she had to resort to just going through the list of stallions she knew in her head and was quickly running out of ponies. Out of desperation her own brother came to mind, but before she could dismiss her own flesh and blood from her head Starshadow's hoof pressed directly against her sensitive clitoris. Applejack gasped and quickly clenched her legs together, but doing so only trapped Starshadow's hoof against her crotch and increased the confusing pleasure.

With the pleasure building rapidly in her body, Applejack wasn't able to get Big Mac out of her mind. Had she been in a normal state of mind she would have instantly banished the very idea of becoming aroused by her brother, but with the added stimulation all reasoning was cast aside. Her mind replayed that moment when she felt Big Mac flooding her insides with his sperm and she couldn't help but buck her hips up against Starshadow's hoof in an attempt to feel more pleasure. Her movement paid off as Starshadow's hoof seemed to press down against the horny mare's sensitive crotch, and without warning a soft moan escaped from Applejack's mouth. Realizing what she had just done, AJ quickly shut her mouth and held her breath to see if she had woken up Starshadow. Silence ensued, and AJ sighed with relief that her moan hadn't woken her unknowing partner. _'Maybe Ah'm pushing mah luck. Yeah, this ain't right, Ah gotta stop now.'_Applejack thought to herself. Slightly relieved that Starshadow's hoof had stopped moving, Applejack took a deep breath to calm herself and slightly spread her hind legs to release the hoof trapped between them. The hoof made no attempt to remove itself from its position, forcing Applejack to open her eyes to see just how tangled her body was with Starshadow's.

As Applejack's eyes slowly opened, they quickly shot open in shock as she saw that Starshadow's eyes were staring right back at her. With the pegasus's hoof still between her legs there was no way that she could deny what she had just been doing, and with no other options AJ gulped before opening her mouth to apologize.

"L-listen, A-Ah'm sorry, Ah should ha- ahahhhhh." Applejack tried to say, but she was cut off as Starshadow began to move her hoof against AJ's sensitive crotch. She tried to speak again but all that escaped her throat was a yelp as Starshadow's hoof rubbed directly against Applejack's clit. Trying to sit up, Applejack found herself being pushed back down by Starshadow's other hoof, pinning her to the bed. Under normal circumstances, the tough apple bucking mare wouldn't come close to breaking a sweat trying to break free from such a small pony, but due to her overwhelming arousal and desire for more, she found that she was as helpless as a newborn foal. With no strength in her body, she was now at the mercy of her big brother's special somepony.

Sensing her partner's uneasiness, Starshadow leaned over and brushed her lips against the orange mare's cheek. "Shh, don't worry, I'll make you cum soon." Starshadow whispered softly. Unable to respond, Applejack could only watch in anticipation as the small pegasus climbed on top of her, Starshadow's muzzle hovering inches above AJ's crotch and vice versa. Seeing another mare's pussy so up close caused Applejack to turn redder than the apples her farm was known for, but she found that she didn't have time to remain embarrassed as Starshadow began to lick at her exposed and wet lower lips.

"Hnng! S-S-Starsha... Starshadow, sto-" Applejack tried to say before she once again lost her voice. Feeling something lightly bump up against the end of her muzzle, Applejack saw that Starshadow had lowered her flank slightly, her glistening sex now so very close to AJ's face. The smell of it began to overpower any hesitation she still had within her, and as the last bit of self-control finally slipped away Applejack found herself leaning forward to return the favor.

Feeling the mare beginning to lick her, Starshadow let out a slight moan as she doubled her efforts, intent on being able to make Applejack cum first. The orange mare also began to pick up her pace, her mind now lost to the pleasure she was feeling while not wanting to lose the unspoken contest she was now in. Both mares began to breathe harder and soon were emitting muffled moans as their bodies responded to the oral stimulation. Having more experience with other mares, Starshadow soon forced Applejack's head to fall back onto her bed as she began to circle her tongue around AJ's sensitive clit, occasionally flicking the sensitive little button with her tongue.

