16: That First Time

Story by krisprowler on SoFurry

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Starshadow slept most of the day and finally awoke as the sky was beginning to darken. Slowly opening her eyes a little, she felt the familiar heat of somepony lying next to her and instinctively nuzzled the other pony, not caring who it was. She heard the pony ask her if she was awake and she nodded ever so slightly, not wanting to move just quite yet. A gentle kiss on her cheek peaked her curiosity and she opened her eyes the rest of the way. She saw Big Mac staring back at her, his worried face clearly showing his concern for her. He saw her looking at him and he offered a small smile at her. "Mornin'." he said to her as he saw that she was awake.

Starshadow began to smile back but stopped as the memories of the night before came flooding back into her mind. It wasn't her rape by Thundrlane that she was horrified by, it was the fact that she had slept with another pony other than her Master without his permission and he had caught her. Tears came welling back into her eyes and she lowered her head in shame as she finally spoke to him. "M-Master, I'm sorry! I... I didn't m-m-mean to! Please, don't leave me, don't leave me alone! I'll do anything for you!"

As Starshadow begged for his forgiveness she tried climbing up and turning around to offer herself to him as a sign of apology. Big Mac had to hold her down to keep her from offering herself to him and finally managed to calm her down enough to speak to her. "Starshadow, calm down. Ya don' have to apologize for nothin'." Big Mac said while reaching out to put his hoof on her shoulder. He never got to make contact as she backed away from him, looking at him fearfully like he was about to strike her. "Starshadow, what are ya doin'?" he asked her trying to reach for her again.

Starshadow jumped off the bed and backed away fearfully. "Please, don't hit your pet. Master's pet is sorry she betrayed her Master! Please forgive your pet, don't send her away! Your pet will do anything you want if you forgive her!"

Big Mac was completely lost on what to do right now. Talking to her wasn't exactly working right now, and every time he tried to approach her she would back away like he was going to kill her. Also, there was the fact that not only was she was once again calling him 'Master' but she was now referring to herself as 'his pet'. He knew that there must have been something that had happened to her sometime during her life that caused her to become like this and that whatever Thunderlane had done to her had caused her to revert back to her old habits, but of course he didn't know any specific details. Hoping that she would finally allow him to get closer to her, Big Mac took two slow steps toward her but froze as she began to cry almost hysterically. Not wanting to make this situation any worse or chance that she would hurt herself, Big Mac wisely backed away to give her some space, and luckily for him Applejack came rushing into the room, having heard Starshadow's begging and crying.

"What'n the heck is goin' on in here?" Applejack asked as she burst into her room. Big Mac looked helplessly at his sister and motioned to where Starshadow had backed herself into a corner while she continued to sob. Applejack approached her slowly as not to scare her and managed to wrap her hooves around her in a gentle hug. Big Mac was glad that his sister was able to get close to Starshadow to comfort her, but he was slightly hurt that he wasn't the one who was able to offer her any help himself.

Starshadow looked up desperately at Applejack. "Master knows his pet loves him, right? His pet won't ever disobey her Master ever again. He is her one and only Master, I swear!" she said still in a panic. Applejack looked over at her brother, trying to figure out if he had done something to Starshadow, but as she saw his confused face and a slight shrug from him she knew that Big Mac was just as in the dark as she was.

Applejack gently stroked Starshadow's mane to calm her down. "C'mon, sugarcube, ain't no need to keep on callin' him master an' whatnot. His name is Big Mac, remember?" she said gently.

Starshadow looked up through teary eyes at the red stallion sitting patiently across the room. "Is... is that what you want your pet to call you?" she asked meekly. Big Mac nodded, confirming that he didn't wish to be called Master. "O-okay Ma- Big Mac." Starshadow said in acknowledgement.

Finally ending her crying session, Starshadow wiped her eyes of her last few tears but Applejack felt the pegasus' small body still shaking in fright. "Ain't no reason to be scared any more, ya got Big Mac and me ter protect ya. Ah already talked ta Rainbow Dash an' Twilight jus' now, they didn' find that scum yet but they're gonna start lookin' agin first thing tomorrow. Fluttershy is also gonna help tomorrow ter look for him." AJ reported.

