Bobby 04 - Self Control

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#12 of Orr Chronicles

Russel has a family emergency and asked Bobby to take care of Lum for the weekend. Bobby is more than happy to help out his neighbor.

If you want to read the rest of the series before everyone else, you can find it on my Patreon:

Boddy was in his basement, in what would be the den in any other house. He'd made this place his workout room. Mirrors on one wall, with dumbbells going from one pound to fifty on a stand lining it on the floor. The one to ten pounds weight were recent additions, for Lum. There was a bench press, with a modular seat, so he could use it for a variety of other exercise. A leg press, a leg extension, and a lat pull down machine. Each was a different machine, none of those all in one piece of crap for him, and each could accommodate multiple exercises, alloying him to do an almost total body work out. He didn't have a thread mill, since he preferred jogging every morning. It let him take stock of his neighborhood.

He was doing lat pulls, when the door bell rang. He grabbed his smart phone off the stand, and called up the camera at the entrance. His ears tilted forward in surprised when he saw the rabbit at the door. He checked the time, not even one. He considered wiping himself down, but instead just threw on a pair of shorts. He was curious to see how Lum's father would react to his scent.

He turned on the fan at he edge of the living room, as he walked by it, and angled it so the slow breeze went in the entryway. He opened the door, and fained surprise at seeing the male there.

"Russel," Bobby said, "is everything all right?"

Russel's nose started twitching. "I'm sorry to disturb you Bobby, but we have a bit of an emergency." His breathing sped up, and his pupil dilated slightly.

The tiger kept his face from showing his delight at Russel's reaction to his scent. This was a good sign. "Do you want to come in?" he asked, moving aside. "What can I do to help?"

"No, Sorry, I don't have the time. My mother had a fall, and me and my wife need to go take care of her for the weekend, maybe a few days next week. Is there any chance you can take care of Lum while we're away? I'd rather not subject him to the hospital if I don't have to. I'll understand if you can't. I mean, this is pretty last minute, and we can take him if we have to, it's just that he's still young and hospitals aren't really a place for someone like him."

Bobby had grabbed the rabbit by the shoulders, and called his name a few times before the the rabbit stopped talking. "Russel, look at me," he said, his voice melodious. A trick he'd pickup from his father, who used it to put more than one male at ease. He also pulled him closer a little, not enough the rabbit would notice, but enough so his scent would be stronger.

Russel looked up at him, eyes slightly more dilated, and stopped talking.

"I'm sorry your mother fell, and you know I'll be happy to help you out and take care of your son while you're away."

The rabbit visibly relaxed. He took a deep breath, and Bobby could feel a slight shiver course through the male. "Thank you. Sorry for rambling."

"I understand." He looked Russel in the eyes. "Just remember, what ever you need, anytime, I'm here for you."

"Yes, of course," Russel sputtered, the inside of his ears growing a darker pink, "that's what neighbors are for after all, right?"

Bobby gave him his most disarming smile. "Of course."

Russel pulled at something from his pocket and handed it to the tiger. "This is the key to the house, I'll called Lum's school so they will let him know he's spending the weekend with you. If he needs anything, just get it. The code to the alarm is on that paper. I have your number, so I'll call you on Sunday. We should know then if we'll have to stay longer."

The rabbit turned to leave, but Bobby impulsively pulled him in a hug. "You take care, okay?" He felt Russel tense for a moment, an then relax against him. He felt him breathe in his scent. "Take care of your mother, but also take care of you and your wife. Having to take care of a parent can be stressful, so make sure to take breaks. I'm sure your wife will tell you the same, she's used to helping older people, so just make sure you listen to her."

Bobby relaxed his hold on the rabbit. He didn't move immediately, so he could discreetly take in his scent. Russel didn't smell excited, which was a shame, but he also didn't smell afraid, or apprehensive, which made Bobby hopeful.

Russel pulled away, looking every where, except at the tiger. "Thanks again. I'll call on Sunday." Russel turned and headed toward the driveway.

Bobby let the smile come to his face then, he was certain he'd noticed a tent in the rabbit's pants as he turned. He was going to have to start working on him, Lum as growing up into a nice looking youth, and it would just be right for those two to share a deeper level of love.

He closed the door an went back to finish his workout. He'd do another one, once his little bun was home, but he always took it easy when he was working out with his bun, focusing on him, instead of his own exercises.

* * * * *

When Lum got home, Bobby was showered, and dressed in jogging pants and a loose opened shirt. He didn't have to smell, to excite little Lum, his little bun was always interested. The bunny dropped his bag as soon as he'd closed the door, and jumped in the tiger's arm.

"I get to spend the whole weekend with you." Lum nuzzled Bobby, while being carried to the dinning room.

Bobby deposited Lum in a chair. "Do you have any homework?"

"Nope," the bunny replied quickly, which earned him a glare. Lum looked away. "I have to read a chapter in history, and write a report. But I can do that on Sunday." He looked up at the tiger, eyes wide. "Please Mister Orr? It's Friday. I don't want to have to do homework today. I'll be a good little bunny and do it, I promise."