Feeling an orgasm rushing forward, Applejack let out an unexpected yelp. Quickly shutting her mouth, she began to worry that one of her three family members may have heard her, and they would surely hear the cries of ecstasy she was about to let out. Looking around in desperation for something to muffle her cries, she felt a twinge in her stomach as she saw that there was nothing to use as a gag. The pillows on her bed had been knocked to the floor at some point and the sheets had been pulled down and were bunched by Starshadow's head. 'Oh buckin... please, no. No no no...' Applejack thought as her body began to stiffen. The horrible thought of Granny Smith and Apple Bloom finding her and Starshadow in their compromising position filled her head, and in one final attempt to muffle herself she held her breath as she reached her peak.

Applejack's orgasm wasn't as loud as she had expected... it was louder. Just as the tough earth pony began to cum Starshadow caught her clit in her mouth and ever so gently nibbled on the sensitive area, causing Applejack to completely lose all self-control. The sound of Applejack's powerful orgasm pierced the walls and could be heard in every room of the Apple household, and the sound of approaching hoofsteps could be heard right after AJ's initial cry. Terrified that somepony was coming towards them, AJ tried to buck her hips up to free herself from her position but Starshadow took the opportunity to attack her clit yet again, sending Applejack into yet another orgasm. A new, strange feeling had been creeping up and building into AJ's loins, and as both mares heard the bedroom door burst open Applejack was forced to give in to whatever strange feeling was taking hold of her.

Big Mac stood frozen in the doorway as he took in the scene playing out in front of him. His first thought when he had heard the almost pained cry was that Thunderlane had returned to Sweet Apple Acres, but now he couldn't decide whether to leave and give the two some privacy, continue to watch, or perhaps join them once again. His hesitance answered his dilemma and he couldn't help but stare as his sister let out another cry of pleasure. The orange mare's back arched as much as it could and a stream of liquid shot out from her crotch. Starshadow finally lifted her head up away from Applejack's crotch to watch in fascination as the mare under her experienced her first squirting orgasm ever. Applejack's already red face managed to turn an even brighter shade of red as she realized what her body was doing, and to further her embarrassment she couldn't stop it. Her love juice squirting only lasted a few seconds, but to Applejack it felt like a never-ending eternity. Finally, her body calmed down and one last small squirt escaped from her pussy before her body went limp from exhaustion.

With Applejack trying to catch her breath, Starshadow licked the remaining juices trickling out of her before turning to face Big Mac. The stallion remained standing in the doorway, his mouth agape as he had not expected his day to start out like this. Starshadow just smiled weakly at him and lowered her head in a show of respect. "G-good morning, Master." she simply said.

An hour had passed, and all three ponies were now seated in the living room. Big Mac had finally found the ability to move and had to help Applejack to the bathroom so she could clean herself up. Starshadow dutifully gathered up the soaked sheets to clean, and after giving them a quick but thorough wash she hung them outside to dry. By then Applejack had finished cleaning herself and managed to summon enough courage to face Starshadow. Luckily for all of them Granny Smith and Apple Bloom had gone out to survey the fields and complete some errands around town and missed the show Starshadow and Applejack had put on for Big Mac.

Big Mac joined the two mares, sitting between them on the couch, equally as embarrassed by the situation he had walked in on. However, there was still more to Starshadow's story to be heard, and though they may not want to hear any more of her tale both Apple siblings knew that they had to endure more of it to help their friend.

"S-so, where ya left off yesterday, ya managed to escape after South Pole was found out, right?" Applejack asked optimistically.

Starshadow shook her head no, a small, odd smile crossing her face as she remembered her past. "No... no, my first Master was kind to me. My last... my last Master and Mistress were cruel to me, but I was their pet. They bought me and took me in as theirs."

"They... bought you?" Applejack asked with horror, her stomach feeling uneasy.