Big Mac's expression soured as he heard that Thunderlane still hadn't been caught, but he was confident that Rainbow Dash was still flying around Ponyville looking for the rapist. Little did he know that he was correct but Rainbow Dash wasn't flying alone, Fluttershy was actually flying in front of Dash, leading the search for the stallion who had attacked her new friend. The normally quiet pegasus had an unnatural determination burning in her eyes as she flew over Ponyville, and Rainbow Dash had to finally put a stop to the search as night fell, convincing Fluttershy to stop only by promising her to restart the hunt as soon as daylight broke.

Applejack gently pulled Starshadow back to her bed and the two mares sat side by side. AJ motioned for her brother to join them, but as he approached Starshadow backed away from him and placed Applejack in between her and Big Mac. The orange mare and her brother looked at the small pegasus in confusion. "What'n the hay is wrong? He ain't gonna hurt ya." Applejack promised her. To prove her point, she got up and moved to one side, pulling Starshadow to sit right next to Big Mac. She looked up at his face and saw that he was extremely concerned, and after a few seconds of hesitance she finally cuddled up to him and allowed him to kiss her on the lips. Applejack still felt a small twinge of jealousy in her stomach but was able to cast her selfish thoughts aside. "See? Ah told ya it'd be fine." she said.

Starshadow nodded, obediently laying down and resting her head against the stallion who loved her. "Your pet is sorry. She swears she'll never accept another pony as her Master except for you." she said apologetically.

Applejack couldn't keep quiet anymore and asked the question that was on both her and Big Mac's mind. "Hold on, what in the hay are ya callin' him master for? Ah thought he was your special somepony. She IS your special somepony, right?" she asked, looking over at Big Mac.

The red stallion nodded. "Eeyup." he confirmed. They both looked at Starshadow, who nervously nodded but her answer wasn't very convincing. Big Mac decided to try his luck. "Why do ya keep callin' me master? I never told ya to." he asked.

Starshadow remained silent, not wanting to explain why she felt compelled to call him that. However, both Apple siblings continued to stare at her and waited for her to answer, their gaze slowly breaking her defenses. She managed to find the strength to remain silent, but Big Mac had an idea on how to get her to talk. Hoping that both mares in the room would forgive him for using such a dirty tactic, he spoke up. "Tell us why you keep callin me your master. Your master commands it." he said.

"Big Mac!" Applejack exclaimed. "Fer Tartarus sake, ya can't demand she tell ya jus' like that!"

Applejack went quiet as Starshadow sat up, and before the orange mare could apologize for her brother's abrasiveness the small pegasus nodded in submission. "Your pet... I'll tell you." she said slowly. "You deserve to know, after everything you've done for me. If... if I tell you everything, will you forgive me?"

Applejack shook her head in disapproval of Big Mac's tactic but she had to admit to herself that there may not have been any other way to get the truth out of her. Big Mac hated himself for having to resort to using the 'master' title against her, but he nodded his head to answer Starshadow's question. "Yes, I'll forgive you." he replied.

Starshadow's stomach began to hurt just from the thought of having to reveal everything she had hoped to hide from everypony and forget, but this was for her Master... it was an order from him... she had to do it. "O-okay." she said, taking a deep breath to try to calm herself. "W-well, you remember how I got my... my scars, right? Well..."

When Polaris saw what his youngest daughter had done to her invaluable cutie mark he was beyond furious. He stormed over to where Silver Veil and one of his servants still knelt grabbed a hold of Starshadow with his magic and yanked her small body over to him. He ripped away the bandages that Silver Veil had just finished applying and his eyes grew wide in anger as he saw the x-shaped wounds over both of her cutie marks. Seeing the rage in her husband's face, Silver Veil rushed over to her husband and daughter to try to calm him but she found herself thrown back by a sudden blast of air caused by his magic. Without a word, Polaris turned to leave, dragging Starshadow along with him down the hallway to his study. Her wounds were once again bleeding, her crimson red blood dripping onto the regal carpet covering the hallway, but Polaris didn't care one bit about the trail he was leaving.