Bobby kissed the top of Lum's head. "You're always my good little bun." He knelt next to the seated rabbit. "But don't lie, okay Lum. If you get in the habit of lying about little things, like having homework, when it's important that you have to lie, no one will believe you. Lying is only for when it's really important. The small stuff deserves the truth."

"What's important enough to lie for then?"

"When you're protecting someone, it's okay to lie. As you grow up, you'll work out what you feel is important enough, just don't get in the habit of lying."

Lum nodded. "I'm never going to grow up," he stated.

Bobby chuckled. "If only that were true. I'd love for you to remain my little bun for always, but you'll grow up, and that's okay. You'll become a man, you'll find yourself a guy to take care of, and who will take care of you. You'll be mostly happy."

"Mostly?" Lum asked, looking at him incredulous.

Bobby smiled at him. "Life rarely gives you everything, unless you work really hard at it, so over all, you mostly get what you're after." Bobby grabbed his little Lum, and threw him over his shoulder, making him giggle. "Alright, enough serious stuff. Time for some workout." He headed for the basement.

"Are you going to leave?" Lum asked as they went down the steps.

So much for less serious stuff, Bobby thought. When he reached the workout room he deposited Lum on the bench next to the dumbbells.

"If you mean 'will I ever move out of this house, and go live somewhere else?'," he said, removing his little bun's t-shirt. "Then no, I don't plan on doing that."

Lum was silent, leaning back so the tiger would remove his shorts leaving him naked. "But you're going to die, one day," he whispered.

Bobby removed his on shirt. "Everyone dies, little Lum, that's the way the world is." Lum nodded, but kept his eyes on his feet. "Hey, little bun, no sad face." He put a finger under Lum's chin and lifted his face. "I'm not going going to die anytime soon, so you don't have to worry about that. Your going to be older than I am before I'm close to dying."

Lum made a face. "I'm never going to be as old as you."

"He there." Bobby tried to swat the bunny's ears, but Lum had ran to the other side of the lap pull machine. "I'm not *that* old, little bun."

Lum leaned against a post. "When I find myself a guy, will I still be able to come visit you?"

"Of course. I hope you'll even bring him, I'm going to have to make sure he's good enough for my little bun." He removed his pants, pleased that his little cub was accepting that he'd find himself a guy. "Now, come on. You need to work on that body. You want to look good, like me, so all the boys will want to date you."

Lum sat on the bench, took two two pounds weight and started doing repetitions. Bobby sat on the leg extension machine, because it faced his little bun, and absentmindedly exercised, and watched the young bunny go through the exercises he'd been taught.

At one point Lum turned, and bent down to change weights. The view caused Bobby's breath to catch, and his leg almost slipped out of the bar, because he wasn't paying attention to that. He had no idea if Lum had flicked his tail up on purpose, but he'd given him a perfect view of his star.

Fuck, his little bun had such a beautiful ass. His heart was beating fast, and his breath was ragged. He'd already been hard, but now he was throbbing. He couldn't wait until he was old enough to take him. He closed his eyes, and forced himself to NOT think about what he would eventually do with him. After a moment his breathing calmed.

"Are you okay, Mister Orr?" Lum asked, looking at him quizzically.

Bobby smiled at him. "I'm fine, just got distracted for a moment. Distractions aren't good when using machines like these."

"You have to be more careful then," Lum said, now curling a three pound weight.

"Yes, I have to."

"I'm almost done."

"Good. Then we'll take a shower, and you can get your reward."

His little bun grinned at him, and turned to show him he was also hard.

When he'd put the weights away, he hugged the tiger, burying his muzzled on the belly fur. "You smell really good now," Lum breathed, "why do we have to wash this sent off?"

Bobby chuckled. "You like the scent of old sweaty tiger?"

Lum shrugged. "I don't know, but I love your scent." He lowered himself, and buried his nose under Bobby's balls. The moan that escaped the young bunny then surprised Bobby, by how adult it sounded. Lum then moved up along the ballsac, and the tiger's penis, keeping his nose against it. When he reached the tip, he opened his muzzle and too the head in.

Bobby gasped in surprise, and had to rest a hand against the mirror to avoid falling over. Quickly he was panting, and moaning. His little bun was becoming quite good at this. He looked down at him, having trouble focusing his eyes on the bunny's head, bobbing up and down his cock.

Lum looked up at him, bliss in his eyes.

With effort, Bobby put a hand on Lum's shoulder and stopped him.

"Can we not shower this time?" Lum said, breathlessly. "I want your scent to be in my fur."

Now that his cock wasn't being sucked on anymore, Bobby found he could think again. "Alright," he panted slightly, "but not here. Lets go to the living room, so I can sit down. And that's where your dildoes are."

They went to the living room, and Bobby sat on the couch, after taking a small dildo, and bottle of lube, out from the drawer on the side table. Lum knelt on the couch, and went back to sucking the tiger's penis.

Bobby controlled his breathing, easier to do, now that he wasn't taken by surprise. He looked at the dildo, a small, four inch long one, and thin. It was double the size from the one he'd started training his little bun with, over six months ago. It was the sixth increase in size, he was taking it really easy on him. He wanted him to enjoy it the whole way.