Starshadow looked up at AJ and Big Mac, nodding her head. "Yes..."

"Shh, shh... don't cry, it's going to be okay." Sunset Flash whispered to Starshadow.

Starshadow wanted to be able to follow the other filly's words but it was easier said than done. Starshadow had been picked up by North Pole and Sunset Flash and quickly taken to some strange building near the edge of the city. Once inside, she was roughly but quickly inspected by two stallions she didn't know, her entire body poked, prodded, and looked over before she was roughly shoved into a dark room. A few moments later Sunset Flash was allowed inside and the flame-maned filly rushed over to where Starshadow was curled up in the corner and crying.

As soon as the scared filly felt somepony stroking her mane, Starshadow looked up and saw her only friend trying to show a weak smile to comfort her. "S-Sunset, what's going on? Why a-am I here? What did I do wrong?" Starshadow asked.

Sunset hugged her friend gently. "You didn't do anything wrong. My Master told me that his brother made a mistake and has to sell you."

Starshadow looked up with a hint of fear in her eyes. "S-s-sell me?" she asked.

Sunset nodded. "Yes, that's right. Don't worry, it's not as bad as you think. Master bought my collar here a few years ago and he treats me well. You may find a Master like him here. A lot of wealthy ponies from all over come to see what slaves are for sale, and I heard from Master that everypony is talking about you tonight." she said.

Sunset Flash had hoped that Starshadow would be flattered that so many ponies were interested in her, but her words only caused Starshadow to become even more scared. Her hopes that she would be free or at least able to live with Sunset now gone, and being reunited with her sister seemed almost impossible now. "So I... I may be forced to move somewhere far away?" Starshadow asked after a few moments of silence.

Sunset nodded and looked back towards the door. "Yeah, Master introduced me to a few stallions out there from Manehattan and Baltimare. I also saw a griffon out there." she said.

Starshadow let out a pitiful whimper at the mention of the griffon. Though she had never met one, she overheard Polaris speaking to one of the Royal Guard lieutenants about the savage fighting style that the Griffon Kingdom to the east used. "There's no way I can stay with you and your master?" Starshadow asked.

Sunset shook her head with a sigh. "I'm sorry, I wish you could." she said sadly. "I asked Master if you could come live with us, but Master said that there would still be too much suspicion on his brother. I really did try my hardest to convince him, I swear. I'm sorry I couldn't help you."

Starshadow hung her head low in depression. "It's okay. You tried your best." she said. "But... then what are you doing here?"

Sunset's face turned slightly darker. "I wanted to try and help you get a good new owner, and the only way for me to be here without being for sale myself was to offer myself as entertainment." Sunset said. "My... my Master wasn't very fond of the idea of me coming tonight, but he finally agreed to allow me to come if I let him punish me all day tomorrow."

Starshadow cringed, remembering the few times she had seen North Pole angry. The normally calm pegasus could be quite vicious, and Sunset had reluctantly shown her the scars she still bore from some of his outbursts. Before Starshadow could thank Sunset Flash for sacrificing her own body to be with her, North Pole opened the door and motioned for Sunset to come with him. Giving Starshadow one final hug, Sunset stood up and followed her Master, leaving the small pegasus filly alone to face her unknown fate.

It took almost an hour before somepony came to bring Starshadow to the main stage. The stallion who entered her room wore a black cloak and hood that covered his entire body, including his cutie mark. Without saying a word, he quickly placed a plain black leather collar around her neck and tugged at the leash attached to it, guiding her down a hallway and backstage to where the main event was taking place.