Once in his study, Polaris flung the injured filly to the floor and slammed the door shut, sealing it shut with a spell so only he could open the door. Starshadow was once again wracked with pain, her cuts on the side of her body that hit the floor now bleeding more from the impact. She continued to cry but Polaris walked up and stood over her, his face still distorted with rage. "Get up!" he yelled at her, not caring that her wounds had reopened. Starshadow winced at his command but tried her best to obey him, shakily standing back up one leg at a time. Once she was up, she found herself being violently knocked back down as Polaris struck her with his hoof and sent her crashing back down to the ground. "I said get up!" Polaris yelled at her again. She didn't move, her body too weak to do as he commanded and all she could do is shake her head. Storming over to her, Polaris grabbed the back of her mane and pulled on it hard, forcing her to look up at him and into his hate filled eyes. "Don't you dare tell me no! I said get up, now get up!" he screamed in her face. Pulling up on her mane, he forced her back on her hooves painfully and let go only when she was once again standing on her shaking legs. Once he let go he stepped back slightly and struck out at her again, landing another blow across her face and knocking her back down. Thankfully he walked away from her, leaving her to cry by herself as he looked down at the tome that still lay on his desk.

Gently placing his hoof on the cover of the ancient book, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His thoughts went back to when he was instructed by his own father about the history and importance of the tome, that it was the most sacred and important item in the Star family history. Said to have been written by Starswirl the Bearded, the tome was handed down generation to generation as the family awaited the pony who bore the family seal. Polaris recalled the swelling pride he felt when his own child had been the one to have the coveted symbol appear on her flank, but now...

He turned his attention back to his daughter who hadn't moved from her spot on the floor. However, as he looked down at her he swore that she had one of her hooves between her legs, but when she saw him staring at her she stopped moving and then tried slowly moving her hoof back out from under her body.

"Don't you dare move!" he yelled at her, casting a spell to paralyze her. He slowly approached her, looking down at her hoof hidden under her body. He unfroze her but with his eyes burning into her she was too scared to move. "What in Celestia's name are you doing? Tell me!" he demanded.

"I-I-I'm... I d-don't know what... what I'm..." Starshadow stammered, unsure herself what exactly she was doing. Her mind was dominated by fear after her father had hit her and caused her body so much pain, but once again a strange new feeling began to creep up on her as her father beat her. A tingling sensation had begun to build in her crotch, and once her father's attention had turned to the tome on his desk she found the opportunity to reach underneath herself to explore this new sensation. She found that her crotch was wet, but not with blood, and as she touched herself more down there the sensation she felt began to grow and caused her to feel... good.

Polaris continued to glare at her. "Get up." he said sternly. Starshadow obeyed, painfully moving her body and slowly getting once again to her hooves, but as she did she brushed one of her cuts against the floor. Despite the pain that quickly shot through her flank she also felt the strange sensation in her groin suddenly spike, and despite her efforts she couldn't help but let out a sensual moan and her hoof automatically shot back up underneath her body. Her noise reached Polaris and he roughly grabbed her tail, lifting it up and saw his daughter touching herself like some common whorse, her genitals considerably wet with arousal.

Polaris somehow managed to find even more anger deep inside of himself. It was bad enough that his daughter had just vandalized the coveted symbol that had graced her body, but now he finds her becoming aroused by being struck by her own father. He quickly let go of her and turned his back to her, unable to even look at her due to his disappointment in her. "Get out. Get out of my house. I want you gone by morning. Don't EVER show your face around here again." he said. Though he was no longer yelling, the tone of his voice made it very clear that he was finished with her and it was in her best interests to get out as quickly as possible. Painful step by step, Starshadow moved as quickly as she could until she finally exited her father's study. The door slammed shut right behind her and Starshadow's legs finally gave way, but before she hit the floor Silver Veil managed to catch her and gently levitated her hurt daughter over to her. The servant from before dutifully stood by with more bandages at the ready, and in no time the two older ponies had Starshadow bandaged back up. Giving her daughter a compassionate hug, Silver Veil gently lifted Starshadow onto her back and carried her back to her room and gently tucked her into bed. Starshadow quickly fell asleep, having been drained of all her energy from the long day, and Silver Veil couldn't help but openly weep as she left Starshadow's room and gently closed the door.

Silver Veil saw her husband standing just down the hall from Starshadow's room and angrily walked up to her husband. "How could you do that to Starshadow? She's your daughter, for Celestia's sake!" Silver Veil hissed at him.

Still fuming over everything that had happened tonight, Polaris instinctively raised his hoof against his wife but managed to divert it at the last second and punched a hoof-sized hole into the wall just inches from Silver Veil's face. She stood frozen where she was, shocked that her husband had come this close to hitting her, something that he had never even hinted at doing before. "Don't you DARE even mention her name around me again! Do you understand?" he yelled at her, unable to contain his voice. "As far as I'm concerned she is no daughter of mine!"