He looked at the dildo again, and ran his free hand on his little bun's rump. He put it aside, and decided to change it up a little.

"Hey, little bun," he whispered. Lum looked up at him, without taking his mouth off the penis. "I'm doing to move you, I want to do something different to you today."

Bobby picked him up, and turned him until the bunny's rump as facing the tiger's face. Bobby then turned so he could stretch length wise on the couch, using the arm rest to rest his head.

Lum went back to trying to swallow as much of the tiger's penis as he could. Bobby looked at that crack, and the star, under that tail, smiled, and proceeded to lick along it, pressing in when he reached the prize.

Lum's head lifted up with a gasp, and his body shuddered.

Bobby didn't stop, pushing his tongue in and out, pressing around the ring of muscles.

Lum groaned, and moaned, having forgotten about the tiger's penis for the moment. "Ohhh fuck!"

The swear word completely shocked Bobby, making him look up. "What did you say?" he asked.

"Huh?" Lum replied, eyes unfocused.

"Where did you learn that word, Lum?"

The bunny took a moment to focus on Bobby. "At school," he answered, panting slightly. "Some of the older guys taught it to us."

"Don't use that word, Lum, okay? You're too young to be swearing like that."

"Okay, Mister Orr, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It's just that you're too good of a bun, to use such vulgar language."

Bobby looked at that ass. His little bun had really enjoyed feeling his tongue stretch him, maybe they could do more? He couldn't take him all, of course, but maybe just a little of his tip?

"Hey, little bun. What would you say if I told you there was a way to get my milk directly to your penis? Instead of you having to swallow it?"

Lum looked at him, eyes wide. "Really?"

"Yes, through here," he said, licking Lum's star. "That's a lot closer, right?"

"Yeah, it is. Is it going to feel like what you did with your tongue? I really liked that."

"Possibly," Bobby hesitated. "It might not work, you might not be ready for it, but if you want we could try it."

"Of course! How do we do that?"

Bobby smiled, and grabbed bottle of lube. "Get on your back."

Lum did as instructed, and Bobby lathered his cock with lube, and then spread some along his little bun's crack, his star and then pressed a finger in lightly.

Lum moaned, and Bobby smiled. He moved his finger in and out a little, to the first knuckle. Lum's eyes rolled back in his head, and for a moment Bobby thought he might swear again, but all that came out of his mouth was a long "Oooooo". He gently pulled his finger out, and positioned his cock, first rubbing it along the crack a few times.

He pressed in lightly, and Lum moaned. He moved back, thrust in the crack a few time, and pressed against his star again. He did that multiple time, pressing a little more each time. Even if very little of his head was in, it still felt amazing. He couldn't wait until his little bum was able to take him all. He closed his eyes, and enjoyed the sensation.

A sound of distress brought him back to reality. He didn't know how long he'd been doing this, but looking down he saw pain on Lum's face. Bobby froze. What was he doing? His little bun wasn't ready for this.

"Oh God, Lum, are you alright?"

"It hurts a little, but that's okay. I can take more."

Bobby's eyes grew wide and he sat on the other side of the couch. "No, it's not okay. God Lum I am so sorry. I shouldn't have gotten you to try this."

Lum crossed the couch to climb on his lap and hug him. "It's okay. I want to do this. A little pain is okay, isn't it?"

Bobby looked into the rabbit's eyes. "Oh Lum, my brave little bun. Yes, a little pain is okay. But you're not ready. If you try to take more of my penis, you're going to feel a lot more than just a little pain, and that isn't okay." He held him close. "I don't want to hurt you in any way, ever. Don't let me hurt you, okay? If I forget myself, you need to stop me."

Lum tighten his hug. "I trust you not to hurt me, but I promise, if it hurts too much, I'll stop you."

"Thank you," Bobby whispered.

Lum pulled away and smiled at him. "Can I suck you penis then?"

"Of course. And I'll use the dildo on you."

"How long do you think it'll take until I can take you penis?"

"It'll take as long as it takes, little bun. We aren't going to rush this. Doing this is suppose to be pleasurable, not painful, so we're going to take it at the speed of pleasure. It's going to be worth it. Trust me on that."

"I do," Lum replied, before scooting down, and wrapping his lips around the tiger's penis. He pushed down until a little more than half was in, held it there, and then pulled up, before plunging down on it again.

Bobby moaned, and leaned back. Yes, his little Bun was going to make a guy extremely happy one day

Bobby 03 - And Personal

Bobby walked down the hard wood stairs, stopping just before he reached the ground floor. He leaned on the polished hand rail, and looked into the dining room from where he was, watching his little bunny do homework at the dinning table. Watching his...

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Bobby 02 - Up Close

Bobby Orr looked out of the master bedroom's window. It was a large window, more something that you'd see in a living room, rather than a bedroom. He liked being able to look out, and he didn't care who might be able to look in, or what they might...

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Bobby 01 - Intrusion

The afternoon was peaceful. The sun had started its descent, lengthening the shadows and a light breeze could be felt. The tiger was sitting on his back porch, basking in the sun. It was early Autumn, so the sun was still warm, even if it was a little...

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