From her position backstage, Starshadow could see another young mare already on stage, her smoky black tail raised as she remained bent over facing away from where the audience sat to give them a clear view of what she had to offer. A stallion stood next to her, his powerful voice describing the extent of the mare's training and services. Upon looking closer at the mare's cutie mark consisting of a crossed hammer and wrench, and Starshadow recognized the mare as one of the ponies who occasionally visited her old home to repair whatever may have broken down, whether it be appliances, plumbing, or the family chariot. What surprised Starshadow the most was that the mare was actually smiling, almost as if she was enjoying the opportunity to show herself off. The stallion on the stage slowly walked around her, pointing out various assets of her body as well as confirming that she was talented at fixing many household items. A few bids came in, and it only took a few minutes for somepony to win with a bid of 4,000 bits for the mare. Smiling, the stallion gave the mare's flank a loud slap. "Sold! Four thousand bits for Gearwing!" he announced. The mare turned around and bowed as her new master walked up to the stage and collared his new pet.

Once the winner returned to his seat with his newest toy, the stallion on stage looked over to see what pony was up next and spotted Starshadow. Grinning at the sight of her, he turned back to the audience and quickly motioned for them to resume silence. A mare standing to one side of the stage walked over to Starshadow and picked up the leash in her mouth. "When you get out there, just do what Master says." she said around the leash, gently pulling Starshadow along to the center of the stage. The mare dropped the leash and unbuckled the collar, taking it back with her to her original position to the side of the stage. Once again alone with some stranger, Starshadow couldn't help but tremble in the presence of the pony who would decide her fate.

Looking her over himself, the stallion spoke to his audience. "My esteemed audience, I told you we have a very special treat tonight. Our final slave for sale is this young little filly. We all know how rare it is for somepony this young to be available, and she already has some basic training. She's perfect if you want a pony with some innocence left or if you want to train her your way. There's no reserve price on her, so somepony will definitely be walking away with her tonight. However, there's no way I can pass up this opportunity, so I will be joining in the bidding. I'll start the bidding with a bid of five thousand bits."

Though Starshadow couldn't see more than the faint outlines of the dozen or so members of the audience, their faces were somewhat in shock. Five thousand bits was a surprisingly high bid to start the auction, but like he had said, this kind of slave wasn't up for sale very often.

"Fifty five hundred." one of the spectators announced.

"Five thousand seven hundred." another pony said right after.

"Sixty two fifty." a third pony bid.

Another member of the audience stood up and approached the stage. Starshadow stood still in fright as an intimidating griffon walked up to her, leering down at her with a scowl. Correctly guessing that this was the griffon that Sunset had told her about, Starshadow held her breath as his sharp talons felt her body all over. Without changing his stern expression, the griffon simply nodded and turned to return to his seat. "Seventy five hundred bits." he said before leaving the stage.

Everypony was stunned, even the host on stage. Not one used to losing, his thoughts began to boil inside his head. 'Seventy five hundred? Does that bag of feather's think that a high bid can scare me off like that? Nopony makes a fool of Radio Wave!' the stallion thought to himself. Managing to keep his composure, he cleared his throat before throwing out his top bid.

"Nine thousand bits." Radio Wave announced.

A few moments of silence ensued, and Radio Wave thought he had finally won. Nine thousand was definitely more than he wanted to spend on the small filly, but he was sure that he could turn a profit after teaching her how to be a better pet. His ego back to its normally high levels, he opened his mouth to announce the end of the bidding.

"Twelve thousand."

Radio Wave's head snapped towards the direction of the voice that called out the extremely high bid. To the far side of the room he saw two cloaked ponies, and he remembered seeing a mare and stallion couple together earlier in the evening. However, the two remained isolated from the other bidders and didn't speak at all, nor did they cast a single bid on any other slave that was up for sale.

"Tw- twelve thousand?" Radio Wave stuttered, a bit shocked by such a large gap in between bids. His own jump of 1,500 bits was almost unheard of, but to raise the bid by 3,000 was something that no sane pony would ever do. However, their bid scared off anypony else from bidding, and even Radio Wave had to back off as his budget was already stretched at his bid of nine thousand. "F-fine. Sold for twelve thousand bits." he announced begrudgingly.