Silver Veil was shocked by his words and felt tears returning to her eyes. "How can you possibly say that?" she asked him. "She IS you daughter! You can't force this family's supposed destiny on her like this!"

Polaris stepped closer to his wife. "Don't ever question this family's destiny again! If it weren't for me you wouldn't be in this family any longer!" he shot back.

Silver Veil gasped and took a step back as he had hit a sore topic that had nearly torn their marriage apart. Polaris and his family were adamant on ensuring that their family bloodline remained as pure as possible and only allowed pure-blooded unicorns to marry into the family and help continue the Star family name. When Polaris had married Silver Veil both of them had thought that she was a pure unicorn, but it was when Starshadow was born that it came to light that one of her ancestors had been a pegasus. Normally, Polaris would have to either divorce his wife and remarry or face exile from his family. Polaris loved his wife, and however prideful he was of his family heritage and name he couldn't stand the thought of giving her up. However, there was an unusual circumstance that worked in his favor; he had already been deemed the heir apparent to the family as he had managed to provide a child before his sister had. Despite trying almost every night to bear a foal, his sister was still without child, so with some slight hesitance the rest of the family allowed Polaris to take his place as patriarch after his mother passed away, though they never accepted Starshadow into the family. That is, until her cutie mark appeared.

Not having anything left to say, Polaris turned and returned to his study, leaving Silver Veil to quietly cry by herself in the hallway. The distraught mare had never seen her husband act like this before and was still in disbelief about how he had treated Starshadow. Silver Veil looked over at her daughter's room and thought about going back in to check on her, but she decided that the hurt little pegasus needed rest and sleep the most right now. Her heart in need of repair, Silver Veil slowly walked off back to her own room, hoping that the morning would be better and Starshadow would be okay.

Unfortunately, things would not get better; Starshadow had woken up and heard the entire argument, and all alone while still in pain she cried while holding her pillow. After every other pony in the house was already asleep, Starshadow finally left her room. As quietly as possible she made her way downstairs and slowly opened the front door, slipping out into the quiet streets of Canterlot. Without a single glance back, she ran off into the night, leaving her home for the very first time and possibly forever.

Starshadow had decided to try to make her way to Los Pegasus where her sister currently resided for school, but she now had not a single bit to hr name and no way to pay for a train ticket. Instead, she planned on flying all the way to the western city. There was one big problem with her plan however, she had never flown before. Since her family was all unicorns and she was home schooled due to her father's insistence that her existence be kept a secret, the only lessons she had in flying were reading the books about pegasi that her mother brought her. The best she had ever managed was to hover for a few seconds in her room, but Starshadow was confident that she understood the mechanics well enough that could fly, given the opportunity.

Once she walked a few blocks and was sure that none of the servants had noticed her sneaking out, Starshadow found a closed shop by the city wall and made her way to the roof of the building via the fire escape. Now standing three floors above the street below, she saw that she was almost level with the top of the wall surrounding the city; if she could manage to fly just a few feet higher than she was right now she would finally be free. With only her small purse filled with the few meager possessions she had deemed important enough to bring with her on her flight from her home hanging around her neck, she back up a few steps, took a deep breath, and raced to the edge of the building. She spread her inexperienced wings and flapped them like she had read how to, her hooves leaving the roof and she soon found herself in the air.

She thought she had done it, that she was flying, but her heart sank seconds later as she began to lose altitude and quickly found herself falling to the ground. Years of lack of use that most pegasi would have had training their wing muscles had left hers atrophied and her technique, while accurate to what she remembered from the book, was too slow to allow her to lift her body for long. Panicking, she began flapping her wings as hard as she could, but her frantic movements only caused her to begin rolling over out of control. With no options left she couldn't do anything but brace herself for the inevitable crash...

Forgetting to tuck her wings back against her body, she landed almost square on her back with both of her wings still extended. A sharp searing pain shot through both of her wings as they crumpled under the weight of her body, her right wing taking the worst of the damage and breaking near where her wing connected to her body. Her left wing didn't escape injury but only suffered a severe sprain as it was forced back at an unnatural angle as she tumbled on the ground. Finally coming to a rest in a heap, Starshadow bit down on her hoof to muffle her cries as the unbearable pain of severely injuring both wings hit her. The back of her head hurt also as it too had hit the street with considerable force, and as the throbbing in her skull grew heavier she managed to pitifully crawl painfully out of the middle of the street and into a small alley between the two closest buildings.