In complete silence both of the cloaked ponies made their way to the stage to collect their newest acquisition. Remembering her training, Starshadow bowed for her new owners, and as both ponies lowered their hoods Starshadow risked a peek up at them. She saw a middle-aged mare and stallion looking down at her, and Starshadow risked a friendly smile in hopes that they would end up being a kind couple and raising her as their own. Her hopes were quickly crushed as the mare brought out a collar from beneath her cloak and fastened it tightly around Starshadow's neck. Caught off guard by the tightness Starshadow couldn't help but cough as she gasped for breath. The unapproved noise didn't sit well with the mare, and she savagely struck out at the small filly, catching her in the chest and knocking the wind out of her. Starshadow clutched her chest with her hoof and gasped for air as the mare sneered but her mate remained indifferent. "I don't know why you wanted such a small little slut, but I guess I can find some entertainment with this." the mare said indifferently.

The stallion grinned as he led his prize away. "Oh, don't worry dear, I will."

A few moments of silence hung in the air before Applejack spoke up. "So... what happened then?" she asked.

Starshadow sighed. "I... I don't really remember." she admitted. "It was absolutely chaotic living with them. I never even learned their names. I was only allowed to address them as Master and Mistress. I didn't mind Master so much, he would use me without hurting me too much, it's just, well... he was into some strange things. Mistress, though... she was very cruel. Whenever Master wasn't using me Mistress would come over and drag me away for some sort of torture. Mistress liked to whip me, but Master thankfully forbade her from leaving any scars. Still, Mistress found plenty of ways to abuse me with no evidence left behind..."

Applejack stood up, her mind not quite able to comprehend the story she had just heard. "That.... that ain't right! How can anypony do that tah such a young filly? There ain't no way so many ponies in Canterlot can be so sick! Ah mean, the princesses are righ' there with all that goin' on, how can they not see all that?" Applejack shouted in denial. "An' for this kinda corrupt dealings tah be spread so far, how in the heck has nopony uncovered this scandal?"

Starshadow sighed sadly. "Everypony involved keeps it a tightly kept secret. Even the slaves are sworn to secrecy or they may disappear completely." she explained. "There were rumors that anypony who tried to expose their secrets would mysteriously die or be taken away somewhere. There are some powerful and well connected ponies in that group. Please, promise me you won't try to do anything, I don't want you or Mast- I mean, Big Mac to get hurt."

Applejack and Big Mac looked at each other. The stern, determined look in Applejack's eyes betrayed her intentions of going straight to Twilight to report what they found out about Canterlot society. "AJ, maybe we should do as she asks and keep this whole thing private." he said.

"What?!" Applejack exclaimed, shocked by her brother's suggestion. "What'n the hay d'ya mean keep this private? Ah gotta tell Twi 'bout this so she can go an' inform Princess Celestia!"

Big Mac shook his head, but Starshadow spoke up before he could. "Please, promise me you won't say anything about this to anypony. I don't want anything to happen to either of you... I love you both. Please, don't tell anypony."

Applejack opened her mouth to object but Big Mac managed to beat her. "We won't say a thing, right sis?" he said, staring at AJ intently.

Applejack wanted to say no, she wanted to go running straight for Twilight to put these monsters to rest. But her brother's stare told her that he was committed to keeping Starshadow's story a secret. "F-fine. Ah won't say a word." Applejack finally said. "But Ah gotta ask ya something. Ya said that... that ya loved both of us. Ah know ya'll are Big Mac's special somepony, but... but how do... Ah mean, ya don't... you know, with me..."

Before Applejack could finish her thought, the front door flew open and two familiar ponies came rushing in. "We got him! We captured Thunderlane!" Twilight announced happily as her bodyguard stood dutifully behind her.

Applejack sighed with partial relief and partial annoyance. However, she, Starshadow, and Big Mac all noticed the multiple bruises and scratches that Twilight's bodyguard had all over her body, and without any hesitance Applejack rushed to the bathroom to get some supplies to clean up the battered pony. "What'n tarnation happened? That coward really put up this much of a tussle with ya'll?" Applejack asked as she cleaned the mare's wounds.