Unable to now fly or even effectively walk away, Starshadow curled up and continued to cry into the bitter cold winter night. Thoughts of just staying the alley and wasting away crossed her mind and it wasn't long before she began to lose consciousness, the pain she felt becoming too much for her to handle.


Something didn't feel right. As she began to regain consciousness Starshadow felt warm and comfortable. Her wings no longer felt like they had been torn from her body and the throbbing in her head was gone. She cracked open her eyes and saw that she had been gently tucked into somepony's bed in a house she didn't recognize. A very light stinging sensation still could be felt in both of her wings, but as she looked to her side she saw that both of her wings had been bandaged up and secured against her body to reset. Looking down at her flank, she saw that the bandages covering her cutie marks had also been changed.

Looking around the room, she saw that she was alone, but whoever had brought her here had laid out a plate of assorted fruits and a glass of water for her. She quickly grabbed a plum and bit into it, savoring the sweet taste of it and helping satisfy the ravenous hunger she only just then realized she had. As she moved on to one of the apples on the plate, she heard the door open and a stallion she had never seen before slowly entered the room.

"Ah, you're awake. How are you feeling?" her host asked her, walking up to her and checking over her bandages. Starshadow found herself blushing slightly as she saw the handsome unicorn walking towards her, his gray coat and white mane neatly groomed like most of the residents of Canterlot. His blue eyes looked her body over to see how she was healing, but Starshadow was mesmerized by the compassion she saw in his gaze. Satisfied, the stallion looked Starshadow directly in her eyes and offered her a genuine smile.

"I'm do-doing... okay." Starshadow said quietly. "Um, where am I?"

The stallion quietly laughed. "Oh, how rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm South Pole, and you're back at my house. I found you unconscious in an alley a few blocks from here. There was no way I could possibly leave a poor little filly like yourself laying on the street to freeze like that, so I brought you back here and had my doctor come over to fix you up."

South Pole allowed Starshadow to finish eating the rest of the fruit before asking her a few questions. "So what happened to you? The doctor thought that you had been attacked by somepony."

Starshadow took a sip of water and shook her head. "No. I... I fell. I was trying to fly, but..." she said but was unable to finish her explanation, ashamed to admit that she couldn't fly at her age.

South Pole nodded his head in understanding. "The doctor said that your wings are going to take a few weeks to heal and your legs escaped injury. But as for the wounds on your cutie mark, you couldn't have gotten that by falling? How did that happen?"

Starshadow lowered her gaze and went silent. "I... I don't want to talk about that." she finally said.

South Pole nodded in understanding. "Well, those should heal up in a few days, though I'm afraid there will be some scarring with how deep the cuts go." he said. "But for now, we should probably tell your parents that you're safe. They must be worried sick about you."

Once again Starshadow's eyes fell as she felt her heart sink as the thought of being kicked out of her home and left to fend for herself on the streets still was a shock for her. "I don't have any parents." she said depressingly, trying her best to hold back from crying.

"What?" South Pole said in disbelief. Even though she had been disheveled when he found her, she still looked relatively healthy and like she belonged to a wealthy family; he would have never guessed that she was an orphan. "You really have nowhere to go?"

Starshadow shook her head, a few tears managing to fall down her face. "N-no, I d-d-don't." she said shakily.

South Pole sat down next to the small filly and gently held her, careful not to get too close to her injuries. "That's absolutely terrible! Such a beautiful young mare such as yourself with nowhere to go. Well, I won't allow that. From now on you can call this home. You can stay here with me."

Starshadow couldn't believe her ears. "Really? You mean it?" she asked him with newfound hope shining in her eyes."

South Pole nodded. "Of course I mean it." he said.

Starshadow hugged him as tightly as she could, nuzzling her cheek into his coat. "Oh, thank you thank you thank you thank you!" she said overjoyed.