Big Mac noticed that the other mare's face turned slightly red as Twilight tried her best to suppress a giggle. "Oh no, we didn't catch her, Rainbow Dash did. She spotted him trying to sneak out of town and easily caught up to him. Nightshade, um... she got these injuries trying to keep Fluttershy back after we had locked Thunderlane up in the guard barracks."

Big Mac and Applejack couldn't hold back their laughter at the thought of their meek and quiet friend having the strength and courage to attack a trained bodyguard, and even Starshadow smiled at the humorous thought. "So, what's gonna happen to him?" Big Mac asked Twilight once he was done laughing.

Twilight's face turned serious. "Well, as a princess the guards have left it up to me to decide his fate. I looked in the history books on crime but there's not much on this kind of thing. From what I've read, most pegasi who commit rape have their wings clipped. But that example is almost eight hundred years old, there's no mention of any cases of rape in recent history."

Applejack and Big Mac both looked annoyed that the punishment of clipped wings sounded so light, but as a pegasus Starshadow knew how devastating it would be to have the gift of flight suddenly snatched away. Twilight noted her friend's doubtful looks and spoke up to answer their unasked questions. "Don't worry, at the very least I'm having him sent to Canterlot to serve time in prison. There's no way I could let a monster like him remain free, even if I did clip his wings." she assured them.

AJ and Big Mac looked slightly more relieved, but Starshadow stood up and took a step towards Twilight. "Do you think I could... talk to him before you send him off?" Starshadow asked.

Twilight was stunned by Starshadow's request. "I... I don't think that's such a good idea. He attacked you and it may cause you more distress later on." the princess said.

Starshadow shook her head. "I'll be fine, I promise. Just... please, can I talk to him? I need to." she asked again.

Twilight looked into her eyes and saw just how badly Starshadow wanted to speak to her attacker. Sighing, Twilight looked over at Applejack and Big Mac who both shrugged. "Alright. If you're absolutely sure you want to, I can arrange that." Twilight said. "When do you want to go over?"

"Now." Starshadow said immediately. Twilight sighed again but nodded, and without any further argument all the ponies present headed for the door to head over to the barracks.

Hidden in the trees lining the road, Specter watched as a group of ponies walked down the road towards town. One pony in the middle had his attention; her coat color and unique, scarred cutie mark confirmed that this was the pony he was tasked with fillynapping. The two ponies flanking her were still unknown to him, but he didn't care who they were. He could easily make them disappear in any number of ways should it prove necessary, but the two ponies walking slightly behind him had him worried. The purple alicorn was obviously Equestria's newest princess, and just behind her was an obvious bodyguard.

Specter let out every expletive word he knew in his head; he hadn't planned that his target would be so close to Twilight, and managing to fillynap his target without causing the princess to look into the crime personally was now zero. Quickly going through his options, Specter considered setting up one of the remaining agents he had been tasked with killing. The chances of them talking if they were captured alive were dangerously high once they realized they had been betrayed, but their being dead would leave him with the same problem he had now. Sadly he currently had no better options; he would simply have to find some way to ensure their silence afterwards...

For now however, there was no way he could make any move, and with absolute silence he slid deeper into the shadows to keep watch from afar for now.

The guards outside the barracks immediately let Twilight and her group inside the barracks, and once they entered the building they saw Rainbow Dash waiting for them. "There you guys are! No no, no need to thank me. It was no trouble catching that slowpoke. I AM the best flyer in all of Equestria, after all." Rainbow Dash boasted.

Applejack groaned. "Ever tha humble one as ever, Ah see." she said sarcastically.

Twilight looked around, then faced Rainbow Dash. "Hey Rainbow, where did Fluttershy go? I thought she was going to wait here with you. Did she go home?"