South Pole smiled and patted her head gently. "Don't mention it. I have to go let my superior know that I'll be working from home for the next week or so, but just ring the bell if you need anything. My office is right next door." he said, pointing to a small bell on the bedside table. Giving her a quick kiss on her head, he got up and left the room. Starshadow lay back on her bed, a genuine smile gracing her face for the first time in a while. She finally found a home that was warm and welcoming to her, and she could still visit her mother and sister as she was still in Canterlot.

South Pole paused and took one last look at his new filly before closing the door and locking it from the outside. Summoning his assistant to his office, South Pole scribbled a memo saying an emergency came up and he would be only handling urgent business from his home office and sent his assistant to the castle. As chief adviser to Princess Celestia on the lands south of Canterlot, getting this much time off of work would be tricky, but as a closet fillyphile, there was absolutely no way he was going to pass up the chance to use this young filly that had made her way into his life to satisfy his secret lusts.


The next two weeks proved to be heaven for Starshadow. Though she remained bedridden for most of that time, she never found herself needing anything. South Pole was always nearby to give her whatever she needed, and by the 12th day Starshadow was finally well enough to get out of bed and finally stretch her legs. South Pole insisted she stay confined to her room, and with everything she needed either in her room and attached bathroom or brought in by the stallion, Starshadow found no reason to argue against his caution. She trusted him and in truth was beginning to fall for the handsome stallion, his concern always seeming to be on her well-being and happiness. The only odd behavior she noticed was that she had woken up with him already in her room as he had been watching her sleep, but she shrugged off the stalking as just concern for her health.

Finally, on the fifteenth day of her living with South Pole, the doctor came and removed the bandages from her wings. He warned her that even though she could now move them she should take care and not attempt to fly for another week or so to allow them to heal properly. She nodded in understanding, though with her new home and 'family' there was no reason to fly away anymore. Her bandages over her now-scarred cutie mark had been removed the week before, and for the first time South Pole was able to see all of Starshadow's young little body unobstructed. Resisting the urges his head told him to indulge in, he made a special celebratory dinner and even broke out a bottle of wine to celebrate her improving health. Starshadow had only tasted wine once before when she and Starsong snuck a small sip when their parents weren't looking, and while she still found the taste a little strange she drank two glasses of it before she had enough. She felt lightheaded and dizzy, and after letting out a large yawn South Pole suggested that she go to bed. Starshadow nodded, allowing him to tuck her back in to bed. He leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips, confusing her slightly as she felt his tongue trying to poke its way into her mouth. Thankfully he pulled back and whispered that he loved her, and after a few seconds he left the room, allowing her to finally fall asleep in peace.

Starshadow felt something strange happening to her in her sleep, but when she tried to shift her body she found that she couldn't move. As she became more aware of her surroundings she was able to identify the odd sensation coming from her crotch. Something warm and wet was rubbing up against her pussy, every so often slightly penetrating her folds and licking her love hole. She finally opened her eyes and looked around the dark room, the only source of light being the soft moonlight. Not seeing anything in her room, she looked between her legs and gasped as she saw South Pole kneeling between her rear legs and lapping away at her crotch.

Her head still fuzzy from the wine, she just stared at him as he continued to lick her privates. She opened her mouth to ask him to stop but all that left her lips was a soft moan as he licked directly against her clit. Hearing her voice, South looked up and smiled at her. "Oh, you're awake." he said to her. "Did you like that?" Starshadow remained quiet as her mind tried to make sense of what was going on and what she was feeling, and without waiting for her answer he returned his attention to her moistening sex, licking her again and again. Starshadow let out a slightly louder moan, that strange feeling she felt before beginning to return without the pain of being hit or injured. However, before she could identify that feeling, South Pole stopped and repositioned himself so he was lying on top of her, propped up by his hooves to not completely crush her.

Looking up at him in confusion, Starshadow tried to make sense of what was going on. South Pole saw the doubt in her eyes and kissed her forehead. "Shh, don't worry. It will only hurt for a second." he said. Before she could ask what he meant she felt something poking her groin, and while she couldn't see what exactly was prodding her she knew that whatever it was would be too big to fit inside of her.

South Pole didn't share that same worry as he guided his cock to her small pussy. Snuggling the tip of his dick in between her lower lips, he pushed himself forward and felt the very tip of his cock force its way into her. South Pole let out a groan of satisfaction as he felt her body tightly grip his cock as he continued to push forward, but Starshadow's body went rigid as she was being stretched wide open. She put her front hooves on his chest to try to push him off of her, but of course she was too weak to deter him. She let out a few moans of protest as he sunk himself deeper but his progress was soon stopped by her hymen. Thinking that he was done, Starshadow tried to ask him to take whatever he had put inside of her out, but her request turned into a scream as he forced his hips forward, breaking her cherry in one thrust and completely filling her small hole by the next thrust. Starshadow's head snapped back as she screamed again, the sharp pain in her body a complete shock for her, but her pain just caused more pleasure for South Pole as he felt his cock being massaged by her pussy. "Ahhh! S-stop it! It hu- ghhhh! it hurts! Get it...mmphh! get it out!" Starshadow begged, but South Pole wasn't listening. His thoughts were all on his own pleasure as he began to thrust in and out of her body, taking long deep strokes despite her pleas for him to stop.

Eventually Starshadow went silent, the only noises she could make being the occasional grunt or moan from her assault. There was still a stinging sensation in her crotch but she was also beginning to feel that elusive feeling from before, but now it was growing much faster than all her previous times. South Pole didn't even notice her lack of noise and continued his quest for pleasure and began to increase his speed. His cock was now bumping up against Starshadow's cervix, causing Starshadow to feel slightly queasy as she felt her insides becoming sore from his consistent thrusts. But somewhere in her queasiness she also began to feel pleasure, and without knowing why she found herself raising her hips in an attempt to take in more of South Pole's pole. Sadly her subconscious movement went unnoticed by him but he did increase the speed of his thrusts, now getting close to releasing his sperm inside the young filly. He wished that he could hold out and make this experience last much, much longer, but his years of fantasizing about mating with a young mare had finally come true and he couldn't last much longer. However, he remembered that she had nowhere else to go and would probably rather be used by him than cast back out to the streets, and with that final thought he finally reached his peak and flooded Starshadow's insides with his white seed. As she felt his warm cum entering her Starshadow finally snapped out of her state of mind and came back to reality, once again completely confused and lost in her head. South Pole had said that he had loved her but then caused her so much pain, but that pain felt good... she felt good...

Starshadow began to cry in confusion and uncertainty, but South Pole thought she was crying due to taking his full sized stallion cock in such a rough manner. Trying to comfort her he lay down next to her and held her against his body, stroking her mane until she stopped crying and began to fall asleep. "Shh, shh... don't cry my little filly. It will hurt less the next time, and soon it won't hurt at all. You'll learn to love it and I'll make you my mistress, and one day soon you'll bear me a foal." he whispered to her, kissing her once more before falling asleep next to her.

Applejack had her face buried in her hooves in disbelief as Starshadow paused her story to let out a long yawn. Big Mac was looking somewhere between shocked and furious, but he managed to hold back his fury. "I think that's enough for one night." he said before Starshadow could start again. "It's late, why don't we get some sleep and continue this in the mornin'. Starshadow, I think ya should stay here tonight." he said. Starshadow and Applejack nodded in agreement, and without any objection Big Mac returned to his room to head to bed.

Starshadow climbed into bed but stopped Applejack before the orange mare could leave. "Wait... can you... can you stay the night with me? I don't want to be alone." she said.

Applejack wasn't too comfortable sleeping in another bed with another mare; she barely managed to conquer her fear during her sleepover with Twilight and Rarity so many years back. However, the poor pegasus had been through a lot today, and with some slight reservation she finally nodded and climbed into bed with Starshadow. The small pegasus quickly cuddled up against Applejack for security, and in an act of compassion AJ draped a leg over her body to hold her. It didn't take long for Starshadow to fall asleep, and eventually Applejack finally fell asleep also, strangely liking having somepony else to cuddle with while asleep.

17: That Owner

Applejack and Starshadow slept soundly through the rest of the night. Applejack woke up just before sunrise out of habit, and wanting to give the tired pegasus next to her some additional rest she quietly left the room and headed outside to feed the...

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Interlude: That History

As the sun began to peek out from the horizon and rise into the sky, a group of ponies in Canterlot were already hard at work. Two dozen royal guards were paired off and were practicing their sparring techniques while an intimidating stallion walked...

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15: That Pony From Her Past

The second week of performances for Starshadow went just as well as her first set of concerts, if not better. The first concert brought in just as many ponies as last week, all of them cheering loudly as she took the stage to play. Hoping to help Vinyl...

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