Rainbow Dash nodded towards a closet door just behind her. "Nah, she's in there. I had to lock her inside, she was freaking out and trying to go after Thunderlane, even after you said to not do anything until you got back." Dash explained.

"Ya what?!" Applejack exclaimed, headed towards the door Rainbow had indicated. "Rainbow, Ah can't believe ya! Ya know she's scared ter death of dark, cramped spaces! Fluttershy, ya in there, sugarcube?"

"Y-yes." a meek voice called out from the other side. "I'm s-sorry for acting up before... can I please come out now?"

"Of course ya ca-" Applejack started to say before Rainbow Dash silenced her.

"Hey Fluttershy." Rainbow called out. "Turns out that one of the guards accidentally let Thunderlane go a few minutes ago."

What happened next was a complete surprise to everypony except Rainbow Dash. "THEY _WHAT?!?!_I SWEAR TO NIGHTMARE MOON'S UNHOLY TAINT I'M GOING TO WRING THE NECK OF WHATEVER GUARD DID SUCH A STUPID BUCKING THING BEFORE I HUNT DOWN THAT NO GOOD GUTTERSNIPE AND TEAR HIS WINGS AND HIS BUCKING STALLIONHOOD OFF AT THE ROOTS AND SHOVE THEM DOWN HIS THROAT!!" Fluttershy yelled, her words punctuated by the walls shaking as she tried to buck the wooden door off its hinges. Several cracks appeared around the hinges but the door somehow managed to hold firm.

Rainbow Dash slyly smiled as she saw the look of shock on everypony's face. "See? You really want to let that out?" Dash said smugly.

Twilight nodded. "Yeah... maybe we should leave her in there until we sentence him." she agreed before turning to Starshadow. "Are you sure you want to really talk to him?"

Starshadow nodded, yet had moved closer towards Big Mac for support. "It's okay, Ah'll go in with her." he said.

Applejack nodded and moved next to her brother. "Ah will also." she said.

Twilight nodded once more, pointing towards the holding cells. "Alright. We'll be out here if you need us." she said, Rainbow Dash nodding in agreement.

"Thank you." Starshadow said softly before turning to the door. Taking a deep breath, she pushed forward with Big Mac and Applejack right behind her, hoping she was ready to face her rapist.

Vinyl wasn't thrilled about public transportation; somepony always was harassing her for an autograph, a favor, or a date. However, here she was on the train, headed west. To prevent anypony from bothering her she took a large amount of bits out of her savings to reserve a whole train car for herself. With the train ride estimated to take almost a full day, Vinyl had plenty of time to dwell on the thoughts that had troubled her the last few days, but she had never been so sure of her decision to go on this journey.

'I hope Starshadow is having fun with Big Mac, especially since she hasn't been home since her last concert.' Vinyl thought, not knowing what had really happened to her roommate. 'I just hope she finds the note I left her on the kitchen table.' Not knowing how long she would be gone, Vinyl had written that she would be gone for possibly a few months and that the house was essentially all Starshadow's for the time being. It was a sudden decision, and she hadn't even told her own manager or anypony else that she would be missing. But this was something she had to do, something that couldn't be just forgotten or put off.

Vinyl sighed and looked out the window, watching the scenery passing by as the train chugged west, and a single tear slipped free down her cheek. "Tavi..."

19: Breakout

A muffled thump from the other side of the door stirred no response from the captured pegasus. Nothing going on around him quite registered in his head as the only thing occupying his mind was his impending sentence. Thunderlane sighed and let his...

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17: That Owner

Applejack and Starshadow slept soundly through the rest of the night. Applejack woke up just before sunrise out of habit, and wanting to give the tired pegasus next to her some additional rest she quietly left the room and headed outside to feed the...

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16: That First Time

Starshadow slept most of the day and finally awoke as the sky was beginning to darken. Slowly opening her eyes a little, she felt the familiar heat of somepony lying next to her and instinctively nuzzled the other pony, not caring who it was. She heard...

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